Category: UTIL
UTIL: Utilities such as send http request, perform gzip/zstd compress, send mails, Regex, ICU, encoding, docs, Encryption,…
UTIL: Utilities such as send http request, perform gzip/zstd compress, send mails, Regex, ICU, encoding, docs, Encryption,…
gzip and gunzip functions.
Bzip compression and decompression
Zstandard compression algorithm implementation in PostgreSQL
HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
Async HTTP Requests
Run curl actions for data transfer in URL syntax
Use jq in Postgres
JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
PostgreSQL extension to send email using SMTP
PostgreSQL email validation that is consistent with the HTML5 spec
url_encode, url_decode functions
Some functions and views for daily usage
Some date time functions and operators that,
Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions
Access ICU functions
QR Code generator from PostgreSQL
Protobuf support for PostgreSQL
Fetch the value of an environment variable
Simple file storage for arrays of floats
Generate a document for a database extension or schema
Historize the ddl changes inside PostgreSQL database
PLPGSQL Script to historize data in partitionned table
Cross documentation between Django and DBT projects
Stable hash functions for Postgres
xxhash functions for PostgreSQL
Implements SHA256-CRYPT and SHA512-CRYPT password encryption schemes
Encryption functions for int and bigint values
uECC bindings for Postgres
Query SPARQL datasource with SQL