Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
LANG category has 31 available extensions:
Name (Detail) | Package (Repo) | Repo | Version | Category | License | LOAD |
Description |
pg_tle | pg_tle |
PIGSTY | 1.5.0 | LANG |
Apache-2.0 | Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL | ||||
plv8 | plv8 |
PIGSTY | 3.2.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language | ||||
pllua | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Lua as a procedural language | ||||
hstore_pllua | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Hstore transform for Lua | ||||
plluau | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Lua as an untrusted procedural language | ||||
hstore_plluau | pllua |
PGDG | 2.0.12 | LANG |
MIT | Hstore transform for untrusted Lua | ||||
plprql | plprql |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | LANG |
Apache-2.0 | Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language | ||||
pldbgapi | pldebugger |
PGDG | 1.8 | LANG |
Artistic | server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions | ||||
plpgsql_check | plpgsql_check |
PGDG | 2.8.0 | LANG |
MIT | extended check for plpgsql functions | ||||
plprofiler | plprofiler |
PGDG | 4.2.5 | LANG |
Artistic | server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions | ||||
plsh | plsh |
PGDG | 1.20220917 | LANG |
MIT | PL/sh procedural language | ||||
pljava | pljava |
PGDG | 1.6.8 | LANG |
BSD 3 | PL/Java procedural language ( | ||||
plr | plr |
PGDG | 8.4.7 | LANG |
GPLv2 | load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database | ||||
pgtap | pgtap |
PGDG | 1.3.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | Unit testing for PostgreSQL | ||||
faker | faker |
PGDG | 0.5.3 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | Wrapper for the Faker Python library | ||||
dbt2 | dbt2 |
PGDG | 0.45.0 | LANG |
Artistic | OSDL-DBT-2 test kit | ||||
pltcl | pltcl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Tcl procedural language | ||||
pltclu | pltcl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/TclU untrusted procedural language | ||||
plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Perl procedural language | ||||
bool_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between bool and plperl | ||||
hstore_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plperl | ||||
jsonb_plperl | plperl |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plperl | ||||
plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language | ||||
bool_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between bool and plperlu | ||||
jsonb_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plperlu | ||||
hstore_plperlu | plperlu |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plperlu | ||||
plpgsql | plpgsql |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/pgSQL procedural language | ||||
plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language | ||||
jsonb_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between jsonb and plpython3u | ||||
ltree_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between ltree and plpython3u | ||||
hstore_plpython3u | plpython3u |
CONTRIB | 1.0 | LANG |
PostgreSQL | transform between hstore and plpython3u |
Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
Lua as a procedural language
Hstore transform for Lua
Lua as an untrusted procedural language
Hstore transform for untrusted Lua
Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language
server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
extended check for plpgsql functions
server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
PL/sh procedural language
PL/Java procedural language (
load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
Unit testing for PostgreSQL
Wrapper for the Faker Python library
OSDL-DBT-2 test kit
PL/Tcl procedural language
PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
PL/Perl procedural language
transform between bool and plperl
transform between hstore and plperl
transform between jsonb and plperl
PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
transform between bool and plperlu
transform between jsonb and plperlu
transform between hstore and plperlu
PL/pgSQL procedural language
PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
transform between jsonb and plpython3u
transform between ltree and plpython3u
transform between hstore and plpython3u
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