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Getting Started

Get Pigsty up & running based your resources and needs: preparation, provision, download, configure, and installation

1 - Installation

How to install Pigsty?

Install Pigsty with 4 steps: Prepare, Download, Configure and Install.

Also check offline installation if you don’t have the Internet access.

Short Version

Prepare a fresh Linux x86_64 node that runs compatible OS, then run as a sudo-able user:

curl -L | bash

It will download Pigsty source to your home, then perform configure and install to finish the installation.

cd ~/pigsty   # get pigsty source and entering dir
./bootstrap   # download bootstrap pkgs & ansible [optional]
./configure   # pre-check and config templating   [optional] 
./install.yml # install pigsty according to pigsty.yml

A pigsty singleton node will be ready with Web Interface on port 80/443 and Postgres service on port 5432. You can add more nodes into Pigsty and deploy modules on them.



Check Preparation for a complete guide of resource preparation.

Pigsty support the Linux kernel and x86_64/amd64 arch. It can run on any nodes: bare metal, virtual machines, or VM-like containers, but a static IPv4 address is required. The minimum spec is 1C1G. It is recommended to use bare metals or VMs with at least 2C4G. There’s no upper limit, and node param will be auto-tuned.

We recommend using fresh RockyLinux 8.9 or Ubuntu 22.04.3 as underlying operating systems. For a complete list of supported operating systems, please refer to Compatibility.

Public key ssh access to localhost and NOPASSWD sudo privilege is required to perform the installation, Try not using the root user. If you wish to manage more nodes, these nodes needs to be ssh / sudo accessible via your current admin node & admin user.

Pigsty relies on Ansible to execute playbooks. you have to install ansible and jmespath packages fist to run the install procedure. This can be done with the following command, or through the bootstrap procedure, especially when you do not have internet access..

sudo dnf install -y ansible python3.11-jmespath
sudo yum install -y ansible   # EL7 does not need to install jmespath explicitly
sudo apt install -y ansible python3-jmespath
brew install ansible


You can get & extract pigsty source via the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash
Download Example Output
$ curl -L | bash
[Checking] ===========================================
[ OK ] SOURCE from CDN due to GFW
FROM CDN    : bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
FROM GITHUB : bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
[Downloading] ===========================================
[ OK ] download pigsty source code from CDN
[ OK ] $ curl -SL
MD5: 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9  /tmp/pigsty-v2.6.0.tgz
[Extracting] ===========================================
[ OK ] extract '/tmp/pigsty-v2.6.0.tgz' to '/home/vagrant/pigsty'
[ OK ] $ tar -xf /tmp/pigsty-v2.6.0.tgz -C ~;
[Reference] ===========================================
Official Site:
Get Started:
Github Repo:
Public Demo:
[Proceeding] ===========================================
cd ~/pigsty      # entering pigsty home directory before proceeding
./bootstrap      # install ansible & download the optional offline packages
./configure      # preflight-check and generate config according to your env
./install.yml    # install pigsty on this node and init it as the admin node
[ OK ] ~/pigsty is ready to go now!

If you don’t have the Internet access, check offline installation for details. You can download the source tarball with the following links and upload them with scp, ftp, etc…

curl -o pigsty.tgz
tar -xvf pigsty.tgz -C ~ ; cd ~/pigsty ;  # download manually and extract to home dir

You can also use git to download the Pigsty source. Please make sure to check out a specific version before using.

git clone; cd pigsty;  git checkout v2.6.0;


configure will create a pigsty.yml config file according to your env.

This procedure is OPTIONAL if you know how to configure pigsty manually.

./configure # interactive-wizard, ask for IP address
./configure [-i|--ip <ipaddr>] [-m|--mode <name>]  # give primary IP & config mode 
            [-r|--region <default|china|europe>]   # choose upstream repo region
            [-n|--non-interactive]                 # skip interactive wizard
Configure Example Output
[vagrant@meta pigsty]$ ./configure
configure pigsty v2.6.0 begin
[ OK ] region = china
[ OK ] kernel = Linux
[ OK ] machine = x86_64
[ OK ] sudo = vagrant ok
[ OK ] ssh = [email protected] ok
[WARN] Multiple IP address candidates found:
    (1)	    inet brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic eth0
    (2)	    inet brd scope global noprefixroute eth1
[ OK ] primary_ip = (from demo)
[ OK ] admin = [email protected] ok
[ OK ] mode = demo (vagrant demo)
[ OK ] config = demo @
[ OK ] ansible = ansible 2.9.27
[ OK ] configure pigsty done
proceed with ./install.yml

  • -m|--mode: Generate config from templates according to mode: (auto|demo|sec|citus|el|el7|ubuntu|prod...)
  • -i|--ip: Replace IP address placeholder with your primary ipv4 address of current node.
  • -r|--region: Set upstream repo mirror according to region (default|china|europe)
  • -n|--non-interactive: skip interactive wizard and using default/arg values

When -n|--non-interactive is specified, you have to specify a primary IP address with -i|--ip <ipaddr> in case of multiple IP address, since there’s no default value for primary IP address in this case.

If your machine’s network interface have multiple IP addresses, you’ll need to explicitly specify a primary IP address for the current node using -i|--ip <ipaddr>, or provide it during interactive inquiry. The address should be a static IP address, and you should avoid using any public IP addresses.

You can check and modify the generated config file ~/pigsty/pigsty.yml before installation.


Run the install.yml playbook to perform a full installation on current node

./install.yml    # install everything in one-pass
Installation Output Example
[vagrant@meta pigsty]$ ./install.yml

PLAY [IDENTITY] ********************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [node_id : get node fact] *****************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=288  changed=215  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=64   rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=263  changed=194  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=88   rescued=0    ignored=1                : ok=263  changed=194  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=88   rescued=0    ignored=1                : ok=153  changed=121  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=53   rescued=0    ignored=1
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=4    rescued=0    ignored=0

It’s a standard ansible playbook, you can have fine-grained control with ansible options:

  • -l: limit execution targets
  • -t: limit execution tasks
  • -e: passing extra args


Once installed, you’ll have four core modules PGSQL, INFRA, NODE, and ETCD the current node.

The PGSQL provides a PostgreSQL singleton which can be accessed via:

psql postgres://dbuser_dba:[email protected]/meta     # DBA / superuser (via IP)
psql postgres://dbuser_meta:[email protected]/meta   # business admin, read / write / ddl
psql postgres://dbuser_view:DBUser.View@pg-meta/meta       # read-only user

The INFRA module gives you an entire modern observability stack, exposed by Nginx on (80 / 443):

There are several services are exposed by Nginx (configured by infra_portal):

Component Port Domain Comment Public Demo
Nginx 80/443 h.pigsty Web Service Portal, Repo
AlertManager 9093 a.pigsty Alter Aggregator
Grafana 3000 g.pigsty Grafana Dashboard Home
Prometheus 9090 p.pigsty Prometheus Web UI

Grafana Dashboards (g.pigsty, port 3000) credentials, user: admin / pass: pigsty


You can access these web UI directly via IP + port. While the common best practice would be access them through Nginx and distinguish via domain names. You’ll need configure DNS records, or use the local static records (/etc/hosts) for that.

How to access Pigsty Web UI by domain name?

There are several options:

  1. Resolve internet domain names through a DNS service provider, suitable for systems accessible from the public internet.
  2. Configure internal network DNS server resolution records for internal domain name resolution.
  3. Modify the local machine’s /etc/hosts file to add static resolution records. (For Windows, it’s located at:)

We recommend the third method for common users. On the machine (which runs the browser), add the following record into /etc/hosts (sudo required) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows:

<your_public_ip_address>  h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty

You have to use the external IP address of the node here.

How to configure server side domain names?

The server-side domain name is configured with Nginx. If you want to replace the default domain name, simply enter the domain you wish to use in the parameter infra_portal. When you access the Grafana monitoring homepage via http://g.pigsty, it is actually accessed through the Nginx proxy to Grafana’s WebUI:

http://g.pigsty ️-> (nginx) -> (grafana)

If nginx_sslmode is set to enabled or enforced, you can trust self-signed ca: files/pki/ca/ca.crt to use https in your browser.

How to use HTTPS in Pigsty WebUI?

Pigsty will generate self-signed certs for Nginx, if you wish to access via HTTPS without “Warning”, here are some options:

  • Apply & add real certs from trusted CA: such as Let’s Encrypt
  • Trust your generated CA crt as root ca in your OS and browser
  • Type thisisunsafe in Chrome will supress the warning


You can deploy & monitor more clusters with pigsty: add more nodes to pigsty.yml and run corresponding playbooks:

bin/node-add   pg-test      # init 3 nodes of cluster pg-test
bin/pgsql-add  pg-test      # init HA PGSQL Cluster pg-test
bin/redis-add  redis-ms     # init redis cluster redis-ms

Remember that most modules require the [NODE] module installed first. Check modules for detail


2 - Offline Install

How to install pigsty without Internet access? How to make your own offline packages.

Pigsty’s Standard Installation process requires internet access, but production database servers are often isolated from the internet.

Therefore, Pigsty offers an offline installation feature, allowing you to complete the installation and deployment in an environment without internet access.

If you have internet access, downloading the pre-made Offline Package in advance can help speed up the installation process and enhance the certainty and reliability of the installation.

Short Version

You have to download the Pigsty source tarball and the Offline Package in addition to the Standard Installation.

VERSION=v2.6.0   # pigsty version
DISTRO=el8       # available distro: el7, el8, el9, debian11, debian12, ubuntu20, ubuntu22
curl "${VERSION}/pigsty-${VERSION}.tgz"                      -o ~/pigsty.tgz  # source tarball : ~/pigsty.tgz
curl "${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-${VERSION}.${distro}.x86_64.tgz" -o /tmp/pkg.tgz  # offline package: /tmp/pkg.tgz

Then upload them to the isolated admin node, put the offline package at /tmp/pkg.tgz, then enable it th through the bootstrap procedure.

./bootstrap                 # you can install the pre-packed offline-package with '-y' flag, if you have Internet access
./configure; ./install.yml  # then continue with the standard configuration and installation tasks

What is offline install?

Pigsty will download the required rpm/deb packages from the upstream yum/apt repo during the installation procedure, and build a local software repo (located at /www/pigsty by default).

The local repo is served by Nginx, and serves all nodes in this environment / deployment including itself.

There are three main benefits to using a local repo:

  1. It can avoid repetitive download requests and traffic consumption, significantly speeding up the installation and improving its reliability.
  2. It will take a snapshot of available software versions, ensuring the consistency of the software versions installed across nodes in the deployment environment.
  3. The built local software repo can be packaged as a whole tarball and copied to an isolated environment with the same operating system for offline installation.

The principle of offline installation is: first, complete the Standard Installation process on a node with the same operating system and internet access. Then, take a snapshot of the built local repo (/www/pigsty) and pack it to make the Offline Package, then deliver it to the isolated environment for using.

When Pigsty Installation procedure finds that the local repo already exists, It will enter offline install mode, which will install from the built local repo rather than upstream.

Pigsty will skip the process of downloading and building the local software source from the internet and complete the entire installation process using the local software source, without the need for internet access.

Offline Package

Offline package is a tarball made by gzip and tar, placed under /tmp/pkg.tgz and extract to /www/pigsty for using.

Pigsty has pre-packed offline packages for compatible OS distros.

You can skip downloading & repo building if you are using the exact same operating system.      # EL 7.9      # EL 8.9      # EL 9.3 # Debian 11.8 # Debian 12.4 # Ubuntu 20.04.6 # Ubuntu 22.04.3${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el7.x86_64.tgz       # EL 7.9${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el8.x86_64.tgz       # EL 8.9${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el9.x86_64.tgz       # EL 9.3${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz  # Debian 11.8${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz  # Debian 12.4${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz  # Ubuntu 20.04.6${VERSION}/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz  # Ubuntu 22.04.3


Pigsty need ansible to run the install.yml playbook. You have to install ansible without Internet access, too.

Luckily, ansible and its dependencies is already included in Pigsty’s offline package. The process of extracting and installing ansible from the offline package is known as Bootstrap.

Ansible is a core dependency of Pigsty, and the first challenge of an offline installation is to figure out how to install Ansible without internet access or a local source.

Bootstrap Logci
  1. Check preconditions

  2. Check local repo exists ?

    • Y -> Extract to /www/pigsty and create repo file to enable it
    • N -> Download offline package from the Internet?
      • Y -> Download from GitHub / CDN and extract & enable it
      • N -> Add basic os upstream repo file manually ?
        • Y -> add according to region / version
        • N -> leave it to user’s default configuration
  • Now we have an available repo for installing ansible
    • Precedence: local pkg.tgz > downloaded pkg.tgz > upstream > user provide
  1. install boot utils from the available repo
    • el7,8,9: ansible createrepo_c unzip wget yum-utils sshpass
    • el8 extra: ansible python3.11-jmespath createrepo_c unzip wget dnf-utils sshpass modulemd-tools
    • el9 extra: ansible python3-jmespath python3.11-jmespath createrepo_c unzip wget dnf-utils sshpass modulemd-tools
    • ubuntu/debian: ansible python3-jmespath dpkg-dev unzip wget sshpass acl
  2. Check ansible availability.

The bootstrap script will extract /tmp/pkg.tgz into /www/pigsty, setup a local file repo, and install ansible from it.

You have to download the offline package and place it under /tmp/pkg.tgz, then run the bootstrap command:

./bootstrap       # extract /tmp/pkg.tgz and install ansible
bootstrap from local packages output

If /tmp/pkg.tgz already exists, bootstrap will use it directly:

bootstrap pigsty v2.6.0 begin
[ OK ] region = china
[ OK ] kernel = Linux
[ OK ] machine = x86_64
[ OK ] release = 7.9.2009
[ OK ] sudo = vagrant ok
[ OK ] cache = /tmp/pkg.tgz exists
[ OK ] repo = extract from /tmp/pkg.tgz
[ OK ] repo file = use /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty-local.repo
[ OK ] repo cache = created
[ OK ] install el7 utils
....(yum install ansible output)
[ OK ] ansible = ansible 2.9.27
[ OK ] boostrap pigsty complete
proceed with ./configure

If you have Internet access, you can use bootstrap variant:

./bootstrap       # if /tmp/pkg.tgz exists, adding upstream repo & mirrors, then try to install ansible
./bootstrap -y    # if /tmp/pkg.tgz not exists, download the pre-packed offline-package from CDN / Github
Bootstrap from Internet: Example Output
bootstrap pigsty v2.6.0 begin
[ OK ] region = china
[ OK ] kernel = Linux
[ OK ] machine = x86_64
[ OK ] release = 7.9.2009
[ OK ] sudo = vagrant ok
[ IN ] Cache /tmp/pkg.tgz not exists, download? (y/n):
=> y
[ OK ] download from Github to /tmp/pkg.tgz
[ OK ] repo = extract from /tmp/pkg.tgz
[ OK ] repo file = use /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty-local.repo
[ OK ] repo cache = created
[ OK ] install el7 utils
...... (yum install createrepo_c sshpass unzip output)
 Package                        Arch                Version                       Repository                 Size
 createrepo_c                   x86_64              0.10.0-20.el7                 pigsty-local               65 k
 sshpass                        x86_64              1.06-2.el7                    pigsty-local               21 k
 unzip                          x86_64              6.0-24.el7_9                  pigsty-local              172 k
Installing for dependencies:
 createrepo_c-libs              x86_64              0.10.0-20.el7                 pigsty-local               89 k

Transaction Summary
...... (yum install ansible output)
 Package                                      Arch            Version                 Repository             Size
 ansible                                      noarch          2.9.27-1.el7            pigsty-local           17 M
Installing for dependencies:
 PyYAML                                       x86_64          3.10-11.el7             pigsty-local          153 k
 libyaml                                      x86_64          0.1.4-11.el7_0          pigsty-local           55 k
 python-babel                                 noarch          0.9.6-8.el7             pigsty-local          1.4 M
 python-backports                             x86_64          1.0-8.el7               pigsty-local          5.8 k
 python-backports-ssl_match_hostname          noarch           pigsty-local           13 k
 python-cffi                                  x86_64          1.6.0-5.el7             pigsty-local          218 k
 python-enum34                                noarch          1.0.4-1.el7             pigsty-local           52 k
 python-idna                                  noarch          2.4-1.el7               pigsty-local           94 k
 python-ipaddress                             noarch          1.0.16-2.el7            pigsty-local           34 k
 python-jinja2                                noarch          2.7.2-4.el7             pigsty-local          519 k
 python-markupsafe                            x86_64          0.11-10.el7             pigsty-local           25 k
 python-paramiko                              noarch          2.1.1-9.el7             pigsty-local          269 k
 python-ply                                   noarch          3.4-11.el7              pigsty-local          123 k
 python-pycparser                             noarch          2.14-1.el7              pigsty-local          104 k
 python-setuptools                            noarch          0.9.8-7.el7             pigsty-local          397 k
 python-six                                   noarch          1.9.0-2.el7             pigsty-local           29 k
 python2-cryptography                         x86_64          1.7.2-2.el7             pigsty-local          502 k
 python2-httplib2                             noarch          0.18.1-3.el7            pigsty-local          125 k
 python2-jmespath                             noarch          0.9.4-2.el7             pigsty-local           41 k
 python2-pyasn1                               noarch          0.1.9-7.el7             pigsty-local          100 k

Transaction Summary
[ OK ] ansible = ansible 2.9.27
[ OK ] boostrap pigsty complete
proceed with ./configure

Make Offline Package

Pigsty has a bin/cache script to make offline packages.

Run this script on installed nodes, it will compress the /www/pigsty repo dir into /tmp/pkg.tgz tarball.

bin/cache [version=v2.6.0]

You can copy that /tmp/pkg.tgz to isolated production nodes for using with the same bootstrap procedure.

sudo rm -rf /www/pigsty            # remove obsolete files
sudo tar -xf /tmp/pkg.tgz -C /www  # extract to nginx dir
Make Offline Package Example Output

Example: make a offline package on fresh installed Ubuntu 22.04 with bin/cache:

vagrant@ubuntu22:~/pigsty$ bin/cache
[ OK ] create offline package on ubuntu22
[ OK ] pkg type = deb
[ OK ] repo dir = /www/pigsty
[ OK ] copy /www/pigsty to /tmp/pigsty-build/pigsty
[ OK ] grafana plugins = found, overwrite /tmp/pigsty-build/pigsty/plugins.tgz
knightss27-weathermap-panel  marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel	marcusolsson-json-datasource	marcusolsson-treemap-panel  volkovlabs-form-panel	 volkovlabs-image-panel
marcusolsson-calendar-panel  marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel	marcusolsson-static-datasource	volkovlabs-echarts-panel    volkovlabs-grapi-datasource  volkovlabs-variable-panel
[ OK ] ubuntu 22 = no packages needs to be cleansed
[ OK ] package = making pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

.................. # Lot's of packages

[ OK ] package = finish pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz 48f9cb2dd2cabb61b115bfe2ac9e002d
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1.2G Feb 29 03:09 /tmp/pkg.tgz
scp ubuntu22:/tmp/pkg.tgz v2.6.0/pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

3 - Configuration

Describe database and infrastructure as code using declarative Configuration

Pigsty treats Infra & Database as Code. You can describe the infrastructure & database clusters through a declarative interface. All your essential work is to describe your need in the inventory, then materialize it with a simple idempotent playbook.


Each pigsty deployment has a corresponding config inventory. It could be stored in a local git-managed file in YAML format or dynamically generated from CMDB or any ansible compatible format. Pigsty uses a monolith YAML config file as the default config inventory, which is pigsty.yml, located in the pigsty home directory.

The inventory consists of two parts: global vars & multiple group definitions. You can define new clusters with inventory groups: all.children. And describe infra and set global default parameters for clusters with global vars: all.vars. Which may look like this:

all:                  # Top-level object: all
  vars: {...}         # Global Parameters
  children:           # Group Definitions
    infra:            # Group Definition: 'infra'
      hosts: {...}        # Group Membership: 'infra'
      vars:  {...}        # Group Parameters: 'infra'
    etcd:    {...}    # Group Definition: 'etcd'
    pg-meta: {...}    # Group Definition: 'pg-meta'
    pg-test: {...}    # Group Definition: 'pg-test'
    redis-test: {...} # Group Definition: 'redis-test'
    # ...

There are lots of config examples under files/pigsty


Each group may represent a cluster, which could be a Node cluster, PostgreSQL cluster, Redis cluster, Etcd cluster, or Minio cluster, etc… They all use the same format: group vars & hosts. You can define cluster members with all.children.<cls>.hosts and describe cluster with cluster parameters in all.children.<cls>.vars. Here is an example of 3 nodes PostgreSQL HA cluster named pg-test:

pg-test:   # Group Name
  vars:    # Group Vars (Cluster Parameters)
    pg_cluster: pg-test
  hosts:   # Group Host (Cluster Membership) { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } # Host1 { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica } # Host2 { pg_seq: 3, pg_role: offline } # Host3

You can also define parameters for a specific host, as known as host vars. It will override group vars and global vars. Which is usually used for assigning identities to nodes & database instances.


Global vars, Group vars, and Host vars are dict objects consisting of a series of K-V pairs. Each pair is a named Parameter consisting of a string name as the key and a value of one of five types: boolean, string, number, array, or object. Check parameter reference for detailed syntax & semantics.

Every parameter has a proper default value except for mandatory IDENTITY PARAMETERS; they are used as identifiers and must be set explicitly, such as pg_cluster, pg_role, and pg_seq.

Parameters can be specified & overridden with the following precedence.

Playbook Args  >  Host Vars  >  Group Vars  >  Global Vars  >  Defaults

For examples:

  • Force removing existing databases with Playbook CLI Args -e pg_clean=true
  • Override an instance role with Instance Level Parameter pg_role on Host Vars
  • Override a cluster name with Cluster Level Parameter pg_cluster on Group Vars.
  • Specify global NTP servers with Global Parameter node_ntp_servers on Global Vars
  • If no pg_version is set, it will use the default value from role implementation (16 by default)


Pigsty have 280+ parameters, check Parameter for details.

Module Section Description Count
INFRA META Pigsty Metadata 4
INFRA CA Self-Signed CA 3
INFRA INFRA_ID Infra Portals & Identity 2
INFRA REPO Local Software Repo 9
INFRA NGINX Nginx Web Server 7
INFRA PROMETHEUS Prometheus Stack 16
INFRA GRAFANA Grafana Stack 6
INFRA LOKI Loki Logging Service 4
NODE NODE_ID Node Identity Parameters 5
NODE NODE_DNS Node domain names & resolver 5
NODE NODE_PACKAGE Node Repo & Packages 5
NODE NODE_TUNE Node Tuning & Kernel features 10
NODE NODE_ADMIN Admin User & Credentials 7
NODE NODE_TIME Node Timezone, NTP, Crontabs 5
NODE NODE_VIP Node Keepalived L2 VIP 8
NODE HAPROXY HAProxy the load balancer 10
NODE NODE_EXPORTER Node Monitoring Agent 3
NODE PROMTAIL Promtail logging Agent 4
DOCKER DOCKER Docker Daemon 4
MINIO MINIO MINIO S3 Object Storage 15
REDIS REDIS Redis the key-value NoSQL cache 20
PGSQL PG_ID PG Identity Parameters 11
PGSQL PG_BUSINESS PG Business Object Definition 12
PGSQL PG_INSTALL Install PG Packages & Extensions 10
PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP Init HA PG Cluster with Patroni 39
PGSQL PG_PROVISION Create in-database objects 9
PGSQL PG_BACKUP Set Backup Repo with pgBackRest 5
PGSQL PG_SERVICE Exposing service, bind vip, dns 9
PGSQL PG_EXPORTER PG Monitor agent for Prometheus 15

4 - Preparation

How to prepare the nodes, network, OS distros, admin user, ports, and permissions for Pigsty.


Pigsty supports the Linux kernel and x86_64/amd64 arch, applicable to any node.

A “node” refers to a resource that is SSH accessible and offers a bare OS environment, such as a physical machine, a virtual machine, or an OS container equipped with systemd and sshd.

Deploying Pigsty requires at least 1 node. The minimum spec requirement is 1C1G, but it is recommended to use at least 2C4G, with no upper limit: parameters will automatically optimize and adapt.

For demos, personal sites, devbox, or standalone monitoring infra, 1-2 nodes are recommended, while at least 3 nodes are suggested for an HA PostgreSQL cluster. For critical scenarios, 4-5 nodes are advisable.


Pigsty requires nodes to use static IPv4 addresses, which means you should explicitly assign your nodes a specific fixed IP address rather than using DHCP-assigned addresses.

The IP address used by a node should be the primary IP address for internal network communications and will serve as the node’s unique identifier.

If you wish to use the optional Node VIP and PG VIP features, ensure all nodes are located within an L2 network.

Your firewall policy should ensure the required ports are open between nodes. For a detailed list of ports required by different modules, refer to Node: Ports.

Operating System

Pigsty supports various Linux OS. We recommend using RockyLinux 8.9 or Ubuntu 22.04.3 as the default OS for installing Pigsty.

Pigsty supports RHEL (7,8,9), Debian (11,12), Ubuntu (20,22), and many other compatible OS distros. Check Compatibility For a complete list of compatible OS distros.

When deploying on multiple nodes, we strongly recommend using the same version of the OS distro and the Linux kernel on all nodes.

We strongly recommend using a clean, minimally installed OS environment with en_US set as the primary language.

Admin User

You’ll need an “admin user” on all nodes where Pigsty is meant to be deployed — an OS user with nopass ssh login and nopass sudo permissions.

On the nodes where Pigsty is installed, you need an “administrative user” who has nopass ssh login and nopass sudo permissions.

No password sudo is required to execute commands during the installation process, such as installing packages, configuring system settings, etc.

SSH Permission

In addition to nopass sudo privilege, Pigsty also requires the admin user to have nopass ssh login privilege (login via ssh key).

For single-host installations setup, this means the admin user on the local node should be able to log in to the host itself via ssh without a password.

If your Pigsty deployment involves multiple nodes, this means the admin user on the admin node should be able to log in to all nodes managed by Pigsty (including the local node) via ssh without a password, and execute sudo commands without a password as well.

During the configure procedure, if your current admin user does not have any SSH key, it will attempt to address this issue by generating a new id_rsa key pair and adding it to the local ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file to ensure local SSH login capability for the local admin user.

By default, Pigsty creates an admin user dba (uid=88) on all managed nodes. If you are already using this user, we recommend that you change the node_admin_username to a new username with a different uid, or disable it using the node_admin_enabled parameter.

SSH Accessibility

If your environment has some restrictions on SSH access, such as a bastion server or ad hoc firewall rules that prevent simple SSH access via ssh <ip>, consider using SSH aliases.

For example, if there’s a node with IP that can not be accessed directly via ssh but can be accessed via an ssh alias meta defined in ~/.ssh/config, then you can configure the ansible_host parameter for that node in the inventory to specify the SSH Alias on the host level:

  hosts:  # can not be accessed directly via ssh, but can be accessed via ssh alias 'meta' { ansible_host: meta }

If the ssh alias does not meet your requirement, there are a plethora of custom ssh connection parameters that can bring fine-grained control over SSH connection behavior.

If the following cmd can be successfully executed on the admin node by the admin user, it means that the target node’s admin user is properly configured.

ssh <ip|alias> 'sudo ls'


On the admin node, Pigsty requires ansible to initiate control. If you are using the singleton meta installation, Ansible is required on this node. It is not required for common nodes.

The bootstrap procedure will make every effort to do this for you. But you can always choose to install Ansible manually. The process of manually installing Ansible varies with different OS distros / major versions (usually involving an additional weak dependency jmespath):

sudo dnf install -y ansible python3.11-jmespath
sudo yum install -y ansible   # EL7 does not need to install jmespath explicitly
sudo apt install -y ansible python3-jmespath
brew install ansible

To install Pigsty, you also need to prepare the Pigsty source package. You can directly download a specific version from the GitHub Release page or use the following command to obtain the latest stable version:

curl -L  | bash

If your env does not have Internet access, consider using the offline packages, which are pre-packed for different OS distros, and can be downloaded from the GitHub Release page.

5 - Planning

Prepare required resources according to your needs.

6 - Playbooks

Pigsty implement module controller with ansible idempotent playbooks, here are some necessary info you need to learn about it.

Playbooks are used in Pigsty to install modules on nodes.

To run playbooks, just treat them as executables. e.g. run with ./install.yml.


Here are default playbooks included in Pigsty.

Playbook Function
install.yml Install Pigsty on current node in one-pass
infra.yml Init pigsty infrastructure on infra nodes
infra-rm.yml Remove infrastructure components from infra nodes
node.yml Init node for pigsty, tune node into desired status
node-rm.yml Remove node from pigsty
pgsql.yml Init HA PostgreSQL clusters, or adding new replicas
pgsql-rm.yml Remove PostgreSQL cluster, or remove replicas
pgsql-user.yml Add new business user to existing PostgreSQL cluster
pgsql-db.yml Add new business database to existing PostgreSQL cluster
pgsql-monitor.yml Monitor remote postgres instance with local exporters
pgsql-migration.yml Generate Migration manual & scripts for existing PostgreSQL
redis.yml Init redis cluster/node/instance
redis-rm.yml Remove redis cluster/node/instance
etcd.yml Init etcd cluster (required for patroni HA DCS)
minio.yml Init minio cluster (optional for pgbackrest repo)
cert.yml Issue cert with pigsty self-signed CA (e.g. for pg clients)
docker.yml Install docker on nodes
mongo.yml 在节点上安装 Mongo/FerretDB

One-Pass Install

The special playbook install.yml is actually a composed playbook that install everything on current environment.

  playbook  / command / group         infra           nodes    etcd     minio     pgsql
[infra.yml] ./infra.yml [-l infra]   [+infra][+node] 
[node.yml]  ./node.yml                               [+node]  [+node]  [+node]   [+node]
[etcd.yml]  ./etcd.yml  [-l etcd ]                            [+etcd]
[minio.yml] ./minio.yml [-l minio]                                     [+minio]
[pgsql.yml] ./pgsql.yml                                                          [+pgsql]

Note that there’s a circular dependency between NODE and INFRA: to register a NODE to INFRA, the INFRA should already exist, while the INFRA module relies on NODE to work.

The solution is that INFRA playbook will also install NODE module in addition to INFRA on infra nodes. Make sure that infra nodes are init first. If you really want to init all nodes including infra in one-pass, install.yml is the way to go.


Playbooks require ansible-playbook executable to run, playbooks which is included in ansible rpm / deb package.

Pigsty will try it’s best to install ansible on admin node during bootstrap.

You can install it by yourself with yum|apt|brew install ansible, it is included in default OS repo.

Knowledge about ansible is good but not required. Only three parameters needs your attention:

  • -l|--limit <pattern> : Limit execution target on specific group/host/pattern (Where)
  • -t|--tags <tags>: Only run tasks with specific tags (What)
  • -e|--extra-vars <vars>: Extra command line arguments (How)

Limit Host

The target of playbook can be limited with -l|-limit <selector>.

Missing this value could be dangerous since most playbooks will execute on all host, DO USE WITH CAUTION.

Here are some examples of host limit:

./pgsql.yml                 # run on all hosts (very dangerous!)
./pgsql.yml -l pg-test      # run on pg-test cluster
./pgsql.yml -l  # run on single host
./pgsql.yml -l pg-*         # run on host/group matching glob pattern `pg-*`
./pgsql.yml -l ',&pg-test'     # run on of group pg-test
/pgsql-rm.yml -l 'pg-test,!'   # run on pg-test, except
./pgsql.yml -l pg-test      # Execute the pgsql playbook against the hosts in the pg-test cluster

Limit Tags

You can execute a subset of playbook with -t|--tags <tags>.

You can specify multiple tags in comma separated list, e.g. -t tag1,tag2.

If specified, tasks with given tags will be executed instead of entire playbook.

Here are some examples of task limit:

./pgsql.yml -t pg_clean    # cleanup existing postgres if necessary
./pgsql.yml -t pg_dbsu     # setup os user sudo for postgres dbsu
./pgsql.yml -t pg_install  # install postgres packages & extensions
./pgsql.yml -t pg_dir      # create postgres directories and setup fhs
./pgsql.yml -t pg_util     # copy utils scripts, setup alias and env
./pgsql.yml -t patroni     # bootstrap postgres with patroni
./pgsql.yml -t pg_user     # provision postgres business users
./pgsql.yml -t pg_db       # provision postgres business databases
./pgsql.yml -t pg_backup   # init pgbackrest repo & basebackup
./pgsql.yml -t pgbouncer   # deploy a pgbouncer sidecar with postgres
./pgsql.yml -t pg_vip      # bind vip to pgsql primary with vip-manager
./pgsql.yml -t pg_dns      # register dns name to infra dnsmasq
./pgsql.yml -t pg_service  # expose pgsql service with haproxy
./pgsql.yml -t pg_exporter # expose pgsql service with haproxy
./pgsql.yml -t pg_register # register postgres to pigsty infrastructure

# run multiple tasks: reload postgres & pgbouncer hba rules
./pgsql.yml -t pg_hba,pgbouncer_hba,pgbouncer_reload

# run multiple tasks: refresh haproxy config & reload it
./node.yml -t haproxy_config,haproxy_reload

Extra Vars

Extra command-line args can be passing via -e|-extra-vars KEY=VALUE.

It has the highest precedence over all other definition.

Here are some examples of extra vars

./node.yml -e ansible_user=admin -k -K   # run playbook as another user (with admin sudo password)
./pgsql.yml -e pg_clean=true             # force purging existing postgres when init a pgsql instance
./pgsql-rm.yml -e pg_uninstall=true      # explicitly uninstall rpm after postgres instance is removed
./redis.yml -l -e redis_port=6379 -t redis  # init a specific redis instance:
./redis-rm.yml -l -e redis_port=6379        # remove a specific redis instance:

Most playbooks are idempotent, meaning that some deployment playbooks may erase existing databases and create new ones without the protection option turned on.

Please read the documentation carefully, proofread the commands several times, and operate with caution. The author is not responsible for any loss of databases due to misuse.

7 - Provisioning

Introduce the 4 node sandbox environment. and provision VMs with vagrant & terraform

Pigsty runs on nodes, which are Bare Metals or Virtual Machines. You can prepare them manually, or using terraform & vagrant for provisioning.


Pigsty has a sandbox, which is a 4-node deployment with fixed IP addresses and other identifiers. Check demo.yml for details.

The sandbox consists of 4 nodes with fixed IP addresses:,,,

There’s a primary singleton PostgreSQL cluster: pg-meta on the meta node, which can be used alone if you don’t care about PostgreSQL high availability.

  • meta pg-meta pg-meta-1

There are 3 additional nodes in the sandbox, form a 3-instance PostgreSQL HA cluster pg-test.

  • node-1
  • node-2
  • node-3

Two optional L2 VIP are bind on primary instances of cluster pg-meta and pg-test:

  • pg-meta
  • pg-test

There’s also a 1-instance etcd cluster, and 1-instance minio cluster on the meta node, too.


You can run sandbox on local VMs or cloud VMs. Pigsty offers a local sandbox based on Vagrant (pulling up local VMs using Virtualbox or libvirt), and a cloud sandbox based on Terraform (creating VMs using the cloud vendor API).

  • Local sandbox can be run on your Mac/PC for free. Your Mac/PC should have at least 4C/8G to run the full 4-node sandbox.

  • Cloud sandbox can be easily created and shared. You will have to create a cloud account for that. VMs are created on-demand and can be destroyed with one command, which is also very cheap for a quick glance.


Vagrant can create local VMs according to specs in a declarative way. Check Vagrant Templates Intro for details

Vagrant will use VirtualBox as the default VM provider. however libvirt, docker, parallel desktop and vmware can also be used. We will use VirtualBox in this guide.


Make sure Vagrant and Virtualbox are installed and available on your OS.

If you are using macOS, You can use homebrew to install both of them with one command (reboot required). You can also use vagrant-libvirt on Linux.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install vagrant virtualbox ansible   # Run on MacOS with one command, but only works on x86_64 Intel chips


vagarnt/Vagranfile is a ruby script file describing VM nodes. Here are some default specs of Pigsty.

Templates Shortcut Spec Comment
meta.rb v1 4C8G x 1 Single Meta Node
full.rb v4 2C4G + 1C2G x 3 Full 4 Nodes Sandbox Demo
el7.rb v7 2C4G + 1C2G x 3 EL7 3-node Testing Env
el8.rb v8 2C4G + 1C2G x 3 EL8 3-node Testing Env
el9.rb v9 2C4G + 1C2G x 3 EL9 3-node Testing Env
build.rb vb 2C4G x 3 3-Node EL7,8,9 Building Environment
check.rb vc 2C4G x 30 30 Node EL7-EL9 PG 12-16 Env
minio.rb vm 2C4G x 3 + Disk 3-Node MinIO/etcd Testing Env
prod.rb vp 45 nodes Prod simulation with 45 Nodes

Each spec file contains a Specs variable describe VM nodes. For example, the full.rb contains the 4-node sandbox specs.

Specs = [
  {"name" => "meta",   "ip" => "", "cpu" => "2",  "mem" => "4096", "image" => "generic/rocky9" },
  {"name" => "node-1", "ip" => "", "cpu" => "1",  "mem" => "2048", "image" => "generic/rocky9" },
  {"name" => "node-2", "ip" => "", "cpu" => "1",  "mem" => "2048", "image" => "generic/rocky9" },
  {"name" => "node-3", "ip" => "", "cpu" => "1",  "mem" => "2048", "image" => "generic/rocky9" },

You can switch specs with the vagrant/switch script, it will render the final Vagrantfile according to the spec.

cd ~/pigsty
vagrant/switch <spec>

vagrant/switch meta     # singleton meta        | alias:  `make v1`
vagrant/switch full     # 4-node sandbox        | alias:  `make v4`
vagrant/switch el7      # 3-node el7 test       | alias:  `make v7`
vagrant/switch el8      # 3-node el8 test       | alias:  `make v8`
vagrant/switch el9      # 3-node el9 test       | alias:  `make v9`
vagrant/switch prod     # prod simulation       | alias:  `make vp`
vagrant/switch build    # building environment  | alias:  `make vd`
vagrant/switch minio    # 3-node minio env
vagrant/switch check    # 30-node check env


After describing the VM nodes with specs and generate the vagrant/Vagrantfile. you can create the VMs with vagrant up command.

Pigsty templates will use your ~/.ssh/id_rsa[.pub] as the default ssh key for vagrant provisioning.

Make sure you have a valid ssh key pair before you start, you can generate one by: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

There are some makefile shortcuts that wrap the vagrant commands, you can use them to manage the VMs.

make         # = make start
make new     # destroy existing vm and create new ones
make ssh     # write VM ssh config to ~/.ssh/     (required)
make dns     # write VM DNS records to /etc/hosts (optional)
make start   # launch VMs and write ssh config    (up + ssh) 
make up      # launch VMs with vagrant up
make halt    # shutdown VMs (down,dw)
make clean   # destroy VMs (clean/del/destroy)
make status  # show VM status (st)
make pause   # pause VMs (suspend,pause)
make resume  # pause VMs (resume)
make nuke    # destroy all vm & volumes with virsh (if using libvirt) 


You can create VMs with the following shortcuts:

make meta     # singleton meta
make full     # 4-node sandbox
make el7      # 3-node el7 test
make el8      # 3-node el8 test
make el9      # 3-node el9 test
make prod     # prod simulation
make build    # building environment
make minio    # 3-node minio env
make check    # 30-node check env
make meta  install   # create and install pigsty on 1-node singleton meta
make full  install   # create and install pigsty on 4-node sandbox
make prod  install   # create and install pigsty on 42-node KVM libvirt environment
make check install   # create and install pigsty on 30-node testing & validating environment


Terraform is an open-source tool to practice ‘Infra as Code’. Describe the cloud resource you want and create them with one command.

Pigsty has terraform templates for AWS, Aliyun, and Tencent Cloud, you can use them to create VMs on the cloud for Pigsty Demo.

Terraform can be easily installed with homebrew, too: brew install terraform. You will have to create a cloud account to obtain AccessKey and AccessSecret credentials to proceed.

The terraform/ dir have two example templates: one for AWS, and one for Aliyun, you can adjust them to fit your need, or modify them if you are using a different cloud vendor.

Take Aliyun as example:

cd terraform                          # goto the terraform dir
cp spec/        # use aliyun template

You have to perform terraform init before terraform apply:

terraform init      # install terraform provider: aliyun (required only for the first time)
terraform apply     # generate execution plans: create VMs, virtual segments/switches/security groups

After running apply and answering yes to the prompt, Terraform will create the VMs and configure the network for you.

The admin node ip address will be printed out at the end of the execution, you can ssh login and start pigsty installation.

8 - Security

Security considerations and best-practices in Pigsty

Pigsty already provides a secure-by-default authentication and access control model, which is sufficient for most scenarios.


But if you want to further strengthen the security of the system, the following suggestions are for your reference:


Important Files

Secure your pigsty config inventory

  • pigsty.yml has highly sensitive information, including passwords, certificates, and keys.
  • You should limit access to admin/infra nodes, only accessible by the admin/dba users
  • Limit access to the git repo, if you are using git to manage your pigsty source.

Secure your CA private key and other certs

  • These files are very important, and will be generated under files/pki under pigsty source dir by default.
  • You should secure & backup them in a safe place periodically.


Always change these passwords, DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT VALUES:

Please change MinIO user secret key and pgbackrest_repo references

If you are using remote backup method, secure backup with distinct passwords

  • Use aes-256-cbc for pgbackrest_repo.*.cipher_type
  • When setting a password, you can use ${pg_cluster} placeholder as part of the password to avoid using the same password.

Use advanced password encryption method for PostgreSQL

  • use pg_pwd_enc default scram-sha-256 instead of legacy md5

Enforce a strong pg password with the passwordcheck extension.

  • add $lib/passwordcheck to pg_libs to enforce password policy.

Encrypt remote backup with an encryption algorithm

Add an expiration date to biz user passwords.

  • You can set an expiry date for each user for compliance purposes.

  • Don’t forget to refresh these passwords periodically.

    - { name: dbuser_meta , password: Pleas3-ChangeThisPwd ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ]    ,comment: pigsty admin user }
    - { name: dbuser_view , password: Make.3ure-Compl1ance  ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly ] ,comment: read-only viewer for meta database }
    - { name: postgres     ,superuser: true  ,expire_in: 7300                        ,comment: system superuser }
    - { name: replicator ,replication: true  ,expire_in: 7300 ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly]   ,comment: system replicator }
    - { name: dbuser_dba   ,superuser: true  ,expire_in: 7300 ,roles: [dbrole_admin]  ,pgbouncer: true ,pool_mode: session, pool_connlimit: 16 , comment: pgsql admin user }
    - { name: dbuser_monitor ,roles: [pg_monitor] ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,parameters: {log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } ,pool_mode: session ,pool_connlimit: 8 ,comment: pgsql monitor user }

Do not log changing password statement into postgres log.

SET log_statement TO 'none';
ALTER USER "{{ }}" PASSWORD '{{ user.password }}';
SET log_statement TO DEFAULT;

IP Addresses

Bind to specific IP addresses rather than all addresses for postgres/pgbouncer/patroni

  • The default pg_listen address is, which is all IPv4 addresses.
  • consider using pg_listen: '${ip},${vip},${lo}' to bind to specific addresses for better security.

Do not expose any port to the Internet; except 80/443, the infra portal

  • Grafana/Prometheus are bind to all IP address by default for convenience.
  • You can modify their bind configuration to listen on localhost/intranet IP and expose by Nginx.
  • Redis server are bind to all IP address by default for convenience. You can change redis_bind_address to listen on intranet IP.
  • You can also implement it with the security group or firewall rules.

Limit postgres client access with HBA

  • There’s a security enhance config template: security.yml

Limit patroni admin access from the infra/admin node.

Network Traffic

  • Access Nginx with SSL and domain names

  • Secure Patroni REST API with SSL

    • patroni_ssl_enabled is disabled by default
    • Since it affects health checks and API invocation.
    • Note this is a global option, and you have to decide before deployment.
  • Secure Pgbouncer Client Traffic with SSL

    • pgbouncer_sslmode is disable by default
    • Since it has a significant performance impact.



Use consistency-first mode for PostgreSQL.

  • Use crit.yml templates for pg_conf will trade some availability for the best consistency.

Use node crit tuned template for better consistency

  • set node_tune to crit to reduce dirty page ratio.
  • Enable data checksum to detect silent data corruption.
    • pg_checksum is disabled by default, and enabled for crit.yml by default
    • This can be enabled later, which requires a full cluster scan/stop.


  • Enable log_connections and log_disconnections after the pg cluster bootstrap.
    • Audit incoming sessions; this is enabled in crit.yml by default.


  • Do not access the database directly via a fixed IP address; use VIP, DNS, HAProxy, or their combination.

    • Haproxy will handle the traffic control for the clients in case of failover/switchover.
  • Use enough nodes for serious production deployment.

    • You need at least three nodes (tolerate one node failure) to achieve production-grade high availability.
    • If you only have two nodes, you can tolerate the failure of the specific standby node.
    • If you have one node, use an external S3/MinIO for cold backup & wal archive storage.
  • Trade off between availability and consistency for PostgreSQL.

    • pg_rpo : trade-off between Availability and Consistency
    • pg_rto : trade-off between failure chance and impact
  • Use multiple infra nodes in serious production deployment (e.g., 1~3)

    • Usually, 2 ~ 3 is enough for a large production deployment.
  • Use enough etcd members and use even numbers (1,3,5,7).

9 - FAQ

Frequently asked questions about download, setup, configuration, and installation in Pigsty.

If you have any unlisted questions or suggestions, please create an Issue or ask the community for help.

How to resolve node package conflict?

Beware that Pigsty’s pre-built offline packages are tailored for specific minor versions OS Distors. Therefore, if the major.minor version of your OS distro does not precisely align, we advise against using the offline installation packages. Instead, following the default installation procedure and download the package directly from upstream repo through the Internet, which will acquire the versions that exactly match your OS version.

If online installation doesn’t work for you, you can first try modifying the upstream software sources used by Pigsty. For example, in EL family operating systems, Pigsty’s default upstream sources use a major version placeholder $releasever, which resolves to specific major versions like 7, 8, 9. However, many operating system distributions offer a Vault, allowing you to use a package mirror for a specific version. Therefore, you could replace the front part of the repo_upstream parameter’s BaseURL with a specific Vault minor version repository, such as:

  •$releasever (Original BaseURL prefix, without vault)
  • (Using 7.6 instead of the default 7.9)
  • (Using 8.6 instead of the default 8.9)
  • (Using 9.2 instead of the default 9.3)

Make sure the vault URL path exists & valid before replacing the old values. Beware that some repo like epel do not offer specific minor version subdirs. Upstream repo that support this approach include: base, updates, extras, centos-sclo, centos-sclo-rh, baseos, appstream, extras, crb, powertools, pgdg-common, pgdg1*

  - { name: pigsty-local   ,description: 'Pigsty Local'      ,module: local ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://${admin_ip}/pigsty'  }} # used by intranet nodes
  - { name: pigsty-infra   ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA'      ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$basearch' ,china: '$basearch' }}
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql   ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL'      ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever.$basearch' ,china: '$releasever.$basearch' }}
  - { name: nginx          ,description: 'Nginx Repo'        ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/' }}
  - { name: docker-ce      ,description: 'Docker CE'         ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'        ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'  ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/stable' }}
  - { name: base           ,description: 'EL 7 Base'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'                    ,china: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           ,europe: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           }}
  - { name: updates        ,description: 'EL 7 Updates'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'               ,china: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      ,europe: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 7 Extras'       ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'                ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 7 EPEL'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/'            ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/'                ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/'                }}
  - { name: centos-sclo    ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'             ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'              ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'    }}
  - { name: centos-sclo-rh ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo rh'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'               ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'                ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'      }}
  - { name: baseos         ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: appstream      ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'      ,china: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'       ,europe: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'  }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: crb            ,description: 'EL 9 CRB'          ,module: node  ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'            ,china: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'             ,europe: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'        }}
  - { name: powertools     ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'     ,china: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'      ,europe: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL'        ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' ,china: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     ,europe: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     }}
  - { name: pgdg-common    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-extras    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra'  ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-el8fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '' ,china: '' , europe: '' } }
  - { name: pgdg-el9fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL9FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: ''  ,china: '' , europe: '' }}
  - { name: pgdg15         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg16         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: timescaledb    ,description: 'TimescaleDB'       ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch'  }}

After explicitly defining and overriding the repo_upstream in the Pigsty configuration file, (you may clear the /www/pigsty/repo_complete flag) try the installation again. If the upstream software source and the mirror source software do not solve the problem, you might consider replacing them with the operating system’s built-in software sources and attempt a direct installation from upstream once more.

Finally, if the above methods do not resolve the issue, consider removing conflicting packages from node_packages, infra_packages, pg_packages, pg_extensions, or remove or upgrade the conflicting packages on the existing system.

What does bootstrap do?

Check the environment, ask for downloading offline packages, and make sure the essential tool ansible is installed.

It will make sure the essential tool ansible is installed by various means.

When you download the Pigsty source code, you can enter the directory and execute the bootstrap script. It will check if your node environment is ready, and if it does not find offline packages, it will ask if you want to download them from the internet if applicable.

You can choose “yes” to use offline packages, which will make the installation procedure faster. You can also choose “no” to skip and download directly from the internet during the installation process, which will download the latest software versions and reduce the chance of RPM conflicts.

What does configure do?

Detect the environment, generate the configuration, enable the offline package (optional), and install the essential tool Ansible.

After downloading the Pigsty source package and unpacking it, you may have to execute ./configure to complete the environment configuration. This is optional if you already know how to configure Pigsty properly.

The configure procedure will detect your node environment and generate a pigsty config file: pigsty.yml for you.

What is the Pigsty config file?

pigsty.yml under the pigsty home dir is the default config file.

Pigsty uses a single config file pigsty.yml, to describe the entire environment, and you can define everything there. There are many config examples in files/pigsty for your reference.

You can pass the -i <path> to playbooks to use other configuration files. For example, you want to install redis according to another config: redis.yml:

./redis.yml -i files/pigsty/redis.yml

How to use the CMDB as config inventory

The default config file path is specified in ansible.cfg: inventory = pigsty.yml

You can switch to a dynamic CMDB inventory with bin/inventory_cmdb, and switch back to the local config file with bin/inventory_conf. You must also load the current config file inventory to CMDB with bin/inventory_load.

If CMDB is used, you must edit the inventory config from the database rather than the config file.

What is the IP address placeholder in the config file?

Pigsty uses as a placeholder for the current node IP, which will be replaced with the primary IP of the current node during the configuration.

When the configure detects multiple NICs with multiple IPs on the current node, the config wizard will prompt for the primary IP to be used, i.e., the IP used by the user to access the node from the internal network. Note that please do not use the public IP.

This IP will be used to replace in the config file template.

Which parameters need your attention?

Usually, in a singleton installation, there is no need to make any adjustments to the config files.

Pigsty provides 265 config parameters to customize the entire infra/node/etcd/minio/pgsql. However, there are a few parameters that can be adjusted in advance if needed:

  • When accessing web service components, the domain name is infra_portal (some services can only be accessed using the domain name through the Nginx proxy).
  • Pigsty assumes that a /data dir exists to hold all data; you can adjust these paths if the data disk mount point differs from this.
  • Don’t forget to change those passwords in the config file for your production deployment.


What was executed during installation?

When running make install, the ansible-playbook install.yml will be invoked to install everything on all nodes

Which will:

  • Install INFRA module on the current node.
  • Install NODE module on the current node.
  • Install ETCD module on the current node.
  • The MinIO module is optional, and will not be installed by default.
  • Install PGSQL module on the current node.

How to resolve RPM conflict?

There may have a slight chance that rpm conflict occurs during node/infra/pgsql packages installation.

The simplest way to resolve this is to install without offline packages, which will download directly from the upstream repo.

If there are only a few problematic RPM/DEB pakages, you can use a trick to fix the yum/apt repo quickly:

rm -rf /www/pigsty/repo_complete    # delete the repo_complete flag file to mark this repo incomplete
rm -rf SomeBrokenPackages           # delete problematic RPM/DEB packages
./infra.yml -t repo_upstream        # write upstream repos. you can also use /etc/yum.repos.d/backup/*
./infra.yml -t repo_pkg             # download rpms according to your current OS

How to create local VMs with vagrant

The first time you use Vagrant to pull up a particular OS repo, it will download the corresponding BOX.

Pigsty sandbox uses generic/rocky9 image box by default, and Vagrant will download the rocky/9 box for the first time the VM is started.

Using a proxy may increase the download speed. Box only needs to be downloaded once, and will be reused when recreating the sandbox.

RPMs error on Aliyun CentOS 7.9

Aliyun CentOS 7.9 server has DNS caching service nscd installed by default. Just remove it.

Aliyun’s CentOS 7.9 repo has nscd installed by default, locking out the glibc version, which can cause RPM dependency errors during installation.

"Error: Package: nscd-2.17-307.el7.1.x86_64 (@base)"

Run yum remove -y nscd on all nodes to resolve this issue, and with Ansible, you can batch.

ansible all -b -a 'yum remove -y nscd'

RPMs error on Tencent Qcloud Rocky 9.1

Tencent Qcloud Rocky 9.1 require extra annobin packages

./infra.yml -t repo_upstream      # add upstream repos
cd /www/pigsty;                   # download missing packages
repotrack annobin gcc-plugin-annobin libuser
./infra.yml -t repo_create        # create repo

Ansible command timeout (Timeout waiting for xxx)

The default ssh timeout for ansible command is 10 seconds, some commands may take longer than that due to network latency or other reasons.

You can increase the timeout parameter in the ansible config file ansible.cfg:

timeout = 10 # change to 60,120 or more