Category: FTS
FTS: ElasticSearch Alternative with BM25, 2-gram/3-gram Fuzzy Search, Zhparser & Hunspell Segregation Dicts, etc…
FTS: ElasticSearch Alternative with BM25, 2-gram/3-gram Fuzzy Search, Zhparser & Hunspell Segregation Dicts, etc…
pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25
Use Groonga as index, fast full text search platform for all languages!
PGroonga database management module
create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search.
a parser for full-text search of Chinese
Generate BM25 sparse vector inside PostgreSQL
A postgresql extension for bm25 ranking algorithm
Czech Hunspell Dictionary
German Hunspell Dictionary
en_US Hunspell Dictionary
French Hunspell Dictionary
Nepali Hunspell Dictionary
Dutch Hunspell Dictionary
Norwegian (norsk) Hunspell Dictionary
Portuguese Hunspell Dictionary
Russian Hunspell Dictionary
Russian Hunspell Dictionary (from group)
determine similarities and distance between strings
text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams