Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
TYPE category has 36 available extensions:
Name (Detail) | Package (Repo) | Repo | Version | Category | License | LOAD |
Description |
prefix | pg_prefix |
PGDG | 1.2.10 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL | ||||
semver | pg_semver |
PGDG | 0.40.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Semantic version data type | ||||
unit | pgunit |
PGDG | 7.10 | TYPE |
GPLv2 | SI units extension | ||||
pgpdf | pgpdf |
PIGSTY | 0.1.0 | TYPE |
GPLv3 | PDF type with meta admin & Full-Text Search | ||||
pglite_fusion | pglite_fusion |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
MIT | Embed an SQLite database in your PostgreSQL table | ||||
md5hash | md5hash |
PIGSTY | 1.0.1 | TYPE |
BSD 2 | type for storing 128-bit binary data inline | ||||
asn1oid | asn1oid |
MIXED | 1.6 | TYPE |
GPLv3 | asn1oid extension | ||||
roaringbitmap | roaringbitmap |
MIXED | 0.5.4 | TYPE |
Apache-2.0 | support for Roaring Bitmaps | ||||
pgfaceting | pgfaceting |
MIXED | 0.2.0 | TYPE |
BSD 3 | fast faceting queries using an inverted index | ||||
pg_sphere | pgsphere |
MIXED | 1.5.1 | TYPE |
BSD 3 | spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support | ||||
country | pg_country |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Country data type, ISO 3166-1 | ||||
pg_xenophile | pg_xenophile |
PIGSTY | 0.8.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | More than the bare necessities for PostgreSQL i18n and l10n. | ||||
currency | pg_currency |
PIGSTY | 0.0.3 | TYPE |
MIT | Custom PostgreSQL currency type in 1Byte | ||||
collection | pg_collection |
PIGSTY | 0.9.1 | TYPE |
Apache-2.0 | Memory optimized data type to be used inside of plpglsql func | ||||
pgmp | pgmp |
PGDG | 1.0.5 | TYPE |
LGPLv3 | Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension | ||||
numeral | numeral |
MIXED | 1.3 | TYPE |
GPLv2 | numeral datatypes extension | ||||
pg_rational | pg_rational |
MIXED | 0.0.2 | TYPE |
MIT | bigint fractions | ||||
uint | pguint |
MIXED | 1.20231206 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | unsigned integer types | ||||
uint128 | pg_uint128 |
PIGSTY | 1.0.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Native uint128 type | ||||
hashtypes | hashtypes |
PIGSTY | 0.1.5 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | sha1, md5 and other data types for PostgreSQL | ||||
ip4r | ip4r |
PGDG | 2.4.2 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL | ||||
pg_duration | pg_duration |
PIGSTY | 1.0.2 | TYPE |
MIT | data type for representing durations | ||||
uri | pg_uri |
PIGSTY | 1.20151224 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | URI Data type for PostgreSQL | ||||
emailaddr | pgemailaddr |
PostgreSQL | Email address type for PostgreSQL | ||||
acl | pg_acl |
PIGSTY | 1.0.4 | TYPE |
BSD 2 | ACL Data type | ||||
debversion | debversion |
PGDG | 1.2.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | Debian version number data type | ||||
pg_rrule | pg_rrule |
PGDG | 0.2.0 | TYPE |
MIT | RRULE field type for PostgreSQL | ||||
timestamp9 | timestamp9 |
MIXED | 1.4.0 | TYPE |
MIT | timestamp nanosecond resolution | ||||
chkpass | chkpass |
PIGSTY | 1.0 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for auto-encrypted passwords | ||||
isn | isn |
CONTRIB | 1.2 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data types for international product numbering standards | ||||
seg | seg |
CONTRIB | 1.4 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals | ||||
cube | cube |
CONTRIB | 1.5 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for multidimensional cubes | ||||
ltree | ltree |
CONTRIB | 1.3 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for hierarchical tree-like structures | ||||
hstore | hstore |
CONTRIB | 1.8 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs | ||||
citext | citext |
CONTRIB | 1.6 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | data type for case-insensitive character strings | ||||
xml2 | xml2 |
CONTRIB | 1.1 | TYPE |
PostgreSQL | XPath querying and XSLT |
Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
Semantic version data type
SI units extension
PDF type with meta admin & Full-Text Search
Embed an SQLite database in your PostgreSQL table
type for storing 128-bit binary data inline
asn1oid extension
support for Roaring Bitmaps
fast faceting queries using an inverted index
spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
Country data type, ISO 3166-1
More than the bare necessities for PostgreSQL i18n and l10n.
Custom PostgreSQL currency type in 1Byte
Memory optimized data type to be used inside of plpglsql func
Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
numeral datatypes extension
bigint fractions
unsigned integer types
Native uint128 type
sha1, md5 and other data types for PostgreSQL
IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
data type for representing durations
URI Data type for PostgreSQL
Email address type for PostgreSQL
ACL Data type
Debian version number data type
RRULE field type for PostgreSQL
timestamp nanosecond resolution
data type for auto-encrypted passwords
data types for international product numbering standards
data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
data type for multidimensional cubes
data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
data type for case-insensitive character strings
XPath querying and XSLT
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