Building Environment
How to prepare VM env for building PostgreSQL RPM/DEB extensions, EL 8/9, Debian12, Ubuntu22
How to prepare VM env for building PostgreSQL RPM/DEB extensions, EL 8/9, Debian12, Ubuntu22
Get Started with pig, the PostgreSQL extension manager.
Why would we need yet another package manager? especially for Postgres extensions?
The complete 405 PostgreSQL Extension List available in Pigsty
Get Started with pig, the PostgreSQL extension manager.
It is necessary to install rust and pgrx before building Rust extensions.
How to use PostgreSQL extension YUM/APT repo on EL/Debian/Ubuntu and compatible os?
How to install, load, create, update, remove PostgreSQL extensions in Pigsty?
Prepare PostgreSQL rpm/deb pacakge building environment, and some packaging hints
Extension Rodapmap, on our radar, backlogs, defects, changes, and retired list.
Build the Javascript procedural language extension PLv8 for PostgreSQL.
There are some extra settings to build PostgresML on EL8 and EL9.
How to use PostgreSQL extensions out-of-the-box in Pigsty
398 Available PostgreSQL Extension RPM in RHEL & Compatible Distributions
There are some important ParadeDB extensions that need to be built and packaged.
392 Available PostgreSQL Extensions Deb in Debian / Ubuntu Distributions
How to download PostgreSQL extension packages to your local repo
Which extensions are coming next? and which are not planned?
Define, Create, Install, Enable Extensions in Pigsty
Not all extensions are perfect, some have defects, some are not yet supported, here are the noted bad cases.
The overview of pig cli tool
PostgreSQL built-in extension list
How to install PostgreSQL extensions from local or upstream repositories.
Extensions using the hook mechanism must be preloaded and require a restart to take effect.
How to build DuckDB FDW extension and its dependencies
Build Parquet S3 FDW extension alone with its deps: libarrow, libparquet, 以及 libaws-cpp
to enable PostgreSQL extensions in your database.
How to update PostgreSQL extensions to newer versions
How to manage pigsty with pig sty subcommand?
How to safely remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database cluster
Pigsty extension repository changelog
Available Metadata for PostgreSQL Extensions, and explain each attribute.
Linux Distribution compatibility matrix