
How to manage PostgreSQL cluster with ansible playbooks

Pigsty has a series of playbooks for PostgreSQL:

  • pgsql.yml : Init HA PostgreSQL clusters or add new replicas.
  • pgsql-rm.yml : Remove PostgreSQL cluster, or remove replicas
  • pgsql-user.yml : Add new business user to existing PostgreSQL cluster
  • pgsql-db.yml : Add new business database to existing PostgreSQL cluster
  • pgsql-monitor.yml : Monitor remote PostgreSQL instance with local exporters
  • pgsql-migration.yml : Generate Migration manual & scripts for existing PostgreSQL


Beware, when using the pgsql.yml and pgsql-rm.yml playbooks, it can pose a risk of accidentally deleting databases if misused!

  • When using pgsql.yml, please check the --tags|-t and --limit|-l parameters.
  • Adding the -l parameter when executing playbooks is strongly recommended to limit execution hosts.
  • Think thrice before proceeding.

To prevent accidental deletions, the PGSQL module offers a safeguard option controlled by the following two parameters:

  • pg_safeguard is set to false by default: do not prevent purging by default.
  • pg_clean is set to true by default, meaning it will clean existing instances.

Effects on the init playbook

When meeting a running instance with the same config during the execution of the pgsql.yml playbook:

pg_safeguard / pg_clean pg_clean=true pg_clean=false
pg_safeguard=false Purge Abort
pg_safeguard=true Abort Abort
  • If pg_safeguard is enabled, the playbook will abort to avoid purging the running instance.
  • If the safeguard is disabled, it will further decide whether to remove the existing instance according to the value of pg_clean.
    • If pg_clean is true, the playbook will directly clean up the existing instance to make room for the new instance. This is the default behavior.
    • If pg_clean is false, the playbook will abort, which requires explicit configuration.

Effects on the remove playbook

When meeting a running instance with the same config during the execution of the pgsql-rm.yml playbook:

pg_safeguard / pg_clean pg_clean=true pg_clean=false
pg_safeguard=false Purge & rm data Purge
pg_safeguard=true Abort Abort
  • If pg_safeguard is enabled, the playbook will abort to avoid purging the running instance.
  • If the safeguard is disabled, it purges the running instance and will further decide whether to remove the existing data along with the instance according to the value of pg_clean.
    • If pg_clean is true, the playbook will directly clean up the PostgreSQL data cluster.
    • If pg_clean is false, the playbook will skip data purging, which requires explicit configuration.


The pgsql.yml is used for init HA PostgreSQL clusters or adding new replicas.


This playbook contains following subtasks:

# pg_clean      : cleanup existing postgres if necessary
# pg_dbsu       : setup os user sudo for postgres dbsu
# pg_install    : install postgres packages & extensions
#   - pg_pkg              : install postgres related packages
#   - pg_extension        : install postgres extensions only
#   - pg_path             : link pgsql version bin to /usr/pgsql
#   - pg_env              : add pgsql bin to system path
# pg_dir        : create postgres directories and setup fhs
# pg_util       : copy utils scripts, setup alias and env
#   - pg_bin              : sync postgres util scripts /pg/bin
#   - pg_alias            : write /etc/profile.d/
#   - pg_psql             : create psqlrc file for psql
#   - pg_dummy            : create dummy placeholder file
# patroni       : bootstrap postgres with patroni
#   - pg_config           : generate postgres config
#     - pg_conf           : generate patroni config
#     - pg_systemd        : generate patroni systemd config
#     - pgbackrest_config : generate pgbackrest config
#   -  pg_cert            : issues certificates for postgres
#   -  pg_launch          : launch postgres primary & replicas
#     - pg_watchdog       : grant watchdog permission to postgres
#     - pg_primary        : launch patroni/postgres primary
#     - pg_init           : init pg cluster with roles/templates
#     - pg_pass           : write .pgpass file to pg home
#     - pg_replica        : launch patroni/postgres replicas
#     - pg_hba            : generate pg HBA rules
#     - patroni_reload    : reload patroni config
#     - pg_patroni        : pause or remove patroni if necessary
# pg_user       : provision postgres business users
#   - pg_user_config      : render create user sql
#   - pg_user_create      : create user on postgres
# pg_db         : provision postgres business databases
#   - pg_db_config        : render create database sql
#   - pg_db_create        : create database on postgres
# pg_backup               : init pgbackrest repo & basebackup
#   - pgbackrest_init     : init pgbackrest repo
#   - pgbackrest_backup   : make a initial backup after bootstrap
# pgbouncer     : deploy a pgbouncer sidecar with postgres
#   - pgbouncer_clean     : cleanup existing pgbouncer
#   - pgbouncer_dir       : create pgbouncer directories
#   - pgbouncer_config    : generate pgbouncer config
#     -  pgbouncer_svc    : generate pgbouncer systemd config
#     -  pgbouncer_ini    : generate pgbouncer main config
#     -  pgbouncer_hba    : generate pgbouncer hba config
#     -  pgbouncer_db     : generate pgbouncer database config
#     -  pgbouncer_user   : generate pgbouncer user config
#   -  pgbouncer_launch   : launch pgbouncer pooling service
#   -  pgbouncer_reload   : reload pgbouncer config
# pg_vip        : bind vip to pgsql primary with vip-manager
#   - pg_vip_config       : generate config for vip-manager
#   - pg_vip_launch       : launch vip-manager to bind vip
# pg_dns        : register dns name to infra dnsmasq
#   - pg_dns_ins          : register pg instance name
#   - pg_dns_cls          : register pg cluster name
# pg_service    : expose pgsql service with haproxy
#   - pg_service_config   : generate local haproxy config for pg services
#   - pg_service_reload   : expose postgres services with haproxy
# pg_exporter   : expose pgsql service with haproxy
#   - pg_exporter_config  : config pg_exporter & pgbouncer_exporter
#   - pg_exporter_launch  : launch pg_exporter
#   - pgbouncer_exporter_launch : launch pgbouncer exporter
# pg_register   : register postgres to pigsty infrastructure
#   - register_prometheus : register pg as prometheus monitor targets
#   - register_grafana    : register pg database as grafana datasource

Administration Tasks that use this playbook

Some notes about this playbook

When running this playbook on a single replica, You should make sure the cluster primary is already initialized.


The playbook pgsql-rm.yml can remove PostgreSQL cluster, or specific replicas from cluster.


This playbook contains following subtasks:

# register       : remove registration in prometheus, grafana, nginx
#   - prometheus : remove monitor target from prometheus
#   - grafana    : remove datasource from grafana
# dns            : remove pg dns records
# vip            : remove pg vip manager
# pg_service     : remove service definition from haproxy
# pg_exporter    : remove pg_exporter & pgbouncer_exporter
# pgbouncer      : remove pgbouncer connection middleware
# postgres       : remove postgres instances
#   - pg_replica : remove all replicas
#   - pg_primary : remove primary instance
#   - dcs        : remove metadata from dcs
# pg_data        : remove postgres data (disable with `pg_clean=false`),
# pgbackrest     : remove postgres backup when removing primary (disable with `pgbackrest_clean=false`),
# pg_pkg         : remove postgres packages (enable with `pg_uninstall=true`)

Some arguments can affect the behavior of this playbook:

# remove pgsql cluster `pg-test`
   pgsql-rm.yml -l pg-test       # remove cluster `pg-test`
       -e pg_clean=true          # remove postgres data by default
       -e pgbackrest_clean=true  # remove postgres backup by default (when removing primary)
       -e pg_uninstall=false     # do not uninstall pg packages by default, explicit override required
       -e pg_safeguard=false     # purge safeguard is not enabled by default, explicit override required

Administration Tasks that use this playbook

Some notes about this playbook

Do not run this playbook on single cluster primary directly when there are still replicas.

  • otherwise the rest replicas will trigger automatic failover.
  • It won’t be a problem if you remove all replicas before removing primary.
  • If you run this on the entire cluster, you don’t have to worry about this.

Reload service after removing replicas from cluster

  • When a replica is removed, it is still in the configuration file of the haproxy load balancer.
  • It is a dead server, so it won’t affect the cluster service.
  • But you should reload service in time to ensure the consistency between the environment and the config inventory.


The playbook pgsql-user.yml can add new business user to existing PostgreSQL cluster.

Check admin SOP: Create User


The playbook pgsql-db.yml can add new business database to existing PostgreSQL cluster.

Check admin SOP: Create Database


The playbook pgsql-monitor.yml can monitor remote postgres instance with local exporters.

Check admin SOP: Monitor Postgres


The playbook pgsql-migration.yml can generate migration manual & scripts for existing PostgreSQL cluster.

Check admin SOP: Migration

Last modified 2024-09-01: polish setup docs (da92dd5)