Extension List
The complete 400 PostgreSQL Extension List available in Pigsty
The complete 400 PostgreSQL Extension List available in Pigsty
How to install, load, create, update, remove PostgreSQL extensions in Pigsty?
Prepare PostgreSQL rpm/deb pacakge building environment, and some packaging hints
TIME: TimescaleDB, Versioning & Temporal Table, Crontab, Async & Background Job Scheduler, …
GIS: GeoSpatial Data Types, Operators, and Indexes, Hexagonal Indexing, OGR Data FDW, GeoIP & MobilityDB, etc…
RAG: Vector Database with IVFFLAT, HNSW, DiskANN Indexes, AI & ML in SQL interface, Similarity Funcs, etc…
FTS: ElasticSearch Alternative with BM25, 2-gram/3-gram Fuzzy Search, Zhparser & Hunspell Segregation Dicts, etc…
OLAP: DuckDB Integration with FDW & PG Lakehouse, Access Parquet from File/S3, Sharding with Citus/Partman/PlProxy, …
FEAT: OpenCypher with AGE, GraphQL, JsonSchema, Hints & Hypo Index, HLL, Rum, IVM, ChemRDKit, and Message Queues,…
LANG: Develop, Test, Package, and Deliver Stored Procedures written in various PL/Lanaguages: Java, Js, Lua, R, Sh, PRQL, …
TYPE: Dedicate New Data Types Like: prefix, sember, uint, SIUnit, RoaringBitmap, Rational, Sphere, Hash, RRule, and more…
UTIL: Utilities such as send http request, perform gzip/zstd compress, send mails, Regex, ICU, encoding, docs, Encryption,…
FUNC: Function such as id generator, aggregations, sketches, vector functions, mathematical functions and digest functions…
ADMIN: Utilities for Bloat Control, DirtyRead, BufferInspect, DDL Generate, ChecksumVerify, Permission, Priority, Catalog,…
STAT: Observability Catalogs, Monitoring Metrics & Views, Statistics, Query Plans, WaitSampling, SlowLogs, and etc…
SEC: Auditing Logs, Enforce Passwords, Keep Secrets, TDE, SM Algorithm, Login Hooks, Log Erros, Extension White List, …
FDW: Wrappers & Multicorn for FDW Development, Access other DBMS: MySQL, Mongo, SQLite, MSSQL, Oracle, HDFS, DB2,…
SIM: Protocol Simulation & heterogeneous DBMS Compatibility: Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, MySQL, Memcached, and Babelfish!
ETL: Logical Replication, Decoding, CDC in protobuf/JSON/Mongo format, Copy & Load & Compare Postgres Databases,…
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