RDS: The Idiot Tax
2023-01-30 in Cloud Exit
As the season of layoffs hits big tech companies, cost-cutting and efficiency are top of mind. Public cloud databases, often referred to as the “slaughterhouse knives” of the cloud, are under increasing scrutiny. The question now is: Can …
How Powerful Is PostgreSQL?
2022-08-22 in Postgres
Last time, we analyzed StackOverflow survey data to explain why PostgreSQL is the most successful database. This time, let’s rely on performance metrics to see just how powerful “the most successful” PostgreSQL really is. We want everyone to walk …
Why Is PostgreSQL the Most Successful Database?
2022-07-12 in Postgres
When we say a database is “successful,” what exactly do we mean? Are we referring to features, performance, or ease of use? Or perhaps total cost, ecosystem, or complexity? There are many evaluation criteria, but in the end, it’s the …
v1.5.0 Release Note
2022-05-19 in Releases
v1.5.0 Highlights Complete Docker Support, enable on meta nodes by default with lot’s of software templates. bytebase pgadmin4 pgweb postgrest kong minio,… Infra Self Monitoring: Nginx, ETCD, Consul, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, …
v1.4.0 Release Note
2022-03-31 in Releases
v1.4.0 Architecture Decouple system into 4 major categories: INFRA, NODES, PGSQL, REDIS, which makes pigsty far more clear and more extensible. Single Node Deployment = INFRA + NODES + PGSQL Deploy pgsql clusters = NODES + PGSQL Deploy redis …
v1.3.0 Release Note
2021-11-30 in Releases
1.3.0 [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Deployment (cluster,sentinel,standalone) [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Monitor Redis Overview Dashboard Redis Cluster Dashboard Redis Instance Dashboard [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGCAT Overhaul New Dashboard: PGCAT Instance New …
v1.2.0 Release Note
2021-11-03 in Releases
v1.2.0 [ENHANCEMENT] Use PostgreSQL 14 as default version [ENHANCEMENT] Use TimescaleDB 2.5 as default extension now timescaledb & postgis are enabled in cmdb by default [ENHANCEMENT] new monitor-only mode: you can use pigsty to monitor existing …
v1.1.0 Release Note
2021-10-12 in Releases
v1.1.0 [ENHANCEMENT] add pg_dummy_filesize to create fs space placeholder [ENHANCEMENT] home page overhaul [ENHANCEMENT] add jupyter lab integration [ENHANCEMENT] add pgweb console integration [ENHANCEMENT] add pgbadger support [ENHANCEMENT] add …
v1.0.0 Release Note
2021-07-26 in Releases
v1.0.0 Highlights Monitoring System Overhaul New Dashboards on Grafana 8.0 New metrics definition, with extra PG14 support Simplified labeling system: static label set: (job, cls, ins) New Alerting Rules & Derived Metrics Monitoring multiple …
Pigsty: The Production-Ready PostgreSQL Distribution
2021-05-24 in Postgres
What is Pigsty? Pigsty is a production-ready, batteries-included PostgreSQL distribution. A distribution, in this context, refers to a complete database solution comprised of the database kernel and a curated set of software packages. Just as Linux …