v3.2: The pig CLI, ARM64 Repo, Self-hosting Supabase

The New Year is just around the corner, and Pigsty is celebrating the last release of 2024 with v3.2. This release introduces a new command-line tool, pig, and enhanced ARM extension support. Together, these features deliver a smooth PostgreSQL experience across the top 10 major Linux distributions. This release also includes routine bug fixes, follows up on the changes during Supabase release week, and provides RPM/DEB packages for Grafana extension plugins and data sources.

Pig Command-Line Tool

Pigsty v3.2 comes with a command-line tool, pig, designed to further simplify the installation and deployment process of Pigsty. But pig is more than just a command-line tool for Pigsty; it’s a fully functional PostgreSQL package manager that can be used independently.

Have you ever struggled with installing PostgreSQL extensions, navigating through various distributions, and dealing with different chip architectures? Wasting time on outdated READMEs, obscure configuration scripts, and random GitHub branches? Or perhaps frustrated by the challenges of the domestic network environment, with missing repositories and blocked mirrors? Downloads feel like a traffic jam?

Now, “Pig rides the elephant” is here to solve all your problems: Introducing Pig, a new Go-based package manager designed to handle PostgreSQL and its ever-expanding extension library, without turning your day into a debugging marathon.

Pig is a lightweight binary written in Go, with no dependencies and easy installation: a single command is all it takes to install and start your “pig charge.” It respects the traditional package management systems of operating systems and avoids reinventing the wheel, using yum/dnf/apt to manage packages.

Pig focuses on cross-distribution harmony — whether you’re on Debian, Ubuntu, or Red Hat derivatives, you can have a consistent and smooth method to install and update PostgreSQL and any extensions. No more compiling from source or dealing with incomplete repositories.

If PostgreSQL’s future is unstoppable scalability, Pig is the genie that helps you unlock it. Honestly, no one will ever complain that their PostgreSQL instance has too many extensions — they don’t affect anything when not in use, and when needed, they’re right there, and who doesn’t love a free lunch?

ARM Extension Repository

The magic behind Pig is a supplementary extension repository filled with hard-to-find or newly released extensions, so you always have easy access to high-quality extensions that are tested, well-curated, and ready to use.

Over the past month, Pigsty has fully supported ARM64 architecture. We’ve provided complete ARM support for five major Linux distributions (EL8, EL9, Debian 12, Ubuntu 22/24). “Complete” means that the configuration files you use on AMD64 can be used identically on ARM64 systems. Of course, there are a few exceptions: some extensions currently lack ARM support, and we will address these cases one by one in the future.

Still struggling to find niche Git repositories, incomplete Docker builds, or outdated wiki documentation just to install a required PostgreSQL plugin? We understand your pain. While PostgreSQL’s scalability is superpower-level, the biggest challenge in the ecosystem has always been distribution — how to install various FDWs, vector extensions, GIS libraries, Rust modules, and other “superweapons” without getting stuck in compilation hell?

Now, with the Pigsty Extension Repo, we’ve gathered over 340 carefully selected PostgreSQL extensions, compiled into convenient .rpm and .deb packages supporting multiple versions and architectures. Timescale? Check. Supabase-related? Fully covered. Various DuckDB patches? Ready to go. We’ve built a cross-distribution pipeline that integrates community-developed new extensions, long-standing old modules, and official PGDG packages, allowing them to be installed seamlessly on Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and other major systems with just one click. What’s the secret? We don’t reinvent the wheel; we use each distribution’s native package manager (YUM, APT, DNF, etc.) and align with the official PGDG repositories.

At the core, this repository is part of the larger Pigsty PostgreSQL distribution, but you can also use it independently in your environment without fully adopting Pigsty. We’ve invested a lot of time and effort into patching, testing, and polishing each extension, so you can benefit from it. Everything is free and open-source, and integration is incredibly easy. Several partners are already using it as an additional upstream source for installing extensions!

Want to solve all your PostgreSQL extension headaches? Visit ext.pigsty.io for more details, and check out the full extension index and usage instructions. We’ve packaged and tested every plugin we could find, just to make PostgreSQL the “ultimate form” it was meant to be — after all, who wouldn’t want more superpowers? Come and experience it!

The ARM64 platform support has given me a lot of confidence, and now I’m looking at supporting more chip architectures. For example, IBM LinuxOne Cloud recently sponsored an open-source project with a permanent virtual machine (2c/8g/100g), and most importantly, it’s an s390x mainframe. So I’m planning to try running Pigsty on an IBM mainframe soon, haha.

Supabase Routine Follow-Up

Pigsty previously released a Supabase self-hosting guide to help users quickly set up their own Supabase services on a single machine. This has sparked some attention among startups that heavily use Supabase, so we’ve followed up on the latest version of Supabase.

In the last month of 2024, Supabase rolled out a series of significant updates, and Pigsty v3.2 has incorporated these changes, providing users with the latest version of Supabase. To be honest, aside from AI buzz, most of the updates are: Supabase now offers XXX feature (such as queues), but essentially they’ve just added XXX PG extension (such as PGMQ).

The major move recently from Supabase is OrieloDB (acquired by Supabase mid-year!), an interesting PostgreSQL fork focused on enhancing PG’s OLTP performance. Currently, this feature is marked as Beta in Supabase and available as an optional choice, but I need to ensure that even if Supabase adopts it as the main branch in the future, Pigsty will continue to support it.

We’re currently preparing RPM/DEB packages for OrieloDB and its extensions. With this opportunity, we also plan to expand these superpowers to more PG forks, such as Oracle-compatible IvorySQL 3/4, SQL Server-compatible WiltonDB, and PolarDB PG.

Grafana’s Extensibility

Grafana is a very popular open-source monitoring and visualization tool. Of course, it also has many extension plugins, such as various data visualization panels and data sources. However, installing and managing these extensions has always been an issue. Grafana’s own CLI tool can be used to install plugins, but users in China must use a VPN, which is highly inconvenient.

In v3.2, we’ve packaged common Grafana panel and data source extensions as RPM/DEB packages, making them ready to use out of the box. For example, the following architecture-independent extensions are now packaged as a single grafana-plugins package:

  • volkovlabs-echarts-panel
  • volkovlabs-image-panel
  • volkovlabs-form-panel
  • volkovlabs-table-panel
  • volkovlabs-variable-panel
  • knightss27-weathermap-panel
  • marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel
  • marcusolsson-treemap-panel
  • marcusolsson-calendar-panel
  • marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel
  • marcusolsson-static-datasource
  • marcusolsson-json-datasource
  • volkovlabs-rss-datasource
  • volkovlabs-grapi-datasource

Additionally, we’ve created independent RPM/DEB packages for architecture-dependent (including x86, ARM binaries) data source extensions, such as the recently released Infinity data source plugin from Grafana: You can use any REST/GRAPHQL API and CSV/TSV/XML/HTML as data sources, greatly extending Grafana’s data access capabilities.

Meanwhile, we’ve also made RPM/DEB packages for VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs’ Grafana data source plugins, so users can easily use these two open-source time-series and log databases in Grafana.

Next Steps

Currently, Pigsty has reached a state that I’m very satisfied with. In the upcoming period, my focus will be on maintaining the pig tool and the extension repository.

This is a rare opportunity window, as both users and developers are starting to realize the importance of extensions, but PostgreSQL still lacks a factual standard for extension distribution. At this crucial moment, I hope that Pigsty/pig can become an influential de facto standard for PG extension plugins and claim the high ground in the ecosystem.

Of course, Pigsty itself has also lacked a sufficiently powerful CLI tool, so I’ll integrate the scattered functions from various Ansible playbooks into pig, making it easier for users to manage Pigsty and PostgreSQL.

v3.2.0 Release Note


  • New CLI: Introducing the pig command-line tool for managing extension plugins.
  • ARM64 Support: 390 extensions are now available for ARM64 across five major distributions.
  • Supabase Update: Latest Supabase Release Week updates are now supported for self-hosting on all distributions.
  • Grafana v11.4: Upgraded Grafana to version 11.4, featuring a new Infinity datasource.

Package Changes

  • New Extensions
  • Updated Extensions
    • pgvectorscale: 0.4.0 → 0.5.1
    • pg_parquet: 0.1.0 → 0.1.1
    • pg_polyline: 0.0.1
    • pg_cardano: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
    • pg_vectorize: 0.20.0
    • pg_duckdb: 0.1.0 → 0.2.0
    • pg_search: 0.13.0 → 0.13.1
    • aggs_for_vecs: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
  • Infrastructure
    • Added promscale 0.17.0
    • Added grafana-plugins 11.4
    • Added grafana-infinity-plugins
    • Added grafana-victoriametrics-ds
    • Added grafana-victorialogs-ds
    • vip-manager: 2.8.0 → 3.0.0
    • vector: 0.42.0 → 0.43.0
    • grafana: 11.3 → 11.4
    • prometheus: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1 (package name changed from prometheus2 to prometheus)
    • nginx_exporter: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
    • mongodb_exporter: 0.41.2 → 0.43.0
    • VictoriaMetrics: 1.106.1 → 1.107.0
    • VictoriaLogs: 1.0.0 → 1.3.2
    • pg_timetable: 5.9.0 → 5.10.0
    • tigerbeetle: 0.16.13 → 0.16.17
    • pg_export: 0.7.0 → 0.7.1
  • New Docker App
    • Add mattermost the open-source Slack alternative self-hosting template
  • Bug Fixes
    • Added python3-cdiff for el8.aarch64 to fix missing Patroni dependency.
    • Added timescaledb-tools for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
    • Added pg_filedump for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
  • Removed Extensions
    • pg_mooncake: Removed due to conflicts with pg_duckdb.
    • pg_top: Removed because of repeated version issues and quality concerns.
    • hunspell_pt_pt: Removed because of conflict with official PG dictionary files.
    • pgml: Disabled by default (no longer downloaded or installed).

API Changes

  • repo_url_packages now defaults to an empty array; packages are installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_cache is deprecated; Grafana plugins are now installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_list is deprecated for the same reason.
  • The 36-node “production” template has been renamed to simu.
  • Auto-generated code under node_id/vars now includes aarch64 support.
  • infra_packages now includes the pig CLI tool.
  • The configure command now updates the version numbers of pgsql-xxx aliases in auto-generated config files.
  • Update terraform templates with Makefile shortcuts and better provision experience

Bug Fix

  • Fix pgbouncer dashboard selector issue #474
  • Add --arg value support for pg-pitr by @waitingsong
  • Fix redis log message typo by @waitingsong


c42da231067f25104b71a065b4a50e68  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.aarch64.tgz
ebb818f98f058f932b57d093d310f5c2  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.x86_64.tgz
d2b85676235c9b9f2f8a0ad96c5b15fd  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.aarch64.tgz
649f79e1d94ec1845931c73f663ae545  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
24c0be1d8436f3c64627c12f82665a17  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.aarch64.tgz
0b9be0e137661e440cd4f171226d321d  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.x86_64.tgz
8fdc6a60820909b0a2464b0e2b90a3a6  pigsty-v3.2.0.tgz

v3.2.1 Release Note


  • 351 PostgreSQL Extensions, including the powerful postgresql-anonymizer 2.0
  • IvorySQL 4.0 support for EL 8/9
  • Now use the Pigsty compiled Citus, TimescaleDB and pgroonga on all distros
  • Add self-hosting Odoo template and support

Bump software versions

  • pig CLI 0.1.2 self-updating capability
  • prometheus 3.1.0

Add New Extension

  • add pg_anon 2.0.0
  • add omnisketch 1.0.2
  • add ddsketch 1.0.1
  • add pg_duration 1.0.1
  • add ddl_historization 0.0.7
  • add data_historization 1.1.0
  • add schedoc 0.0.1
  • add floatfile 1.3.1
  • add pg_upless 0.0.3
  • add pg_task 1.0.0
  • add pg_readme 0.7.0
  • add vasco 0.1.0
  • add pg_xxhash 0.0.1

Update Extension

  • lower_quantile 1.0.3
  • quantile 1.1.8
  • sequential_uuids 1.0.3
  • pgmq 1.5.0 (subdir)
  • floatvec 1.1.1
  • pg_parquet 0.2.0
  • wrappers 0.4.4
  • pg_later 0.3.0
  • topn fix for deb.arm64
  • add age 17 on debian
  • powa + pg17, 5.0.1
  • h3 + pg17
  • ogr_fdw + pg17
  • age + pg17 1.5 on debian
  • pgtap + pg17 1.3.3
  • repmgr
  • topn + pg17
  • pg_partman 5.2.4
  • credcheck 3.0
  • ogr_fdw 1.1.5
  • ddlx 0.29
  • postgis 3.5.1
  • tdigest 1.4.3
  • pg_repack 1.5.2

v3.2.2 Release Note

What’s Changed

  • Bump IvorySQL to 4.2 (PostgreSQL 17.2)
  • Add Arm64 and Debian support for PolarDB kernel
  • Add certbot and certbot-nginx to default infra_packages
  • Increase pgbouncer max_prepared_statements to 256
  • remove pgxxx-citus package alias
  • hide pgxxx-olap category in pg_extensions by default
Last modified 2025-02-27: update release note (c2a0138)