Module: NODE

Tune nodes into the desired state and monitor it, manage node, vip haproxy, and exporters.

Configuration | Administration | Playbook | Dashboard | Parameter


Node is an abstraction of hardware resources, which can be bare metal, virtual machines, or even k8s pods.

There are different types of nodes in Pigsty:

The admin node is usually overlapped with the infra node, if there’s more than one infra node, the first one is often used as the default admin node, and the rest of the infra nodes can be used as backup admin nodes.

Common Node

You can manage nodes with Pigsty, and install modules on them. The node.yml playbook will adjust the node to desired state.

Some services will be added to all nodes by default:

Component Port Description Status
Node Exporter 9100 Node Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
HAProxy Admin 9101 HAProxy admin page Enabled
Promtail 9080 Log collecting agent Enabled
Docker Daemon 9323 Enable Container Service Disabled
Keepalived - Manage Node Cluster L2 VIP Disabled
Keepalived Exporter 9650 Monitoring Keepalived Status Disabled

Docker & Keepalived are optional components, enabled when required.


There is one and only one admin node in a pigsty deployment, which is specified by admin_ip. It is set to the local primary IP during configure.

The node will have ssh / sudo access to all other nodes, which is critical; ensure it’s fully secured.


A pigsty deployment may have one or more infra nodes, usually 2 ~ 3, in a large production environment.

The infra group specifies infra nodes in the inventory. And infra nodes will have INFRA module installed (DNS, Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana, etc…),

The admin node is also the default and first infra node, and infra nodes can be used as ‘backup’ admin nodes.

Component Port Domain Description
Nginx 80 h.pigsty Web Service Portal (YUM/APT Repo)
AlertManager 9093 a.pigsty Alert Aggregation and delivery
Prometheus 9090 p.pigsty Monitoring Time Series Database
Grafana 3000 g.pigsty Visualization Platform
Loki 3100 - Logging Collection Server
PushGateway 9091 - Collect One-Time Job Metrics
BlackboxExporter 9115 - Blackbox Probing
Dnsmasq 53 - DNS Server
Chronyd 123 - NTP Time Server
PostgreSQL 5432 - Pigsty CMDB & default database
Ansible - - Run playbooks


The node with PGSQL module installed is called a PGSQL node. The node and pg instance is 1:1 deployed. And node instance can be borrowed from corresponding pg instances with node_id_from_pg.

Component Port Description Status
Postgres 5432 Pigsty CMDB Enabled
Pgbouncer 6432 Pgbouncer Connection Pooling Service Enabled
Patroni 8008 Patroni HA Component Enabled
Haproxy Primary 5433 Primary connection pool: Read/Write Service Enabled
Haproxy Replica 5434 Replica connection pool: Read-only Service Enabled
Haproxy Default 5436 Primary Direct Connect Service Enabled
Haproxy Offline 5438 Offline Direct Connect: Offline Read Service Enabled
Haproxy service 543x Customized PostgreSQL Services On Demand
Haproxy Admin 9101 Monitoring metrics and traffic management Enabled
PG Exporter 9630 PG Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
PGBouncer Exporter 9631 PGBouncer Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
Node Exporter 9100 Node Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
Promtail 9080 Collect Postgres, Pgbouncer, Patroni logs Enabled
Docker Daemon 9323 Docker Container Service (disable by default) Disabled
vip-manager - Bind VIP to the primary Disabled
keepalived - Node Cluster L2 VIP manager (disable by default) Disabled
Keepalived Exporter 9650 Keepalived Metrics Exporter (disable by default) Disabled


Each node has identity parameters that are configured through the parameters in <cluster>.hosts and <cluster>.vars.

Pigsty uses IP as a unique identifier for database nodes. This IP must be the IP that the database instance listens to and serves externally, But it would be inappropriate to use a public IP address!

This is very important. The IP is the inventory_hostname of the host in the inventory, which is reflected as the key in the <cluster>.hosts object.

You can use ansible_* parameters to overwrite ssh behavior, e.g. connect via domain name / alias, but the primary IPv4 is still the core identity of the node.

nodename and node_cluster are not mandatory; nodename will use the node’s current hostname by default, while node_cluster will use the fixed default value: nodes.

If node_id_from_pg is enabled, the node will borrow PGSQL identity and use it as Node’s identity, i.e. node_cluster is set to pg_cluster if applicable, and nodename is set to ${pg_cluster}-${pg_seq}. If nodename_overwrite is enabled, node’s hostname will be overwritten by nodename

Pigsty labels a node with identity parameters in the monitoring system. Which maps nodename to ins, and node_cluster into cls.

Name Type Level Necessity Comment
inventory_hostname ip - Required Node IP
nodename string I Optional Node Name
node_cluster string C Optional Node cluster name

The following cluster config declares a three-node node cluster:

  hosts: { nodename: node-test-1 } { nodename: node-test-2 } { nodename: node-test-3 }
    node_cluster: node-test

Default values:

#nodename:           # [INSTANCE] # node instance identity, use hostname if missing, optional
node_cluster: nodes   # [CLUSTER] # node cluster identity, use 'nodes' if missing, optional
nodename_overwrite: true          # overwrite node's hostname with nodename?
nodename_exchange: false          # exchange nodename among play hosts?
node_id_from_pg: true             # use postgres identity as node identity if applicable?


Here are some common administration tasks for NODE module.

Add Node

To add a node into Pigsty, you need to have nopass ssh/sudo access to the node

# ./node.yml -l <cls|ip|group>        # the underlying playbook
# bin/node-add <selector|ip...>       # add cluster/node to pigsty
bin/node-add node-test                # init node cluster 'node-test'
bin/node-add              # init node ''

Remove Node

To remove a node from Pigsty, you can use the following:

# ./node-rm.yml -l <cls|ip|group>    # the underlying playbook
# bin/node-rm <selector|ip...>       # remove node from pigsty:
bin/node-rm node-test                # remove node cluster 'node-test'
bin/node-rm              # remove node ''

Create Admin

If the current user does not have nopass ssh/sudo access to the node, you can use another admin user to bootstrap the node:

node.yml -t node_admin -k -K -e ansible_user=<another admin>   # input ssh/sudo password for another admin 

Bind VIP

You can bind an optional L2 VIP on a node cluster with vip_enabled.

  hosts: { nodename: proxy-1 } { nodename: proxy-2 } # , vip_role: master }
    node_cluster: proxy
    vip_enabled: true
    vip_vrid: 128
    vip_interface: eth1
./node.yml -l proxy -t node_vip     # enable for the first time
./node.yml -l proxy -t vip_refresh  # refresh vip config (e.g. designated master) 

Other Tasks

# Play
./node.yml -t node                            # init node itself (haproxy monitor not included)
./node.yml -t haproxy                         # setup haproxy on node to expose services
./node.yml -t monitor                         # setup node_exporter & promtail for metrics & logs
./node.yml -t node_vip                        # enable keepalived for node cluster L2 VIP
./node.yml -t vip_config,vip_reload           # refresh L2 VIP configuration
./node.yml -t haproxy_config,haproxy_reload   # refresh haproxy services definition on node cluster
./node.yml -t register_prometheus             # register node to Prometheus
./node.yml -t register_nginx                  # register haproxy admin page url to Nginx on infra nodes

# Task
./node.yml -t node-id        # generate node identity
./node.yml -t node_name      # setup hostname
./node.yml -t node_hosts     # setup /etc/hosts records
./node.yml -t node_resolv    # setup dns resolver
./node.yml -t node_firewall  # setup firewall & selinux
./node.yml -t node_ca        # add & trust ca certificate
./node.yml -t node_repo      # add upstream repo
./node.yml -t node_pkg       # install yum packages
./node.yml -t node_feature   # setup numa, grub, static network
./node.yml -t node_kernel    # enable kernel modules
./node.yml -t node_tune      # setup tuned profile
./node.yml -t node_sysctl    # setup additional sysctl parameters
./node.yml -t node_profile   # write /etc/profile.d/
./node.yml -t node_ulimit    # setup resource limits
./node.yml -t node_data      # setup main data dir
./node.yml -t node_admin     # setup admin user and ssh key
./node.yml -t node_timezone  # setup timezone
./node.yml -t node_ntp       # setup ntp server/clients
./node.yml -t node_crontab   # add/overwrite crontab tasks
./node.yml -t node_vip       # setup optional l2 vrrp vip for node cluster


There are two node playbooks node.yml and node-rm.yml


The playbook node.yml will init node for pigsty

Subtasks of this playbook:

# node-id       : generate node identity
# node_name     : setup hostname
# node_hosts    : setup /etc/hosts records
# node_resolv   : setup dns resolver
# node_firewall : setup firewall & selinux
# node_ca       : add & trust ca certificate
# node_repo     : add upstream repo
# node_pkg      : install yum packages
# node_feature  : setup numa, grub, static network
# node_kernel   : enable kernel modules
# node_tune     : setup tuned profile
# node_sysctl   : setup additional sysctl parameters
# node_profile  : write /etc/profile.d/
# node_ulimit   : setup resource limits
# node_data     : setup main data dir
# node_admin    : setup admin user and ssh key
# node_timezone : setup timezone
# node_ntp      : setup ntp server/clients
# node_crontab  : add/overwrite crontab tasks
# node_vip      : setup optional l2 vrrp vip for node cluster
#   - vip_install
#   - vip_config
#   - vip_launch
#   - vip_reload
# haproxy       : setup haproxy on node to expose services
#   - haproxy_install
#   - haproxy_config
#   - haproxy_launch
#   - haproxy_reload
# monitor       : setup node_exporter & promtail for metrics & logs
#   - haproxy_register
#   - vip_dns
#   - node_exporter
#     - node_exporter_config
#     - node_exporter_launch
#   - vip_exporter
#     - vip_exporter_config
#     - vip_exporter_launch
#   - node_register
#   - promtail
#     - promtail_clean
#     - promtail_config
#     - promtail_install
#     - promtail_launch



The playbook node-rm.yml will remove node from pigsty.playbook

Subtasks of this playbook:

# register       : remove register from prometheus & nginx
#   - prometheus : remove registered prometheus monitor target
#   - nginx      : remove nginx proxy record for haproxy admin
# vip            : remove node keepalived if enabled
# haproxy        : remove haproxy load balancer
# node_exporter  : remove monitoring exporter
# vip_exporter   : remove keepalived_exporter if enabled
# promtail       : remove loki log agent
# profile        : remove /etc/profile.d/


There are 6 dashboards for NODE module.

NODE Overview: Overview of all nodes

Node Overview Dashboard


NODE Cluster: Detail information about one dedicate node cluster

Node Cluster Dashboard


Node Instance : Detail information about one single node instance

Node Instance Dashboard


NODE Alert: Overview of key metrics of all node clusters/instances

Node Alert Dashboard


NODE VIP: Detail information about a L2 VIP on a node cluster

Node VIP Dashboard


Node Haproxy : Detail information about haproxy on node instance

Node Haproxy Dashboard



There are 11 sections, 66 parameters about NODE module.

Parameter Section Type Level Comment
nodename NODE_ID string I node instance identity, use hostname if missing, optional
node_cluster NODE_ID string C node cluster identity, use ’nodes’ if missing, optional
nodename_overwrite NODE_ID bool C overwrite node’s hostname with nodename?
nodename_exchange NODE_ID bool C exchange nodename among play hosts?
node_id_from_pg NODE_ID bool C use postgres identity as node identity if applicable?
node_write_etc_hosts NODE_DNS bool G/C/I modify /etc/hosts on target node?
node_default_etc_hosts NODE_DNS string[] G static dns records in /etc/hosts
node_etc_hosts NODE_DNS string[] C extra static dns records in /etc/hosts
node_dns_method NODE_DNS enum C how to handle dns servers: add,none,overwrite
node_dns_servers NODE_DNS string[] C dynamic nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf
node_dns_options NODE_DNS string[] C dns resolv options in /etc/resolv.conf
node_repo_modules NODE_PACKAGE enum C/A how to setup node repo: none,local,public,both
node_repo_remove NODE_PACKAGE bool C/A remove existing repo on node?
node_packages NODE_PACKAGE string[] C packages to be installed current nodes
node_default_packages NODE_PACKAGE string[] G default packages to be installed on all nodes
node_disable_firewall NODE_TUNE bool C disable node firewall? true by default
node_disable_selinux NODE_TUNE bool C disable node selinux? true by default
node_disable_numa NODE_TUNE bool C disable node numa, reboot required
node_disable_swap NODE_TUNE bool C disable node swap, use with caution
node_static_network NODE_TUNE bool C preserve dns resolver settings after reboot
node_disk_prefetch NODE_TUNE bool C setup disk prefetch on HDD to increase performance
node_kernel_modules NODE_TUNE string[] C kernel modules to be enabled on this node
node_hugepage_count NODE_TUNE int C number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over ratio
node_hugepage_ratio NODE_TUNE float C node mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
node_overcommit_ratio NODE_TUNE int C node mem overcommit ratio (50-100), 0 disable it by default
node_tune NODE_TUNE enum C node tuned profile: none,oltp,olap,crit,tiny
node_sysctl_params NODE_TUNE dict C sysctl parameters in k:v format in addition to tuned
node_data NODE_ADMIN path C node main data directory, /data by default
node_admin_enabled NODE_ADMIN bool C create a admin user on target node?
node_admin_uid NODE_ADMIN int C uid and gid for node admin user
node_admin_username NODE_ADMIN username C name of node admin user, dba by default
node_admin_ssh_exchange NODE_ADMIN bool C exchange admin ssh key among node cluster
node_admin_pk_current NODE_ADMIN bool C add current user’s ssh pk to admin authorized_keys
node_admin_pk_list NODE_ADMIN string[] C ssh public keys to be added to admin user
node_timezone NODE_TIME string C setup node timezone, empty string to skip
node_ntp_enabled NODE_TIME bool C enable chronyd time sync service?
node_ntp_servers NODE_TIME string[] C ntp servers in /etc/chrony.conf
node_crontab_overwrite NODE_TIME bool C overwrite or append to /etc/crontab?
node_crontab NODE_TIME string[] C crontab entries in /etc/crontab
vip_enabled NODE_VIP bool C enable vip on this node cluster?
vip_address NODE_VIP ip C node vip address in ipv4 format, required if vip is enabled
vip_vrid NODE_VIP int C required, integer, 1-254, should be unique among same VLAN
vip_role NODE_VIP enum I optional, master/backup, backup by default, use as init role
vip_preempt NODE_VIP bool C/I optional, true/false, false by default, enable vip preemption
vip_interface NODE_VIP string C/I node vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
vip_dns_suffix NODE_VIP string C node vip dns name suffix, empty string by default
vip_exporter_port NODE_VIP port C keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default
haproxy_enabled HAPROXY bool C enable haproxy on this node?
haproxy_clean HAPROXY bool G/C/A cleanup all existing haproxy config?
haproxy_reload HAPROXY bool A reload haproxy after config?
haproxy_auth_enabled HAPROXY bool G enable authentication for haproxy admin page
haproxy_admin_username HAPROXY username G haproxy admin username, admin by default
haproxy_admin_password HAPROXY password G haproxy admin password, pigsty by default
haproxy_exporter_port HAPROXY port C haproxy admin/exporter port, 9101 by default
haproxy_client_timeout HAPROXY interval C client side connection timeout, 24h by default
haproxy_server_timeout HAPROXY interval C server side connection timeout, 24h by default
haproxy_services HAPROXY service[] C list of haproxy service to be exposed on node
node_exporter_enabled NODE_EXPORTER bool C setup node_exporter on this node?
node_exporter_port NODE_EXPORTER port C node exporter listen port, 9100 by default
node_exporter_options NODE_EXPORTER arg C extra server options for node_exporter
promtail_enabled PROMTAIL bool C enable promtail logging collector?
promtail_clean PROMTAIL bool G/A purge existing promtail status file during init?
promtail_port PROMTAIL port C promtail listen port, 9080 by default
promtail_positions PROMTAIL path C promtail position status file path


Pigsty NODE module metric list


Pigsty NODE module frequently asked questions

Last modified 2025-02-16: init (862d5c3)