Tags: Pigsty
v3.2: The pig CLI, ARM64 Repo, Self-hosting Supabase
v3.1: PG 17 as default, Better Supabase & MinIO, ARM & U24 support
Pigsty v3.0: Extension Exploding & Plugable Kernels
The 400 extension provided by Pigsty v3 & Plugable Kernels such as Babelfish, IvorySQL, and PolarDB
v2.7: Extension Overwhelming
Extension Overwhelming & Docker VM preparation
v2.6: the OLAP New Challenger
PG 16 as default, ParadeDB & DuckDB support
v2.5: Debian / Ubuntu / PG16
Ubuntu/Debian Support, New Extensions & Monitor Update
v2.4: Monitoring Cloud RDS
PG16, RDS Monitor, New Extensions, Redis Enhancement
v2.3: Ecosystem Applications
PGSQL/REDIS Update, NODE VIP, Mongo/FerretDB, MYSQL Stub
v2.2: Observability Overhaul
Dashboard & Provision overhaul, UOS compatibility
v2.1: Vector Embedding & RAG
PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16 support
v2.0: Free RDS PG Alternative
Compatibility, Security and maintainability overhaul, a truly RDS PG alternative.
v1.5.0 Release Note
Docker Support, Infra self-monitoring, etcd as DCS, CMDB reforge
v1.4.0 Release Note
Add matrixDB Support
v1.3.0 Release Note
Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul
v1.2.0 Release Note
Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul
v1.1.0 Release Note
v1.1.0 Release
v1.0.0 Release Note
v1.0.0 Release
Pigsty: The Production-Ready PostgreSQL Distribution
v0.9.0 Release Note
v0.9 accessbility enhancement, logging improvement, pigsty CLI/GUI beta
v0.8.0 Release Note
v0.8 service provision overhaul and general RC
v0.7.0 Release Note
v0.7 Monitor Only Deployment
v0.6.0 Release Note
v0.6 Provisioning Enhancement
v0.5.0 Release Note
Pigsty v0.5.0 has significant improvement on database templating
v0.4.0 Release Note
The second public beta (v0.4.0) of pigsty is available now
v0.3.0 Release Note
Pigsty v0.3.0 First Public Beta now available!