Repository Administration

How to manage repositories with pig repo subcommand?


pig will automatically handle the addition of software repositories for users.

pig repo list                    # available repo list
pig repo info   [repo|module...] # show repo info
pig repo status                  # show current repo status
pig repo add    [repo|module...] # add repo and modules
pig repo rm     [repo|module...] # remove repo & modules
pig repo update                  # update repo pkg cache
pig repo create                  # create repo on current system
pig repo boot                    # boot repo from offline package
pig repo cache                   # cache repo as offline package


Radical Repo Admin

The default pig repo add pigsty pgdg will add the PGDG repo and PIGSTY repo to your system. While the following command will backup & wipe your existing repo and add all require repo to your system.

pig repo add all --ru        # This will OVERWRITE all existing repo with node,pgdg,pigsty repo

There’s a brutal version of repo add: repo set, which will overwrite you existing repo (-r) by default.

And you can recover you old repos at /etc/apt/backup or /etc/yum.repos.d/backup.

List Repo

You can list all available repo / module (repo collection) with pig repo list:

$ pig repo list

os_environment: {code: el8, arch: amd64, type: rpm, major: 8}
repo_upstream:  # Available Repo: 32
  - { name: pigsty-local   ,description: 'Pigsty Local'       ,module: local    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: 'file:///www/pigsty' }
  - { name: pigsty-infra   ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA'       ,module: infra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$basearch' }
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql   ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL'       ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever.$basearch' }
  - { name: nginx          ,description: 'Nginx Repo'         ,module: infra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch/' }
  - { name: baseos         ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS'       ,module: node     ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/' }
  - { name: appstream      ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream'    ,module: node     ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/' }
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras'       ,module: node     ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/' }
  - { name: powertools     ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools'    ,module: node     ,releases: [8]              ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL'         ,module: node     ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' }
  - { name: pgdg-common    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common'  ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg-el8fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX'  ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [8]              ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '' }
  - { name: pgdg13         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 13'      ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg14         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 14'      ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg15         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15'      ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg16         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16'      ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg17         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 17'      ,module: pgsql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg-extras    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra'   ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg13-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 13+'     ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg14-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 14+'     ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg15-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15+'     ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg16-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16+'     ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: pgdg17-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 17+'     ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch' }
  - { name: timescaledb    ,description: 'TimescaleDB'        ,module: extra    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch' }
  - { name: wiltondb       ,description: 'WiltonDB'           ,module: mssql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever-$basearch/' }
  - { name: ivorysql       ,description: 'IvorySQL'           ,module: ivory    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64]           ,baseurl: '$releasever.$basearch' }
  - { name: groonga        ,description: 'Groonga'            ,module: groonga  ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch/' }
  - { name: mysql          ,description: 'MySQL'              ,module: mysql    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch/' }
  - { name: mongo          ,description: 'MongoDB'            ,module: mongo    ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/mongodb-org/8.0/$basearch/' }
  - { name: redis          ,description: 'Redis'              ,module: redis    ,releases: [8,9]            ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/redis72/$basearch/' }
  - { name: grafana        ,description: 'Grafana'            ,module: grafana  ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '' }
  - { name: docker-ce      ,description: 'Docker CE'          ,module: docker   ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '$releasever/$basearch/stable' }
  - { name: kubernetes     ,description: 'Kubernetes'         ,module: kube     ,releases: [7,8,9]          ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64]  ,baseurl: '' }
repo_modules:   # Available Modules: 19
  - all       : pigsty-infra, pigsty-pgsql, pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg17, pgdg16, pgdg15, pgdg14, pgdg13, baseos, appstream, extras, powertools, crb, epel, base, updates, security, backports
  - pigsty    : pigsty-infra, pigsty-pgsql
  - pgdg      : pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg17, pgdg16, pgdg15, pgdg14, pgdg13
  - node      : baseos, appstream, extras, powertools, crb, epel, base, updates, security, backports
  - infra     : pigsty-infra, nginx
  - pgsql     : pigsty-pgsql, pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg13, pgdg14, pgdg15, pgdg16, pgdg17, pgdg
  - extra     : pgdg-extras, pgdg13-nonfree, pgdg14-nonfree, pgdg15-nonfree, pgdg16-nonfree, pgdg17-nonfree, timescaledb, citus
  - mssql     : wiltondb
  - mysql     : mysql
  - docker    : docker-ce
  - kube      : kubernetes
  - grafana   : grafana
  - pgml      : pgml
  - groonga   : groonga
  - haproxy   : haproxyd, haproxyu
  - ivory     : ivorysql
  - local     : pigsty-local
  - mongo     : mongo
  - redis     : redis

Last modified 2025-02-23: fix typo (81adff3)