AGE graph database extension
FEAT category has 51 available extensions:
Name (Detail) | Package (Repo) | Repo | Version | Category | License | LOAD |
Description |
age | age |
MIXED | 1.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | AGE graph database extension | ||||
hll | hll |
PGDG | 2.18 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | type for storing hyperloglog data | ||||
rum | rum |
PGDG | 1.3.14 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | RUM index access method | ||||
pg_graphql | pg_graphql |
PIGSTY | 1.5.11 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | pg_graphql: GraphQL support | ||||
pg_jsonschema | pg_jsonschema |
PIGSTY | 0.3.3 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation | ||||
jsquery | jsquery |
PGDG | 1.2 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | data type for jsonb inspection | ||||
pg_hint_plan | pg_hint_plan |
PGDG | 1.7.0 | FEAT |
BSD 3 | Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans. | ||||
hypopg | hypopg |
PGDG | 1.4.1 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL | ||||
index_advisor | index_advisor |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Query index advisor | ||||
plan_filter | pg_plan_filter |
PIGSTY | 0.0.1 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | filter statements by their execution plans. | ||||
imgsmlr | imgsmlr |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Image similarity with haar | ||||
pg_ivm | pg_ivm |
MIXED | 1.10 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_incremental | pg_incremental |
PIGSTY | 1.2.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | Incremental Processing by Crunchy Data | ||||
pgmq | pgmq |
PIGSTY | 1.5.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres. | ||||
pgq | pgq |
PGDG | 3.5.1 | FEAT |
ISC | Generic queue for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_cardano | pg_cardano |
PIGSTY | 1.0.3 | FEAT |
MIT | A suite of Cardano-related tools | ||||
rdkit | rdkit |
PGDG | 202409.4 | FEAT |
BSD 3 | Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL. | ||||
omni | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.4 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced adapter for Postgres extensions | ||||
omni_auth | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Basic session management | ||||
omni_aws | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Amazon Web Services APIs (S3) | ||||
omni_containers | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Docker container management | ||||
omni_credentials | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Application credential management | ||||
omni_http | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Basic HTTP types | ||||
omni_httpc | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.4 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | HTTP client | ||||
omni_httpd | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.9 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | HTTP server | ||||
omni_id | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.4.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Identity types | ||||
omni_json | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | JSON toolkit | ||||
omni_kube | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Kubernetes (k8s) integration | ||||
omni_ledger | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Financial ledger | ||||
omni_manifest | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Package installation manifests | ||||
omni_mimetypes | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | MIME types | ||||
omni_os | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Operating system integration | ||||
omni_polyfill | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Postgres API polyfills | ||||
omni_python | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | First-class Python support | ||||
omni_regex | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | PCRE-compatible regular expressions | ||||
omni_rest | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | REST API toolkit (with PostgREST support) | ||||
omni_schema | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.3 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced schema management tooling | ||||
omni_seq | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Distributed integer sequences | ||||
omni_service | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Service management | ||||
omni_session | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Session management | ||||
omni_sql | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Programmatic SQL manipulation | ||||
omni_test | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Testing framework | ||||
omni_txn | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.5.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Transaction management | ||||
omni_types | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Advanced types | ||||
omni_var | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.3.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Scoped variables | ||||
omni_vfs | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.2.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Virtual File System | ||||
omni_vfs_types_v1 | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Virtual File System types (v1) | ||||
omni_web | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.1 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | Common web stack primitives | ||||
omni_xml | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.2 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | XML toolkit | ||||
omni_yaml | omnigres |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | FEAT |
Apache-2.0 | YAML toolkit | ||||
bloom | bloom |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | FEAT |
PostgreSQL | bloom access method - signature file based index |
AGE graph database extension
type for storing hyperloglog data
RUM index access method
pg_graphql: GraphQL support
PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
data type for jsonb inspection
Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
Query index advisor
filter statements by their execution plans.
Image similarity with haar
incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
Incremental Processing by Crunchy Data
A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
Generic queue for PostgreSQL
A suite of Cardano-related tools
Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
Advanced adapter for Postgres extensions
Basic session management
Amazon Web Services APIs (S3)
Docker container management
Application credential management
Basic HTTP types
HTTP client
HTTP server
Identity types
JSON toolkit
Kubernetes (k8s) integration
Financial ledger
Package installation manifests
MIME types
Operating system integration
Postgres API polyfills
First-class Python support
PCRE-compatible regular expressions
REST API toolkit (with PostgREST support)
Advanced schema management tooling
Distributed integer sequences
Service management
Session management
Programmatic SQL manipulation
Testing framework
Transaction management
Advanced types
Scoped variables
Virtual File System
Virtual File System types (v1)
Common web stack primitives
XML toolkit
YAML toolkit
bloom access method - signature file based index
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