YUM Repo
How to use the Pigsty Extension YUM/DNF Repo on RHEL/Rocky Compatible OS?
You can use the following Shell commands to manually add the Pigsty repository GPG key, write the repository definition, and update the cache.
The default repo.pigsty.io
repository is hosted on Cloudflare CDN, which may be slow for users in mainland China.
You can use the China CDN mirror site repo.pigsty.cc
instead of the default repo.pigsty.io
Add Repo
For EL 8/9 and compatible systems, use the following commands to add the Pigsty repository GPG key, write the repository definition, and update the cache:
# Add Pigsty's GPG public key to your system keychain to verify package signatures
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/key | sudo tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-pigsty >/dev/null
# Add Pigsty Repo definition files to /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, including two repositories
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty-io.repo > /dev/null <<-'EOF'
name=Pigsty Infra for $basearch
skip_if_unavailable = 1
enabled = 1
priority = 1
gpgcheck = 1
name=Pigsty PGSQL For el$releasever.$basearch
skip_if_unavailable = 1
enabled = 1
priority = 1
gpgcheck = 1
# Refresh YUM/DNF repository cache
sudo yum makecache;
# Add Pigsty's GPG public key to your system keychain to verify package signatures
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.cc/key | sudo tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-pigsty >/dev/null
# Add Pigsty Repo definition files to /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, including two repositories
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty-cc.repo > /dev/null <<-'EOF'
name=Pigsty Infra for $basearch
skip_if_unavailable = 1
enabled = 1
priority = 1
gpgcheck = 1
name=Pigsty PGSQL For el$releasever.$basearch
skip_if_unavailable = 1
enabled = 1
priority = 1
gpgcheck = 1
# Refresh YUM/DNF repository cache
sudo yum makecache;
Repo Content
The pigsty-pgsql
repository contains:
- 208 PostgreSQL extension RPM packages (maintained by Pigsty, not included in PGDG YUM repository)
- 215 PostgreSQL extension DEB packages (maintained by Pigsty, not included in PGDG APT repository)
- haproxy 3.1
- redis 7.2
The pigsty-infra
repository contains:
- etcd : 3.5.18
- duckdb : 1.2.0
- ferretdb: 2.0.0-rc1
- pg_timetable: 5.11.0
- grafana : 11.5.2
- prometheus : 3.1.0
- pushgateway : 1.11.0
- alertmanager : 0.28.0
- blackbox_exporter : 0.25.0
- nginx_exporter : 1.4.1
- node_exporter : 1.8.2
- keepalived_exporter : 1.4.0
- pgbackrest_exporter 0.19.0
- mysqld_exporter : 0.16.0
- redis_exporter : 1.67.0
- kafka_exporter : 1.8.0
- mongodb_exporter : 0.43.1
- VictoriaMetrics : 1.111.0
- VictoriaLogs : 1.9.1
- tigerbeetle 0.16.27
- loki : 3.1.1
- promtail : 3.0.0 (3.1.1 fail on el7/el8)
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