Why Is PostgreSQL the Most Successful Database?
When we say a database is “successful,” what exactly do we mean? Are we referring to features, performance, or ease of use? Or perhaps total cost, ecosystem, or complexity? There are many evaluation criteria, but in the end, it’s the users—developers—who make the final call.
So, what do developers prefer? Over the past six years, StackOverflow has repeatedly asked over seventy thousand developers across 180 countries three simple questions.
Looking at these survey results over that six-year period, it’s evident that, by 2022, PostgreSQL has claimed the crown in all three categories, becoming the literal “most successful database”:
- PostgreSQL became the most commonly used database among professional developers! (Used)
- PostgreSQL became the most loved database among developers! (Loved)
- PostgreSQL became the most wanted database among developers! (Wanted)
Popularity reflects the current “momentum,” demand points toward “potential energy,” and developer love signals long-term promise. Time and tide now favor PostgreSQL. Let’s take a look at the concrete data behind these results.
Most Popular
PostgreSQL—The Most Popular Database Among Professional Developers! (Used)
The first survey question examines which databases developers are actively using right now—i.e., popularity.
In previous years, MySQL consistently held the top spot as the most popular database, living up to its tagline of being “the world’s most popular open-source relational database.” However, this year, it seems that MySQL has to surrender the crown of “most popular” to PostgreSQL.
Among professional developers, PostgreSQL claimed first place for the first time with a 46.5% usage rate, surpassing MySQL’s 45.7%. These two open-source, general-purpose relational databases dominate the top two spots, significantly outpacing all other databases.
TOP 9 Database Popularity Trends (2017–2022)
PGSQL and MySQL aren’t that far apart. It’s worth noting that among junior developers, MySQL still enjoys a noticeable lead (58.4%). In fact, if we factor in all developer cohorts including juniors, MySQL retains a slim overall lead of 3.3%.
But if you look at the chart below, it’s clear that PostgreSQL is growing at a remarkable pace, whereas other databases—especially MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle—have been on a steady decline in recent years. As time goes on, PostgreSQL’s advantage will likely become even more pronounced.
Popularity of Four Major Relational Databases Compared
Popularity represents a database’s current market presence (or “momentum”). Affection (“loved” status) signals the potential for future growth.
Most Loved
PostgreSQL—The Most Loved Database Among Developers! (Loved)
The second question StackOverflow asks is about which databases developers love and which they dread. In this survey, PostgreSQL and Redis stand head and shoulders above the rest with over 70% developer affection, significantly outpacing all other databases.
For years, Redis held the title of the most loved database. But in 2022, things changed: PostgreSQL edged out Redis for the first time and became the most loved database among developers. Redis, a super-simple, data-structure-based cache server that pairs well with relational databases, has always been a developer favorite. But apparently, developers love the much more powerful PostgreSQL just a little bit more.
In contrast, MySQL and Oracle lag behind. MySQL is basically split down the middle in terms of those who love or dread it, while only about 35% of users love Oracle—meaning nearly two-thirds of developers dislike it.
TOP 9 Database Affection Trends (2017–2022)
Logically, what people love tends to become what people use; what people dread tends to fade away. If we borrow from the Net Promoter Score (NPS) concept—(Promoters% – Detractors%)—we could define a similar “Net Love Score” (NLS): (Loved% – Dreaded%). We’d expect a positive correlation between a database’s usage growth rate and its NLS.
The data backs this up nicely: PostgreSQL boasts the highest NLS in the chart: 44%, corresponding to a whopping 460 basis-point growth every year. MySQL hovers just above breakeven with an NLS of 2.3%, translating to a modest 36 basis-point annual increase in usage. Oracle, on the other hand, scores a negative 29% NLS, tracking about 44 basis points of annual decline in usage. But it’s not even the most disliked on the list: IBM DB2 sits at an even more dismal -48%, accompanied by an average 46 basis-point annual decline.
Of course, not all potential (love) translates into actual usage growth. People might love it but never actually adopt it. That’s precisely where the third survey question comes in.
Most Wanted
PostgreSQL—The Most Wanted Database Among Developers! (Wanted)
“In the past year, which database environments did you do a lot of development work in? In the coming year, which databases do you want to work with?”
Answers to the first part led us to the “most popular” results. The second part answers the question of “most wanted.” If developer love points to a database’s growth potential, then developers’ actual desire (“want”) is a more tangible measure of next year’s growth momentum.
In this year’s survey, PostgreSQL didn’t hesitate to bump MongoDB from the top spot, becoming developers’ most desired database. A striking 19% of respondents said they want to work in a PostgreSQL environment next year. Following close behind are MongoDB (17%) and Redis (14%). These three lead the pack by a wide margin.
Previously, MongoDB consistently topped the “most wanted” ranking. Lately, though, it seems to be losing steam, for a variety of reasons—PostgreSQL itself being one of them. PostgreSQL has robust JSON support that covers most of the use cases of a document database. And there are projects like FerretDB (formerly MangoDB) that provide MongoDB’s API on top of PG, allowing you to use the same interface with a PostgreSQL engine underneath.
MongoDB and Redis were key players in the NoSQL movement. But unlike MongoDB, Redis continues to see growing demand. PostgreSQL and Redis, leaders in the SQL and NoSQL worlds respectively, are riding strong developer interest and high growth potential. The future looks bright.
PostgreSQL has come out on top in usage, demand, and developer love. It has the wind at its back on all fronts—past momentum, present energy, future potential. It’s fair to call it the most successful database.
But how did PostgreSQL achieve this level of success?
The secret is hidden in its own slogan: “The world’s most advanced open source relational database.”
A Relational Database
Relational databases are so prevalent and critical that they overshadow all other categories—key-value, document, search, time series, graph, and vector combined likely don’t add up to a fraction of the footprint of relational databases. By default, when people talk about a “database,” they usually mean a relational database. None of the other categories would dare to call themselves “mainstream” by comparison.
Take DB-Engines as an example. DB-Engines ranks databases by combining various signals—search engine results for the database name, Google Trends, Stack Overflow discussions, job postings on Indeed, user profiles on LinkedIn, mentions on Twitter, etc.—to form what you might consider a “composite popularity” metric.
DB-Engines Popularity Trend: https://db-engines.com/en/ranking_trend
From the DB-Engines trend chart, you’ll notice a deep divide. The top four databases are all relational. Including MongoDB in fifth, these five are orders of magnitude ahead of all the rest in terms of popularity. So we really need to focus on those four major relational databases: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.
Because they occupy essentially the same ecological niche, relational databases compete in what is almost a zero-sum game. Let’s set aside Microsoft’s SQL Server, which largely lives in its own closed-off commercial ecosystem. Among relational databases, it’s a three-way saga.
Oracle: “talented but unethical,” MySQL: “less capable, less principled,” PostgreSQL: “noble and skillful.”
Oracle is a long-established commercial database with an extensive feature set and historical pedigree, widely chosen by enterprises that “have cash to burn and need someone to take the blame.” It has always been at the top of the database market but is also notorious for expensive licensing and aggressive litigation—earning it a reputation as the corporate world’s “toxic troll.” Microsoft’s SQL Server is basically the same style: a commercial database living within a closed ecosystem. All commercial databases have been feeling the squeeze from open-source alternatives and are slowly losing ground.
MySQL claims second place in overall popularity but finds itself hemmed in on all sides: it’s got an “adoptive father” who doesn’t exactly have its best interests at heart, and “forked offspring” plus new distributed SQL contenders biting at its heels. In rigorous transaction processing and analytics, MySQL is outclassed by PostgreSQL. When it comes to quick-and-dirty solutions, many find NoSQL simpler and more flexible. Meanwhile, Oracle (MySQL’s “foster father”) imposes constraints at the top, MariaDB and others fork from within, and “prodigal children” like TiDB replicate the MySQL interface with new distributed architectures—meaning MySQL is also slipping.
Oracle has impressive talent yet shows questionable “ethics.” MySQL might get partial credit for open source but remains limited in capability—“less capable, less principled.” Only PostgreSQL manages to combine both capability and open ethics, reaping the benefits of advanced technology plus open source licensing. Like they say, “Sometimes the quiet turtle wins the race.” PostgreSQL stayed quietly brilliant for many years, then shot to the top in one fell swoop.
Where does PostgreSQL get its “ethics”? From being open source. And where does it get its “talent”? From being advanced.
The “Open Source” Ethos
PostgreSQL’s “virtue” lies in its open source nature: a founding-father-level open-source project, born of the combined efforts of developers worldwide.
It has a friendly BSD license and a thriving ecosystem that’s branching out in all directions, making it the main flag-bearer in the quest to replace Oracle.
What do we mean by “virtue” or “ethics”? Following the “Way” (道) in software is adhering to open source.
PostgreSQL is an old-guard, foundational project in the open-source world, a shining example of global developer collaboration.
A thriving ecosystem with extensive extensions and distributions—“branching out with many descendants.”
Way back when, developing software or providing any significant IT service usually required outrageously expensive commercial database software, like Oracle or SQL Server. Licensing alone could cost six or seven figures, not to mention hardware and support fees that matched or exceeded those numbers. For example, one CPU core’s worth of Oracle licensing can easily run into tens of thousands of dollars per year. Even giants like Alibaba balked at these costs and started the infamous “IOE phase-out.” The rise of open-source databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL offered a new choice: free-as-in-beer software.
“Free” open-source software meant you could use the database without paying a licensing fee—a seismic shift that shaped the entire industry. It ushered in an era in which a business might only pay for hardware resources—maybe 20 bucks per CPU core per month—and that was it. Relational databases became accessible even to smaller companies, paving the way for free consumer-facing online services.
Open source has done an immense service to the world. The history of the internet is the history of open source: the reason we have an explosion of free online services is in large part because these services can be built on open-source components. Open source is a real success story—“community-ism,” if you will—where developers own the means of software production, share it freely, and cooperate globally. Everyone benefits from each other’s work.
An open-source programmer can stand on the shoulders of tens of thousands of top developers. Instead of paying a fortune in software licensing, they can simply use and extend what the community provides. This synergy is why developer salaries are relatively high. Essentially, each programmer is orchestrating entire armies of code and hardware. Open source means that fundamental building blocks are public domain, drastically cutting down on repeated “reinventing the wheel” across the industry. The entire tech world gets to move faster.
The deeper and more essential the software layer, the stronger the advantage open source tends to have—an advantage PostgreSQL leverages fully against Oracle.
Oracle may be advanced, but PostgreSQL isn’t far behind. In fact, PostgreSQL is the open-source database that’s most compatible with Oracle, covering about 85% of its features out of the box. Special enterprise distributions of PostgreSQL can reach 96% feature compatibility. Meanwhile, Oracle’s massive licensing costs give PG a huge advantage in cost-effectiveness: you don’t necessarily need to exceed Oracle’s capabilities to win; being 90% as good but an order of magnitude cheaper is enough to topple Oracle.
As an “open-source Oracle,” PostgreSQL is the only database truly capable of challenging Oracle’s dominance. It’s the standard-bearer for “de-Oracle-fication” (去O). Many of the so-called “domestic proprietary databases” (especially in China) are actually based on PostgreSQL under the hood—36% of them, by one estimate. This has created a whole family of “PG descendants” and fueled a wave of “independent controllable” database vendors. PostgreSQL’s BSD licensing does not forbid such derivative works, and the community does not oppose it. This open-minded stance stands in contrast to MySQL, which was purchased by Oracle and remains under the GPL, limiting what you can do with it.
The “Advanced” Edge
PostgreSQL’s “talent” lies in being advanced. A one-stop, all-in-one, multi-purpose database—essentially an HTAP solution by design.
Spatial, GIS, distributed, time-series, documents, it’s all in there. One component can cover nearly every use case.
PostgreSQL’s “talent” is that it’s a multi-specialist. It’s a comprehensive, full-stack database that can handle both OLTP and OLAP (making it naturally HTAP). It can also handle time-series data, geospatial queries (PostGIS), JSON documents, full-text search, and more. Essentially, one PostgreSQL instance can replace up to ten different specialized tools for small to medium enterprises, covering almost all their database needs.
Among relational databases, PostgreSQL is arguably the best value for money: it can handle traditional transactional workloads (OLTP) while also excelling at analytics, which are often an afterthought in other systems. And the specialized features provide entry points into all kinds of industries: geospatial data analytics with PostGIS, time-series financial or IoT solutions with Timescale, streaming pipelines with triggers and stored procedures, full-text search, or the FDW (foreign data wrapper) architecture to unify external data sources. PostgreSQL really is a multi-specialist, going far beyond the typical single-use relational engine.
In many cases, one PostgreSQL node can do the job of multiple specialized systems, significantly reducing complexity and cutting costs. This might mean the difference between needing ten people on your team vs. just one. Of course, this doesn’t mean PG is going to destroy all specialized databases: for large-scale specialized workloads, dedicated components still shine. But for many scenarios—and especially for those not at hyperscale—it’s overkill to maintain extra systems. If a single tool does everything you need, why complicate things?
For example, at Tantan (a major dating/social app in China), a single PostgreSQL setup handled 2.5 million TPS and 200 TB of data reliably. It wore multiple hats—OLTP for transactions, caching, analytics, batch processing, and even a bit of message queue functionality. Eventually, as they scaled to tens of millions of daily active users, these specialized roles did break out into their own dedicated systems—but that was only after the user base had grown enormously.
vs. MySQL
PostgreSQL’s advanced feature set is widely recognized, and this forms its real edge against its long-standing open-source rival—MySQL.
MySQL’s tagline is “the world’s most popular open-source relational database.” Historically, it’s attracted the “quick and dirty” side of the internet developer community. The typical web startup often only needs simple CRUD operations, can tolerate some data inconsistency or loss, and prioritizes time-to-market. They want to spin up solutions quickly—think LAMP stacks—without needing highly specialized DBAs.
But the times have changed. PostgreSQL has improved at a blistering pace, with performance that rivals or surpasses MySQL. What remains of MySQL’s core advantage is its “leniency.” MySQL is known for “better to run than to fail,” or “I don’t care if your data’s messed up as long as I’m not crashing.” For instance, it even allows certain broken SQL commands to run, leading to bizarre results. One of the strangest behaviors is that MySQL may allow partial commits by default, violating the atomicity of transactions that relational databases are supposed to guarantee.
Screenshot: MySQL can silently allow partial transaction commits by default.
The advanced inevitably overtakes the old, and the once-popular eventually fades if it doesn’t evolve. Thanks to its broad, sophisticated features, PostgreSQL has left MySQL behind and is now even surpassing it in popularity. As the saying goes, “When your time comes, the world helps you move forward; when your luck runs out, not even a hero can save you.”
Between Oracle’s advanced but closed nature and MySQL’s open but limited functionality, PostgreSQL is both advanced and open-source, enjoying the best of both worlds—technical edge plus community-driven development. With the stars aligned in its favor, how could it not succeed?
The Road Ahead
“Software is eating the world. Open source is eating software. And the cloud is eating open source.”
So from this vantage point, it seems the database wars are largely settled. No other database engine is likely to seriously challenge PostgreSQL anytime soon. The real threat to the PostgreSQL open-source community no longer comes from another open-source or commercial database engine—it comes from the changing paradigm of software usage itself: the arrival of the cloud.
Initially, you needed expensive commercial software (like Oracle, SQL Server, or Unix) to build or run anything big. Then, open-source took the stage (Linux, PostgreSQL, etc.), offering a choice that was essentially free. Of course, truly getting the most out of open source requires in-house expertise, so companies ended up paying people, rather than licensing fees.
Once your DB scale grows large enough, hiring open-source DBA talent becomes more cost-effective. The challenge is that good DBAs are scarce.
That’s the open-source model: open-source contributors enhance the software for free; the software is free for all to use; users then hire open-source experts to implement and operate it, creating more open-source contributors. It’s a virtuous cycle.
Public cloud vendors, however, have disrupted this cycle by taking open-source software, wrapping it with their cloud hardware and admin tools, and selling it as a cloud service—often returning very little to the upstream open-source project. They’re effectively free-riding on open source, turning it into a service they profit from, which can undermine the community’s sustainability by consolidating the jobs and expertise within a handful of cloud giants, thus eroding software freedom for everyone.
By 2020, the primary enemy of software freedom was no longer proprietary software but cloud-hosted software.
That’s a paraphrase of Martin Kleppmann (author of Designing Data-Intensive Applications), who proposed in his “Local-First Software” movement that cloud-based solutions—like Google Docs, Trello, Slack, Figma, Notion, and crucially, cloud databases—are the new walled gardens.
How should the open-source community respond to the rise of cloud services? The Cloud Native movement offers one possible way forward. It’s a movement to reclaim software freedom from public clouds, and databases are right at the heart of it.
A grand view of the Cloud Native ecosystem—still missing the last piece of the puzzle: robust support for stateful databases!
That’s also our motivation for building Pigsty: an open-source PostgreSQL “distribution” that’s as easy to deploy as RDS or any managed cloud service, but fully under your control!
Pigsty comes with out-of-the-box RDS/PaaS/SaaS integration, featuring an unrivaled PostgreSQL monitoring system and an “auto-driving” high-availability cluster solution. It can be installed with a single command, giving you “Database as Code.” You get an experience on par with, or even better than, managed cloud databases, but you own the data, and the cost can be 50–90% lower. We hope it drastically lowers the barriers to using a good database and helps you get the most out of that database.
Of course, we’re out of space here, so the future of databases in a post-cloud era will have to wait for the next installment.