v2.4: Monitoring Cloud RDS

PG16, RDS Monitor, New Extensions, Redis Enhancement


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)".


  • PostgreSQL 16 support
  • The first LTS version with business support and consulting service
  • Monitoring existing PostgreSQL, RDS for PostgreSQL / PolarDB with PGRDS Dashboards
  • New extension: Apache AGE, openCypher graph query engine on PostgreSQL
  • New extension: zhparser, full text search for Chinese language
  • New extension: pg_roaringbitmap, roaring bitmap for PostgreSQL
  • New extension: pg_embedding, hnsw alternative to pgvector
  • New extension: pg_tle, admin / manage stored procedure extensions
  • New extension: pgsql-http, issue http request with SQL interface
  • Add extensions: pg_auth_mon pg_checksums pg_failover_slots pg_readonly postgresql-unit pg_store_plans pg_uuidv7 set_user
  • Redis enhancement: add monitoring panels for redis sentinel, and auto HA configuration for redis ms cluster.

API Change

  • New Parameter: REDIS.redis_sentinel_monitor: specify masters monitor by redis sentinel cluster

Bug Fix

  • Fix Grafana 10.1 registered datasource will use random uid rather than ins.datname
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 257443e3c171439914cbfad8e9f72b17
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 41ad8007ffbfe7d5e8ba5c4b51ff2adc
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 9a950aed77a6df90b0265a6fa6029250
Last modified 2024-05-22: fix zh/blog/pg structure (45e9f86)