Technical Minimalism: Just Use PostgreSQL for Everything

This article was originally published by Stephan Schmidt @ KingOfCoders and sparked heated discussions on Hacker News[1]: Using PostgreSQL as a replacement for Kafka, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, and Redis is a practical approach that can significantly reduce system complexity and maximize agility.

How to Simplify Complexity and Move Fast: Do Everything with PostgreSQL

Welcome, HN readers. Technology is the art of trade-offs. Using PostgreSQL for everything is also a strategy and compromise. Obviously, we should choose appropriate tools based on needs. In many cases, that tool is Postgres.

In assisting many startups, I’ve observed that far more companies overcomplicate their systems than those who choose overly simple tools. If you have over a million users, more than fifty developers, and you genuinely need Kafka, Spark, and Kubernetes, then go ahead. If you have more systems than developers, using only Postgres is a wise choice.

P.S. Using Postgres for everything doesn’t mean using a single instance for everything ;-)

Simply Put, Everything Can Be Solved with Postgres

It’s easy to invite complexity in, but much harder to show it the door.

However, We Have an Ultimate Simplification Solution

One way to simplify the tech stack, reduce components, speed up development, lower risks, and deliver more features in startups is to “Just Use Postgres for Everything”. Postgres can replace many backend technologies, including Kafka, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, and Redis, at least until you reach millions of users.

Use Postgres instead of Redis for caching, using UNLOGGED Tables[3] and storing JSON data in TEXT columns, with stored procedures to add and enforce expiration times, just like Redis does.

Use Postgres as a message queue, employing SKIP LOCKED[4] instead of Kafka (if you only need message queue capabilities).

Use Postgres with the TimescaleDB[5] extension as your data warehouse.

Use PostgreSQL’s JSONB[6] type to store, index, and search JSON documents, replacing MongoDB.

Use Postgres with the pg_cron[7] extension as your scheduled task daemon, executing specific tasks at certain times, such as sending emails or adding events to message queues.

Use Postgres + PostGIS for geospatial queries[8].

Use Postgres for full-text search[9], with ParadeDB replacing ElasticSearch.

Use Postgres to generate JSON in the database[10], eliminating the need for server-side code, directly serving your API.

Use a GraphQL adapter[11] to let PostgreSQL provide GraphQL services.

As I’ve said, Everything Can Be Postgres.

About the Author Stephan

As a CTO, interim CTO, CTO coach, and developer, Stephan has left his mark in the technical departments of many fast-growing startups. He learned programming in a department store around 1981 because he wanted to write video games. Stephan studied computer science at the University of Ulm, specializing in distributed systems and artificial intelligence, and also studied philosophy. When the internet came to Germany in the 90s, he was the first programming employee at several startups. He founded a venture capital-backed startup, handled architecture, processes, and growth challenges in other VC-backed fast-growing startups, held management positions at ImmoScout, and was CTO at an eBay Inc. company. After his wife successfully sold her startup, they moved to the seaside, where Stephan began CTO coaching. You can find him on LinkedIn or follow @KingOfCoders on Twitter.

Translator’s Note

Translator: Feng Ruohang, entrepreneur and PostgreSQL expert, cloud-native advocate, author of Pigsty, an open-source PostgreSQL RDS alternative that’s ready to use out of the box.

Using Postgres for everything is not a pipe dream but a best practice that’s gaining popularity. I’m very pleased about this: I saw this potential back in 2016[12] and chose to dive in, and things have developed exactly as hoped.

Tantan, where I previously worked, was a pioneer on this path - PostgreSQL for Everything. This Chinese internet app, founded by a Swedish team, used PostgreSQL at a scale and complexity that was second to none in China. Tantan’s technical architecture choices were inspired by Instagram - or even more radical, with almost all business logic implemented in PostgreSQL stored procedures (including recommendation algorithms with 100ms latency!).

Tantan’s entire system architecture was designed and built around PostgreSQL. With millions of daily active users, millions of global DB-TPS, and hundreds of TB of data, the data component only used PostgreSQL. It wasn’t until approaching ten million daily active users that they began architectural adjustments to introduce independent data warehouses, message queues, and caching. In 2017, we didn’t even use Redis for caching; 2.5 million TPS was handled directly by PostgreSQL across over a hundred servers. Message queues were also implemented in PostgreSQL, and early/mid-stage data analysis was handled by a dedicated PG cluster of several dozen TB. We had long practiced the philosophy of “using PostgreSQL for everything” and reaped many benefits.

There’s a second part to this story - the subsequent “microservices transformation” brought massive complexity, eventually bogging down the system. This made me even more certain from another angle - I deeply miss that simple, reliable, efficient, and agile state when we used PostgreSQL for everything.

PostgreSQL is not just a simple relational database but an abstract framework for data management with the potential to encompass everything and devour the entire database world. Ten years ago, this was merely potential and possibility; ten years later, it has materialized into real influence. I’m glad to have witnessed this process and helped push it forward.

PostgreSQL is for Everything!

Further Reading

PGSQL x Pigsty: The Database Swiss Army Knife is Here

ParadeDB: A New Player in the PG Ecosystem

FerretDB: PostgreSQL Dressed as MongoDB

AI Large Models and Vector Databases with PGVECTOR

How Powerful is PostgreSQL Really?

PostgreSQL: The World’s Most Successful Database

Why is PostgreSQL the Most Successful Database?

Why Does PostgreSQL Have a Bright Future?

Better Open Source RDS Alternative: Pigsty


Last modified 2025-03-22: add postgres blogs (117ac1d)