Extension List

List of PostgreSQL extensions supported by Pigsty, and their compatibility on different OS distros.

Pigsty has rich support for PostgreSQL extensions, including 230 RPM extensions and 189 DEB extensions.

There are 255 unique extensions in total (rpm + deb + contrib), including 73 common contrib extensions and 91 extensions both available to rpm/deb 。

Pigsty also maintains 34 RPM Extensions and 10 DEB extensions in its own repo.


RPM Extension

Pigsty has 230 extensions available on EL compatible distros. Including 73 contrib extensions and 157 extra RPM extensions, 34 of which are maintained by Pigsty.

Based on el8, there are 6 extensions not yet ready for PG 16 (marked with ), so the available count is 224, actually.

name version category repo pkg description comment
pg_cron 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_cron_16 Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_repack 1.5.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_repack_16 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
ddlx 0.27 ADMIN pgdg16 ddlx_16 DDL eXtractor functions
pg_dirtyread 2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pg_dirtyread_16 Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pg_readonly 1.0.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_readonly_16 cluster database read only
pg_squeeze 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_squeeze_16 A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pgagent 4.2 ADMIN pgdg16 pgagent_16 A PostgreSQL job scheduler
pgautofailover 2.1 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_auto_failover_16 pg_auto_failover
pgdd 0.5.2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pgdd_16 An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (https://github.com/zombodb/pgx).
pgfincore 1.3.1 ADMIN pgdg16 pgfincore_16 examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgl_ddl_deploy 2.2 ADMIN pgdg16 pgl_ddl_deploy_16 automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pgpool_adm 1.5 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions replacement for regclass
prioritize 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 prioritize_16 get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
safeupdate 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 safeupdate_16 Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE
pgml 2.8.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pgml_16 PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
vector 0.7.0 AI pgdg16 pgvector_16 vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
pg_tiktoken 0.0.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_tiktoken_16 pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres
svector 0.6.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_sparse_16 pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods obsolete
vectorize 0.15.0 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_vectorize_16 The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres deps: pgmq, pg_cron
wal2json 2.5.3 ETL pgdg16 wal2json_16 Changing data capture in JSON format
decoderbufs 0.1.0 ETL pgdg16 postgres-decoderbufs_16 Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
pg_bulkload 3.1.21 ETL pgdg16 pg_bulkload_16 pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
pg_fact_loader 2.0 ETL pgdg16 pg_fact_loader_16 build fact tables with Postgres
wrappers 0.3.1 FDW pigsty-pgsql wrappers_16 Foreign data wrappers developed by Supabase
db2_fdw 6.0.1 FDW pgdg16-non-free db2_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for DB2 access extra db2 deps
hdfs_fdw 2.0.5 FDW pgdg16 hdfs_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers
mongo_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 mongo_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access
mysql_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 mysql_fdw_16 Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
ogr_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 ogr_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
oracle_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16-non-free oracle_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for Oracle access extra oracle deps
pgbouncer_fdw 1.1.0 FDW pgdg16 pgbouncer_fdw_16 Extension for querying PgBouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions
sqlite_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 sqlite_fdw_16 SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper
tds_fdw 2.0.3 FDW pgdg16 tds_fdw_16 Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
age 1.5.0 FEAT pigsty-pgsql age_16 AGE graph database extension
pg_graphql 1.5.4 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg_graphql_16 pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg_jsonschema_16 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
pg_strom 5.1 FEAT pgdg16-non-free pg_strom_16 PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME extra cuda deps
pgmq 1.1.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pgmq_16 A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pgq 3.5.1 FEAT pgdg16 pgq_16 Generic queue for PostgreSQL
emaj 4.4.0 FEAT pgdg16 e-maj_16 E-Maj extension enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
hll 2.18 FEAT pgdg16 hll_16 type for storing hyperloglog data
hypopg 1.4.1 FEAT pgdg16 hypopg_16 Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
jsquery 1.1 FEAT pgdg16 jsquery_16 data type for jsonb inspection
periods 1.2 FEAT pgdg16 periods_16 Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
pg_hint_plan 1.6.0 FEAT pgdg16 pg_hint_plan_16 Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
pg_ivm 1.8 FEAT pgdg16 pg_ivm_16 incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgtt 3.1.0 FEAT pgdg16 pgtt_16 Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
rum 1.3 FEAT pgdg16 rum_16 RUM index access method
table_version 1.10.3 FEAT pgdg16 table_version_16 PostgreSQL table versioning extension
temporal_tables 1.2.2 FEAT pgdg16 temporal_tables_16 temporal tables
pg_net 0.9.1 FUNC pgdg16 pg_net_16 Async HTTP
count_distinct 3.0.1 FUNC pgdg16 count_distinct_16 An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT …) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate
extra_window_functions 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 extra_window_functions_16 Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
gzip 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_gzip_16 gzip and gunzip functions. new in pgdg
http 1.6 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_http_16 HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database. new in pgdg
pg_background 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 pg_background_16 Run SQL queries in the background
pg_idkit 0.2.3 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg_idkit_16 multi-tool for generating new/niche universally unique identifiers (ex. UUIDv6, ULID, KSUID)
pg_later 0.1.0 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg_later_16 pg_later: Run queries now and get results later dep: pgmq
pgjwt 0.2.0 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pgjwt_16 JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pgsql_tweaks 0.10.2 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_tweaks_16 Some functions and views for daily usage
tdigest 1.4.1 FUNC pgdg16 tdigest_16 Provides tdigest aggregate function.
topn 2.6.0 FUNC pgdg16 topn_16 type for top-n JSONB
postgis 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
address_standardizer 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 Address Standardizer US dataset example
h3 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 h3-pg_16 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 h3-pg_16 H3 PostGIS integration
pgrouting 3.6.0 GIS pgdg16 pgrouting_16 pgRouting Extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 GIS pigsty-pgsql pointcloud_16 data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 pointcloud_16 integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
postgis_raster 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
plv8 3.2.2 LANG pigsty-pgsql plv8_16 PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
pg_tle 1.4.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql pg_tle_16 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
pldbgapi 1.1 LANG pgdg16 pldebugger_16 server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
pllua 2.0 LANG pgdg16 pllua_16 Lua as a procedural language
plluau 2.0 LANG pgdg16 pllua_16 Lua as an untrusted procedural language
plpgsql_check 2.7 LANG pgdg16 plpgsql_check_16 extended check for plpgsql functions
plprql 0.1.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql plprql_16 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language
plr 8.4.6 LANG pgdg16 plr_16 load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
plsh 2 LANG pgdg16 plsh_16 PL/sh procedural language
columnar 11.1-11 OLAP pigsty-pgsql hydra_16 Hydra Columnar extension hydra 1.1.2
duckdb_fdw 1.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql duckdb_fdw_16 DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper libduckdb 0.10.2
parquet_s3_fdw 0.3 OLAP pigsty-pgsql parquet_s3_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for parquet on S3/MinIO deps: libarrow-s3
pg_analytics 0.6.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_analytics_16 Real-time analytics for PostgreSQL using columnar storage and vectorized execution
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_lakehouse_16 pg_lakehouse: An analytical query engine for Postgres rust
timescaledb 2.15.0 OLAP timescaledb timescaledb-2-postgresql-16 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
citus_columnar 11.3-1 OLAP pgdg16 citus_16 Citus columnar storage engine citus
pg_tier 0.0.3 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_tier_16 pg_tier: tiered storage developed by tembo.io 依赖parquet_s3_fdw
pglogical 2.4.4 REPL pgdg16 pglogical_16 PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical_origin 1.0.0 REPL pgdg16 pglogical_16 Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
repmgr 5.4 REPL pgdg16 repmgr_16 Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pg_search 0.7.0 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql pg_search_16 pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25 old name: pg_bm25
zhparser 2.2 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql zhparser_16 a parser for full-text search of Chinese deps: scws
pg_bigm 1.2 SEARCH pgdg16 pg_bigm_16 create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search.
pg_tde 1.0 SEC pigsty-pgsql pg_tde_16 pg_tde access method alpha
pgsmcrypto 0.1.0 SEC pigsty-pgsql pgsmcrypto_16 PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
anon 1.3.2 SEC pgdg16 postgresql_anonymizer_16 Data anonymization tools
credcheck 2.7.0 SEC pgdg16 credcheck_16 credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
logerrors 2.1 SEC pgdg16 logerrors_16 Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
login_hook 1.5 SEC pgdg16 login_hook_16 login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time
passwordcracklib 3.0.0 SEC pgdg16 passwordcracklib_16 Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib
pg_auth_mon 1.1 SEC pgdg16 pg_auth_mon_16 monitor connection attempts per user
pg_jobmon 1.4.1 SEC pgdg16 pg_jobmon_16 Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
pgaudit 16.0 SEC pgdg16 pgaudit_16 provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile 1.5 SEC pgdg16 pgauditlogtofile_16 pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
pgcryptokey 1.0 SEC pgdg16 pgcryptokey_16 cryptographic key management
pgsodium 3.1.9 SEC pgdg16 pgsodium_16 Postgres extension for libsodium functions
set_user 4.0.1 SEC pgdg16 set_user_16 similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
supabase_vault 0.2.8 SEC pigsty-pgsql vault_16 Supabase Vault Extension
citus 12.1-1 SHARD pgdg16 citus_16 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
pg_fkpart 1.7 SHARD pgdg16 pg_fkpart_16 Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman 5.1.0 SHARD pgdg16 pg_partman_16 Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
orafce 4.10 SIM pgdg16 orafce_16 Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pg_dbms_job 1.5.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_job_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_lock 1.0.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_lock_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_metadata 1.0.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_metadata_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_extra_time 1.1.2 SIM pgdg16 pg_extra_time_16 Some date time functions and operators that,
pgmemcache 2.3.0 SIM pgdg16 pgmemcache_16 memcached interface
pg_permissions 1.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_permissions_16 view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pg_profile 4.6 STAT pgdg16 pg_profile_16 PostgreSQL load profile repository and report builder
pg_qualstats 2.1.0 STAT pgdg16 pg_qualstats_16 An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_show_plans 2.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_show_plans_16 show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.3 STAT pgdg16 pg_stat_kcache_16 Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_monitor 2.0 STAT pgdg16 pg_stat_monitor_16 The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
pg_statviz 0.6 STAT pgdg16 pg_statviz_extension_16 stats visualization and time series analysis
pg_store_plans 1.8 STAT pgdg16 pg_store_plans_16 track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_track_settings 2.1.2 STAT pgdg16 pg_track_settings_16 Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_wait_sampling_16 sampling based statistics of wait events
pgexporter_ext 0.2.3 STAT pgdg16 pgexporter_ext_16 pgexporter extension for extra metrics
pgmeminfo 1.0 STAT pgdg16 pgmeminfo_16 show memory usage
plprofiler 4.2 STAT pgdg16 plprofiler_16 server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
powa 4.2.2 STAT pgdg16 powa_16 PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
system_stats 2.0 STAT pgdg16 system_stats_16 EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL
dbt2 0.45.0 TEST pgdg16 dbt2-pg16-extensions OSDL-DBT-2 test kit
faker 0.5.3 TEST pgdg16 postgresql_faker_16 Wrapper for the Faker Python library postgresql_faker
pgtap 1.3.3 TEST pgdg16 pgtap_16 Unit testing for PostgreSQL
ip4r 2.4 TYPE pgdg16 ip4r_16 IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
md5hash 1.0.1 TYPE pigsty-pgsql md5hash_16 type for storing 128-bit binary data inline
pg_uuidv7 1.5 TYPE pgdg16 pg_uuidv7_16 pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres
pgmp 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 pgmp_16 Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
prefix 1.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 prefix_16 Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 TYPE pigsty-pgsql pg_roaringbitmap_16 support for Roaring Bitmaps
semver 0.32.1 TYPE pgdg16 semver_16 Semantic version data type
timestamp9 1.4.0 TYPE pgdg16 timestamp9_16 timestamp nanosecond resolution
uint 0 TYPE pgdg16 uint_16 unsigned integer types
unit 7 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-unit_16 SI units extension
imgsmlr ❋ 1.0.0 AI pigsty-pgsql imgsmlr_16 Image similarity with haar
pg_similarity ❋ 1.0.0 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_similarity_16 support similarity queries
multicorn ❋ 2.4 FDW pgdg16 multicorn2_16 Fetch foreign data in Python in your PostgreSQL server.
geoip ❋ 0.2.4 GIS pgdg16 geoip_16 IP-based geolocation query
plproxy ❋ 2.10.0 SHARD pgdg16 plproxy_16 Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
mysqlcompat ❋ 0.0.7 SIM pgdg16 mysqlcompat_16 A reimplemenation of as many MySQL functions as possible in PostgreSQL

DEB Extension

Pigsty has 189 available extensions on Debian systems, including 73 PostgreSQL contrib extensions and 116 extra deb extensions, 10 of which are maintained by Pigsty.

Based on Debian 12 & Ubuntu 22.04, which may have very slight differences in available extensions:

name version category repo pkg description comment
pg_cron 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-cron Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_repack 1.5.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-repack Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_dirtyread 2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-dirtyread Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pg_squeeze 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgsphere A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pgagent 4.2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgagent A PostgreSQL job scheduler
pgautofailover 2.1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-auto-failover pg_auto_failover
pgdd 0.5.2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pgdd An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax ubuntu22 only
pgfincore 1.3.1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgfincore examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgl_ddl_deploy 2.2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgl-ddl-deploy automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pgpool_adm 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 replacement for regclass
prioritize 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-prioritize get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
toastinfo 1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-toastinfo show details on toasted datums
pgml 2.8.1 AI pgml postgresql-16-pgml PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
vector 0.7.0 AI pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgvector vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
pg_similarity 1.0 AI pgdg16 postgresql-16-similarity support similarity queries
svector 0.6.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg-sparse pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods depreciated
wal2json 2.5.3 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-wal2json Changing data capture in JSON format
decoderbufs 0.1.0 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-decoderbufs Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
pg_fact_loader 2.0 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-fact-loader build fact tables with Postgres
wrappers 0.3.1 FDW pigsty-pgsql wrappers Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers by Supabase rust
mysql_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-mysql-fdw Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
ogr_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-ogr-fdw foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
oracle_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-oracle-fdw foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
tds_fdw 2.0.3 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-tds-fdw Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
age 1.5.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-age AGE graph database extension
pg_graphql 1.5.4 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg-graphql pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg-jsonschema PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation rust
rdkit 4.3.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-rdkit Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
hll 2.18 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-hll type for storing hyperloglog data
hypopg 1.4.1 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-hypopg Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
jsquery 1.1 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-jsquery data type for jsonb inspection
periods 1.2 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-periods Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
pg_hint_plan 1.6.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-hint-plan Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
pgq 3.5 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgq Generic queue for PostgreSQL
pgq_node 3.5 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgq Generic queue for PostgreSQL, node extension
pre_prepare 0.4 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-preprepare Prepare your prepare statement on server-side
rum 1.3 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-rum RUM index access method
pg_net 0.9.1 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg-net Enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL rust
extra_window_functions 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-extra-window-functions Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
first_last_agg 0.1.4 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-first-last-agg first() and last() aggregate functions
http 1.6 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-http HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
icu_ext 1.8 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-icu-ext PostgreSQL extension (in C) to expose functionality from the ICU library
pg_sphere 1.5.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg_sphere spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
pgpcre 1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpcre Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions
q3c 2.0.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-q3c q3c sky indexing plugin
tdigest 1.4.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-tdigest Provides tdigest aggregate function.
topn 2.6.0 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-topn type for top-n JSONB
postgis-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
address_standardizer-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 Address Standardizer US dataset example
h3 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-h3 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-h3 H3 PostGIS integration
ip4r 2.4 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-ip4r IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
mobilitydb 1.1.1 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-mobilitydb MobilityDB geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform
pgrouting 3.6.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgrouting pgRouting Extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pointcloud data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pointcloud integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
postgis_raster-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
hstore_pllua 1.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Hstore transform for Lua
hstore_plluau 1.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua transform between hstore and plluau
omnidb_plpgsql_debugger 1.0.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-omnidb Enable PL/PgSQL Debugger on OmniDB
pldbgapi 1.1 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pldbgapi server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
pljava 1.6.7 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pljava PL/Java procedural language
pllua 2.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Lua as a procedural language
plluau 2.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Lua as an untrusted procedural language
plpgsql_check 2.7 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plpgsql-check extended check for plpgsql functions
plprql 0.1.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql plprql Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language debian only
plr 8.4.6 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plr load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
plsh 2 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plsh PL/sh procedural language
pg_analytics 0.6.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg-analytics Real-time analytics for PostgreSQL using columnar storage and vectorized execution ubuntu22 only
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg-lakehouse An analytical query engine for Postgres ubuntu22 only
timescaledb 2.15.0 OLAP timescaledb timescaledb-2-postgresql-16 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
citus_columnar 11.3-1 OLAP pgdg16 postgresql-16-citus-12.1 Citus columnar storage engine citus
pglogical 2.4.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical PostgreSQL Logical Replication
londiste 3.8 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-londiste-sql Londiste replication support code
mimeo 1.5.1 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-mimeo Extension for specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances
pglogical_origin 1.0.0 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
pglogical_ticker 1.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical Have an accurate view on pglogical replication delay
repmgr 5.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-repmgr Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pg_search 0.7.0 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql pg-search Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25 ubuntu22 only
credcheck 2.7.0 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-credcheck credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pg_snakeoil 1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-snakeoil PostgreSQL Anti-Virus
pgaudit 16.0 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgaudit provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile 1.5 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgauditlogtofile pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
set_user 4.0.1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-set-user similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
table_log 0.6.1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-tablelog Module to log changes on tables
citus 12.1-1 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-citus-12.1 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
pg_partman 5.1.0 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-partman Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy 2.11.0 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-plproxy Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
orafce 4.10 SIM pgdg16 postgresql-16-orafce Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgmemcache 2.3.0 SIM pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgmemcache memcached interface
pg_qualstats 2.1.0 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-qualstats An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_show_plans 2.1 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-show-plans show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.3 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-squeeze Kernel statistics gathering
pg_statviz 0.6 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-statviz stats visualization and time series analysis broke on debian12
pg_track_settings 2.1.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-stat-kcache Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-wait-sampling sampling based statistics of wait events
plprofiler 4.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-plprofiler server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
powa 4.2.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-powa PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
pgtap 1.3.3 TEST pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgtap Unit testing for PostgreSQL
asn1oid 1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-asn1oid asn1oid extension
debversion 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-debversion Debian version number data type
numeral 1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-numeral numeral datatypes extension
pg_rational 0.0.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-rational bigint fractions
pg_rrule 0.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-rrule RRULE field type for PostgreSQL
pgfaceting 0.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgfaceting fast faceting queries using an inverted index depend pg_roaringbitmap
pgmp 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgmp Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
prefix 1.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-prefix Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-roaringbitmap support for Roaring Bitmaps
semver 0.32.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-semver Semantic version data type
unit 7 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-unit SI units extension

Contrib Extension

PostgreSQL has 73 built-in contrib extensions available on all distros.

name version category description
adminpack 2.1 ADMIN administrative functions for PostgreSQL
autoinc 1.0 FUNC functions for autoincrementing fields
bool_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between bool and plperl
bool_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between bool and plperlu
btree_gin 1.3 FUNC support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.7 FUNC support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
citext 1.6 TYPE data type for case-insensitive character strings
cube 1.5 TYPE data type for multidimensional cubes
dblink 1.2 FDW connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
dict_int 1.0 FUNC text search dictionary template for integers
dict_xsyn 1.0 FUNC text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
file_fdw 1.0 FDW foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
hstore 1.8 TYPE data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plperl
hstore_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plperlu
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plpython3u
insert_username 1.0 FUNC functions for tracking who changed a table
intagg 1.1 FUNC integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
intarray 1.5 FUNC functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
isn 1.2 TYPE data types for international product numbering standards
jsonb_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plperl
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plperlu
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plpython3u
lo 1.1 ADMIN Large Object maintenance
ltree 1.2 TYPE data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between ltree and plpython3u
moddatetime 1.0 FUNC functions for tracking last modification time
old_snapshot 1.0 ADMIN utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
pageinspect 1.12 STAT inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_buffercache 1.4 STAT examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.2 STAT examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_prewarm 1.2 ADMIN prewarm relation data
pg_stat_statements 1.10 STAT track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_surgery 1.0 ADMIN extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
pg_visibility 1.2 STAT examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_walinspect 1.1 STAT functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pgrowlocks 1.2 STAT show row-level locking information
pgstattuple 1.5 STAT show tuple-level statistics
plperl 1.0 LANG PL/Perl procedural language
plperlu 1.0 LANG PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
plpgsql 1.0 LANG PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u 1.0 LANG PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
pltcl 1.0 LANG PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu 1.0 LANG PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
postgres_fdw 1.1 FDW foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
refint 1.0 FUNC functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
seg 1.4 TYPE data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
sslinfo 1.2 STAT information about SSL certificates
tcn 1.0 FUNC Triggered change notifications
tsm_system_rows 1.0 FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tsm_system_time 1.0 FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
unaccent 1.1 FUNC text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp 1.1 FUNC generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
xml2 1.1 TYPE XPath querying and XSLT
ltree_plpython LANG transform between ltree and plpython
hstore_plpython LANG transform between hstore and plpython
auto_explain STAT Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically
vacuumlo ADMIN utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
basic_archive ADMIN an example of an archive module
basebackup_to_shell ADMIN adds a custom basebackup target called shell
jsonb_plpython LANG transform between jsonb and plpython
passwordcheck SEC checks user passwords and reject weak password
sepgsql SEC label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.
earthdistance 1.1 GIS calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
fuzzystrmatch 1.2 SEARCH determine similarities and distance between strings
oid2name ADMIN utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL
bloom 1.0 FEAT bloom access method - signature file based index
auth_delay SEC pause briefly before reporting authentication failure
pg_trgm 1.6 SEARCH text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
tablefunc 1.0 OLAP functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
pgcrypto 1.3 SEC cryptographic functions
amcheck 1.3 ADMIN functions for verifying relation integrity
test_decoding REPL SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding

Pigsty Extension

Pigsty has maintained and packaged 37 RPM extensions for PostgreSQL 16 on EL systems (el8, el9), check Pigsty RPMs for details.

name version comment
pgml 2.8.1 PostgresML: access most advanced machine learning algorithms and pretrained models with SQL
age 1.5.0 Apache AGE graph database extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data.
pg_bigm 1.2.0 full text search capability with create 2-gram (bigram) index. (pg 16 not supported)
pg_tle 1.4.0 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 Support for Roaring Bitmaps
zhparser 2.2 Parser for full-text search of Chinese
pgjwt 0.2.0 JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pg_graphql 1.5.4 GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
vault 0.2.9 Extension for storing encrypted secrets in the Vault
hydra 1.1.2 Hydra is open source, column-oriented Postgres extension
wrappers 0.3.1 Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
duckdb_fdw 1.1 DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper, build against libduckdb 0.10.2
pg_search 0.7.0 Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
pg_analytics 0.6.1 Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
pgmq 1.5.2 A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pg_tier 0.0.3 Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
pg_vectorize 0.15.0 The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
pg_later 0.1.0 Execute SQL now and get the results later.
pg_idkit 0.2.3 Generating many popular types of identifiers
plprql 0.1.0 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
pgsmcrypto 0.1.0 PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
pg_tiktoken 0.0.1 OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for postgres
pgdd 0.5.2 Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL
parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgresSQL
plv8 3.2.2 V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
md5hash 1.0.1 Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
pg_tde 1.0-alpha Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
pg_dirtyread 2.6 Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
pg_sparse 0.6.1 pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods (depreciated)
imgsmlr 1.0.0 ImgSmlr method is based on Haar wavelet transform (pg 16 not supported)
pg_similarity 1.0.0 set of functions and operators for executing similarity queries(covered by pgvector)
pgsql-http 1.6 HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
pgsql-gzip 1.0 Gzip and unzip with SQL
pg_net 0.9.1 Enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL

Caveat: Extension marked with ❋ are no longer supported due to various reasons.

Caveat: Extension marked with ※ are now supported by PGDG