Category: SIM

SIM: Protocol Simulation & heterogeneous DBMS Compatibility: Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, MySQL, Memcached, and Babelfish!

SIM category has 15 available extensions:

Name (Detail) Package (Repo) Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
documentdb documentdb PIGSTY 0.102 SIM MIT API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL
documentdb_core documentdb PIGSTY 0.102 SIM MIT Core API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL
documentdb_distributed documentdb PIGSTY 0.102 SIM MIT Multi-Node API surface for DocumentDB
orafce orafce PGDG 4.14.2 SIM BSD 0 Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgtt pgtt PGDG 4.0 SIM ISC Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
session_variable session_variable PIGSTY 3.4 SIM GPLv3 Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants
pg_statement_rollback pg_statement_rollback MIXED 1.4 SIM ISC Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2
pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_metadata PGDG 1.0.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_lock pg_dbms_lock PGDG 1.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_job pg_dbms_job PGDG 1.5 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
babelfishpg_common babelfishpg_common WILTON 3.3.3 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support
babelfishpg_tsql babelfishpg_tsql WILTON 3.3.1 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility
babelfishpg_tds babelfishpg_tds WILTON 1.0.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server TDS protocol extension
babelfishpg_money babelfishpg_money WILTON 1.1.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Money Data Type
pgmemcache pgmemcache PGDG 2.3.0 SIM MIT memcached interface


API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL


Core API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL


Multi-Node API surface for DocumentDB


Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS


Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL


Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants


Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2


Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL


Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL


Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL


SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support


SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility


SQL Server TDS protocol extension


SQL Server Money Data Type


memcached interface

Last modified 2025-03-21: update extension catalog (19c1f0a)