Update Extension

How to update PostgreSQL extensions to newer versions

To update an existing extension, you need to first update the RPM/DEB package in your OS’s package manager, then update the extension to the new version in PostgreSQL using the ALTER EXTENSION ... UPDATE command.

Upgrade Packages

All extensions listed in pg_extensions can be upgraded using Pigsty’s pgsql.yml playbook:

./pgsql.yml -t pg_extension

This will automatically install the latest available version of extension RPM/DEB packages in your current environment.

You can also upgrade extensions with the pig ext update command, or using yum/apt upgrade directly.

yum upgrade extname...
apt upgrade extname...

Pigsty’s pig cli can also help you with that, without the burden of specifying full package names:

pig ext update extname...

Alter Extension

Execute the ALTER EXTENSION ... UPDATE command in the database to update the extension to the new version:

ALTER EXTENSION name UPDATE [ TO new_version ]

If you omit the TO new_version clause, the extension will be updated to the latest version available in the database.

Last modified 2025-03-07: extension update (3df74ea)