API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL
SIM category has 15 available extensions:
Name (Detail) | Package (Repo) | Repo | Version | Category | License | LOAD |
Description |
documentdb | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL | ||||
documentdb_core | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | Core API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL | ||||
documentdb_distributed | documentdb |
PIGSTY | 0.102 | SIM |
MIT | Multi-Node API surface for DocumentDB | ||||
orafce | orafce |
PGDG | 4.14.2 | SIM |
BSD 0 | Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS | ||||
pgtt | pgtt |
PGDG | 4.0 | SIM |
ISC | Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL | ||||
session_variable | session_variable |
PIGSTY | 3.4 | SIM |
GPLv3 | Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants | ||||
pg_statement_rollback | pg_statement_rollback |
MIXED | 1.4 | SIM |
ISC | Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2 | ||||
pg_dbms_metadata | pg_dbms_metadata |
PGDG | 1.0.0 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_dbms_lock | pg_dbms_lock |
PGDG | 1.0 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_dbms_job | pg_dbms_job |
PGDG | 1.5 | SIM |
PostgreSQL | Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL | ||||
babelfishpg_common | babelfishpg_common |
WILTON | 3.3.3 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support | ||||
babelfishpg_tsql | babelfishpg_tsql |
WILTON | 3.3.1 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility | ||||
babelfishpg_tds | babelfishpg_tds |
WILTON | 1.0.0 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server TDS protocol extension | ||||
babelfishpg_money | babelfishpg_money |
WILTON | 1.1.0 | SIM |
Apache-2.0 | SQL Server Money Data Type | ||||
pgmemcache | pgmemcache |
PGDG | 2.3.0 | SIM |
MIT | memcached interface |
API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL
Core API surface for DocumentDB for PostgreSQL
Multi-Node API surface for DocumentDB
Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants
Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2
Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support
SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility
SQL Server TDS protocol extension
SQL Server Money Data Type
memcached interface
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