There are 405 available extensions in Pigsty, including 397 RPM extensions available in EL and 391 DEB extensions available in Debian/Ubuntu. There are 69 Contrib extensions provided by PostgreSQL and 335 additional third-party extensions provide by PGDG & Pigsty.
Name (Detail) | Package (Repo) | Repo | Version | Category | License | LOAD |
Description |
timescaledb | timescaledb |
PIGSTY | 2.19.0 | TIME |
Timescale | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data | ||||
timescaledb_toolkit | timescaledb_toolkit |
PIGSTY | 1.19.0 | TIME |
Timescale | Library of analytical hyperfunctions, time-series pipelining, and other SQL utilities | ||||
timeseries | pg_timeseries |
PIGSTY | 0.1.6 | TIME |
PostgreSQL | Convenience API for Tembo time series stack | ||||
periods | periods |
PGDG | 1.2.3 | TIME |
PostgreSQL | Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING | ||||
temporal_tables | temporal_tables |
PIGSTY | 1.2.2 | TIME |
BSD 2 | temporal tables | ||||
emaj | emaj |
PIGSTY | 4.6.0 | TIME |
GPLv3 | Enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database. | ||||
table_version | table_version |
PIGSTY | 1.11.1 | TIME |
BSD 3 | PostgreSQL table versioning extension | ||||
pg_cron | pg_cron |
PGDG | 1.6.5 | TIME |
PostgreSQL | Job scheduler for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_task | pg_task |
PGDG | 2.1.7 | TIME |
MIT | execute any sql command at any specific time at background | ||||
pg_later | pg_later |
PIGSTY | 0.3.0 | TIME |
PostgreSQL | pg_later: Run queries now and get results later | ||||
pg_background | pg_background |
PIGSTY | 1.3 | TIME |
GPLv3 | Run SQL queries in the background | ||||
postgis | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions | ||||
postgis_topology | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions | ||||
postgis_raster | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | PostGIS raster types and functions | ||||
postgis_sfcgal | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | PostGIS SFCGAL functions | ||||
postgis_tiger_geocoder | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder | ||||
address_standardizer | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. | ||||
address_standardizer_data_us | postgis |
PGDG | 3.5.2 | GIS |
GPLv2 | Address Standardizer US dataset example | ||||
pgrouting | pgrouting |
PGDG | 3.7.3 | GIS |
GPLv2 | pgRouting Extension | ||||
pointcloud | pointcloud |
PIGSTY | 1.2.5 | GIS |
BSD 3 | data type for lidar point clouds | ||||
pointcloud_postgis | pointcloud |
PGDG | 1.2.5 | GIS |
BSD 3 | integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data | ||||
h3 | pg_h3 |
PGDG | 4.2.2 | GIS |
Apache-2.0 | H3 bindings for PostgreSQL | ||||
h3_postgis | pg_h3 |
PGDG | 4.2.2 | GIS |
Apache-2.0 | H3 PostGIS integration | ||||
q3c | q3c |
PIGSTY | 2.0.1 | GIS |
GPLv2 | q3c sky indexing plugin | ||||
ogr_fdw | ogr_fdw |
PGDG | 1.1.6 | GIS |
MIT | foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access | ||||
geoip | geoip |
PIGSTY | 0.3.0 | GIS |
BSD 2 | IP-based geolocation query | ||||
pg_polyline | pg_polyline |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | GIS |
MIT | Fast Google Encoded Polyline encoding & decoding for postgres | ||||
pg_geohash | pg_geohash |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | GIS |
MIT | Handle geohash based functionality for spatial coordinates | ||||
mobilitydb | mobilitydb |
PGDG | 1.2.0 | GIS |
GPLv3 | MobilityDB geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform | ||||
earthdistance | earthdistance |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | GIS |
PostgreSQL | calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth | ||||
vector | pgvector |
PGDG | 0.8.0 | RAG |
PostgreSQL | vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods | ||||
vchord | vchord |
PIGSTY | 0.2.2 | RAG |
AGPLv3 | Vector database plugin for Postgres, written in Rust | ||||
vectorscale | pgvectorscale |
PIGSTY | 0.6.0 | RAG |
PostgreSQL | pgvectorscale: Advanced indexing for vector data | ||||
vectorize | pg_vectorize |
PIGSTY | 0.21.1 | RAG |
PostgreSQL | The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres | ||||
pg_similarity | pg_similarity |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | RAG |
BSD 3 | support similarity queries | ||||
smlar | smlar |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | RAG |
PostgreSQL | Effective similarity search | ||||
pg_summarize | pg_summarize |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | RAG |
PostgreSQL | Text Summarization using LLMs. Built using pgrx | ||||
pg_tiktoken | pg_tiktoken |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | RAG |
Apache-2.0 | pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres | ||||
pg4ml | pg4ml |
PIGSTY | 2.0 | RAG |
AGPLv3 | Machine learning framework for PostgreSQL | ||||
pgml | pgml |
PIGSTY | 2.10.0 | RAG |
MIT | PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface | ||||
pg_search | pg_search |
PIGSTY | 0.15.8 | FTS |
AGPLv3 | pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25 | ||||
pgroonga | pgroonga |
PIGSTY | 4.0.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Use Groonga as index, fast full text search platform for all languages! | ||||
pgroonga_database | pgroonga |
PIGSTY | 4.0.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | PGroonga database management module | ||||
pg_bigm | pg_bigm |
PIGSTY | 1.2 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search. | ||||
zhparser | zhparser |
PIGSTY | 2.3 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | a parser for full-text search of Chinese | ||||
pg_bestmatch | pg_bestmatch |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FTS |
Apache-2.0 | Generate BM25 sparse vector inside PostgreSQL | ||||
vchord_bm25 | vchord_bm25 |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FTS |
AGPLv3 | A postgresql extension for bm25 ranking algorithm | ||||
hunspell_cs_cz | hunspell_cs_cz |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Czech Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_de_de | hunspell_de_de |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | German Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_en_us | hunspell_en_us |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | en_US Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_fr | hunspell_fr |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | French Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_ne_np | hunspell_ne_np |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Nepali Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_nl_nl | hunspell_nl_nl |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Dutch Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_nn_no | hunspell_nn_no |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Norwegian (norsk) Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_pt_pt | hunspell_pt_pt |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Portuguese Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_ru_ru | hunspell_ru_ru |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Russian Hunspell Dictionary | ||||
hunspell_ru_ru_aot | hunspell_ru_ru_aot |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | Russian Hunspell Dictionary (from group) | ||||
fuzzystrmatch | fuzzystrmatch |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | determine similarities and distance between strings | ||||
pg_trgm | pg_trgm |
CONTRIB | 1.6 | FTS |
PostgreSQL | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams | ||||
citus | citus |
PIGSTY | 13.0.2 | OLAP |
AGPLv3 | Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension | ||||
citus_columnar | citus |
PIGSTY | 13.0.2 | OLAP |
AGPLv3 | Citus columnar storage engine | ||||
columnar | hydra |
PIGSTY | 1.1.2 | OLAP |
AGPLv3 | Hydra Columnar extension | ||||
pg_analytics | pg_analytics |
PIGSTY | 0.3.7 | OLAP |
PostgreSQL | Postgres for analytics, powered by DuckDB | ||||
pg_duckdb | pg_duckdb |
PIGSTY | 0.3.1 | OLAP |
MIT | DuckDB Embedded in Postgres | ||||
pg_mooncake | pg_mooncake |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | OLAP |
MIT | Columnstore Table in Postgres | ||||
duckdb_fdw | duckdb_fdw |
PIGSTY | 1.1.2 | OLAP |
MIT | DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper | ||||
pg_parquet | pg_parquet |
PIGSTY | 0.3.1 | OLAP |
PostgreSQL | copy data between Postgres and Parquet | ||||
pg_fkpart | pg_fkpart |
PIGSTY | 1.7.0 | OLAP |
GPLv2 | Table partitioning by foreign key utility | ||||
pg_partman | pg_partman |
PGDG | 5.2.4 | OLAP |
PostgreSQL | Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID | ||||
plproxy | plproxy |
PGDG | 2.11.0 | OLAP |
BSD 0 | Database partitioning implemented as procedural language | ||||
pg_strom | pg_strom |
PGDG | 5.2.2 | OLAP |
PostgreSQL | PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME | ||||
tablefunc | tablefunc |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | OLAP |
PostgreSQL | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab | ||||
age | age |
PIGSTY | 1.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | AGE graph database extension | ||||
hll | hll |
PGDG | 2.18 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | type for storing hyperloglog data | ||||
rum | rum |
PGDG | 1.3.14 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | RUM index access method | ||||
pg_graphql | pg_graphql |
PIGSTY | 1.5.11 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | pg_graphql: GraphQL support | ||||
pg_jsonschema | pg_jsonschema |
PIGSTY | 0.3.3 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation | ||||
jsquery | jsquery |
PGDG | 1.2 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | data type for jsonb inspection | ||||
pg_hint_plan | pg_hint_plan |
PGDG | 1.7.0 | FEAT |
BSD 3 | Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans. | ||||
hypopg | hypopg |
PGDG | 1.4.1 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL | ||||
index_advisor | index_advisor |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Query index advisor | ||||
plan_filter | pg_plan_filter |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | filter statements by their execution plans. | ||||
imgsmlr | imgsmlr |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Image similarity with haar | ||||
pg_ivm | pg_ivm |
PIGSTY | 1.10 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_incremental | pg_incremental |
PIGSTY | 1.2.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Incremental Processing by Crunchy Data | ||||
pgmq | pgmq |
PIGSTY | 1.5.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres. | ||||
pgq | pgq |
PGDG | 3.5.1 | FEAT |
ISC | Generic queue for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_cardano | pg_cardano |
PIGSTY | 1.0.3 | FEAT |
MIT | A suite of Cardano-related tools | ||||
rdkit | rdkit |
PGDG | 202409.4 | FEAT |
BSD 3 | Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL. | ||||
omni | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.4 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced adapter for Postgres extensions | ||||
omni_auth | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Basic session management | ||||
omni_aws | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Amazon Web Services APIs (S3) | ||||
omni_containers | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Docker container management | ||||
omni_credentials | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Application credential management | ||||
omni_http | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Basic HTTP types | ||||
omni_httpc | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.4 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | HTTP client | ||||
omni_httpd | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.9 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | HTTP server | ||||
omni_id | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.4.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Identity types | ||||
omni_json | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | JSON toolkit | ||||
omni_kube | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Kubernetes (k8s) integration | ||||
omni_ledger | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Financial ledger | ||||
omni_manifest | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Package installation manifests | ||||
omni_mimetypes | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | MIME types | ||||
omni_os | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Operating system integration | ||||
omni_polyfill | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Postgres API polyfills | ||||
omni_python | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | First-class Python support | ||||
omni_regex | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | PCRE-compatible regular expressions | ||||
omni_rest | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | REST API toolkit (with PostgREST support) | ||||
omni_schema | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.3 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced schema management tooling | ||||
omni_seq | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Distributed integer sequences | ||||
omni_service | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Service management | ||||
omni_session | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Session management | ||||
omni_sql | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Programmatic SQL manipulation | ||||
omni_test | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Testing framework | ||||
omni_txn | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Transaction management | ||||
omni_types | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced types | ||||
omni_var | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.3.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Scoped variables | ||||
omni_vfs | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Virtual File System | ||||
omni_vfs_types_v1 | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Virtual File System types (v1) | ||||
omni_web | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Common web stack primitives | ||||
omni_xml | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | XML toolkit | ||||
omni_yaml | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | YAML toolkit | ||||
bloom | bloom |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | bloom access method - signature file based index | ||||
pg_tle | pg_tle |
PIGSTY | 1.5.0 | LANG |
Apache-2.0 | Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL | ||||
plv8 | plv8 |
PIGSTY | 3.2.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language | ||||
pllua | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Lua as a procedural language | ||||
hstore_pllua | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Hstore transform for Lua | ||||
plluau | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Lua as an untrusted procedural language | ||||
hstore_plluau | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Hstore transform for untrusted Lua | ||||
plprql | plprql |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | LANG |
Apache-2.0 | Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language | ||||
pldbgapi | pldebugger |
PGDG | 1.8 | LANG |
Artistic | server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions | ||||
plpgsql_check | plpgsql_check |
PGDG | 2.8.0 | LANG |
MIT | extended check for plpgsql functions | ||||
plprofiler | plprofiler |
PGDG | 4.2.5 | LANG |
Artistic | server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions | ||||
plsh | plsh |
PGDG | 1.20220917 | LANG |
MIT | PL/sh procedural language | ||||
pljava | pljava |
PGDG | 1.6.8 | LANG |
BSD 3 | PL/Java procedural language ( | ||||
plr | plr |
PGDG | 8.4.7 | LANG |
GPLv2 | load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database | ||||
pgtap | pgtap |
PGDG | 1.3.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | Unit testing for PostgreSQL | ||||
faker | faker |
PGDG | 0.5.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | Wrapper for the Faker Python library | ||||
dbt2 | dbt2 |
PGDG | 0.45.0 | LANG |
Artistic | OSDL-DBT-2 test kit | ||||
pltcl | pltcl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Tcl procedural language | ||||
pltclu | pltcl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/TclU untrusted procedural language | ||||
plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Perl procedural language | ||||
bool_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between bool and plperl | ||||
hstore_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plperl | ||||
jsonb_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plperl | ||||
plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language | ||||
bool_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between bool and plperlu | ||||
jsonb_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plperlu | ||||
hstore_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plperlu | ||||
plpgsql | plpgsql |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/pgSQL procedural language | ||||
plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language | ||||
jsonb_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plpython3u | ||||
ltree_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between ltree and plpython3u | ||||
hstore_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plpython3u | ||||
prefix | pg_prefix |
PGDG | 1.2.10 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL | ||||
semver | pg_semver |
PGDG | 0.40.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Semantic version data type | ||||
unit | pgunit |
PGDG | 7.10 | TYPE |
GPLv2 | SI units extension | ||||
pgpdf | pgpdf |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | TYPE |
GPLv3 | PDF type with meta admin & Full-Text Search | ||||
pglite_fusion | pglite_fusion |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
MIT | Embed an SQLite database in your PostgreSQL table | ||||
md5hash | md5hash |
PIGSTY | 1.0.1 | TYPE |
BSD 2 | type for storing 128-bit binary data inline | ||||
asn1oid | asn1oid |
PIGSTY | 1.6 | TYPE |
GPLv3 | asn1oid extension | ||||
roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap |
PIGSTY | 0.5.4 | TYPE |
Apache-2.0 | support for Roaring Bitmaps | ||||
pgfaceting | pgfaceting |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | TYPE |
BSD 3 | fast faceting queries using an inverted index | ||||
pg_sphere | pgsphere |
PIGSTY | 1.5.1 | TYPE |
BSD 3 | spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support | ||||
country | pg_country |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Country data type, ISO 3166-1 | ||||
pg_xenophile | pg_xenophile |
PIGSTY | 0.8.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | More than the bare necessities for PostgreSQL i18n and l10n. | ||||
currency | pg_currency |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
MIT | Custom PostgreSQL currency type in 1Byte | ||||
collection | pg_collection |
PIGSTY | 0.9.1 | TYPE |
Apache-2.0 | Memory optimized data type to be used inside of plpglsql func | ||||
pgmp | pgmp |
PGDG | 1.0.5 | TYPE |
LGPLv3 | Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension | ||||
numeral | numeral |
PIGSTY | 1.3 | TYPE |
GPLv2 | numeral datatypes extension | ||||
pg_rational | pg_rational |
PIGSTY | 0.0.2 | TYPE |
MIT | bigint fractions | ||||
uint | pguint |
PIGSTY | 1.20231206 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | unsigned integer types | ||||
uint128 | pg_uint128 |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Native uint128 type | ||||
hashtypes | hashtypes |
PIGSTY | 0.1.5 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | sha1, md5 and other data types for PostgreSQL | ||||
ip4r | ip4r |
PGDG | 2.4.2 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_duration | pg_duration |
PIGSTY | 1.0.2 | TYPE |
MIT | data type for representing durations | ||||
uri | pg_uri |
PIGSTY | 1.20151224 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | URI Data type for PostgreSQL | ||||
emailaddr | pgemailaddr |
PostgreSQL | Email address type for PostgreSQL | ||||
acl | pg_acl |
PIGSTY | 1.0.4 | TYPE |
BSD 2 | ACL Data type | ||||
debversion | debversion |
PGDG | 1.2.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Debian version number data type | ||||
pg_rrule | pg_rrule |
PGDG | 0.2.0 | TYPE |
MIT | RRULE field type for PostgreSQL | ||||
timestamp9 | timestamp9 |
PIGSTY | 1.4.0 | TYPE |
MIT | timestamp nanosecond resolution | ||||
chkpass | chkpass |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for auto-encrypted passwords | ||||
isn | isn |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data types for international product numbering standards | ||||
seg | seg |
CONTRIB | 1.4 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals | ||||
cube | cube |
CONTRIB | 1.5 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for multidimensional cubes | ||||
ltree | ltree |
CONTRIB | 1.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for hierarchical tree-like structures | ||||
hstore | hstore |
CONTRIB | 1.8 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs | ||||
citext | citext |
CONTRIB | 1.6 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for case-insensitive character strings | ||||
xml2 | xml2 |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | XPath querying and XSLT | ||||
gzip | pg_gzip |
PIGSTY | 1.0.1 | UTIL |
MIT | gzip and gunzip functions. | ||||
bzip | pg_bzip |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | UTIL |
MIT | Bzip compression and decompression | ||||
zstd | pg_zstd |
PIGSTY | 1.1.2 | UTIL |
ISC | Zstandard compression algorithm implementation in PostgreSQL | ||||
http | pg_http |
PGDG | 1.6.3 | UTIL |
MIT | HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database. | ||||
pg_net | pg_net |
PIGSTY | 0.9.2 | UTIL |
Apache-2.0 | Async HTTP Requests | ||||
pg_curl | pg_curl |
PIGSTY | 2.4 | UTIL |
MIT | Run curl actions for data transfer in URL syntax | ||||
pgjq | pgjq |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | UTIL |
MIT | Use jq in Postgres | ||||
pgjwt | pgjwt |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | UTIL |
MIT | JSON Web Token API for Postgresql | ||||
pg_smtp_client | pg_smtp_client |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | UTIL |
MIT | PostgreSQL extension to send email using SMTP | ||||
pg_html5_email_address | pg_html5_email_address |
PIGSTY | 1.2.3 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL email validation that is consistent with the HTML5 spec | ||||
url_encode | url_encode |
PIGSTY | 1.2.5 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | url_encode, url_decode functions | ||||
pgsql_tweaks | pgsql_tweaks |
PIGSTY | 0.11.1 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Some functions and views for daily usage | ||||
pg_extra_time | pg_extra_time |
PIGSTY | 2.0.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Some date time functions and operators that, | ||||
pgpcre | pgpcre |
PostgreSQL | Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions | ||||
icu_ext | icu_ext |
PIGSTY | 1.9.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Access ICU functions | ||||
pgqr | pgqr |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | UTIL |
BSD 3 | QR Code generator from PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_protobuf | pg_protobuf |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | UTIL |
MIT | Protobuf support for PostgreSQL | ||||
envvar | envvar |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Fetch the value of an environment variable | ||||
floatfile | floatfile |
PIGSTY | 1.3.1 | UTIL |
MIT | Simple file storage for arrays of floats | ||||
pg_readme | pg_readme |
PIGSTY | 0.7.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Generate a document for a database extension or schema | ||||
ddl_historization | ddl_historization |
PIGSTY | 0.0.7 | UTIL |
GPLv2 | Historize the ddl changes inside PostgreSQL database | ||||
data_historization | data_historization |
PIGSTY | 1.1.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | PLPGSQL Script to historize data in partitionned table | ||||
schedoc | pg_schedoc |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | UTIL |
GPLv3 | Cross documentation between Django and DBT projects | ||||
hashlib | pg_hashlib |
PIGSTY | 1.1 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Stable hash functions for Postgres | ||||
xxhash | pg_xxhash |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | UTIL |
BSD 2 | xxhash functions for PostgreSQL | ||||
shacrypt | shacrypt |
PIGSTY | 1.1 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Implements SHA256-CRYPT and SHA512-CRYPT password encryption schemes | ||||
cryptint | cryptint |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | UTIL |
PostgreSQL | Encryption functions for int and bigint values | ||||
pguecc | pg_ecdsa |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | UTIL |
BSD 2 | uECC bindings for Postgres | ||||
pg_idkit | pg_idkit |
PIGSTY | 0.2.4 | FUNC |
Apache-2.0 | multi-tool for generating new/niche universally unique identifiers (ex. UUIDv6, ULID, KSUID) | ||||
pg_uuidv7 | pg_uuidv7 |
PIGSTY | 1.6.0 | FUNC |
MPLv2 | pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres | ||||
permuteseq | permuteseq |
PIGSTY | 1.2.2 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | Pseudo-randomly permute sequences with a format-preserving encryption on elements | ||||
pg_hashids | pg_hashids |
PIGSTY | 1.3 | FUNC |
MIT | Short unique id generator for PostgreSQL, using hashids | ||||
sequential_uuids | sequential_uuids |
PIGSTY | 1.0.3 | FUNC |
MIT | generator of sequential UUIDs | ||||
topn | topn |
PGDG | 2.7.0 | FUNC |
AGPLv3 | type for top-n JSONB | ||||
quantile | quantile |
PIGSTY | 1.1.8 | FUNC |
BSD 2 | Quantile aggregation function | ||||
lower_quantile | lower_quantile |
PIGSTY | 1.0.3 | FUNC |
BSD 2 | Lower quantile aggregate function | ||||
count_distinct | count_distinct |
PIGSTY | 3.0.2 | FUNC |
BSD 2 | An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT …) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate | ||||
omnisketch | omnisketch |
PIGSTY | 1.0.2 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | data structure for on-line agg of data into approximate sketch | ||||
ddsketch | ddsketch |
PIGSTY | 1.0.1 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | Provides ddsketch aggregate function | ||||
vasco | vasco |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FUNC |
GPLv3 | discover hidden correlations in your data with MIC | ||||
xicor | pgxicor |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FUNC |
GPLv3 | XI Correlation Coefficient in Postgres | ||||
tdigest | tdigest |
PGDG | 1.4.3 | FUNC |
Apache-2.0 | Provides tdigest aggregate function. | ||||
first_last_agg | first_last_agg |
PIGSTY | 0.1.4 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | first() and last() aggregate functions | ||||
extra_window_functions | extra_window_functions |
PGDG | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL | ||||
floatvec | floatvec |
PIGSTY | 1.1.1 | FUNC |
MIT | Math for vectors (arrays) of numbers | ||||
aggs_for_vecs | aggs_for_vecs |
PIGSTY | 1.3.2 | FUNC |
MIT | Aggregate functions for array inputs | ||||
aggs_for_arrays | aggs_for_arrays |
PIGSTY | 1.3.3 | FUNC |
MIT | Various functions for computing statistics on arrays of numbers | ||||
arraymath | pg_arraymath |
PIGSTY | 1.1 | FUNC |
MIT | Array math and operators that work element by element on the contents of arrays | ||||
pg_math | pg_math |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FUNC |
GPLv3 | GSL statistical functions for postgresql | ||||
random | pg_random |
PIGSTY | 2.0.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | random data generator | ||||
base36 | pg_base36 |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | FUNC |
MIT | Integer Base36 types | ||||
base62 | pg_base62 |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FUNC |
MIT | Base62 extension for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_base58 | pg_base58 |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FUNC |
MIT | Base58 Encoder/Decoder Extension for PostgreSQL | ||||
financial | pg_financial |
PIGSTY | 1.0.1 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | Financial aggregate functions | ||||
refint | refint |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete) | ||||
autoinc | autoinc |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | functions for autoincrementing fields | ||||
insert_username | insert_username |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | functions for tracking who changed a table | ||||
moddatetime | moddatetime |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | functions for tracking last modification time | ||||
tsm_system_time | tsm_system_time |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit | ||||
dict_xsyn | dict_xsyn |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing | ||||
tsm_system_rows | tsm_system_rows |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit | ||||
tcn | tcn |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | Triggered change notifications | ||||
uuid-ossp | uuid-ossp |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) | ||||
btree_gist | btree_gist |
CONTRIB | 1.7 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | support for indexing common datatypes in GiST | ||||
btree_gin | btree_gin |
CONTRIB | 1.3 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | support for indexing common datatypes in GIN | ||||
intarray | intarray |
CONTRIB | 1.5 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers | ||||
intagg | intagg |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete) | ||||
dict_int | dict_int |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | text search dictionary template for integers | ||||
unaccent | unaccent |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | FUNC |
PostgreSQL | text search dictionary that removes accents | ||||
pg_repack | pg_repack |
PGDG | 1.5.2 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks | ||||
pg_squeeze | pg_squeeze |
PGDG | 1.8.0 | ADMIN |
BSD 2 | A tool to remove unused space from a relation. | ||||
pg_dirtyread | pg_dirtyread |
PIGSTY | 2.7 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table | ||||
pgfincore | pgfincore |
PGDG | 1.3.1 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | examine and manage the os buffer cache | ||||
pg_cooldown | pg_cooldown |
PIGSTY | 0.1 | ADMIN |
Apache-2.0 | remove buffered pages for specific relations | ||||
ddlx | pg_ddlx |
PIGSTY | 0.29 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | DDL eXtractor functions | ||||
prioritize | pg_prioritize |
PGDG | 1.0.4 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends | ||||
pg_checksums | pg_checksums |
PGDG | 1.2 | ADMIN |
BSD 2 | Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters | ||||
pg_readonly | pg_readonly |
PGDG | 1.0.3 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | cluster database read only | ||||
pg_upless | pg_upless |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Detect Useless UPDATE | ||||
pg_permissions | pg_permissions |
PIGSTY | 1.3 | ADMIN |
BSD 2 | view object permissions and compare them with the desired state | ||||
pgautofailover | pgautofailover |
PGDG | 2.1 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | pg_auto_failover | ||||
pg_catcheck | pg_catcheck |
PGDG | 1.6.0 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | Diagnosing system catalog corruption | ||||
pre_prepare | preprepare |
PIGSTY | 0.9 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Pre Prepare your Statement server side | ||||
pgcozy | pgcozy |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Pre-warming shared buffers according to previous pg_buffercache snapshots for PostgreSQL. | ||||
pg_orphaned | pg_orphaned |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Deal with orphaned files | ||||
pg_crash | pg_crash |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | Send random signals to random processes | ||||
pg_cheat_funcs | pg_cheat_funcs |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Provides cheat (but useful) functions | ||||
fio | pg_fio |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ADMIN |
BSD 3 | PostgreSQL File I/O Functions | ||||
pg_savior | pg_savior |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | ADMIN |
Apache-2.0 | Postgres extension to save OOPS mistakes | ||||
safeupdate | safeupdate |
PGDG | 1.5 | ADMIN |
ISC | Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE | ||||
pg_drop_events | pg_drop_events |
PGDG | 0.1.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | logs transaction ids of drop table, drop column, drop materialized view statements | ||||
table_log | table_log |
PIGSTY | 0.6.4 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | record table modification logs and PITR for table/row | ||||
pgagent | pgagent |
PGDG | 4.2.3 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | A PostgreSQL job scheduler | ||||
pg_prewarm | pg_prewarm |
PostgreSQL | prewarm relation data | ||||
pgpool_adm | pgpool |
PGDG | 4.6.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | Administrative functions for pgPool | ||||
pgpool_recovery | pgpool |
PGDG | 4.6.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3 | ||||
pgpool_regclass | pgpool |
PGDG | 4.6.0 | ADMIN |
PostgreSQL | replacement for regclass | ||||
lo | lo |
PostgreSQL | Large Object maintenance | ||||
basic_archive | basic_archive |
PostgreSQL | an example of an archive module | ||||
basebackup_to_shell | basebackup_to_shell |
PostgreSQL | adds a custom basebackup target called shell | ||||
old_snapshot | old_snapshot |
PostgreSQL | utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold | ||||
adminpack | adminpack |
PostgreSQL | administrative functions for PostgreSQL | ||||
amcheck | amcheck |
PostgreSQL | functions for verifying relation integrity | ||||
pg_surgery | pg_surgery |
PostgreSQL | extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation | ||||
pg_profile | pg_profile |
PIGSTY | 4.8 | STAT |
BSD 2 | PostgreSQL load profile repository and report builder | ||||
pg_tracing | pg_tracing |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | STAT |
MIT | Distributed Tracing for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_show_plans | pg_show_plans |
PGDG | 2.1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | show query plans of all currently running SQL statements | ||||
pg_stat_kcache | pg_stat_kcache |
PGDG | 2.3.0 | STAT |
BSD 3 | Kernel statistics gathering | ||||
pg_stat_monitor | pg_stat_monitor |
PIGSTY | 2.1.1 | STAT |
BSD 3 | The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information. | ||||
pg_qualstats | pg_qualstats |
PGDG | 2.1.1 | STAT |
BSD 3 | An extension collecting statistics about quals | ||||
pg_store_plans | pg_store_plans |
PIGSTY | 1.8 | STAT |
BSD 3 | track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed | ||||
pg_track_settings | pg_track_settings |
PGDG | 2.1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | Track settings changes | ||||
pg_wait_sampling | pg_wait_sampling |
PGDG | 1.1.8 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | sampling based statistics of wait events | ||||
system_stats | system_stats |
PIGSTY | 3.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL | ||||
meta | pg_meta |
PIGSTY | 0.4.0 | STAT |
BSD 2 | Normalized, friendlier system catalog for PostgreSQL | ||||
pgnodemx | pgnodemx |
PIGSTY | 1.7 | STAT |
Apache-2.0 | Capture node OS metrics via SQL queries | ||||
pg_proctab | pgnodemx |
PIGSTY | 1.7 | STAT |
BSD 3 | PostgreSQL extension to access the OS process table | ||||
pg_sqlog | pg_sqlog |
PIGSTY | 1.6 | STAT |
BSD 3 | Provide SQL interface to logs | ||||
bgw_replstatus | bgw_replstatus |
PGDG | 1.0.7 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | Small PostgreSQL background worker to report whether a node is a replication master or standby | ||||
pgmeminfo | pgmeminfo |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | STAT |
MIT | show memory usage | ||||
toastinfo | toastinfo |
PIGSTY | 1.5 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | show details on toasted datums | ||||
explain_ui | pg_explain_ui |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | easily jump into a visual plan UI for any SQL query | ||||
pg_relusage | pg_relusage |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | Log all the queries that reference a particular column | ||||
pagevis | pagevis |
PIGSTY | 0.1 | STAT |
MIT | Visualise database pages in ascii code | ||||
powa | powa |
PGDG | 5.0.1 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core | ||||
pageinspect | pageinspect |
CONTRIB | 1.12 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level | ||||
pgrowlocks | pgrowlocks |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | show row-level locking information | ||||
sslinfo | sslinfo |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | information about SSL certificates | ||||
pg_buffercache | pg_buffercache |
CONTRIB | 1.5 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | examine the shared buffer cache | ||||
pg_walinspect | pg_walinspect |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log | ||||
pg_freespacemap | pg_freespacemap |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | examine the free space map (FSM) | ||||
pg_visibility | pg_visibility |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info | ||||
pgstattuple | pgstattuple |
CONTRIB | 1.5 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | show tuple-level statistics | ||||
auto_explain | auto_explain |
PostgreSQL | Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically | ||||
pg_stat_statements | pg_stat_statements |
CONTRIB | 1.11 | STAT |
PostgreSQL | track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed | ||||
passwordcheck_cracklib | passwordcheck |
PIGSTY | 3.1.0 | SEC |
LGPLv2 | Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib | ||||
supautils | supautils |
PIGSTY | 2.6.0 | SEC |
Apache-2.0 | Extension that secures a cluster on a cloud environment | ||||
pgsodium | pgsodium |
PIGSTY | 3.1.9 | SEC |
BSD 3 | Postgres extension for libsodium functions | ||||
supabase_vault | pg_vault |
PIGSTY | 0.3.1 | SEC |
Apache-2.0 | Supabase Vault Extension | ||||
pg_session_jwt | pg_session_jwt |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | SEC |
Apache-2.0 | Manage authentication sessions using JWTs | ||||
anon | pg_anon |
PIGSTY | 2.0.0 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL Anonymizer (anon) extension | ||||
pg_tde | pg_tde |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | SEC |
MIT | pg_tde access method | ||||
pgsmcrypto | pgsmcrypto |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | SEC |
MIT | PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension | ||||
pgaudit | pgaudit |
PGDG | 17.1 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | provides auditing functionality | ||||
pgauditlogtofile | pgauditlogtofile |
PGDG | 1.6.4 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file | ||||
pg_auth_mon | pg_auth_mon |
PIGSTY | 3.0 | SEC |
MIT | monitor connection attempts per user | ||||
credcheck | credcheck |
PGDG | 3.0 | SEC |
MIT | credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker | ||||
pgcryptokey | pgcryptokey |
PIGSTY | 0.85 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | cryptographic key management | ||||
pg_jobmon | pg_jobmon |
PIGSTY | 1.4.1 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL | ||||
logerrors | logerrors |
PIGSTY | 2.1.3 | SEC |
BSD 3 | Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile | ||||
login_hook | login_hook |
PIGSTY | 1.6 | SEC |
GPLv3 | login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time | ||||
set_user | set_user |
PGDG | 4.1.0 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | similar to SET ROLE but with added logging | ||||
pg_snakeoil | pg_snakeoil |
PIGSTY | 1.4 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | The PostgreSQL Antivirus | ||||
pgextwlist | pgextwlist |
PIGSTY | 1.17 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting | ||||
pg_auditor | pg_auditor |
PIGSTY | 0.2 | SEC |
BSD 3 | Audit data changes and provide flashback ability | ||||
sslutils | sslutils |
PIGSTY | 1.4 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | A Postgres extension for managing SSL certificates through SQL | ||||
noset | pg_noset |
PIGSTY | 0.3.0 | SEC |
AGPLv3 | Module for blocking SET variables for non-super users. | ||||
sepgsql | sepgsql |
PostgreSQL | label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy. | ||||
auth_delay | auth_delay |
PostgreSQL | pause briefly before reporting authentication failure | ||||
pgcrypto | pgcrypto |
CONTRIB | 1.3 | SEC |
PostgreSQL | cryptographic functions | ||||
passwordcheck | passwordcheck |
PostgreSQL | checks user passwords and reject weak password | ||||
wrappers | wrappers |
PIGSTY | 0.4.5 | FDW |
Apache-2.0 | Foreign data wrappers developed by Supabase | ||||
multicorn | multicorn |
PGDG | 3.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Fetch foreign data in Python in your PostgreSQL server. | ||||
odbc_fdw | odbc_fdw |
PGDG | 0.5.1 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Foreign data wrapper for accessing remote databases using ODBC | ||||
jdbc_fdw | jdbc_fdw |
PGDG | 1.2 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign-data wrapper for remote servers available over JDBC | ||||
pgspider_ext | pgspider_ext |
PGDG | 1.3.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign-data wrapper for remote PGSpider servers | ||||
mysql_fdw | mysql_fdw |
PGDG | 2.9.2 | FDW |
BSD 3 | Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server | ||||
oracle_fdw | oracle_fdw |
PGDG | 2.7.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign data wrapper for Oracle access | ||||
tds_fdw | tds_fdw |
PGDG | 2.0.4 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server) | ||||
db2_fdw | db2_fdw |
PGDG | 6.0.1 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign data wrapper for DB2 access | ||||
sqlite_fdw | sqlite_fdw |
PGDG | 2.5.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper | ||||
pgbouncer_fdw | pgbouncer_fdw |
PGDG | 1.3.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Extension for querying PgBouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions | ||||
mongo_fdw | mongo_fdw |
PGDG | 1.1 | FDW |
LGPLv3 | foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access | ||||
redis_fdw | redis_fdw |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Foreign data wrapper for querying a Redis server | ||||
redis | pg_redis_pubsub |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FDW |
MIT | Send redis pub/sub messages to Redis from PostgreSQL Directly | ||||
kafka_fdw | kafka_fdw |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | kafka Foreign Data Wrapper for CSV formatted messages | ||||
hdfs_fdw | hdfs_fdw |
PGDG | 2.3.2 | FDW |
BSD 3 | foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers | ||||
firebird_fdw | firebird_fdw |
PIGSTY | 1.4.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | Foreign data wrapper for Firebird | ||||
aws_s3 | aws_s3 |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FDW |
Apache-2.0 | aws_s3 postgres extension to import/export data from/to s3 | ||||
log_fdw | log_fdw |
PIGSTY | 1.4 | FDW |
Apache-2.0 | foreign-data wrapper for Postgres log file access | ||||
sparql | pgsparql |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | UTIL |
Apache-2.0 | Query SPARQL datasource with SQL | ||||
dblink | dblink |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database | ||||
file_fdw | file_fdw |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access | ||||
postgres_fdw | postgres_fdw |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | FDW |
PostgreSQL | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers | ||||
documentdb | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL | ||||
documentdb_core | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | Core API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL | ||||
documentdb_distributed | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | Multi-Node API surface for DocumentDB | ||||
orafce | orafce |
PGDG | 4.14.2 | SIM |
BSD 0 | Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS | ||||
pgtt | pgtt |
PGDG | 4.0 | SIM |
ISC | Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL | ||||
session_variable | session_variable |
PIGSTY | 3.4 | SIM |
GPLv3 | Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants | ||||
pg_statement_rollback | pg_statement_rollback |
PIGSTY | 1.4 | SIM |
ISC | Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2 | ||||
pg_dbms_metadata | pg_dbms_metadata |
PGDG | 1.0.0 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_dbms_lock | pg_dbms_lock |
PGDG | 1.0 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_dbms_job | pg_dbms_job |
PGDG | 1.5 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
babelfishpg_common | babelfishpg_common |
WILTON | 3.3.3 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support | ||||
babelfishpg_tsql | babelfishpg_tsql |
WILTON | 3.3.1 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility | ||||
babelfishpg_tds | babelfishpg_tds |
WILTON | 1.0.0 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server TDS protocol extension | ||||
babelfishpg_money | babelfishpg_money |
WILTON | 1.1.0 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Money Data Type | ||||
pgmemcache | pgmemcache |
PGDG | 2.3.0 | SIM |
MIT | memcached interface | ||||
pglogical | pglogical |
PGDG | 2.4.5 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL Logical Replication | ||||
pglogical_origin | pglogical |
PGDG | 2.4.5 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4 | ||||
pglogical_ticker | pglogical_ticker |
PGDG | 1.4.1 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | Have an accurate view on pglogical replication delay | ||||
pgl_ddl_deploy | pgl_ddl_deploy |
PGDG | 2.2.1 | ETL |
MIT | automated ddl deployment using pglogical | ||||
pg_failover_slots | pg_failover_slots |
PIGSTY | 1.1.0 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | PG Failover Slots extension | ||||
db_migrator | db_migrator |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | ETL |
BSD 3 | Tools to migrate other databases to PostgreSQL | ||||
wal2json | wal2json |
PGDG | 2.6 | ETL |
BSD 3 | Changing data capture in JSON format | ||||
wal2mongo | wal2mongo |
PIGSTY | 1.0.7 | ETL |
Apache-2.0 | PostgreSQL logical decoding output plugin for MongoDB | ||||
decoderbufs | decoderbufs |
PGDG | 3.0.7 | ETL |
MIT | Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format | ||||
decoder_raw | decoder_raw |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | Output plugin for logical replication in Raw SQL format | ||||
pgoutput | pgoutput |
PostgreSQL | Logical Replication output plugin | ||||
test_decoding | test_decoding |
PostgreSQL | SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding | ||||
mimeo | mimeo |
PIGSTY | 1.5.1 | ETL |
PostgreSQL | Extension for specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances | ||||
repmgr | repmgr |
PGDG | 5.5.0 | ETL |
GPLv3 | Replication manager for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_fact_loader | pg_fact_loader |
PGDG | 2.0.1 | ETL |
MIT | build fact tables with Postgres | ||||
pg_bulkload | pg_bulkload |
PIGSTY | 3.1.22 | ETL |
BSD 3 | pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL |