v2.5: Debian / Ubuntu / PG16

Ubuntu/Debian Support, New Extensions & Monitor Update


curl https://get.pigsty.cc/latest | bash


  • Ubuntu / Debian Support: bullseye, bookworm, jammy, focal

  • Dedicate yum/apt repo on repo.pigsty.cc and mirror on packagecloud.io

  • Anolis OS Support (EL 8.8 Compatible)

  • PG Major Candidate: Use PostgreSQL 16 instead of PostgreSQL 14.

  • New Dashboard PGSQL Exporter, PGSQL Patroni, rework on PGSQL Query

  • Extensions Update:

    • Bump PostGIS version to v3.4 on el8, el9, ubuntu22, keep postgis 33 on EL7
    • Remove extension pg_embedding because it is no longer maintained, use pgvector instead.
    • New extension on EL: pointcloud with LIDAR data type support.
    • New extension on EL: imgsmlrpg_similaritypg_bigm 扩展。
    • Include columnar extension hydra and remove citus from default installed extension list.
    • Recompile pg_filedump as PG major version independent package.
  • Software Version Upgrade:

    • Grafana to v10.1.5
    • Prometheus to v2.47
    • Promtail/Loki to v2.9.1
    • Node Exporter to v1.6.1
    • Bytebase to v2.10.0
    • patroni to v3.1.2
    • pgbouncer to v1.21.0
    • pg_exporter to v0.6.0
    • pgbackrest to v2.48.0
    • pgbadger to v12.2
    • pg_graphql to v1.4.0
    • pg_net to v0.7.3
    • ferretdb to v0.12.1
    • sealos to 4.3.5
    • Supabase support to 20231013070755

Ubuntu Support

Pigsty has two ubuntu LTS support: 22.04 (jammy) and 20.04 (focal), and ship corresponding offline packages for them.

Some parameters need to be specified explicitly when deploying on Ubuntu, please refer to ubuntu.yml

  • repo_upstream: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian repo.
  • repo_packages: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian naming convention
  • node_repo_local_urls: use the default value: ['deb [trusted=yes] http://${admin_ip}/pigsty ./']
  • node_default_packages
    • zlib -> zlib1g, readline -> libreadline-dev
    • vim-minimal -> vim-tiny, bind-utils -> dnsutils, perf -> linux-tools-generic,
    • new packages acl to ensure ansible tmp file privileges are set correctly
  • infra_packages: replace all _ with - in names, and replace postgresql16 with postgresql-client-16
  • pg_packages: replace all _ with - in names, patroni-etcd not needed on ubuntu
  • pg_extensions: different naming convention, no passwordcheck_cracklib on ubuntu.
  • pg_dbsu_uid: You have to manually specify pg_dbsu_uid on ubuntu, because PGDG deb package does not specify pg dbsu uid.

API Changes

default values of following parameters have changed:

  • repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,redis,minio

  • repo_upstream: Now add Pigsty Infra/MinIO/Redis/PGSQL modular upstream repo.

  • repo_packages: remove unused karma,mtail,dellhw_exporter and pg 14 extra extensions, adding pg 16 extra extensions.

  • node_default_packages now add python3-pip as default packages.

  • pg_libs: timescaledb is remove from shared_preload_libraries by default.

  • pg_extensions: citus is nolonger installed by default, and passwordcheck_cracklib is installed by default

    - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* passwordcheck_cracklib_${pg_version}*
    - postgis34_${pg_version}* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}*
87e0be2edc35b18709d7722976e305b0  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
e71304d6f53ea6c0f8e2231f238e8204  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
39728496c134e4352436d69b02226ee8  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
e3f548a6c7961af6107ffeee3eabc9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz
1e469cc86a19702e48d7c1a37e2f14f9  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
cc3af3b7c12f98969d3c6962f7c4bd8f  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
c5b2b1a4867eee624e57aed58ac65a80  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz


Routine update with v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22

Now PostgreSQL 16 has all the core extensions available (pg_repack & timescaledb added)

  • Software Version Upgrade:
    • PostgreSQL to v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22
    • Patroni v3.2.0
    • PgBackrest v2.49
    • Citus 12.1
    • TimescaleDB 2.13.0 (with PG 16 support)
    • Grafana v10.2.2
    • FerretDB 1.15
    • SealOS 4.3.7
    • Bytebase 2.11.1
  • Remove monitor schema prefix from PGCAT dashboard queries
  • New template wool.yml for Aliyun free ECS singleton
  • Add python3-jmespath in addition to python3.11-jmespath for el9
31ee48df1007151009c060e0edbd74de  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el7.x86_64.tgz
a40f1b864ae8a19d9431bcd8e74fa116  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el8.x86_64.tgz
c976cd4431fc70367124fda4e2eac0a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el9.x86_64.tgz
7fc1b5bdd3afa267a5fc1d7cb1f3c9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian11.x86_64.tgz
add0731dc7ed37f134d3cb5b6646624e  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian12.x86_64.tgz
99048d09fa75ccb8db8e22e2a3b41f28  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
431668425f8ce19388d38e5bfa3a948c  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz
Last modified 2024-05-22: fix zh/blog/pg structure (45e9f86)