
How to install Pigsty?

Install Pigsty with 4 steps: Prepare, Download, Configure and Install. Also check offline if you don’t have internet access.

Short Version

Postgres: 16.4 Linux EL Support: 7/8/9 Debian Support: 11/12 Ubuntu Support: 20/22 Alma Rocky CentOS OracleLinux

Prepare a fresh x86_64 node that runs any compatible Linux OS Distros, then Download Pigsty with:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty;

You can run the optional bootstrap and configure to install ansible and generate pigsty.yml config file.

Next, run the install.yml playbook with an admin user (nopass ssh & sudo):

./bootstrap; ./configure; ./install.yml;
  • bootstrap: OPTIONAL, make sure ansible is installed, and use offline package /tmp/pkg.tgz if applicable
  • configure: OPTIONAL, recommend & generate pigsty.yml config according to your env.
  • install.yml: REQUIRED, install Pigsty modules according to your config file.

It may take 5-20 minutes to complete the installation according to your network speed and hardware spec.

After that, you will get a pigsty singleton node ready, with Web service on port 80/443 and Postgres on port 5432.

BTW: If you feel Pigsty is too complicated, you can consider the Minimal Install, which only installs the necessary components for HA PostgreSQL clusters.

Example: Singleton Installation on RockyLinux 9.3:



Check Preparation for a complete guide of resource preparation.

Pigsty support the Linux kernel and x86_64/amd64 arch. It can run on any nodes: physical machine, bare metal, virtual machines, or VM-like containers, but a static IPv4 address is required. The minimum spec is 1C1G. It is recommended to use bare metals or VMs with at least 2C4G. There’s no upper limit, and node param will be auto-tuned.

We recommend using fresh RockyLinux 8.10 / 9.4 or Ubuntu 22.04 as underlying operating systems. For a complete list of supported operating systems, please refer to Compatibility.

Public key ssh access to localhost and NOPASSWD sudo privilege is required to perform the installation, Try not using the root user. If you wish to manage more nodes, these nodes needs to be ssh / sudo accessible via your current admin node & admin user.

Pigsty relies on Ansible to execute playbooks. you have to install ansible and jmespath packages fist before install procedure. This can be done with the following command, or through the bootstrap procedure, especially when you don’t have internet access.

sudo dnf install -y ansible python3.12-jmespath python3-cryptography
sudo yum install -y ansible   # EL7 does not need to install jmespath explicitly
sudo apt install -y ansible python3-jmespath
brew install ansible


You can get & extract pigsty source via the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty
Install with get script
$ curl -fsSL | bash
[v3.0.2] ===========================================
$ curl -fsSL | bash
[Download] ===========================================
[ OK ] version = v3.0.2 (from default)
curl -fSL -o /tmp/pigsty-v3.0.2.tgz
######################################################################## 100.0%
[ OK ] md5sums = 01b4acbe8983c1324652ae68b4f3c56f  /tmp/pigsty-v3.0.2.tgz
[Install] ===========================================
[WARN] os user = root , it's recommended to install as a sudo-able admin
[ OK ] install = /root/pigsty, from /tmp/pigsty-v3.0.2.tgz
[TodoList] ===========================================
cd /root/pigsty
./bootstrap      # [OPTIONAL] install ansible & use offline package
./configure      # [OPTIONAL] preflight-check and config generation
./install.yml    # install pigsty modules according to your config.
[Complete] ===========================================

To install a specific version, pass the version string as the first parameter:

curl -fsSL | bash -s v3.0.2; cd ~/pigsty

You can also use git to download the Pigsty source. Please make sure to check out a specific version before using.

git clone; cd pigsty; git checkout v3.0.2


configure will create a pigsty.yml config file according to your env. This procedure is OPTIONAL if you know how to configure pigsty manually.

./configure # interactive-wizard, ask for IP address
./configure [-i|--ip <ipaddr>]                     # give primary IP & config mode
            [-c|--conf <conf>]                     # specify config template (relative to conf/ dir) 
            [-r|--region <default|china|europe>]   # choose upstream repo region
            [-n|--non-interactive]                 # skip interactive wizard
            [-x|--proxy]                           # write proxy env to config 
Configure Example Output
$ ./configure
configure pigsty v3.0.2 begin
[ OK ] region = china
[ OK ] kernel = Linux
[ OK ] machine = x86_64
[ OK ] package = rpm,yum
[ OK ] vendor  = centos (CentOS Linux)
[ OK ] version = 7 (7)
[ OK ] sudo = vagrant ok
[ OK ] ssh = [email protected] ok
[WARN] Multiple IP address candidates found:
    (1)	    inet brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic eth0
    (2)	    inet brd scope global noprefixroute eth1
[ OK ] primary_ip = (from demo)
[ OK ] admin = [email protected] ok
[WARN] mode = el7, CentOS 7.9 EOL @ 2024-06-30, deprecated, consider using el8 or el9 instead
[ OK ] configure pigsty done
proceed with ./install.yml

  • -c|--conf: Generate config from templates according to mode
  • -i|--ip: Replace IP address placeholder with your primary ipv4 address of current node.
  • -r|--region: Set upstream repo mirror according to region (default|china|europe)
  • -n|--non-interactive: skip interactive wizard and using default/arg values
  • -x|--proxy: write current proxy env to the config proxy_env (http_proxy/HTTP_PROXYHTTPS_PROXYALL_PROXYNO_PROXY)

When -n|--non-interactive is specified, you have to specify a primary IP address with -i|--ip <ipaddr> in case of multiple IP address, since there’s no default value for primary IP address in this case.

If your machine’s network interface have multiple IP addresses, you’ll need to explicitly specify a primary IP address for the current node using -i|--ip <ipaddr>, or provide it during interactive inquiry. The address should be a static IP address, and you should avoid using any public IP addresses.

You can check and modify the generated config file ~/pigsty/pigsty.yml before installation.


Run the install.yml playbook to perform a full installation on current node

./install.yml    # install everything in one-pass
Installation Output Example
[vagrant@meta pigsty]$ ./install.yml

PLAY [IDENTITY] ********************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [node_id : get node fact] *****************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=288  changed=215  unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=64   rescued=0    ignored=0
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=4    rescued=0    ignored=0

It’s a standard ansible playbook, you can have fine-grained control with ansible options:

  • -l: limit execution targets
  • -t: limit execution tasks
  • -e: passing extra args
  • -i: use another config


Once installed, you’ll have four core modules PGSQL, INFRA, NODE, and ETCD the current node.

The PGSQL provides a PostgreSQL singleton which can be accessed via:

psql postgres://dbuser_dba:[email protected]/meta     # DBA / superuser (via IP)
psql postgres://dbuser_meta:[email protected]/meta   # business admin, read / write / ddl
psql postgres://dbuser_view:DBUser.View@pg-meta/meta       # read-only user

The INFRA module gives you an entire modern observability stack, exposed by Nginx on (80 / 443):

There are several services are exposed by Nginx (configured by infra_portal):

Component Port Domain Comment Public Demo
Nginx 80/443 h.pigsty Web Service Portal, Repo
AlertManager 9093 a.pigsty Alter Aggregator
Grafana 3000 g.pigsty Grafana Dashboard Home
Prometheus 9090 p.pigsty Prometheus Web UI

Grafana Dashboards (g.pigsty, port 3000) credentials, user: admin / pass: pigsty


You can access these web UI directly via IP + port. While the common best practice would be access them through Nginx and distinguish via domain names. You’ll need configure DNS records, or use the local static records (/etc/hosts) for that.

How to access Pigsty Web UI by domain name?

There are several options:

  1. Resolve internet domain names through a DNS service provider, suitable for systems accessible from the public internet.
  2. Configure internal network DNS server resolution records for internal domain name resolution.
  3. Modify the local machine’s /etc/hosts file to add static resolution records. (For Windows, it’s located at:)

We recommend the third method for common users. On the machine (which runs the browser), add the following record into /etc/hosts (sudo required) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows:

<your_public_ip_address>  h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty

You have to use the external IP address of the node here.

How to configure server side domain names?

The server-side domain name is configured with Nginx. If you want to replace the default domain name, simply enter the domain you wish to use in the parameter infra_portal. When you access the Grafana monitoring homepage via http://g.pigsty, it is actually accessed through the Nginx proxy to Grafana’s WebUI:

http://g.pigsty ️-> (nginx) -> (grafana)

If nginx_sslmode is set to enabled or enforced, you can trust self-signed ca: files/pki/ca/ca.crt to use https in your browser.

How to use HTTPS in Pigsty WebUI?

Pigsty will generate self-signed certs for Nginx, if you wish to access via HTTPS without “Warning”, here are some options:

  • Apply & add real certs from trusted CA: such as Let’s Encrypt
  • Trust your generated CA crt as root ca in your OS and browser
  • Type thisisunsafe in Chrome will supress the warning


You can deploy & monitor more clusters with pigsty: add more nodes to pigsty.yml and run corresponding playbooks:

bin/node-add   pg-test      # init 3 nodes of cluster pg-test
bin/pgsql-add  pg-test      # init HA PGSQL Cluster pg-test
bin/redis-add  redis-ms     # init redis cluster redis-ms

Remember that most modules require the NODE module installed first. Check modules for detail




Last modified 2024-09-07: bump version to v3.0.2 (48a585d)