Build & Packaging

Prepare PostgreSQL rpm/deb pacakge building environment, and some packaging hints

Building Environment

How to prepare VM env for building PostgreSQL RPM/DEB extensions, EL 8/9, Debian12, Ubuntu22

Prepare rust & pgrx

It is necessary to install rust and pgrx before building Rust extensions.

Build PLv8

Build the Javascript procedural language extension PLv8 for PostgreSQL.

Build PostgresML

There are some extra settings to build PostgresML on EL8 and EL9.

Build ParadeDB

There are some important ParadeDB extensions that need to be built and packaged.

Build DuckDB FDW

How to build DuckDB FDW extension and its dependencies

Build Parquet S3 FDW

Build Parquet S3 FDW extension alone with its deps: libarrow, libparquet, 以及 libaws-cpp

Last modified 2025-02-23: update extension doc (ae76c50)