Extension: PGSQL

There are 390 PostgreSQL extensions available in Pigsty, with out-of-box RPM/DEB packages"

The official site for all available extensions now moves to https://ext.pigsty.io

There are 390 PostgreSQL extensions available in Pigsty, including 326 RPM extensions available in EL and 312 DEB extensions available in Debian/Ubuntu.

There are 70 PostgreSQL built-in Contrib extensions, alone with (109+133) deb and (135+121) rpm extensions provided by PGDG and Pigsty.

We have an extension catalog and usage instructions. Even if you are not using Pigsty, you can still use our extension repository.

Extension List

The complete 346 PostgreSQL Extension List available in Pigsty

Use Extension

How to install, load, create, update, remove PostgreSQL extensions in Pigsty?

Build & Packaging

Prepare PostgreSQL rpm/deb pacakge building environment, and some packaging hints

Last modified 2024-11-22: update docs (31c0995f)