v3.3:Extension 404,Odoo, Dify, Supabase, Nginx Enhancement

After two months of careful polishing, Pigsty v3.3 is officially released! As an open-source, “battery-included” PostgreSQL distribution, Pigsty aims to optimize the PostgreSQL ecosystem and provide smooth self-hosting experience just like cloud RDS, with minimal maintenance and ease of use.

The newly released v3.3 focuses on three key areas: Postgres Extension, Self-Hosting Experience, and Application Templates,

400+ Available Extensions: Building a Strong Ecosystem

PostgreSQL has always been known for its rich extension mechanism, giving rise to a massive database ecosystem. Pigsty aligns with this trend by maximizing the plugin and extension capabilities of PostgreSQL.

About one year ago, I wrote an article titled “PostgreSQL is eating the Database World,” where I described PG’s trend and vision to dominate the database market through extensions. At that time, the number of available extensions in Pigsty was just 150, mainly consisting of PG’s built-in extensions (70) and those from the official PGDG repository.

Now, with Pigsty v3.3, the number of available extensions has skyrocketed to an astonishing 404 extensions! This means the users can instantly plug in almost any PostgreSQL extension, unlocking a wealth of powerful features for their databases.

Among the newly added extensions, there are some notable “rookie” plugins:

  • pg_documentdb, open-sourced by Microsoft, gives PostgreSQL document database capabilities, making it easier to store and query JSON documents.
  • pg_collection, a high-performance memory-optimized collection data type extension from AWS, adds advanced collection support to PG.
  • pg_tracing, open-sourced by DataDog, provides distributed tracing capabilities for PostgreSQL, useful for performance analysis and debugging.
  • pg_curl allows PostgreSQL to make requests using dozens of network protocols, expanding beyond just HTTP to call external APIs.
  • pgpdf enables users to read and perform full-text searches on PDF documents directly within SQL queries.

Additionally, over thirty Omni-series extensions developed by Omnigres open new doors for web application development within PG. Pigsty has forged a partnership with Omnigres, integrating and distributing their extensions. And omnigres can deliver these extensions from the Pigsty repository to their users, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

We have also partnered with the FerretDB team to deliver a PostgreSQL-based MongoDB solution. Yes, you can now easily use the newly released FerretDB 2.0 to turn PG into a fully-functional MongoDB 5.0 alternative,
and with FerretDB 2.0, backed by Microsoft’s open-source DocumentDB, provides better performance and a more complete feature set.

Meanwhile, the DuckDB stitching competition is still ongoing, and Pigsty v3.3 quickly integrated the latest versions of pg_duckdb 0.3.1, pg_mooncake 0.1.2, and pg_analytics 0.5.4. These extensions add analytical capabilities to PostgreSQL, rivaling ClickHouse in certain dimensions.

Yes, on ClickHouse’s ClickBench leaderboard, PG extensions have now joined the top 10 tier. I believe that in this fierce competition, PostgreSQL will soon see an OLAP player akin to pgvector in the vector database ecosystem, shaking up the OLAP and big data markets.

With so many extensions available, installation and management have become a challenge. Our solution, pig, allows users to effortlessly manage and install extensions with a single command, unlocking the power of 400 extensions—without even needing Pigsty.

While having a unique and extensive extension library is a core competitive advantage for Pigsty, we also aim to contribute more to the PostgreSQL ecosystem, allowing more users to enjoy PostgreSQL’s powerful features. Thus, the pig package manager and the extension repository are open-source under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, and they are open to the public and industry peers. We’ve already seen two PostgreSQL vendors using the Pigsty extension repository to install extensions, and we’ve established a NextGen Package Manager interest group, inviting participants interested in PostgreSQL extension ecosystems to join.

Sefl-Hosting Experience: Nginx IaC and Free HTTPS Certs

Pigsty is not just a PostgreSQL distribution; it’s a complete monitoring infrastructure solution, including Etcd, MinIO, Redis, Docker deployment management, and even a toolbox for self-hosting websites.

Why? Because Pigsty offers a fully-featured Nginx configuration and a certbot Request SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). In fact, Pigsty’s own websites and software repositories are hosted using Pigsty itself. This solution was developed purely to meet my personal needs—how to quickly set up a proper website in minutes?

For instance, the Pigsty Chinese and English websites and beta repositories are defined on a single server with the following configuration. After installing Pigsty and adding a few lines to the configuration file, Nginx automatically creates the necessary configuration and generates the HTTPS certificate. Then, I simply use rsync/scp to upload the site content and repository files, and voilà—the website is live!

infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
  home         : { domain: home.pigsty.cc ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc }
  grafana      : { domain: demo.pigsty.io ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc}
  prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty.cc    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc}
  alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty.cc    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc}
  minio        : { domain: m.pigsty.cc    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9001" ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
  blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
  loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }
  web.cc       : { domain: pigsty.cc      ,path: "/www/web.cc" , domains: [zh.pigsty.cc] ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc , conf: cc.conf }
  web.io       : { domain: en.pigsty.cc   ,path: "/www/web.io"                           ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc}
  repo         : { domain: beta.pigsty.cc ,path: "/www/repo"   , index: true ,certbot: home.pigsty.cc}

Starting with Pigsty v3.2, we’ve integrated certbot and made it the default on infrastructure nodes, allowing users to easily apply and renew HTTPS certificates with just one command, without worrying about the details. You no longer need to pay for expensive certificates or click through tedious processes.

Pigsty’s Nginx can proxy various services, use different domain names, and unify everything through ports 80/443, making firewall management and security best practices straightforward. Simply open ports 80/443 (and maybe 22/SSH), and you’re set.

Of course, all details and SOPs are updated in the doc, so you can quickly deploy a secure, reliable, high-performance website!

Application Templates: Simplified Deployment

Many software applications rely on PostgreSQL, and Pigsty has previously provided Docker Compose templates for such software. But before, users still had to manually copy application directories, modify .env configuration files, and use docker-compose to deploy.

Pigsty v3.3 introduces a new app.yml script that automates this process, turning the last mile of PostgreSQL-based Docker software delivery into a single command.

Let’s look at a few examples:

To deploy a full-featured Odoo ERP system, simply run the following commands:

curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/odoo    # use odoo config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch odoo stateless part with docker

For a complex AI workflow orchestration software like Dify, utilizing the high-availability, high-performance PostgreSQL cluster with PITR and IaC management, just a few lines of code are enough:

curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/dify    # use dify config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch dify stateless part with docker

Even for the popular Supabase self-hosting solution, we’ve simplified it into a one-click app that offers a beginner-friendly delivery experience:

curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/supa    # use supabase config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch supabase stateless part with docker

With just a few commands, you can move from bare metal to a fully operational production service in minutes. We plan to add more Docker-based applications and provide this simplified template and delivery model in the future.

pig Command Line Tool: Growing Build Capabilities

The command-line tool pig provided by Pigsty has also received significant upgrades. Pig v0.3 introduces a new subcommand, pig build, which lets you quickly set up a complete environment for building PG extensions on your server.

With over 400 extension plugins maintained in Pigsty, I personally handle over 200 of them, which is near double the number in the PGDG repository. Previously, building extensions required manually written scripts for basic automation, but with the increase in extensions, this approach became impractical. So, I spent two days integrating all the extension-building tools into the new pig build command.

For example, the workflow for building PG extensions on a specific OS distribution is as follows:

curl https://repo.pigsty.cc/pig | bash # Install pig
pig build repo        # Add upstream repositories
pig build tool        # Install build tools
pig build rust        # Configure Rust/PGRX toolchain (optional)
pig build spec        # Download build specifications
pig build proxy       # Configure proxy
pig build get citus   # Download source package for an extension like citus
pig build ext citus   # Build the citus extension from source

This is how 200+ extensions are built! With this tool, even if your operating system is not one of the top 10 supported by Pigsty, you can still easily DIY RPM/DEB packages for extensions.

A hidden feature is the automatic download of proxy configurations to simplify downloading dependencies from GitHub. Of course, I wouldn’t add that to the documentation! 😄

New Website: First Contact with Next.js

Another major improvement in Pigsty v3.3 is the infrastructure behind the websites. Starting with v3.3, the Pigsty global site (pigsty.io) and Pigsty China site (pigsty.cc) have been fully separated, each with its own domain, documentation, demos, and repositories.

I found a Next.js template and spent two days building a new Pigsty homepage. It actually turned out pretty well. The last time I worked on frontend stuff was in the era of jQuery, but surprisingly, React and Next.js weren’t that complicated, especially with the help of GPT-1 pro and Cursor. Even as a “newbie,” I was able to quickly create a landing page.

I experimented with hosting on native Vercel, exporting statically to Cloudflare Pages, as well as Alibaba Cloud’s ClawCloud in Singapore/Hong Kong and other cloud providers. Thanks to Pigsty’s self-hosting enhancement, the whole process was much smoother. The best options in terms of experience and cost-effectiveness turned out to be:

  1. Cloudflare for global hosting, and 2. Domestic on-demand cloud servers in Beijing. I might write a dedicated post about this in the future.

During this process, I automated the website-building flow to such an extent that now, in just ten minutes, I can deploy a Pigsty doc and repository site in any region.

In addition to a beautiful homepage, the content of the documentation is more important. In Pigsty v3.3, I’ve integrated the ext.pigsty.io PG extension directory into the documentation site at pigsty.io/ext, which is available in both Chinese and English for easy access. I also developed a small tool to automatically scan extensions from both Pigsty and PGDG repositories, generating database records and information pages so that users can easily see which extensions are missing or have inconsistent versions. Users can directly browse and download RPM/DEB packages from the website.

Other Improvements

Pigsty v3.0 already supports multiple PG forks, such as IvorySQL (Oracle compatibility), PolarDB O, Babelfish (SQL Server compatibility), and PolarDB for PostgreSQL.

In version 3.3, we’ve followed up with IvorySQL 4.2, compatible with PG 17, and resolved the issue with pgBackRest backups not working on IvorySQL. Now, IvorySQL runs smoothly and as fully functional as the standard PG kernel.

I’ve also pushed the PolarDB team to provide DEB packages for Debian and ARM64 platforms. Yes, PolarDB now runs smoothly on all ten major operating systems supported by Pigsty!

As for why I use the PolarDB kernel instead of PostgreSQL—if your boss insists on a “domestic” solution, PolarDB may be the easiest, most cost-effective choice!

By the way, the PolarDB Developer Conference is happening tomorrow in Beijing, and I plan to attend to see what new features they’ve come up with.

Looking Ahead to Pigsty 3.4

As we celebrate the success of version 3.3, the Pigsty project is already looking ahead to version 3.4.

Honestly, I feel like Pigsty has already achieved a grand slam with PostgreSQL. Virtually every major extension plugin in the ecosystem has been integrated. To continue expanding, we may need to focus on some forks, like Neon, OrioleDB, and PolarDB, and support extensions for these branches.

But another direction I see as meaningful is further developing the pig command-line tool: integrating more operations into this compact Go-based tool and eventually creating a complete PostgreSQL management toolchain (ideally replacing Ansible). I think when this tool is mature, it will coincide with Pigsty v4.

Another long-term direction is converting more software that uses PostgreSQL into one-click solutions like Odoo, Dify, Supabase, and more. Many SMEs need such solutions—GitLab (code hosting), Odoo (ERP), Dify (AI workflow orchestration), Supabase (backend), MatterMost (chat), Discourse (forum), all powered by PostgreSQL.

v3.3.0 Release Note

New Features

  • Total available postgres extensions: 404!
  • New Website Design: Global website: pigsty.io and zh-cn Site: pigsty.cc
  • PostgreSQL February Minor Updates: 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, 13.20
  • New Feature: app.yml for installing apps like Odoo, Supabase, Dify.
  • New Feature: Fine-grained Nginx config customization in infra_portal.
  • New Feature: Added Certbot support for quick free HTTPS certificate requests.
  • Improvement: Added Aliyun mirror for Debian Security repository.
  • Improvement: pgBackRest backup support for IvorySQL kernel.
  • Improvement: ARM64 and Debian/Ubuntu support for PolarDB.
  • pg_exporter 0.8.0 now supports new metrics in pgbouncer 1.24.
  • New Feature: Auto-completion for common commands like git, docker, systemctl #506 #507 by @waitingsong.
  • Improvement: Refined ignore_startup_parameters in pgbouncer config template #488 by @waitingsong.
  • Extension Catalog: Detailed information and download links for RPM/DEB binary packages.
  • Extension Build: pig CLI now auto-sets PostgreSQL extension build environment.

New Extensions

12 new PostgreSQL extensions added, bringing the total to 404 available extensions.

API Change

  • New Parameter: node_aliases to add command aliases for Nodes.
  • New Option: using plain extension name in pg_default_extensions
  • New Option: using conf, index, log, certbot options in infra_portal entries.
  • New Defaults: add mongo, redis, pgroonga repos to repo_upstream default values
  • New Defaults: Remove hydra from default olap list, replace ferretdb with ferretdb2

Bug Fix

  • Fix: Resolved default EPEL repo address issue in Bootstrap script.
  • Fix: Fix Debian Security China Mirror URL

Postgres Update

  • PostgreSQL 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, 13.20
  • Pgbouncer 1.24
  • Patroni 4.0.5
  • pgBackRest 2.54.2
  • pg_exporter 0.8.0
  • pig 0.3.0

Extension Update

  • citus 13.0.0 -> 13.0.1
  • pg_duckdb 0.2.0 -> 0.3.1
  • pg_mooncake 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2
  • timescaledb 2.17.2 -> 2.18.2
  • supautils 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0
  • supabase_vault 0.3.1 (become C)
  • VectorChord 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
  • pg_bulkload 3.1.22 (+pg17)
  • pg_store_plan 1.8 (+pg17)
  • pg_search 0.14 -> 0.15.2
  • pg_analytics 0.3.0 -> 0.3.4
  • pgroonga 3.2.5 -> 4.0.0
  • zhparser 2.2 -> 2.3
  • pg_vectorize 0.20.0 -> 0.21.1
  • pg_net 0.14.0
  • pg_curl 2.4.2
  • table_version 1.10.3 -> 1.11.0
  • pg_duration 1.0.2
  • pg_graphql 1.5.9 -> 1.5.11
  • vchord 0.1.1 -> 0.2.1 ((+13))
  • vchord_bm25 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
  • pg_mooncake 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
  • pgddl 0.29
  • pgsql_tweaks 0.11.0

Infra Updates

  • pig 0.1.3 -> 0.3.0
  • pushgateway 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0
  • alertmanager 0.27.0 -> 0.28.0
  • nginx_exporter 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
  • pgbackrest_exporter 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0
  • redis_exporter 1.66.0 -> 1.67.0
  • mongodb_exporter 0.43.0 -> 0.43.1
  • VictoriaMetrics 1.107.0 -> 1.111.0
  • VictoriaLogs v1.3.2 -> 1.9.1
  • DuckDB 1.1.3 -> 1.2.0
  • Etcd 3.5.17 -> 3.5.18
  • pg_timetable 5.10.0 -> 5.11.0
  • FerretDB 1.24.0 -> 2.0.0-rc
  • tigerbeetle 0.16.13 -> 0.16.27
  • grafana 11.4.0 -> 11.5.2
  • vector 0.43.1 -> 0.44.0
  • minio 20241218131544 -> 20250218162555
  • mcli 20241121172154 -> 20250215103616
  • rclone 1.68.2 -> 1.69.0
  • vray 5.23 -> 5.28


5b5dbb91c42068e25efc5b420f540909  pigsty-v3.3.0.tgz
048c7d5b3fbf1727e156e7d4885ac2eb  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.d12.aarch64.tgz
bbb5c225e2a429f49a653695678676b6  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.d12.x86_64.tgz
756ec04632fb42c6f75a7b4dd29ffb09  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.el9.aarch64.tgz
602e1596219c1e33fdf1cd49e5b17c21  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
ca0fd50a99cfc5b342717594e0ca1353  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.u22.aarch64.tgz
4c694893c6c42e401516f0070d373b69  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.u22.x86_64.tgz

v3.2: The pig CLI, ARM64 Repo, Self-hosting Supabase

The New Year is just around the corner, and Pigsty is celebrating the last release of 2024 with v3.2. This release introduces a new command-line tool, pig, and enhanced ARM extension support. Together, these features deliver a smooth PostgreSQL experience across the top 10 major Linux distributions. This release also includes routine bug fixes, follows up on the changes during Supabase release week, and provides RPM/DEB packages for Grafana extension plugins and data sources.

Pig Command-Line Tool

Pigsty v3.2 comes with a command-line tool, pig, designed to further simplify the installation and deployment process of Pigsty. But pig is more than just a command-line tool for Pigsty; it’s a fully functional PostgreSQL package manager that can be used independently.

Have you ever struggled with installing PostgreSQL extensions, navigating through various distributions, and dealing with different chip architectures? Wasting time on outdated READMEs, obscure configuration scripts, and random GitHub branches? Or perhaps frustrated by the challenges of the domestic network environment, with missing repositories and blocked mirrors? Downloads feel like a traffic jam?

Now, “Pig rides the elephant” is here to solve all your problems: Introducing Pig, a new Go-based package manager designed to handle PostgreSQL and its ever-expanding extension library, without turning your day into a debugging marathon.

Pig is a lightweight binary written in Go, with no dependencies and easy installation: a single command is all it takes to install and start your “pig charge.” It respects the traditional package management systems of operating systems and avoids reinventing the wheel, using yum/dnf/apt to manage packages.

Pig focuses on cross-distribution harmony — whether you’re on Debian, Ubuntu, or Red Hat derivatives, you can have a consistent and smooth method to install and update PostgreSQL and any extensions. No more compiling from source or dealing with incomplete repositories.

If PostgreSQL’s future is unstoppable scalability, Pig is the genie that helps you unlock it. Honestly, no one will ever complain that their PostgreSQL instance has too many extensions — they don’t affect anything when not in use, and when needed, they’re right there, and who doesn’t love a free lunch?

ARM Extension Repository

The magic behind Pig is a supplementary extension repository filled with hard-to-find or newly released extensions, so you always have easy access to high-quality extensions that are tested, well-curated, and ready to use.

Over the past month, Pigsty has fully supported ARM64 architecture. We’ve provided complete ARM support for five major Linux distributions (EL8, EL9, Debian 12, Ubuntu 22/24). “Complete” means that the configuration files you use on AMD64 can be used identically on ARM64 systems. Of course, there are a few exceptions: some extensions currently lack ARM support, and we will address these cases one by one in the future.

Still struggling to find niche Git repositories, incomplete Docker builds, or outdated wiki documentation just to install a required PostgreSQL plugin? We understand your pain. While PostgreSQL’s scalability is superpower-level, the biggest challenge in the ecosystem has always been distribution — how to install various FDWs, vector extensions, GIS libraries, Rust modules, and other “superweapons” without getting stuck in compilation hell?

Now, with the Pigsty Extension Repo, we’ve gathered over 340 carefully selected PostgreSQL extensions, compiled into convenient .rpm and .deb packages supporting multiple versions and architectures. Timescale? Check. Supabase-related? Fully covered. Various DuckDB patches? Ready to go. We’ve built a cross-distribution pipeline that integrates community-developed new extensions, long-standing old modules, and official PGDG packages, allowing them to be installed seamlessly on Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and other major systems with just one click. What’s the secret? We don’t reinvent the wheel; we use each distribution’s native package manager (YUM, APT, DNF, etc.) and align with the official PGDG repositories.

At the core, this repository is part of the larger Pigsty PostgreSQL distribution, but you can also use it independently in your environment without fully adopting Pigsty. We’ve invested a lot of time and effort into patching, testing, and polishing each extension, so you can benefit from it. Everything is free and open-source, and integration is incredibly easy. Several partners are already using it as an additional upstream source for installing extensions!

Want to solve all your PostgreSQL extension headaches? Visit ext.pigsty.io for more details, and check out the full extension index and usage instructions. We’ve packaged and tested every plugin we could find, just to make PostgreSQL the “ultimate form” it was meant to be — after all, who wouldn’t want more superpowers? Come and experience it!

The ARM64 platform support has given me a lot of confidence, and now I’m looking at supporting more chip architectures. For example, IBM LinuxOne Cloud recently sponsored an open-source project with a permanent virtual machine (2c/8g/100g), and most importantly, it’s an s390x mainframe. So I’m planning to try running Pigsty on an IBM mainframe soon, haha.

Supabase Routine Follow-Up

Pigsty previously released a Supabase self-hosting guide to help users quickly set up their own Supabase services on a single machine. This has sparked some attention among startups that heavily use Supabase, so we’ve followed up on the latest version of Supabase.

In the last month of 2024, Supabase rolled out a series of significant updates, and Pigsty v3.2 has incorporated these changes, providing users with the latest version of Supabase. To be honest, aside from AI buzz, most of the updates are: Supabase now offers XXX feature (such as queues), but essentially they’ve just added XXX PG extension (such as PGMQ).

The major move recently from Supabase is OrieloDB (acquired by Supabase mid-year!), an interesting PostgreSQL fork focused on enhancing PG’s OLTP performance. Currently, this feature is marked as Beta in Supabase and available as an optional choice, but I need to ensure that even if Supabase adopts it as the main branch in the future, Pigsty will continue to support it.

We’re currently preparing RPM/DEB packages for OrieloDB and its extensions. With this opportunity, we also plan to expand these superpowers to more PG forks, such as Oracle-compatible IvorySQL 3/4, SQL Server-compatible WiltonDB, and PolarDB PG.

Grafana’s Extensibility

Grafana is a very popular open-source monitoring and visualization tool. Of course, it also has many extension plugins, such as various data visualization panels and data sources. However, installing and managing these extensions has always been an issue. Grafana’s own CLI tool can be used to install plugins, but users in China must use a VPN, which is highly inconvenient.

In v3.2, we’ve packaged common Grafana panel and data source extensions as RPM/DEB packages, making them ready to use out of the box. For example, the following architecture-independent extensions are now packaged as a single grafana-plugins package:

  • volkovlabs-echarts-panel
  • volkovlabs-image-panel
  • volkovlabs-form-panel
  • volkovlabs-table-panel
  • volkovlabs-variable-panel
  • knightss27-weathermap-panel
  • marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel
  • marcusolsson-treemap-panel
  • marcusolsson-calendar-panel
  • marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel
  • marcusolsson-static-datasource
  • marcusolsson-json-datasource
  • volkovlabs-rss-datasource
  • volkovlabs-grapi-datasource

Additionally, we’ve created independent RPM/DEB packages for architecture-dependent (including x86, ARM binaries) data source extensions, such as the recently released Infinity data source plugin from Grafana: You can use any REST/GRAPHQL API and CSV/TSV/XML/HTML as data sources, greatly extending Grafana’s data access capabilities.

Meanwhile, we’ve also made RPM/DEB packages for VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs’ Grafana data source plugins, so users can easily use these two open-source time-series and log databases in Grafana.

Next Steps

Currently, Pigsty has reached a state that I’m very satisfied with. In the upcoming period, my focus will be on maintaining the pig tool and the extension repository.

This is a rare opportunity window, as both users and developers are starting to realize the importance of extensions, but PostgreSQL still lacks a factual standard for extension distribution. At this crucial moment, I hope that Pigsty/pig can become an influential de facto standard for PG extension plugins and claim the high ground in the ecosystem.

Of course, Pigsty itself has also lacked a sufficiently powerful CLI tool, so I’ll integrate the scattered functions from various Ansible playbooks into pig, making it easier for users to manage Pigsty and PostgreSQL.

v3.2.0 Release Note


  • New CLI: Introducing the pig command-line tool for managing extension plugins.
  • ARM64 Support: 390 extensions are now available for ARM64 across five major distributions.
  • Supabase Update: Latest Supabase Release Week updates are now supported for self-hosting on all distributions.
  • Grafana v11.4: Upgraded Grafana to version 11.4, featuring a new Infinity datasource.

Package Changes

  • New Extensions
  • Updated Extensions
    • pgvectorscale: 0.4.0 → 0.5.1
    • pg_parquet: 0.1.0 → 0.1.1
    • pg_polyline: 0.0.1
    • pg_cardano: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
    • pg_vectorize: 0.20.0
    • pg_duckdb: 0.1.0 → 0.2.0
    • pg_search: 0.13.0 → 0.13.1
    • aggs_for_vecs: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
  • Infrastructure
    • Added promscale 0.17.0
    • Added grafana-plugins 11.4
    • Added grafana-infinity-plugins
    • Added grafana-victoriametrics-ds
    • Added grafana-victorialogs-ds
    • vip-manager: 2.8.0 → 3.0.0
    • vector: 0.42.0 → 0.43.0
    • grafana: 11.3 → 11.4
    • prometheus: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1 (package name changed from prometheus2 to prometheus)
    • nginx_exporter: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
    • mongodb_exporter: 0.41.2 → 0.43.0
    • VictoriaMetrics: 1.106.1 → 1.107.0
    • VictoriaLogs: 1.0.0 → 1.3.2
    • pg_timetable: 5.9.0 → 5.10.0
    • tigerbeetle: 0.16.13 → 0.16.17
    • pg_export: 0.7.0 → 0.7.1
  • New Docker App
    • Add mattermost the open-source Slack alternative self-hosting template
  • Bug Fixes
    • Added python3-cdiff for el8.aarch64 to fix missing Patroni dependency.
    • Added timescaledb-tools for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
    • Added pg_filedump for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
  • Removed Extensions
    • pg_mooncake: Removed due to conflicts with pg_duckdb.
    • pg_top: Removed because of repeated version issues and quality concerns.
    • hunspell_pt_pt: Removed because of conflict with official PG dictionary files.
    • pgml: Disabled by default (no longer downloaded or installed).

API Changes

  • repo_url_packages now defaults to an empty array; packages are installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_cache is deprecated; Grafana plugins are now installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_list is deprecated for the same reason.
  • The 36-node “production” template has been renamed to simu.
  • Auto-generated code under node_id/vars now includes aarch64 support.
  • infra_packages now includes the pig CLI tool.
  • The configure command now updates the version numbers of pgsql-xxx aliases in auto-generated config files.
  • Update terraform templates with Makefile shortcuts and better provision experience

Bug Fix

  • Fix pgbouncer dashboard selector issue #474
  • Add --arg value support for pg-pitr by @waitingsong
  • Fix redis log message typo by @waitingsong


c42da231067f25104b71a065b4a50e68  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.aarch64.tgz
ebb818f98f058f932b57d093d310f5c2  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.x86_64.tgz
d2b85676235c9b9f2f8a0ad96c5b15fd  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.aarch64.tgz
649f79e1d94ec1845931c73f663ae545  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
24c0be1d8436f3c64627c12f82665a17  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.aarch64.tgz
0b9be0e137661e440cd4f171226d321d  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.x86_64.tgz
8fdc6a60820909b0a2464b0e2b90a3a6  pigsty-v3.2.0.tgz

v3.2.1 Release Note


  • 351 PostgreSQL Extensions, including the powerful postgresql-anonymizer 2.0
  • IvorySQL 4.0 support for EL 8/9
  • Now use the Pigsty compiled Citus, TimescaleDB and pgroonga on all distros
  • Add self-hosting Odoo template and support

Bump software versions

  • pig CLI 0.1.2 self-updating capability
  • prometheus 3.1.0

Add New Extension

  • add pg_anon 2.0.0
  • add omnisketch 1.0.2
  • add ddsketch 1.0.1
  • add pg_duration 1.0.1
  • add ddl_historization 0.0.7
  • add data_historization 1.1.0
  • add schedoc 0.0.1
  • add floatfile 1.3.1
  • add pg_upless 0.0.3
  • add pg_task 1.0.0
  • add pg_readme 0.7.0
  • add vasco 0.1.0
  • add pg_xxhash 0.0.1

Update Extension

  • lower_quantile 1.0.3
  • quantile 1.1.8
  • sequential_uuids 1.0.3
  • pgmq 1.5.0 (subdir)
  • floatvec 1.1.1
  • pg_parquet 0.2.0
  • wrappers 0.4.4
  • pg_later 0.3.0
  • topn fix for deb.arm64
  • add age 17 on debian
  • powa + pg17, 5.0.1
  • h3 + pg17
  • ogr_fdw + pg17
  • age + pg17 1.5 on debian
  • pgtap + pg17 1.3.3
  • repmgr
  • topn + pg17
  • pg_partman 5.2.4
  • credcheck 3.0
  • ogr_fdw 1.1.5
  • ddlx 0.29
  • postgis 3.5.1
  • tdigest 1.4.3
  • pg_repack 1.5.2

v3.2.2 Release Note

What’s Changed

  • Bump IvorySQL to 4.2 (PostgreSQL 17.2)
  • Add Arm64 and Debian support for PolarDB kernel
  • Add certbot and certbot-nginx to default infra_packages
  • Increase pgbouncer max_prepared_statements to 256
  • remove pgxxx-citus package alias
  • hide pgxxx-olap category in pg_extensions by default

v3.1: PG 17 as default, Better Supabase & MinIO, ARM & U24 support

With the release of PostgreSQL 17.2 earlier this week, Pigsty promptly followed up with its v3.1 release.

In this version, PostgreSQL 17 has been promoted as the default major version, and nearly 400 PostgreSQL extensions are now available out of the box.

Additionally, Pigsty 3.1 introduces the ability to self-hosting Supabase with a simple command, improves best practices for using MinIO the object storage.

It also supports the ARM64 arch, and the newly released Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. And provide a way to simplify configuration management across different OS distro and PG major versions.

Finally, pigsty also provides a range of ready-to-use scenario-based templates in this release.

Self-Hosting Supabase

The complete tutorial for self-hosting supabase

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, a Backend as a Service (BaaS).

Supabase wraps PostgreSQL kernel and vector extensions, alone with authentication, realtime subscriptions, edge functions, object storage, and instant REST and GraphQL APIs from your postgres schema. It let you skip most backend work, requiring only database design and frontend skills to ship quickly.

Currently, Supabase may be the most popular open-source project in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, boasting over 74,000 stars on GitHub. And become quite popular among developers, and startups, since they have a generous free plan, just like cloudflare & neon.

Supabase’s slogan is: “Build in a weekend, Scale to millions”. It has great cost-effectiveness in small scales (4c8g) indeed. But there is no doubt that when you really grow to millions of users, some may choose to self-hosting their own Supabase —— for functionality, performance, cost, and other reasons.

That’s where Pigsty comes in. Pigsty provides a complete one-click self-hosting solution for Supabase. Self-hosted Supabase can enjoy full PostgreSQL monitoring, IaC, PITR, and high availability capability,

You can run the latest PostgreSQL 17(,16,15,14) kernels, (supabase is using the 15 currently), alone with 400 PostgreSQL extensions out-of-the-box. Run on mainstream Linus OS distros with production grade HA PostgreSQL, MinIO, Prometheus & Grafana Stack for observability, and Nginx for reverse proxy.

Since most of the supabase maintained extensions are not available in the official PGDG repo, we have compiled all the RPM/DEBs for these extensions and put them in the Pigsty repo: pg_graphql, pg_jsonschema, wrappers, index_advisor, pg_net, vault, pgjwt, supautils, pg_plan_filter,

Everything is under your control, you have the ability and freedom to scale PGSQL, MinIO, and Supabase itself. And take full advantage of the performance and cost advantages of modern hardware like Gen5 NVMe SSD.

All you need is prepare a VM with several commands and wait for 10 minutes….

 curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash
./bootstrap          # install deps (ansible)
./configure -c supa  # use supa config template (IMPORTANT: CHANGE PASSWORDS!)
./install.yml        # install pigsty, create ha postgres & minio clusters 
./supabase.yml       # launch stateless supabase containers with docker compose


PostgreSQL 17

PostgreSQL 17 has some exciting new features, but the most notable improvement is its write performance. I tested it on a 128c physical machine and found that it performed well as expected under pigsty’s default OLTP configuration without any tuning.


pgbench & sysbench results on a 128c BM with PG 17.2

For example, the max LSN Rate (WAL throughput) is around 110 MiB/s @ PostgreSQL 14, while it can reach 180 MiB/s @ PostgreSQL 17. Of course, this is the software bottleneck, not the hardware. We can see a significant improvement in write performance, which is crucial for many OLTP workloads.

The detailed performance comparison will be published in the upcoming blog post, so stay tuned!

400 Extensions

One of the standout features of Pigsty 3.1 is its support for 400 PostgreSQL extensions. This impressive number comes even after carefully pruning over a dozen “obsolete extensions”.

To achieve this milestone, I’ve built a YUM/APT repository that offers pre-packaged RPM/DEB files for the following combinations of operating systems and PostgreSQL versions:

  • Operating Systems: EL 8/9, Ubuntu 22.04/24.04, Debian 12
  • PostgreSQL Versions: PG 12–17
Code OS Distro x86_64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12
EL9 RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 el9.x86_64
EL8 RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / Anolis8 el8.x86_64
U24 Ubuntu 24.04 (noble) u24.x86_64
U22 Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) u22.x86_64
D12 Debian 12 (bookworm) d12.x86_64

Currently, the repository provides packages for the x86_64 architecture. ARM64 and other architectures are under development, and are currently only offered to advanced users upon request.

More importantly, I maintain an Extension Directory that meticulously documents metadata, compatibility across OS/DB versions, and usage guidelines for every extension, helping users quickly locate the extensions they need.


Using the Repository

Pigsty’s extension repository integrates seamlessly with native OS package managers and is openly shared. You’re not required to use Pigsty to access these extensions. Simply add the repository to your existing system or Dockerfile, then install extensions with standard commands like yum or apt install.

Notably, the popular open-source project postgresql-cluster has already adopted this repository. It integrates with the repository as part of its installation workflow to distribute extensions to its users.


Rust Extensions

The PostgreSQL ecosystem is seeing a growing number of Rust-based extensions developed using the pgrx framework. Pigsty’s repository currently includes 23 Rust extensions.

If you know of a promising extension, feel free to recommend it! I’ll do my best to include them in the repository. If you’re a PostgreSQL extension developer, I’m happy to provide assistance with packaging and distribution to ensure a smooth final delivery process to all end users.

Ubuntu 24.04 Support

Ubuntu 24.04 “Noble” has been out for six months now, and some users have started using it in production. Pigsty 3.1 formally adds support for Ubuntu 24.04 as a primary platform.

That said, being a relatively new system, Ubuntu 24.04 still has a few gaps compared to 22.04. For instance:

  • Extensions like citus and topn are unavailable system-wide.
  • timescaledb_toolkit lacks pre-built binaries for Ubuntu 24.04 on x86_64.

Despite these minor exceptions, most extensions are fully compatible with Ubuntu 24.04, making it a strong candidate for Pigsty’s supported platforms.

Sunsetting Ubuntu 20.04

As part of this update, Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal” is being retired from Pigsty’s list of primary supported systems, even though its official EOL is in May 2025. This decision stems from challenges like outdated software (e.g., PostGIS) and dependency issues, which made supporting it increasingly impractical. I’m more than happy to see it phased out.

However, you can still technically use Pigsty on Ubuntu 20.04, and subscription customers will continue to receive support for this version.

Current Supported Platforms

Pigsty now supports the following major operating systems:

  • EL 8/9
  • Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04
  • Debian 12

For these platforms, Pigsty provides the latest packages and the full set of PostgreSQL extensions.

Code OS Distro x86_64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12 Arm64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12
EL9 RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 el9.x86_64 el9.arm64
EL8 RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / Anolis8 el8.x86_64 el8.arm64
U24 Ubuntu 24.04 (noble) u24.x86_64 u24.arm64
U22 Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) u22.x86_64 u22.arm64
D12 Debian 12 (bookworm) d12.x86_64 d12.arm64
D11 Debian 11 (bullseye) d12.x86_64 d11.arm64
U20 Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) d12.x86_64 u20.arm64
EL7 RHEL7 / CentOS7 / UOS … d12.x86_64 el7.arm64

= Primary Support; = Optional; = EOL, Extended Commercial Support

ARM64 Support

The ARM architecture has been steadily gaining ground, particularly in the cloud computing sector, where ARM servers are capturing an increasing market share. Users have been requesting ARM support for Pigsty for over two years. In fact, Pigsty previously supported ARM when adapting for “domestic systems,” but version 3.1 marks the first time ARM64 support is included in the open-source release.

Currently, ARM64 support is in Beta. All the core features are functional, and everything works end-to-end, but the actual performance and reliability need more real-world testing and user feedback.

Supported Features

Most of Pigsty’s key functionalities have been adapted, including the Grafana/Prometheus stack, which now has ARM-compatible packages. The remaining gap lies in PostgreSQL extensions, particularly the 140 extensions maintained by Pigsty. These are still in progress for ARM64 support. However, if you rely on extensions already provided by PGDG(e.g., postgis, pgvector), you should encounter no issues.

Currently, the ARM version runs smoothly on EL9, Debian 12, and Ubuntu 22.04.

  • EL8: Missing some official PGDG packages.
  • Ubuntu 24.04: A few missing extensions.

Due to these limitations, ARM64 support is not yet recommended for these two platforms.

Future Plans

I plan to run ARM in a pilot phase over the next one or two minor releases. Once the extension ecosystem is complete, ARM64 support will be marked as GA. In the meantime, I welcome feedback from anyone testing Pigsty’s ARM version. Your input will help refine and stabilize the implementation.

Simplified Config

Another significant improvement in Pigsty v3.1 is the simplification of config management. Handling package variations across different OS distros and PG major versions has always been a headache.

The Problem

Different OS distributions often have subtle differences in package names and available software, requiring Pigsty to generate separate configuration files for each distribution. This approach quickly leads to combinatorial explosion. For instance, Pigsty offers config templates for over a dozen scenarios. If each template must support 5–7 operating systems, the total number of configurations becomes unmanageable.

The Solution: Indirection

As the adage in computer science goes: “Any problem can be solved by adding a layer of indirection.” Version 3.1 addresses this issue by introducing a new configuration file, package_map, which defines package aliases. For each OS distribution, a node_id/vars file translates these aliases into the specific package names required by the OS.


How It Works

Take the Supabase self-hosting template as an example. It uses dozens of PostgreSQL extensions. Users only need to specify the extension names; details like CPU architecture, OS version, PostgreSQL version, or package names are handled internally.

pg_extensions: # extensions to be installed on this cluster
- supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
- timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
- supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
- pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

Here’s an example: If you want to install PostgreSQL 16 and its extensions, you no longer need to manually specify the real package name in repo_packages and pg_extension (you can still do that!) the download or installation lists with PG16-specific packages. Instead, you just modify a single parameter: pg_version: 16, all settled!


Infra Improvement

Beyond functional improvements, Pigsty continues to enhance its underlying infrastructure. For instance, in version 3.0, we introduced support for alternative PostgreSQL kernels such as Babelfish (MSSQL compatibility), IvorySQL (Oracle compatibility), and PolarDB (a domestic PG-compatible kernel).

Previously, users needed to install these kernels from external repositories online. With Pigsty v3.1, the official repository now directly includes mirrors of Babelfish/WiltonDB, IvorySQL, PolarDB, and similar “exotic” PostgreSQL kernels. This means installation is now much simpler—just use the pre-configured templates, and you can set up these alternative kernels with a single command, no extra configuration required.

Additionally, Pigsty maintains Prometheus and Grafana repositories for both YUM and APT package managers, supporting AMD and ARM architectures. These repositories are updated in real-time to track the latest versions of these observability tools. In this release:

  • Prometheus was upgraded to its major v3 version.
  • VictoriaLogs officially released its v1.0 version.

If you rely on these monitoring tools, Pigsty’s repositories can be a valuable resource.

Improvements to MinIO

Let’s talk about MinIO, an open-source object storage solution. Pigsty leverages MinIO for PostgreSQL backups and as the underlying storage service for Supabase. Our goal with MinIO has always been to reduce deployment complexity to the bare minimum —— “Deploy in minutes, Scale to millions.”

When we first adopted MinIO internally, it was still in its 0.x days. At the time, we used it to store 25 PB of data, but since MinIO didn’t support online scaling, we had to break this into 7–8 independent clusters. Today, MinIO has come a long way. While it still doesn’t support directly modifying disk/node counts online, it now offers storage pool expansion. This allows smooth scaling by adding new storage pools, migrating data, and retiring old ones without downtime.


For v3.1, I re-read MinIO’s latest documentation and updated the best-practice templates and SOPs to reflect its new features. These include:

  • Single node, single disk
  • Single node, multi-disk
  • Multi-node, multi-disk
  • Multi-storage-pool deployments
  • Handling disk failures and node failures
  • Expand/Shrink cluster
  • Using VIP and HAProxy for high-availability access

All procedures are documented and can be executed with just a few commands.

The Case for MinIO

Object storage is foundational for modern cloud infrastructure. MinIO, as a leading open-source object storage solution, delivers excellent performance and features. Most importantly, it is cloud-neutral, giving you independence from cloud vendor lock-in.

MinIO is also a compelling alternative to cloud object storage. Consider the scenario outlined in “DHH: Our cloud-exit savings will now top ten million over five years”:

  • Their cloud infrastructure included 10 PB of object storage.
  • The standard cost: $3M/year, reduced to $1.3M/year with saving plans
  • By contrast, a dedicated storage server with 1.2 PB of capacity costs just $20,000.
  • With OSS MinIO, 3-copies, DC, power, operations, the 5year TCO is still less than the one-year S3 cost.

If your business heavily relies on object storage, a self-hosted MinIO deployment combined with Cloudflare for external access could unlock significant cost savings and efficiency improvements. For many use cases, it’s an optimization worth serious consideration.



  • PostgreSQL 17 as the default major version (17.2)
  • Ubuntu 24.04 noble support
  • ARM64 support (el9, debian12, ubuntu 22.04)
  • New playbook supabase.yml for quick self-hosting supabase
  • MinIO Enhancement, best, practice, conf template, dashboards,…
  • Allow using -v to specify PG major version during configure
  • A series of out-of-the-box configuration templates and documentation.
  • Now install the pgvector extension by default
  • Simplify the repo packages configuration with package map alias
  • Setup WiltonDB, IvorySQL, PolarDB repo mirror
  • Enable postgres checksum by default

Software Upgrades

  • PostgreSQL 17.2, 16.6, 15.10, 14.15, 13.18, 12.22
  • PostgreSQL Extension Upgrades: https://ext.pigsty.io
  • Patroni 4.0.4
  • MinIO 20241107 / MCLI 20241117
  • Rclone 1.68.2
  • Prometheus: 2.54.0 -> 3.0.0
  • VictoriaMetrics 1.102.1 -> 1.106.1
  • VictoriaLogs v0.28.0 -> 1.0.0
  • vslogcli 1.0.0
  • MySQL Exporter 0.15.1 -> 0.16.0
  • Redis Exporter 1.62.0 -> 1.66.0
  • MongoDB Exporter 0.41.2 -> 0.42.0
  • Keepalived Exporter 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0
  • DuckDB 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
  • etcd 3.5.16 -> 3.5.17
  • tigerbeetle 16.8 -> 0.16.13

API Change

  • repo_upstream: Now has defaults per distro: roles/node_id/vars.
  • repo_packages: Now support using package_map alias.
  • repo_extra_packages: Now support missing default values, and using package_map alias.
  • pg_checksum: Now the default value is true.
  • pg_packages: Change to postgresql, wal2json pg_repack pgvector, patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager.
  • pg_extensions: Change to empty array [].
  • infra_portal: Now allow using path in the home server.

News: Pigsty v3.1 Released

Pigsty v3.1 is now live, closely following the release of PostgreSQL 17.2. This version marks PostgreSQL 17 as the default, featuring compatibility with the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and initial ARM64 arch support. It also introduces nearly 400 ready-to-use PostgreSQL extensions right from the start.

A notable feature is the one-click setup for a self-hosted Supabase, which is built upon PostgreSQL. Pigsty v3.1 enables you to run Supabase on local-first HA PostgreSQL (ver14-17) alone with 300+ extensions on mainstream Linux distros without virtualization or containers, utilizing modern hardware to its full potential.

The update enhances its repository with new PostgreSQL-compatible kernels like Babelfish, IvorySQL, and PolarDB, and the OLAP / DuckDB race players such as pg_analytics, pg_duckdb, pg_mooncake, pg_parquet, and duckdb_fdw, now directly accessible for the pigsty repo.

Additionally, MinIO best practices have been refined to lower deployment barriers and allow expanding existing clusters, which are detailed in the new admin SOP.

Pigsty 3.1 simplifies configuration across various OS distros by standardizing scenario-based config templates. You can download and install kernels and extensions by specifying their name. and changing the significant versions with just one pg_version parameter.

With comprehensive support for new operating systems and architectural improvements, Pigsty 3.1 aims to deliver a more feature-rich and cost-effective OSS RDS PG solution. I hope this could help you easily enjoy the latest PostgreSQL features and extensions.

Pigsty v3.0: Extension Exploding & Plugable Kernels

The 400 extension provided by Pigsty v3 & Plugable Kernels such as Babelfish, IvorySQL, and PolarDB

Get started with:

curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash
cd ~/pigsty; ./bootstrap; ./configure; ./install.yml

Highlight Features

Extension Exploding:

Pigsty now has an unprecedented 400 available extensions for PostgreSQL. This includes 121 extension RPM packages and 133 DEB packages, surpassing the total number of extensions provided by the PGDG official repository (135 RPM/109 DEB). Pigsty has ported unique PG extensions from the EL/DEB system to each other, achieving a great alignment of extension ecosystems between the two major distributions.

A crude list of the extension ecosystem is as follows:

- timescaledb periods temporal_tables emaj table_version pg_cron pg_later pg_background pg_timetable
- postgis pgrouting pointcloud pg_h3 q3c ogr_fdw geoip #pg_geohash #mobilitydb
- pgvector pgvectorscale pg_vectorize pg_similarity pg_tiktoken pgml #smlar
- pg_search pg_bigm zhparser hunspell
- hydra pg_lakehouse pg_duckdb duckdb_fdw pg_fkpart pg_partman plproxy #pg_strom citus
- pg_hint_plan age hll rum pg_graphql pg_jsonschema jsquery index_advisor hypopg imgsmlr pg_ivm pgmq pgq #rdkit
- pg_tle plv8 pllua plprql pldebugger plpgsql_check plprofiler plsh #pljava plr pgtap faker dbt2
- prefix semver pgunit md5hash asn1oid roaringbitmap pgfaceting pgsphere pg_country pg_currency pgmp numeral pg_rational pguint ip4r timestamp9 chkpass #pg_uri #pgemailaddr #acl #debversion #pg_rrule
- topn pg_gzip pg_http pg_net pg_html5_email_address pgsql_tweaks pg_extra_time pg_timeit count_distinct extra_window_functions first_last_agg tdigest aggs_for_arrays pg_arraymath pg_idkit pg_uuidv7 permuteseq pg_hashids
- sequential_uuids pg_math pg_random pg_base36 pg_base62 floatvec pg_financial pgjwt pg_hashlib shacrypt cryptint pg_ecdsa pgpcre icu_ext envvar url_encode #pg_zstd #aggs_for_vecs #quantile #lower_quantile #pgqr #pg_protobuf
- pg_repack pg_squeeze pg_dirtyread pgfincore pgdd ddlx pg_prioritize pg_checksums pg_readonly safeupdate pg_permissions pgautofailover pg_catcheck preprepare pgcozy pg_orphaned pg_crash pg_cheat_funcs pg_savior table_log pg_fio #pgpool pgagent
- pg_profile pg_show_plans pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_monitor pg_qualstats pg_store_plans pg_track_settings pg_wait_sampling system_stats pg_meta pgnodemx pg_sqlog bgw_replstatus pgmeminfo toastinfo pagevis powa pg_top #pg_statviz #pgexporter_ext #pg_mon
- passwordcheck supautils pgsodium pg_vault anonymizer pg_tde pgsmcrypto pgaudit pgauditlogtofile pg_auth_mon credcheck pgcryptokey pg_jobmon logerrors login_hook set_user pg_snakeoil pgextwlist pg_auditor noset #sslutils
- wrappers multicorn mysql_fdw tds_fdw sqlite_fdw pgbouncer_fdw mongo_fdw redis_fdw pg_redis_pubsub kafka_fdw hdfs_fdw firebird_fdw aws_s3 log_fdw #oracle_fdw #db2_fdw
- orafce pgtt session_variable pg_statement_rollback pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_lock pgmemcache #pg_dbms_job #wiltondb
- pglogical pgl_ddl_deploy pg_failover_slots wal2json wal2mongo decoderbufs decoder_raw mimeo pgcopydb pgloader pg_fact_loader pg_bulkload pg_comparator pgimportdoc pgexportdoc #repmgr #slony
- gis-stack rag-stack fdw-stack fts-stack etl-stack feat-stack olap-stack supa-stack stat-stack json-stack

Plugable Kernels:

Pigsty v3 allows you to replace the PostgreSQL kernel, currently supporting Babelfish (SQL Server compatible, with wire protocol emulation), IvorySQL (Oracle compatible), and RAC PolarDB for PostgreSQL. Additionally, self-hosted Supabase is now available on Debian systems. You can emulate MSSQL (via WiltonDB), Oracle (via IvorySQL), Oracle RAC (via PolarDB), MongoDB (via FerretDB), and Firebase (via Supabase) in Pigsty with production-grade PostgreSQL clusters featuring HA, IaC, PITR, and monitoring.

Pro Edition:

We now offer PGSTY Pro, a professional edition that provides value-added services on top of the open-source features. The professional edition includes additional modules: MSSQL, Oracle, Mongo, K8S, Victoria, Kafka, etc., and offers broader support for PG major versions, operating systems, and chip architectures. It provides offline installation packages customized for precise minor versions of all operating systems, and support for legacy systems like EL7, Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04.

Major Changes

This Pigsty release updates the major version number from 2.x to 3.0, with several significant changes:

  • Primary supported operating systems updated to: EL 8 / EL 9 / Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22.04
    • EL7 / Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04 systems are now deprecated and no longer supported.
    • Users needing to run on these systems should consider our subscription service.
  • Default to online installation, offline packages are no longer provided to resolve minor OS version compatibility issues.
    • The bootstrap process will no longer prompt for downloading offline packages, but if /tmp/pkg.tgz exists, it will still use the offline package automatically.
    • For offline installation needs, please create offline packages yourself or consider our pro version.
  • Unified adjustment of upstream software repositories used by Pigsty, address changes, and GPG signing and verification for all packages.
    • Standard repository: https://repo.pigsty.io/{apt/yum}
    • Domestic mirror: https://repo.pigsty.cc/{apt/yum}
  • API parameter changes and configuration template changes
    • Configuration templates for EL and Debian systems are now consolidated, with differing parameters managed in the roles/node_id/vars/ directory.
    • Configuration directory changes, all configuration file templates are now placed in the conf directory and categorized into default, dbms, demo, build.
  • Docker is now completely treated as a separate module, and will not be downloaded by default
  • New beta module: KAFKA
  • New beta module: KUBE

Other New Features

  • Epic enhancement of PG OLAP analysis capabilities: DuckDB 1.0.0, DuckDB FDW, and PG Lakehouse, Hydra have been ported to the Debian system.
  • Strengthened PG vector search and full-text search capabilities: Vectorscale provides DiskANN vector indexing, Hunspell dictionary support, pg_search 0.8.6.
  • Resolved package build issues for ParadeDB, now available on Debian/Ubuntu.
  • All required extensions for Supabase are now available on Debian/Ubuntu, making Supabase self-hostable across all OSes.
  • Provided capability for scenario-based pre-configured extension stacks. If you’re unsure which extensions to install, we offer extension recommendation packages (Stacks) tailored for specific application scenarios.
  • Created metadata tables, documentation, indexes, and name mappings for all PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions, ensuring alignment and usability for both EL and Debian systems.
  • Enhanced proxy_env parameter functionality to mitigate DockerHub ban issues, simplifying configuration.
  • Established a new dedicated software repository offering all extension plugins for versions 12-17, with the PG16 extension repository implemented by default in Pigsty.
  • Upgraded existing software repositories, employing standard signing and verification mechanisms to ensure package integrity and security. The APT repository adopts a new standard layout built through reprepro.
  • Provided sandbox environments for 1, 2, 3, 4, 43 nodes: meta, dual, trio, full, prod, and quick configuration templates for 7 major OS Distros.
  • Add PostgreSQL 17 and pgBouncer 1.23 metrics support in pg_exporter config, adding related dashboard panels.
  • Add logs panel for PGSQL Pgbouncer / PGSQL Patroni Dashboard
  • Add new playbook cache.yml to make offline packages, instead of bash bin/cache and bin/release-pkg

API Changes

  • New parameter option: pg_mode now have several new options:

    • pgsql: Standard PostgreSQL high availability cluster.
    • citus: Citus horizontally distributed PostgreSQL native high availability cluster.
    • gpsql: Monitoring for Greenplum and GP compatible databases (Pro edition).
    • mssql: Install WiltonDB / Babelfish to provide Microsoft SQL Server compatibility mode for standard PostgreSQL high availability clusters, with wire protocol level support, extensions unavailable.
    • ivory: Install IvorySQL to provide Oracle compatibility for PostgreSQL high availability clusters, supporting Oracle syntax/data types/functions/stored procedures, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
    • polar: Install PolarDB for PostgreSQL (PG RAC) open-source version to support localization database capabilities, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
  • New parameter option: pg_mode now have several new options:

    • pgsql: Standard PostgreSQL high availability cluster.
    • citus: Citus horizontally distributed PostgreSQL native high availability cluster.
    • gpsql: Monitoring for Greenplum and GP compatible databases (Pro edition).
    • mssql: Install WiltonDB / Babelfish to provide Microsoft SQL Server compatibility mode for standard PostgreSQL high availability clusters, with wire protocol level support, extensions unavailable.
    • ivory: Install IvorySQL to provide Oracle compatibility for PostgreSQL high availability clusters, supporting Oracle syntax/data types/functions/stored procedures, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
    • polar: Install PolarDB for PostgreSQL (PG RAC) open-source version to support localization database capabilities, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
  • New parameter: pg_parameters, used to specify parameters in postgresql.auto.conf at the instance level, overriding cluster configurations for personalized settings on different instance members.

  • New parameter: pg_files, used to specify additional files to be written to the PostgreSQL data directory, to support license feature required by some kernel forks.

  • New parameter: repo_extra_packages, used to specify additional packages to download, to be used in conjunction with repo_packages, facilitating the specification of extension lists unique to OS versions.

  • Parameter renaming: patroni_citus_db renamed to pg_primary_db, used to specify the primary database in the cluster (used in Citus mode).

  • Parameter enhancement: Proxy server configurations in proxy_env will be written to the Docker Daemon to address internet access issues, and the configure -x option will automatically write the proxy server configuration of the current environment.

  • Parameter enhancement: Allow using path item in infra_portal entries, to expose local dir as web service rather than proxy to another upstream.

  • Parameter enhancement: The repo_url_packages in repo.pigsty.io will automatically switch to repo.pigsty.cc when the region is China, addressing internet access issues. Additionally, the downloaded file name can now be specified.

  • Parameter enhancement: The extension field in pg_databases.extensions now supports both dictionary and extension name string modes. The dictionary mode offers version support, allowing the installation of specific extension versions.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the repo_upstream parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the repo_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the infra_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the node_default_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: The extensions specified in pg_packages and pg_extensions will now perform a lookup and translation from the pg_package_map defined in rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: Packages specified in node_packages and pg_extensions will be upgraded to the latest version upon installation. The default value in node_packages is now [openssh-server], helping to fix the OpenSSH CVE.

  • Parameter enhancement: pg_dbsu_uid will automatically adjust to 26 (EL) or 543 (Debian) based on the operating system type, avoiding manual adjustments.

  • pgBouncer Parameter update, max_prepared_statements = 128 enabled prepared statement support in transaction pooling mode, and set server_lifetime to 600.

  • Patroni template parameter update, uniformly increase max_worker_processes +8 available backend processes, increase max_wal_senders and max_replication_slots to 50, and increase the OLAP template temporary file size limit to 1/5 of the main disk.

Software Upgrade

The main components of Pigsty are upgraded to the following versions (as of the release time):

The complete list of PostgreSQL extensions can be found here.

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
timescaledb timescaledb PGDG 2.15.3 TIME Timescale Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
periods periods PGDG 1.2 TIME PostgreSQL Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
temporal_tables temporal_tables PGDG 1.2.2 TIME BSD 2 temporal tables
emaj emaj PGDG 4.4.0 TIME GPLv3 E-Maj extension enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
table_version table_version PGDG 1.10.3 TIME BSD 3 PostgreSQL table versioning extension
pg_cron pg_cron PGDG 1.6 TIME PostgreSQL Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_later pg_later PIGSTY 0.1.1 TIME PostgreSQL pg_later: Run queries now and get results later
pg_background pg_background PGDG 1.0 TIME GPLv3 Run SQL queries in the background
pg_timetable pg_timetable PGDG 5.9.0 TIME PostgreSQL Advanced scheduling for PostgreSQL
postgis postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgis_topology postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_raster postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
address_standardizer postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 Address Standardizer US dataset example
pgrouting pgrouting PGDG 3.6.0 GIS GPLv2 pgRouting Extension
pointcloud pointcloud PIGSTY 1.2.5 GIS BSD 3 data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis pointcloud PGDG 1.2.5 GIS BSD 3 integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
h3 pg_h3 PGDG 4.1.3 GIS Apache-2.0 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis pg_h3 PGDG 4.1.3 GIS Apache-2.0 H3 PostGIS integration
q3c q3c PIGSTY 2.0.1 GIS GPLv2 q3c sky indexing plugin
ogr_fdw ogr_fdw PGDG 1.1 GIS MIT foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
geoip geoip PGDG 0.3.0 GIS BSD 2 IP-based geolocation query
pg_geohash pg_geohash PIGSTY 1.0 GIS MIT Handle geohash based functionality for spatial coordinates
mobilitydb mobilitydb PGDG 1.1.1 GIS GPLv3 MobilityDB geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform
earthdistance earthdistance CONTRIB 1.1 GIS PostgreSQL calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
vector pgvector PGDG 0.7.3 RAG PostgreSQL vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
vectorscale pgvectorscale PIGSTY 0.2.0 RAG PostgreSQL pgvectorscale: Advanced indexing for vector data
vectorize pg_vectorize PIGSTY 0.17.0 RAG PostgreSQL The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres
pg_similarity pg_similarity PIGSTY 1.0 RAG BSD 3 support similarity queries
smlar smlar PIGSTY 1.0 RAG PostgreSQL Effective similarity search
pg_tiktoken pg_tiktoken PIGSTY 0.0.1 RAG Apache-2.0 pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres
pgml pgml PIGSTY 2.9.3 RAG MIT PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
pg_search pg_search PIGSTY 0.9.1 FTS AGPLv3 pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25
pg_bigm pg_bigm PGDG 1.2 FTS PostgreSQL create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search.
zhparser zhparser PIGSTY 2.2 FTS PostgreSQL a parser for full-text search of Chinese
hunspell_cs_cz hunspell_cs_cz PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Czech Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_de_de hunspell_de_de PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL German Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_en_us hunspell_en_us PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL en_US Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_fr hunspell_fr PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL French Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ne_np hunspell_ne_np PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Nepali Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_nl_nl hunspell_nl_nl PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Dutch Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_nn_no hunspell_nn_no PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Norwegian (norsk) Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_pt_pt hunspell_pt_pt PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Portuguese Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ru_ru hunspell_ru_ru PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Russian Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ru_ru_aot hunspell_ru_ru_aot PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Russian Hunspell Dictionary (from AOT.ru group)
fuzzystrmatch fuzzystrmatch CONTRIB 1.2 FTS PostgreSQL determine similarities and distance between strings
pg_trgm pg_trgm CONTRIB 1.6 FTS PostgreSQL text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
citus citus PGDG 12.1-1 OLAP AGPLv3 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
citus_columnar citus PGDG 11.3-1 OLAP AGPLv3 Citus columnar storage engine
columnar hydra PIGSTY 11.1-11 OLAP AGPLv3 Hydra Columnar extension
pg_lakehouse pg_lakehouse PIGSTY 0.9.0 OLAP AGPLv3 pg_lakehouse: An analytical query engine for Postgres
pg_duckdb pg_duckdb PIGSTY 0.0.1 OLAP MIT DuckDB Embedded in Postgres
duckdb_fdw duckdb_fdw PIGSTY 1.0.0 OLAP MIT DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper
parquet_s3_fdw parquet_s3_fdw PIGSTY 0.3.1 OLAP MIT foreign-data wrapper for parquet on S3
pg_fkpart pg_fkpart PGDG 1.7 OLAP GPLv2 Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman pg_partman PGDG 5.1.0 OLAP PostgreSQL Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy plproxy PGDG 2.11.0 OLAP BSD 0 Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
pg_strom pg_strom PGDG 5.1 OLAP PostgreSQL PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME
tablefunc tablefunc CONTRIB 1.0 OLAP PostgreSQL functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
age age PIGSTY 1.5.0 FEAT Apache-2.0 AGE graph database extension
hll hll PGDG 2.18 FEAT Apache-2.0 type for storing hyperloglog data
rum rum PGDG 1.3 FEAT PostgreSQL RUM index access method
pg_graphql pg_graphql PIGSTY 1.5.7 FEAT Apache-2.0 pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema pg_jsonschema PIGSTY 0.3.1 FEAT Apache-2.0 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
jsquery jsquery PGDG 1.1 FEAT PostgreSQL data type for jsonb inspection
pg_hint_plan pg_hint_plan PGDG 1.6.0 FEAT BSD 3 Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
hypopg hypopg PGDG 1.4.1 FEAT PostgreSQL Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
index_advisor index_advisor PIGSTY 0.2.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Query index advisor
imgsmlr imgsmlr PIGSTY 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Image similarity with haar
pg_ivm pg_ivm PGDG 1.8 FEAT PostgreSQL incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgmq pgmq PIGSTY 1.2.1 FEAT PostgreSQL A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pgq pgq PGDG 3.5.1 FEAT ISC Generic queue for PostgreSQL
rdkit rdkit PGDG 4.3.0 FEAT BSD 3 Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
bloom bloom CONTRIB 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL bloom access method - signature file based index
pg_tle pg_tle PIGSTY 1.2.0 LANG Apache-2.0 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
plv8 plv8 PIGSTY 3.2.2 LANG PostgreSQL PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
plluau pllua PGDG 2.0 LANG MIT Lua as an untrusted procedural language
hstore_plluau pllua PGDG 1.0 LANG MIT Hstore transform for untrusted Lua
pllua pllua PGDG 2.0 LANG MIT Lua as a procedural language
hstore_pllua pllua PGDG 1.0 LANG MIT Hstore transform for Lua
plprql plprql PIGSTY 0.1.0 LANG Apache-2.0 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language
pldbgapi pldebugger PGDG 1.1 LANG Artistic server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
plpgsql_check plpgsql_check PGDG 2.7 LANG MIT extended check for plpgsql functions
plprofiler plprofiler PGDG 4.2 LANG Artistic server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
plsh plsh PGDG 2 LANG MIT PL/sh procedural language
pljava pljava PGDG 1.6.6 LANG BSD 3 PL/Java procedural language (https://tada.github.io/pljava/)
plr plr PGDG 8.4.6 LANG GPLv2 load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
pgtap pgtap PGDG 1.3.1 LANG PostgreSQL Unit testing for PostgreSQL
faker faker PGDG 0.5.3 LANG PostgreSQL Wrapper for the Faker Python library
dbt2 dbt2 PGDG 0.45.0 LANG Artistic OSDL-DBT-2 test kit
pltcl pltcl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu pltcl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Perl procedural language
bool_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between bool and plperl
hstore_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plperl
jsonb_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plperl
plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
bool_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between bool and plperlu
jsonb_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plperlu
hstore_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plperlu
plpgsql plpgsql CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
jsonb_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plpython3u
ltree_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between ltree and plpython3u
hstore_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plpython3u
prefix prefix PGDG 1.2.0 TYPE PostgreSQL Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
semver semver PGDG 0.32.1 TYPE PostgreSQL Semantic version data type
unit pgunit PGDG 7 TYPE GPLv3 SI units extension
md5hash md5hash PIGSTY 1.0.1 TYPE BSD 2 type for storing 128-bit binary data inline
asn1oid asn1oid PIGSTY 1 TYPE GPLv3 asn1oid extension
roaringbitmap roaringbitmap PIGSTY 0.5 TYPE Apache-2.0 support for Roaring Bitmaps
pgfaceting pgfaceting PIGSTY 0.2.0 TYPE BSD 3 fast faceting queries using an inverted index
pg_sphere pgsphere PIGSTY 1.5.1 TYPE BSD 3 spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
country pg_country PIGSTY 0.0.3 TYPE PostgreSQL Country data type, ISO 3166-1
currency pg_currency PIGSTY 0.0.3 TYPE MIT Custom PostgreSQL currency type in 1Byte
pgmp pgmp PGDG 1.1 TYPE LGPLv3 Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
numeral numeral PIGSTY 1 TYPE GPLv2 numeral datatypes extension
pg_rational pg_rational PIGSTY 0.0.2 TYPE MIT bigint fractions
uint pguint PGDG 0 TYPE PostgreSQL unsigned integer types
ip4r ip4r PGDG 2.4 TYPE PostgreSQL IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
uri pg_uri PIGSTY 1.20151224 TYPE PostgreSQL URI Data type for PostgreSQL
pgemailaddr pgemailaddr PIGSTY 0 TYPE PostgreSQL Email address type for PostgreSQL
acl acl PIGSTY 1.0.4 TYPE BSD-2 ACL Data type
debversion debversion PGDG 1.1 TYPE PostgreSQL Debian version number data type
pg_rrule pg_rrule PGDG 0.2.0 TYPE MIT RRULE field type for PostgreSQL
timestamp9 timestamp9 PGDG 1.4.0 TYPE MIT timestamp nanosecond resolution
chkpass chkpass PIGSTY 1.0 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for auto-encrypted passwords
isn isn CONTRIB 1.2 TYPE PostgreSQL data types for international product numbering standards
seg seg CONTRIB 1.4 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
cube cube CONTRIB 1.5 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for multidimensional cubes
ltree ltree CONTRIB 1.2 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
hstore hstore CONTRIB 1.8 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
citext citext CONTRIB 1.6 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for case-insensitive character strings
xml2 xml2 CONTRIB 1.1 TYPE PostgreSQL XPath querying and XSLT
topn topn PGDG 2.6.0 FUNC AGPLv3 type for top-n JSONB
gzip pg_gzip PGDG 1.0 FUNC MIT gzip and gunzip functions.
zstd pg_zstd PIGSTY 1.1.0 FUNC ISC Zstandard compression algorithm implementation in PostgreSQL
http pg_http PGDG 1.6 FUNC MIT HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
pg_net pg_net PGDG 0.8.0 FUNC Apache-2.0 Async HTTP Requests
pg_html5_email_address pg_html5_email_address PIGSTY 1.2.3 FUNC PostgreSQL PostgreSQL email validation that is consistent with the HTML5 spec
pgsql_tweaks pgsql_tweaks PGDG 0.10.3 FUNC PostgreSQL Some functions and views for daily usage
pg_extra_time pg_extra_time PGDG 1.1.3 FUNC PostgreSQL Some date time functions and operators that,
timeit pg_timeit PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL High-accuracy timing of SQL expressions
count_distinct count_distinct PGDG 3.0.1 FUNC BSD 2 An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT …) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate
extra_window_functions extra_window_functions PGDG 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
first_last_agg first_last_agg PIGSTY 0.1.4 FUNC PostgreSQL first() and last() aggregate functions
tdigest tdigest PGDG 1.4.1 FUNC Apache-2.0 Provides tdigest aggregate function.
aggs_for_vecs aggs_for_vecs PIGSTY 1.3.0 FUNC MIT Aggregate functions for array inputs
aggs_for_arrays aggs_for_arrays PIGSTY 1.3.2 FUNC MIT Various functions for computing statistics on arrays of numbers
arraymath pg_arraymath PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC MIT Array math and operators that work element by element on the contents of arrays
quantile quantile PIGSTY 1.1.7 FUNC BSD Quantile aggregation function
lower_quantile lower_quantile PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC BSD-2 Lower quantile aggregate function
pg_idkit pg_idkit PIGSTY 0.2.3 FUNC Apache-2.0 multi-tool for generating new/niche universally unique identifiers (ex. UUIDv6, ULID, KSUID)
pg_uuidv7 pg_uuidv7 PGDG 1.5 FUNC MPLv2 pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres
permuteseq permuteseq PIGSTY 1.2 FUNC PostgreSQL Pseudo-randomly permute sequences with a format-preserving encryption on elements
pg_hashids pg_hashids PIGSTY 1.3 FUNC MIT Short unique id generator for PostgreSQL, using hashids
sequential_uuids sequential_uuids PGDG 1.0.2 FUNC MIT generator of sequential UUIDs
pg_math pg_math PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC GPLv3 GSL statistical functions for postgresql
random pg_random PIGSTY 2.0.0-dev FUNC PostgreSQL random data generator
base36 pg_base36 PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC MIT Integer Base36 types
base62 pg_base62 PIGSTY 0.0.1 FUNC MIT Base62 extension for PostgreSQL
floatvec floatvec PIGSTY 1.0.1 FUNC MIT Math for vectors (arrays) of numbers
financial pg_financial PIGSTY 1.0.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Financial aggregate functions
pgjwt pgjwt PIGSTY 0.2.0 FUNC MIT JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pg_hashlib pg_hashlib PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Stable hash functions for Postgres
shacrypt shacrypt PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Implements SHA256-CRYPT and SHA512-CRYPT password encryption schemes
cryptint cryptint PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Encryption functions for int and bigint values
pguecc pg_ecdsa PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC BSD-2 uECC bindings for Postgres
pgpcre pgpcre PIGSTY 1 FUNC PostgreSQL Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions
icu_ext icu_ext PIGSTY 1.8 FUNC PostgreSQL Access ICU functions
pgqr pgqr PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC BSD-3 QR Code generator from PostgreSQL
envvar envvar PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Fetch the value of an environment variable
pg_protobuf pg_protobuf PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC MIT Protobuf support for PostgreSQL
url_encode url_encode PIGSTY 1.2.5 FUNC PostgreSQL url_encode, url_decode functions
refint refint CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
autoinc autoinc CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for autoincrementing fields
insert_username insert_username CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for tracking who changed a table
moddatetime moddatetime CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for tracking last modification time
tsm_system_time tsm_system_time CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
dict_xsyn dict_xsyn CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
tsm_system_rows tsm_system_rows CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tcn tcn CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Triggered change notifications
uuid-ossp uuid-ossp CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
btree_gist btree_gist CONTRIB 1.7 FUNC PostgreSQL support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
btree_gin btree_gin CONTRIB 1.3 FUNC PostgreSQL support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
intarray intarray CONTRIB 1.5 FUNC PostgreSQL functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
intagg intagg CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
dict_int dict_int CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary template for integers
unaccent unaccent CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary that removes accents
pg_repack pg_repack PGDG 1.5.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_squeeze pg_squeeze PGDG 1.6 ADMIN BSD 2 A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pg_dirtyread pg_dirtyread PIGSTY 2 ADMIN BSD 3 Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pgfincore pgfincore PGDG 1.3.1 ADMIN BSD 3 examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgdd pgdd PIGSTY 0.5.2 ADMIN MIT An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (https://github.com/zombodb/pgx).
ddlx ddlx PGDG 0.27 ADMIN PostgreSQL DDL eXtractor functions
prioritize pg_prioritize PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
pg_checksums pg_checksums PGDG 1.1 ADMIN BSD 2 Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters
pg_readonly pg_readonly PGDG 1.0.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL cluster database read only
safeupdate safeupdate PGDG 1.4 ADMIN ISC Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE
pg_permissions pg_permissions PGDG 1.3 ADMIN BSD 2 view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pgautofailover pgautofailover PGDG 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL pg_auto_failover
pg_catcheck pg_catcheck PGDG 1.4.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Diagnosing system catalog corruption
pre_prepare preprepare PIGSTY 0.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre Prepare your Statement server side
pgcozy pgcozy PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre-warming shared buffers according to previous pg_buffercache snapshots for PostgreSQL.
pg_orphaned pg_orphaned PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Deal with orphaned files
pg_crash pg_crash PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 Send random signals to random processes
pg_cheat_funcs pg_cheat_funcs PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Provides cheat (but useful) functions
pg_savior pg_savior PIGSTY 0.0.1 ADMIN Apache-2.0 Postgres extension to save OOPS mistakes
table_log table_log PIGSTY 0.6.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL record table modification logs and PITR for table/row
pg_fio pg_fio PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 PostgreSQL File I/O Functions
pgpool_adm pgpool PGDG 1.5 ADMIN PostgreSQL Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery pgpool PGDG 1.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass pgpool PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL replacement for regclass
pgagent pgagent PGDG 4.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL A PostgreSQL job scheduler
vacuumlo vacuumlo CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
pg_prewarm pg_prewarm CONTRIB 1.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL prewarm relation data
oid2name oid2name CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL
lo lo CONTRIB 1.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL Large Object maintenance
basic_archive basic_archive CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL an example of an archive module
basebackup_to_shell basebackup_to_shell CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL adds a custom basebackup target called shell
old_snapshot old_snapshot CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
adminpack adminpack CONTRIB 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL administrative functions for PostgreSQL
amcheck amcheck CONTRIB 1.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL functions for verifying relation integrity
pg_surgery pg_surgery CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
pg_profile pg_profile PGDG 4.6 STAT BSD 2 PostgreSQL load profile repository and report builder
pg_show_plans pg_show_plans PGDG 2.1 STAT PostgreSQL show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_kcache PGDG 2.2.3 STAT BSD 3 Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_monitor pg_stat_monitor PGDG 2.0 STAT BSD 3 The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
pg_qualstats pg_qualstats PGDG 2.1.0 STAT BSD 3 An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_store_plans pg_store_plans PGDG 1.8 STAT BSD 3 track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_track_settings pg_track_settings PGDG 2.1.2 STAT PostgreSQL Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling pg_wait_sampling PGDG 1.1 STAT PostgreSQL sampling based statistics of wait events
system_stats system_stats PGDG 2.0 STAT PostgreSQL EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL
meta pg_meta PIGSTY 0.4.0 STAT BSD-2 Normalized, friendlier system catalog for PostgreSQL
pgnodemx pgnodemx PIGSTY 1.6 STAT Apache-2.0 Capture node OS metrics via SQL queries
pg_proctab pgnodemx PIGSTY 0.0.10-compat STAT BSD 3 PostgreSQL extension to access the OS process table
pg_sqlog pg_sqlog PIGSTY 1.6 STAT BSD 3 Provide SQL interface to logs
bgw_replstatus bgw_replstatus PGDG 1.0.6 STAT PostgreSQL Small PostgreSQL background worker to report whether a node is a replication master or standby
pgmeminfo pgmeminfo PGDG 1.0 STAT MIT show memory usage
toastinfo toastinfo PIGSTY 1 STAT PostgreSQL show details on toasted datums
pg_mon pg_mon PIGSTY 1.0 STAT MIT PostgreSQL extension to enhance query monitoring
pg_statviz pg_statviz PGDG 0.6 STAT BSD 3 stats visualization and time series analysis
pgexporter_ext pgexporter_ext PGDG 0.2.3 STAT BSD 3 pgexporter extension for extra metrics
pg_top pg_top PGDG 3.7.0 STAT BSD 3 Monitor PostgreSQL processes similar to unix top
pagevis pagevis PIGSTY 0.1 STAT MIT Visualise database pages in ascii code
powa powa PGDG 4.2.2 STAT PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
pageinspect pageinspect CONTRIB 1.12 STAT PostgreSQL inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pgrowlocks pgrowlocks CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL show row-level locking information
sslinfo sslinfo CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL information about SSL certificates
pg_buffercache pg_buffercache CONTRIB 1.4 STAT PostgreSQL examine the shared buffer cache
pg_walinspect pg_walinspect CONTRIB 1.1 STAT PostgreSQL functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pg_freespacemap pg_freespacemap CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_visibility pg_visibility CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pgstattuple pgstattuple CONTRIB 1.5 STAT PostgreSQL show tuple-level statistics
auto_explain auto_explain CONTRIB 16.3 STAT PostgreSQL Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically
pg_stat_statements pg_stat_statements CONTRIB 1.10 STAT PostgreSQL track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
passwordcheck_cracklib passwordcheck PGDG 3.0.0 SEC LGPLv2 Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib
supautils supautils PIGSTY 3.1.9 SEC Apache-2.0 Extension that secures a cluster on a cloud environment
pgsodium pgsodium PGDG 3.1.9 SEC BSD 3 Postgres extension for libsodium functions
supabase_vault pg_vault PIGSTY 0.2.8 SEC Apache-2.0 Supabase Vault Extension
anon anonymizer PGDG 1.3.2 SEC PostgreSQL Data anonymization tools
pg_tde pg_tde PIGSTY 1.0 SEC MIT pg_tde access method
pgsmcrypto pgsmcrypto PIGSTY 0.1.0 SEC MIT PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
pgaudit pgaudit PGDG 16.0 SEC PostgreSQL provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile pgauditlogtofile PGDG 1.6 SEC PostgreSQL pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
pg_auth_mon pg_auth_mon PGDG 1.1 SEC MIT monitor connection attempts per user
credcheck credcheck PGDG 2.7.0 SEC MIT credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pgcryptokey pgcryptokey PGDG 1.0 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic key management
pg_jobmon pg_jobmon PGDG 1.4.1 SEC PostgreSQL Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
logerrors logerrors PGDG 2.1 SEC BSD 3 Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
login_hook login_hook PGDG 1.5 SEC GPLv3 login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time
set_user set_user PGDG 4.0.1 SEC PostgreSQL similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
pg_snakeoil pg_snakeoil PIGSTY 1 SEC PostgreSQL The PostgreSQL Antivirus
pgextwlist pgextwlist PIGSTY 1.17 SEC PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting
pg_auditor pg_auditor PIGSTY 0.2 SEC BSD-3 Audit data changes and provide flashback ability
sslutils sslutils PIGSTY 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL A Postgres extension for managing SSL certificates through SQL
noset noset PIGSTY 0.3.0 SEC AGPLv3 Module for blocking SET variables for non-super users.
sepgsql sepgsql CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.
auth_delay auth_delay CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL pause briefly before reporting authentication failure
pgcrypto pgcrypto CONTRIB 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic functions
passwordcheck passwordcheck CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL checks user passwords and reject weak password
wrappers wrappers PIGSTY 0.4.1 FDW Apache-2.0 Foreign data wrappers developed by Supabase
multicorn multicorn PGDG 3.0 FDW PostgreSQL Fetch foreign data in Python in your PostgreSQL server.
mysql_fdw mysql_fdw PGDG 1.2 FDW BSD 3 Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
oracle_fdw oracle_fdw PGDG 1.2 FDW PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
tds_fdw tds_fdw PGDG 2.0.3 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
db2_fdw db2_fdw PGDG 6.0.1 FDW PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for DB2 access
sqlite_fdw sqlite_fdw PGDG 1.1 FDW PostgreSQL SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper
pgbouncer_fdw pgbouncer_fdw PGDG 1.1.0 FDW PostgreSQL Extension for querying PgBouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions
mongo_fdw mongo_fdw PGDG 1.1 FDW LGPLv3 foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access
redis_fdw redis_fdw PIGSTY 1.0 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for querying a Redis server
redis pg_redis_pubsub PIGSTY 0.0.1 FDW MIT Send redis pub/sub messages to Redis from PostgreSQL Directly
kafka_fdw kafka_fdw PIGSTY 0.0.3 FDW PostgreSQL kafka Foreign Data Wrapper for CSV formated messages
hdfs_fdw hdfs_fdw PGDG 2.0.5 FDW BSD 3 foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers
firebird_fdw firebird_fdw PIGSTY 1.4.0 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for Firebird
aws_s3 aws_s3 PIGSTY 0.0.1 FDW Apache-2.0 aws_s3 postgres extension to import/export data from/to s3
log_fdw log_fdw PIGSTY 1.4 FDW Apache-2.0 foreign-data wrapper for Postgres log file access
dblink dblink CONTRIB 1.2 FDW PostgreSQL connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
file_fdw file_fdw CONTRIB 1.0 FDW PostgreSQL foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
postgres_fdw postgres_fdw CONTRIB 1.1 FDW PostgreSQL foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
orafce orafce PGDG 4.10 SIM BSD 0 Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgtt pgtt PGDG 4.0.0 SIM ISC Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
session_variable session_variable PIGSTY 3.3 SIM GPLv3 Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants
pg_statement_rollback pg_statement_rollback PGDG 1.4 SIM ISC Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2
pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_metadata PGDG 1.0.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_lock pg_dbms_lock PGDG 1.0.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_job pg_dbms_job PGDG 1.5.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
babelfishpg_common babelfishpg_common WILTON 3.3.3 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support
babelfishpg_tsql babelfishpg_tsql WILTON 3.3.1 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility
babelfishpg_tds babelfishpg_tds WILTON 1.0.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server TDS protocol extension
babelfishpg_money babelfishpg_money WILTON 1.1.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Money Data Type
pgmemcache pgmemcache PGDG 2.3.0 SIM MIT memcached interface
pglogical pglogical PGDG 2.4.4 ETL PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical_origin pglogical PGDG 1.0.0 ETL PostgreSQL Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
pglogical_ticker pglogical PGDG 1.4 ETL PostgreSQL Have an accurate view on pglogical replication delay
pgl_ddl_deploy pgl_ddl_deploy PGDG 2.2 ETL MIT automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pg_failover_slots pg_failover_slots PIGSTY 1.0.1 ETL PostgreSQL PG Failover Slots extension
wal2json wal2json PGDG 2.5.3 ETL BSD 3 Changing data capture in JSON format
wal2mongo wal2mongo PIGSTY 1.0.7 ETL Apache-2.0 PostgreSQL logical decoding output plugin for MongoDB
decoderbufs decoderbufs PGDG 0.1.0 ETL MIT Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
decoder_raw decoder_raw PIGSTY 1.0 ETL PostgreSQL Output plugin for logical replication in Raw SQL format
test_decoding test_decoding CONTRIB 16.3 ETL PostgreSQL SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding
mimeo mimeo PIGSTY 1.5.1 ETL PostgreSQL Extension for specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances
repmgr repmgr PGDG 5.4 ETL GPLv3 Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pgcopydb pgcopydb PGDG 0.15 ETL PostgreSQL Copy a Postgres database to a target Postgres server
pgloader pgloader PGDG 3.6.10 ETL PostgreSQL Migrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!
pg_fact_loader pg_fact_loader PGDG 2.0 ETL MIT build fact tables with Postgres
pg_bulkload pg_bulkload PGDG 3.1.21 ETL BSD 3 pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
pg_comparator pg_comparator PGDG 2.2.5 ETL BSD 3 Comparation of testing and production services PostgreSQL databases.
pgimportdoc pgimportdoc PGDG 0.1.4 ETL BSD 2 command line utility for importing XML, JSON, BYTEA document to PostgreSQL
pgexportdoc pgexportdoc PGDG 0.1.4 ETL BSD 2 export XML, JSON and BYTEA documents from PostgreSQL

Docker Application

Pigsty now offers out-of-the-box Dify and Odoo Docker Compose templates:

  • Dify: Open Source AI Agent Workflow & LLMOps
  • Odoo: Open Source ERP System

There two new beta modules available in Pigsty Pro version:

  • KAFKA: Deploy a high-availability Kafka cluster supported by the Kraft protocol.
  • KUBE: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster managed by Pigsty using cri-dockerd or containerd.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed CVE-2024-6387 by automatically repairing during the Pigsty installation process using the default value [openssh-server] in node_packages.
  • Fixed memory consumption issues caused by Loki parsing Nginx log tag cardinality being too large.
  • Fixed bootstrap failure caused by upstream Ansible dependency changes in EL8 systems (python3.11-jmespath upgraded to python3.12-jmespath).

v2.7: Extension Overwhelming

Extension Overwhelming & Docker VM preparation

The Pigsty community is thrilled to announce Pigsty v2.7.0, which has 255 unique extensions available, to the free PostgreSQL distribution and RDS alternative. We also have introduced some new docker-compose templates for Odoo, Jupyter, PolarDB, and GA Supabase.

About Pigsty

Pigsty is a Battery-included, local-first PostgreSQL Distribution as a Free RDS alternative.

Links: Website | GitHub | Demo | Blog | Install | Feature

Images: Introduction | Extensions | Architecture | Dashboards

Getting Started with the latest v2.7.0 release with: curl -L https://get.pigsty.cc/install | bash

Pigsty v2.7: Extension Overwhelming

I wrote a popular article last month - Postgres is eating the database world, explaining why extensions matter to the PostgreSQL ecosystem.

Based on this idea, we’ve packaged 20 brand-new extensions in v2.7. With these extensions added, Pigsty offers 157 non-contrib extensions for EL Distros and 116 for Debian/Ubuntu Distros. Combined with 73 built-in Contrib extensions, Pigsty now has a total of 255 unique extensions available, which takes PostgreSQL’s versatility to a whole new level!

Complete list of available extensions: https://pigsty.io/docs/reference/extension/

v2.7.0 Release Note


Adding numerous new extensions written in rust & pgrx:

  • pg_search v0.7.0 : Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
  • pg_lakehouse v0.7.0 : Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
  • pg_analytics v0.6.1 : Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
  • pg_graphql v1.5.4 : GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
  • pg_jsonschema v0.3.1 : PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
  • wrappers v0.3.1 : Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
  • pgmq v1.5.2 : A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
  • pg_tier v0.0.3 : Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
  • pg_vectorize v0.15.0 : The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
  • pg_later v0.1.0 : Execute SQL now and get the results later.
  • pg_idkit v0.2.3 : Generating many popular types of identifiers
  • plprql v0.1.0 : Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
  • pgsmcrypto v0.1.0 : PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
  • pg_tiktoken v0.0.1 : OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for PostgreSQL
  • pgdd v0.5.2 : Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL

And some new extensions in plain C & C++:

  • parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 : ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
  • plv8 3.2.2 : V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
  • md5hash 1.0.1 : Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
  • pg_tde 1.0 alpha: Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
  • pg_dirtyread 2.6 : Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
  • New deb PGDG extensions: pg_roaringbitmap, pgfaceting, mobilitydb, pgsql-http, pg_hint_plan, pg_statviz, pg_rrule
  • New rpm PGDG extensions: pg_profile, pg_show_plans, use PGDG’s pgsql_http, pgsql_gzip, pg_net, pg_bigm instead of Pigsty RPM.

New Features

  • Prepare arm64 packages for infra & pgsql packages for el & deb distros.
  • New installation script to download from Cloudflare, and more hints.
  • New monitoring dashboard PGSQL PITR to assist the PITR procedure.
  • Make preparations for running pigsty inside docker VM containers
  • Add a fool-proof design for running pgsql.yml on a node that is not managed by Pigsty
  • Add separated template for each OS distro: el7, el8, el9, debian11, debian12, ubuntu20, ubuntu22

New Docker Application

  • Odoo: launch open-source ERP over PostgreSQL.
  • Jupyter: Run Jupyter notebook containers and expose the HTTP service.
  • PolarDB: run the demo playground for the shared-storage version of OSS PG.
  • supabase: bump to the latest GA version.
  • bytebase: use the latest tag instead of the ad hoc version.
  • pg_exporter: update docker image example

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, 12.19
  • Patroni 3.3.0
  • pgBackRest 2.51
  • vip-manager v2.5.0
  • Haproxy 2.9.7
  • Grafana 10.4.2
  • Prometheus 2.51
  • Loki & Promtail: 3.0.0 (breaking changes!)
  • Alertmanager 0.27.0
  • BlackBox Exporter 0.25.0
  • Node Exporter 1.8.0
  • pgBackrest Exporter 0.17.0
  • duckdb 0.10.2
  • etcd 3.5.13
  • minio-20240510014138 / mcli-20240509170424
  • pev2 v1.8.0 → v1.11.0
  • pgvector 0.6.1 → 0.7.0
  • pg_tle: v1.3.4 → v1.4.0
  • hydra: v1.1.1 → v1.1.2
  • duckdb_fdw: v1.1.0 recompile with libduckdb 0.10.2
  • pg_bm25 0.5.6 → pg_search 0.7.0
  • pg_analytics: 0.5.6 → 0.6.1
  • pg_graphql: 1.5.0 → 1.5.4
  • pg_net 0.8.0 → 0.9.1
  • pg_sparse (deprecated due to pgvector 0.7)

Fixed Issues

  • Fix role pg_exporters white space in variable templates
  • Fix minio_cluster not commented in global variables
  • Fix the non-existent postgis34 package name in the el7 config template
  • Fix EL8 python3.11-cryptography deps to python3-cryptography according to upstream
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-role can not get OS user name from environ in non-interact mode
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-pitr can not hint -X -P flag properly

API Change

  • New parameter node_write_etc_hosts to control whether to write /etc/hosts file on target nodes.
  • Relocatable prometheus target directory with new parameter prometheus_sd_dir.
  • Add -x|--proxy flag to enable and use the value of global proxy env by @waitingsong in https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/pull/405
  • No longer parse infra nginx log details since it brings too many labels to the log.
  • Use alertmanager API Version v2 instead of v1 in prometheus config.
  • Use /pg/cert/ca.crt instead of /etc/pki/ca.crt in role pgsql.


A huge thank you to all our users who contributed patches reported bugs and proposed new features.

Pigsty thrives on community contributions. We warmly welcome your ideas, feature requests, or patches. Please share your contributions on our GitHub page. We look forward to your feedback on Pigsty 2.7 and your continued support in making Pigsty even better.

Best regards,

Ruohang Feng (@vonng), [email protected] , The Pigsty Community

Battery-Included PostgreSQL Distro as a Free RDS Alternative, with:



Extension Overwhelming, adding numerous new extensions written in rust & pgrx:

  • pg_search v0.7.0 : Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
  • pg_lakehouse v0.7.0 : Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
  • pg_analytics v0.6.1 : Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
  • pg_graphql v1.5.4 : GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
  • pg_jsonschema v0.3.1 : PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
  • wrappers v0.3.1 : Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
  • pgmq v1.5.2 : A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
  • pg_tier v0.0.3 : Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
  • pg_vectorize v0.15.0 : The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
  • pg_later v0.1.0 : Execute SQL now and get the results later.
  • pg_idkit v0.2.3 : Generating many popular types of identifiers
  • plprql v0.1.0 : Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
  • pgsmcrypto v0.1.0 : PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
  • pg_tiktoken v0.0.1 : OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for postgres
  • pgdd v0.5.2 : Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL

And some new extensions in plain C & C++

  • parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 : ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgresSQL
  • plv8 3.2.2 : V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
  • md5hash 1.0.1 : Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
  • pg_tde 1.0 alpha: Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
  • pg_dirtyread 2.6 : Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
  • New deb PGDG extensions: pg_roaringbitmap, pgfaceting, mobilitydb, pgsql-http, pg_hint_plan, pg_statviz, pg_rrule
  • New rpm PGDG extensions: pg_profile, pg_show_plans, use PGDG’s pgsql_http, pgsql_gzip, pg_net, pg_bigm instead of Pigsty RPM.

New Features

  • running on certain docker containers.
  • prepare arm64 packages for infra & pgsql packages for el & deb distros.
  • new installation script to download from cloudflare, and more hint.
  • new monitoring dashboard for PGSQL PITR to assist the PITR procedure.
  • make preparation for running pigsty inside docker VM containers
  • add a fool-proof design for running pgsql.yml on node that is not managed by pigsty
  • add config template for each major version: el7, el8, el9, debian11, debian12, ubuntu20, ubuntu22

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16.3
  • Patroni 3.3.0
  • pgBackRest 2.51
  • vip-manager v2.5.0
  • Haproxy 2.9.7
  • Grafana 10.4.2
  • Prometheus 2.51
  • Loki & Promtail: 3.0.0 (breaking changes!)
  • Alertmanager 0.27.0
  • BlackBox Exporter 0.25.0
  • Node Exporter 1.8.0
  • pgBackrest Exporter 0.17.0
  • duckdb 0.10.2
  • etcd 3.5.13
  • minio-20240510014138 / mcli-20240509170424
  • pev2 v1.8.0 -> v1.11.0
  • pgvector 0.6.1 -> 0.7.0
  • pg_tle: v1.3.4 -> v1.4.0
  • hydra: v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2
  • duckdb_fdw: v1.1.0 recompile with libduckdb 0.10.2
  • pg_bm25 0.5.6 -> pg_search 0.7.0
  • pg_analytics: 0.5.6 -> 0.6.1
  • pg_graphql: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.4
  • pg_net 0.8.0 -> 0.9.1
  • pg_sparse (deprecated)

Docker Application

  • Odoo: launch open source ERP and plugins
  • Jupyter: run jupyter notebook container
  • PolarDB: run the demo PG RAC playground.
  • supabase: bump to the latest GA version.
  • bytebase: use the latest tag instead of ad hoc version.
  • pg_exporter: update docker image example

Bug Fix

  • Fix role pg_exporters white space in variable templates
  • Fix minio_cluster not commented in global variables
  • Fix the non-exist postgis34 in el7 config template
  • Fix EL8 python3.11-cryptography deps to python3-cryptography according to upstream
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-role can not get OS user name from environ in non-interact mode
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-pitr can not hint -X -P flag properly

API Change

  • New parameter node_write_etc_hosts to control whether to write /etc/hosts file on target nodes.
  • Relocatable prometheus target directory with new parameter prometheus_sd_dir.
  • Add -x|--proxy flag to enable and use value of global proxy env by @waitingsong in https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/pull/405
  • No longer parse infra nginx log details since it brings too much labels to the log.
  • Use alertmanager API Version v2 instead of v1 in prometheus config.
  • Use /pg/cert/ca.crt instead of /etc/pki/ca.crt in pgsql roles.

New Contributors

Package Checksums

ec271a1d34b2b1360f78bfa635986c3a  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
f3304bfd896b7e3234d81d8ff4b83577  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
5b071c2a651e8d1e68fc02e7e922f2b3  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.6: the OLAP New Challenger

PG 16 as default, ParadeDB & DuckDB support




  • Disable Grafana Unified Alert to work around the “Database Locked” error.
  • add node_repo_modules to add upstream repos (including local one) to node
  • remove node_local_repo_urls, replaced by node_repo_modules & repo_upstream.
  • remove node_repo_method, replaced by node_repo_modules.
  • add the new local repo into repo_upstream instead of node_local_repo_urls
  • add chrony into node_default_packages
  • remove redis,minio,postgresql client from infra packages
  • replace repo_upstream.baseurl $releasever for pgdg el8/el9 with major.minor instead of major version

Software Upgrade

  • Grafana 10.3.3
  • Prometheus 2.47
  • node_exporter 1.7.0
  • HAProxy 2.9.5
  • Loki / Promtail 2.9.4
  • minio-20240216110548 / mcli-20240217011557
  • etcd 3.5.11
  • Redis 7.2.4
  • Bytebase 2.13.2
  • HAProxy 2.9.5
  • DuckDB 0.10.0
  • FerretDB 1.19
  • Metabase: new docker compose app template added

PostgreSQL x Pigsty Extensions

  • PostgreSQL Minor Version Upgrade 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14, 12.18
  • PostgreSQL 16 is now used as the default major version
  • pg_exporter 0.6.1, security fix
  • Patroni 3.2.2
  • pgBadger 12.4
  • pgBouncer 1.22
  • pgBackRest 2.50
  • vip-manager 2.3.0
  • PostGIS 3.4.2
  • PGVector 0.6.0
  • TimescaleDB 2.14.1
  • New Extension duckdb_fdw v1.1
  • New Extension pgsql-gzip v1.0.0
  • New Extension pg_sparse from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • New Extension pg_bm25 from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • New Extension pg_analytics from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • Bump AI/ML Extension pgml to v2.8.1 with pg16 support
  • Bump Columnar Extension hydra to v1.1.1 with pg16 support
  • Bump Graph Extension age to v1.5.0 with pg16 support
  • Bump Packaging Extension pg_tle to v1.3.4 with pg16 support
  • Bump GraphQL Extension pg_graphql to v1.5.0 to support supabase
330e9bc16a2f65d57264965bf98174ff  pigsty-v2.6.0.tgz
81abcd0ced798e1198740ab13317c29a  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz
7304f4458c9abd3a14245eaf72f4eeb4  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
f914fbb12f90dffc4e29f183753736bb  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
fc23d122d0743d1c1cb871ca686449c0  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
9d258dbcecefd232f3a18bcce512b75e  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
901ee668621682f99799de8932fb716c  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
39872cf774c1fe22697c428be2fc2c22  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.5: Debian / Ubuntu / PG16

Ubuntu/Debian Support, New Extensions & Monitor Update


curl https://get.pigsty.io/latest | bash


  • Ubuntu / Debian Support: bullseye, bookworm, jammy, focal

  • Dedicate yum/apt repo on repo.pigsty.cc and mirror on packagecloud.io

  • Anolis OS Support (EL 8.8 Compatible)

  • PG Major Candidate: Use PostgreSQL 16 instead of PostgreSQL 14.

  • New Dashboard PGSQL Exporter, PGSQL Patroni, rework on PGSQL Query

  • Extensions Update:

    • Bump PostGIS version to v3.4 on el8, el9, ubuntu22, keep postgis 33 on EL7
    • Remove extension pg_embedding because it is no longer maintained, use pgvector instead.
    • New extension on EL: pointcloud with LIDAR data type support.
    • New extension on EL: imgsmlr, pg_similarity, pg_bigm
    • Include columnar extension hydra and remove citus from default installed extension list.
    • Recompile pg_filedump as PG major version independent package.
  • Software Version Upgrade:

    • Grafana to v10.1.5
    • Prometheus to v2.47
    • Promtail/Loki to v2.9.1
    • Node Exporter to v1.6.1
    • Bytebase to v2.10.0
    • patroni to v3.1.2
    • pgbouncer to v1.21.0
    • pg_exporter to v0.6.0
    • pgbackrest to v2.48.0
    • pgbadger to v12.2
    • pg_graphql to v1.4.0
    • pg_net to v0.7.3
    • ferretdb to v0.12.1
    • sealos to 4.3.5
    • Supabase support to 20231013070755

Ubuntu Support

Pigsty has two ubuntu LTS support: 22.04 (jammy) and 20.04 (focal), and ship corresponding offline packages for them.

Some parameters need to be specified explicitly when deploying on Ubuntu, please refer to ubuntu.yml

  • repo_upstream: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian repo.
  • repo_packages: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian naming convention
  • node_repo_local_urls: use the default value: ['deb [trusted=yes] http://${admin_ip}/pigsty ./']
  • node_default_packages:
    • zlib -> zlib1g, readline -> libreadline-dev
    • vim-minimal -> vim-tiny, bind-utils -> dnsutils, perf -> linux-tools-generic,
    • new packages acl to ensure ansible tmp file privileges are set correctly
  • infra_packages: replace all _ with - in names, and replace postgresql16 with postgresql-client-16
  • pg_packages: replace all _ with - in names, patroni-etcd not needed on ubuntu
  • pg_extensions: different naming convention, no passwordcheck_cracklib on ubuntu.
  • pg_dbsu_uid: You have to manually specify pg_dbsu_uid on ubuntu, because PGDG deb package does not specify pg dbsu uid.

API Changes

default values of following parameters have changed:

  • repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,redis,minio

  • repo_upstream: Now add Pigsty Infra/MinIO/Redis/PGSQL modular upstream repo.

  • repo_packages: remove unused karma,mtail,dellhw_exporter and pg 14 extra extensions, adding pg 16 extra extensions.

  • node_default_packages now add python3-pip as default packages.

  • pg_libs: timescaledb is remove from shared_preload_libraries by default.

  • pg_extensions: citus is nolonger installed by default, and passwordcheck_cracklib is installed by default

    - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* passwordcheck_cracklib_${pg_version}*
    - postgis34_${pg_version}* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}*
87e0be2edc35b18709d7722976e305b0  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
e71304d6f53ea6c0f8e2231f238e8204  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
39728496c134e4352436d69b02226ee8  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
e3f548a6c7961af6107ffeee3eabc9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz
1e469cc86a19702e48d7c1a37e2f14f9  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
cc3af3b7c12f98969d3c6962f7c4bd8f  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
c5b2b1a4867eee624e57aed58ac65a80  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz


Routine update with v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22

Now PostgreSQL 16 has all the core extensions available (pg_repack & timescaledb added)

  • Software Version Upgrade:
    • PostgreSQL to v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22
    • Patroni v3.2.0
    • PgBackrest v2.49
    • Citus 12.1
    • TimescaleDB 2.13.0 (with PG 16 support)
    • Grafana v10.2.2
    • FerretDB 1.15
    • SealOS 4.3.7
    • Bytebase 2.11.1
  • Remove monitor schema prefix from PGCAT dashboard queries
  • New template wool.yml for Aliyun free ECS singleton
  • Add python3-jmespath in addition to python3.11-jmespath for el9
31ee48df1007151009c060e0edbd74de  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el7.x86_64.tgz
a40f1b864ae8a19d9431bcd8e74fa116  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el8.x86_64.tgz
c976cd4431fc70367124fda4e2eac0a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el9.x86_64.tgz
7fc1b5bdd3afa267a5fc1d7cb1f3c9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian11.x86_64.tgz
add0731dc7ed37f134d3cb5b6646624e  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian12.x86_64.tgz
99048d09fa75ccb8db8e22e2a3b41f28  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
431668425f8ce19388d38e5bfa3a948c  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.4: Monitoring Cloud RDS

PG16, RDS Monitor, New Extensions, Redis Enhancement


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)".


  • PostgreSQL 16 support
  • The first LTS version with business support and consulting service
  • Monitoring existing PostgreSQL, RDS for PostgreSQL / PolarDB with PGRDS Dashboards
  • New extension: Apache AGE, openCypher graph query engine on PostgreSQL
  • New extension: zhparser, full text search for Chinese language
  • New extension: pg_roaringbitmap, roaring bitmap for PostgreSQL
  • New extension: pg_embedding, hnsw alternative to pgvector
  • New extension: pg_tle, admin / manage stored procedure extensions
  • New extension: pgsql-http, issue http request with SQL interface
  • Add extensions: pg_auth_mon pg_checksums pg_failover_slots pg_readonly postgresql-unit pg_store_plans pg_uuidv7 set_user
  • Redis enhancement: add monitoring panels for redis sentinel, and auto HA configuration for redis ms cluster.

API Change

  • New Parameter: REDIS.redis_sentinel_monitor: specify masters monitor by redis sentinel cluster

Bug Fix

  • Fix Grafana 10.1 registered datasource will use random uid rather than ins.datname
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 257443e3c171439914cbfad8e9f72b17
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 41ad8007ffbfe7d5e8ba5c4b51ff2adc
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 9a950aed77a6df90b0265a6fa6029250

v2.3: Ecosystem Applications

PGSQL/REDIS Update, NODE VIP, Mongo/FerretDB, MYSQL Stub


PGSQL/REDIS Update, NODE VIP, Mongo/FerretDB, MYSQL Stub

Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)"


  • INFRA: NODE/PGSQL VIP monitoring support
  • NODE: Allow bind node_vip to node cluster with keepalived
  • REPO: Dedicate yum repo, enable https for get.pigsty.cc and demo.pigsty.io
  • PGSQL: Fix CVE-2023-39417 with PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, bump patroni version to v3.1.0
  • APP: Bump app/bytebase to v2.6.0, app/ferretdb version to v1.8, new application nocodb
  • REDIS: bump to v7.2 and rework on dashboards
  • MONGO: basic deploy & monitor support with FerretDB 1.8
  • MYSQL: add prometheus/grafana/ca stub for future implementation.

API Change

Add 1 new section NODE.NODE_VIP with 8 new parameter

  • NODE.VIP.vip_enabled : enable vip on this node cluster?
  • NODE.VIP.vip_address : node vip address in ipv4 format, required if vip is enabled
  • NODE.VIP.vip_vrid : required, integer, 1-255 should be unique among same VLAN
  • NODE.VIP.vip_role : master/backup, backup by default, use as init role
  • NODE.VIP.vip_preempt : optional, true/false, false by default, enable vip preemption
  • NODE.VIP.vip_interface : node vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
  • NODE.VIP.vip_dns_suffix : node vip dns name suffix, .vip by default
  • NODE.VIP.vip_exporter_port : keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 81db95f1c591008725175d280ad23615
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 6f4d169b36f6ec4aa33bfd5901c9abbe
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 4bc9ae920e7de6dd8988ca7ee681459d


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)".


  • PGVector 0.5 with HNSW index support
  • PostgreSQL 16 RC1 for el8/el9 ** Adding SealOS for kubernetes support

Bug Fix

  • Fix infra.repo.repo_pkg task when downloading rpm with * in their names in repo_packages.
    • if /www/pigsty already have package name match that pattern, some rpm will be skipped.
  • Change default value of vip_dns_suffix to '' empty string rather than .vip
  • Grant sudo privilege for postgres dbsu when pg_dbsu_sudo = limit and patroni_watchdog_mode = required
    • /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/modprobe softdog: enable watchdog module before launching patroni
    • /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chown {{ pg_dbsu }} /dev/watchdog: chown watchdog before launching patroni

Documentation Update

  • Add details to English documentation
  • Add Chinese/zh-cn documentation

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16 RC1 on el8/el9
  • PGVector 0.5.0 with hnsw index
  • TimescaleDB 2.11.2
  • grafana 10.1.0
  • loki & promtail 2.8.4
  • mcli-20230829225506 / minio-20230829230735
  • ferretdb 1.9
  • sealos 4.3.3
  • pgbadger 1.12.2
ce69791eb622fa87c543096cdf11f970  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el7.x86_64.tgz
495aba9d6d18ce1ebed6271e6c96b63a  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el8.x86_64.tgz
38b45582cbc337ff363144980d0d7b64  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el9.x86_64.tgz

v2.2: Observability Overhaul

Dashboard & Provision overhaul, UOS compatibility



Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)"

Release Note: https://doc.pigsty.cc/#/RELEASENOTE?id=v220


  • Monitoring Dashboards Overhaul: https://demo.pigsty.io
  • Vagrant Sandbox Overhaul: libvirt support and new templates
  • Pigsty EL Yum Repo: Building simplified
  • OS Compatibility: UOS-v20-1050e support
  • New config template: prod simulation with 42 nodes
  • Use official pgdg citus distribution for el7

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16 beta2
  • Citus 12 / PostGIS 3.3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.11.1 / PGVector 0.44
  • patroni 3.0.4 / pgbackrest 2.47 / pgbouncer 1.20
  • grafana 10.0.3 / loki/promtail/logcli 2.8.3
  • etcd 3.5.9 / haproxy v2.8.1 / redis v7.0.12
  • minio 20230711212934 / mcli 20230711233044

Bug Fix

  • Fix docker group ownership issue [29434bd]https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/commit/29434bdd39548d95d80a236de9099874ed564f9b
  • Append infra os group rather than set it as primary group
  • Fix redis sentinel systemd enable status 5c96feb
  • Loose bootstrap & configure if /etc/redhat-release not exists
  • Fix grafana 9.x CVE-2023-1410 with 10.0.2
  • Add PG 14 - 16 new command tags and error codes for pglog schema

API Change

Add 1 new parameter

  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_exporter_enabled : now you can disable nginx_exporter with this parameter

Default value changes:

  • repo_modules: node,pgsql,infra : redis is removed from it
  • repo_upstream:
    • add pigsty-el: distribution independent rpms: such as grafana, minio, pg_exporter, etc…
    • add pigsty-misc: distribution aware rpms: such as redis, prometheus stack binaries, etc…
    • remove citus repo since pgdg now have full official citus support (on el7)
    • remove remi , since redis is now included in pigsty-misc
    • remove grafana in build config for acceleration
  • repo_packages:
    • ansible python3 python3-pip python3-requests python3.11-jmespath dnf-utils modulemd-tools # el7: python36-requests python36-idna yum-utils
    • grafana loki logcli promtail prometheus2 alertmanager karma pushgateway node_exporter blackbox_exporter nginx_exporter redis_exporter
    • redis etcd minio mcli haproxy vip-manager pg_exporter nginx createrepo_c sshpass chrony dnsmasq docker-ce docker-compose-plugin flamegraph
    • lz4 unzip bzip2 zlib yum pv jq git ncdu make patch bash lsof wget uuid tuned perf nvme-cli numactl grubby sysstat iotop htop rsync tcpdump
    • netcat socat ftp lrzsz net-tools ipvsadm bind-utils telnet audit ca-certificates openssl openssh-clients readline vim-minimal
    • postgresql13* wal2json_13* pg_repack_13* passwordcheck_cracklib_13* postgresql12* wal2json_12* pg_repack_12* passwordcheck_cracklib_12* postgresql16* timescaledb-tools
    • postgresql15 postgresql15* citus_15* pglogical_15* wal2json_15* pg_repack_15* pgvector_15* timescaledb-2-postgresql-15* postgis33_15* passwordcheck_cracklib_15* pg_cron_15*
    • postgresql14 postgresql14* citus_14* pglogical_14* wal2json_14* pg_repack_14* pgvector_14* timescaledb-2-postgresql-14* postgis33_14* passwordcheck_cracklib_14* pg_cron_14*
    • patroni patroni-etcd pgbouncer pgbadger pgbackrest pgloader pg_activity pg_partman_15 pg_permissions_15 pgaudit17_15 pgexportdoc_15 pgimportdoc_15 pg_statement_rollback_15*
    • orafce_15* mysqlcompat_15 mongo_fdw_15* tds_fdw_15* mysql_fdw_15 hdfs_fdw_15 sqlite_fdw_15 pgbouncer_fdw_15 multicorn2_15* powa_15* pg_stat_kcache_15* pg_stat_monitor_15* pg_qualstats_15 pg_track_settings_15 pg_wait_sampling_15 system_stats_15
    • plprofiler_15* plproxy_15 plsh_15* pldebugger_15 plpgsql_check_15* pgtt_15 pgq_15* pgsql_tweaks_15 count_distinct_15 hypopg_15 timestamp9_15* semver_15* prefix_15* rum_15 geoip_15 periods_15 ip4r_15 tdigest_15 hll_15 pgmp_15 extra_window_functions_15 topn_15
    • pg_background_15 e-maj_15 pg_catcheck_15 pg_prioritize_15 pgcopydb_15 pg_filedump_15 pgcryptokey_15 logerrors_15 pg_top_15 pg_comparator_15 pg_ivm_15* pgsodium_15* pgfincore_15* ddlx_15 credcheck_15 safeupdate_15 pg_squeeze_15* pg_fkpart_15 pg_jobmon_15
  • repo_url_packages:
  • node_default_packages:
    • lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib,yum,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,grubby,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump
    • netcat,socat,ftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,bind-utils,telnet,audit,ca-certificates,openssl,readline,vim-minimal,node_exporter,etcd,haproxy,python3,python3-pip
  • infra_packages
    • grafana,loki,logcli,promtail,prometheus2,alertmanager,karma,pushgateway
    • node_exporter,blackbox_exporter,nginx_exporter,redis_exporter,pg_exporter
    • nginx,dnsmasq,ansible,postgresql15,redis,mcli,python3-requests
  • PGSERVICE in .pigsty is removed, replaced with PGDATABASE=postgres.

FHS Changes:

  • bin/dns and bin/ssh now moved to vagrant/
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 5fb6a449a234e36c0d895a35c76add3c
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = c7211730998d3b32671234e91f529fd0
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 385432fe86ee0f8cbccbbc9454472fdd

v2.1: Vector Embedding & RAG

PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16 support


PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16 support and pgvector for AI embedding.



  • PostgreSQL 16 beta support, and 12 ~ 15 support.
  • Add PGVector for AI Embedding for 12 - 15
  • Add 6 extra panel & datasource plugins for grafana
  • Add bin/profile to profile remote process and generate flamegraph
  • Add bin/validate to validate pigsty.yml configuration file
  • Add bin/repo-add to add upstream repo files to /etc/yum.repos.d
  • PostgreSQL 16 observability: pg_stat_io and corresponding dashboards

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 15.3 , 14.8, 13.11, 12.15, 11.20, and 16 beta1
  • pgBackRest 2.46
  • pgbouncer 1.19
  • Redis 7.0.11
  • Grafana v9.5.3
  • Loki / Promtail / Logcli 2.8.2
  • Prometheus 2.44
  • TimescaleDB 2.11.0
  • minio-20230518000536 / mcli-20230518165900
  • Bytebase v2.2.0


  • Now use all id*.pub when installing local user’s public key

v2.0: Free RDS PG Alternative

Compatibility, Security and maintainability overhaul, a truly RDS PG alternative.


“PIGSTY” is now the abbr of “PostgreSQL in Great STYle”

or “PostgreSQL & Infrastructure & Governance System allTogether for You”.

Get pigsty v2.0.0 release via the following command:

curl -fsSL http://download.pigsty.cc/get) | bash
Download directly from GitHub Release
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Vonng/pigsty/master/bin/get)"

# or download tarball directly with curl (EL9)
curl -L https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/releases/download/v2.0.0/pigsty-v2.0.0.tgz -o ~/pigsty.tgz
curl -L https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/releases/download/v2.0.0/pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el9.x86_64.tgz  -o /tmp/pkg.tgz
# EL7: https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/releases/download/v2.0.0/pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
# EL8: https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty/releases/download/v2.0.0/pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el8.x86_64.tgz


  • PostgreSQL 15.2, PostGIS 3.3, Citus 11.2, TimescaleDB 2.10 now works together and unite as one.
  • Now works on EL 7,8,9 for RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, and other EL compatible distributions
  • Security enhancement with self-signed CA, full SSL support, scram-sha-256 pwd encryption, and more.
  • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support and dcs failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures.
  • Auto-Configured, Battery-Included PITR for PostgreSQL powered by pgbackrest, local or S3/minio.
  • Dedicate module ETCD which can be easily deployed and scaled in/out. Used as DCS instead of Consul.
  • Dedicate module MINIO, local S3 alternative for the optional central backup repo for PGSQL PITR.
  • Better config templates with adaptive tuning for Node & PG according to your hardware spec.
  • Use AGPL v3.0 license instead of Apache 2.0 license due to Grafana & MinIO reference.


  • Pigsty now works on EL7, EL8, EL9, and offers corresponding pre-packed offline packages.
  • Pigsty now works on EL compatible distributions: RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, OracleLinux,…
  • Pigsty now use RockyLinux 9 as default developing & testing environment instead of CentOS 7
  • EL version, CPU arch, and pigsty version string are part of source & offline package names.
  • PGSQL: PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2 now works together.
  • PGSQL: Patroni 3.0 is used as default HA solution for PGSQL, and etcd is used as default DCS.
    • Patroni 3.0 with DCS failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures (demoting all primary)
    • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support, with entirely open sourced v11 citus.
    • vip-manager 2.x with ETCDv3 API, ETCDv2 API is deprecated, so does patroni.
  • PGSQL: pgBackRest v2.44 is introduced to provide battery-include PITR for PGSQL.
    • it will use local backup FS on primary by default for a two-day retention policy
    • it will use S3/minio as an alternative central backup repo for a two-week retention policy
  • ETCD is used as default DCS instead of Consul, And V3 API is used instead of V2 API.
  • NODE module now consist of node itself, haproxy, docker, node_exporter, and promtail
    • chronyd is used as default NTP client instead of ntpd
    • HAPROXY now attach to NODE instead of PGSQL, which can be used for exposing services
    • You can register PG Service to dedicate haproxy clusters rather than local cluster nodes.
    • You can expose ad hoc service in a NodePort manner with haproxy, not limited to pg services.
  • INFRA now consist of dnsmasq, nginx, prometheus, grafana, loki
    • DNSMASQ is enabled on all infra nodes, and added to all nodes as the default resolver.
    • Add blackbox_exporter for ICMP probe, add pushgateway for batch job metrics.
    • Switch to official loki & promtail rpm packages. Use official Grafana Echarts Panel.
    • Add infra dashboards for self-monitoring, add patroni & pg15 metrics to monitoring system
  • Software Upgrade
    • PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2
    • Patroni 3.0 / Pgbouncer 1.18 / pgBackRest 2.44 / vip-manager 2.1
    • HAProxy 2.7 / Etcd 3.5 / MinIO 20230222182345 / mcli 20230216192011
    • Prometheus 2.42 / Grafana 9.3 / Loki & Promtail 2.7 / Node Exporter 1.5


  • A full-featured self-signed CA enabled by default
  • Redact password in postgres logs.
  • SSL for Nginx (you have to trust the self-signed CA or use thisisunsafe to dismiss warning)
  • SSL for etcd peer/client traffics by @alemacci
  • SSL for postgres/pgbouncer/patroni by @alemacci
  • scram-sha-256 auth for postgres password encryption by @alemacci
  • Pgbouncer Auth Query by @alemacci
  • Use AES-256-CBC for pgbackrest encryption by @alemacci
  • Adding a security enhancement config template which enforce global SSL
  • Now all hba rules are defined in config inventory, no default rules.


  • Adaptive tuning template for PostgreSQL & Patroni by @Vonng, @alemacci
  • configurable log dir for Patroni & Postgres & Pgbouncer & Pgbackrest by @alemacci
  • Replace fixed ip placeholder with ${admin_ip} that can be referenced
  • Adaptive upstream repo definition that can be switched according EL ver, region & arch.
  • Terraform Templates for AWS CN & Aliyun, which can be used for sandbox IaaS provisioning
  • Vagrant Templates: meta, full, el7 el8, el9, build, minio, citus, etc…
  • New playbook pgsql-monitor.yml for monitoring existing pg instance or RDS PG.
  • New playbook pgsql-migration.yml for migrating existing pg instance to pigsty manged pg.
  • New shell utils under bin/ to simplify the daily administration tasks.
  • Optimize ansible role implementation. which can be used without default parameter values.
  • Now you can define pgbouncer parameters on database & user level

API Changes

69 parameters added, 16 parameters removed, rename 14 parameters

  • INFRA.META.admin_ip : primary meta node ip address
  • INFRA.META.region : upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
  • INFRA.META.os_version : enterprise linux release version: 7,8,9
  • INFRA.CA.ca_cn : ca common name, pigsty-ca by default
  • INFRA.CA.cert_validity : cert validity, 20 years by default
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_enabled : build a local yum repo on infra node?
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_upstream : list of upstream yum repo definition
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_home : home dir of local yum repo, usually same as nginx_home ‘/www’
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_port : https listen port
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_enabled : nginx https enabled?
  • INFRA.PROMTETHEUS.alertmanager_endpoint : altermanager endpoint in (ip|domain):port format
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_count : number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over node_hugepage_ratio
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_ratio : mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_overcommit_ratio : node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.HAPROXY.haproxy_service : list of haproxy service to be exposed
  • PGSQL.PG_ID.pg_mode : pgsql cluster mode: pgsql,citus,gpsql
  • PGSQL.PG_BUSINESS.pg_dbsu_password : dbsu password, empty string means no dbsu password by default
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pg_log_dir : postgres log dir, /pg/data/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_storage_type : SSD|HDD, SSD by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_log_dir : patroni log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_ssl_enabled : secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_username : patroni rest api username
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_password : patroni rest api password (IMPORTANT: CHANGE THIS)
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_citus_db : citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_max_conn : postgres max connections, auto will use recommended value
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_shared_buffer_ratio : postgres shared buffer memory ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rto : recovery time objective, ttl to failover, 30s by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rpo : recovery point objective, 1MB data loss at most by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_pwd_enc : algorithm for encrypting passwords: md5|scram-sha-256
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_log_dir : pgbouncer log dir, /var/log/pgbouncer by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_auth_query : if enabled, query pg_authid table to retrieve biz users instead of populating userlist
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_sslmode : SSL for pgbouncer client: disable|allow|prefer|require|verify-ca|verify-full
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_enabled : pgbackrest enabled?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_clean : remove pgbackrest data during init ?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_log_dir : pgbackrest log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_method : pgbackrest backup repo method, local or minio
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_repo : pgbackrest backup repo config
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_service_provider : dedicate haproxy node group name, or empty string for local nodes by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_default_service_dest : default service destination if svc.dest=‘default’
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_enabled : enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary? false by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_address : vip address in <ipv4>/<mask> format, require if vip is enabled
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_interface : vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_dns_suffix : pgsql cluster dns name suffix, ’’ by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_dns_target : auto, primary, vip, none, or ad hoc ip
  • ETCD.etcd_seq : etcd instance identifier, REQUIRED
  • ETCD.etcd_cluster : etcd cluster & group name, etcd by default
  • ETCD.etcd_safeguard : prevent purging running etcd instance?
  • ETCD.etcd_clean : purging existing etcd during initialization?
  • ETCD.etcd_data : etcd data directory, /data/etcd by default
  • ETCD.etcd_port : etcd client port, 2379 by default
  • ETCD.etcd_peer_port : etcd peer port, 2380 by default
  • ETCD.etcd_init : etcd initial cluster state, new or existing
  • ETCD.etcd_election_timeout : etcd election timeout, 1000ms by default
  • ETCD.etcd_heartbeat_interval : etcd heartbeat interval, 100ms by default
  • MINIO.minio_seq : minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
  • MINIO.minio_cluster : minio cluster name, minio by default
  • MINIO.minio_clean : cleanup minio during init?, false by default
  • MINIO.minio_user : minio os user, minio by default
  • MINIO.minio_node : minio node name pattern
  • MINIO.minio_data : minio data dir(s), use {x…y} to specify multi drivers
  • MINIO.minio_domain : minio external domain name, sss.pigsty by default
  • MINIO.minio_port : minio service port, 9000 by default
  • MINIO.minio_admin_port : minio console port, 9001 by default
  • MINIO.minio_access_key : root access key, minioadmin by default
  • MINIO.minio_secret_key : root secret key, minioadmin by default
  • MINIO.minio_extra_vars : extra environment variables for minio server
  • MINIO.minio_alias : alias name for local minio deployment
  • MINIO.minio_buckets : list of minio bucket to be created
  • MINIO.minio_users : list of minio user to be created

Removed Parameters

  • INFRA.CA.ca_homedir: ca home dir, now fixed as /etc/pki/
  • INFRA.CA.ca_cert: ca cert filename, now fixed as ca.key
  • INFRA.CA.ca_key: ca key filename, now fixed as ca.key
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_upstreams: replaced by repo_upstream
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pgdg_repo: now taken care by node playbooks
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pg_add_repo: now taken care by node playbooks
  • PGSQL.PG_IDENTITY.pg_backup: not used and conflict with section name
  • PGSQL.PG_IDENTITY.pg_preflight_skip: not used anymore, replace by pg_id
  • DCS.dcs_name : removed due to using etcd
  • DCS.dcs_servers : replaced by using ad hoc group etcd
  • DCS.dcs_registry : removed due to using etcd
  • DCS.dcs_safeguard : replaced by etcd_safeguard
  • DCS.dcs_clean : replaced by etcd_clean
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_mode : replaced by pg_vip_enabled
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_address : replaced by pg_vip_address
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_interface : replaced by pg_vip_interface

Renamed Parameters

  • nginx_upstream -> infra_portal
  • repo_address -> repo_endpoint
  • pg_hostname -> node_id_from_pg
  • pg_sindex -> pg_group
  • pg_services -> pg_default_services
  • pg_services_extra -> pg_services
  • pg_hba_rules_extra -> pg_hba_rules
  • pg_hba_rules -> pg_default_hba_rules
  • pgbouncer_hba_rules_extra -> pgb_hba_rules
  • pgbouncer_hba_rules -> pgb_default_hba_rules
  • node_packages_default -> node_default_packages
  • node_packages_meta -> infra_packages
  • node_packages_meta_pip -> infra_packages_pip
  • node_data_dir -> node_data


MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 9ff3c973fa5915f65622b91419817c9b
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = bd108a6c8f026cb79ee62c3b68b72176
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = e24288770f240af0511b0c38fa2f4774

Special thanks to @alemacci for his great contribution!


Bug fix for v2.0.0 and security improvement.


  • Replace the pig shape logo for compliance with the PostgreSQL trademark policy.
  • Bump grafana version to v9.4 with better UI and bugfix.
  • Bump patroni version to v3.0.1 with some bugfix.
  • Change: rollback grafana systemd service file to rpm default.
  • Use slow copy instead of rsync to copy grafana dashboards.
  • Enhancement: add back default repo files after bootstrap
  • Add asciinema video for various administration tasks.
  • Security Enhance Mode: restrict monitor user privilege.
  • New config template: dual.yml for two-node deployment.
  • Enable log_connections and log_disconnections in crit.yml template.
  • Enable $lib/passwordcheck in pg_libs in crit.yml template.
  • Explicitly grant monitor view permission to pg_monitor role.
  • Remove default dbrole_readonly from dbuser_monitor to limit monitor user privilege
  • Now patroni listen on {{ inventory_hostname }} instead of
  • Now you can control postgres/pgbouncer listen to address with pg_listen
  • Now you can use placeholder ${ip}, ${lo}, ${vip} in pg_listen
  • Bump Aliyun terraform image to rocky Linux 9 instead of centos 7.9
  • Bump bytebase to v1.14.0

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing advertise address for alertmanager
  • Fix missing pg_mode error when adding postgres user with bin/pgsql-user
  • Add -a password to redis-join task @ redis.yml
  • Fix missing default value in infra-rm.yml.remove infra data
  • Fix prometheus targets file ownership to prometheus
  • Use admin user rather than root to delete metadata in DCS
  • Fix Meta datasource missing database name due to grafana 9.4 bug.


Official EL8 pgdg upstream is broken now, DO use it with caution!

Affected packages: postgis33_15, pgloader, postgresql_anonymizer_15*, postgresql_faker_15

How to Upgrade

cd ~/pigsty; tar -zcf /tmp/files.tgz files; rm -rf ~/pigsty    # backup files dir and remove
cd ~; bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://get.pigsty.cc/latest)"    # get latest pigsty source
cd ~/pigsty; rm -rf files; tar -xf /tmp/files.tgz -C ~/pigsty  # restore files dir


MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 5cfbe98fd9706b9e0f15c1065971b3f6
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el8.x86_64.tgz) = c34aa460925ae7548866bf51b8b8759c
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 055057cebd93c473a67fb63bcde22d33

Special thanks to @cocoonkid for his feedback.



Store OpenAI embedding and search similar vectors with pgvector


  • New extension pgvector for storing OpenAI embedding and searching similar vectors.
  • MinIO CVE-2023-28432 fix, and upgrade to 20230324 with new policy API.
  • Add reload functionality to DNSMASQ systemd services
  • Bump pev to v1.8
  • Bump grafana to v9.4.7
  • Bump MinIO and MCLI version to 20230324
  • Bump bytebase version to v1.15.0
  • Upgrade monitoring dashboards and fix dead links
  • Upgrade aliyun terraform template image to rockylinux 9
  • Adopt grafana provisioning API change since v9.4
  • Add asciinema videos for various administration tasks
  • Fix broken EL8 pgsql deps: remove anonymizer_15 faker_15 and pgloader
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el7.x86_64.tgz) = d46440a115d741386d29d6de646acfe2
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 5fa268b5545ac96b40c444210157e1e1
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el9.x86_64.tgz) = c8b113d57c769ee86a22579fc98e8345

v1.5.0 Release Note

Docker Support, Infra self-monitoring, etcd as DCS, CMDB reforge



  • Complete Docker Support, enable on meta nodes by default with lot’s of software templates.
    • bytebase pgadmin4 pgweb postgrest kong minio,…
  • Infra Self Monitoring: Nginx, ETCD, Consul, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, etc…
  • New CMDB design compatible with redis & greenplum, visualize with CMDB Overview
  • Service Discovery : Consul SD now works again for prometheus targets management
  • Redis playbook now works on single instance with redis_port option.
  • Better cold backup support: crontab for backup, delayed standby with pg_delay
  • Use ETCD as DCS, alternative to Consul



  • CMDB Overview: Visualize CMDB Inventory
  • DCS Overview: Show consul & etcd metrics
  • Nginx Overview: Visualize nginx metrics & access/error logs
  • Grafana Overview: Grafana self Monitoring
  • Prometheus Overview: Prometheus self Monitoring
  • INFRA Dashboard & Home Dashboard Reforge


  • Infra monitoring targets now have a separated target dir targets/infra
  • Consul SD is available for prometheus
  • etcd , consul , patroni, docker metrics
  • Now infra targets are managed by role infra_register
  • Upgrade pg_exporter to v0.5.0 with scale and default support
    • pg_bgwriter, pg_wal, pg_query, pg_db, pgbouncer_stat now use seconds instead of ms and µs
    • pg_table counters now have default value 0 instead of NaN
    • pg_class is replaced by pg_table and pg_index
    • pg_table_size is now enabled with 300s ttl


  • New optional package docker.tgz contains: Pgadmin, Pgweb, Postgrest, ByteBase, Kong, Minio, etc.
  • New Role etcd to deploy & monitor etcd dcs service
  • Specify which type of DCS to use with pg_dcs_type (etcd now available)
  • Add pg_checksum option to enable data checksum
  • Add pg_delay option to setup delayed standby leaders
  • Add node_crontab and node_crontab_overwrite to create routine jobs such as cold backup
  • Add a series of *_enable options to control components
  • Loki and Promtail are now installed using the RPM package made by frpm.

Software Updates

  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to 14.3
  • Upgrade Redis to 6.2.7
  • Upgrade PG Exporter to 0.5.0
  • Upgrade Consul to 1.12.0
  • Upgrade vip-manager to v1.0.2
  • Upgrade Grafana to v8.5.2
  • Upgrade HAproxy to 2.5.7 without rsyslog dependency
  • Upgrade Loki & Promtail to v2.5.0 with RPM packages
  • New packages: pg_probackup

New software / application based on docker:

  • bytebase : DDL Schema Migrator
  • pgadmin4 : Web Admin UI for PostgreSQL
  • pgweb : Web Console for PostgreSQL
  • postgrest : Auto generated REST API for PostgreSQL
  • kong : API Gateway which use PostgreSQL as backend storage
  • swagger openapi : API Specification Generator
  • Minio : S3-compatible object storage

Bug Fix

  • Fix loki & promtail /etc/default config file name issue
  • Now node_data_dir (/data) is created before consul init if not exists
  • Fix haproxy silence /var/log/messages with inappropriate rsyslog dependency

API Change

New Variable

  • node_data_dir : major data mount path, will be created if not exist.
  • node_crontab_overwrite : overwrite /etc/crontab instead of append
  • node_crontab: node crontab to be appended or overwritten
  • nameserver_enabled: enable nameserver on this meta node?
  • prometheus_enabled: enable prometheus on this meta node?
  • grafana_enabled: enable grafana on this meta node?
  • loki_enabled: enable loki on this meta node?
  • docker_enable: enable docker on this node?
  • consul_enable: enable consul server/agent?
  • etcd_enable: enable etcd server/clients?
  • pg_checksum: enable pg cluster data-checksum?
  • pg_delay: recovery min apply delay for standby leader


Now *_clean are boolean flags to clean up existing instance during init.

And *_safeguard are boolean flags to avoid purging running instance when executing any playbook.

  • pg_exists_action -> pg_clean
  • pg_disable_purge -> pg_safeguard
  • dcs_exists_action -> dcs_clean
  • dcs_disable_purge -> dcs_safeguard


  • node_ntp_config -> node_ntp_enabled
  • node_admin_setup -> node_admin_enabled
  • node_admin_pks -> node_admin_pk_list
  • node_dns_hosts -> node_etc_hosts_default
  • node_dns_hosts_extra -> node_etc_hosts
  • node_dns_server -> node_dns_method
  • node_local_repo_url -> node_repo_local_urls
  • node_packages -> node_packages_default
  • node_extra_packages -> node_packages
  • node_packages_meta -> node_packages_meta
  • node_meta_pip_install -> node_packages_meta_pip
  • node_sysctl_params -> node_tune_params
  • app_list -> nginx_indexes
  • grafana_plugin -> grafana_plugin_method
  • grafana_cache -> grafana_plugin_cache
  • grafana_plugins -> grafana_plugin_list
  • grafana_git_plugin_git -> grafana_plugin_git
  • haproxy_admin_auth_enabled -> haproxy_auth_enabled
  • pg_shared_libraries -> pg_libs
  • dcs_type -> pg_dcs_type



WARNING: CREATE INDEX|REINDEX CONCURRENTLY PostgreSQL 14.0 - 14.3 may lead to index data corruption!

Please upgrade postgres to 14.4 ASAP.

Software Upgrade

  • upgrade postgres to 14.4
  • Upgrade haproxy to 2.6.0
  • Upgrade grafana to 9.0.0
  • Upgrade prometheus 2.36.0
  • Upgrade patroni to 2.1.4

Bug fix:

  • Fix typo in pgsql-migration.yml
  • remove pid file in haproxy config
  • remove i686 packages when using repotrack under el7
  • Fix redis service systemctl enabled issue
  • Fix patroni systemctl service enabled=no by default issue

API Changes

  • Mark grafana_database and grafana_pgurl as obsolete

New Apps

  • wiki.js : Local wiki with Postgres

v1.4.0 Release Note

Add matrixDB Support



  • Decouple system into 4 major categories: INFRA, NODES, PGSQL, REDIS, which makes pigsty far more clear and more extensible.
  • Single Node Deployment = INFRA + NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy pgsql clusters = NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy redis clusters = NODES + REDIS
  • Deploy other databases = NODES + xxx (e.g MONGO, KAFKA, … TBD)


  • CDN for mainland China.
  • Get the latest source with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL http://download.pigsty.cc/get)"
  • Download & Extract packages with new download script.

Monitor Enhancement

  • Split monitoring system into 5 major categories: INFRA, NODES, REDIS, PGSQL, APP
  • Logging enabled by default
    • now loki and promtail are enabled by default. with prebuilt loki-rpm
  • Models & Labels
    • A hidden ds prometheus datasource variable is added for all dashboards, so you can easily switch different datasource simply by select a new one rather than modifying Grafana Datasources & Dashboards
    • An ip label is added for all metrics, and will be used as join key between database metrics & nodes metrics
  • INFRA Monitoring
    • Home dashboard for infra: INFRA Overview
    • Add logging Dashboards : Logs Instance
    • PGLOG Analysis & PGLOG Session now treated as an example Pigsty APP.
  • NODES Monitoring Application
    • If you don’t care database at all, Pigsty now can be used as host monitoring software alone!
    • Consist of 4 core dashboards: Nodes Overview & Nodes Cluster & Nodes Instance & Nodes Alert
    • Introduce new identity variables for nodes: node_cluster and nodename
    • Variable pg_hostname now means set hostname same as postgres instance name to keep backward-compatible
    • Variable nodename_overwrite control whether overwrite node’s hostname with nodename
    • Variable nodename_exchange will write nodename to each other’s /etc/hosts
    • All nodes metrics reference are overhauled, join by ip
    • Nodes monitoring targets are managed alone under /etc/prometheus/targets/nodes
  • PGSQL Monitoring Enhancement
    • Complete new PGSQL Cluster which simplify and focus on important stuff among cluster.
    • New Dashboard PGSQL Databases which is cluster level object monitoring. Such as tables & queries among the entire cluster rather than single instance.
    • PGSQL Alert dashboard now only focus on pgsql alerts.
    • PGSQL Shard are added to PGSQL
  • Redis Monitoring Enhancement
    • Add nodes monitoring for all redis dashboards.

MatrixDB Support

  • MatrixDB (Greenplum 7) can be deployed via pigsty-matrix.yml playbook
  • MatrixDB Monitor Dashboards : PGSQL MatrixDB
  • Example configuration added: pigsty-mxdb.yml

Provisioning Enhancement

Now pigsty work flow works as this:

 infra.yml ---> install pigsty on single meta node
      |          then add more nodes under pigsty's management
 nodes.yml ---> prepare nodes for pigsty (node setup, dcs, node_exporter, promtail)
      |          then choose one playbook to deploy database clusters on those nodes
      ^--> pgsql.yml   install postgres on prepared nodes
      ^--> redis.yml   install redis on prepared nodes

infra-demo.yml = 
           infra.yml -l meta     +
           nodes.yml -l pg-test  +
           pgsql.yml -l pg-test +
           infra-loki.yml + infra-jupyter.yml + infra-pgweb.yml
  • nodes.yml to setup & prepare nodes for pigsty
    • setup node, node_exporter, consul agent on nodes
    • node-remove.yml are used for node de-register
  • pgsql.yml now only works on prepared nodes
    • pgsql-remove now only responsible for postgres itself. (dcs and node monitor are taken by node.yml)
    • Add a series of new options to reuse postgres role in greenplum/matrixdb
  • redis.yml now works on prepared nodes
    • and redis-remove.yml now remove redis from nodes.
  • pgsql-matrix.yml now install matrixdb (Greenplum 7) on prepared nodes.

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 14.2
  • PostGIS 3.2
  • TimescaleDB 2.6
  • Patroni 2.1.3 (Prometheus Metrics + Failover Slots)
  • HAProxy 2.5.5 (Fix stats error, more metrics)
  • PG Exporter 0.4.1 (Timeout Parameters, and)
  • Grafana 8.4.4
  • Prometheus 2.33.4
  • Greenplum 6.19.4 / MatrixDB 4.4.0
  • Loki are now shipped as rpm packages instead of zip archives

Bug Fix

  • Remove consul dependency for patroni , which makes it much more easier to migrate to a new consul cluster
  • Fix prometheus bin/new scripts default data dir path : /export/prometheus to /data/prometheus
  • Fix typos and tasks
  • Add restart seconds to vip-manager systemd service

API Changes

New Variable

  • node_cluster: Identity variable for node cluster
  • nodename_overwrite: If set, nodename will be set to node’s hostname
  • nodename_exchange : exchange node hostname (in /etc/hosts) among play hosts
  • node_dns_hosts_extra : extra static dns records which can be easily overwritten by single instance/cluster
  • patroni_enabled: if disabled, postgres & patroni bootstrap will not be performed during role postgres
  • pgbouncer_enabled : if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched during role postgres
  • pg_exporter_params: extra url parameters for pg_exporter when generating monitor target url.
  • pg_provision: bool var to indicate whether perform provision part of role postgres (template, db,user)
  • no_cmdb: cli args for infra.yml and infra-demo.yml playbook which will not create cmdb on meta node.
MD5 (app.tgz) = f887313767982b31a2b094e5589a75ea
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = e143b88ebea1474f9ebaffddc6072c49
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 73e8f5ce995b1f1760cb63c1904fb91b


Routine bug fix / Docker Support / English Docs

Now docker is enabled on meta node by default. You can launch ton’s of SaaS with it

English document is available now.

Bug Fix

v1.3.0 Release Note

Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Deployment (cluster,sentinel,standalone)

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Monitor

    • Redis Overview Dashboard
    • Redis Cluster Dashboard
    • Redis Instance Dashboard
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGCAT Overhaul

    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Instance
    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Database Dashboard
    • Remake Dashboard: PGCAT Table
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGSQL Enhancement

    • New Panels: PGSQL Cluster, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • New Panels: PGSQL Instance, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • Simplify & Redesign: PGSQL Service
    • Add cross-references between PGCAT & PGSL dashboards
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor deploy

    • Now grafana datasource is automatically registered during monly deployment
  • [ENHANCEMENT] software upgrade

    • add PostgreSQL 13 to default package list
    • upgrade to PostgreSQL 14.1 by default
    • add greenplum rpm and dependencies
    • add redis rpm & source packages
    • add perf as default packages



  • PGSQL & PGCAT Dashboard polish
  • optimize layout for pgcat instance & pgcat database
  • add key metrics panels to pgsql instance dashboard, keep consist with pgsql cluster
  • add table/index bloat panels to pgcat database, remove pgcat bloat dashboard.
  • add index information in pgcat database dashboard
  • fix broken panels in grafana 8.3
  • add redis index in nginx homepage


  • New infra-demo.yml playbook for one-pass bootstrap
  • Use infra-jupyter.yml playbook to deploy optional jupyter lab server
  • Use infra-pgweb.yml playbook to deploy optional pgweb server
  • New pg alias on meta node, can initiate postgres cluster from admin user (in addition to postgres)
  • Adjust all patroni conf templates’s max_locks_per_transactions according to timescaledb-tune ’s advise
  • Add citus.node_conninfo: 'sslmode=prefer' to conf templates in order to use citus without SSL
  • Add all extensions (except for pgrouting) in pgdg14 in package list
  • Upgrade node_exporter to v1.3.1
  • Add PostgREST v9.0.0 to package list. Generate API from postgres schema.


  • Grafana’s security breach (upgrade to v8.3.1 issue)
  • fix pg_instance & pg_service in register role when start from middle of playbook
  • Fix nginx homepage render issue when host without pg_cluster variable exists
  • Fix style issue when upgrading to grafana 8.3.1

v1.2.0 Release Note

Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use PostgreSQL 14 as default version
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use TimescaleDB 2.5 as default extension
    • now timescaledb & postgis are enabled in cmdb by default
  • [ENHANCEMENT] new monitor-only mode:
    • you can use pigsty to monitor existing pg instances with a connectable url only
    • pg_exporter will be deployed on meta node locally
    • new dashboard PGSQL Cluster Monly for remote clusters
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Software upgrade
    • grafana to 8.2.2
    • pev2 to v0.11.9
    • promscale to 0.6.2
    • pgweb to 0.11.9
    • Add new extensions: pglogical pg_stat_monitor orafce
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Automatic detect machine spec and use proper node_tune and pg_conf templates
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Rework on bloat related views, now more information are exposed
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Remove timescale & citus internal monitoring
  • [ENHANCEMENT] New playbook pgsql-audit.yml to create audit report.
  • [BUG FIX] now pgbouncer_exporter resource owner are {{ pg_dbsu }} instead of postgres
  • [BUG FIX] fix pg_exporter duplicate metrics on pg_table pg_index while executing REINDEX TABLE CONCURRENTLY
  • [CHANGE] now all config templates are minimize into two: auto & demo. (removed: pub4, pg14, demo4, tiny, oltp )
    • pigsty-demo is configured if vagrant is the default user, otherwise pigsty-auto is used.

How to upgrade from v1.1.1

There’s no API change in 1.2.0 You can still use old pigsty.yml configuration files (PG13).

For the infrastructure part. Re-execution of repo will do most of the parts

As for the database. You can still use the existing PG13 instances. In-place upgrade is quite tricky especially when involving extensions such as PostGIS & Timescale. I would highly recommend performing a database migration with logical replication.

The new playbook pgsql-migration.yml will make this a lot easier. It will create a series of scripts which will help you to migrate your cluster with near-zero downtime.

v1.1.0 Release Note

v1.1.0 Release


  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pg_dummy_filesize to create fs space placeholder
  • [ENHANCEMENT] home page overhaul
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add jupyter lab integration
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pgweb console integration
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pgbadger support
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pev2 support, explain visualizer
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pglog utils
  • [ENHANCEMENT] update default pkg.tgz software version:
    • upgrade postgres to v13.4 (with official pg14 support)
    • upgrade pgbouncer to v1.16 (metrics definition updates)
    • upgrade grafana to v8.1.4
    • upgrade prometheus to v2.2.29
    • upgrade node_exporter to v1.2.2
    • upgrade haproxy to v2.1.1
    • upgrade consul to v1.10.2
    • upgrade vip-manager to v1.0.1

API Changes

  • nginx_upstream now holds different structures. (incompatible)

  • new config entries: app_list, render into home page’s nav entries

  • new config entries: docs_enabled, setup local docs on default server.

  • new config entries: pev2_enabled, setup local pev2 utils.

  • new config entries: pgbadger_enabled, create log summary/report dir

  • new config entries: jupyter_enabled, enable jupyter lab server on meta node

  • new config entries: jupyter_username, specify which user to run jupyter lab

  • new config entries: jupyter_password, specify jupyter lab default password

  • new config entries: pgweb_enabled, enable pgweb server on meta node

  • new config entries: pgweb_username, specify which user to run pgweb

  • rename internal flag repo_exist into repo_exists

  • now default value for repo_address is pigsty instead of yum.pigsty

  • now haproxy access point is http://pigsty instead of http://h.pigsty


  • [ENHANCEMENT] replace timescaledb apache version with timescale version
  • [ENHANCEMENT] upgrade prometheus to 2.30
  • [BUG FIX] now pg_exporter config dir’s owner are {{ pg_dbsu }} instead of prometheus

How to upgrade from v1.1.0 The major change in this release is timescaledb. Which replace old apache license version with timescale license version

stop/pause postgres instance with timescaledb
yum remove -y timescaledb_13


yum install timescaledb-2-postgresql13 

v1.0.0 Release Note

v1.0.0 Release



  • Monitoring System Overhaul

    • New Dashboards on Grafana 8.0
    • New metrics definition, with extra PG14 support
    • Simplified labeling system: static label set: (job, cls, ins)
    • New Alerting Rules & Derived Metrics
    • Monitoring multiple database at one time
    • Realtime log search & csvlog analysis
    • Link-Rich Dashboards, click graphic elements to drill-down|roll-up
  • Architecture Changes

    • Add citus & timescaledb as part of default installation
    • Add PostgreSQL 14beta2 support
    • Simply haproxy admin page index
    • Decouple infra & pgsql by adding a new role register
    • Add new role loki and promtail for logging
    • Add new role environ for setting up environment for admin user on admin node
    • Using static service-discovery for prometheus by default (instead of consul)
    • Add new role remove to gracefully remove cluster & instance
    • Upgrade prometheus & grafana provisioning logics.
    • Upgrade to vip-manager 1.0 , node_exporter 1.2 , pg_exporter 0.4, grafana 8.0
    • Now every database on every instance can be auto-registered as grafana datasource
    • Move consul register tasks to role register, change consul service tags
    • Add cmdb.sql as pg-meta baseline definition (CMDB & PGLOG)
  • Application Framework

    • Extensible framework for new functionalities
    • core app: PostgreSQL Monitor System: pgsql
    • core app: PostgreSQL Catalog explorer: pgcat
    • core app: PostgreSQL Csvlog Analyzer: pglog
    • add example app covid for visualizing covid-19 data.
    • add example app isd for visualizing isd data.
  • Misc

    • Add jupyterlab which brings entire python environment for data science
    • Add vonng-echarts-panel to bring Echarts support back.
    • Add wrap script createpg , createdb, createuser
    • Add cmdb dynamic inventory scripts: load_conf.py, inventory_cmdb, inventory_conf
    • Remove obsolete playbooks: pgsql-monitor, pgsql-service, node-remove, etc….

API Change

Bug Fix

  • Fix default timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST) issue
  • Fix nofile limit for pgbouncer & patroni
  • Pgbouncer userlist & database list will be generated when executing tag pgbouncer



  • Documentation Update
    • Chinese document now viable
    • Machine-Translated English document now viable
  • Bug Fix: pgsql-remove does not remove primary instance.
  • Bug Fix: replace pg_instance with pg_cluster + pg_seq
    • Start-At-Task may fail due to pg_instance undefined
  • Bug Fix: remove citus from default shared preload library
    • citus will force max_prepared_transaction to non-zero value
  • Bug Fix: ssh sudo checking in configure:
    • now ssh -t sudo -n ls is used for privilege checking
  • Typo Fix: pg-backup script typo
  • Alert Adjust: Remove ntp sanity check alert (dupe with ClockSkew)
  • Exporter Adjust: remove collector.systemd to reduce overhead

v0.9.0 Release Note

v0.9 accessbility enhancement, logging improvement, pigsty CLI/GUI beta

Pigsty v0.9.0


  • One-Line Installation

    Run this on meta node /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://pigsty.cc/install)"

  • MetaDB provisioning

    Now you can use pgsql database on meta node as inventory instead of static yaml file affter bootstrap.

  • Add Loki & Prometail as optinal logging collector

    Now you can view, query, search postgres|pgbouncer|patroni logs with Grafana UI (PG Instance Log)

  • Pigsty CLI/GUI (beta)

    Mange you pigsty deployment with much more human-friendly command line interface.

Bug Fix

  • Log related issues
    • fix connection reset by peer entries in postgres log caused by Haproxy health check.
    • fix Connect Reset Exception in patroni logs caused by haproxy health check
    • fix patroni log time format (remove mill seconds, add timezone)
    • set log_min_duration_statement=1s for dbuser_monitor to get ride of monitor logs.
  • Fix pgbouncer-create-user does not handle md5 password properly
  • Fix obsolete Makefile entries
  • Fix node dns nameserver lost when abort during resolv.conf rewrite
  • Fix db/user template and entry not null check

API Change

  • Set default value of node_disable_swap to false
  • Remove example enties of node_sysctl_params.
  • grafana_plugin default install will now download from CDN if plugins not exists
  • repo_url_packages now download rpm via pigsty CDN to accelerate.
  • proxy_env.no_proxy now add pigsty CDN to noproxy sites.
  • grafana_customize set to false by default, enable it means install pigsty pro UI.
  • node_admin_pk_current add current user’s ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to admin pks
  • loki_clean whether to cleanup existing loki data during init
  • loki_data_dir set default data dir for loki logging service
  • promtail_enabled enabling promtail logging agent service?
  • promtail_clean remove existing promtail status during init?
  • promtail_port default port used by promtail, 9080 by default
  • promtail_status_file location of promtail status file
  • promtail_send_url endpoint of loki service which receives log data

v0.8.0 Release Note

v0.8 service provision overhaul and general RC

Pigsty v0.8.0

Pigsty now is in RC status with guaranteed API stability.

New Features

  • Service provision.
  • full locale support.

API Changes

Role vip and haproxy are merged into service.

pg_weight: 100              # default load balance weight (instance level)

# - service - #
pg_services:                                  # how to expose postgres service in cluster?
  # primary service will route {ip|name}:5433 to primary pgbouncer (5433->6432 rw)
  - name: primary           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_primary
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5433
    dst_port: pgbouncer     # 5433 route to pgbouncer
    check_url: /primary     # primary health check, success when instance is primary
    selector: "[]"          # select all instance as primary service candidate

  # replica service will route {ip|name}:5434 to replica pgbouncer (5434->6432 ro)
  - name: replica           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_replica
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5434
    dst_port: pgbouncer
    check_url: /read-only   # read-only health check. (including primary)
    selector: "[]"          # select all instance as replica service candidate
    selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]"   # primary are used as backup server in replica service

  # default service will route {ip|name}:5436 to primary postgres (5436->5432 primary)
  - name: default           # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ service.name }}
    src_ip: "*"             # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
    src_port: 5436          # bind port, mandatory
    dst_port: postgres      # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
    check_method: http      # health check method: only http is available for now
    check_port: patroni     # health check port:  patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
    check_url: /primary     # health check url path, / as default
    check_code: 200         # health check http code, 200 as default
    selector: "[]"          # instance selector
    haproxy:                # haproxy specific fields
      maxconn: 3000         # default front-end connection
      balance: roundrobin   # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
      default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'

  # offline service will route {ip|name}:5438 to offline postgres (5438->5432 offline)
  - name: offline           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_replica
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5438
    dst_port: postgres
    check_url: /replica     # offline MUST be a replica
    selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]"         # instances with pg_role == 'offline' or instance marked with 'pg_offline_query == true'
    selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"  # replica are used as backup server in offline service

pg_services_extra: []        # extra services to be added

# - haproxy - #
haproxy_enabled: true                         # enable haproxy among every cluster members
haproxy_reload: true                          # reload haproxy after config
haproxy_policy: roundrobin                    # roundrobin, leastconn
haproxy_admin_auth_enabled: false             # enable authentication for haproxy admin?
haproxy_admin_username: admin                 # default haproxy admin username
haproxy_admin_password: admin                 # default haproxy admin password
haproxy_exporter_port: 9101                   # default admin/exporter port
haproxy_client_timeout: 3h                    # client side connection timeout
haproxy_server_timeout: 3h                    # server side connection timeout

# - vip - #
vip_mode: none                                # none | l2 | l4
vip_reload: true                              # whether reload service after config
# vip_address:                      # virtual ip address ip (l2 or l4)
# vip_cidrmask: 24                            # virtual ip address cidr mask (l2 only)
# vip_interface: eth0                         # virtual ip network interface (l2 only)

New Options

# - localization - #
pg_encoding: UTF8                             # default to UTF8
pg_locale: C                                  # default to C
pg_lc_collate: C                              # default to C
pg_lc_ctype: en_US.UTF8                       # default to en_US.UTF8

pg_reload: true                               # reload postgres after hba changes
vip_mode: none                                # none | l2 | l4
vip_reload: true                              # whether reload service after config

Remove Options

haproxy_check_port                            # covered by service options
vip_enabled                                   # replace by vip_mode


pg_services and pg_services_extra Defines the services in cluster:

A service has some mandatory fields:

  • name: service’s name
  • src_port: which port to listen and expose service?
  • selector: which instances belonging to this service?
  # default service will route {ip|name}:5436 to primary postgres (5436->5432 primary)
  - name: default           # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ service.name }}
    src_ip: "*"             # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
    src_port: 5436          # bind port, mandatory
    dst_port: postgres      # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
    check_method: http      # health check method: only http is available for now
    check_port: patroni     # health check port:  patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
    check_url: /primary     # health check url path, / as default
    check_code: 200         # health check http code, 200 as default
    selector: "[]"          # instance selector
    haproxy:                # haproxy specific fields
      maxconn: 3000         # default front-end connection
      balance: roundrobin   # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
      default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'


Add additional locale support: lc_ctype and lc_collate.

It’s mainly because of pg_trgm ’s weird behavior on i18n characters.

  - name: meta                      # name is the only required field for a database
    # owner: postgres                 # optional, database owner
    # template: template1             # optional, template1 by default
    # encoding: UTF8                # optional, UTF8 by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # locale: C                     # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # lc_collate: C                 # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # lc_ctype: C                   # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    allowconn: true                 # optional, true by default, false disable connect at all
    revokeconn: false               # optional, false by default, true revoke connect from public # (only default user and owner have connect privilege on database)
    # tablespace: pg_default          # optional, 'pg_default' is the default tablespace
    connlimit: -1                   # optional, connection limit, -1 or none disable limit (default)
    extensions:                     # optional, extension name and where to create
      - {name: postgis, schema: public}
    parameters:                     # optional, extra parameters with ALTER DATABASE
      enable_partitionwise_join: true
    pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this database to pgbouncer list? true by default
    comment: pigsty meta database   # optional, comment string for database

v0.7.0 Release Note

v0.7 Monitor Only Deployment



  • Monitor Only Deployment

    • Now you can monitor existing postgres clusters without Pigsty provisioning solution.
    • Intergration with other provisioning solution is available and under further test.
  • Database/User Management

    • Update user/database definition schema to cover more usecases.
    • Add pgsql-createdb.yml and pgsql-createuser.yml to mange user/db on running clusters.


Bug Fix

API Changes

New Options

prometheus_sd_target: batch                   # batch|single
exporter_install: none                        # none|yum|binary
exporter_repo_url: ''                         # add to yum repo if set
node_exporter_options: '--no-collector.softnet --collector.systemd --collector.ntp --collector.tcpstat --collector.processes'                          # default opts for node_exporter
pg_exporter_url: ''                           # optional, overwrite default pg_exporter target
pgbouncer_exporter_url: ''                    # optional, overwrite default pgbouncer_expoter target

Remove Options

exporter_binary_install: false                 # covered by exporter_install

Structure Changes

pg_default_roles                               # refer to pg_users
pg_users                                       # refer to pg_users
pg_databases                                   # refer to pg_databases

Rename Options

pg_default_privilegs -> pg_default_privileges  # fix typo


Monitoring Provisioning Enhancement

Haproxy Enhancement

Security Enhancement

Software Update

  • Upgrade to PG 13.2 #6

  • Prometheus 2.25 / Grafana 7.4 / Consul 1.9.3 / Node Exporter 1.1 / PG Exporter 0.3.2

API Change

New Config Entries

service_registry: consul                      # none | consul | etcd | both
prometheus_options: '--storage.tsdb.retention=30d'  # prometheus cli opts
prometheus_sd_method: consul                  # Prometheus service discovery method: static|consul
prometheus_sd_interval: 2s                    # Prometheus service discovery refresh interval
pg_offline_query: false                       # set to true to allow offline queries on this instance
node_exporter_enabled: true                   # enabling Node Exporter
pg_exporter_enabled: true                     # enabling PG Exporter
pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: true              # enabling Pgbouncer Exporter
export_binary_install: false                  # install Node/PG Exporter via copy binary
dcs_disable_purge: false                      # force dcs_exists_action = abort to avoid dcs purge
pg_disable_purge: false                       # force pg_exists_action = abort to avoid pg purge
haproxy_weight: 100                           # relative lb weight for backend instance
haproxy_weight_fallback: 1                    # primary server weight in replica service group

Obsolete Config Entries

prometheus_metrics_path                       # duplicate with exporter_metrics_path 
prometheus_retention                          # covered by `prometheus_options`

Database Definition

Database provisioning interface enhancement #33

Old Schema

pg_databases:                       # create a business database 'meta'
  - name: meta
    schemas: [meta]                 # create extra schema named 'meta'
    extensions: [{name: postgis}]   # create extra extension postgis
    parameters:                     # overwrite database meta's default search_path
      search_path: public, monitor

New Schema

  - name: meta                      # name is the only required field for a database
    owner: postgres                 # optional, database owner
    template: template1             # optional, template1 by default
    encoding: UTF8                  # optional, UTF8 by default
    locale: C                       # optional, C by default
    allowconn: true                 # optional, true by default, false disable connect at all
    revokeconn: false               # optional, false by default, true revoke connect from public # (only default user and owner have connect privilege on database)
    tablespace: pg_default          # optional, 'pg_default' is the default tablespace
    connlimit: -1                   # optional, connection limit, -1 or none disable limit (default)
    extensions:                     # optional, extension name and where to create
      - {name: postgis, schema: public}
    parameters:                     # optional, extra parameters with ALTER DATABASE
      enable_partitionwise_join: true
    pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this database to pgbouncer list? true by default
    comment: pigsty meta database   # optional, comment string for database


  • Add new options: template , encoding, locale, allowconn, tablespace, connlimit
  • Add new option revokeconn, which revoke connect privileges from public for this database
  • Add comment field for database

Apply Changes

You can create new database on running postgres clusters with pgsql-createdb.yml playbook.

  1. Define your new database in config files
  2. Pass new database.name with option pg_database to playbook.
./pgsql-createdb.yml -e pg_database=<your_new_database_name>

User Definition

User provisioning interface enhancement #34

Old Schema

  - username: test                  # example production user have read-write access
    password: test                  # example user's password
    options: LOGIN                  # extra options
    groups: [ dbrole_readwrite ]    # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
    comment: default test user for production usage
    pgbouncer: true                 # add to pgbouncer

New Schema

  # complete example of user/role definition for production user
  - name: dbuser_meta               # example production user have read-write access
    password: DBUser.Meta           # example user's password, can be encrypted
    login: true                     # can login, true by default (should be false for role)
    superuser: false                # is superuser? false by default
    createdb: false                 # can create database? false by default
    createrole: false               # can create role? false by default
    inherit: true                   # can this role use inherited privileges?
    replication: false              # can this role do replication? false by default
    bypassrls: false                # can this role bypass row level security? false by default
    connlimit: -1                   # connection limit, -1 disable limit
    expire_at: '2030-12-31'         # 'timestamp' when this role is expired
    expire_in: 365                  # now + n days when this role is expired (OVERWRITE expire_at)
    roles: [dbrole_readwrite]       # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
    pgbouncer: true                 # add this user to pgbouncer? false by default (true for production user)
    parameters:                     # user's default search path
      search_path: public
    comment: test user


  • username field rename to name
  • groups field rename to roles
  • options now split into separated configration entries: login, superuser, createdb, createrole, inherit, replication,bypassrls,connlimit
  • expire_at and expire_in options
  • pgbouncer option for user is now false by default

Apply Changes

You can create new users on running postgres clusters with pgsql-createuser.yml playbook.

  1. Define your new users in config files (pg_users)
  2. Pass new user.name with option pg_user to playbook.
./pgsql-createuser.yml -e pg_user=<your_new_user_name>

v0.6.0 Release Note

v0.6 Provisioning Enhancement


Bug Fix


Monitoring Provisioning Enhancement

Haproxy Enhancement

Security Enhancement

Software Update

  • Upgrade to PG 13.2 #6

  • Prometheus 2.25 / Grafana 7.4 / Consul 1.9.3 / Node Exporter 1.1 / PG Exporter 0.3.2

API Change

New Config Entries

service_registry: consul                      # none | consul | etcd | both
prometheus_options: '--storage.tsdb.retention=30d'  # prometheus cli opts
prometheus_sd_method: consul                  # Prometheus service discovery method: static|consul
prometheus_sd_interval: 2s                    # Prometheus service discovery refresh interval
pg_offline_query: false                       # set to true to allow offline queries on this instance
node_exporter_enabled: true                   # enabling Node Exporter
pg_exporter_enabled: true                     # enabling PG Exporter
pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: true              # enabling Pgbouncer Exporter
export_binary_install: false                  # install Node/PG Exporter via copy binary
dcs_disable_purge: false                      # force dcs_exists_action = abort to avoid dcs purge
pg_disable_purge: false                       # force pg_exists_action = abort to avoid pg purge
haproxy_weight: 100                           # relative lb weight for backend instance
haproxy_weight_fallback: 1                    # primary server weight in replica service group

Obsolete Config Entries

prometheus_metrics_path                       # duplicate with exporter_metrics_path 
prometheus_retention                          # covered by `prometheus_options`

v0.5.0 Release Note

Pigsty v0.5.0 has significant improvement on database templating


Pigsty now have an Official Site 🎉 !

New Features

  • Add Database Provision Template
  • Add Init Template
  • Add Business Init Template
  • Refactor HBA Rules variables
  • Fix dashboards bugs.
  • Move pg-cluster-replication to default dashboards
  • Use ZJU PostgreSQL mirror as default to accelerate repo build phase.
  • Move documentation to official site: https://pigsty.cc
  • Download newly created offline installation packages: pkg.tgz (v0.5)

Database Provision Template

Now you can customize your database content with pigsty !

  - username: test
    password: test
    comment: default test user
    groups: [ dbrole_readwrite ]    # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
pg_databases:                       # create a business database 'test'
  - name: test
    extensions: [{name: postgis}]   # create extra extension postgis
    parameters:                     # overwrite database meta's default search_path
      search_path: public,monitor

pg-init-template.sql wil be used as default template1 database init script pg-init-business.sql will be used as default business database init script

you can customize default role system, schemas, extensions, privileges with variables now:

# - system roles - #
pg_replication_username: replicator           # system replication user
pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator    # system replication password
pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor           # system monitor user
pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor           # system monitor password
pg_admin_username: dbuser_admin               # system admin user
pg_admin_password: DBUser.Admin               # system admin password

# - default roles - #
  - username: dbrole_readonly                 # sample user:
    options: NOLOGIN                          # role can not login
    comment: role for readonly access         # comment string

  - username: dbrole_readwrite                # sample user: one object for each user
    options: NOLOGIN
    comment: role for read-write access
    groups: [ dbrole_readonly ]               # read-write includes read-only access

  - username: dbrole_admin                    # sample user: one object for each user
    options: NOLOGIN BYPASSRLS                # admin can bypass row level security
    comment: role for object creation
    groups: [dbrole_readwrite,pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend]

  # NOTE: replicator, monitor, admin password are overwritten by separated config entry
  - username: postgres                        # reset dbsu password to NULL (if dbsu is not postgres)
    options: SUPERUSER LOGIN
    comment: system superuser

  - username: replicator
    groups: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly]
    comment: system replicator

  - username: dbuser_monitor
    comment: system monitor user
    groups: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly]

  - username: dbuser_admin
    options: LOGIN BYPASSRLS
    comment: system admin user
    groups: [dbrole_admin]

  - username: dbuser_stats
    password: DBUser.Stats
    options: LOGIN
    comment: business read-only user for statistics
    groups: [dbrole_readonly]

# object created by dbsu and admin will have their privileges properly set
  - GRANT USAGE                         ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT                        ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT                        ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT EXECUTE                       ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE        ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT USAGE,  UPDATE                ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT CREATE                        ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT USAGE                         ON TYPES     TO dbrole_admin

# schemas
pg_default_schemas: [monitor]

# extension
  - { name: 'pg_stat_statements',  schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pgstattuple',         schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_qualstats',        schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_buffercache',      schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pageinspect',         schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_prewarm',          schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_visibility',       schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_freespacemap',     schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_repack',           schema: 'monitor' }
  - name: postgres_fdw
  - name: file_fdw
  - name: btree_gist
  - name: btree_gin
  - name: pg_trgm
  - name: intagg
  - name: intarray

# postgres host-based authentication rules
  - title: allow meta node password access
    role: common
      - host    all     all                     md5

  - title: allow intranet admin password access
    role: common
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin            md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin           md5

  - title: allow intranet password access
    role: common
      - host    all             all                 md5
      - host    all             all              md5
      - host    all             all             md5

  - title: allow local read-write access (local production user via pgbouncer)
    role: common
      - local   all     +dbrole_readwrite                               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_readwrite         md5

  - title: allow read-only user (stats, personal) password directly access
    role: replica
      - local   all     +dbrole_readonly                               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_readonly         md5
pg_hba_rules_extra: []

# pgbouncer host-based authentication rules
  - title: local password access
    role: common
      - local  all          all                                     md5
      - host   all          all               md5

  - title: intranet password access
    role: common
      - host   all          all                 md5
      - host   all          all              md5
      - host   all          all             md5
pgbouncer_hba_rules_extra: []

v0.4.0 Release Note

The second public beta (v0.4.0) of pigsty is available now


The second public beta (v0.4.0) of pigsty is available now ! 🎉

Monitoring System

Skim version of monitoring system consist of 10 essential dashboards:

  • PG Overview
  • PG Cluster
  • PG Service
  • PG Instance
  • PG Database
  • PG Query
  • PG Table
  • PG Table Catalog
  • PG Table Detail
  • Node

Software upgrade

  • Upgrade to PostgreSQL 13.1, Patroni 2.0.1-4, add citus to repo.
  • Upgrade to pg_exporter 0.3.1
  • Upgrade to Grafana 7.3, Ton’s of compatibility work
  • Upgrade to prometheus 2.23, with new UI as default
  • Upgrade to consul 1.9


  • Update prometheus alert rules
  • Fix alertmanager info links
  • Fix bugs and typos.
  • add a simple backup script

Offline Installation

  • pkg.tgz is the latest offline install package (1GB rpm packages, made under CentOS 7.8)

v0.3.0 Release Note

Pigsty v0.3.0 First Public Beta now available!


The first public beta (v0.3.0) of pigsty is available now ! 🎉

Monitoring System

Skim version of monitoring system consist of 8 essential dashboards:

  • PG Overview
  • PG Cluster
  • PG Service
  • PG Instance
  • PG Database
  • PG Table Overview
  • PG Table Catalog
  • Node

Database Cluster Provision

  • All config files are merged into one file: conf/all.yml by default
  • Use infra.yml to provision meta node(s) and infrastructure
  • Use initdb.yml to provision database clusters
  • Use ins-add.yml to add new instance to database cluster
  • Use ins-del.yml to remove instance from database cluster

Offline Installation

  • pkg.tgz is the latest offline install package (1GB rpm packages, made under CentOS 7.8)