Category: RAG

RAG: Vector Database with IVFFLAT, HNSW, DiskANN Indexes, AI & ML in SQL interface, Similarity Funcs, etc…

RAG category has 7 available extensions:

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
vector pgvector PGDG 0.7.3 RAG PostgreSQL vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
vectorscale pgvectorscale PIGSTY 0.2.0 RAG PostgreSQL pgvectorscale: Advanced indexing for vector data
vectorize pg_vectorize PIGSTY 0.17.0 RAG PostgreSQL The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres
pg_similarity pg_similarity PIGSTY 1.0 RAG BSD 3 support similarity queries
smlar smlar PIGSTY 1.0 RAG PostgreSQL Effective similarity search
pg_tiktoken pg_tiktoken PIGSTY 0.0.1 RAG Apache-2.0 pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres
pgml pgml PIGSTY 2.9.3 RAG MIT PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface


vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods


pgvectorscale: Advanced indexing for vector data


The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres


support similarity queries


Effective similarity search


pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres


PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface

Last modified 2024-08-13: update extension list (ff80880)