Download Extension

How to download new extension packages to Pigsty’s local software repository?

In Pigsty’s default installation mode, the downloading and installation of extension plugins are handled separately. Before installing extensions, you must ensure that the appropriate software repositories are added to the target node. Otherwise, the installation may fail due to missing packages.

During the installation process, Pigsty downloads all available extensions for the current major PG version (16) to the INFRA node and sets up a local software repository. This repository is used by all nodes, including the local machine. This approach accelerates installation, avoids redundant downloads, reduces network traffic, improves delivery reliability, and mitigates the risk of inconsistent version installations.

Alternatively, you can opt to add the upstream PostgreSQL software repository and its dependencies (OS software sources) directly to the target node managed by Pigsty. This method allows you to easily update plugins to the latest versions but requires internet access or an HTTP proxy. It may also be subject to network conditions and carries the potential risk of inconsistent installation versions.

Software Repo

During the initial installation, Pigsty downloads the packages specified by repo_upstream from the upstream software repository. The package names differ between EL systems and Debian/Ubuntu systems. The complete list can be found at the following links:

A few plugins are excluded by default due to various reasons. If you need these extensions, refer to the RPM/DEB package names in the extension list and add them to repo_upstream for download.

  • Heavy dependencies: pljava, plr
  • Niche overlap: repmgr, pgexporterext, pgpool
  • EL9 exclusives: pljava

Download Extension

To download new extension plugins, you can add them to repo_upstream and run the following tasks to update the local software repository and refresh the package cache on all nodes:

./infra.yml -t repo       # Re-download the specified packages to the local software repository
./node.yml  -t node_repo  # Refresh the metadata cache of the local software repository on all nodes

By default, Pigsty uses the local software source located on the INFRA node. If you prefer not to download these extensions to the local repository but instead use an online software repository for installation, you can directly add the upstream software source to the nodes:

./node.yml -t node_repo -e node_repo_modules=node,pgsql  # Add the Postgres plugin repository and OS software sources (dependencies)

After completing these tasks, you can install PostgreSQL extension plugins using the standard OS package manager (yum/apt).

Last modified 2025-02-16: init (862d5c3)