Can PostgreSQL Replace Microsoft SQL Server?

Many people don’t have a clear picture of how far the PostgreSQL ecosystem has evolved. Beyond devouring the database world with its all-encompassing extension ecosystem, PostgreSQL can now directly replace Oracle, SQL Server, and MongoDB at the kernel level – and MySQL is even less of a challenge.

When it comes to mainstream databases at highest risk of displacement, Microsoft SQL Server undeniably tops the list. MSSQL faces the most comprehensive replacement – right down to the wire protocol level. And who’s leading this charge? None other than AWS, Amazon’s cloud service division.


While I’ve often criticized cloud vendors for free-riding on open source, I must admit this strategy is extremely effective. AWS has leveraged the open-source PostgreSQL and MySQL kernels to dominate the database market, punching Oracle and kicking Microsoft, becoming the undisputed market leader. In recent years, AWS has pulled off an even more brilliant move by developing the BabelfishPG extension, providing compatibility at the “wire protocol” level.


Wire protocol compatibility” means clients don’t need to change anything – they can still access the SQL Server port 1433 using MSSQL drivers and command-line tools (sqlcmd) to connect to clusters equipped with BabelfishPG. Even more remarkably, you can still use PostgreSQL’s protocol language syntax to access the original 5432 port, coexisting with SQL Server clients – this creates tremendous convenience for migration.


Of course, Babelfish isn’t merely a simple PG extension plugin. It makes minor modifications and adaptations to the PostgreSQL kernel and provides four extension plugins that offer TSQL syntax support, TDS wire protocol support, data types, and other function support.


Compiling and packaging such kernels and extensions on different platforms isn’t a simple task. That’s where WiltonDB – a Babelfish distribution – comes in. It compiles and packages BabelfishPG as RPM/DEB/MSI packages for EL 7/8/9, Ubuntu systems, and even Windows.

Pigsty v3

Having RPM/DEB packages alone is still far from offering production-grade services. In the recently released Pigsty v3, we provide the ability to replace the native PostgreSQL kernel with BabelfishPG.

Creating such an MSSQL cluster requires only modifying a few parameters in the cluster definition. The setup process remains fool-proof – similar to primary-replica setup, extension installation, parameter optimization, user configuration, HBA rule settings, and even service traffic distribution will automatically be established based on the configuration file.


In practice, you can treat a Babelfish cluster exactly like a regular PostgreSQL cluster for use and management. The only difference is that clients can choose whether to use TSQL protocol support on port 1433 in addition to the PGSQL protocol on port 5432.


For example, you can easily redirect the Primary service (which originally points to the primary database connection pool on port 6432) to port 1433 through configuration, achieving seamless TDS/TSQL traffic switching during failovers.


This means that capabilities originally belonging to PostgreSQL RDS – high availability, point-in-time recovery, monitoring systems, IaC control, SOP plans, and countless extension plugins – can all be grafted onto the SQL Server version kernel.

How to Migrate?

Beyond powerful kernels and extensions like Babelfish, the PostgreSQL ecosystem boasts a flourishing toolkit ecosystem. For migrations from SQL Server or MySQL to PostgreSQL, I strongly recommend a killer migration tool: PGLOADER.

This migration tool is ridiculously straightforward – under ideal conditions, you only need connection strings for both databases to complete the migration. Yes, really, without a single line of unnecessary code.

pgloader mssql://user@mshost/dbname pgsql://pguser@pghost/dbname

With MSSQL-compatible kernel extensions and migration tools, moving existing SQL Server installations becomes remarkably easy.

Beyond MSSQL…

Besides MSSQL, the PostgreSQL ecosystem offers Oracle replacements like PolarDB O and IvorySQL, MongoDB replacements like FerretDB and PongoDB, as well as over three hundred extensions providing various functionalities.

In fact, nearly the entire database world is feeling PostgreSQL’s impact – except for those that occupy different ecological niches (SQLite, DuckDB, MinIO) or are essentially PostgreSQL in disguise (Supabase, RDS, Aurora/Polar).


Our recently released open-source PostgreSQL RDS solution, Pigsty, now supports these PG replacement kernels, allowing users to provide MSSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Firebase, and MongoDB compatibility within a single PostgreSQL deployment.

But due to space limitations, those will be topics for upcoming articles.

Last modified 2025-03-22: add postgres blogs (117ac1d)