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Self-Hosting Supabase on PostgreSQL

Supabase is great, own your own Supabase is even better. Here’s a comprehensive tutorial for self-hosting production-grade supabase on local/cloud VM/BMs.

What is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, a Backend as a Service (BaaS).

Supabase wraps PostgreSQL kernel and vector extensions, alone with authentication, realtime subscriptions, edge functions, object storage, and instant REST and GraphQL APIs from your postgres schema. It let you skip most backend work, requiring only database design and frontend skills to ship quickly.

Currently, Supabase may be the most popular open-source project in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, boasting over 74,000 stars on GitHub. And become quite popular among developers, and startups, since they have a generous free plan, just like cloudflare & neon.

Why Self-Hosting?

Supabase’s slogan is: “Build in a weekend, Scale to millions”. It has great cost-effectiveness in small scales (4c8g) indeed. But there is no doubt that when you really grow to millions of users, some may choose to self-hosting their own Supabase —— for functionality, performance, cost, and other reasons.

That’s where Pigsty comes in. Pigsty provides a complete one-click self-hosting solution for Supabase. Self-hosted Supabase can enjoy full PostgreSQL monitoring, IaC, PITR, and high availability capability,

You can run the latest PostgreSQL 17(,16,15,14) kernels, (supabase is using the 15 currently), alone with 400 PostgreSQL extensions out-of-the-box. Run on mainstream Linus OS distros with production grade HA PostgreSQL, MinIO, Prometheus & Grafana Stack for observability, and Nginx for reverse proxy.

Since most of the supabase maintained extensions are not available in the official PGDG repo, we have compiled all the RPM/DEBs for these extensions and put them in the Pigsty repo: pg_graphql, pg_jsonschema, wrappers, index_advisor, pg_net, vault, pgjwt, supautils, pg_plan_filter,

Everything is under your control, you have the ability and freedom to scale PGSQL, MinIO, and Supabase itself. And take full advantage of the performance and cost advantages of modern hardware like Gen5 NVMe SSD.

All you need is prepare a VM with several commands and wait for 10 minutes….

Get Started

First, download & install pigsty as usual, with the supa config template:

 curl -fsSL | bash
./bootstrap          # install deps (ansible)
./configure -c supa  # use supa config template (IMPORTANT: CHANGE PASSWORDS!)
./install.yml        # install pigsty, create ha postgres & minio clusters 

Please change the pigsty.yml config file according to your need before deploying Supabase. (Credentials) For dev/test/demo purposes, we will just skip that, and comes back later.

Then, run the supabase.yml to launch stateless part of supabase.

./supabase.yml       # launch stateless supabase containers with docker compose

You can access the supabase API / Web UI through the 8000/8443 directly.

with configured DNS, or a local /etc/hosts entry, you can also use the default supa.pigsty domain name via the 80/443 infra portal.

Credentials for Supabase Studio: supabase : pigsty



Pigsty’s supabase is based on the Supabase Docker Compose Template, with some slight modifications to fit-in Pigsty’s default ACL model.

The stateful part of this template is replaced by Pigsty’s managed PostgreSQL cluster and MinIO cluster. The container part are stateless, so you can launch / destroy / run multiple supabase containers on the same stateful PGSQL / MINIO cluster simultaneously to scale out.

The built-in supa.yml config template will create a single-node supabase, with a singleton PostgreSQL and SNSD MinIO server. You can use Multinode PostgreSQL Clusters and MNMD MinIO Clusters / external S3 service instead in production, we will cover that later.

Config Detail

Here are checklists for self-hosting

  • Hardware: necessary VM/BM resources, one node at least, 3-4 are recommended for HA.
  • Linux OS: Linux x86_64 server with fresh installed Linux, check compatible distro
  • Network: Static IPv4 address which can be used as node identity
  • Admin User: nopass ssh & sudo are recommended for admin user
  • Conf Template: Use the supa config template, if you don’t know how to manually configure pigsty

The built-in supa.yml config template is shown below.

The supa Config Template

    # infra cluster for proxy, monitor, alert, etc..
    infra: { hosts: { { infra_seq: 1 } } }

    # etcd cluster for ha postgres
    etcd: { hosts: { { etcd_seq: 1 } }, vars: { etcd_cluster: etcd } }

    # minio cluster, s3 compatible object storage
    minio: { hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }, vars: { minio_cluster: minio } }

    # pg-meta, the underlying postgres database for supabase
      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
        pg_cluster: pg-meta
          # supabase roles: anon, authenticated, dashboard_user
          - { name: anon           ,login: false }
          - { name: authenticated  ,login: false }
          - { name: dashboard_user ,login: false ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true }
          - { name: service_role   ,login: false ,bypassrls: true }
          # supabase users: please use the same password
          - { name: supabase_admin             ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: true   ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,superuser: true ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true ,bypassrls: true }
          - { name: authenticator              ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin, authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] }
          - { name: supabase_auth_admin        ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_storage_admin     ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin, authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_functions_admin   ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_replication_admin ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,replication: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ]}
          - { name: supabase_read_only_user    ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,bypassrls: true ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly, pg_read_all_data ] }
          - name: postgres
            baseline: supabase.sql
            owner: supabase_admin
            comment: supabase postgres database
            schemas: [ extensions ,auth ,realtime ,storage ,graphql_public ,supabase_functions ,_analytics ,_realtime ]
              - { name: pgcrypto  ,schema: extensions  } # 1.3   : cryptographic functions
              - { name: pg_net    ,schema: extensions  } # 0.9.2 : async HTTP
              - { name: pgjwt     ,schema: extensions  } # 0.2.0 : json web token API for postgres
              - { name: uuid-ossp ,schema: extensions  } # 1.1   : generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
              - { name: pgsodium        }                # 3.1.9 : pgsodium is a modern cryptography library for Postgres.
              - { name: supabase_vault  }                # 0.2.8 : Supabase Vault Extension
              - { name: pg_graphql      }                # 1.5.9 : pg_graphql: GraphQL support
              - { name: pg_jsonschema   }                # 0.3.3 : pg_jsonschema: Validate json schema
              - { name: wrappers        }                # 0.4.3 : wrappers: FDW collections
              - { name: http            }                # 1.6   : http: allows web page retrieval inside the database.
              - { name: pg_cron         }                # 1.6   : pg_cron: Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
              - { name: timescaledb     }                # 2.17  : timescaledb: Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data
              - { name: pg_tle          }                # 1.2   : pg_tle: Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
              - { name: vector          }                # 0.8.0 : pgvector: the vector similarity search
        # supabase required extensions
        pg_libs: 'pg_stat_statements, plpgsql, plpgsql_check, pg_cron, pg_net, timescaledb, auto_explain, pg_tle, plan_filter'
        pg_extensions: # extensions to be installed on this cluster
          - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
          - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
          - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
          - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit
          cron.database_name: postgres
          pgsodium.enable_event_trigger: off
        pg_hba_rules: # supabase hba rules, require access from docker network
          - { user: all ,db: postgres  ,addr: intra         ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow supabase access from intranet'    }
          - { user: all ,db: postgres  ,addr: ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow access from local docker network' }
        node_crontab: [ '00 01 * * * postgres /pg/bin/pg-backup full' ] # make a full backup every 1am

    # launch supabase stateless part with docker compose: ./supabase.yml
      hosts: { supa_seq: 1 }  # instance id
        supa_cluster: supa            # cluster name
        docker_enabled: true          # enable docker

        # use these to pull docker images via proxy and mirror registries
        #docker_registry_mirrors: ['']
        #proxy_env:   # add [OPTIONAL] proxy env to /etc/docker/daemon.json configuration file
        #  no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*,mirrors.*,*,*"
        #  #all_proxy: http://user:pass@host:port

        # these configuration entries will OVERWRITE or APPEND to /opt/supabase/.env file (src template: app/supabase/.env)
        # check for default values

          jwt_secret: your-super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
          anon_key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJhbm9uIiwKICAgICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UtZGVtbyIsCiAgICAiaWF0IjogMTY0MTc2OTIwMCwKICAgICJleHAiOiAxNzk5NTM1NjAwCn0.dc_X5iR_VP_qT0zsiyj_I_OZ2T9FtRU2BBNWN8Bu4GE
          service_role_key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJzZXJ2aWNlX3JvbGUiLAogICAgImlzcyI6ICJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwKICAgICJpYXQiOiAxNjQxNzY5MjAwLAogICAgImV4cCI6IDE3OTk1MzU2MDAKfQ.DaYlNEoUrrEn2Ig7tqibS-PHK5vgusbcbo7X36XVt4Q
          dashboard_username: supabase
          dashboard_password: pigsty

          # postgres connection string (use the correct ip and port)
          postgres_port: 5436             # access via the 'default' service, which always route to the primary postgres
          postgres_db: postgres
          postgres_password: DBUser.Supa  # password for supabase_admin and multiple supabase users

          # expose supabase via domain name
          site_url: http://supa.pigsty
          api_external_url: http://supa.pigsty
          supabase_public_url: http://supa.pigsty

          # if using s3/minio as file storage
          s3_bucket: supa
          s3_endpoint: https://sss.pigsty:9000
          s3_access_key: supabase
          s3_secret_key: S3User.Supabase
          s3_force_path_style: true
          s3_protocol: https
          s3_region: stub
          minio_domain_ip:  # sss.pigsty domain name will resolve to this ip statically

          # if using SMTP (optional)
          #smtp_admin_email: [email protected]
          #smtp_host: supabase-mail
          #smtp_port: 2500
          #smtp_user: fake_mail_user
          #smtp_pass: fake_mail_password
          #smtp_sender_name: fake_sender
          #enable_anonymous_users: false

    version: v3.1.0                   # pigsty version string
    admin_ip:             # admin node ip address
    region: default                   # upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
    node_tune: oltp                   # node tuning specs: oltp,olap,tiny,crit
    pg_conf: oltp.yml                 # pgsql tuning specs: {oltp,olap,tiny,crit}.yml
    infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
      home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
      grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
      prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
      alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
      minio        : { domain: m.pigsty ,endpoint: "", https: true, websocket: true }
      blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
      loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }  # expose supa studio UI and API via nginx
      supa         : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }

    #grafana_admin_username: admin
    grafana_admin_password: pigsty
    #pg_admin_username: dbuser_dba
    pg_admin_password: DBUser.DBA
    #pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor
    pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor
    #pg_replication_username: replicator
    pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator
    #patroni_username: postgres
    patroni_password: Patroni.API
    #haproxy_admin_username: admin
    haproxy_admin_password: pigsty

    # use minio as supabase file storage, single node single driver mode for demonstration purpose
    minio_access_key: minioadmin      # root access key, `minioadmin` by default
    minio_secret_key: minioadmin      # root secret key, `minioadmin` by default
    minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: supa } ]
      - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
      - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup,   policy: readwrite }
      - { access_key: supabase   , secret_key: S3User.Supabase, policy: readwrite }
    minio_endpoint: https://sss.pigsty:9000    # explicit overwrite minio endpoint with haproxy port
    node_etc_hosts: [" sss.pigsty"] # domain name to access minio from all nodes (required)

    # use minio as default backup repo for PostgreSQL
    pgbackrest_method: minio          # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
    pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
      local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
        path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
        retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
        retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
      minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
        type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
        s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty       # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
        s3_region: us-east-1          # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
        s3_bucket: pgsql              # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
        s3_key: pgbackrest            # minio user access key for pgbackrest
        s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup  # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
        s3_uri_style: path            # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
        path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
        storage_port: 9000            # minio port, 9000 by default
        storage_ca_file: /pg/cert/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/pg/cert/ca.crt` by default
        bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
        cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
        cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
        retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
        retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days

    # download docker and supabase related extensions
    pg_version: 17
    repo_modules: node,pgsql,infra,docker
    repo_packages: [node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-utility, docker ]
      - pgsql-main
      - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
      - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
      - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
      - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

For advanced topics, we may need to modify the configuration file to fit our needs.

Security Enhancement

For security reasons, you should change the default passwords in the pigsty.yml config file.

Supabase will use PostgreSQL & MinIO as its backend, so also change the following passwords for supabase business users:

  • pg_users: password for supabase business users in postgres
  • minio_users: minioadmin, MinIO business user’s password

The pgbackrest will take backups and WALs to MinIO, so also change the following passwords reference

PLEASE check the Supabase Self-Hosting: Generate API Keys to generate supabase credentials:

  • jwt_secret: a secret key with at least 40 characters
  • anon_key: a jwt token generate for anonymous users, based on jwt_secret
  • service_role_key: a jwt token generate for elevated service roles, based on jwt_secret
  • dashboard_username: supabase studio web portal username, supabase by default
  • dashboard_password: supabase studio web portal password, pigsty by default

If you have chanaged the default password for PostgreSQL and MinIO, you have to update the following parameters as well:

Domain Name and HTTPS

For local or intranet use, you can connect directly to Kong port on http://<IP>:8000 or 8443 for https. This works but isn’t ideal. Using a domain with HTTPS is strongly recommended when serving Supabase to the public.

Pigsty has a Nginx server installed & configured on the admin node to act as a reverse proxy for all web based service. which is configured via the infra_portal parameter.

  vars:     # global vars
    infra_portal:  # domain names and upstream servers
      home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
      grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
      prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
      alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
      minio        : { domain: m.pigsty ,endpoint: "", https: true, websocket: true }
      blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
      loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }  # expose supa studio UI and API via nginx
      supa         : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }

On the client side, you can use the domain supa.pigsty to access the Supabase Studio management interface. You can add this domain to your local /etc/hosts file or use a local DNS server to resolve it to the server’s external IP address.

To use a real domain with HTTPS, you will need to modify the all.vars.infra_portal.supa with updated domain name (such as here). You can obtain a free HTTPS certificate from Let’s Encrypt, and just put the cert/key files in the specified path.

#supa : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }  # add your HTTPS certs/keys and specify the path
supa  : { domain: ,endpoint: "", websocket: true ,cert: /etc/cert/ ,key: /etc/cert/ }

To reload the new configuration after installation, use the infra.yml playbook:

./infra.yml -t nginx_config,nginx_launch   # reload nginx config

You also have to update the all.children.supabase.vars.supa_config to tell supabase to use the new domain name:

  children:           # clusters
    supabase:         # supabase group
      vars:           # supabase param
        supa_config:  # supabase config
          # update supabase domain names here

And reload the supabase service to apply the new configuration:

./supabase.yml -t supa_config,supa_launch # reload supabase config

Sending Mail with SMTP

Some Supabase features require email. For production use, I’d recommend using an external SMTP service. Since self-hosted SMTP servers often result in rejected or spam-flagged emails.

To do this, modify the Supabase configuration and add SMTP credentials:

          smtp_port: 80
          smtp_user: [email protected]
          smtp_pass: your_email_user_password
          smtp_sender_name: MySupabase
          smtp_admin_email: [email protected]
          enable_anonymous_users: false

And don’t forget to reload the supabase service with ./supabase.yml -t supa_config,supa_launch

MinIO or External S3

Pigsty’s self-hosting supabase will use a local SNSD MinIO server, which is used by Supabase itself for object storage, and by PostgreSQL for backups. For production use, you should consider using a HA MNMD MinIO cluster or an external S3 compatible service instead.

We recommend using an external S3 when:

  • you just have one single server available, then external s3 gives you a minimal disaster recovery guarantee, with RTO in hours and RPO in MBs.
  • you are operating in the cloud, then using S3 directly is recommended rather than wrap expensively EBS with MinIO

The terraform/spec/ provides an example of how to provision a single node alone with an S3 bucket.

To use an external S3 compatible service, you’ll have to update two related references in the pigsty.yml config.

For example, to use Aliyun OSS as the object storage for Supabase, you can modify the all.children.supabase.vars.supa_config to point to the Aliyun OSS bucket:

          s3_bucket: pigsty-oss
          s3_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          s3_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          s3_force_path_style: false
          s3_protocol: https
          s3_region: oss-cn-beijing

Reload the supabase service with ./supabase.yml -t supa_config,supa_launch again.

The next reference is in the PostgreSQL backup repo:

    # use minio as default backup repo for PostgreSQL
    pgbackrest_method: minio          # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
    pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
      local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
        path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
        retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
        retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
      minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
        type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
        # update your credentials here
        s3_region: oss-cn-beijing
        s3_bucket: pigsty-oss
        s3_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        s3_key_secret: xxxxxxxx
        s3_uri_style: host

        path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
        storage_port: 9000            # minio port, 9000 by default
        storage_ca_file: /pg/cert/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/pg/cert/ca.crt` by default
        bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
        cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
        cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
        retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
        retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days

After updating the pgbackrest_repo, you can reset the pgBackrest backup with ./pgsql.yml -t pgbackrest.

True High Availability

The default single-node deployment (with external S3) provide a minimal disaster recovery guarantee, with RTO in hours and RPO in MBs.

To achieve RTO < 30s and zero data loss, you need a multi-node high availability cluster with at least 3-nodes.

Which involves high availability for these components:

  • ETCD: DCS requires at least three nodes to tolerate one node failure.
  • PGSQL: PGSQL synchronous commit mode recommends at least three nodes.
  • INFRA: It’s good to have two or three copies of observability stack.
  • Supabase itself can also have multiple replicas to achieve high availability.

We recommend you to refer to the trio and safe config to upgrade your cluster to three nodes or more.

In this case, you also need to modify the access points for PostgreSQL and MinIO to use the DNS / L2 VIP / HAProxy HA access points.

      hosts: { supa_seq: 1 } { supa_seq: 2 } { supa_seq: 3 } 
        supa_cluster: supa            # cluster name
          postgres_host:             # use the PG L2 VIP
          postgres_port: 5433                   # use the 5433 port to access the primary instance through pgbouncer
          s3_endpoint: https://sss.pigsty:9002  # If you are using MinIO through the haproxy lb port 9002
          minio_domain_ip:           # use the L2 VIP binds to all proxy nodes
The 3-Node HA Supabase Config Template

  # Clusters, Nodes, and Modules

    # infra cluster for proxy, monitor, alert, etc..
      hosts: { infra_seq: 1 ,nodename: infra-1 } { infra_seq: 2 ,nodename: infra-2, repo_enabled: false, grafana_enabled: false } { infra_seq: 3 ,nodename: infra-3, repo_enabled: false, grafana_enabled: false }

        vip_enabled: true
        vip_vrid: 128
        vip_interface: eth1
          - name: minio                    # [REQUIRED] service name, unique
            port: 9002                     # [REQUIRED] service port, unique
            balance: leastconn             # [OPTIONAL] load balancer algorithm
            options:                       # [OPTIONAL] minio health check
              - option httpchk
              - option http-keep-alive
              - http-check send meth OPTIONS uri /minio/health/live
              - http-check expect status 200
              - { name: minio-1 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }
              - { name: minio-2 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }
              - { name: minio-3 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }

    etcd: # dcs service for postgres/patroni ha consensus
      hosts: # 1 node for testing, 3 or 5 for production { etcd_seq: 1 }  # etcd_seq required { etcd_seq: 2 }  # assign from 1 ~ n { etcd_seq: 3 }  # odd number please
      vars: # cluster level parameter override roles/etcd
        etcd_cluster: etcd  # mark etcd cluster name etcd
        etcd_safeguard: false # safeguard against purging
        etcd_clean: true # purge etcd during init process

    # minio cluster 4-node
      hosts: { minio_seq: 1 , nodename: minio-1 } { minio_seq: 2 , nodename: minio-2 } { minio_seq: 3 , nodename: minio-3 }
        minio_cluster: minio
        minio_data: '/data{1...4}'
        minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: supa } ]
          - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
          - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup,   policy: readwrite }
          - { access_key: supabase   , secret_key: S3User.Supabase, policy: readwrite }

    # pg-meta, the underlying postgres database for supabase
      hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica } { pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica }
        pg_cluster: pg-meta
          # supabase roles: anon, authenticated, dashboard_user
          - { name: anon           ,login: false }
          - { name: authenticated  ,login: false }
          - { name: dashboard_user ,login: false ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true }
          - { name: service_role   ,login: false ,bypassrls: true }
          # supabase users: please use the same password
          - { name: supabase_admin             ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: true   ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,superuser: true ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true ,bypassrls: true }
          - { name: authenticator              ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin, authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] }
          - { name: supabase_auth_admin        ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_storage_admin     ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin, authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_functions_admin   ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,createrole: true }
          - { name: supabase_replication_admin ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,replication: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ]}
          - { name: supabase_read_only_user    ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,bypassrls: true ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly, pg_read_all_data ] }
          - name: postgres
            baseline: supabase.sql
            owner: supabase_admin
            comment: supabase postgres database
            schemas: [ extensions ,auth ,realtime ,storage ,graphql_public ,supabase_functions ,_analytics ,_realtime ]
              - { name: pgcrypto  ,schema: extensions  } # 1.3   : cryptographic functions
              - { name: pg_net    ,schema: extensions  } # 0.9.2 : async HTTP
              - { name: pgjwt     ,schema: extensions  } # 0.2.0 : json web token API for postgres
              - { name: uuid-ossp ,schema: extensions  } # 1.1   : generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
              - { name: pgsodium        }                # 3.1.9 : pgsodium is a modern cryptography library for Postgres.
              - { name: supabase_vault  }                # 0.2.8 : Supabase Vault Extension
              - { name: pg_graphql      }                # 1.5.9 : pg_graphql: GraphQL support
              - { name: pg_jsonschema   }                # 0.3.3 : pg_jsonschema: Validate json schema
              - { name: wrappers        }                # 0.4.3 : wrappers: FDW collections
              - { name: http            }                # 1.6   : http: allows web page retrieval inside the database.
              - { name: pg_cron         }                # 1.6   : pg_cron: Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
              - { name: timescaledb     }                # 2.17  : timescaledb: Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data
              - { name: pg_tle          }                # 1.2   : pg_tle: Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
              - { name: vector          }                # 0.8.0 : pgvector: the vector similarity search
        # supabase required extensions
        pg_libs: 'pg_stat_statements, plpgsql, plpgsql_check, pg_cron, pg_net, timescaledb, auto_explain, pg_tle, plan_filter'
        pg_extensions: # extensions to be installed on this cluster
          - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
          - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
          - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
          - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit
          cron.database_name: postgres
          pgsodium.enable_event_trigger: off
        pg_hba_rules: # supabase hba rules, require access from docker network
          - { user: all ,db: postgres  ,addr: intra         ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow supabase access from intranet'    }
          - { user: all ,db: postgres  ,addr: ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow access from local docker network' }
        pg_vip_enabled: true
        pg_vip_interface: eth1
        node_crontab: [ '00 01 * * * postgres /pg/bin/pg-backup full' ] # make a full backup every 1am

    # launch supabase stateless part with docker compose: ./supabase.yml
      hosts: { supa_seq: 1 }  # instance 1 { supa_seq: 2 }  # instance 2 { supa_seq: 3 }  # instance 3
        supa_cluster: supa            # cluster name
        docker_enabled: true          # enable docker

        # use these to pull docker images via proxy and mirror registries
        #docker_registry_mirrors: ['']
        #proxy_env:   # add [OPTIONAL] proxy env to /etc/docker/daemon.json configuration file
        #  no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*,mirrors.*,*,*"
        #  #all_proxy: http://user:pass@host:port

        # these configuration entries will OVERWRITE or APPEND to /opt/supabase/.env file (src template: app/supabase/.env)
        # check for default values

          jwt_secret: your-super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
          anon_key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJhbm9uIiwKICAgICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UtZGVtbyIsCiAgICAiaWF0IjogMTY0MTc2OTIwMCwKICAgICJleHAiOiAxNzk5NTM1NjAwCn0.dc_X5iR_VP_qT0zsiyj_I_OZ2T9FtRU2BBNWN8Bu4GE
          service_role_key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJzZXJ2aWNlX3JvbGUiLAogICAgImlzcyI6ICJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwKICAgICJpYXQiOiAxNjQxNzY5MjAwLAogICAgImV4cCI6IDE3OTk1MzU2MDAKfQ.DaYlNEoUrrEn2Ig7tqibS-PHK5vgusbcbo7X36XVt4Q
          dashboard_username: supabase
          dashboard_password: pigsty

          # postgres connection string (use the correct ip and port)
          postgres_host:       # use the pg_vip_address rather than single node ip
          postgres_port: 5433             # access via the 'default' service, which always route to the primary postgres
          postgres_db: postgres
          postgres_password: DBUser.Supa  # password for supabase_admin and multiple supabase users

          # expose supabase via domain name
          site_url: http://supa.pigsty
          api_external_url: http://supa.pigsty
          supabase_public_url: http://supa.pigsty

          # if using s3/minio as file storage
          s3_bucket: supa
          s3_endpoint: https://sss.pigsty:9002
          s3_access_key: supabase
          s3_secret_key: S3User.Supabase
          s3_force_path_style: true
          s3_protocol: https
          s3_region: stub
          minio_domain_ip:   # sss.pigsty domain name will resolve to this l2 vip that bind to all nodes

          # if using SMTP (optional)
          #smtp_admin_email: [email protected]
          #smtp_host: supabase-mail
          #smtp_port: 2500
          #smtp_user: fake_mail_user
          #smtp_pass: fake_mail_password
          #smtp_sender_name: fake_sender
          #enable_anonymous_users: false

  # Global Parameters
    version: v3.1.0                   # pigsty version string
    admin_ip:             # admin node ip address
    region: china                     # upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
    node_tune: oltp                   # node tuning specs: oltp,olap,tiny,crit
    pg_conf: oltp.yml                 # pgsql tuning specs: {oltp,olap,tiny,crit}.yml
    infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
      home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
      grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
      prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
      alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
      minio        : { domain: m.pigsty ,endpoint: "", https: true, websocket: true }
      blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
      loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }  # expose supa studio UI and API via nginx
      supa         : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }

    #grafana_admin_username: admin
    grafana_admin_password: pigsty
    #pg_admin_username: dbuser_dba
    pg_admin_password: DBUser.DBA
    #pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor
    pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor
    #pg_replication_username: replicator
    pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator
    #patroni_username: postgres
    patroni_password: Patroni.API
    #haproxy_admin_username: admin
    haproxy_admin_password: pigsty

    # use minio as supabase file storage, single node single driver mode for demonstration purpose
    minio_access_key: minioadmin      # root access key, `minioadmin` by default
    minio_secret_key: minioadmin      # root secret key, `minioadmin` by default
    minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: supa } ]
      - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
      - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup,   policy: readwrite }
      - { access_key: supabase   , secret_key: S3User.Supabase, policy: readwrite }
    minio_endpoint: https://sss.pigsty:9000    # explicit overwrite minio endpoint with haproxy port
    node_etc_hosts: [" sss.pigsty"] # domain name to access minio from all nodes (required)

    # use minio as default backup repo for PostgreSQL
    pgbackrest_method: minio          # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
    pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
      local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
        path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
        retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
        retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
      minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
        type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
        s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty       # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
        s3_region: us-east-1          # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
        s3_bucket: pgsql              # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
        s3_key: pgbackrest            # minio user access key for pgbackrest
        s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup  # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
        s3_uri_style: path            # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
        path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
        storage_port: 9002            # minio port, 9000 by default
        storage_ca_file: /pg/cert/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/pg/cert/ca.crt` by default
        bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
        cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
        cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
        retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
        retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days

    # download docker and supabase related extensions
    pg_version: 17
    repo_modules: node,pgsql,infra,docker
    repo_packages: [node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-utility, docker ]
      - pgsql-main
      - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
      - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
      - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
      - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

Database in K8S: Pros & Cons

Whether databases should be housed in Kubernetes/Docker remains highly controversial. While Kubernetes (k8s) excels in managing stateless applications, it has fundamental drawbacks with stateful services, especially databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL.

In the previous article, “Databases in Docker: Good or Bad,” we discussed the pros and cons of containerizing databases. Today, let’s delve into the trade-offs in orchestrating databases in K8S and explore why it’s not a wise decision.


Kubernetes (k8s) is an exceptional container orchestration tool aimed at helping developers better manage a vast array of complex stateless applications. Despite its offerings like StatefulSet, PV, PVC, and LocalhostPV for supporting stateful services (i.e., databases), these features are still insufficient for running production-level databases that demand higher reliability.

Databases are more like “pets” than “cattle” and require careful nurturing. Treating databases as “cattle” in K8S essentially turns external disk/file system/storage services into new “database pets.” Running databases on EBS/network storage presents significant disadvantages in reliability and performance. However, using high-performance local NVMe disks will make the database bound to nodes and non-schedulable, negating the primary purpose of putting them in K8S.

Placing databases in K8S results in a “lose-lose” situation - K8S loses its simplicity in statelessness, lacking the flexibility to quickly relocate, schedule, destroy, and rebuild like purely stateless use. On the other hand, databases suffer several crucial attributes: reliability, security, performance, and complexity costs, in exchange for limited “elasticity” and utilization - something virtual machines can also achieve. For users outside public cloud vendors, the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits.

The “cloud-native frenzy,” exemplified by K8S, has become a distorted phenomenon: adopting k8s for the sake of k8s. Engineers add extra complexity to increase their irreplaceability, while managers fear being left behind by the industry and getting caught up in deployment races. Using tanks for tasks that could be done with bicycles, to gain experience or prove oneself, without considering if the problem needs such “dragon-slaying” techniques - this kind of architectural juggling will eventually lead to adverse outcomes.

Until the reliability and performance of the network storage surpass local storage, placing databases in K8S is an unwise choice. There are other ways to seal the complexity of database management, such as RDS and open-source RDS solutions like Pigsty, which are based on bare Metal or bare OS. Users should make wise decisions based on their situations and needs, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

The Status Quo

K8S excels in orchestrating stateless application services but was initially limited to stateful services. Despite not being the intended purpose of K8S and Docker, the community’s zeal for expansion has been unstoppable. Evangelists depict K8S as the next-generation cloud operating system, asserting that databases will inevitably become regular applications within Kubernetes. Various abstractions have emerged to support stateful services: StatefulSet, PV, PVC, and LocalhostPV.

Countless cloud-native enthusiasts have attempted to migrate existing databases into K8S, resulting in a proliferation of CRDs and Operators for databases. Taking PostgreSQL as an example, there are already more than ten different K8S deployment solutions available: PGO, StackGres, CloudNativePG, PostgresOperator, PerconaOperator, CYBERTEC-pg-operator, TemboOperator, Kubegres, KubeDB, KubeBlocks, and so on. The CNCF landscape rapidly expands, turning into a playground of complexity.

However, complexity is a cost. With “cost reduction” becoming mainstream, voices of reflection have begun to emerge. Could-Exit Pioneers like DHH, who deeply utilized K8S in public clouds, abandoned it due to its excessive complexity during the transition to self-hosted open-source solutions, relying only on Docker and a Ruby tool named Kamal as alternatives. Many began to question whether stateful services like databases suit Kubernetes.

K8S itself, in its effort to support stateful applications, has become increasingly complex, straying from its original intention as a container orchestration platform. Tim Hockin, a co-founder of Kubernetes, also voiced his rare concerns at this year’s KubeCon in “K8s is Cannibalizing Itself!”: “Kubernetes has become too complex; it needs to learn restraint, or it will stop innovating and lose its base.”

Lose-Lose Situation

In the cloud-native realm, the analogy of “pets” versus “cattle” is often used for illustrating stateful services. “Pets,” like databases, need careful and individual care, while “cattle” represent disposable, stateless applications (Disposability).

Cloud Native Applications 12 Factors: Disposability

Cloud Native Applications 12 Factors: Disposability

One of the leading architectural goals of K8S is to treat what can be treated as cattle as cattle. The attempt to “separate storage from computation” in databases follows this strategy: splitting stateful database services into state storage outside K8S and pure computation inside K8S. The state is stored on the EBS/cloud disk/distributed storage service, allowing the “stateless” database part to be freely created, destroyed, and scheduled in K8S.

Unfortunately, databases, especially OLTP databases, heavily depend on disk hardware, and network storage’s reliability and performance still lag behind local disks by orders of magnitude. Thus, K8S offers the LocalhostPV option, allowing containers to use data volumes directly lies on the host operating system, utilizing high-performance/high-reliability local NVMe disk storage.

However, this presents a dilemma: should one use subpar cloud disks and tolerate poor database reliability/performance for K8S’s scheduling and orchestration capabilities? Or use high-performance local disks tied to host nodes, virtually losing all flexible scheduling abilities? The former is like stuffing an anchor into K8S’s small boat, slowing overall speed and agility; the latter is like anchoring and pinning the ship to a specific point.

Running a stateless K8S cluster is simple and reliable, as is running a stateful database on a physical machine’s bare operating system. Mixing the two, however, results in a lose-lose situation: K8S loses its stateless flexibility and casual scheduling abilities, while the database sacrifices core attributes like reliability, security, efficiency, and simplicity in exchange for elasticity, resource utilization, and Day1 delivery speed that are not fundamentally important to databases.

A vivid example of the former is the performance optimization of PostgreSQL@K8S, which KubeBlocks contributed. K8S experts employed various advanced methods to solve performance issues that did not exist on bare metal/bare OS at all. A fresh case of the latter is Didi’s K8S architecture juggling disaster; if it weren’t for putting the stateful MySQL in K8S, would rebuilding a stateless K8S cluster and redeploying applications take 12 hours to recover?

Pros and Cons

For serious technology decisions, the most crucial aspect is weighing the pros and cons. Here, in the order of “quality, security, performance, cost,” let’s discuss the technical trade-offs of placing databases in K8S versus classic bare metal/VM deployments. I don’t want to write a comprehensive paper that covers everything. Instead, I’ll throw some specific questions for consideration and discussion.


K8S, compared to physical deployments, introduces additional failure points and architectural complexity, increasing the blast radius and significantly prolonging the average recovery time of failures. In “Is it a Good Idea to Put Databases into Docker?”, we provided an argument about reliability, which can also apply to Kubernetes — K8S and Docker introduce additional and unnecessary dependencies and failure points to databases, lacking community failure knowledge accumulation and reliability track record (MTTR/MTBF).

In the cloud vendor classification system, K8S belongs to PaaS, while RDS belongs to a more fundamental layer, IaaS. Database services have higher reliability requirements than K8S; for instance, many companies’ cloud management platforms rely on an additional CMDB database. Where should this database be placed? You shouldn’t let K8S manage things it depends on, nor should you add unnecessary extra dependencies. The Alibaba Cloud global epic failure and Didi’s K8S architecture juggling disaster have taught us this lesson. Moreover, maintaining a separate database system inside K8S when there’s already one outside is even more unjustifiable.


The database in a multi-tenant environment introduces additional attack surfaces, bringing higher risks and more complex audit compliance challenges. Does K8S make your database more secure? Maybe the complexity of K8S architecture juggling will deter script kiddies unfamiliar with K8S, but for real attackers, more components and dependencies often mean a broader attack surface.

In “BrokenSesame Alibaba Cloud PostgreSQL Vulnerability Technical Details”, security personnel escaped to the K8S host node using their own PostgreSQL container and accessed the K8S API and other tenants’ containers and data. This is clearly a K8S-specific issue — the risk is real, such attacks have occurred, and even Alibaba Cloud, a local cloud industry leader, has been compromised.


The Attacker Perspective - Insights From Hacking Alibaba Cloud


As stated in “Is it a Good Idea to Put Databases into Docker?”, whether it’s additional network overhead, Ingress bottlenecks, or underperforming cloud disks, all negatively impact database performance. For example, as revealed in “PostgreSQL@K8s Performance Optimization” — you need a considerable level of technical prowess to make database performance in K8S barely match that on bare metal.


Latency is measured in ms, not µs; I almost thought my eyes were deceiving me.

Another misconception about efficiency is resource utilization. Unlike offline analytical businesses, critical online OLTP databases should not aim to increase resource utilization but rather deliberately lower it to enhance system reliability and user experience. If there are many fragmented businesses, resource utilization can be improved through PDB/shared database clusters. K8S’s advocated elasticity efficiency is not unique to it — KVM/EC2 can also effectively address this issue.

In terms of cost, K8S and various Operators provide a decent abstraction, encapsulating some of the complexity of database management, which is attractive for teams without DBAs. However, the complexity reduced by using it to manage databases pales in comparison to the complexity introduced by using K8S itself. For instance, random IP address drifts and automatic Pod restarts may not be a big issue for stateless applications, but for databases, they are intolerable — many companies have had to attempt to modify kubelet to avoid this behavior, thereby introducing more complexity and maintenance costs.

As stated in “From Reducing Costs and Smiles to Reducing Costs and Efficiency” “Reducing Complexity Costs” section: Intellectual power is hard to accumulate spatially: when a database encounters problems, it needs database experts to solve them; when Kubernetes has problems, it needs K8S experts to look into them; however, when you put a database into Kubernetes, complexities combine, the state space explodes, but the intellectual bandwidth of individual database experts and K8S experts is hard to stack — you need a dual expert to solve the problem, and such experts are undoubtedly much rarer and more expensive than pure database experts. Such architectural juggling is enough to cause major setbacks for most teams, including top public clouds/big companies, in the event of a failure.

The Cloud-Native Frenzy

An interesting question arises: if K8S is unsuitable for stateful databases, why are so many companies, including big players, rushing to do this? The reasons are not technical.

Google open-sourced its K8S battleship, modeled after its internal Borg spaceship, and managers, fearing being left behind, rushed to adopt it, thinking using K8S would put them on par with Google. Ironically, Google doesn’t use K8S; it was more likely to disrupt AWS and mislead the industry. However, most companies don’t have the manpower like Google to operate such a battleship. More importantly, their problems might need a simple vessel. Running MySQL + PHP, PostgreSQL + Go/Python on bare metal has already taken many companies to IPO.

Under modern hardware conditions, the complexity of most applications throughout their lifecycle doesn’t justify using K8S. Yet, the “cloud-native” frenzy, epitomized by K8S, has become a distorted phenomenon: adopting k8s just for the sake of k8s. Some engineers are looking for “advanced” and “cool” technologies used by big companies to fulfill their personal goals like job hopping or promotions or to increase their job security by adding complexity, not considering if these “dragon-slaying” techniques are necessary for solving their problems.

The cloud-native landscape is filled with fancy projects. Every new development team wants to introduce something new: Helm today, Kubevela tomorrow. They talk big about bright futures and peak efficiency, but in reality, they create a mountain of architectural complexities and a playground for “YAML Boys” - tinkering with the latest tech, inventing concepts, earning experience and reputation at the expense of users who bear the complexity and maintenance costs.


CNCF Landscape

The cloud-native movement’s philosophy is compelling - democratizing the elastic scheduling capabilities of public clouds for every user. K8S indeed excels in stateless applications. However, excessive enthusiasm has led K8S astray from its original intent and direction - simply doing well in orchestrating stateless applications, burdened by the ill-conceived support for stateful applications.

Making Wise Decisions

Years ago, when I first encountered K8S, I too was fervent —— It was at TanTan. We had over twenty thousand cores and hundreds of database clusters, and I was eager to try putting databases in Kubernetes and testing all the available Operators. However, after two to three years of extensive research and architectural design, I calmed down and abandoned this madness. Instead, I architected our database service based on bare metal/operating systems. For us, the benefits K8S brought to databases were negligible compared to the problems and hassles it introduced.

Should databases be put into K8S? It depends: for public cloud vendors who thrive on overselling resources, elasticity and utilization are crucial, which are directly linked to revenue and profit, While reliability and performance take a back seat - after all, an availability below three nines means compensating 25% monthly credit. But for most user, including ourselves, these trade-offs hold different: One-time Day1 Setup, elasticity, and resource utilization aren’t their primary concerns; reliability, performance, Day2 Operation costs, these core database attributes are what matter most.

We open-sourced our database service architecture — an out-of-the-box PostgreSQL distribution and a local-first RDS alternative: Pigsty. We didn’t choose the so-called “build once, run anywhere” approach of K8S and Docker. Instead, we adapted to different OS distros & major versions, and used Ansible to achieve a K8S CRD IaC-like API to seal management complexity. This was arduous, but it was the right thing to do - the world does not need another clumsy attempt at putting PostgreSQL into K8S. Still, it does need a production database service architecture that maximizes hardware performance and reliability.


Pigsty vs StackGres

Perhaps one day, when the reliability and performance of distributed network storage surpass local storage and mainstream databases have some native support for storage-computation separation, things might change again — K8S might become suitable for databases. But for now, I believe putting serious production OLTP databases into K8S is immature and inappropriate. I hope readers will make wise choices on this matter.


Database in Docker: Is that a good idea?

《Kubernetes is Rotten!》

《Curse of Docker?》

《What can we learn from DiDi’s Epic k8s Failure》

《PostgreSQL@K8s Performance Optimization》

《Running Database on Kubernetes》

NewSQL: Distributive Nonsens

WeChat Column

As hardware technology advances, the capacity and performance of standalone databases have reached unprecedented heights. In this transformative era, distributed (TP) databases appear utterly powerless, much like the “data middle platform,” donning the emperor’s new clothes in a state of self-deception.


The core trade-off of distributed databases is: “quality for quantity,” sacrificing functionality, performance, complexity, and reliability for greater data capacity and throughput. However, “what divides must eventually converge,” and hardware innovations have propelled centralized databases to new heights in capacity and throughput, rendering distributed (TP) databases obsolete.

Hardware, exemplified by NVMe SSDs, follows Moore’s Law, evolving at an exponential pace. Over a decade, performance has increased by tens of times, and prices have dropped significantly, improving the cost-performance ratio by three orders of magnitude. A single card can now hold 32TB+, with 4K random read/write IOPS reaching 1600K/600K, latency at 70µs/10µs, and a cost of less than 200 ¥/TB·year. Running a centralized database on a single machine can achieve one to two million point write/point query QPS.

Scenarios truly requiring distributed databases are few and far between, with typical mid-sized internet companies/banks handling request volumes ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of QPS, and non-repetitive TP data at the hundred TB level. In the real world, over 99% of scenarios do not need distributed databases, and the remaining 1% can likely be addressed through classic engineering solutions like horizontal/vertical partitioning.

Top-tier internet companies might have a few genuine use cases, yet these companies have no intention to pay. The market simply cannot sustain so many distributed database cores, and the few products that do survive don’t necessarily rely on distribution as their selling point. HATP and the integration of distributed and standalone databases represent the struggles of confused distributed TP database vendors seeking transformation, but they are still far from achieving product-market fit.

The Pull of the Internet

“Distributed database” is not a term with a strict definition. In a narrow sense, it highly overlaps with NewSQL databases such as CockroachDB, YugabyteDB, TiDB, OceanBase, and TDSQL; broadly speaking, classic databases like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, PolarDB, and Aurora, which span multiple physical nodes and use master-slave replication or shared storage, can also be considered distributed databases. In the context of this article, a distributed database refers to the former, specifically focusing on transactional processing (OLTP) distributed relational databases.

The rise of distributed databases stemmed from the rapid development of internet applications and the explosive growth of data volumes. In that era, traditional relational databases often encountered performance bottlenecks and scalability issues when dealing with massive data and high concurrency. Even using Oracle with Exadata struggled in the face of voluminous CRUD operations, not to mention the prohibitively expensive annual hardware and software costs.

Internet companies embarked on a different path, building their infrastructure with free, open-source databases like MySQL. Veteran developers/DBAs might still recall the MySQL best practice: keep single-table records below 21 million to avoid rapid performance degradation. Correspondingly, database sharding became a widely recognized practice among large companies.

The basic idea here was “three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang,” using a bunch of inexpensive x86 servers + numerous sharded open-source database instances to create a massive CRUD simple data store. Thus, distributed databases often originated from internet company scenarios, evolving along the manual sharding → sharding middleware → distributed database path.

As an industry solution, distributed databases have successfully met the needs of internet companies. However, before abstracting and solidifying it into a product for external output, several questions need to be clarified:

Do the trade-offs from ten years ago still hold up today?

Are the scenarios of internet companies applicable to other industries?

Could distribute OLTP databases be a false necessity?

The Trade-Offs of Distributive

“Distributed,” along with buzzwords like “HTAP,” “compute-storage separation,” “Serverless,” and “lakehouse,” holds no inherent meaning for enterprise users. Practical clients focus on tangible attributes and capabilities: functionality, performance, security, reliability, return on investment, and cost-effectiveness. What truly matters is the trade-off: compared to classic centralized databases, what do distributed databases sacrifice, and what do they gain in return?



The core trade-off of distributed databases can be summarized as “quality for quantity”: sacrificing functionality, performance, complexity, and reliability to gain greater data capacity and request throughput.

NewSQL often markets itself on the concept of “distribution,” solving scalability issues through “distribution.” Architecturally, it typically features multiple peer data nodes and a coordinator, employing distributed consensus protocols like Paxos/Raft for replication, allowing for horizontal scaling by adding data nodes.

Firstly, due to their inherent limitations, distributed databases sacrifice many features, offering only basic and limited CRUD query support. Secondly, because distributed databases require multiple network RPCs to complete requests, their performance typically suffers a 70% or more degradation compared to centralized databases. Furthermore, distributed databases, consisting of DN/CN and TSO components among others, introduce significant complexity in operations and management. Lastly, in terms of high availability and disaster recovery, distributed databases do not offer a qualitative improvement over the classic centralized master-slave setup; instead, they introduce numerous additional failure points due to their complex components.



In the past, the trade-offs of distributed databases were justified: the internet required larger data storage capacities and higher access throughputs—a must-solve problem, and these drawbacks were surmountable. But today, hardware advancements have rendered the “quantity” question obsolete, thus erasing the raison d’être of distributed databases along with the very problem they sought to solve.


Times have changed, My lord!

The Impact of New Hardware

Moore’s Law posits that every 18 to 24 months, processor performance doubles while costs halve. This principle largely applies to storage as well. From 2013 to 2023, spanning 5 to 6 cycles, we should see performance and cost differences of dozens of times compared to a decade ago. Is this the case?

Let’s examine the performance metrics of a typical SSD from 2013 and compare them with those of a typical PCI-e Gen4 NVMe SSD from 2022. It’s evident that the SSD’s 4K random read/write IOPS have jumped from 60K/40K to 1600K/600K, with prices plummeting from 2220$/TB to 40$/TB. Performance has improved by 15 to 26 times, while prices have dropped 56-fold[3,4,5], certainly validating the rule of thumb at a magnitude level.


HDD/SSD Performance in 2013


NVMe Gen4 SSD in 2022

A decade ago, mechanical hard drives dominated the market. A 1TB hard drive cost about seven or eight hundred yuan, and a 64GB SSD was even more expensive. Ten years later, a mainstream 3.2TB enterprise-grade NVMe SSD costs just three thousand yuan. Considering a five-year warranty, the monthly cost per TB is only 16 yuan, with an annual cost under 200 yuan. For reference, cloud providers’ reputedly cost-effective S3 object storage costs 1800¥/TB·year.


Price per unit of SSD/HDD from 2013 to 2030 with predictions

The typical fourth-generation local NVMe disk can reach a maximum capacity of 32TB to 64TB, offering 70µs/10µs 4K random read/write latencies, and 1600K/600K read/write IOPS, with the fifth generation boasting an astonishing bandwidth of several GB/s per card.

Equipping a classic Dell 64C / 512G server with such a card, factoring in five years of IDC depreciation, the total cost is under one hundred thousand yuan. Such a server running PostgreSQL sysbench can nearly reach one million QPS for single-point writes and two million QPS for point queries without issue.

What does this mean? For a typical mid-sized internet company/bank, the demand for database requests is usually in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of QPS, with non-repeated TP data volumes fluctuating around hundreds of TBs. Considering hardware storage compression cards can achieve several times compression ratio, such scenarios might now be manageable by a centralized database on a single machine and card under modern hardware conditions[6].

Previously, users might have had to invest millions in high-end storage solutions like exadata, then spend a fortune on Oracle commercial database licenses and original factory services. Now, achieving similar outcomes starts with just a few thousand yuan on an enterprise-grade SSD card; open-source Oracle alternatives like PostgreSQL, capable of smoothly running the largest single tables of 32TB, no longer suffer from the limitations that once forced MySQL into partitioning. High-performance database services, once luxury items restricted to intelligence/banking sectors, have become affordable for all industries[7].

Cost-effectiveness is the primary product strength. The cost-effectiveness of high-performance, large-capacity storage has improved by three orders of magnitude over a decade, making the once-highlighted value of distributed databases appear weak in the face of such remarkable hardware evolution.

The Predicament of False Needs

Nowadays, sacrificing functionality, performance, complexity for scalability is most likely to be a fake-demands in most scenarios.

With the support of modern hardware, over 99% of real-world scenarios do not exceed the capabilities of a centralized, single-machine database. The remaining scenarios can likely be addressed through classical engineering methods like horizontal or vertical splitting. This holds true even for internet companies: even among the global top firms, scenarios where a transactional (TP) single table exceeds several tens of TBs are still rare.

Google Spanner, the forefather of NewSQL, was designed to solve the problem of massive data scalability, but how many enterprises actually handle data volumes comparable to Google’s? In terms of data volume, the lifetime TP data volume for the vast majority of enterprises will not exceed the bottleneck of a centralized database, which continues to grow exponentially with Moore’s Law. Regarding request throughput, many enterprises have enough database performance headroom to implement all their business logic in stored procedures and run it smoothly within the database.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil,” designing for unneeded scale is a waste of effort. If volume is no longer an issue, then sacrificing other attributes for unneeded volume becomes meaningless.


“Premature optimization is the root of all evil”

In many subfields of databases, distributed technology is not a pseudo-requirement: if you need a highly reliable, disaster-resilient, simple, low-frequency KV storage for metadata, then a distributed etcd is a suitable choice; if you require a globally distributed table for arbitrary reads and writes across different locations and are willing to endure significant performance degradation, then YugabyteDB might be a good choice. For ensuring transparency and preventing tampering and denial, blockchain is fundamentally a leaderless distributed ledger database;

For large-scale data analytics (OLAP), distributed technology is indispensable (though this is usually referred to as data warehousing, MPP); however, in the transaction processing (OLTP) domain, distributed technology is largely unnecessary: OLTP databases are like working memory, characterized by being small, fast, and feature-rich. Even in very large business systems, the active working set at any one moment is not particularly large. A basic rule of thumb for OLTP system design is: If your problem can be solved within a single machine, don’t bother with distributed databases.

OLTP databases have a history spanning several decades, with existing cores developing to a mature stage. Standards in the TP domain are gradually converging towards three Wire Protocols: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle. If the discussion is about tinkering with database auto-sharding and adding global transactions as a form of “distribution,” it’s definitely a dead end. If a “distributed” database manages to break through, it’s likely not because of the “pseudo-requirement” of “distribution,” but rather due to new features, open-source ecosystems, compatibility, ease of use, domestic innovation, and self-reliance.

The Struggles in Confusion

The greatest challenge for distributed databases stems from the market structure: Internet companies, the most likely candidates to utilize distributed TP databases, are paradoxically the least likely to pay for them. Internet companies can serve as high-quality users or even contributors, offering case studies, feedback, and PR, but they inherently resist the notion of financially supporting software, clashing with their meme instincts. Even leading distributed database vendors face the challenge of being applauded but not financially supported.

In a recent casual conversation with an engineer at a distributed database company, it was revealed that during a POC with a client, a query that Oracle completed in 10 seconds, their distributed database could only match with an order of magnitude difference, even when utilizing various resources and Dirty Hacks. Even openGauss, which forked from PostgreSQL 9.2 a decade ago, can outperform many distributed databases in certain scenarios, not to mention the advancements seen in PostgreSQL 15 and Oracle 23c ten years later. This gap is so significant that even the original manufacturers are left puzzled about the future direction of distributed databases.

Thus, some distributed databases have started pivoting towards self-rescue, with HTAP being a prime example: while transaction processing in a distributed setting is suboptimal, analytics can benefit greatly. So, why not combine the two? A single system capable of handling both transactions and analytics! However, engineers in the real world understand that AP systems and TP systems each have their own patterns, and forcibly merging two diametrically opposed systems will only result in both tasks failing to succeed. Whether it’s classic ETL/CDC pushing and pulling to specialized solutions like ClickHouse/Greenplum/Doris, or logical replication to a dedicated in-memory columnar store, any of these approaches is more reliable than using a chimera HTAP database.

Another idea is monolithic-distributed integration: if you can’t beat them, join them by adding a monolithic mode to avoid the high costs of network RPCs, ensuring that in 99% of scenarios where distributed capabilities are unnecessary, they aren’t completely outperformed by centralized databases — even if distributed isn’t needed, it’s essential to stay in the game and prevent others from taking the lead! But the fundamental issue here is the same as with HTAP: forcing heterogeneous data systems together is pointless. If there was value in doing so, why hasn’t anyone created a monolithic binary that integrates all heterogeneous databases into a do-it-all behemoth — the Database Jack-of-all-trades? Because it violates the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid!


The plight of distributed databases is similar to that of Middle Data Platforms: originating from internal scenarios at major internet companies and solving domain-specific problems. Once riding the wave of the internet industry, the discussion of databases was dominated by distributed technologies, enjoying a moment of pride. However, due to excessive hype and promises of unrealistic capabilities, they failed to meet user expectations, ending in disappointment and becoming akin to the emperor’s new clothes.

There are still many areas within the TP database field worthy of focus: Leveraging new hardware, actively embracing changes in underlying architectures like CXL, RDMA, NVMe; or providing simple and intuitive declarative interfaces to make database usage and management more convenient; offering more intelligent automatic monitoring and control systems to minimize operational tasks; developing compatibility plugins like Babelfish for MySQL/Oracle, aiming for a unified relational database WireProtocol. Even investing in better support services would be more meaningful than chasing the false need for “distributed” features.

Time changes, and a wise man adapts. It is hoped that distributed database vendors will find their Product-Market Fit and focus on what users truly need.


[1] 数据库需求层次金字塔 :

[2] PostgreSQL到底有多强? :

[3] SSD Performence in 2013 :

[4] 2022 Micron NVMe SSD Spec:

[5] 2013-2030 SSD Pricing :

[6] Single Instance with 100TB:

[7] EBS: Scam:

[8] 中台:一场彻头彻尾的自欺欺人:

Is running postgres in docker a good idea?

Thou shalt not run a prod database inside a container

For stateless app services, containers are an almost perfect devops solution. However, for stateful services like databases, it’s not so straightforward. Whether production databases should be containerized remains controversial.

From a developer’s perspective, I’m a big fan of Docker & Kubernetes and believe that they might be the future standard for software deployment and operations. But as a database administrator, I think hosting production databases in Docker/K8S is still a bad idea.

What problems does Docker solve?

Docker is described with terms like lightweight, standardized, portable, cost-effective, efficient, automated, integrated, and high-performance in operations. These claims are valid, as Docker indeed simplifies both development and operations. This explains why many companies are eager to containerize their software and services. However, this enthusiasm sometimes goes to the extreme of containerizing everything, including production databases.

Containers were originally designed for stateless apps, where temporary data produced by the app is logically part of the container. A service is created with a container and destroyed after use. These apps are stateless, with the state typically stored outside in a database, reflecting the classic architecture and philosophy of containerization.

But when it comes to containerizing the production database itself, the scenario changes: databases are stateful. To maintain their state without losing it when the container stops, database containers need to “punch a hole” to the underlying OS, which is named data volumes.

Such containers are no longer ephemeral entities that can be freely created, destroyed, moved, or transferred; they become bound to the underlying environment. Thus, the many advantages of using containers for traditional apps are not applicable to database containers.


Getting software up & running is one thing; ensuring its reliability is another. Databases, central to information systems, are often critical, with failure leading to catastrophic consequences. This reflects common experience: while office software crashes can be tolerated and resolved with restarts, document loss or corruption is unresolvable and disastrous. Database failure without replica & backups can be terminal, particularly for internet/finance companies.

Reliability is the paramount attribute for databases. It’s the system’s ability to function correctly during adversity (hardware/software faults, human error), i.e. fault tolerance and resilience. Unlike liveness attribute such as performance, reliability, a safety attribute, proves itself over time or falsify by failures, often overlooked until disaster strikes.

Docker’s description notably omits “reliability” —— the crucial attribute for database.

Reliability Proof

As mentioned, reliability lacks a definitive measure. Confidence in a system’s reliability builds over time through consistent, correct operation (MTTF). Deploying databases on bare metal has been a long-standing practice, proven reliable over decades. Docker, despite revolutionizing DevOps, has a mere ten-year track record, which is insufficient for establishing reliability, especially for mission-critical production databases. In essence, there haven’t been enough “guinea pigs” to clear the minefield.

Community Knowledge

Improving reliability hinges on learning from failures. Failures are invaluable, turning unknowns into knowns and forming the bedrock of operational knowledge. Community experience with failures is predominantly based on bare-metal deployments, with a plethora of issues well-trodden over decades. Encountering a problem often means finding a well-documented solution, thanks to previous experiences. However, add “Docker” to the mix, and the pool of useful information shrinks significantly. This implies a lower success rate in data recovery and longer times to resolve complex issues when they arise.

A subtle reality is that, without compelling reasons, businesses and individuals are generally reluctant to share experiences with failures. Failures can tarnish a company’s reputation, potentially exposing sensitive data or reflecting poorly on the organization and team. Moreover, insights from failures are often the result of costly lessons and financial losses, representing core value for operations personnel, thus public documentation on failures is scarce.

Extra Failure Point

Running databases in Docker doesn’t reduce the chances of hardware failures, software bugs, or human errors. Hardware issues persist with or without Docker. Software defects, mainly application bugs, aren’t lessened by containerization, and the same goes for human errors. In fact, Docker introduces extra components, complexity, and failure points, decreasing overall system reliability.

Consider this simple scenario: if the Docker daemon crashes, the database process dies. Such incidents, albeit rare, are non-existent on bare-metal.

Moreover, the failure points from an additional component like Docker aren’t limited to Docker itself. Issues could arise from interactions between Docker and the database, the OS, orchestration systems, VMs, networks, or disks. For evidence, see the issue tracker for the official PostgreSQL Docker image:

Intellectual power doesn’t easily stack — a team’s intellect relies on the few seasoned members and their communication overhead. Database issues require database experts; container issues, container experts. However, when databases are deployed on kubernetes & dockers, merging the expertise of database and K8S specialists is challenging — you need a dual-expert to resolve issues, and such individuals are rarer than specialists in one domain.

Moreover, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. Certain Docker features might turn into bugs under specific conditions.

Unnecessary Isolation

Docker provides process-level isolation, which generally benefits applications by reducing interaction-related issues, thereby enhancing system reliability. However, this isolation isn’t always advantageous for databases.

A subtle real-world case involved starting two PostgreSQL server on the same data directory, either on the host or one in the host and another inside a container. On bare metal, the second instance would fail to start as PostgreSQL recognizes the existing instance and refuses to launch; however, Docker’s isolation allows the second instance to start obliviously, potentially toast the data files if proper fencing mechanisms (like host port or PID file exclusivity) aren’t in place.

Do databases need isolation? Absolutely, but not this kind. Databases often demand dedicated physical machines for performance reasons, with only the database process and essential tools running. Even in containers, they’re typically bound exclusively to physical/virtual machines. Thus, the type of isolation Docker provides is somewhat irrelevant for such deployments, though it is a handy feature for cloud providers to efficiently oversell in a multi-tenant environment.


Docker simplify the day one setup, but bring much more troubles on day two operation.

The bulk of software expenses isn’t in initial development but in ongoing maintenance, which includes fixing vulnerabilities, ensuring operational continuity, handling outages, upgrading versions, repaying technical debt, and adding new features. Maintainability is crucial for the quality of life in operations work. Docker shines in this aspect with its infrastructure-as-code approach, effectively turning operational knowledge into reusable code, accumulating it in a streamlined manner rather than scattered across various installation/setup documents. Docker excels here, especially for stateless applications with frequently changing logic. Docker and Kubernetes facilitate deployment, scaling, publishing, and rolling upgrades, allowing Devs to perform Ops tasks, and Ops to handle DBA duties (somewhat convincingly).

Day 1 Setup

Perhaps Docker’s greatest strength is the standardization of environment configuration. A standardized environment aids in delivering changes, discussing issues, and reproducing bugs. Using binary images (essentially materialized Dockerfile installation scripts) is quicker and easier to manage than running installation scripts. Not having to rebuild complex, dependency-heavy extensions each time is a notable advantage.

Unfortunately, databases don’t behave like typical business applications with frequent updates, and creating new instances or delivering environments is a rare operation. Additionally, DBAs often accumulate various installation and configuration scripts, making environment setup almost as fast as using Docker. Thus, Docker’s advantage in environment configuration isn’t as pronounced, falling into the “nice to have” category. Of course, in the absence of a dedicated DBA, using Docker images might still be preferable as they encapsulate some operational experience.

Typically, it’s not unusual for databases to run continuously for months or years after initialization. The primary aspect of database management isn’t creating new instances or delivering environments, but the day-to-day operations — Day2 Operation. Unfortunately, Docker doesn’t offer much benefit in this area and can introduce additional complications.

Day2 Operation

Docker can significantly streamline the maintenance of stateless apps, enabling easy create/destroy, version upgrades, and scaling. However, does this extend to databases?

Unlike app containers, database containers can’t be freely destroyed or created. Docker doesn’t enhance the operational experience for databases; tools like Ansible are more beneficial. Often, operations require executing scripts inside containers via docker exec, adding unnecessary complexity.

CLI tools often struggle with Docker integration. For instance, docker exec mixes stderr and stdout, breaking pipeline-dependent commands. In bare-metal deployments, certain ETL tasks for PostgreSQL can be easily done with a single Bash line.

psql <src-url> -c 'COPY tbl TO STDOUT' | psql <dst-url> -c 'COPY tdb FROM STDIN'

Yet, without proper client binaries on the host, one must awkwardly use Docker’s binaries like:

docker exec -it srcpg gosu postgres bash -c "psql -c \"COPY tbl TO STDOUT\" 2>/dev/null" |\ 
  docker exec -i dstpg gosu postgres psql -c 'COPY tbl FROM STDIN;'

complicating simple commands like physical backups, which require layers of command wrapping:

docker exec -i postgres_pg_1 gosu postgres bash -c 'pg_basebackup -Xf -Ft -c fast -D - 2>/dev/null' | tar -xC /tmp/backup/basebackup

docker, gosu, bash, pg_basebackup

Client-side applications (psql, pg_basebackup, pg_dump) can bypass these issues with version-matched client tools on the host, but server-side solutions lack such workarounds. Upgrading containerized database software shouldn’t necessitate host server binary upgrades.

Docker advocates for easy software versioning; updating a minor database version is straightforward by tweaking the Dockerfile and restarting the container. However, major version upgrades requiring state modification are more complex in Docker, often leading to convoluted processes like those in

If database containers can’t be scheduled, scaled, or maintained as easily as AppServers, why use them in production? While stateless apps benefit from Docker and Kubernetes’ scaling ease, stateful applications like databases don’t enjoy such flexibility. Replicating a large production database is time-consuming and manual, questioning the efficiency of using docker run for such operations.

Docker’s awkwardness in hosting production databases stems from the stateful nature of databases, requiring additional setup steps. Setting up a new PostgreSQL replica, for instance, involves a local data directory clone and starting the postmaster process. Container lifecycle tied to a single process complicates database scaling and replication, leading to inelegant and complex solutions. This process isolation in containers, or “abstraction leakage,” fails to neatly cover the multiprocess, multitasking nature of databases, introducing unnecessary complexity and affecting maintainability.

In conclusion, while Docker can improve system maintainability in some aspects, like simplifying new instance creation, the introduced complexities often undermine these benefits.


Databases require tools for maintenance, including a variety of operational scripts, deployment, backup, archiving, failover, version upgrades, plugin installation, connection pooling, performance analysis, monitoring, tuning, inspection, and repair. Most of these tools are designed for bare-metal deployments. Like databases, these tools need thorough and careful testing. Getting something to run versus ensuring its stable, long-term, and correct operation are distinct levels of reliability.

A simple example is plugin and package management. PostgreSQL offers many useful plugins, such as PostGIS. On bare metal, installing this plugin is as easy as executing yum install followed by create extension postgis. However, in Docker, following best practices requires making changes at the image level to persist the extension beyond container restarts. This necessitates modifying the Dockerfile, rebuilding the image, pushing it to the server, and restarting the database container, undeniably a more cumbersome process.

Package management is a core aspect of OS distributions. Docker complicates this, as many PostgreSQL binaries are distributed not as RPM/DEB packages but as Docker images with pre-installed extensions. This raises a significant issue: how to consolidate multiple disparate images if one needs to use two, three, or over a hundred extensions from the PostgreSQL ecosystem? Compared to reliable OS package management, building Docker images invariably requires more time and effort to function properly.

Take monitoring as another example. In traditional bare-metal deployment, machine metrics are crucial for database monitoring. Monitoring in containers differs subtly from that on bare metal, and oversight can lead to pitfalls. For instance, the sum of various CPU mode durations always equals 100% on bare metal, but this assumption doesn’t necessarily hold in containers. Moreover, monitoring tools relying on the /proc filesystem may yield metrics in containers that differ significantly from those on bare metal. While such issues are solvable (e.g., mounting the Proc filesystem inside the container), complex and ugly workarounds are generally unwelcome compared to straightforward solutions.

Similar issues arise with some failure detection tools and common system commands. Theoretically, these could be executed directly on the host, but can we guarantee that the results in the container will be identical to those on bare metal? More frustrating is the emergency troubleshooting process, where necessary tools might be missing in the container, and with no external network access, the Dockerfile→Image→Restart path can be exasperating.

Treating Docker like a VM, many tools may still function, but this defeats much of Docker’s purpose, reducing it to just another package manager. Some argue that Docker enhances system reliability through standardized deployment, given the more controlled environment. While this is true, I believe that if the personnel managing the database understand how to configure the database environment, there’s no fundamental difference between scripting environment initialization in a Shell script or in a Dockerfile.


Performance is another point that people concerned a lot. From the performance perspective, the basic principle of database deployment is: The close to hardware, The better it is. Additional isolation & abstraction layer is bad for database performance. More isolation means more overhead, even if it is just an additional memcpy in the kernel .

For performance-seeking scenarios, some databases choose to bypass the operating system’s page management mechanism to operate the disk directly, while some databases may even use FPGA or GPU to speed up query processing. Docker as a lightweight container, performance suffers not much, and the impact to performance-insensitive scenarios may not be significant, but the extra abstract layer will definitely make performance worse than make it better.


Container and orchestration technologies are valuable for operations, bridging the gap between software and services by aiming to codify and modularize operational expertise and capabilities. Container technology is poised to become the future of package management, while orchestration evolves into a “data center distributed cluster operating system,” forming the underlying infrastructure runtime for all software. As more challenges are addressed, confidently running both stateful and stateless applications in containers will become feasible. However, for databases, this remains an ideal rather than a practical option, especially in production.

It’s crucial to reiterate that the above discussion applies specifically to production databases. For development and testing, despite the existence of Vagrant-based virtual machine sandboxes, I advocate for Docker use—many developers are unfamiliar with configuring local test database environments, and Docker provides a clearer, simpler solution. For stateless production applications or those with non-critical derivative state data (like Redis caches), Docker is a good choice. But for core relational databases in production, where data integrity is paramount, one should carefully consider the risks and benefits: What’s the value of using Docker here? Can it handle potential issues? Are you prepared to assume the responsibility if things go wrong?

Every technological decision involves balancing pros and cons, like the core trade-off here of sacrificing reliability for maintainability with Docker. Some scenarios may warrant this, such as cloud providers optimizing for containerization to oversell resources, where container isolation, high resource utilization, and management convenience align well. Here, the benefits might outweigh the drawbacks. However, in many cases, reliability is the top priority, and compromising it for maintainability is not advisable. Moreover, it’s debatable whether using Docker significantly eases database management; sacrificing long-term operational maintainability for short-term deployment ease is unwise.

In conclusion, containerizing production databases is likely not a prudent choice.

Cloud Exit

S3: Elite to Mediocre

Object storage (S3) has been a defining service of cloud computing, once hailed as a paragon of cost reduction in the cloud era. Unfortunately, with the evolution of hardware and the emergence of resources cloud (Cloudflare R2) and open-source alternatives (MinIO), the once “cost-effective” object storage services have lost their value for money, becoming as much a “cash cow” as EBS. In our “Mudslide of Cloud Computing” series, we’ve already delved into the cost structure of cloud-based EC2 compute power, EBS disks, and RDS databases. Today, let’s examine the anchor of cloud services—object storage.

From Cost Reduction to Cash Cow

Object Storage, also known as Simple Storage Service (abbreviated as S3, hereafter referred to as S3), was once the flagship product for its cost-effectiveness in the cloud.

A decade ago, hardware was expensive; managing to use a bunch of several hundred GB mechanical hard drives to build a reliable storage service and design an elegant HTTP API was a significant barrier. Therefore, compared to those “enterprise IT” storage solutions, the cost-effective S3 seemed very attractive.

However, the field of computer hardware is quite unique—with a Moore’s Law that sees prices halve every two years. AWS S3 has indeed seen several price reductions in its history. The table below organizes the main post-reduction prices for S3 standard tier storage, along with the reference unit prices for enterprise-grade HDD/SSD in the corresponding years.

Date $/GB·Month ¥/TB·5年 HDD ¥/TB SSD ¥/TB
2006.03 0.150 63000 2800
2010.11 0.140 58800 1680
2012.12 0.095 39900 420 15400
2014.04 0.030 12600 371 9051
2016.12 0.023 9660 245 3766
2023.12 0.023 9660 105 280
Price Ref EBS All Upfront Buy NVMe SSD Price Ref
S3 Express 0.160 67200 DHH 12T 1400
EBS io2 0.125 + IOPS 114000 Shannon 3.2T 900

It’s not hard to see that the unit price of S3’s standard tier dropped from $0.15/GB·month in 2006 to $0.023/GB·month in 2023, a reduction to 15% of the original or a 6-fold decrease, which sounds good. However, when you consider that the price of the underlying HDDs for S3 dropped to 3.7% of their original, a whopping 26-fold decrease, the trickery becomes apparent.

The resource premium multiple of S3 increased from 7 times in 2006 to 30 times today!

In 2023, when we re-calculate the costs, it’s clear that the value for money of storage services like S3/EBS has changed dramatically—cloud computing power EC2 compared to building one’s own servers has a 5 – 10 times premium, while cloud block storage EBS has a several dozen to a hundred times premium compared to local SSDs. Cloud-based S3 compared to ordinary HDDs also has about a thirty times resource premium. And as the anchor of cloud services, the prices of S3/EBS/EC2 are passed on to almost all cloud services—completely stripping cloud services of their cost-effectiveness.

The core issue here is: The price of hardware resources drops exponentially according to Moore’s Law, but the savings are not passed through the cloud providers’ intermediary layer to the end-user service prices. To not advance is to go back; failing to reduce prices at the pace of Moore’s Law is effectively a price increase. Taking S3 as an example, over the past decade, cloud providers’ S3 has nominally reduced prices by 6-fold, but hardware resources have become 26 times cheaper, so how should we view this pricing now?

Cost, Performance, Throughput

Despite the high premiums of cloud services, if it represents an irreplaceable best choice, the use by high-value, price-insensitive top-tier customers is not affected even with a high premium and low cost-effectiveness. However, it’s not just about cost; the performance of storage hardware also follows Moore’s Law. Over time, building one’s own S3 has started to show a significant advantage in performance.

The performance of S3 is mainly reflected in its throughput. AWS S3’s 100 Gb/s network provides up to 12.5 GB/s of access bandwidth, which is indeed commendable. Such throughput was undoubtedly impressive a decade ago. However, today, an enterprise-level 12 TB NVMe SSD, costing less than $20,000, can achieve 14 GB/s of read/write bandwidth. 100Gb switches and network cards have also become very common, making such performance readily achievable.

In another key performance indicator, “latency,” S3 is significantly outperformed by local disks. The first-byte latency of the S3 standard tier is quite poor, ranging between 100-200ms according to the documentation. Of course, AWS has just launched “High-Performance S3” — S3 Express One Zone at 2023 Re:Invent, which can achieve millisecond-level latency, addressing this shortcoming. However, it still falls far short of the NVMe’s 4K random read/write latency of 55µs/9µs.

S3 Express’s millisecond-level latency sounds good, but when we compare it to a self-built NVMe SSD + MinIO setup, this “millisecond-level” performance is embarrassingly inadequate. Modern NVMe SSDs achieve 4K random read/write latencies of 55µs/9µs. With a thin layer of MinIO forwarding, the first-byte output latency is at least an order of magnitude better than S3 Express. If standard tier S3 is used for comparison, the performance gap widens to three orders of magnitude.

The gap in performance is just one aspect; the cost is even more crucial. The price of standard tier S3 has remained unchanged since 2016 at $0.023/GB·month, equating to 161 RMB/TB·month. The higher-tier S3 Express One Zone is an order of magnitude more expensive, at $0.16/GB·month, equating to 1120 RMB/TB·month. For reference, we can compare the data from “Reclaiming the Dividends of Computer Hardware” and “Is Cloud Storage a Cash Cow?”:

Factor Local PCI-E NVME SSD Aliyun ESSD PL3 AWS io2 Block Express
Cost 14.5 RMB/TB·month (5-year amortization / 3.2T MLC) 5-year warranty, ¥3000 retail 3200 RMB/TB·month (Original price 6400 RMB, monthly package 4000 RMB) 50% discount for 3-year upfront payment 1900 RMB/TB·month Best discount for the largest specification 65536GB 256K IOPS
Capacity 32TB 32 TB 64 TB
IOPS 4K random read: 600K ~ 1.1M 4K random write 200K ~ 350K Max 4K random read: 1M 16K random IOPS: 256K
Latency 4K random read: 75µs 4K random write: 15µs 4K random read: 200µs Random IO: 500µs (assumed 16K)
Reliability UBER < 1e-18, equivalent to 18 nines MTBF: 2 million hours 5DWPD, over three years Data reliability: 9 nines Storage and Data Reliability Durability: 99.999%, 5 nines (0.001% annual failure rate) io2 details
SLA 5-year warranty, direct replacement for issues Aliyun RDS SLA Availability 99.99%: 15% monthly fee 99%: 30% monthly fee 95%: 100% monthly fee Amazon RDS SLA Availability 99.95%: 15% monthly fee 99%: 25% monthly fee 95%: 100% monthly fee

e local NVMe SSD example used here is the Shannon DirectIO G5i 3.2TB MLC particle enterprise-level SSD, extensively used by us. Brand new, disassembled retail pieces are priced at ¥2788 (available on Xianyu!), translating to a monthly cost per TB of 14.5 RMB over 60 months (5 years). Even if we calculate using the Inspur list price of ¥4388, the cost per TB·month is only 22.8. If this example is not convincing enough, we can refer to the 12 TB Gen4 NVMe enterprise-level SSDs purchased by DHH in “Is It Time to Give Up on Cloud Computing?”, priced at $2390 each, with a cost per TB·month of exactly 23 RMB.

So, why are NVMe SSDs, which outperform by several orders of magnitude, priced an order of magnitude cheaper than standard tier S3 (161 vs 23) and two orders of magnitude cheaper than S3 Express (1120 vs 23 x3)? If I were to use such hardware (even accounting for triple replication) + open-source software to build an object storage service, could I achieve a three orders of magnitude improvement in cost-effectiveness? (This doesn’t even account for the reliability advantages of SSDs over HDDs.)

It’s worth noting that the comparison above focuses solely on the cost of storage space. The cost of data transfer in and out of object storage is also a significant expense, with some tiers charging not for storage but for retrieval traffic. Additionally, there are issues of SSD reliability compared to HDD, data sovereignty in the cloud, etc., which will not be elaborated further here.

Of course, cloud providers might argue that their S3 service is not just about storage hardware resources but an out-of-the-box service. This includes software intellectual property and maintenance labor costs. They may claim that self-hosting has a higher failure rate, is riskier, and incurs significant operational labor costs. Unfortunately, these arguments might have been valid in 2006 or 2013, but they seem rather ludicrous today.

Self-Hosted OSS S3

A decade and a half ago, the vast majority of users lacked the IT capabilities to self-host, and there were no mature open-source alternatives to S3. Users could tolerate the premium for this high technology. However, as various cloud providers and IDCs began offering object storage, and even open-source free object storage solutions like MinIO emerged, the market shifted from a seller’s to a buyer’s market. The logic of value pricing turned into cost pricing, and the unyielding premium on resources naturally faced scrutiny — what extra value does it actually provide to justify such significant costs?

Proponents of cloud storage claim that moving to the cloud is cheaper, simpler, and faster than self-hosting. For individual webmasters and small to medium-sized internet companies within the cloud’s suitable spectrum, this claim certainly holds. If your data scale is only a few dozen GBs, or you have some medium-scale overseas business and CDN needs, I would not recommend jumping on the bandwagon to self-host object storage. You should instead turn to Cloudflare and use R2 — perhaps the best solution.

However, for the truly high-value, medium-to-large scale customers who contribute the majority of revenue, these value propositions do not necessarily hold. If you are primarily using local storage for TB/PB scale data, then you should seriously consider the cost and benefits of self-hosting object storage services — which has become very simple, stable, and mature with open-source software. Storage service reliability mainly depends on disk redundancy: apart from occasional hard drive failures (HDD AFR 1%, SSD 0.2-0.3%), requiring you (or a maintenance service provider) to replace parts, there isn’t much additional burden.

If the open-source Ceph, which mixes EBS/S3 capabilities, is considered somewhat operationally complex and not fully feature-complete; then the fully S3-compatible object storage service MinIO can be considered truly plug-and-play — a standalone binary without external dependencies, requiring only a few configuration parameters to quickly set up, transforming server disk arrays into a standard local S3-compatible service, even integrating AWS’s AK/SK/IAM compatible implementations!

From an operational management perspective, the operational complexity of Redis is an order of magnitude lower than PostgreSQL, and MinIO’s operational complexity is another order of magnitude lower than Redis. It’s so simple that I could spend less than a week to integrate MinIO deployment/monitoring as an add-on into our open-source PostgreSQL RDS solution, serving as an optional central backup storage repository.

At Tantan, several MinIO clusters were built and maintained this way: holding 25PB of data, possibly the largest scale of MinIO deployment in China at the time. How many people were needed for maintenance? Just a fraction of one operations engineer’s working time was enough, and the overall self-hosting cost was about half of the cloud list price. Practice proves the point, if anyone tells you that self-hosting object storage is difficult and expensive, you can try it yourself — in just a few hours, these sales FUD tactics will fall apart.

For object storage services, the cloud’s three core value propositions: “cheaper, simpler, faster”, the “simpler” part may not hold up, “cheaper” has turned the other way, probably only leaving “faster” — indeed, no one can beat the cloud on this point. You can apply for PB-level storage services across all regions of the world in less than a minute on the cloud, which is amazing! However, you also have to pay a high premium, several times to dozens of times over for this privilege.

Therefore, for object storage services, among the cloud’s three core value propositions: “cheaper, simpler, faster”, the “simpler” part may not hold, and “cheaper” has gone in the opposite direction, probably only leaving “faster” — indeed, no one can beat the cloud on this point. You can indeed apply for PB-level storage services across all regions of the world in less than a minute on the cloud, which is amazing! However, you also have to pay a high premium for this privilege, several to dozens of times over. For enterprises of a certain scale, compared to the cost of operations increasing several times, waiting a couple of weeks or making a one-time capital investment is not a big deal.


The exponential decline in hardware costs has not been fully reflected in the service prices of cloud providers, turning public clouds from universally beneficial infrastructure into monopolistic profit centers.

However, the tide is turning. Hardware is becoming interesting again, and cloud providers can no longer indefinitely hide this advantage. The savvy are starting to crunch the numbers, and the bold have already taken action. Pioneers like Elon Musk and DHH have fully realized this, moving away from the cloud to reap millions in financial benefits, enjoy performance gains, and gain more operational independence. More and more people are beginning to notice this, following in the footsteps of these pioneers to make the wise choice and reclaim their hardware dividends.


[1] 2006:

[2] 2010:

[3] 2012:

[4] 2014:

[5] 2016:

[6] 2023:

[7] First-byte Latency:

[8] Storage & Reliability:

[9] EBS io2 Spec:

[10] Aliyun RDS SLA:

[11] Amazon RDS SLA:

Reclaim Hardware Bonus from the Cloud

Hardware is interesting again, with the AI wave fueling a GPU frenzy. However, the intrigue isn’t limited to GPUs —— developments in CPUs and SSDs remain largely unnoticed by the majority of devs. A whole generation of developers is obscured by cloud hype and marketing noise.

Hardware performance is skyrocketing, and costs are plummeting, turning the public cloud from a decent service into a cash cow. These shifts necessitate a reevaluation of technology and software. It’s time to get back to basics and reclaim the hardware dividend that belongs to users.

Revolutionary New Hardware

If you’ve been unaware of computer hardware for a while, the specs of the latest gear might shock you.

Once, Intel’s CPUs saw marginal gains each generation, allowing old PCs to remain viable year after year. However, CPU evolution has recently accelerated, with significant leaps in core counts and regular 20-30% improvements in single-core performance.

For instance, AMD’s recently released desktop CPU, the Threadripper 7995WX, is a performance beast with 96 cores and 192 threads at speeds ranging from 2.5 to 5.1 GHz, retailing on Amazon for $5600. The server CPU series, EPYC, includes the previous generation EPYC Genoa 9654, with 96 cores and 192 threads at speeds ranging from 2.4 to 3.55 GHz, priced at $3940 on Amazon. This year’s new EPYC 9754 goes even further, offering a single CPU with 128 cores and 256 threads. This means a standard dual-socket server could have an astonishing 512 threads! If we consider cloud computing/container platforms’ 500% overselling rate, this could virtualize more than two thousand five hundred 1-core virtual machines.

Take AMD’s new Threadripper 7995WX, a 96-core, 192-thread behemoth clocked at 2.5 to 5.1 GHz, retailing at $5600 on Amazon. On the server side, the previous-gen EPYC Genoa 9654 offered 96 cores and 192 threads at 2.4 to 3.55 GHz, priced at $3940. The latest EPYC 9754 pushes boundaries further with 128 cores and 256 threads, enabling a dual-socket server to boast a staggering 512 vCPUs — enough to oversubscribe and virtualize over 2500+ 1c VMs at 500% oversell rates.


SSD/NVMe storage has seen even more dramatic generational jumps. Speeds have escalated from Gen2’s 500MB/s to Gen3’s 2.5GB/s, and now Gen4’s mainstream 7GB/s, with Gen5 at 14GB/s emerging. Gen6 is released, with Gen7 on the horizon, as I/O bandwidth doubles exponentially.


Consider the Gen5 NVMe SSD: KIOXIA CM7, which offers 128K sequential read bandwidth of 14GB/s and write bandwidth of 7GB/s, with 4K random IOPS of 2.7M for reads and 600K for writes. It’s doubtful that many database software packages can fully utilize this insane read/write bandwidth and IOPS. For context, HDD generally fluctuates around a read/write bandwidth of a few hundred MB/s, with 7200 RPM drives achieving IOPS in the tens and 15000 RPM drives in the low hundreds. NVMe SSDs’ I/O bandwidth rates are already four orders of magnitude better than HDD — 10,000x better.

In terms of 4K RankRW response times, which are of utmost concern for databases, NVMe SSDs have achieved 55/9 µs for reads & writes since several generations ago. Meanwhile, HDD seek time usually measures around 10ms, with an average rotational latency depending on speed between 2ms and 4ms, meaning a single I/O operation typically takes over a dozen milliseconds. Comparing dozens of milliseconds to 55/9µs, NVMe SSDs are three orders of magnitude faster than mechanical disks — 1000x faster!

Besides computing and storage, network hardware has also improved significantly. 40GbE and 100GbE are now commonplace — a 100GbE optical module network card costs just about several hundred dollars, offering a network transfer speed of 12 GB/s, a hundred times faster than the gigabit network cards familiar to older programmers.

Ethernet Speeds: chart

1.6T Ethernet is already on the radar.

As computing, storage, and networking hardware evolve exponentially following Moore’s Law, hardware becomes fascinating again. But the real intrigue lies in how these technological leaps will impact the world.

Distributed Losing Favor

The landscape of hardware has undergone monumental changes over the past decade, rendering many assumptions in the software realm obsolete, such as those concerning distributed databases.

Today, the capabilities of a standard x86 server have reached astonishing levels. An intriguing draft calculation roughly demonstrates the feasibility of running the entirety of Twitter on a modern server (Dell PowerEdge R740xd, with 32 cores, 768GB RAM, 6TB NVMe, 360TB HDD, GPU slots, and 4x40Gbe networking). While you wouldn’t do this for production redundancy (using two or three servers might be safer), this calculation indeed raises an interesting question — Is scalability still a real issue?

At the turn of the century, an Apache server could barely handle a few hundred concurrent requests. The best software struggled with tens of thousands of concurrent connections — the industry’s notorious C10K problem, where handling several thousand connections was seen as a feat. However, with the advent of Epoll and Nginx in 2003/2004, “high concurrency” ceased to be a challenge — any novice who learned to configure Nginx could achieve what masters only dreamed of a few years earlier. “Customers in the Eyes of Cloud Providers: Poor, Idle, and Lacking Love” details this evolution.

As of 2023, the impact of hardware has once again revolutionized distributed databases: Scalability, much like the C10K problem two decades ago, has become a solved issue of the past. If a service like Twitter can run on a single server, then 99.xxxx+% of services will not exceed the scalability needs that such a server can provide throughout their entire lifecycle. This means the once-prized “distributed” technology boasted by big tech companies has become redundant with the advent of new hardware — Anyone still discussing partitioning, distributed databases, and high concurrency on a massive scale is living in the past, having ceased to learn and grow over the past decade.

The foundational assumption of distributed databases — that a single machine’s processing power is insufficient to support the load — has been shattered by contemporary hardware. Centralized databases don’t even need to lift a finger; their capacity automatically scales to meet demands that most services will never reach in their lifetime. Some might argue that services like WeChat or Alipay require distributed databases, but setting aside whether distributed databases are the only solution, assuming these rare extreme cases can sustain a couple of distributed TP kernels, distributed OLTP databases will no longer be the main direction for database development as network hardware becomes more cost-effective than disk storage. Alibaba’s choice of a distributed path for its database progeny, OceanBase, versus its current preference for centralized architectures with PolarDB, serves as a telling example.

In the realm of big data analytics (OLAP), distributed systems might have been essential, but now even this is questionable — for the majority of companies, their entire database volume could potentially be processed on a single server. Scenarios that previously demanded “distributed data warehouses” might now be addressed by running PostgreSQL or DuckDB on a modern server. True, large internet companies may have PB/ZB-level data scenarios, but even for core internet services, it’s rare for a single service’s data volume to exceed a single machine’s processing limits. For instance, BreachForums’ recent leak of 5 years of Taobao shopping records (2015-2020, 8.2 billion records) compressed to 600GB, and similarly, the data sizes for’s billions and Pinduoduo’s 14.5 billion records are on par. Moreover, companies like Dell or Inspur offer PB-level NVMe all-flash storage cabinets, capable of housing the entire U.S. insurance industry’s historical data and analysis tasks in a single box for less than $200,000.

The core trade-off of distributed databases is “quality for quantity,” sacrificing functionality, performance, complexity, and reliability in exchange for greater data capacity and throughput. However, “premature optimization is the root of all evil,” and designing for unnecessary scale is futile. If scale is no longer an issue, then sacrificing other attributes for unneeded capacity, incurring extra complexity and costs, becomes utterly pointless.

Cost of Owning Servers

With new hardware boasting such powerful performance, what about the cost? Moore’s Law states that every 18 to 24 months, processor performance doubles while the cost halves. Compared to a decade ago, new hardware is not only more powerful but also cheaper.

In “DHH: The Cloud-Exit Odyssey”, we have a fresh example of a public procurement. DHH and 37 Signals purchased a batch of physical machines for their move away from the cloud in 2023: they bought 20 servers from Dell, totaling 4,000-core vCPUs, 7,680GB of memory, and 384TB of NVMe storage, among other things, for a total expenditure of $500,000.

The specific configuration of each server was as follows: Dell R7625 server, 192 vCPU / 384 GB memory: two AMD EPYC 9454 processors (48 cores/96 threads, 2.75 GHz), equipped with 2x vCPU memory (16 x 32GB memory), a 12 TB NVMe Gen4 SSD, plus other components, at a cost of $20,000 per server ($\19,980), amortized over five years is $333 per month.

To verify the validity of this quote, we can directly refer to the retail market prices of the core components: the CPU is the EPYC 9654, with a current retail price of $3,725 each, totaling $7,450 for two. 32GB DDR5 ECC server memory, retailing at $128 per stick, 16 sticks total $2,048. Enterprise-grade NVMe SSD 12TB, priced at $2,390. 100G optical module 100GbE QSFP28 priced at $1,804, adding up to around $13,692, plus the server barebone, power supply, system disk, RAID card, fans, etc., the total price of $20,000 is reasonable.

Of course, a server is not just made up of CPUs, memory, hard drives, and network cards; we also need to consider the total cost of ownership. Data centers need to provide these machines with electricity, rack space, and networking, maintenance fees, and reserve redundancy (prices in the US). After accounting for these costs, they are basically on par with the monthly hardware amortization cost, so the comprehensive monthly cost of a server with 192C / 384G / 12T NVMe storage is $666, which is about $3.5 / vCPU·month.

I believe DHH’s figures are accurate, as at Tantan, from day one, we chose to build our IDC / resource cloud, and after several rounds of cost optimization, we achieved a similar price — our database server model (Dell R730, 64 vCPU / 512GB / 3.2 TB NVMe SSD) plus the cost of manpower, maintenance, electricity, and internet, the TCO was about $10,400 , with a core-month cost of $2.71 / vCPU·month. Here is a table for reference on the price per unit of computing power:

BM / EC2 / ECS Specs $ / vCPU·Month
DHH’s self-hosted vCPU·Month Price (192C 384G) 3.5
TanTan IDC self-hosted DC (64C 384G) 2.7
TanTan container platform (container, oversold 500%) 1.0
Aliyun ECS family c 2x (us-east-1), hourly 23.8
Aliyun ECS family c 2x (us-east-1), monthly 18.2
Aliyun ECS family c 2x (us-east-1), yearly 15.6
Aliyun ECS family c 2x (us-east-1), 3-year upfront 10.0
Aliyun ECS family c 2x (us-east-1), 5-year upfront 6.9
AWS C5N.METAL 96C (On Demand) 35.0
AWS C5N.METAL 96C (1y Reserve, All Upfront) 20.6
AWS C5N.METAL 96C (3y Reserve, All Upfront) 12.8

Cloud Rental Price

For reference, we can compare the cost to leasing compute power from AWS EC2. A monthly expense of $666 can get you the best specification without storage, the c6in.4xlarge on-demand instance (16 cores, 32G x 3.5GHz); while the on-demand cost for a c7a.metal instance, which has similar compute and memory specification (192C/384G) but excludes EBS storage, is $7,200 per month, which is 10.8 times the comprehensive local build cost; the lowest monthly cost for a 3-year reserved instance can go down to $2,756, which is still 4.1 times the cost of building your own server. If we calculate the cost per core-month, the price for the majority of AWS EC2 instances ranges between $10 ~ $30, which is roughly a hundred to a few hundred dollars, leading us to a rough conclusion: the unit price of cloud compute is 5 to 10 times that of self-built solutions.

Note that these prices do not include the hundredfold premium for EBS cloud storage. In “Is Cloud Disk a Rip-off?”, we’ve already detailed the cost comparison between enterprise SSDs and equivalent cloud disks. Here, we can provide two updated reference values: the cost per TB-month for the 12TB enterprise NVMe SSD purchased by DHH (with a five-year warranty) is 24 CNY, while the cost per TB-month for a retail Samsung consumer SSD 990Pro on GameStop can reach an astonishing 6.6 CNY… Meanwhile, the corresponding block storage TB-month cost on AWS and Alibaba Cloud, even after full discounts, is respectively 1,900 and 3,200 CNY. In the most outrageous scenarios (6400 vs 6.6), the premium can even reach a thousandfold. However, a more apples-to-apples comparison results in: the unit price of cloud block storage is 100 to 200 times that of self-built solutions (and the performance is not as good as local disks).

EC2 and EBS prices can be considered the anchor of cloud service pricing, for example, the premium rate of cloud databases RDS that mainly use EC2 and EBS compared to local self-built solutions fluctuates between the two, depending on your storage usage: the unit price of cloud databases is dozens of times that of self-built solutions. For more details, refer to “Is Cloud Database a Dumb Tax?”.

Of course, we can’t deny the cost advantages of public clouds for micro instances and startups — for example, the nano instances on public clouds used to patch together 12C, 0.52G configurations really can be offered to users at a core-month cost of a few dollars. In “Exploiting Alibaba Cloud ECS for a Digital Homestead,” I recommended exploiting Alibaba Cloud’s Double 11 virtual machine deals for this reason. For instance, a 2C 2G server’s compute cost, calculated with a 500% overselling, is 84 CNY per year, and the cost for 40G cloud disk storage, calculated with triple replication, is about 20 CNY per year, making the annual cost for these two parts over a hundred CNY. This doesn’t include the cost of a public IP or the more valuable 3M bandwidth (for example, if you could fully utilize 3M bandwidth 24 hours a day, that would mean 32G of data per day, costing about 25 CNY). The list price for such cloud servers is ¥1500 per year, so the 99¥ price allowing for a low-cost renewal for four years indeed can be considered a loss-leading benefit.

However, when your business can no longer be covered by a bunch of micro instances, you really should do the math again carefully: in several key examples, the cost of cloud services is extremely high — whether for large physical machine databases, large NVMe storage, or just the latest and fastest compute. The rental price for such production-grade resources is so high — that a few months’ rent could equal the cost of buying it outright. In such cases, you really should just buy the donkey!

Reclaim Hardware Bonus from Cloud

I still remember on April 1, 2019, when the domestic value-added tax in China was officially reduced from 16% to 13%, Apple’s official website immediately implemented a price reduction across the board, with the maximum discount reaching 8% — several iconic iPhone models were reduced by 500 yuan, effectively passing the tax cut benefits to the users. However, many manufacturers chose to turn a deaf ear and maintain their original prices, pocketing the benefits for themselves — why would they want to distribute this newfound wealth to the less fortunate? A similar situation has occurred in the cloud computing domain — the exponential decrease in hardware costs has not been fully reflected in the service prices of cloud providers, gradually turning public cloud from a universally accessible infrastructure into a monopolistic cash cow.

In the old days, developers had to deeply understand hardware to write code. However, the older generation of engineers and programmers, who had a keen sense of hardware, have mostly retired, changed positions, moved into management, or stopped learning. Subsequently, as operating systems and compiler technologies advanced and various VM programming languages emerged, software no longer needed to concern itself with how hardware executed instructions. Then came services like EC2, which encapsulated computing power, and S3/EBS, which encapsulated storage, leading applications to interact with HTTP APIs rather than system calls. Software and hardware diverged into two separate realms, each going its own way. An entire new generation of engineers grew up in the cloud environment, shielded from an understanding of computer hardware.

However, things are beginning to change, with hardware becoming interesting again, and cloud providers are unable to perpetually hide this dividend — the wise are starting to crunch the numbers, and the brave have already taken action. Pioneers like Musk and DHH have fully recognized this, moving off the cloud and onto solid ground — directly generating tens of millions of dollars in financial benefits, with returns in performance, and gaining more independence in operations. More and more people will come to the same realization, following in the footsteps of these trailblazers to make the wise choice of reclaiming their hardware bonus from the cloud.

FinOps: Endgame Cloud-Exit

At the SACC 2023 FinOps session, I fiercely criticized cloud vendors. This is a transcript of my speech, introducing the ultimate FinOps concept — cloud-exit and its best practice.


Misaligned FinOps Focus: Total Cost = Unit Price x Quantity. FinOps efforts are centered around reducing the quantity of wasted resources, deliberately ignoring the elephant in the room — cloud resource unit price.

Public Cloud as a Slaughterhouse: Attract customers with cheap EC2/S3, then slaughter them with EBS/RDS. The cost of cloud compute is five times that of in-house, while block storage costs can be over a hundred times more, making it the ultimate cost assassin.

The Endgame of FinOps is Going Off-Cloud: For enterprises of a certain scale, the cost of in-house IDC is around 10% of the list price of cloud services. Going off-cloud is both the endgame of orthodox FinOps and the starting point of true FinOps.

In-house Capabilities Determine Bargaining Power: Users with in-house capabilities can negotiate extremely low discounts even without going off-cloud, while companies without in-house capabilities can only pay a high “no-expert tax” to public cloud vendors.

Databases are Key to In-House Transition: Migrating stateless applications on K8S and data warehouses is relatively easy. The real challenge is building databases in-house without compromising quality and security.

Misaligned FinOps Focus

Compared to the amount of waste, the unit price of resources is the key point.

The FinOps Foundation states that FinOps focuses on “cloud cost optimization”. However, we believe that emphasizing only public clouds deliberately narrows this concept — the focus should be on the cost control and optimization of all resources, not just those on public clouds — including “hybrid clouds” and “private clouds”. Even without using public clouds, some FinOps methodologies can still be applied to the entire K8S cloud-native ecosystem. Because of this, many involved in FinOps are led astray — their focus is limited to reducing the quantity of cloud resource waste, neglecting a very important issue: unit price.

Total cost depends on two factors: Quantity ✖️ Unit Price. Compared to quantity, unit price might be the key to cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Previous speakers mentioned that about 1/3 of cloud resources are wasted on average, which is the optimization space for FinOps. However, if you use non-elastic services on public clouds, the unit price of the resources you use is already several to dozens of times higher, making the wasted portion negligible in comparison.

In the first stop of my career, I experienced a FinOps movement firsthand. Our BU was among the first internal users of Alibaba Cloud and also where the “data middle platform” concept originated. Alibaba Cloud sent over a dozen engineers to help us migrate to the cloud. After migrating to ODPS, our annual storage and computing costs were 70 million, and through FinOps methods like health scoring, we did optimize and save tens of millions. However, running the same services with an in-house Hadoop suite in our data center cost less than 10 million annuallysavings are good, but they’re nothing compared to the multiplied resource costs.

As cost reduction and efficiency become the main theme, cloud repatriation is becoming a trend. Alibaba, the inventor of the middle platform concept, has already started dismantling its own middle platform. Yet, many companies are still falling into the trap of the slaughterhouse, repeating the old path of cloud migration - cloud repatriation.

Public Clouds: A Slaughterhouse in Disguise

Attract customers with cheap EC2/S3, then slaughter them with EBS/RDS pricing.

The elasticity touted by public clouds is designed for their business model: low startup costs, exorbitant maintenance costs. Low initial costs lure users onto the cloud, and its good elasticity can adapt to business growth at any time. However, once the business stabilizes, vendor lock-in occurs, making it difficult to switch providers without incurring high costs, turning maintenance into a financial nightmare for users. This model is colloquially known as a pig slaughterhouse.

To slaughter pigs, one must first raise them. You can’t catch a wolf without putting your child at risk. Hence, for new users, startups, and small businesses, public clouds offer sweet deals, even at a loss, to make noise and attract business. New users get first-time discounts, startups receive free or half-price credits, and there’s a sophisticated pricing strategy. Taking AWS RDS pricing as an example, the mini models with 1 or 2 cores are priced at just a few dollars per core per month, translating to a few hundred yuan per year (excluding storage). This is an affordable option for those needing a low-usage database for small data storage.

However, even a slight increase in configuration leads to a magnitude increase in the price per core month, skyrocketing to twenty or thirty to a hundred dollars, sometimes even more — not to mention the shocking EBS prices. Users may only realize what has happened when they see the exorbitant bill suddenly appearing.

Compared to in-house solutions, the price of cloud resources is generally several to more than ten times higher, with a rent-to-buy ratio ranging from a few days to several months. For example, the cost of a physical server core month in an IDC, including all costs for network, electricity, maintenance, and IT staff, is about 19 yuan. Using a K8S container private cloud, the cost of a virtual core month is only 7 yuan.

In contrast, the price per core month for Alibaba Cloud’s ECS is a couple of hundred yuan, and for AWS EC2, it’s two to three hundred yuan. If you “don’t care about elasticity” and prepay for three years, you can usually get a discount of about 50-60%. But no matter how you calculate it, the price difference between cloud computing power and local in-house computing power is there and significant.

The pricing of cloud storage resources is even more outrageous. A common 3.2 TB enterprise-grade NVMe SSD, with its formidable performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, has a wholesale price of just over ¥3000, significantly outperforming older storage solutions. However, for the same storage on the cloud, providers dare to charge 100 times the price. Compared to direct hardware procurement, the cost of AWS EBS io2 is 120 times higher, while Alibaba Cloud’s ESSD PL3 is 200 times higher.

Using a 3.2TB enterprise-grade PCI-E SSD card as a benchmark, the rent-to-buy ratio on AWS is 15 days, while on Alibaba Cloud it’s less than 5 days, meaning renting for this period allows you to purchase the entire disk outright. If you opt for a three-year prepaid purchase on Alibaba Cloud with the maximum discount of 50%, the three-year rental fee could buy over 120 similar disks.

EBS: a real Scam

The price markup ratio of cloud databases (RDS) falls between that of cloud disks and cloud servers. For example, using RDS for PostgreSQL on AWS, a 64C / 256GB RDS costs $25,817 per month, equivalent to 180,000 yuan per month. One month’s rent is enough to purchase two servers with much better performance for in-house use. The rent-to-buy ratio is not even a month; renting for just over ten days would be enough to purchase an entire server.

Any rational enterprise user can see the folly in this: If the procurement of such services is not for short-term, temporary needs, then it definitely qualifies as a significant financial misjudgment.

Payment Model Price Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted IDC (Single Physical Server) ¥75k / 5 years 1.5
Self-hosted IDC (2-3 Server HA Cluster) ¥150k / 5 years 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (On-demand) ¥87.36/hour 76.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Monthly) ¥42k / month 50
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Yearly, 15% off) ¥425,095 / year 42.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (3-year, 50% off) ¥750,168 / 3 years 25
AWS (On-demand) $25,817 / month 217
AWS (1-year, no upfront) $22,827 / month 191.7
AWS (3-year, full upfront) $120k + $17.5k/month 175
AWS China/Ningxia (On-demand) ¥197,489 / month 237
AWS China/Ningxia (1-year, no upfront) ¥143,176 / month 171
AWS China/Ningxia (3-year, full upfront) ¥647k + ¥116k/month 160.6

Comparing the costs of self-hosting versus using a cloud database:

Method Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted Servers 64C / 384G / 3.2TB NVME SSD 660K IOPS (2-3 servers) 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS PG High-Availability pg.x4m.8xlarge.2c, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB ESSD PL3 25 ~ 50
AWS RDS PG High-Availability db.m5.16xlarge, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB io1 x 80k IOPS 160 ~ 217

RDS pricing compared to self-hosting, see “Is Cloud Database an idiot Tax?

Any meaningful cost reduction and efficiency increase initiative cannot ignore this issue: if there’s potential to slash resource prices by 50% to 200%, then focusing on a 30% reduction in waste is not a priority. As long as your main business is on the cloud, traditional FinOps is like scratching an itch through a boot — migrating off the cloud is the focal point of FinOps.

The Endgame of FinOps is Exiting from the Cloud

The well-fed do not understand the pangs of hunger, human joys and sorrows are not universally shared.

I spent five years at Tantan — a Nordic-style internet startup founded by a Swede. Nordic engineers have a characteristic pragmatism. When it comes to choosing between cloud and on-premise solutions, they are not swayed by hype or marketing but rather make decisions based on quantitative analysis of pros and cons. We meticulously calculated the costs of building our own infrastructure versus using the cloud — the straightforward conclusion was that the total cost of on-premise solutions (including labor) generally fluctuates between 10% to 100% of the list price for cloud services.

Thus, from its inception, Tantan chose to build its own infrastructure. Apart from overseas compliance businesses, CDN, and a very small amount of elastic services using public clouds, the main part of our operations was entirely hosted in IDC-managed data centers. Our database was not small, with 13K cores for PostgreSQL and 12K cores for Redis, 4.5 million QPS, and 300TB of unique transactional data. The annual cost for these two parts was less than 10 million yuan: including salaries for two DBAs, one network engineer, network and electricity, managed hosting fees, and hardware amortized over five years. However, for such a scale, if we were to use cloud databases, even with significant discounts, the starting cost would be between 50 to 60 million yuan, not to mention the even more expensive big data sector.

However, digitalization in enterprises is phased, and different companies are at different stages. For many internet companies, they have reached the stage where they are fully engaged with building cloud-native K8S ecosystems. At this stage, focusing on resource utilization, mixed online and offline deployments, and reducing waste are reasonable demands and directions where FinOps should concentrate its efforts. Yet, for the vast majority of enterprises outside the digital realm, the urgent need is not reducing waste but lowering the unit cost of resources — Dell servers can be discounted by 50%, IDC virtual machines by 50%, and even cloud services can be heavily discounted. Are these companies still paying the list price, or even facing several times the markup in rebates? A great many companies are still being severely exploited due to information asymmetry and lack of capability.

Enterprises should evaluate their scale and stage, assess their business, and weigh the pros and cons accordingly. For small-scale startups, the cloud can indeed save a lot of manpower costs, which is very attractive — but please be cautious not to be locked in by vendors due to the convenience offered. If your annual cloud expenditure has already exceeded 1 million yuan, it’s time to seriously consider the benefits of descending from the cloud — many businesses do not require the elasticity for massive concurrent spikes or training AI models. Paying a premium for temporary/sudden needs or overseas compliance is reasonable, but paying several times to tens of times more for unnecessary elasticity is wasteful. You can keep the truly elastic parts of your operations on the public cloud and transfer those parts that do not require elasticity to IDCs. Just by doing this, the cost savings could be astonishing.

Descending from the cloud is the ultimate goal of traditional FinOps and the starting point of true FinOps.

Self-Hosting Matters

“To seek peace through struggle is to preserve peace; to seek peace through compromise is to lose peace.”

When the times are favorable, the world joins forces; when fortune fades, even heroes lose their freedom: During the bubble phase, it was easy to disregard spending heavily in the cloud. However, in an economic downturn, cost reduction and efficiency become central themes. An increasing number of companies are realizing that using cloud services is essentially paying a “no-expert tax” and “protection money”. Consequently, a trend of “cloud repatriation” has emerged, with 37Signals’ DHH being one of the most notable proponents. Correspondingly, the revenue growth rate of major cloud providers worldwide has been experiencing a continuous decline, with Alibaba Cloud’s revenue even starting to shrink in the first quarter of 2023.

“Why Cloud Computing Hasn’t Yet Hit Its Stride in Earning Profits”

The underlying trend is the emergence of open-source alternatives, breaking down the technical barriers of public clouds; the advent of resource clouds/IDC2.0, offering a cost-effective alternative to public cloud resources; and the release of technical talents from large layoffs, along with the future of AI models, giving every industry the opportunity to possess the expert knowledge and capability required for self-hosting. Combining these trends, the combination of IDC2.0 + open-source self-hosting is becoming increasingly competitive: Bypassing the public cloud intermediaries and working directly with IDCs is clearly a more economical choice.

Public cloud providers are not incapable of engaging in the business of selling IDC resources profitably. Given their higher level of expertise compared to IDCs, they should, in theory, leverage their technological advantages and economies of scale to offer cheaper resources than IDC self-hosting. However, the harsh reality is that resource clouds can offer users virtual machines at a 80% discount, while public clouds cannot. Even considering the exponential growth law of Moore’s Law in the storage and computing industry, public clouds are actually increasing their prices every year!

Well-informed major clients, especially those capable of migrating at will, can indeed negotiate for 80% off the list prices with public clouds, a feat unlikely for smaller clients — in this sense, clouds are essentially subsidizing large clients by bleeding small and medium-sized clients dry. Cloud vendors offer massive discounts to large clients while fleecing small and medium-sized clients and developers, completely contradicting the original intention and vision of cloud computing.

Clouds lure in users with low initial prices, but once users are deeply locked in, the slaughter begins — the previously discussed discounts and benefits disappear at each renewal. Escaping the cloud entails a significant cost, leaving users in a dilemma between a rock and a hard place, forced to continue paying protection money.

However, for users with the capability to self-host, capable of flexibly moving between multi-cloud and on-premises hybrid clouds, this is not an issue: The trump card in negotiations is the ability to go off-cloud or migrate to another cloud at any time. This is more effective than any argument — as the saying goes, “To seek peace through struggle is to preserve peace; to seek peace through compromise is to lose peace.” The extent of cost reduction depends on your bargaining power, which in turn depends on your ability to self-host.

Self-hosting might seem daunting, but it is not difficult for those who know how. The key is addressing the core issues of resources and capabilities. In 2023, due to the emergence of resource clouds and open-source alternatives, these issues have become much simpler than before.

In terms of resources, IDC and resource clouds have solved the problem adequately. The aforementioned IDC self-hosting doesn’t mean buying land and building data centers from scratch but directly using the hosting services of resource clouds/IDCs — you might only need a network engineer to plan the network, with other maintenance tasks managed by the provider.

If you prefer not to hassle, IDCs can directly sell you virtual machines at 20% of the list price, or you can rent a physical server with 64C/256G for a couple thousand a month; whether renting an entire data center or just a single colocation space, it’s all feasible. A retail colocation space with comprehensive services can be settled for about five thousand a year, running a K8S or virtualization on a couple of hundred-core physical servers, why bother with flexible ECS?

FinOps Leads to CLoud-Exit

Building your own infrastructure comes with the added perk of extreme FinOps—utilizing out-of-warranty or even second-hand servers. Servers are typically depreciated over three to five years, yet it’s not rare to see them operational for eight to ten years. This contrasts with cloud services, where you’re just consuming resources; owning your server translates to tangible assets, making any extended use essentially a gain.

For instance, a new 64-core, 256GB server could cost around $7,000, but after a year or two, the price for such “electronic waste” drops to merely $400. By replacing the most failure-prone components with brand new enterprise-grade 3.2TB NVMe SSDs (costing $390), you could secure the entire setup for just $800.

In such scenarios, your vCPU·Month price could plummet to less than $0.15, a figure legendary in the gaming industry, where server costs can dip to mere cents. With Kubernetes (K8S) orchestration and database high-availability switching, reliability can be assured through parallel operation of multiple such servers, achieving an astonishing cost-efficiency ratio.

In terms of capability, with the emergence of sufficiently robust open-source alternatives, the difficulty of self-hosting has dramatically decreased compared to a few years ago.

For example, Kubernetes/OpenStack/SealOS are open-source alternatives to cloud providers’ EC2/ECS/VPS management software; MinIO/Ceph aim to replace S3/OSS; while Pigsty and various database operators serve as open-source substitutes for RDS cloud database management. There’s a plethora of open-source software available for effectively utilizing these resources, along with numerous commercial entities offering transparently priced support services.

Your operations should ideally converge to using just virtual machines and object storage, the lowest common denominator across all cloud providers. Ideally, all applications should run on Kubernetes, which can operate in any environment—be it a cloud-hosted K8S, ECS, dedicated servers, or your own data center. External states like database backups and big data warehouses should be managed with compute-storage separation, using MinIO/S3 storage.

Such a CloudNative tech stack theoretically enables operation and flexible migration across any resource environment, thus avoiding vendor lock-in and maintaining control. This allows you to either significantly cut costs by moving off the cloud or leverage it to negotiate discounts with public cloud providers.

However, self-hosting isn’t without risks, with RDS representing a major potential vulnerability.

Database: The Biggest Risk Factor

Cloud databases may not be the most expensive line item, but they are definitely the most deeply locked-in and challenging to migrate.

Quality, security, efficiency, and cost represent different levels of a hierarchical pyramid of needs. The goal of FinOps is to reduce costs and increase efficiency without compromising quality and security.

Stateless apps on K8S or offline big data platforms pose little fatal risk when migrating. Especially if you have already achieved big data compute-storage separation and stateless app cloud-native transformation, moving these components is generally not too troublesome. The former can afford a few hours of downtime, while the latter can be updated through blue-green deployments and canary releases. The database, serving as the working memory, is prone to major issues when migrated.

Most IT system architectures are centered around the database, making it the key risk point in cloud migration, particularly with OLTP databases/RDS. Many users hesitate to move off the cloud and self-host due to the lack of reliable database services — traditional Kubernetes Operators don’t fully replicate the cloud database experience: hosting OLTP databases on K8S/containers with EBS is not yet a mature practice.

There’s a growing demand for a viable open-source alternative to RDS, and that’s precisely what we aim to address: enabling users to establish a local RDS service in any environment that matches or exceeds cloud databases — Pigsty, a free open-source alternative to RDS PG. It empowers users to effectively utilize PostgreSQL, the world’s most advanced and successful database.

Pigsty is a non-profit, open-source software powered by community love. It offers a ready-to-use, feature-rich PostgreSQL distribution with automatic high availability, PITR, top-tier monitoring systems, Infrastructure as Code, cloud-based Terraform templates, local Vagrant sandbox for one-click installation, and SOP manuals for various operations, enabling quick RDS self-setup without needing a professional DBA.

Although Pigsty is a database distribution, it enables users to practice ultimate FinOps—running production-level PostgreSQL RDS services anywhere (ECS, resource clouds, data center servers, or even local laptop VMs) at almost pure resource cost. It turns the cost of cloud database capabilities from being proportional to marginal resource costs to nearly zero in fixed learning costs.

Perhaps it’s the socialist ethos of Nordic companies that nurtures such pure free software. Our goal isn’t profit but to promote a philosophy: to democratize the expertise of using the advanced open-source database PostgreSQL for everyone, not just cloud monopolies. Cloud providers monopolize open-source expertise and roles, exploiting free open-source software, and we aim to break this monopoly—Freedom is not free. You shouldn’t concede the world to those you despise but rather overturn their table.

This is the essence of FinOps—empowering users with viable alternatives and the ability to self-host, thus negotiating with cloud providers from a position of strength.


[1] 云计算为啥还没挖沙子赚钱?

[2] 云数据库是不是智商税?

[3] 云SLA是不是安慰剂?

[4] 云盘是不是杀猪盘?

[5] 范式转移:从云到本地优先

[6] 杀猪盘真的降价了吗?

[7] 炮打 RDS,Pigsty v2.0 发布

[8] 垃圾腾讯云CDN:从入门到放弃

[9] 云RDS:从删库到跑路

[10] 分布式数据库是伪需求吗?

[11] 微服务是不是个蠢主意?

[12] 更好的开源RDS替代:Pigsty

SLA: Placebo or Insurance?

In the world of cloud computing, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are seen as a cloud provider’s commitment to the quality of its services. However, a closer examination of these SLAs reveals that they might not offer the safety net one might expect: you might think you’ve insured your database for peace of mind, but in reality, you’ve bought a placebo that provides emotional comfort rather than actual coverage.

Insurance Policy or Placebo?

One of the reasons many users opt for cloud services is for the “safety net” they supposedly provide, often referring to the SLA when asked what this “safety net” entails. Cloud experts liken purchasing cloud services to buying insurance: certain failures might never occur throughout many companies’ lifespans, but should they happen, the consequences could be catastrophic. In such cases, a cloud service provider’s SLA is supposed to act as this safety net. Yet, when we actually review these SLAs, we find that this “policy” isn’t as useful as one might think.

Data is the lifeline of many businesses, and cloud storage serves as the foundation for nearly all data storage on the public cloud. Let’s take cloud storage services as an example. Many cloud service providers boast of their cloud storage services having nine nines of data reliability [1]. However, upon examining their SLAs, we find that these crucial promises are conspicuously absent from the SLAs [2].

What is typically included in the SLAs is the service’s availability. Even this promised availability is superficial, paling in comparison to the core business reliability metrics in the real world, with compensation schemes that are practically negligible in the face of common downtime losses. Compared to an insurance policy, SLAs more closely resemble placebos that offer emotional value.

Subpar Availability

The key metric used in cloud SLAs is availability. Cloud service availability is typically represented as the proportion of time a resource can be accessed from the outside, usually over a one-month period. If a user cannot access the resource over the Internet due to a problem on the cloud provider’s end, the resource is considered unavailable/down.

Taking the industry benchmark AWS as an example, most of its services use a similar SLA template [3]. The SLA for a single virtual machine on AWS is as follows [4]. This means that in the best-case scenario, if an EC2 instance on AWS is unavailable for less than 21 minutes in a month (99.9% availability), AWS compensates nothing. In the worst-case scenario, only when the unavailability exceeds 36 hours (95% availability) can you receive a 100% credit return.

Instance-Level SLA

For each individual Amazon EC2 instance (“Single EC2 Instance”), AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Single EC2 Instance available with an Instance-Level Uptime Percentage of at least 99.5%, in each case during any monthly billing cycle (the “Instance-Level SLA”). In the event any Single EC2 Instance does not meet the Instance-Level SLA, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.

Instance-Level Uptime Percentage Service Credit Percentage
Less than 99.5% but equal to or greater than 99.0% 10%
Less than 99.0% but equal to or greater than 95.0% 30%
Less than 95.0% 100%

Note: In addition to the Instance-Level SLA, AWS will not charge you for any Single EC2 Instance that is Unavailable for more than six minutes of a clockhour. This applies automatically and you do not need to request credit for any such hour with more than six minutes of Unavailability.

For some internet companies, a 15-minute service outage is enough to jeopardize bonuses, and a 30-minute outage is sufficient for leadership changes. The actual availability of core systems running most of the time might have five nines, six nines, or even infinite nines. Cloud providers, incubated from major internet companies, using such inferior availability metrics is indeed disappointing.

What’s more outrageous is that these compensations are not automatically provided to you after a failure occurs. Users are required to measure downtime themselves, submit evidence for claims within a specific timeframe (usually two months), and request compensation to receive any. This requires users to collect monitoring metrics and log evidence to negotiate with cloud providers, and the compensation returned is not in cash but in vouchers/duration compensations — meaning virtually no real loss for the cloud providers and no actual value for the users, with almost no chance of compensating for the actual losses incurred during service interruptions.

Is the “Safety Net” Meaningful?

For businesses, a “safety net” means minimizing losses as much as possible when failures occur. Unfortunately, SLAs are of little help in this regard.

The impact of service unavailability on business varies by industry, time, and duration. A brief outage of a few seconds to minutes might not significantly affect general industries, however, long-term outages (several hours to several days) can severely affect revenue and reputation.

In the Uptime Institute’s 2021 data center survey [5], several of the most severe outages cost respondents an average of nearly $1 million, not including the worst 2% of cases, which suffered losses exceeding $40 million.

However, SLA compensations are a drop in the ocean compared to these business losses. Taking the t4g.nano virtual machine instance in the us-east-1 region as an example, priced at about $3 per month. If the unavailability is less than 7 hours and 18 minutes (99% monthly availability), AWS will pay 10% of the monthly cost of that virtual machine, a total compensation of 30 cents. If the virtual machine is unavailable for less than 36 hours (95% availability within a month), the compensation is only 30% — less than $1. Only if the unavailability exceeds a day and a half, can users receive a full refund for the month — $3. Even if compensating for thousands of instances, this is virtually negligible compared to the losses.

In contrast, the traditional insurance industry genuinely provides coverage for its customers. For instance, SF Express charges 1% of the item’s value for insurance, but if the item is lost, they compensate the full amount. Similarly, commercial health insurance costing tens of thousands yearly can cover millions in medical expenses. “Insurance” in this industry truly means you get what you pay for.

Cloud service providers charge far more than the BOM for their expensive services (see: “Are Public Clouds a Pig Butchering Scam?” [7]), but when service issues arise, their so-called “safety net” compensation is merely vouchers, which is clearly unfair.

Vanished Reliability

Some people use cloud services to “pass the buck,” absolving themselves of responsibility. However, some critical responsibilities cannot be shifted to external IT suppliers, such as data security. Users might tolerate temporary service unavailability, but the damage caused by lost or corrupted data is often unacceptable. Blindly trusting exaggerated promises can have severe consequences, potentially a matter of life and death for a startup.

In storage products offered by various cloud providers, it’s common to see promises of nine nines of reliability [1], implying a one in a billion chance of data loss when using cloud disks. Examining actual reports on cloud provider disk failure rates [6] casts doubt on these figures. However, as long as providers are bold enough to make, stand by, and honor such claims, there shouldn’t be an issue.

Yet, upon examining the SLAs of various cloud providers, this promise disappears! [2]

In the 2018 sensational case “The Disaster Tencent Cloud Brought to a Startup Company!” [8], the startup believed the cloud provider’s promises and stored data on server hard drives, only to encounter what was termed “silent disk errors”: “Years of accumulated data were lost, causing nearly ten million yuan in losses.” Tencent Cloud expressed apologies to the company, willing to compensate the actual expenses incurred on Tencent Cloud totaling 3,569 yuan and, with the aim of helping the business quickly recover, promised an additional compensation of 132,900 yuan

What Exactly is an SLA

Having discussed this far, proponents of cloud services might play their last card: although the post-failure “safety net” is a facade, what users need is to avoid failures as much as possible. According to the SLA promises, there is a 99.99% probability of avoiding failures, which is of the most value to users.

However, SLAs are deliberately confused with the actual reliability of the service: Users should not consider SLAs as reliable indicators of service availability — not even as accurate records of past availability levels. For providers, an SLA is not a real commitment to reliability or a track record but a marketing tool designed to convince buyers that the cloud provider can host critical business applications.

The UPTIME INSTITUTE’s annual data center failure analysis report shows that many cloud services perform below their published SLAs. The analysis of failures in 2022 found that efforts to contain the frequency of failures have failed, and the cost and consequences of failures are worsening [9].

Key Findings Include:

  • High outage rates haven’t changed significantly. One in five organizations report experiencing a “serious” or “severe” outage (involving significant financial losses, reputational damage, compliance breaches and in some severe cases, loss of life) in the past three years, marking a slight upward trend in the prevalence of major outages. According to Uptime’s 2022 Data Center Resiliency Survey, 80% of data center managers and operators have experienced some type of outage in the past three years – a marginal increase over the norm, which has fluctuated between 70% and 80%.
  • The proportion of outages costing over $100,000 has soared in recent years. Over 60% of failures result in at least $100,000 in total losses, up substantially from 39% in 2019. The share of outages that cost upwards of $1 million increased from 11% to 15% over that same period.
  • Power-related problems continue to dog data center operators. Power-related outages account for 43% of outages that are classified as significant (causing downtime and financial loss). The single biggest cause of power incidents is uninterruptible power supply (UPS) failures.
  • Networking issues are causing a large portion of IT outages. According to Uptime’s 2022 Data Center Resiliency Survey, networking-related problems have been the single biggest cause of all IT service downtime incidents – regardless of severity – over the past three years. Outages attributed to software, network and systems issues are on the rise due to complexities from the increasing use of cloud technologies, software-defined architectures and hybrid, distributed architectures.
  • The overwhelming majority of human error-related outages involve ignored or inadequate procedures. Nearly 40% of organizations have suffered a major outage caused by human error over the past three years. Of these incidents, 85% stem from staff failing to follow procedures or from flaws in the processes and procedures themselves.
  • External IT providers cause most major public outages. The more workloads that are outsourced to external providers, the more these operators account for high-profile, public outages. Third-party, commercial IT operators (including cloud, hosting, colocation, telecommunication providers, etc.) account for 63% of all publicly reported outages that Uptime has tracked since 2016. In 2021, commercial operators caused 70% of all outages.
  • Prolonged downtime is becoming more common in publicly reported outages. The gap between the beginning of a major public outage and full recovery has stretched significantly over the last five years. Nearly 30% of these outages in 2021 lasted more than 24 hours, a disturbing increase from just 8% in 2017.
  • Public outage trends suggest there will be at least 20 serious, high-profile IT outages worldwide each year. Of the 108 publicly reported outages in 2021, 27 were serious or severe. This ratio has been fairly consistent since the Uptime Intelligence team began cataloging major outages in 2016, indicating that roughly one-fourth of publicly recorded outages each year are likely to be serious or severe.

Rather than compensating users, SLAs are more of a “punishment” for cloud providers when their service quality fails to meet standards. The deterrent effect of the punishment depends on the certainty and severity of the punishment. Monthly duration/voucher compensations impose virtually no real cost on cloud providers, making the severity of the punishment nearly zero; compensation also requires users to submit evidence and get approval from the cloud provider, meaning the certainty is not high either.

Compared to experts and engineers who might lose bonuses and jobs due to failures, the punishment of SLAs for cloud providers is akin to a slap on the wrist. If the punishment is meaningless, then cloud providers have no incentive to improve service quality. When users encounter problems, they can only wait and die, and the service attitude towards small customers, in particular, is arrogantly dismissive compared to self-built/third-party service companies.

More subtly, cloud providers have absolute power over the SLA agreement: they reserve the right to unilaterally adjust and revise SLAs and inform users of their effectiveness, leaving users with only the right to choose not to use the service, without any participation or choice. As a default “take-it-or-leave-it” clause, it blocks any possibility for users to seek meaningful compensation.

Thus, SLAs are not an insurance policy against losses for users. In the worst-case scenario, it’s an unavoidable loss; at best, it provides emotional comfort. Therefore, when choosing cloud services, we need to be vigilant and fully understand the contents of their SLAs to make informed decisions.


【1】阿里云 ESSD云盘

【2】阿里云 SLA 汇总页

【3】AWS SLA 汇总页

【4】AWS EC2 SLA 样例


【6】NVMe SSD失效率统计



【9】Uptime Institute 2022 故障分析

EBS: Pig Slaughter Scam

We already answer the question: Is RDS an Idiot Tax?. But when compared to the hundredfold markup of public cloud block storage, cloud databases seem almost reasonable. This article uses real data to reveal the true business model of public cloud: “Cheap” EC2/S3 to attract customers, and fleece with “Expensive” EBS/RDS. Such practices have led public clouds to diverge from their original mission and vision.


EC2/S3/EBS pricing serves as the anchor for all cloud services pricing. While the pricing for EC2/S3 might still be considered reasonable, EBS pricing is outright extortionate. The best block storage services offered by public cloud providers are essentially on par with off-the-shelf PCI-E NVMe SSDs in terms of performance specifications. Yet, compared to direct hardware purchases, the cost of AWS EBS can be up to 60 times higher, and Alibaba Cloud’s ESSD can reach up to 100 times higher.

Why is there such a staggering markup for plug-and-play disk hardware? Cloud providers fail to justify the exorbitant prices. When considering the design and pricing models of other cloud storage services, there’s only one plausible explanation: The high markup on EBS is a deliberately set barrier, intended to fleece cloud database customers.

With EC2 and EBS serving as the pricing anchors for cloud databases, their markups are several and several dozen times higher, respectively, thus supporting the exorbitant profit margins of cloud databases. However, such monopolistic profits are unsustainable: the impact of IDC 2.0/telecom/national cloud on IaaS; private cloud/cloud-native/open source as alternatives to PaaS; and the tech industry’s massive layoffs, AI disruption, and the impact of China’s low labor costs on cloud services (through IT outsourcing/shared expertise). If public clouds continue to adhere to their current fleecing model, diverging from their original mission of providing fundamental compute and storage infrastructure, they will inevitably face increasingly severe competition and challenges from the aforementioned forces.

WHAT a Scam!

When you use a microwave at home to heat up a ready-to-eat braised chicken rice meal costing 10 yuan, you wouldn’t mind if a restaurant charges you 30 yuan for microwaving the same meal and serving it to you, considering the costs of rent, utilities, labor, and service. But what if the restaurant charges you 1000 yuan for the same dish, claiming: “What we offer is not just braised chicken rice, but a reliable and flexible dining service”, with the chef controlling the quality and cooking time, pay-per-portion so you get exactly as much as you want, pay-per-need so you get as much as you eat, with options to switch to hot and spicy soup or skewers if you don’t feel like chicken, claiming it’s all worth the price. Wouldn’t you feel the urge to give the owner a piece of your mind? This is exactly what’s happening with block storage!

With hardware technology evolving rapidly, PCI-E NVMe SSDs have reached a new level of performance across various metrics. A common 3.2 TB enterprise-grade MLC SSD offers incredible performance, reliability, and value for money, costing less than ¥3000, significantly outperforming older storage solutions.

Aliyun ESSD PL3 and our own IDC’s procured PCI-E NVMe SSDs come from the same supplier. Hence, their maximum capacity and IOPS limitations are identical. AWS’s top-tier block storage solution, io2 Block Express, also shares similar specifications and metrics. Cloud providers’ highest-end storage solutions utilize these 32TB single cards, leading to a maximum capacity limit of 32TB (64TB for AWS), which suggests a high degree of hardware consistency underneath.

However, compared to direct hardware procurement, the cost of AWS EBS io2 is up to 120 times higher, while Aliyun’s ESSD PL3 is up to 200 times higher. Taking a 3.2TB enterprise-grade PCI-E SSD card as a reference, the ratio of on-demand rental to purchase price is 15 days on AWS and less than 5 days on Aliyun, meaning you could own the entire disk after renting it for this duration. If you opt for a three-year prepaid purchase on Aliyun, taking advantage of the maximum 50% discount, the rental fees over three years could buy over 120 disks of the same model.

Is that SSD made of gold ?

Cloud providers argue that block storage should be compared to SAN rather than local DAS, which should be compared to instance storage (Host Storage) on the cloud. However, public cloud instance storage is generally ephemeral (Ephemeral Storage), with data being wiped once the instance is paused/stopped【7,11】, making it unsuitable for serious production databases. Cloud providers themselves advise against storing critical data on it. Therefore, the only viable option for database storage is EBS block storage. Products like DBFS, which have similar performance and cost metrics to EBS, are also included in this category.

Ultimately, users care not about whether the underlying hardware is SAN, SSD, or HDD; the real priorities are tangible metrics: latency, IOPS, reliability, and cost. Comparing local options with the best cloud solutions poses no issue, especially when the top-tier cloud storage uses the same local disks.

Some “experts” claim that cloud block storage is stable and reliable, offering multi-replica redundancy and error correction. In the past, Share Everything databases required SAN storage, but many databases now operate on a Share Nothing architecture. Redundancy is managed at the database instance level, eliminating the need for triple-replica storage redundancy, especially since enterprise-grade disks already possess strong self-correction capabilities and safety redundancy (UBER < 1e-18). With redundancy already in place at the database level, multi-replica block storage becomes an unnecessary waste for databases. Even if cloud providers did use two additional replicas for redundancy, it would only reduce the markup from 200x to 66x, without fundamentally changing the situation.

“Experts” also liken purchasing “cloud services” to buying insurance: “An annual failure rate of 0.02% may seem negligible to most, but a single incident can be devastating, with the cloud provider offering a safety net.” This sounds appealing, but a closer look at cloud providers’ EBS SLAs reveals no guarantees for reliability. ESSD cloud disk promotions mention 9 nines of data reliability, but such claims are conspicuously absent from the SLAs. Cloud providers only guarantee availability, and even then, the guarantees are modest, as illustrated by the AWS EBS SLA:

Is the Cloud SLA Just a Placebo?

In plain language: if the service is down for a day and a half in a month (95% availability), you get a 100% coupon for that month’s service fee; seven hours of downtime (99%) yields a 30% coupon; and a few minutes of downtime (99.9% for a single disk, 99.99% for a region) earns a 10% coupon. Cloud providers charge a hundredfold more, yet offer mere coupons as compensation for significant outages. Applications that can’t tolerate even a few minutes of downtime wouldn’t benefit from these meager coupons, reminiscent of the past incident, “The Disaster Tencent Cloud Brought to a Startup Company.”

SF Express offers 1% insurance for parcels, compensating for losses with real money. Annual commercial health insurance plans costing tens of thousands can cover millions in expenses when issues arise. The insurance industry should not be insulted; it operates on a principle of value for money. Thus, an SLA is not an insurance policy against losses for users. At worst, it’s a bitter pill to swallow without recourse; at best, it provides emotional comfort.

The premium charged for cloud database services might be justified by “expert manpower,” but this rationale falls flat for plug-and-play disks, with cloud providers unable to explain the exorbitant price markup. When pressed, their engineers might only say:

“We’re just following AWS; that’s how they designed it.”

WHY so Pricing?

Even engineers within public cloud services may not fully grasp the rationale behind their pricing strategies, and those who do are unlikely to share. However, this does not prevent us from deducing the reasoning behind such decisions from the design of the product itself.

Storage follows a de facto standard: POSIX file system + block storage. Whether it’s database files, images, audio, or video, they all use the same file system interface to store data on disks. But AWS’s “divine intervention” splits this into two distinct services: S3 (Simple Storage Service) and EBS (Elastic Block Store). Many “followers” have imitated AWS’s product design and pricing model, yet the logic and principles behind such actions remain elusive.

Aliyun EBS OSS Compare

S3, standing for Simple Storage Service, is a simplified alternative to file system/storage: sacrificing strong consistency, directory management, and access latency for the sake of low cost and massive scalability. It offers a simple, high-latency, high-throughput flat KV storage service, detached from standard storage services. This aspect, being cost-effective, serves as a major allure for users to migrate to the cloud, thus becoming possibly the only de facto cloud computing standard across all public cloud providers.

Databases, on the other hand, require low latency, strong consistency, high quality, high performance, and random read/write block storage, which is encapsulated in the EBS service: Elastic Block Store. This segment becomes the forbidden fruit for cloud providers: reluctant to let users dabble. Because EBS serves as the pricing anchor for RDS — the barrier and moat for cloud databases.

For IaaS providers, who make their living by selling resources, there’s not much room for price inflation, as costs can be precisely calculated against the BOM. However, for PaaS services like cloud databases, which include “services,” labor/development costs are significantly marked up, allowing for astronomical pricing and high profits. Despite storage, computing, and networking making up half of the revenue for domestic public cloud IaaS, their gross margin stands only at 15% to 20%. In contrast, public cloud PaaS, represented by cloud databases, can achieve gross margins of 50% or higher, vastly outperforming the IaaS model.

If users opt to use IaaS resources (EC2/EBS) to build their own databases, it represents a significant loss of profit for cloud providers. Thus, cloud providers go to great lengths to prevent this scenario. But how is such a product designed to meet this need?

Firstly, instance storage, which is best suited for self-hosted databases, must come with various restrictions: instances that are hibernated/stopped are reclaimed and wiped, preventing serious production database services from running on EC2’s built-in disks. Although EBS’s performance and reliability might slightly lag behind local NVMe SSD storage, it’s still viable for database operations, hence the restrictions: but not without giving users an option, hence the exorbitant pricing! As compensation, the secondary, cheaper, and massive storage option, S3, can be priced more affordably to lure customers.

Of course, to make customers bite, some cloud computing KOLs promote the accompanying “public cloud-native” philosophy: “EC2 is not suitable for stateful applications. Please store state in S3 or RDS and other managed services, as these are the ‘best practices’ for using our cloud.”

These four points are well summarized, but what public clouds will not disclose is the cost of these “best practices.” To put these four points in layman’s terms, they form a carefully designed trap for customers:

Dump ordinary files in S3! (With such cost-effective S3, who needs EBS?)

Don’t build your own database! (Forget about tinkering with open-source alternatives using instance storage)

Please deeply use the vendor’s proprietary identity system (vendor lock-in)

Faithfully contribute to the cloud database! (Once users are locked in, the time to “slaughter” arrives)

HOW to Do that

The business model of public clouds can be summarized as: Attract customers with cheap EC2/S3, make a killing with EBS/RDS.

To slaughter the pig, you first need to raise it. No pains, no gains. Thus, for new users, startups, and small-to-medium enterprises, public clouds spare no effort in offering sweeteners, even at a loss, to drum up business. New users enjoy a significant discount on their first order, startups receive free or half-price credits, and the pricing strategy is subtly crafted.

Taking AWS RDS pricing as an example, the unit price for mini models with 1 to 2 cores is only a few dollars per core per month, which translates to three to four hundred yuan per year (excluding storage): If you need a low-usage database for minor storage, this might be the most straightforward and affordable choice.

However, as soon as you slightly increase the configuration, even by just a little, the price per core per month jumps by orders of magnitude, reaching twenty to a hundred dollars, with the potential to skyrocket by dozens of times — and that’s before the doubling effect of the astonishing EBS prices. Users only realize what has happened when they are faced with a suddenly astronomical bill.

For instance, using RDS for PostgreSQL on AWS, the price for a 64C / 256GB db.m5.16xlarge RDS for one month is $25,817, which is equivalent to about 180,000 yuan per month. The monthly rent is enough for you to buy two servers with even better performance and set them up on your own. The rent-to-buy ratio doesn’t even last a month; renting for just over ten days is enough to buy the whole server for yourself.

Payment Model Price Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted IDC (Single Physical Server) ¥75k / 5 years 1.5
Self-hosted IDC (2-3 Server HA Cluster) ¥150k / 5 years 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (On-demand) ¥87.36/hour 76.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Monthly) ¥42k / month 50
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Yearly, 15% off) ¥425,095 / year 42.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (3-year, 50% off) ¥750,168 / 3 years 25
AWS (On-demand) $25,817 / month 217
AWS (1-year, no upfront) $22,827 / month 191.7
AWS (3-year, full upfront) $120k + $17.5k/month 175
AWS China/Ningxia (On-demand) ¥197,489 / month 237
AWS China/Ningxia (1-year, no upfront) ¥143,176 / month 171
AWS China/Ningxia (3-year, full upfront) ¥647k + ¥116k/month 160.6

Comparing the costs of self-hosting versus using a cloud database:

Method Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted Servers 64C / 384G / 3.2TB NVME SSD 660K IOPS (2-3 servers) 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS PG High-Availability pg.x4m.8xlarge.2c, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB ESSD PL3 25 ~ 50
AWS RDS PG High-Availability db.m5.16xlarge, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB io1 x 80k IOPS 160 ~ 217

RDS pricing compared to self-hosting, see “Is Cloud Database an idiot Tax?

Any rational business user can see the logic here: **If the purchase of such a service is not for short-term, temporary needs, then it is definitely considered a major financial misstep.

This is not just the case with Relational Database Services / RDS, but with all sorts of cloud databases. MongoDB, ClickHouse, Cassandra, if it uses EC2 / EBS, they are all doing the same. Take the popular NoSQL document database MongoDB as an example:

This kind of pricing could only come from a product manager without a decade-long cerebral thrombosis

Five years is the typical depreciation period for servers, and with the maximum discount, a 12-node (64C 512G) configuration is priced at twenty-three million. The minor part of this quote alone could easily cover the five-year hardware maintenance, plus you could afford a team of MongoDB experts to customize and set up as you wish.

Fine dining restaurants charge a 15% service fee on dishes, and users can understand and support this reasonable profit margin. If cloud databases charge a few tens of percent on top of hardware resources for service fees and elasticity premiums (let’s not even start on software costs for cloud services that piggyback on open-source), it can be justified as pricing for productive elements, with the problems solved and services provided being worth the money.

However, charging several hundred or even thousands of percent as a premium falls into the category of destructive element distribution: cloud providers bank on the fact that once users are onboard, they have no alternatives, and migration would incur significant costs, so they can confidently proceed with the slaughter! In this sense, the money users pay is not for the service, but rather a compulsory levy of a “no-expert tax” and “protection money”.

The Forgotten Vision

Facing accusations of “slaughtering the pig,” cloud vendors often defend themselves by saying: “Oh, what you’re seeing is the list price. Sure, it’s said to be a minimum of 50% off, but for major customers, there are no limits to the discounts.” As a rule of thumb: the cost of self-hosting fluctuates around 5% to 10% of the current cloud service list prices. If such discounts can be maintained long-term, cloud services become more competitive than self-hosting.

Professional and knowledgeable large customers, especially those capable of migrating at any time, can indeed negotiate steep discounts of up to 80% with public clouds, while smaller customers naturally lack bargaining power and are unlikely to secure such deals.

However, cloud computing should not turn into ‘calculating clouds’: if cloud providers can only offer massive discounts to large enterprises while “shearing the sheep” and “slaughtering the pig” when dealing with small and medium-sized customers and developers, they are essentially robbing the poor to subsidize the rich. This practice completely contradicts the original intent and vision of cloud computing and is unsustainable in the long run.

When cloud computing first emerged, the focus was on the cloud hardware / IaaS layer: computing power, storage, bandwidth. Cloud hardware represents the founding story of cloud vendors: to make computing and storage resources as accessible as utilities, with themselves playing the role of infrastructure providers. This is a compelling vision: public cloud vendors can reduce hardware costs and spread labor costs through economies of scale; ideally, while keeping a profit for themselves, they can offer storage and computing power that is more cost-effective and flexible than IDC prices.

On the other hand, cloud software (PaaS / SaaS) follows a fundamentally different business logic: cloud hardware relies on economies of scale to optimize overall efficiency and earn money through resource pooling and overselling, which represents a progress in efficiency. Cloud software, however, relies on sharing expertise and charging service fees for outsourced operations and maintenance. Many services on the public cloud are essentially wrappers around free open-source software, relying on monopolizing expertise and exploiting information asymmetry to charge exorbitant insurance fees, which constitutes a transfer of value.

Unfortunately, for the sake of obfuscation, both cloud software and cloud hardware are branded under the “cloud” title. Thus, the narrative of cloud computing mixes breaking resource monopolies with establishing expertise monopolies: it combines the idealistic glow of democratizing computing power across millions of households with the greed of monopolizing and unethically profiting from it.

Public cloud providers that abandon platform neutrality and their original intent of being infrastructure providers, indulging in PaaS / SaaS / and even application layer profiteering, will sink in a bottomless competition.

Where to Go

Monopolistic profits vanish as competition emerges, plunging public cloud providers into a grueling battle.

At the infrastructure level, telecom operators, state-owned clouds, and IDC 1.5/2.0 have entered the fray, offering highly competitive IaaS services. These services include turnkey network and electricity hosting and maintenance, with high-end servers available for either purchase and hosting or direct rental at actual prices, showing no fear in terms of flexibility.

IDC 2.0’s new server rental model: Actual price rental, ownership transfers to the user after a full term

On the software front, what once were the technical barriers of public clouds, various management software / PaaS solutions, have seen excellent open-source alternatives emerge. OpenStack / Kubernetes have replaced EC2, MinIO / Ceph have taken the place of S3, and on RDS, open-source alternatives like Pigsty and various K8S Operators have appeared.

The whole “cloud-native” movement, in essence, is the open-source ecosystem’s response to the challenge of public cloud “freeloading”: users and developers have created a complete set of local-priority public cloud open-source alternatives to avoid being exploited by public cloud providers.

The term “CloudNative” is aptly named, reflecting different perspectives: public clouds see it as being “born on the public cloud,” while private clouds think of it as “running cloud-like services locally.” Ironically, the biggest proponents of Kubernetes are the public clouds themselves, akin to a salesman crafting his own noose.

In the context of economic downturn, cost reduction and efficiency gains have become the main theme. Massive layoffs in the tech sector, coupled with the future large-scale impact of AI on intellectual industries, will release a large amount of related talent. Additionally, the low-wage advantage in our era will significantly alleviate the scarcity and high cost of building one’s own talent pool. Labor costs, in comparison to cloud service costs, offer much more advantage.

Considering these trends, the combination of IDC2.0 and open-source self-building is becoming increasingly competitive: for organizations with a bit of scale and talent reserves, bypassing public clouds as middlemen and directly collaborating with IDCs is clearly a more economical choice.

Staying true to the original mission is essential. Public clouds do an admirable job at the cloud hardware / IaaS level, except for being outrageously expensive, there aren’t many issues, and the offerings are indeed solid. If they could return to their original vision and truly excel as providers of basic infrastructure, akin to utilities, selling resources might not offer high margins, but it would allow them to earn money standing up. Continuing down the path of exploitation, however, will ultimately lead customers to vote with their feet.


【1】撤离 AWS:3年省下27.5亿元




【5】炮打 RDS,Pigsty v2.0 发布

【6】Shannon NVMe Gen4 Series


【8】AWS io2 gp3 存储性能与定价


【10】AWS EC2 / RDS 报价查询

【11】Aliyun:Host Storage





RDS: The Idiot Tax

As the season of layoffs hits big tech companies, cost-cutting and efficiency are top of mind. Public cloud databases, often referred to as the “slaughterhouse knives” of the cloud, are under increasing scrutiny. The question now is: Can their dominance continue?

Recently, DHH (David Heinemeier Hansson), co-founder of Basecamp and HEY, published a thought-provoking piece that has sparked a lot of debate. His core message is succinct:

“We spend $500,000 a year on cloud databases (RDS/ES). Do you know how many powerful servers that kind of money could buy?

We’re off the cloud. Goodbye!

So, How Many Powerful Servers Could $500,000 Buy?

Absurd Pricing

Sharpening the knives for the sheep and pigs

Let’s rephrase the question: how much do servers and RDS (Relational Database Service) cost?

Taking the physical server model we heavily use as an example: Dell R730, 64 cores, 384GB of memory, equipped with a 3.2 TB MLC NVME SSD. A server like this, running a standard production-level PostgreSQL, can handle up to hundreds of thousands of TPS (Transactions Per Second), and read-only queries can reach four to five hundred thousand. How much does it cost? Including electricity, internet, IDC (Internet Data Center) hosting, and maintenance fees, and amortizing the cost over a 5-year depreciation period, the total lifecycle cost is around seventy-five thousand, or fifteen thousand per year. Of course, for production use, high availability is a must, so a typical database cluster would need two to three physical servers, amounting to an annual cost of thirty to forty-five thousand dollars.

This calculation does not include the cost of DBA (Database Administrator) salaries: managing tens of thousands of cores with just two or three people is not that expensive.

If you directly purchase a cloud database of this specification, what would the cost be? Let’s look at the pricing from Alibaba Cloud in China. Since the basic version is practically unusable for production (for reference, see: “Cloud Database: From Deletion to Desertion”), we’ll choose the high-availability version, which usually involves two to three instances. Opting for a yearly or monthly subscription, for an exclusive use of a 64-core, 256GB instance with PostgreSQL 15 on x86 in East China 1 availability zone, and adding a 3.2TB ESSD PL3 cloud disk, the annual cost ranges from 250,000 (for a 3-year contract) to 750,000 (on-demand), with storage costs accounting for about a third.

Let’s also consider AWS, the leading public cloud provider. The closest equivalent on AWS is the db.m5.16xlarge, also with 64 cores and 256GB across multiple availability zones. Similarly, we add a 3.2TB io1 SSD disk with up to 80,000 IOPS, and review the global and China-specific pricing from AWS. The overall cost ranges from 1.6 million to 2.17 million yuan per year, with storage costs accounting for about half. The table below summarizes the costs:

Payment Model Price Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted IDC (Single Physical Server) ¥75k / 5 years 1.5
Self-hosted IDC (2-3 Server HA Cluster) ¥150k / 5 years 3.0 ~ 4.5
AWS (On-demand) $25,817 / month 217
AWS (1-year, no upfront) $22,827 / month 191.7
AWS (3-year, full upfront) $120k + $17.5k/month 175
AWS China/Ningxia (On-demand) ¥197,489 / month 237
AWS China/Ningxia (1-year, no upfront) ¥143,176 / month 171
AWS China/Ningxia (3-year, full upfront) ¥647k + ¥116k/month 160.6

Comparing the costs of self-hosting versus using a cloud database:

Method Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted Servers 64C / 384G / 3.2TB NVME SSD 660K IOPS (2-3 servers) 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS PG High-Availability pg.x4m.8xlarge.2c, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB ESSD PL3 25 ~ 50
AWS RDS PG High-Availability db.m5.16xlarge, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB io1 x 80k IOPS 160 ~ 217

So, the question arises, if the cost of using a cloud database for one year is enough to buy several or even more than a dozen better-performing servers, what then is the real benefit of using a cloud database? Of course, large public cloud customers can usually receive business discounts, but even with discounts, the magnitude of the cost difference is hard to ignore.

Is using a cloud database essentially paying a “tax” for lack of better judgment?

Comfort Zone

No Silver Bullet

Databases are the heart of data-intensive applications, and since applications follow the lead of databases, choosing the right database requires great care. Evaluating a database involves many dimensions: reliability, security, simplicity, scalability, extensibility, observability, maintainability, cost-effectiveness, and more. What clients truly care about are these attributes, not the fluffy tech hype: decoupling of compute and storage, Serverless, HTAP, cloud-native, hyper-converged… These must be translated into the language of engineering: what is sacrificed for what is gained to be meaningful.

Public cloud proponents like to gild it: cost-saving, flexible elasticity, reliable security, a panacea for enterprise digital transformation, a revolution from horse-drawn carriage to automobile, good, fast, and cheap, and so on. Unfortunately, few of these claims are realistic. Cutting through the fluff, the only real advantage of cloud databases over professional database services is elasticity, specifically in two aspects: low startup costs and strong scalability.

Low startup costs mean that users don’t need to build data centers, hire and train personnel, or purchase servers to get started; strong scalability refers to the ease of upgrading or downgrading configurations and scaling capacity. Thus, the core scenarios where public cloud truly fits are these two:

  1. Initial stages, simple applications with minimal traffic
  2. Workloads with no predictable pattern, experiencing drastic fluctuations

The former mainly includes simple websites, personal blogs, small apps and tools, demos/PoC, and the latter includes low-frequency data analysis/model training, sudden spike sales or ticket grabs, celebrity concurrent affairs, and other special scenarios.

The business model of the public cloud is essentially renting: renting servers, bandwidth, storage, experts. It’s fundamentally no different from renting houses, cars, or power banks. Of course, renting servers and outsourcing operations doesn’t sound very appealing, hence the term “cloud” sounds more like a cyber landlord. The characteristic of the renting model is its elasticity.

The renting model has its benefits, for example, shared power banks can meet the temporary, small-scale charging needs when out and about. However, for many people who travel daily between home and work, using shared power banks to charge phones and computers every day is undoubtedly absurd, especially when renting a power bank for an hour costs about the same as buying one outright after just a few hours. Renting a car can perfectly meet temporary, emergency, or one-off transportation needs: traveling or hauling goods on short notice. But if your travel needs are frequent and local, purchasing an autonomous car might be the most convenient and cost-effective choice.

The key issue is the rent-to-own ratio, with houses taking decades, cars a few years, but public cloud servers usually only a few months. If your business can sustain for more than a few months, why rent instead of buying outright?

Thus, the money cloud vendors make comes either from VC-funded tech startups seeking explosive growth, from entities in gray areas where the rent-seeking space exceeds the cloud premium, from the foolishly wealthy, or from a mishmash of webmasters, students, VPN individual users. Smart, high-net-worth enterprise customers, who could enjoy a comfortable, affordable big house, why would they choose to squeeze into rental cube apartments?

If your business fits within the suitable spectrum for the public cloud, that’s fantastic; but paying several times or even more than a tenfold premium for unnecessary flexibility and elasticity is purely a tax on lack of intelligence.

The Cost Assassin

Profit margins lie in information asymmetry, but you can’t fool everyone forever.

The elasticity of public clouds is designed for their business model: low startup costs, high maintenance costs. Low startup costs lure users to the cloud, and the excellent elasticity adapts to business growth at any time. However, once the business stabilizes, vendor lock-in occurs, making it difficult to switch providers, and the high maintenance costs become unbearable for users. This model is colloquially known as the pig slaughtering scam.

In the first stop of my career, I had such a pig slaughtering experience that remains vivid in my memory. As one of the first internal BUs forced onto A Cloud, A Cloud directly sent engineers to handhold us through the cloud migration process. We replaced our self-built big data/database suite with ODPS. The service was indeed decent, but the annual cost of storage and computing soared from tens of millions to nearly a hundred million, almost transferring all profits to A Cloud, making it the ultimate cost assassin.

At my next stop, the situation was entirely different. We managed a PostgreSQL and Redis database cluster with 25,000 cores and 4.5 million QPS. For databases of this size, if charged by AWS RCU/WCU, the cost would be billions annually; even with a long-term, yearly subscription and a substantial business discount, it would still cost at least fifty to sixty million. Yet, we had only two or three DBAs and a few hundred servers, with a total annual cost of manpower and assets of less than ten million.

Here, we can calculate the unit cost in a simple way: the comprehensive cost of using one core (including memory/disk) for a month, termed as core·month. We have calculated the costs of self-built server types and compared them with the quotes from cloud providers, with the following rough results:

硬件算力 单价
IDC自建机房(独占物理机 A1: 64C384G) 19
IDC自建机房(独占物理机 B1: 40C64G) 26
IDC自建机房(独占物理机 C2: 8C16G) 38
IDC自建机房(容器,超卖200%) 17
IDC自建机房(容器,超卖500%) 7
UCloud 弹性虚拟机(8C16G,有超卖) 25
阿里云 弹性服务器 2x内存(独占无超卖) 107
阿里云 弹性服务器 4x内存(独占无超卖) 138
阿里云 弹性服务器 8x内存(独占无超卖) 180
AWS C5D.METAL 96C 200G (按月无预付) 100
AWS C5D.METAL 96C 200G(预付3年) 80
AWS RDS PostgreSQL db.T2 (4x) 440
AWS RDS PostgreSQL db.M5 (4x) 611
AWS RDS PostgreSQL db.R6G (8x) 786
AWS RDS PostgreSQL db.M5 24xlarge 1328
阿里云 RDS PG 2x内存(独占) 260
阿里云 RDS PG 4x内存(独占) 320
阿里云 RDS PG 8x内存(独占) 410
ORACLE数据库授权 10000

So, the question arises, why can server hardware priced at twenty units be sold for hundreds, and why does installing cloud database software on it multiply the price? Is it because the operations are made of gold, or is the server made of gold?

A common response is: Databases are the crown jewels of foundational software, embodying countless intangible intellectual properties BlahBlah. Thus, it’s reasonable for the software to be priced much higher than the hardware. This reasoning might be acceptable for top-tier commercial databases like Oracle, or console games from Sony and Nintendo.

But for cloud databases (RDS for PostgreSQL/MySQL/…) on public clouds, which are essentially rebranded and modified open-source database kernels with added control software and shared DBA services, this markup is absurd: the database kernel is free. Is your control software made of gold, or are your DBAs made of gold?

The secret of public clouds lies here: they acquire customers with ‘cheap’ S3 and EC2, then “slaughter the pig” with RDS.

Although nearly half of the revenue of domestic public cloud IaaS (storage, computing, network) comes with only a 15% to 20% gross margin, the revenue from public cloud PaaS may be lower, but its gross margin can reach 50%, utterly outperforming the resource-selling IaaS. And the most representative of PaaS services is the cloud database.

Normally, if you’re not using public cloud as just an IDC 2.0 or CDN provider, the most expensive service would be the database. Are the storage, computing, and networking resources on the public cloud expensive? Strictly speaking, not outrageously so. The cost of hosting and maintaining a physical machine in an IDC is about twenty to thirty units per core·month, while the price of using one CPU core for a month on the public cloud ranges from seventy to two hundred units, considering various discounts and activities, as well as the premium for elasticity, it’s barely within an acceptable range.

However, cloud databases are outrageously expensive, with the price for the same computing power per month being several times to over ten times higher than the corresponding hardware. For the cheaper Alibaba Cloud, the price per core·month ranges from two hundred to four hundred units, and for the more expensive AWS, it can reach seven to eight hundred or even more than a thousand.

If you’re only using one or two cores of RDS, then it might not be worth the hassle to switch, just consider it a tax. But if your business scales up and you’re still not moving away from the cloud, then you’re really paying a tax on intelligence.

Good Enough?

Make no mistake, RDS are just mediocre solutions.

When it comes to the cost of cloud databases/cloud servers, if you manage to bring this up with a sales representative, their pitch usually shifts to: Yes, we are expensive, but we are good!

But, is RDS really that good?

It could be argued that for toy applications, small websites, personal hosting, and self-built databases by those without technical knowledge, RDS might be good enough. However, from the perspective of high-value clients and database experts, RDS is seen as nothing more than a barely passable, communal pot meal.

At its core, the public cloud stems from the operational capabilities that overflowed from major tech companies. People within these companies are well aware of their own technological capabilities, so there’s no need for any undue idolization. (Google might be an exception).

Take performance as an example, where the core metric is latency/response time, especially tail latency, which directly impacts user experience: nobody wants to wait several seconds for a screen swipe to register. Here, disks play a crucial role.

In our production environment, we use local NVME SSDs, with a typical 4K write latency of 15µs and read latency of 94µs. Consequently, the response time for a simple query on PostgreSQL is usually between 100 ~ 300µs, and the response time on the application side typically ranges from 200 ~ 600µs; for simple queries, our SLO is to achieve within 1ms for hits, and within 10ms for misses, with anything over 10ms considered a slow query that needs optimization.

AWS’s EBS service, when tested with fio, shows disastrously poor performance【6】, with default gp3 read/write latencies at 40ms and io1 at 10ms, a difference of nearly three orders of magnitude. Moreover, the maximum IOPS is only eighty thousand. RDS uses EBS for storage, and if even a single disk access takes 10ms, it’s just not workable. io2 does use the same kind of NVMe SSDs as we do, but remote block storage has double the latency compared to local disks.

Indeed, sometimes cloud providers do offer sufficiently good local NVMe SSDs, but they cunningly impose various restrictions to prevent users from using EC2 to build their own databases. AWS restricts this by offering NVMe SSD Ephemeral Storage, which is wiped clean upon EC2 restart, rendering it unusable. Alibaba Cloud, on the other hand, sells at exorbitant prices, with Alibaba Cloud’s ESSD PL3 being 200 times more expensive compared to direct hardware purchases. For a reference, a 3.2TB enterprise-grade PCI-E SSD card, AWS’s rental ratio is one month, while Alibaba Cloud’s is nine days, meaning the cost of renting for this period is equivalent to purchasing the entire disk. If purchasing on Alibaba Cloud with a three-year maximum discount at 50% off, the cost of three years of rent could buy 123 of the same disks, nearly 400TB in total ownership.

Observability is another example where no RDS monitoring can be considered “good”. Just looking at the number of monitoring metrics, while knowing whether a service is dead or alive may require only a few metrics, fault root cause analysis benefits from as many monitoring metrics as possible to build a good context. Most RDS services only provide basic monitoring metrics and rudimentary dashboards. For example, Alibaba Cloud RDS PG【7】’s so-called “enhanced monitoring” includes only a few pitiful metrics. AWS and PG database-related metrics are also less than 100, while our own monitoring system includes over 800 types of host metrics, 610 types for PGSQL database, 257 types for REDIS, totaling around three thousand metrics, dwarfing those of RDS.

Public Demo:

As for reliability, I used to have basic trust in the reliability of RDS, until the scandal in A Cloud’s Hong Kong data center a month ago. The rented data center had a fire suppression incident with water spraying, OSS malfunction, and numerous RDS services became unusable and could not be switched over; then, A Cloud’s entire Region’s control services crashed due to a single AZ failure, making a mockery of the idea of remote disaster recovery for cloud databases.

Of course, this is not to say that self-hosting would not have these issues, but a somewhat reliable IDC hosting would not commit such egregious errors. Security needs no further discussion; recent high-profile incidents, such as the infamous SHGA; hardcoding AK/SK in a bunch of sample codes, is cloud RDS more secure? Don’t make me laugh. At least traditional architecture has a VPN bastion as a layer of protection, while databases exposed on the public network with weak passwords are all too common, undeniably increasing the attack surface.

Another widespread criticism of cloud databases is their extensibility. RDS does not grant users dbsu permissions, meaning users cannot install extension plugins in the database. PostgreSQL’s charm lies in its extensions; without extensions, PostgreSQL is like cola without ice, yogurt without sugar. A more severe issue is that in some failure scenarios, users even lose the ability to help themselves, as seen in the real case of “Cloud Database: From Deleting Databases to Running Away”: WAL archiving and PITR, basic functionalities, are charged features in RDS. Regarding maintainability, some say cloud databases are convenient as they can be created and destroyed with just a few clicks, but those people have likely never experienced the ordeal of receiving SMS verification codes for restarting each database. With Database as Code style management tools, true engineers would never resort to such “ClickOps”.

However, everything has its rationale for existence, and cloud databases are not entirely without merit. In terms of scalability, cloud databases have indeed reached new heights, such as various Serverless offerings, but this is more about saving money and overselling for cloud providers, offering little real benefit to users.

The Obsolescence of DBAs?

Dominated by cloud vendors, hard to hire, and now obsolete?

Another pitch from cloud databases is that with RDS, you don’t need a DBA anymore!

For instance, this infamous article, “Why Are You Still Hiring DBAs?”, argues: We have autonomous database services! RDS and DAS can solve these database-related issues for you, making DBAs redundant, haha. I believe anyone who seriously reviews these so-called “autonomous services” or “AI4DB” official documents will not buy into this nonsense: Can a module, hardly a decent monitoring system, truly autonomize database management? This is simply a pipe dream.

DBA, Database Administrator, historically also known as database coordinators or database programmers, is a role that spans across development and operations teams, covering responsibilities related to DA, SA, Dev, Ops, and SRE. They manage everything related to data and databases: setting management policies and operational standards, planning hardware and software architecture, coordinating database management, verifying table schema designs, optimizing SQL queries, analyzing execution plans, and even handling emergencies and data recovery.

The first value of a DBA is in security fallback: They are the guardians of a company’s core data assets and can potentially inflict fatal damage on the company. There’s a joke at Ant Financial that besides regulatory bodies, DBAs could bring Alipay down. Executives often fail to recognize the importance of DBAs until a database incident occurs, and a group of CXOs anxiously watches the DBA firefighting and fixing… Compared to the cost of avoiding a database failure, such as a nationwide flight halt, Youtube downtime, or a factory’s day-long shutdown, hiring a DBA seems trivial.

The second value of a DBA is in model design and optimization. Many companies do not care if their queries perform poorly, thinking “hardware is cheap,” and solve problems by throwing money at hardware. However, improperly tuned queries/SQL or poorly designed data models and table structures can degrade performance by orders of magnitude. At some scale, the cost of stacking hardware becomes prohibitively expensive compared to hiring a competent DBA. Frankly, I believe the largest IT expenditure in most companies is due to developers not using databases correctly.

A DBA’s basic skill is managing DBs, but their essence lies in Administration: managing the entropy created by developers requires more than just technical skills. “Autonomous databases” might help analyze loads and create indexes, but they cannot understand business needs or push for table structure optimization, and this is something unlikely to be replaced by cloud services in the next two to three decades.

Whether it’s public cloud vendors, cloud-native/private clouds represented by Kubernetes, or local open-source RDS alternatives like Pigsty, their core value is to use software as much as possible, not manpower, to deal with system complexity. So, will cloud software revolutionize operations and DBA roles?

Cloud is not a maintenance-free outsourcing magic. According to the law of complexity conservation, the only way for the roles of system administrators or database administrators to disappear is for them to be rebranded as “DevOps Engineers” or SREs. Good cloud software can shield you from mundane operational tasks and solve 70% of routine issues, but there will always be complex problems that only humans can handle. You might need fewer people to manage these cloud services, but you still need people【12】. After all, you need knowledgeable individuals to coordinate and manage, so you don’t get exploited by cloud vendors.

In large organizations, a good DBA is crucial. However, excellent DBAs are quite rare and in high demand, leading to this role being outsourced in most organizations: either to professional database service companies or to cloud database RDS service teams. Organizations unable to find DBA providers must internally assign this responsibility to their development/operations staff, until the company grows large enough or suffers enough setbacks for some Dev/Ops to develop the necessary skills.

DBAs won’t become obsolete; they will just be monopolized by cloud vendors to provide services.

The Shadow of Monopoly

In 2020, the adversary of computing freedom was cloud computing software.

Beyond the “obsolescence of DBAs,” the emergence of the cloud harbors a larger threat. We should be concerned about a scenario where public clouds (or “Fruit Clouds”) grow dominant, controlling both hardware and operators up and down the stream, monopolizing computation, storage, networking, and top-tier expert resources to become the de facto standards. If all top-tier DBAs are poached by cloud vendors to provide centralized shared expert services, ordinary business organizations will completely lose the capability to utilize databases effectively, eventually left with no choice but to be “taxed” by public clouds. Ultimately, all IT resources would be concentrated in the hands of cloud vendors, who, by controlling a critical few, could control the entire internet. This is undeniably contrary to the original intent behind the creation of the internet.

Let me reference Martin Kelppmann:

In the 2020s, the enemy of freedom in computing is cloud software

i.e. software that runs primarily on the vendor’s servers, with all your data also stored on those servers. This cloud software may have a client-side component (a mobile app, or the JavaScript running in your web browser), but it only works in conjunction with the vendor’s server. And there are lots of problems with cloud software:

  • If the company providing the cloud software goes out of business or decides to discontinue a product, the software stops working, and you are locked out of the documents and data you created with that software. This is an especially common problem with software made by a startup, which may get acquired by a bigger company that has no interest in continuing to maintain the startup’s product.
  • Google and other cloud services may suddenly suspend your account with no warning and no recourse, for example if an automated system thinks you have violated its terms of service. Even if your own behaviour has been faultless, someone else may have hacked into your account and used it to send malware or phishing emails without your knowledge, triggering a terms of service violation. Thus, you could suddenly find yourself permanently locked out of every document you ever created on Google Docs or another app.
  • With software that runs on your own computer, even if the software vendor goes bust, you can continue running it forever (in a VM/emulator if it’s no longer compatible with your OS, and assuming it doesn’t need to contact a server to check for a license check). For example, the Internet Archive has a collection of over 100,000 historical software titles that you can run in an emulator inside your web browser! In contrast, if cloud software gets shut down, there is no way for you to preserve it, because you never had a copy of the server-side software, neither as source code nor in compiled form.
  • The 1990s problem of not being able to customise or extend software you use is aggravated further in cloud software. With closed-source software that runs on your own computer, at least someone could reverse-engineer the file format it uses to store its data, so that you could load it into alternative software (think pre-OOXML Microsoft Office file formats, or Photoshop files before the spec was published). With cloud software, not even that is possible, since the data is only stored in the cloud, not in files on your own computer.

If all software was free and open source, these problems would all be solved. However, making the source code available is not actually necessary to solve the problems with cloud software; even closed-source software avoids the aforementioned problems, as long as it is running on your own computer rather than the vendor’s cloud server. Note that the Internet Archive is able to keep historical software working without ever having its source code: for purposes of preservation, running the compiled machine code in an emulator is just fine. Maybe having the source code would make it a little easier, but it’s not crucial. The important thing is having a copy of the software at all.

My collaborators and I have previously argued for local-first software, which is a response to these problems with cloud software. Local-first software runs on your own computer, and stores its data on your local hard drive, while also retaining the convenience of cloud software, such as real-time collaboration and syncing your data across all of your devices. It is nice for local-first software to also be open source, but this is not necessary: 90% of its benefits apply equally to closed-source local-first software.

Cloud software, not closed-source software, is the real threat to software freedom, because the harm from being suddenly locked out of all of your data at the whim of a cloud provider is much greater than the harm from not being able to view and modify the source code of your software. For that reason, it is much more important and pressing that we make local-first software ubiquitous. If, in that process, we can also make more software open-source, then that would be nice, but that is less critical. Focus on the biggest and most urgent challenges first.

However, where there is action, there is reaction; local-first software began to emerge as a countermeasure to cloud software. For instance, the Cloud Native movement, represented by Kubernetes, is a prime example. “Cloud Native,” as interpreted by cloud vendors, means “software that is natively developed in a public cloud environment”; but its real significance should be “local,” as in the opposite of “Cloud” — “Local” cloud / private cloud / proprietary cloud / native cloud, the name doesn’t matter. What matters is that it can run anywhere the user desires (including on cloud servers), not just exclusively in public clouds!

Open-source projects, like Kubernetes, have democratized resource scheduling/smart operations capabilities previously unique to public clouds, enabling enterprises to run ‘cloud’-like capabilities locally. For stateless applications, it already serves as a sufficiently robust “cloud operating system” kernel. Open-source alternatives like Ceph/Minio offer S3 object storage solutions, leaving only one question unanswered: how to manage and deploy stateful, production-grade database services?

The era is calling for an open-source alternative to RDS.

Answer & Solution

Pigsty —— Battery-Included, Local-First PostgreSQL Distribution as an Open-Source RDS Alternative

I envision a future where everyone has the factual right to freely use superior services, not confined within the pens (Pigsty) provided by a few public cloud vendors, feeding on subpar offerings. This is why I created Pigsty — a better, open-source, free alternative to PostgreSQL RDS. It enables users to launch a database service better than cloud RDS with just one click, anywhere (including on cloud servers).

Pigsty is a comprehensive complement to PostgreSQL, and a spicy critique of cloud databases. Its name signifies “pigpen,” but it also stands for Postgres In Great STYle, symbolizing PostgreSQL at its peak. It is a solution distilled from best practices in managing and using PostgreSQL, entirely based on open source software and capable of running anywhere. Born from real-world, high-standard PostgreSQL clusters, it was developed to fulfill the database management needs of Tantan, performing valuable work across eight dimensions:

Observability is akin to heaven; as heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-improvement; Pigsty utilizes a modern observability tech stack to create an unparalleled monitoring system for PostgreSQL, offering a comprehensive overview from global dashboards to granular historical metrics for individual tables/indexes/functions, enabling users to see through the system and control everything. Additionally, Pigsty’s monitoring system can operate independently to monitor third-party database instances.

Controllability is akin to earth; as earth’s nature is broad and bearing, a gentleman should carry the world with broad virtue; Pigsty provides Database as Code capabilities: describing the state of database clusters through expressive declarative interfaces and employing idempotent scripts for deployment and adjustments. This allows users to customize finely without worrying about implementation details, freeing their mental capacity and lowering the barrier from expert to novice level in database operations and management.

Scalability is like water; as water flows and encompasses all, a gentleman should maintain virtue consistently; Pigsty offers pre-configured tuning templates (OLTP / OLAP / CRIT / TINY), automatically optimizes system parameters, and can infinitely scale read capabilities through cascading replication. It also utilizes Pgbouncer for connection pool optimization to handle massive concurrent connections; Pigsty ensures PostgreSQL’s performance is maximized under modern hardware conditions: achieving tens of thousands of concurrent connections, million-level single-point query QPS, and hundred thousand-level single transaction TPS.

Maintainability is like fire; as fire illuminates, a great person should illuminate the surroundings; Pigsty allows for online instance addition or removal for scaling, Switchover/rolling upgrades for scaling up or down, and offers a downtime-free migration solution based on logical replication, minimizing maintenance windows to sub-second levels, thus enhancing the system’s evolvability, availability, and maintainability to a new standard.

Security is like thunder; as thunder signifies awe, a gentleman should reflect and be cautious; Pigsty offers an access control model following the principle of least privilege, along with various security features: synchronous commit for replication to prevent data loss, data directory checksums to prevent corruption, SSL encryption for network traffic to prevent eavesdropping, and AES-256 for remote backups to prevent data leaks. As long as physical hardware and passwords are secure, users need not worry about database security.

Simplicity is like wind; as wind follows its path, a gentleman should decree and act accordingly; Using Pigsty is no more difficult than any cloud database. It aims to deliver complete RDS functionality with the least complexity, allowing users to choose and combine modules as needed. Pigsty offers a Vagrant-based local development testing sandbox and Terraform cloud IaC for one-click deployment templates, enabling offline installation on any new EL node and complete environment replication.

Reliability is like a mountain; as a mountain stands firm, a gentleman should be steadfast in thought; Pigsty provides a high-availability architecture with self-healing capabilities to address hardware issues and offers out-of-the-box PITR for recovery from accidental data deletion and software flaws, verified through long-term, large-scale production environment operation and high-availability drills.

Extensibility is like a lake; as a lake reflects beauty, a gentleman should discuss and practice with friends; Pigsty deeply integrates core PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions like PostGIS, TimescaleDB, Citus, PGVector, and numerous extension plugins. It offers a modular design of the Prometheus/Grafana observability tech stack, and high-availability deployment of MINIO, ETCD, Redis, Greenplum, etc., in combination with PostgreSQL.

More importantly, Pigsty is entirely open-source and free software, licensed under AGPL v3.0. Powered by passion, you can run a fully functional, even superior RDS service at the cost of mere hardware expenses per month. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned DBA, managing a massive cluster or a small setup, whether you’re already using RDS or have set up databases locally, if you are a PostgreSQL user, Pigsty will be beneficial to you, completely free. You can focus on the most interesting or valuable parts of your business and leave the routine tasks to the software.

RDS Cost and Scale Cost Curve

Pigsty allows you to practice the ultimate FinOps principle — running production-level PostgreSQL RDS database services anywhere (ECS, resource cloud, data center servers, even local notebook virtual machines) at prices close to pure resource costs. Turning the cost capability of cloud databases from being proportional to marginal resource costs to virtually zero fixed learning costs.

If you can use a better RDS service at a fraction of the cost, then continuing to use cloud databases is truly just a tax on your intellect.


【1】Why we’re leaving the cloud


【3】Aliyun RDS for PostgreSQL Pricing

【4】AWS Pricing Calculator

【5】 AWS Pricing Calculator (China NingXia)


Posts about Pigsty and PostgreSQL

PGFS: Using DB as FS

Recently, I received an interesting request from the Odoo community. They were grappling with a fascinating challenge: “If databases can do PITR (Point-in-Time Recovery), is there a way to roll back the file system as well?”

The Birth of “PGFS”

From a database veteran’s perspective, this is both challenging and exciting. We all know that in systems like Odoo, the most valuable asset is the core business data stored in PostgreSQL.

However, many “enterprise applications” also deal with file operations — attachments, images, documents, and the like. While these files might not be as “mission-critical” as the database, having the ability to roll back both the database and files to a specific point in time would be incredibly valuable from security, data integrity, and operational perspectives.

This led me to an intriguing thought: Could we give file systems PITR capabilities similar to databases? Traditional approaches often point to expensive and complex CDP (Continuous Data Protection) solutions, requiring specialized hardware or block-level storage logging. But I wondered: Could we solve this elegantly with open-source technology for the “rest of us”?

After much contemplation, a brilliant combination emerged: JuiceFS + PostgreSQL. By transforming PostgreSQL into a file system, all file writes would be stored in the database, sharing the same WAL logs and enabling rollback to any historical point. This might sound like science fiction, but hold on — it actually works. Let’s see how JuiceFS makes this possible.

Meet JuiceFS: When Database Becomes a File System

JuiceFS is a high-performance, cloud-native distributed file system that can mount object storage (like S3/MinIO) as a local POSIX file system. It’s incredibly lightweight to install and use, requiring just a few commands to format, mount, and start reading/writing.

For example, these commands will use SQLite as JuiceFS’s metadata store and a local path as object storage for testing:

juicefs format sqlite3:///tmp/jfs.db myjfs     # Use SQLite3 for metadata, local FS for data
juicefs mount sqlite3:///tmp/jfs.db ~/jfs -d   # Mount the filesystem to ~/jfs 

The magic happens when you realize that JuiceFS also supports PostgreSQL as both metadata and object data storage backend! This means you can transform any PostgreSQL instance into a “file system” by simply changing JuiceFS’s backend.

So, if you have a PostgreSQL database (like one installed via Pigsty), you can spin up a “PGFS” with just a few commands:

  --storage postgres
  --bucket :5432/meta
  --access-key dbuser_meta
  --secret-key DBUser.Meta
juicefs format "${OPTIONS[@]}"     # Create a PG filesystem
juicefs mount ${METAURL} /data2 -d # Mount in background to /data2
juicefs bench /data2               # Test performance
juicefs umount /data2              # Unmount

Now, any data written to /data2 is actually stored in the jfs_blob table in PostgreSQL. In other words, this file system and PG database have become one!

PGFS in Action: File System PITR

Imagine we have an Odoo instance that needs to store file data in /var/lib/odoo or similar. Traditionally, if you needed to roll back Odoo’s database, while the database could use WAL logs for point-in-time recovery, the file system would still rely on external snapshots or CDP.

But now, if we mount /var/lib/odoo to PGFS, all file system writes become database writes. The database is no longer just storing SQL data; it’s also hosting the file system information. This means: When performing PITR, not only does the database roll back to a specific point, but files instantly “roll back” with the database to the same moment.

Some might ask, “Can’t ZFS do snapshots too?” Yes, ZFS can create and roll back snapshots, but that’s still based on specific snapshot points. For precise rollback to a specific second or minute, you need true log-based solutions or CDP capabilities. The JuiceFS+PG combination effectively writes file operation logs into the database’s WAL, which is something PostgreSQL is naturally great at.

Let’s demonstrate this with a simple experiment. First, we’ll write timestamps to the file system while continuously inserting heartbeat records into the database:

while true; do date "+%H-%M-%S" >> /data2/ts.log; sleep 1; done
/pg/bin/pg-heartbeat   # Generate database heartbeat records
tail -f /data2/ts.log

Then, let’s verify the JuiceFS table in PostgreSQL:

postgres@meta:5432/meta=# SELECT min(modified),max(modified) FROM jfs_blob;
min             |            max
 2025-03-21 02:26:00.322397 | 2025-03-21 02:40:45.688779

When we decide to roll back to, say, one minute ago (2025-03-21 02:39:00), we just execute:

pg-pitr --time="2025-03-21 02:39:00"  # Using pgbackrest to roll back to specific time, actual command:
pgbackrest --stanza=pg-meta --type=time --target='2025-03-21 02:39:00+00' restore

What? You’re asking where PITR and pgBackRest came from? Pigsty has already configured monitoring, backup, high availability, and more out of the box! You can set it up manually too, but it’s a bit more work.

Then when we check the file system logs and database heartbeat table, both have stopped at 02:39:00:

$ tail -n1 /data2/ts.log

$ psql -c 'select * from monitor.heartbeat'
   id    |              ts               |    lsn    | txid
 pg-meta | 2025-03-21 02:38:59.129603+00 | 251871544 | 2546

This proves our approach works! We’ve successfully achieved FS/DB consistent PITR through PGFS!

How’s the Performance?

So we’ve got the functionality, but how does it perform?

I ran some tests on a development server with SSD using the built-in juicefs bench, and the results look promising — more than enough for applications like Odoo:

$ juicefs bench ~/jfs # Simple single-threaded performance test
BlockSize: 1.0 MiB, BigFileSize: 1.0 GiB, 
SmallFileSize: 128 KiB, SmallFileCount: 100, NumThreads: 1
Time used: 42.2 s, CPU: 687.2%, Memory: 179.4 MiB
|       ITEM       |       VALUE      |      COST     |
|   Write big file |     178.51 MiB/s |   5.74 s/file |
|    Read big file |      31.69 MiB/s |  32.31 s/file |
| Write small file |    149.4 files/s |  6.70 ms/file |
|  Read small file |    545.2 files/s |  1.83 ms/file |
|        Stat file |   1749.7 files/s |  0.57 ms/file |
|   FUSE operation | 17869 operations |    3.82 ms/op |
|      Update meta |  1164 operations |    1.09 ms/op |
|       Put object |   356 operations |  303.01 ms/op |
|       Get object |   256 operations | 1072.82 ms/op |
|    Delete object |     0 operations |    0.00 ms/op |
| Write into cache |   356 operations |    2.18 ms/op |
|  Read from cache |   100 operations |    0.11 ms/op |
Another sample: Alibaba Cloud ESSD PL1 basic disk test results
|       ITEM       |       VALUE      |      COST     |
|   Write big file |      18.08 MiB/s |  56.64 s/file |
|    Read big file |      98.07 MiB/s |  10.44 s/file |
| Write small file |    268.1 files/s |  3.73 ms/file |
|  Read small file |   1654.3 files/s |  0.60 ms/file |
|        Stat file |   7465.7 files/s |  0.13 ms/file |
|   FUSE operation | 17855 operations |    4.28 ms/op |
|      Update meta |  1192 operations |   16.28 ms/op |
|       Put object |   357 operations | 2845.34 ms/op |
|       Get object |   255 operations |  327.37 ms/op |
|    Delete object |     0 operations |    0.00 ms/op |
| Write into cache |   357 operations |    2.05 ms/op |
|  Read from cache |   102 operations |    0.18 ms/op |

While the throughput might not match native file systems, it’s more than sufficient for applications with moderate file volumes and lower access frequencies. After all, using a “database as a file system” isn’t about running large-scale storage or high-concurrency writes — it’s about keeping your database and file system “in sync through time.” If it works, it works.

Completing the Vision: One-Click “Enterprise” Deployment

Now, let’s put this all together in a practical scenario — like one-click deploying an “enterprise-grade” Odoo with “automatic” CDP capabilities for files.

Pigsty provides PostgreSQL with external high availability, automatic backup, monitoring, PITR, and more. Installing it is a breeze:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # Install Pigsty dependencies
./configure -c app/odoo    # Use Odoo configuration template
./install.yml              # Install Pigsty

That’s the standard Pigsty installation process. Next, we’ll use playbooks to install Docker, create the PGFS mount, and launch stateless Odoo with Docker Compose:

./docker.yml -l odoo # Install Docker module, launch Odoo stateless components
./juice.yml  -l odoo # Install JuiceFS module, mount PGFS to /data2
./app.yml    -l odoo # Launch Odoo stateless components, using external PG/PGFS

Yes, it’s that simple. Everything is ready, though the key lies in the configuration file.

The pigsty.yml configuration file would look something like this, with the only modification being the addition of JuiceFS configuration to mount PGFS to /data/odoo:

  hosts: { {} }

    # ./juice.yml -l odoo
    juice_fsname: jfs
    juice_mountpoint: /data/odoo
      - --storage postgres
      - --bucket :5432/meta
      - --access-key dbuser_meta
      - --secret-key DBUser.Meta
      - postgres://dbuser_meta:DBUser.Meta@:5432/meta
      - ${juice_fsname}

    # ./app.yml -l odoo
    app: odoo   # specify app name to be installed (in the apps)
    apps:       # define all applications
      odoo:     # app name, should have corresponding ~/app/odoo folder
        file:   # optional directory to be created
          - { path: /data/odoo         ,state: directory, owner: 100, group: 101 }
          - { path: /data/odoo/webdata ,state: directory, owner: 100, group: 101 }
          - { path: /data/odoo/addons  ,state: directory, owner: 100, group: 101 }
        conf:   # override /opt/<app>/.env config file
          PG_HOST:            # postgres host
          PG_PORT: 5432                   # postgres port
          PG_USERNAME: odoo               # postgres user
          PG_PASSWORD: DBUser.Odoo        # postgres password
          ODOO_PORT: 8069                 # odoo app port
          ODOO_DATA: /data/odoo/webdata   # odoo webdata
          ODOO_ADDONS: /data/odoo/addons  # odoo plugins
          ODOO_DBNAME: odoo               # odoo database name
          ODOO_VERSION: 18.0              # odoo image version

After this, you have an “enterprise-grade” Odoo running on the same server: backend database managed by Pigsty, file system mounted via JuiceFS, with JuiceFS’s backend connected to PostgreSQL. When a “rollback need” arises, simply perform PITR on PostgreSQL, and both files and database will “roll back to the specified moment.” This approach works equally well for similar applications like Dify, Gitlab, Gitea, MatterMost, and others.

Looking back at all this, you’ll realize: What once required expensive hardware and high-end storage solutions to achieve CDP can now be accomplished with a lightweight open-source combination. While it might have a “DIY for the rest of us” feel, it’s simple, stable, and practical enough to be worth exploring in more scenarios.

PostgreSQL Frontier

Dear readers, I’m off on vacation starting today—likely no new posts for about two weeks. Let me wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance.

Of course, before heading out, I wanted to share some recent interesting developments in the Postgres (PG) ecosystem. Just yesterday, I hurried to release Pigsty 3.2.2 and Pig v0.1.3 before my break. In this new version, the number of available PG extensions has shot up from 350 to 400, bundling many fascinating toys. Below is a quick rundown:

Omnigres: Full-stack web development inside PostgreSQL

PG Mooncake: Bringing ClickHouse-level analytical performance into PG

Citus: Distributed extension for PG17—Citus 13 is out!

FerretDB: MongoDB “compatibility” layer on PG with 20x performance boost in 2.0

ParadeDB: ES-like full-text search in PG with PG block storage

Pigsty 3.2.2: Packs all of the above into one box for immediate use


I introduced Omnigres in a previous article, “Database as Architecture”. In short, it allows you to cram all your business logic—including a web server and the entire backend—into PostgreSQL.

For example, the following SQL will launch a web server and expose /www as the root directory. This means you can package what’s normally a classic three-tier architecture (frontend–backend–database) entirely into a single database!

If you’re familiar with Oracle, you might notice it’s somewhat reminiscent of Oracle Apex. But in PostgreSQL, you have over twenty different languages to develop your stored procedures in—not just PL/SQL! Plus, Omnigres gives you far more than just an HTTPD server; it actually ships 33 extension plugins that function almost like a “standard library” for web development within PG.

They say, “what’s split apart will eventually recombine, what’s recombined will eventually split apart.” In ancient times, many C/S or B/S applications were basically a few clients directly reading/writing to the database. Later, as business logic grew more complex and hardware (relative to business needs) got stretched, we peeled away a lot of functionality from the database, forming the traditional three-tier model.

Now, with significant improvements in hardware performance—giving us surplus capacity on database servers—and with easier ways to write stored procedures, this “split” trend may well reverse. Business logic once stripped out of the database might come back in. I see Omnigres (and Supabase, too) as a renewed attempt at “recombination.”

If you’re running tens of thousands of TPS, dealing with tens of terabytes of data, or handling a life-critical mega-sized core system, this might not be your best approach. But if you’re developing personal projects, small websites, or an early-stage startup with an innovative, smaller-scale system, this architecture can dramatically speed up your iteration cycle, simplifying both development and operations.

Pigsty v3.2.2 comes with the Omnigres extension included—this took quite some effort. With hands-on help from the original author, Yurii, we managed to build and package it for 10 major Linux distributions. Note that these extensions come from an independent repo you can use on its own—you’re not required to run Pigsty just to get them. (Omnigres and AutoBase PG both rely on this repo for extension distribution, a terrific example of open-source ecosystems thriving on mutual benefit.)


Ever since the “DuckDB Mash-up Contest” kicked off, pg_mooncake was the last entrant. At one point, I almost thought they had gone dormant. But last week, they dropped a bombshell with their new 0.1.0 release, catapulting themselves directly into the top 10 on the ClickBench leaderboard, right alongside ClickHouse.

This is the first time a PostgreSQL setup—plus an extension—has broken into that Tier 0 bracket on an analytical leaderboard. It’s a milestone worth noting. Looks like pg_duckdb just met a fierce contender—and that’s good news for everyone, since we now have multiple ways to do high-performance analytics in PG. Internal competition keeps the ecosystem thriving, and it also widens the gap between the entire Postgres ecosystem and other DBMSs.

Most people still see PostgreSQL as a rock-solid OLTP database, rarely associating it with “real-time analytics.” Yet PostgreSQL’s extensibility allows it to transcend that image and carve out new territory in real-time analytics. The pg_mooncake team leveraged PG’s extensibility to write a native extension that embeds DuckDB’s query engine for columnar queries. This means queries can process data in batches (instead of row-by-row) and utilize SIMD instructions, yielding significant speedups in scanning, grouping, and aggregation.

pg_mooncake also employs a more efficient metadata mechanism: instead of fetching metadata and statistics externally from Parquet or some other storage, it stores them directly in PostgreSQL. This speeds up query optimization and execution, and enables higher-level features such as file-level skipping to accelerate scans.

All these optimizations have yielded impressive performance results—reportedly up to 1000x faster. That means PostgreSQL is no longer just a “heavy-duty workhorse” for OLTP. With the right engineering and optimization, it can go head-to-head with specialized analytical databases while retaining PG’s hallmark flexibility and vast ecosystem. This could simplify the entire data stack—no more complicated big-data toolkits or ETL pipelines. Top-tier analytics can happen directly inside Postgres.

Pigsty v3.2.2 now officially includes the mooncake 0.1 binary. Note that this extension conflicts with pg_duckdb since both bundle their own libduckdb. You can only choose one of them on a given system. That’s a bit of a pity—I filed an issue suggesting they share a single libduckdb. It’s exhausting that each extension builds DuckDB from scratch, especially when you’re compiling them both.

Finally, you can tell from the name “mooncake” that it’s led by a Chinese-speaking team. It’s awesome to see more people from China contributing and standing out in the Postgres ecosystem.

Blog: ClickBench says “Postgres is a great analytics database”


ParadeDB is an old friend of Pigsty. We’ve supported ParadeDB from its very early days and watched it grow into the leading solution in the PostgreSQL ecosystem to provide an ElasticSearch-like capability.

pg_search is ParadeDB’s extension for Postgres, implementing a custom index that supports full-text search and analytics. It’s powered underneath by a Rust-based search library Tantivy, inspired by Lucene.

pg_search just released version 0.14 in the past two weeks, switching to PG’s native block storage instead of relying on Tantivy’s own file format. This is a huge architectural shift that dramatically boosts reliability and yields multiple times the performance. It’s no longer just some “stitch-it-together hack”—it’s now deeply embedded into PG.

Prior to v0.14.0, pg_search did not use Postgres’s block storage or buffer cache. The extension managed its own files outside Postgres control, reading them directly from disk. While it’s not unusual for an extension to access the file system directly (see note 1), migrating to block storage delivers:

  1. Deep integration with Postgres WAL (write-ahead logging), enabling physical replication of indexes.
  2. Support for crash recovery and point-in-time recovery (PITR).
  3. Full support for Postgres MVCC (multi-version concurrency control).
  4. Integration with Postgres’s buffer cache, significantly boosting index build speed and write throughput.

img img

The latest version of pg_search is now included in Pigsty. Of course, we also bundle other full-text search / tokenizing extensions like pgroonga, pg_bestmatch, hunspell, and Chinese tokenizer zhparser, so you can pick the best fit.

Blog: Full-text search with Postgres block storage layout


While pg_duckdb and pg_mooncake represent the new wave of OLAP in the PG ecosystem, Citus (and Hydra) are more old-school OLAP— or perhaps HTAP—extensions. Just the day before yesterday, Citus 13.0.0 was released, officially supporting the latest PostgreSQL version 17. That means all the major extensions now have PG17-compatible releases. Full speed ahead for PG17!

Citus is a distributed extension for PG, letting you seamlessly turn a single Postgres primary–replica deployment into a horizontally scaled cluster. Microsoft acquired Citus and fully open-sourced it; the cloud version is called Hyperscale PG or CosmosDB PG.

In reality, most users nowadays don’t push the hardware to the point that they absolutely need a distributed database—but such scenarios do exist. For instance, in “Escaping from cloud fraude” (an article about someone trying to escape steep cloud costs), the user ended up considering Citus to offset expensive cloud disk usage. So, Pigsty has also updated and included full Citus support.

Typically, a distributed database is more of a headache to administer than a simple primary–replica setup. But we devised an elegant abstraction so deploying and managing Citus is pretty straightforward—just treat them as multiple horizontal PG clusters. A single configuration file can spin up a 10-node Citus cluster with one command.

I recently wrote a tutorial on how to deploy a highly available Citus cluster. Feel free to check it out:

Blog: Release notes for Citus v13.0.0:


Finally, we have FerretDB 2.0. FerretDB is another old friend of Pigsty. Marcin reached out to me right away to share the excitement of the new release. Unfortunately, 2.0 is still in RC, so I couldn’t package it into the Pigsty repo in time for the v3.2.2 release. No worries—it’ll be included next time!

FerretDB turns PostgreSQL into a “wire-protocol compatible” MongoDB. It’s licensed under Apache 2.0—truly open source. FerretDB 2.0 leverages Microsoft’s newly open-sourced DocumentDB PostgreSQL extension, delivering major improvements in performance, compatibility, support, and flexibility. Highlights include:

  • Over 20x performance boost
  • Greater feature parity
  • Vector search support
  • Replication support
  • Broad community backing and services

FerretDB offers a low-friction path for MongoDB users to migrate to PostgreSQL. You don’t need to touch your application code—just swap out the back end and voilà. You get the MongoDB API compatibility plus the superpowers of the entire PG ecosystem, which offers hundreds of extensions.


Pigsty 3.2.2

And that brings us to Pigsty v3.2.2. This release adds 40 brand-new extensions (33 of which come from Omnigres) and updates many existing ones (Citus, ParadeDB, PGML, etc.). We also contributed to and followed up on PolarDB PG’s ARM64 support, as well as support for Debian systems, and tracked IvorySQL’s latest 4.2 release compatible with PostgreSQL 17.2.

Sure, it may sound like a bunch of version sync chores, but if it weren’t for those chores, I wouldn’t have dropped this release a day before my vacation! Anyway, I hope you’ll give these new extensions a try. If you run into any issues, feel free to let me know—just understand I can’t guarantee a quick response while I’m off.

One more thing: some users told me the old Pigsty website was “ugly”—basically overflowing with “tech-bro aesthetic,” cramming all the info into a single dense page. They have a point, so I recently used a front-end template to give the homepage a fresh coat of paint. Now it looks a bit more “international.”

To be honest, I haven’t touched front-end in seven or eight years. Last time, it was a jQuery-fest. This time around, Next.js / Vercel / all the new stuff had me dazzled. But once I got my bearings (and thanks to GPT o1 pro plus Cursor), it all came together in a day. The productivity gains with AI these days are truly astounding.

Alright, that’s the latest news from the PostgreSQL world. I’m about to pack my bags—my flight to Thailand departs this afternoon, fingers crossed I don’t run into any phone-scam rings. Let me wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance!

Pig, The PostgreSQL Extension Wizard

Ever wished installing or upgrading PostgreSQL extensions didn’t feel like digging through outdated readmes, cryptic configure scripts, or random GitHub forks & patches? The painful truth is that Postgres’s richness of extension often comes at the cost of complicated setups—especially if you’re juggling multiple distros or CPU architectures.

Enter Pig, a Go-based package manager built to tame Postgres and its ecosystem of 400+ extensions in one fell swoop. TimescaleDB, Citus, PGVector, 20+ Rust extensions, plus every must-have piece to self-host Supabase — Pig’s unified CLI makes them all effortlessly accessible. It cuts out messy source builds and half-baked repos, offering version-aligned RPM/DEB packages that work seamlessly across Debian, Ubuntu, and RedHat flavors. No guesswork, no drama.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, Pig piggyback your system’s native package manager (APT, YUM, DNF) and follow official PGDG packaging conventions to ensure a glitch-free fit. That means you don’t have to choose between “the right way” and “the quick way”; Pig respects your existing repos, aligns with standard OS best practices, and fits neatly alongside other packages you already use.

Ready to give your Postgres superpowers without the usual hassle? Check out GitHub for documentation, installation steps, and a peek at its massive extension list. Then, watch your local Postgres instance transform into a powerhouse of specialized modules—no black magic is required. If the future of Postgres is unstoppable extensibility, Pig is the genie that helps you unlock it. Honestly, nobody ever complained that they had too many extensions.

PIG v0.1 Release | GitHub Repo | Blog: The Idea Way to deliver PG Extensions

Get Started

Install the pig package itself with scripts or the traditional yum/apt way.

curl -fsSL | bash

Then it’s ready to use; assume you want to install the pg_duckdb extension:

$ pig repo add pigsty pgdg -u  # add pgdg & pigsty repo, update cache
$ pig repo set -u              # overwrite all existing repos, brute but effective

$ pig ext install pg17         # install native PGDG PostgreSQL 17 kernels packages
$ pig ext install pg_duckdb    # install the pg_duckdb extension (for current pg17)

Extension Management

pig ext list    [query]      # list & search extension      
pig ext info    [ext...]     # get information of a specific extension
pig ext status  [-v]         # show installed extension and pg status
pig ext add     [ext...]     # install extension for current pg version
pig ext rm      [ext...]     # remove extension for current pg version
pig ext update  [ext...]     # update extension to the latest version
pig ext import  [ext...]     # download extension to local repo
pig ext link    [ext...]     # link postgres installation to path
pig ext build   [ext...]     # setup building env for extension

Repo Management

pig repo list                    # available repo list             (info)
pig repo info   [repo|module...] # show repo info                  (info)
pig repo status                  # show current repo status        (info)
pig repo add    [repo|module...] # add repo and modules            (root)
pig repo rm     [repo|module...] # remove repo & modules           (root)
pig repo update                  # update repo pkg cache           (root)
pig repo create                  # create repo on current system   (root)
pig repo boot                    # boot repo from offline package  (root)
pig repo cache                   # cache repo as offline package   (root)

Don't Update! Rollback Issued on Release Day: PostgreSQL Faces a Major Setback

As the old saying goes, never release code on Friday. Although PostgreSQL’s recent minor release carefully avoided a Friday launch, it still gave the community a full week of extra work — PostgreSQL will release an unscheduled emergency update next Thursday: PostgreSQL 17.2, 16.6, 15.10, 14.15, 13.20, and even 12.22 for the just-EOLed PG 12.

This is the first time in a decade that such a situation has occurred: on the very day of PostgreSQL’s release, the new version was pulled due to issues discovered by the community. There are two reasons for this emergency release. First, to fix the CVE-2024-10978 security vulnerability, which isn’t a major concern. The real problem is that the new PostgreSQL minor version modified its ABI, causing extensions that depend on ABI stability — like TimescaleDB — to crash.

The issue of PostgreSQL minor version ABI compatibility was actually raised by Yuri back in June at PGConf 2024. During the extensions summit and his talk “Pushing boundaries with extensions, for extension”, he brought up this concern, but it didn’t receive much attention. Now it has exploded spectacularly, and I imagine Yuri is probably shrugging his shoulders saying: “Told you so.”

In short, the PostgreSQL community strongly recommends that users do not upgrade PostgreSQL in the coming week. Tom Lane has proposed releasing an unscheduled emergency minor version next Thursday to roll back these changes, overwriting the older 17.1, 16.5, and so on — essentially treating the problematic versions as if they “never existed.” Consequently, Pigsty 3.1, which was scheduled for release in the next couple of days and set to use the latest PostgreSQL 17.1 by default, will also be delayed by a week.

Overall, I believe this incident will have a positive impact. First, it’s not a quality issue with the core kernel itself. Second, because it was discovered early enough — on the very day of release — and promptly halted, there was no substantial impact on users. Unlike vulnerabilities in other databases/chips/operating systems that cause widespread damage upon discovery, this was caught early. Apart from a few overzealous update enthusiasts or unfortunate new installations, there shouldn’t be much impact. This is similar to the recent xz backdoor incident, which was also discovered by PG core developer Peter during PostgreSQL testing, further highlighting the vitality and insight of the PostgreSQL ecosystem.

What Happened

On the morning of November 14th, an email appeared on the PostgreSQL Hackers mailing list mentioning that the new minor version had actually broken the ABI. This isn’t a problem for the PostgreSQL database kernel itself, but the ABI change broke the convention between the PG kernel and extension plugins, causing extensions like TimescaleDB to fail on the new PG minor version.

PostgreSQL extension plugins are provided for specific major versions on specific operating system distributions. For example, PostGIS, TimescaleDB, and Citus are built for major versions like PG 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 released each year. Extensions built for PG 16.0 are generally expected to continue working on PG 16.1, 16.2, … 16.x. This means you can perform rolling upgrades of the PG kernel’s minor versions without worrying about extension plugin issues.

However, this isn’t an explicit promise but rather an implicit community understanding — ABI belongs to internal implementation details and shouldn’t have such promises or expectations. PostgreSQL has simply performed too well in the past, and everyone has grown accustomed to this behavior, making it a default working assumption reflected in various aspects including PGDG repository package naming and installation scripts.

This time, though, PG 17.1 and the backported versions to 16-12 modified the size of an internal structure, which can cause — extensions compiled for PG 17.0 when used on 17.1 — potential conflicts resulting in illegal writes or program crashes. Note that this issue doesn’t affect users of the PostgreSQL kernel itself; PostgreSQL has internal assertions to check for such situations.

However, for users of extensions like TimescaleDB, this means if you don’t use extensions recompiled for the current minor version, you’ll face such security risks. Given the current maintenance logic of PGDG repositories, extension plugins are only compiled against the latest PG minor version when a new extension version is released.

Regarding the PostgreSQL ABI issue, Marco Slot from CrunchyData wrote a detailed thread explaining it. Available for professional readers to reference.

How to Avoid Such Problems

As I mentioned previously in “PG’s Ultimate Achievement: The Most Complete PG Extension Repository”, I maintain a repository of many PG extension plugins for EL and Debian/Ubuntu, covering nearly half of the extensions in the entire PG ecosystem.

The PostgreSQL ABI issue was actually mentioned by Yuri before. As long as your extension plugins are compiled for the PostgreSQL minor version you’re currently using, there won’t be any problems. That’s why I recompile and package these extension plugins whenever a new minor version is released.

Last month, I had just finished compiling all the extension plugins for 17.0, and was about to start updates for compiling the 17.1 version. It looks like that won’t be necessary now, as 17.2 will roll back the ABI changes. While this means extensions compiled on 17.0 can continue to be used, I’ll still recompile and package against PG 17.2 and other main versions after 17.2 is released.

If you’re in the habit of installing PostgreSQL and extension plugins from the internet and don’t promptly upgrade minor versions, you’ll indeed face this security risk — where your newly installed extensions aren’t compiled for your older kernel version and crash due to ABI conflicts.

To be honest, I’ve encountered this problem in the real world quite early on, which is why when developing Pigsty, an out-of-the-box PostgreSQL distribution, I chose from Day 1 to first download all necessary packages and their dependencies locally, build a local software repository, and then provide Yum/Apt repositories to all nodes that need them. This approach ensures that all nodes in the environment install the same versions, and that it’s a consistent snapshot — the extension versions match the kernel version.

Moreover, this approach achieves the requirement of “independent control,” meaning that after your deployment goes live, you won’t encounter absurd situations like — the original software source shutting down or moving, or simply the upstream repository releasing an incompatible new version or new dependency, leading to major failures when setting up new machines/instances. This means you have a complete software copy for replication/expansion, with the ability to keep your services running indefinitely without worrying about someone “truly cutting off your lifeline.”

For example, when 17.1 was recently released, RedHat updated the default version of LLVM from 17 to 18 just two days prior, and unfortunately only updated EL8 without updating EL9. If users chose to install from the internet upstream at this time, it would fail directly. After I raised this issue to Devrim, he spent two hours fixing it by adding LLVM-18 to the EL9-specific patch Fix repository.

PS: If you didn’t know about this independent repository, you’d probably continue to encounter issues even after the fix, until RedHat fixed the problem themselves. But Pigsty would handle all these dirty details for you.

Some might say they could solve such version problems using Docker, which is certainly true. However, running databases in Docker comes with other issues, and these Docker images essentially use the operating system’s package manager in their Dockerfiles to download RPM/DEB packages from official repositories. Ultimately, someone has to do this work…

Of course, adapting to different operating systems means a significant maintenance workload. For example, I maintain 143 PG extension plugins for EL and 144 for Debian, each needing to be compiled for 10 major operating system versions (EL 8/9, Ubuntu 22/24, Debian 12, five major systems, amd64 and arm64) and 6 database major versions (PG 17-12). The combination of these elements means there are nearly 10,000 packages to build/test/distribute, including twenty Rust extensions that take half an hour to compile… But honestly, since it’s all semi-automated pipeline work, changing from running once a year to once every 3 months is acceptable.

Appendix: Explanation of the ABI Issue

About the PostgreSQL extension ABI issue in the latest patch versions (17.1, 16.5, etc.)

C code in PostgreSQL extensions includes headers from PostgreSQL itself. When an extension is compiled, functions from the headers are represented as abstract symbols in the binary. These symbols are linked to actual function implementations when the extension is loaded, based on function names. This way, an extension compiled for PostgreSQL 17.0 can typically still load into PostgreSQL 17.1, as long as function names and signatures in the headers haven’t changed (i.e., the Application Binary Interface or “ABI” is stable).

Headers also declare structures (passed as pointers) to functions. Strictly speaking, structure definitions are also part of the ABI, but there are more subtleties here. After compilation, structures are primarily defined by their size and field offsets, so name changes don’t affect the ABI (though they affect the API). Size changes slightly affect the ABI. In most cases, PostgreSQL uses a macro (“makeNode”) to allocate structures on the heap, which looks at the compile-time size of the structure and initializes the bytes to 0.

The difference in 17.1 is that a new boolean was added to the ResultRelInfo structure, increasing its size. What happens next depends on who calls makeNode. If it’s code from PostgreSQL 17.1, it uses the new size. If it’s an extension compiled for 17.0, it uses the old size. When it calls PostgreSQL functions with a pointer allocated using the old size, PostgreSQL functions still assume the new size and may write beyond the allocated block. Generally, this is quite problematic. It can lead to bytes being written to unrelated memory areas or program crashes.

When running tests, PostgreSQL has internal checks (assertions) to detect this situation and throw warnings. However, PostgreSQL uses its own allocator, which always rounds up allocated bytes to powers of 2. The ResultRelInfo structure is 376 bytes (on my laptop), so it rounds up to 512 bytes, and similarly after the change (384 bytes on my laptop). Therefore, this particular structure change typically doesn’t affect allocation size. There might be uninitialized bytes, but this is usually resolved by calling InitResultRelInfo.

This issue mainly raises warnings in tests or assertion-enabled builds where extensions allocate ResultRelInfo, especially when running those tests with extension binaries compiled against older PostgreSQL versions. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t end there. TimescaleDB is a heavy user of ResultRelInfo and indeed encountered problems with the size change. For example, in one of its code paths, it needs to find an index in an array of ResultRelInfo pointers, for which it performs pointer arithmetic. This array is allocated by PostgreSQL (384 bytes), but the Timescale binary assumes 376 bytes, resulting in a meaningless number that triggers assertion failures or segfaults.…

The code here isn’t actually wrong, but the contract with PostgreSQL isn’t as expected. This is an interesting lesson for all of us. Similar issues might exist in other extensions, though not many extensions are as advanced as Timescale. Another advanced extension is Citus, but I’ve verified that Citus is safe. It does show assertion warnings. Everyone is advised to be cautious. The safest approach is to ensure extensions are compiled with headers from the PostgreSQL version you’re running.

PostgreSQL 12 Reaches End-of-Life as PG 17 Takes the Throne

According to PostgreSQL’s versioning policy, PostgreSQL 12, released in 2019, officially exits its support lifecycle today (November 14, 2024).

PostgreSQL 12’s final minor version, 12.21, released today (November 14, 2024), marks the end of the road for PG 12. Meanwhile, the newly released PostgreSQL 17.1 emerges as the ideal choice for new projects.

Version Current minor Supported First Release Final Release
17 17.1 Yes September 26, 2024 November 8, 2029
16 16.5 Yes September 14, 2023 November 9, 2028
15 15.9 Yes October 13, 2022 November 11, 2027
14 14.14 Yes September 30, 2021 November 12, 2026
13 13.17 Yes September 24, 2020 November 13, 2025
12 12.21 No October 3, 2019 November 14, 2024

Farewell to PG 12

Over the past five years, PostgreSQL 12.20 (the previous minor version) addressed 34 security issues and fixed 936 bugs compared to PostgreSQL 12.0 released five years ago.


This final release (12.21) patches four CVE security vulnerabilities and includes 17 bug fixes. From this point forward, PostgreSQL 12 enters retirement, with no further security or error fixes.

  • CVE-2024-10976: PostgreSQL row security ignores user ID changes in certain contexts (e.g., subqueries)
  • CVE-2024-10977: PostgreSQL libpq preserves error messages from man-in-the-middle attacks
  • CVE-2024-10978: PostgreSQL SET ROLE, SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION resets to incorrect user ID
  • CVE-2024-10979: PostgreSQL PL/Perl environment variable changes execute arbitrary code

The risks of running outdated versions will continue to increase over time. Users still running PG 12 or earlier versions in production should develop an upgrade plan to a supported major version (13-17).

PostgreSQL 12, released five years ago, was a milestone release in my view - the most significant since PG 10. Notably, PG 12 introduced pluggable storage engine interfaces, allowing third parties to develop new storage engines. It also delivered major observability and usability improvements, such as real-time progress reporting for various tasks and csvlog format for easier log processing and analysis. Additionally, partitioned tables saw significant performance improvements and matured considerably.


My personal connection to PG 12 runs deep - when I created Pigsty, an out-of-the-box PostgreSQL database distribution, PG 12 was the first major version we publicly supported. It’s remarkable how five years have flown by; I still vividly remember adapting features from PG 11 to PG 12.

During these five years, Pigsty evolved from a personal PG monitoring system/testing sandbox into a widely-used open source project with global community recognition. Looking back, I can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

PG 17 Takes the Throne

As one version departs, another ascends. Following PostgreSQL’s versioning policy, today’s routine quarterly release brings us PostgreSQL 17.1.


My friend Longxi Shuai from Qunar likes to upgrade immediately when a new PG version drops, while I prefer to wait for the first minor release after a major version launch.

Typically, many small fixes and refinements appear in the x.1 release following a major version. Additionally, the three-month buffer provides enough time for the PostgreSQL ecosystem of extensions to catch up and support the new major version - a crucial consideration for users of the PG ecosystem.

From PG 12 to the current PG 17, the PostgreSQL community has added 48 new feature enhancements and introduced 130 performance improvements. PostgreSQL 17’s write throughput, according to official statements, shows up to a 2x improvement in some scenarios compared to previous versions - making it well worth the upgrade.


I conducted a comprehensive performance evaluation of PostgreSQL 14 three years ago, and I’m planning to run a fresh benchmark on PostgreSQL 17.1.

I recently acquired a beast of a physical machine: 128 cores, 256GB RAM, with four 3.2TB Gen4 NVMe SSDs plus a hardware NVMe RAID acceleration card. I’m eager to see what performance PostgreSQL, pgvector, and various OLAP extensions can achieve on this hardware monster - stay tuned for the results.

Overall, I believe 17.1’s release represents an opportune time to upgrade. I plan to release Pigsty v3.1 in the coming days, which will promote PG 17 as Pigsty’s default major version, replacing PG 16.

Considering that PostgreSQL has offered logical replication since 10.0, and Pigsty provides a complete solution for blue-green deployment upgrades using logical replication without downtime, major version upgrades are far less challenging than they once were. I’ll soon publish a tutorial on zero-downtime major version upgrades to help users seamlessly upgrade from PostgreSQL 16 or earlier versions to PG 17.

PG 17 Extensions

One particularly encouraging development is how quickly the PostgreSQL extension ecosystem has adapted to PG 17 compared to the transition from PG 15 to PG 16.

Last year, PG 16 was released in mid-September, but it took nearly six months for major extensions to catch up. For instance, TimescaleDB, a core extension in the PG ecosystem, only completed PG 16 support in early February with version 2.13. Other extensions followed similar timelines.

Only after PG 16 had been out for six months did it reach a satisfactory state. That’s when Pigsty promoted PG 16 to its default major version, replacing PG 15.

Version Date Summary Link
v3.1.0 2024-11-20 PG 17 as default, config simplification, Ubuntu 24 & ARM support WIP
v3.0.4 2024-10-30 PG 17 extensions, OLAP suite, pg_duckdb v3.0.4
v3.0.3 2024-09-27 PostgreSQL 17, Etcd maintenance optimizations, IvorySQL 3.4, PostGIS 3.5 v3.0.3
v3.0.2 2024-09-07 Streamlined installation, PolarDB 15 support, monitor view updates v3.0.2
v3.0.1 2024-08-31 Routine fixes, Patroni 4 support, Oracle compatibility improvements v3.0.1
v3.0.0 2024-08-25 333 extensions, pluggable kernels, MSSQL, Oracle, PolarDB compatibility v3.0.0
v2.7.0 2024-05-20 Extension explosion with 20+ powerful new extensions and Docker applications v2.7.0
v2.6.0 2024-02-28 PG 16 as default, introduced ParadeDB and DuckDB extensions v2.6.0
v2.5.1 2023-12-01 Routine minor update, key PG16 extension support v2.5.1
v2.5.0 2023-09-24 Ubuntu/Debian support: bullseye, bookworm, jammy, focal v2.5.0
v2.4.1 2023-09-24 Supabase/PostgresML support & new extensions: graphql, jwt, pg_net, vault v2.4.1
v2.4.0 2023-09-14 PG16, RDS monitoring, service consulting, new extensions: Chinese FTS/graph/HTTP/embeddings v2.4.0
v2.3.1 2023-09-01 PGVector with HNSW, PG 16 RC1, docs overhaul, Chinese docs, routine fixes v2.3.1
v2.3.0 2023-08-20 Host VIP, ferretdb, nocodb, MySQL stub, CVE fixes v2.3.0
v2.2.0 2023-08-04 Dashboard & provisioning overhaul, UOS compatibility v2.2.0
v2.1.0 2023-06-10 Support for PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16beta v2.1.0
v2.0.2 2023-03-31 Added pgvector support, fixed MinIO CVE v2.0.2
v2.0.1 2023-03-21 v2 bug fixes, security enhancements, Grafana version upgrade v2.0.1
v2.0.0 2023-02-28 Major architectural upgrade, significantly improved compatibility, security, maintainability v2.0.0

Pigsty Release Notes

This time, the ecosystem adaptation from PG 16 to PG 17 has accelerated significantly - completing in less than three months what previously took six. I’m proud to say I’ve contributed substantially to this effort.

As I described in “PostgreSQL’s Ultimate Power: The Most Complete Extension Repository”, I maintain a repository that covers over half of the extensions in the PG ecosystem.

I recently completed the massive task of building over 140 extensions for PG 17 (also adding Ubuntu 24.04 and partial ARM support), while personally fixing or coordinating fixes for dozens of extensions with compatibility issues. The result: on EL systems, 301 out of 334 available extensions now work on PG 17, while on Debian systems, 302 out of 326 extensions are PG 17-compatible.

RPM Extension 334 115 143 70 4 6 301 330 333 319 307 294
DEB Extension 326 104 144 70 4 14 302 322 325 316 303 293


Pigsty has achieved grand unification of the PostgreSQL extension ecosystem

Among major extensions, only a few remain without PG 17 support: the distributed extension Citus, the columnar storage extension Hydra, graph database extension AGE, and PGML. However, all other powerful extensions are now PG 17-ready.

Particularly noteworthy is the recent OLAP DuckDB integration competition in the PG ecosystem. ParadeDB’s pg_analytics, personal developer Hongyan Li’s duckdb_fdw, CrunchyData’s pg_parquet, MooncakeLab’s pg_mooncake, and even pg_duckdb from Hydra and DuckDB’s parent company MotherDuck - all now support PG 17 and are available in the Pigsty extension repository.

Considering that Citus has a relatively small user base, and the columnar Hydra already has numerous DuckDB extensions as alternatives, I believe PG 17 has reached a satisfactory state for extension support and is ready for production use as the primary major version. Achieving this milestone took about half the time it required for PG 16.

About Pigsty v3.1

Pigsty is a free and open-source, out-of-the-box PostgreSQL database distribution that allows users to deploy enterprise-grade RDS cloud database services locally with a single command, helping users leverage PostgreSQL - the world’s most advanced open-source database.

PostgreSQL is undoubtedly becoming the Linux kernel of the database world, and Pigsty aims to be its Debian distribution. Our PostgreSQL database distribution offers six key value propositions:

  • Provides the most comprehensive extension support in the PostgreSQL ecosystem
  • Delivers the most powerful and complete monitoring system in the PostgreSQL ecosystem
  • Offers out-of-the-box, user-friendly tools and best practices
  • Provides self-healing, low-maintenance high availability and PITR experience
  • Delivers reliable deployment directly on bare OS without containers
  • No vendor lock-in, a democratized RDS experience with full control

Worth mentioning, we’ve added PG-derived kernel replacement capabilities in Pigsty v3, allowing you to use derivative PG kernels for unique features and capabilities:

  • Microsoft SQL Server-compatible Babelfish kernel support
  • Oracle-compatible IvorySQL 3.4 kernel support
  • Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for PostgreSQL/Oracle kernel support
  • Easier self-hosting of Supabase - the open-source Firebase alternative and all-in-one backend platform

If you’re looking for an authentic PostgreSQL experience, we welcome you to try our distribution - it’s open-source, free, and comes with no vendor lock-in. We also offer commercial consulting support to solve challenging issues and provide peace of mind.

The idea way to install PostgreSQL Extensions

PostgreSQL Is Eating the Database World through the power of extensibility. With 400 extensions powering PostgreSQL, we may not say it’s invincible, but it’s definitely getting much closer.

I believe the PostgreSQL community has reached a consensus on the importance of extensions. So the real question now becomes: “What should we do about it?”

What’s the primary problem with PostgreSQL extensions? In my opinion, it’s their accessibility. Extensions are useless if most users can’t easily install and enable them. But it’s not that easy.

Even the largest cloud postgres vendors are struggling with this. They have some inherent limitations (multi-tenancy, security, licensing) that make it hard for them to fully address this issue.

So here’s my plan, I’ve created a repository that hosts 400 of the most capable extensions in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, available as RPM / DEB packages on mainstream Linux OS distros. And the goal is to take PostgreSQL one solid step closer to becoming the all-powerful database and achieve the great alignment between the Debian and EL OS ecosystems.

TL;DR: Take me to the HOW-TO part!

The status quo

The PostgreSQL ecosystem is rich with extensions, but how do you actually install and use them? This initial hurdle becomes a roadblock for many. There are some existing solutions:

PGXN says, “You can download and compile extensions on the fly with pgxnclient.” Tembo says, “We have prepared pre-configured extension stack as Docker images.” StackGres & Omnigres says, “We download .so files on the fly.” All solid ideas.

While based on my experience, the vast majority of users still rely on their operating system’s package manager to install PG extensions. On-the-fly compilation and downloading shared libraries might not be a viable option for production env. Since many DB setups don’t have internet access or a proper toolchain ready.

In the meantime, Existing OS package managers like yum/dnf/apt already solve issues like dependency resolution, upgrades, and version management well. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel or disrupt existing standards. So the real question is: Who’s going to package these extensions into ready-to-use software?

PGDG has already made a fantastic effort with official YUM and APT repositories. In addition to the 70 built-in Contrib extensions bundled with PostgreSQL,the PGDG YUM repo offers 128 RPM extensions, while the APT repo offers 104 DEB extensions. These extensions are compiled and packaged in the same environment as the PostgreSQL kernel, making them easy to install alongside the PostgreSQL binary packages. In fact, even most PostgreSQL Docker images rely on the PGDG repo to install extensions.

I’m deeply grateful for Devrim’s maintenance of the PGDG YUM repo and Christoph’s work with the APT repo. Their efforts to make PostgreSQL installation and extension management seamless are incredibly valuable. But as a distribution creator myself, I’ve encountered some challenges with PostgreSQL extension distribution.

What’s the challenge?

The first major issue facing extension users is Alignment.

In the two primary Linux distro camps — Debian and EL — there’s a significant number of PostgreSQL extensions. Excluding the 70 built-in Contrib extensions bundled with PostgreSQL, the YUM repo offers 128 extensions, and the APT repo provides 104.

However, when we dig deeper, we see that alignment between the two repos is not ideal. The combined total of extensions across both repos is 153, but the overlap is just 79. That means only half of the extensions are available in both ecosystems!

Only half of the extensions are available in both EL and Debian ecosystems!

Next, we run into further alignment issues within each ecosystem itself. The availability of extensions can vary between different major OS versions. For instance, pljava, sequential_uuids, and firebird_fdw are only available in EL9, but not in EL8. Similarly, rdkit is available in Ubuntu 22+ / Debian 12+, but not in Ubuntu 20 / Debian 11. There’s also the issue of architecture support. For example, citus does not provide arm64 packages in the Debian repo.

And then we have alignment issues across different PostgreSQL major versions. Some extensions won’t compile on older PostgreSQL versions, while others won’t work on newer ones. Some extensions are only available for specific PostgreSQL versions in certain distributions, and so on.

These alignment issues lead to a significant number of permutations. For example, if we consider five mainstream OS distributions (el8, el9, debian12, ubuntu22, ubuntu24), two CPU architectures (x86_64 and arm64), and six PostgreSQL major versions (12–17), that’s 60-70 RPM/DEB packages per extension—just for one extension!

On top of alignment, there’s the problem of completeness. PGXN lists over 375 extensions, but the PostgreSQL ecosystem could have as many as 1,000+. The PGDG repos, however, contain only about one-tenth of them.

There are also several powerful new Rust-based extensions that PGDG doesn’t include, such as pg_graphql, pg_jsonschema, and wrappers for self-hosting Supabase; pg_search as an Elasticsearch alternative; and pg_analytics, pg_parquet, pg_mooncake for OLAP processing. The reason? They are too slow to compile…

What’s the solution?

Over the past six months, I’ve focused on consolidating the PostgreSQL extension ecosystem. Recently, I reached a milestone I’m quite happy with. I’ve created a PG YUM/APT repository with a catalog of 400available PostgreSQL extensions.

Here are some key stats for the repo: It hosts 400 extensions in total. Excluding the 70 built-in extensions that come with PostgreSQL, this leaves 270 third-party extensions. Of these, about half are maintained by the official PGDG repos (126 RPM, 102 DEB). The other half (131 RPM, 143DEB) are maintained, fixed, compiled, packaged, and distributed by myself.

RPM 334 115 143 70 4 6 301 330 333 319 307 294
DEB 326 104 144 70 4 14 302 322 325 316 303 293

For each extension, I’ve built versions for the 6 major PostgreSQL versions (12–17) across five popular Linux distributions: EL8, EL9, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04, and Debian 12. I’ve also provided some limited support for older OS versions like EL7, Debian 11, and Ubuntu 20.04.

This repository also addresses most of the alignment issue. Initially, there were extensions in the APT and YUM repos that were unique to each, but I’ve worked to port as many of these unique extensions to the other ecosystem. Now, only 7 APT extensions are missing from the YUM repo, and 16 extensions are missing in APT—just 6% of the total. Many missing PGDG extensions have also been resolved.

I’ve created a comprehensive directory listing all supported extensions, with detailed info, dependency installation instructions, and other important notes.

I hope this repository can serve as the ultimate solution to the frustration users face when extensions are difficult to find, compile, or install.

How to use this repo?

Now, for a quick plug — what’s the easiest way to install and use these extensions?

The simplest option is to use the OSS PostgreSQL distribution: Pigsty. The repo is autoconfigured by default, so all you need to do is declare them in the config inventory.

For example, the self-hosting supabase template requires extensions that aren’t available in the PGDG repo. You can simply download, install, preload, config and create extensions by referring to their names.

      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
        pg_cluster: pg-meta

          - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
          - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
          - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
          - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

        pg_libs: 'pg_stat_statements, plpgsql, plpgsql_check, pg_cron, pg_net, timescaledb, auto_explain, pg_tle, plan_filter'

          cron.database_name: postgres
          pgsodium.enable_event_trigger: off

          - name: postgres
            baseline: supabase.sql
            schemas: [ extensions ,auth ,realtime ,storage ,graphql_public ,supabase_functions ,_analytics ,_realtime ]
              - { name: pgcrypto  ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pg_net    ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pgjwt     ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: uuid-ossp ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pgsodium        }               
              - { name: supabase_vault  }               
              - { name: pg_graphql      }               
              - { name: pg_jsonschema   }               
              - { name: wrappers        }               
              - { name: http            }               
              - { name: pg_cron         }               
              - { name: timescaledb     }               
              - { name: pg_tle          }               
              - { name: vector          }               
    pg_version: 17

      - pgsql-main
      - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
      - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
      - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
      - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

To simply add extensions to existing clusters:

./infra.yml -t repo_build -e '{"repo_packages":[citus]}'         # download
./pgsql.yml -t pg_extension -e '{"pg_extensions": ["citus"]}'    # install

Through this repo was meant to be used with Pigsty, But it is not mandatory. You can still enable this repository on any EL/Debian/Ubuntu system with a simple one-liner in the shell:

APT Repo

Linux Ubuntu Support: 24 Ubuntu Support: 22 Debian Support: 12

For Ubuntu 22.04 & Debian 12 or any compatible platforms, use the following commands to add the APT repo:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pigsty-io.list > /dev/null <<EOF
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg] generic main 
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg]$(lsb_release -cs) $(lsb_release -cs) main
sudo apt update

YUM Repo

Linux RHEL Support: 8/9 RHEL CentOS RockyLinux AlmaLinux OracleLinux

For EL 8/9 and compatible platforms, use the following commands to add the YUM repo:

curl -fsSL      | sudo tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-pigsty >/dev/null  # add gpg key
curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty.repo        >/dev/null  # add repo file
sudo yum makecache

What’s in this repo?

In this repo, all the extensions are categorized into one of the 15 categories: TIME, GIS, RAG, FTS, OLAP, FEAT, LANG, TYPE, FUNC, ADMIN, STAT, SEC, FDW, SIM, ETL, as shown below.

Check for all the details.

Some Thoughts

Each major PostgreSQL version introduces changes, making the maintenance of 140+ extension packages a bit of a beast.

Especially when some extension authors haven’t updated their work in years. In these cases, you often have no choice but to take matters into your own hands. I’ve personally fixed several extensions and ensured they support the latest PostgreSQL major versions. For those authors I could reach, I’ve submitted numerous PRs and issues to keep things moving forward.

Back to the point: my goal with this repo is to establish a standard for PostgreSQL extension installation and distribution, solving the distribution challenges that have long troubles the users.

A recent milestone is that, the popular open-source PostgreSQL HA cluster project postgresql_cluster, has made this extension repository the default upstream for PG extension installation.

Currently, this repository ( is hosted on Cloudflare. In the past month, the repo and its mirrors have served about 300GB of downloads. Given that most extensions are just a few KB to a few MB, that amounts to nearly a million downloads per month. Since Cloudflare doesn’t charge for traffic, I can confidently commit to keeping this repository completely free & under active maintenance for the foreseeable future, as long as cloudflare doesn’t charge me too much.

I believe my work can help PostgreSQL users worldwide and contribute to the thriving PostgreSQL ecosystem. I hope it proves useful to you as well. Enjoy PostgreSQL!

PostgreSQL 17 Released: The Database That's Not Just Playing Anymore!

The annual PostgreSQL major release is here! What surprises does PostgreSQL 17 have in store for us?

In this release announcement, the PostgreSQL global community has finally dropped the act — sorry, we’re not playing anymore — “PostgreSQL is now the world’s most advanced open-source database, becoming the preferred choice for organizations of all sizes”. While not explicitly naming names, the official announcement comes incredibly close to shouting “we’re taking down the top commercial databases” (Oracle).


In my article “PostgreSQL is Eating the Database World” published earlier this year, I argued that scalability is PostgreSQL’s unique core advantage. I’m thrilled to see this become the focus and consensus of the PostgreSQL community in just six months, as demonstrated at PGCon.Dev 2024 and this PostgreSQL 17 release.

Regarding new features, I’ve already covered them in my article “PostgreSQL 17 Beta1 Released! The Performance Tube is Bursting!”, so I won’t repeat them here. This major version brings many new features, but what impressed me most is that PG managed to double its write throughput on top of its already impressive performanceunpretentiously powerful.

However, beyond specific features, I believe the biggest transformation in the PG community is in its mindset and spirit — in this release announcement, PostgreSQL has dropped the “relational” qualifier from its slogan “the world’s most advanced open-source relational database”, becoming simply “the world’s most advanced open-source database”. And in the “About PostgreSQL” section, it states: “PG’s feature set, advanced capabilities, scalability, security, and stability now rival and even surpass top-tier commercial databases”. So I think it won’t be long before the “open-source” qualifier can be dropped too, becoming simply “the world’s most advanced database”.

The PostgreSQL beast has awakened — it’s no longer the peaceful, non-confrontational entity of the past, but has transformed into an aggressive, forward-looking force — ready to take over and conquer the entire database world. And countless capital has already flooded into the PostgreSQL ecosystem, with PG-based startups taking almost all the new money in database funding. PostgreSQL is destined to become the “Linux kernel” of the database world, and DBMS disputes might evolve into internal PostgreSQL distribution battles in the future. Let’s wait and see.


Original: PostgreSQL 17 Release Notes

Can PostgreSQL Replace Microsoft SQL Server?

Many people don’t have a clear picture of how far the PostgreSQL ecosystem has evolved. Beyond devouring the database world with its all-encompassing extension ecosystem, PostgreSQL can now directly replace Oracle, SQL Server, and MongoDB at the kernel level – and MySQL is even less of a challenge.

When it comes to mainstream databases at highest risk of displacement, Microsoft SQL Server undeniably tops the list. MSSQL faces the most comprehensive replacement – right down to the wire protocol level. And who’s leading this charge? None other than AWS, Amazon’s cloud service division.


While I’ve often criticized cloud vendors for free-riding on open source, I must admit this strategy is extremely effective. AWS has leveraged the open-source PostgreSQL and MySQL kernels to dominate the database market, punching Oracle and kicking Microsoft, becoming the undisputed market leader. In recent years, AWS has pulled off an even more brilliant move by developing the BabelfishPG extension, providing compatibility at the “wire protocol” level.


Wire protocol compatibility” means clients don’t need to change anything – they can still access the SQL Server port 1433 using MSSQL drivers and command-line tools (sqlcmd) to connect to clusters equipped with BabelfishPG. Even more remarkably, you can still use PostgreSQL’s protocol language syntax to access the original 5432 port, coexisting with SQL Server clients – this creates tremendous convenience for migration.


Of course, Babelfish isn’t merely a simple PG extension plugin. It makes minor modifications and adaptations to the PostgreSQL kernel and provides four extension plugins that offer TSQL syntax support, TDS wire protocol support, data types, and other function support.


Compiling and packaging such kernels and extensions on different platforms isn’t a simple task. That’s where WiltonDB – a Babelfish distribution – comes in. It compiles and packages BabelfishPG as RPM/DEB/MSI packages for EL 7/8/9, Ubuntu systems, and even Windows.

Pigsty v3

Having RPM/DEB packages alone is still far from offering production-grade services. In the recently released Pigsty v3, we provide the ability to replace the native PostgreSQL kernel with BabelfishPG.

Creating such an MSSQL cluster requires only modifying a few parameters in the cluster definition. The setup process remains fool-proof – similar to primary-replica setup, extension installation, parameter optimization, user configuration, HBA rule settings, and even service traffic distribution will automatically be established based on the configuration file.


In practice, you can treat a Babelfish cluster exactly like a regular PostgreSQL cluster for use and management. The only difference is that clients can choose whether to use TSQL protocol support on port 1433 in addition to the PGSQL protocol on port 5432.


For example, you can easily redirect the Primary service (which originally points to the primary database connection pool on port 6432) to port 1433 through configuration, achieving seamless TDS/TSQL traffic switching during failovers.


This means that capabilities originally belonging to PostgreSQL RDS – high availability, point-in-time recovery, monitoring systems, IaC control, SOP plans, and countless extension plugins – can all be grafted onto the SQL Server version kernel.

How to Migrate?

Beyond powerful kernels and extensions like Babelfish, the PostgreSQL ecosystem boasts a flourishing toolkit ecosystem. For migrations from SQL Server or MySQL to PostgreSQL, I strongly recommend a killer migration tool: PGLOADER.

This migration tool is ridiculously straightforward – under ideal conditions, you only need connection strings for both databases to complete the migration. Yes, really, without a single line of unnecessary code.

pgloader mssql://user@mshost/dbname pgsql://pguser@pghost/dbname

With MSSQL-compatible kernel extensions and migration tools, moving existing SQL Server installations becomes remarkably easy.

Beyond MSSQL…

Besides MSSQL, the PostgreSQL ecosystem offers Oracle replacements like PolarDB O and IvorySQL, MongoDB replacements like FerretDB and PongoDB, as well as over three hundred extensions providing various functionalities.

In fact, nearly the entire database world is feeling PostgreSQL’s impact – except for those that occupy different ecological niches (SQLite, DuckDB, MinIO) or are essentially PostgreSQL in disguise (Supabase, RDS, Aurora/Polar).


Our recently released open-source PostgreSQL RDS solution, Pigsty, now supports these PG replacement kernels, allowing users to provide MSSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Firebase, and MongoDB compatibility within a single PostgreSQL deployment.

But due to space limitations, those will be topics for upcoming articles.

Whoever Integrates DuckDB Best Wins the OLAP World

In the post “PostgreSQL is Eating the World”, I posed a question: Who will ultimately unify the database world? My take is that it’ll be the PostgreSQL ecosystem coupled with a rich variety of extension plugins. And I believe that to conquer OLAP—arguably the biggest and most distinct kingdom in the database domain—this “analysis extension” absolutely has something to do with DuckDB.

I’ve long been a huge fan of PostgreSQL. But interestingly, my second favorite database over the past two years has shifted from Redis to DuckDB. DuckDB is a very compact yet powerful embedded OLAP database, achieving top-tier performance and usability in analytics. It also ranks just behind PostgreSQL in terms of extensibility.


Much like the vector database extension race two years back, the new frontier in the PG ecosystem is a competition centered around DuckDB—“Whoever integrates DuckDB into PG more elegantly will be the future champion of the OLAP world.” Although many participants are sharpening their swords for this battle, DuckDB’s official entry into the race leaves no doubt that the competition is about to ignite.

DuckDB: A Rising Challenger in the OLAP Space

DuckDB was created by database researchers Mark Raasveldt and Hannes Mühleisen at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. CWI is not just a research institute—it’s arguably the hidden powerhouse behind the development of analytical databases, pioneering columnar storage engines and vectorized query execution. Products like ClickHouse, Snowflake, and Databricks all carry CWI’s influence. Fun fact: Guido van Rossum (a.k.a. the father of Python) also created the Python language while at CWI.

Now these pioneers in analytical research are directly bringing their expertise to an OLAP database, choosing a smart timing and niche by introducing DuckDB.

DuckDB was born from observing database users’ pain points: data scientists mostly rely on tools like Python and Pandas and are less familiar with traditional databases. They’re often bogged down by hassles like connectivity, authentication, data import/export, and so on. So why not build a simple, embedded analytical database for them—kinda like SQLite for analytics?

The entire DuckDB project is essentially one header file and one C++ file, which compiles into a standalone binary. The database itself is just a single file. It uses a PostgreSQL-compatible parser and syntax, making it almost frictionless for newcomers. Though DuckDB seems refreshingly simple, its most impressive feature is “simplicity without compromise”—it boasts world-class analytical performance. For instance, on ClickHouse’s own benchmark site (ClickBench), DuckDB can beat the local champion on its home turf.

Another highlight: because DuckDB’s creators are government-funded researchers, they consider offering their work to everyone for free a social responsibility. Thus, DuckDB is released under the very permissive MIT License.

I believe DuckDB’s rise is inevitable: a database that’s blazing fast, requires virtually zero setup, and is also open-source and free—it’s hard not to become popular. In StackOverflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, DuckDB made the “Most Popular Databases” list for the first time at a 0.61% usage rate (29th place, fourth from the bottom). Just one year later, in the 2024 survey, DuckDB saw a 2.3x growth in popularity (1.4%), nearly catching up to ClickHouse (1.7%).


At the same time, DuckDB has garnered an excellent reputation among its users. In terms of developer appreciation and satisfaction (69.2%), it’s second only to PostgreSQL (74.5%) among major databases. If we look at DB-Engine’s popularity trend, it’s clear that since 2022, DuckDB has been on a meteoric rise—though it’s still nowhere near PostgreSQL levels, it has already surpassed every other NewSQL product in popularity scores.


DuckDB’s Weaknesses—and the Opportunity They Present

DuckDB can be used as a standalone database, but it truly shines as an embedded analytical engine. Being “embedded” is both a strength and a weakness. While DuckDB boasts top-notch analytics performance, its biggest shortcoming is its rather minimal data-management capabilities—the stuff data scientists hate dealing with: ACID, concurrent access, access control, data persistence, HA, database import/export… Ironically, these are precisely the strong suits of classic databases and the core pain points for enterprise analytics systems.

We can expect a wave of DuckDB “sidecar” products to address these gaps. It’s reminiscent of what happened when Facebook open-sourced RocksDB (a KV store): countless “new database” projects merely slapped a thin SQL layer on top of RocksDB and sold themselves as the next big thing—Yet another SQL sidecar for RocksDB. The same phenomenon happened with the vector search library hnswlib—numerous “specialized vector databases” sprang up, all just wrapping hnswlib. And with Lucene or its next-gen replacement Tantivy, we’ve seen a flurry of “full-text search databases” that are basically wrapped versions of those engines.


In fact, this is already happening within the PostgreSQL ecosystem. Before other database companies realized what was happening, five PG players jumped into the race, including ParadeDB’s pg_lakehouse, duckdb_fdw by independent developer Li Hongyan, CrunchyData’s crunchy_bridge, Hydra’s pg_quack, and now the official DuckDB team has arrived with a PG extension—pg_duckdb.

The Second PG Extension Grand Prix

It reminds me of the vector database extension frenzy in the PG community over the past year. As AI went mainstream, the PG world saw at least six vector extensions (pgvector,, pg_embedding, latern, pase, pgvectorscale) racing to outdo each other. Eventually, pgvector, boosted heavily by AWS and others, steamrolled the specialized vector-database market before Oracle/MySQL/MariaDB even rolled out their half-baked offerings.

So, who will become the “pgvector” of the PG OLAP ecosystem? Personally, I’d bet on the official extension overshadowing community ones. Although pg_duckdb has only just arrived—it hasn’t even hit version v0.0.1 yet—its architectural design suggests it’s likely the future winner. Indeed, this extension arms race has only just started, but it’s already converging fast:

Hydra (YC W22), which originally forked Citus’ column store extension to create pg_quack, was so impressed by DuckDB that they abandoned their own engine and teamed up with MotherDuck to build pg_duckdb. This extension, blending Hydra’s PG know-how with DuckDB’s native expertise, can seamlessly read PG tables inside your database, use DuckDB for computation, and directly read Parquet/IceBerg formats from the filesystem/S3—thus creating a “data lakehouse” setup.


Similarly, ParadeDB (YC S23)—another YC-backed startup—originally built pg_analytics in Rust for OLAP capabilities, achieving decent traction. They, too, switched gears to build a DuckDB-based pg_lakehouse. Right after the pg_duckdb announcement, ParadeDB founder Phillipe essentially waved the white flag and said they’d develop on top of pg_duckdb rather than compete against it.


Meanwhile, Chinese independent developer Li Hongyan created duckdb_fdw as a different approach altogether—using PostgreSQL’s foreign-data-wrapper infrastructure to connect PG and DuckDB. The official DuckDB folks publicly critiqued this, highlighting it as a “bad example,” possibly motivating the birth of “pg_duckdb”: “We have grand visions for uniting PG and Duck, but you moved too fast—here’s the official shock and awe.”

As for CrunchyData’s crunchy_bridge or any other closed-source wrappers, I suspect they’ll struggle to gain broader adoption.

Of course, as the author of the PostgreSQL distribution Pigsty, my position is simply—let them race. I’ll bundle all these extensions and distribute them to end users, so they can pick whatever suits them best. Just like when vector databases were on the rise, I bundled pgvector, pg_embedding, pase, pg_sparse, etc.—the most promising candidates. It doesn’t matter who ultimately wins; PG and Pigsty will always be the ones reaping the spoils.

Speed trumps all, so in Pigsty v3 I’ve already integrated the three most promising extensions: pg_duckdb, pg_lakehouse, and duckdb_fdw, plus the main duckdb binary—all ready to go out of the box. Users can experience a one-stop PostgreSQL solution that handles both OLTP and OLAP—truly an all-conquering HTAP dream come true.

StackOverflow 2024 Survey: PostgreSQL Is Dominating the Field

2024 StackOverflow Global Developer Survey Results have just been released, featuring high-quality responses from 60,000 developers in 185 countries and regions. Naturally, as a seasoned database aficionado, the part I’m most interested in is the “Database” section of the survey:


First up is database popularity: Database usage among professional developers

A technology’s popularity is measured by the proportion of overall respondents who used it in the past year. This figure reflects accumulated usage over that period—think of it as the market “stock” metric, the most fundamental indicator of current status.


In terms of usage, PostgreSQL leads the pack among professional developers at 51.9%, clinching the top spot for the third consecutive year—and surpassing the 50% mark for the first time ever! The gap between PostgreSQL and the second-place MySQL (39.4%) has widened to 12.5 percentage points (it was 8.5 points last year).

Looking at the entire developer community (including non-professionals), PostgreSQL has become the world’s most popular database for the second year in a row, at 48.7% usage—pulling 8.4 points ahead of MySQL (40.3%), compared to a 4.5-point lead in the previous year.

Plotting the past eight years of survey data on a scatter chart shows PostgreSQL enjoying a near-linear, high-speed growth trend.


Besides PostgreSQL, other databases seeing notable growth include SQLite, DuckDB, Supabase, BigQuery, Snowflake, and Databricks SQL. BigQuery, Snowflake, and Databricks are the darlings of the big data analytics realm, while SQLite and DuckDB occupy a unique embedded database niche that doesn’t really clash with traditional relational databases. Supabase, on the other hand, encapsulates PostgreSQL under the hood as its backend development platform.


All other databases have, to varying degrees, felt the impact of PostgreSQL’s rise.

Admiration & Demand

Next, let’s look at a database’s admiration (in red) and demand (in blue): Which databases are most loved and most wanted by all developers over the past year, sorted by demand.


So-called “reputation” (the red dot)—Loved/Admired—tells us what percentage of current users would be happy to keep using the technology. It’s like an annual “retention rate” that captures the perception and valuation of a database, reflecting its future growth potential.


In terms of reputation, PostgreSQL remains at the top for the second consecutive year, with a 74.5% admiration rate. Two other databases worth noting are SQLite and DuckDB, both of which have seen a significant uptick in user admiration in the past year, while TiDB experienced a dramatic drop (from 64.33 down to 48.8).

The proportion of all respondents who say they want to use a given technology next year is the “Wanted” or “Desired” rate (the blue dot). This metric indicates how many plan to adopt that technology in the coming year, making it a solid predictor of near-future growth. Hence the survey ranks databases by this demand figure.


This is PostgreSQL’s third consecutive year at the top, now boasting a commanding lead over the runners-up. Perhaps driven by recent interest in vector databases, PostgreSQL’s demand has skyrocketed—from 19% in 2022 to 47% in 2024. By contrast, MySQL’s demand fell behind even SQLite, slipping from second place in 2023 to third this year.


This demand metric—representing explicit statements like, “I plan to use this database next year”—accurately forecasts next year’s new adoption. That means this spike in demand for PostgreSQL will likely be reflected in higher popularity numbers next year.


For the second consecutive year, PostgreSQL has unequivocally staked its claim as the world’s most popular, most loved, and most in-demand database.

Looking at the eight-year trend and next year’s demand projections, it seems unlikely any rival will be able to topple PostgreSQL’s ascendancy.

MySQL, once PostgreSQL’s main competitor, clearly shows signs of decline, and other databases are feeling the pressure too. Those that continue to grow either avoid going head-to-head with PostgreSQL by occupying a different niche, or they’ve rebranded themselves into PostgreSQL-compatible or PostgreSQL-based solutions.

PostgreSQL is on track to become the Linux kernel of the database world, with the “PostgreSQL distribution wars” set to begin in earnest.

Self-Hosting Dify with PG, PGVector, and Pigsty

Dify – The Innovation Engine for GenAI Applications

Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Orchestrate LLM apps from agents to complex AI workflows, with an RAG engine. Which claims to be more production-ready than LangChain.

Of course, a workflow orchestration software like this needs a database underneath — Dify uses PostgreSQL for meta data storage, as well as Redis for caching and a dedicated vector database. You can pull the Docker images and play locally, but for production deployment, this setup won’t suffice — there’s no HA, backup, PITR, monitoring, and many other things.

Fortunately, Pigsty provides a battery-include production-grade highly available PostgreSQL cluster, along with the Redis and S3 (MinIO) capabilities that Dify needs, as well as Nginx to expose the Web service, making it the perfect companion for Dify.


Off-load the stateful part to Pigsty, you only need to pull up the stateless blue circle part with a simple docker compose up.

BTW, I have to criticize the design of the Dify template. Since the metadata is already stored in PostgreSQL, why not add pgvector to use it as a vector database? What’s even more baffling is that pgvector is a separate image and container. Why not just use a PG image with pgvector included?

Dify “supports” a bunch of flashy vector databases, but since PostgreSQL is already chosen, using pgvector as the default vector database is the natural choice. Similarly, I think the Dify team should consider removing Redis. Celery task queues can use PostgreSQL as backend storage, so having multiple databases is unnecessary. Entities should not be multiplied without necessity.

Therefore, the Pigsty-provided Dify Docker Compose template has made some adjustments to the official example. It removes the db and redis database images, using instances managed by Pigsty. The vector database is fixed to use pgvector, reusing the same PostgreSQL instance.

In the end, the architecture is simplified to three stateless containers: dify-api, dify-web, and dify-worker, which can be created and destroyed at will. There are also two optional containers, ssrf_proxy and nginx, for providing proxy and some security features.

There’s a bit of state management left with file system volumes, storing things like private keys. Regular backups are sufficient.


Pigsty Preparation

Let’s take the single-node installation of Pigsty as an example. Suppose you have a machine with the IP address and already pigsty installed.

We need to define the database clusters required in the Pigsty configuration file pigsty.yml.

Here, we define a cluster named pg-meta, which includes a superuser named dbuser_dify (the implementation is a bit rough as the Migration script executes CREATE EXTENSION which require dbsu privilege for now),

And there’s a database named dify with the pgvector extension installed, and a specific firewall rule allowing users to access the database from anywhere using a password (you can also restrict it to a more precise range, such as the Docker subnet

Additionally, a standard single-instance Redis cluster redis-dify with the password redis.dify is defined.

  hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
    pg_cluster: pg-meta
    pg_users: [ { name: dbuser_dify ,password: DBUser.Dify  ,superuser: true ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] } ]
    pg_databases: [ { name: dify, owner: dbuser_dify, extensions: [ { name: pgvector } ] } ]
    pg_hba_rules: [ { user: dbuser_dify , db: all ,addr: world ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow dify user world pwd access' } ]

  hosts: { { redis_node: 1 , redis_instances: { 6379: { } } } }
  vars: { redis_cluster: redis-dify ,redis_password: 'redis.dify' ,redis_max_memory: 64MB }

For demonstration purposes, we use single-instance configurations. You can refer to the Pigsty documentation to deploy high availability PG and Redis clusters. After defining the clusters, use the following commands to create the PG and Redis clusters:

bin/pgsql-add  pg-meta                # create the dify database cluster
bin/redis-add  redis-dify             # create redis cluster

Alternatively, you can define a new business user and business database on an existing PostgreSQL cluster, such as pg-meta, and create them with the following commands:

bin/pgsql-user pg-meta dbuser_dify    # create dify biz user
bin/pgsql-db   pg-meta dify           # create dify biz database

You should be able to access PostgreSQL and Redis with the following connection strings, adjusting the connection information as needed:

psql postgres://dbuser_dify:[email protected]:5432/dify -c 'SELECT 1'
redis-cli -u redis://[email protected]:6379/0 ping

Once you confirm these connection strings are working, you’re all set to start deploying Dify.

For demonstration purposes, we’re using direct IP connections. For a multi-node high availability PG cluster, please refer to the service access section.

The above assumes you are already a Pigsty user familiar with deploying PostgreSQL and Redis clusters. You can skip the next section and proceed to see how to configure Dify.

Starting from Scratch

If you’re already familiar with setting up Pigsty, feel free to skip this section.

Prepare a fresh Linux x86_64 node that runs compatible OS, then run as a sudo-able user:

curl -fsSL | bash

It will download Pigsty source to your home, then perform configure and install to finish the installation.

cd ~/pigsty   # get pigsty source and entering dir
./bootstrap   # download bootstrap pkgs & ansible [optional]
./configure   # pre-check and config templating   [optional]

# change pigsty.yml, adding those cluster definitions above into all.children 

./install.yml # install pigsty according to pigsty.yml

You should insert the above PostgreSQL cluster and Redis cluster definitions into the pigsty.yml file, then run install.yml to complete the installation.

Redis Deploy

Pigsty will not deploy redis in install.yml, so you have to run redis.yml playbook to install Redis explicitly:


Docker Deploy

Pigsty will not deploy Docker by default, so you need to install Docker with the docker.yml playbook.


Dify Confiugration

You can configure dify in the .env file:

All parameters are self-explanatory and filled in with default values that work directly in the Pigsty sandbox env. Fill in the database connection information according to your actual conf, consistent with the PG/Redis cluster configuration above.

Changing the SECRET_KEY field is recommended. You can generate a strong key with openssl rand -base64 42:

# meta parameter
DIFY_PORT=8001 # expose dify nginx service with port 8001 by default
LOG_LEVEL=INFO # The log level for the application. Supported values are `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `CRITICAL`
SECRET_KEY=sk-9f73s3ljTXVcMT3Blb3ljTqtsKiGHXVcMT3BlbkFJLK7U # A secret key for signing and encryption, gen with `openssl rand -base64 42`

# postgres credential

# redis credential

# minio/s3 [OPTIONAL] when STORAGE_TYPE=s3

Now we can pull up dify with docker compose:

cd pigsty/app/dify && make up

Expose Dify Service via Nginx

Dify expose web/api via its own nginx through port 80 by default, while pigsty uses port 80 for its own Nginx. T

herefore, we expose Dify via port 8001 by default, and use Pigsty’s Nginx to forward to this port.

Change infra_portal in pigsty.yml, with the new dify line:

infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
  home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
  grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
  prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
  alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
  blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
  loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }
  dify         : { domain: dify.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }

Then expose dify web service via Pigsty’s Nginx server:

./infra.yml -t nginx

Don’t forget to add dify.pigsty to your DNS or local /etc/hosts / C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to access via domain name.

PGCon.Dev 2024, The conf that shutdown PG for a week

PGCon.Dev, once known as PGCon—the annual must-attend gathering for PostgreSQL hackers and key forum for its future direction, has been held in Ottawa since its inception in 2007.

This year marks a new chapter as the original organizer, Dan, hands over the reins to a new team, and the event moves to SFU’s Harbour Centre in Vancouver, kicking off a new era with grandeur.

How engaging was this event? Peter Eisentraut, member of the PostgreSQL core team, noted that during PGCon.Dev, there were no code commits to PostgreSQL – resulting in the longest pause in twenty years, a whopping week! a historic coding ceasefire! Why? Because all the developers were at the conference!


Considering the last few interruptions that occurred in the early days of the project twenty years ago,

I’ve been embracing PostgreSQL for a decade, but attending a global PG Hacker conference in person was a first for me, and I’m immensely grateful for the organizer’s efforts. PGCon.Dev 2024 wrapped up on May 31st, though this post comes a bit delayed as I’ve been exploring Vancouver and Banff National Park ;)

Day Zero: Extension Summit

Day zero is for leadership meetings, and I’ve signed up for the afternoon’s Extension Ecosystem Summit.

Maybe this summit is somewhat subtly related to my recent post, “Postgres is eating the database world,” highlighting PostgreSQL’s thriving extension ecosystem as a unique and critical success factor and drawing the community’s attention.


I participated in David Wheeler’s Binary Packing session along with other PostgreSQL community leaders. Despite some hesitation to new standards like PGXN v2 from current RPM/APT maintainers. In the latter half of the summit, I attended a session led by Yurii Rashkovskii, discussing extension directory structures, metadata, naming conflicts, version control, and binary distribution ideas.


Prior to this summit, the PostgreSQL community had held six mini-summits discussing these topics intensely, with visions for the extension ecosystem’s future development shared by various speakers. Recordings of these sessions are available on YouTube.

And after the summit, I had a chance to chat with Devrim, the RPM maintainer, about extension packing, which was quite enlightening.

“Keith Fan Group” – from Devrim on Extension Summit

Day One: Brilliant Talks and Bar Social

The core of PGCon.Dev lies in its sessions. Unlike some China domestic conferences with mundane product pitches or irrelevant tech details, PGCon.Dev presentations are genuinely engaging and substantive. The official program kicked off on May 29th, after a day of closed-door leadership meetings and the Ecosystem Summit on the 28th.

The opening was co-hosted by Jonathan Katz, 1 of the 7 core PostgreSQL team members and a chief product manager at AWS RDS, and Melanie Plageman, a recent PG committer from Microsoft. A highlight was when Andres Freund, the developer who uncovered the famous xz backdoor, was celebrated as a superhero on stage.


Following the opening, the regular session tracks began. Although conference videos aren’t out yet, I’m confident they’ll “soon” be available on YouTube. Most sessions had three tracks running simultaneously; here are some highlights I chose to attend.

Pushing the Boundaries of PG Extensions

Yurii’s talk, “Pushing the Boundaries of PG Extensions,” tackled what kind of extension APIs PostgreSQL should offer. PostgreSQL boasts robust extensibility, but the current extension API set is decades old, from the 9.x era. Yurii’s proposal aims to address issues with the existing extension mechanisms. Challenges such as installing multiple versions of an extension simultaneously, avoiding database restarts post-extension installations, managing extensions as seamlessly as data, and handling dependencies among extensions were discussed.

Yurii and Viggy, founders of Omnigres, aim to transform PostgreSQL into a full-fledged application development platform, including hosting HTTP servers directly within the database. They designed a new extension API and management system for PostgreSQL to achieve this. Their innovative improvements represent the forefront of exploration into PostgreSQL’s core extension mechanisms.


I had a great conversation with Viggy and Yurii. Yurii walked me through compiling and installing Omni. I plan to support the Omni extension series in the next version of Pigsty, making this powerful application development framework plug-and-play.

Anarchy in DBMS

Abigale Kim from CMU, under the mentorship of celebrity professor Andy Pavlo, delivered the talk “Anarchy in the Database—A Survey and Evaluation of DBMS Extensibility.” This topic intrigued me since Pigsty’s primary value proposition is about PostgreSQL’s extensibility.

Kim’s research revealed interesting insights: PostgreSQL is the most extensible DBMS, supporting 9 out of 10 extensibility points, closely followed by DuckDB. With over 375+ available extensions, PostgreSQL significantly outpaces other databases.


Kim’s quantitative analysis of compatibility levels among these extensions resulted in a compatibility matrix, unveiling conflicts—most notably, powerful extensions like TimescaleDB and Citus are prone to clashes. This information is very valuable for users and distribution maintainers. Read the detailed study.

I joked with Kim that — now I could brag about PostgreSQL’s extensibility with her research data.

How PostgreSQL is Misused and Abused

The first-afternoon session featured Karen Jex from CrunchyData, an unusual perspective from a user — and a female DBA. Karen shared common blunders by PostgreSQL beginners. While I knew all of what was discussed, it reaffirmed that beginners worldwide make similar mistakes — an enlightening perspective for PG Hackers, who found the session quite engaging.

PostgreSQL and the AI Ecosystem

The second-afternoon session by Bruce Momjian, co-founder of the PGDG and a core committee member from the start, was unexpectedly about using PostgreSQL’s multi-dimensional arrays and queries to implement neural network inference and training.


Haha, some ArgParser code. I see it

During the lunch, Bruce explained that Jonathan Katz needed a topic to introduce the vector database extension PGVector in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, so Bruce was roped in to “fill the gap.” Check out Bruce’s presentation.

PB-Level PostgreSQL Deployments

The third afternoon session by Chris Travers discussed their transition from using ElasticSearch for data storage—with a poor experience and high maintenance for 1PB over 30 days retention, to a horizontally scaled PostgreSQL cluster perfectly handling 10PB of data. Normally, PostgreSQL comfort levels on a single machine range from several dozen to a few hundred TB. Deployments at the PB scale, especially at 10PB, even within a horizontally scaled cluster, are exceptionally rare. While the practice itself is standard—partitioning and sharding—the scale of data managed is truly impressive.

Highlight: When Hardware and Database Collide

Undoubtedly, the standout presentation of the event, Margo Seltzer’s talk “When Hardware and Database Collide” was not only the most passionate and compelling talk I’ve attended live but also a highlight across all conferences.

Professor Margo Seltzer, formerly of Harvard and now at UBC, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the creator of BerkeleyDB, delivered a powerful discourse on the core challenges facing databases today. She pinpointed that the bottleneck for databases has shifted from disk I/O to main memory speed. Emerging hardware technologies like HBM and CXL could be the solution, posing new challenges for PostgreSQL hackers to tackle.


This was a refreshing divergence from China’s typically monotonous academic talks, leaving a profound impact and inspiration. Once the conference video is released, I highly recommend checking out her energizing presentation.

WetBar Social

Following Margo’s session, the official Social Event took place at Rogue Kitchen & Wetbar, just a street away from the venue at Waterfront Station, boasting views of the Pacific and iconic Vancouver landmarks.

The informal setting was perfect for engaging with new and old peers. Conversations with notable figures like Devrim, Tomasz, Yurii, and Keith were particularly enriching. As an RPM maintainer, I had an extensive and fruitful discussion with Devrim, resolving many longstanding queries.


The atmosphere was warm and familiar, with many reconnecting after long periods. A couple of beers in, conversations flowed even more freely among fellow PostgreSQL enthusiasts. The event concluded with an invitation from Melanie for a board game session, which I regretfully declined due to my limited English in such interactive settings.

Day 2: Debate, Lunch, and Lighting Talks

Multi-Threading Postgres

The warmth from the previous night’s socializing carried over into the next day, marked by the eagerly anticipated session on “Multi-threaded PostgreSQL,” which was packed to capacity. The discussion, initiated by Heikki, centered on the pros and cons of PostgreSQL’s process and threading models, along with detailed implementation plans and current progress.

The threading model promises numerous benefits: cheaper connections (akin to a built-in connection pool), shared relation and plan caches, dynamic adjustment of shared memory, config changes without restarts, more aggressive Vacuum operations, runtime Explain Analyze, and easier memory usage limits per connection. However, there’s significant opposition, maybe led by Tom Lane, concerned about potential bugs, loss of isolation benefits from the multi-process model, and extensive incompatibilities requiring many extensions to be rewritten.


Heikki laid out a detailed plan to transition to the threading model over five to seven years, aiming for a seamless shift without intermediate states. Intriguingly, he cited Tom Lane’s critical comment in his presentation:

For the record, I think this will be a disaster. There is far too much code that will get broken, largely silently, and much of it is not under our control. – regards, tom lane

Although Tom Lane smiled benignly without voicing any objections, the strongest dissent at the conference came not from him but from an extension maintainer. The elder developer, who maintained several extensions, raised concerns about compatibility, specifically regarding memory allocation and usage. Heikki suggested that extension authors should adapt their work to a new model during a transition grace period of about five years. This suggestion visibly upset the maintainer, who left the meeting in anger.

Given the proposed threading model’s significant impact on the existing extension ecosystem, I’m skeptical about this change. At the conference, I consulted on the threading model with Heikki, Tom Lane, and other hackers. The community’s overall stance is one of curious & cautious observation. So far, the only progress is in PG 17, where the fork-exec-related code has been refactored and global variables marked for future modifications. Any real implementation would likely not occur until at least PG 20+.

Hallway Track

The sessions on the second day were slightly less intense than the first, so many attendees chose the “Hallway Track”—engaging in conversations in the corridors and lobby. I’m usually not great at networking as an introvert, but the vibrant atmosphere quickly drew me in. Eye contact alone was enough to spark conversations, like triggering NPC dialogue in an RPG. I also managed to subtly promote Pigsty to every corner of the PG community.


Despite being a first-timer at PGCon.Dev, I was surprised by the recognition and attention I received, largely thanks to the widely read article, “PostgreSQL is eating the Database world.” Many recognized me by my badge Vonng / Pigsty.

A simple yet effective networking trick is never to underestimate small gifts’ effect. I handed out gold-plated Slonik pins, PostgreSQL’s mascot, which became a coveted item at the conference. Everyone who talked with me received one, and those who didn’t have one were left asking where to get one. LOL


Anyway, I’m glad to have made many new friends and connections.

Multinational Community Lunch

As for lunch, HighGo hosted key participants from the American, European, Japanese, and Chinese PostgreSQL communities at a Cantonese restaurant in Vancouver. The conversation ranged from serious technical discussions to lighter topics. I’ve made acquaintance with Tatsuro Yamada, who gives a talk, “Advice is seldom welcome but efficacious”, and Kyotaro Horiguchi, a core contributor to PostgreSQL known for his work on WAL replication and multibyte string processing and the author of pg_hint_plan.


Another major contributor to the PostgreSQL community, Mark Wong organizes PGUS and has developed a series of PostgreSQL monitoring extensions. He also manages community merchandise like contributor coins, shirts, and stickers. He even handcrafted a charming yarn elephant mascot, which was so beloved that one was sneakily “borrowed” at the last PG Conf US.


Bruce, already a familiar face in the PG Chinese community, Andreas Scherbaum from Germany, organizer of the European PG conferences, and Miao Jian, founder of Han Gao, representing the only Chinese database company at PGCon.Dev, all shared insightful stories and discussions about the challenges and nuances of developing databases in their respective regions.

On returning to the conference venue, I had a conversation with Jan Wieck, a PostgreSQL Hackers Emeritus. He shared his story of participating in the PostgreSQL project from the early days and encouraged me to get more involved in the PostgreSQL community, reminding me its future depends on the younger generation.

Making PG Hacking More Inclusive

At PGCon.Dev, a special session on community building chaired by Robert Hass, featured three new PostgreSQL contributors sharing their journey and challenges, notably the barriers for non-native English speakers, timezone differences, and emotionally charged email communications.

Robert emphasized in a post-conference blog his desire to see more developers from India and Japan rise to senior positions within PostgreSQL’s ranks, noting the underrepresentation from these countries despite their significant developer communities.

While we’re at it, I’d really like to see more people from India and Japan in senior positions within the project. We have very large developer communities from both countries, but there is no one from either of those countries on the core team, and they’re also underrepresented in other senior positions. At the risk of picking specific examples to illustrate a general point, there is no one from either country on the infrastructure team or the code of conduct committee. We do have a few committers from those countries, which is very good, and I was pleased to see Amit Kapila on the organizing commitee, but, overall, I think we are still not where we should be. Part of getting people involved is making them feel like they are not alone, and part of it is also making them feel like progression is possible. Let’s try harder to do that.

Frankly, the lack of mention of China in discussions about inclusivity at PGCon.Dev, in favor of India and Japan, left a bittersweet taste. But I think China deserves the snub, given its poor international community engagement.

China has hundreds of “domestic/national” databases, many mere forks of PostgreSQL, yet there’s only a single notable Chinese contributor to PostgreSQL is Richard Guo from PieCloudDB, recently promoted to PG Committer. At the conference, the Chinese presence was minimal, summing up to five attendees, including myself. It’s regrettable that China’s understanding and adoption of PostgreSQL lag behind the global standard by about 10-15 years.

I hope my involvement can bootstrap and enhance Chinese participation in the global PostgreSQL ecosystem, making their users, developers, products, and open-source projects more recognized and accepted worldwide.

Lightning Talks

Yesterday’s event closed with a series of lightning talks—5 minutes max per speaker, or you’re out. Concise and punchy, the session wrapped up 11 topics in just 45 minutes. Keith shared improvements to PG Monitor, and Peter Eisentraut discussed SQL standard updates. But from my perspective, the highlight was Devrim Gündüz’s talk on PG RPMs, which lived up to his promise of a “big reveal” made at the bar the previous night, packing a 75-slide presentation into 5 lively minutes.


Speaking of PostgreSQL, despite being open-source, most users rely on official pre-compiled binaries packages rather than building from source. I maintain 34 RPM extensions for Pigsty, my Postgres distribution, but much of the ecosystem, including over a hundred other extensions, is managed by Devrim from the official PGDG repo. His efforts ensure quality for the world’s most advanced and popular database.

Devrim is a fascinating character — a Turkish native living in London, a part-time DJ, and the maintainer of the PGDG RPM repository, sporting a PostgreSQL logo tattoo. After an engaging chat about the PGDG repository, he shared insights on how extensions are added, highlighting the community-driven nature of PGXN and recent popular additions like pgvector, (which I made the suggestion haha).

Interestingly, with the latest Pigsty v2.7 release, four of my maintained (packaging) extensions (pgsql-http, pgsql-gzip, pg_net, pg_bigm) were adopted into the PGDG official repository. Devrim admitted to scouring Pigsty’s extension list for good picks, though he humorously dismissed any hopes for my Rust pgrx extensions making the cut, reaffirming his commitment to not blending Go and Rust plugins into the official repository. Our conversation was so enriching that I’ve committed myself to becoming a “PG Extension Hunter,” scouting and recommending new plugins for official inclusion.

Day 3: Unconference

One of the highlights of PGCon.Dev is the Unconference, a self-organized meeting with no predefined agenda, driven by attendee-proposed topics. On day three, Joseph Conway facilitated the session where anyone could pitch topics for discussion, which were then voted on by participants. My proposal for a Built-in Prometheus Metrics Exporter was merged into a broader Observability topic spearheaded by Jeremy.


The top-voted topics were Multithreading (42 votes), Observability (35 votes), and Enhanced Community Engagement (35 votes). Observability features were a major focus, reflecting the community’s priority. I proposed integrating a contrib monitoring extension in PostgreSQL to directly expose metrics via HTTP endpoint, using pg_exporter as a blueprint but embedded to overcome the limitations of external components, especially during crash recovery scenarios.


There’s a clear focus on observability among the community. As the author of pg_exporter, I proposed developing a first-party monitoring extension. This extension would integrate Prometheus monitoring endpoints directly into PostgreSQL, exposing metrics via HTTP without needing external components.

The rationale for this proposal is straightforward. While pg_exporter works well, it’s an external component that adds management complexity. Additionally, in scenarios where PostgreSQL is recovering from a crash and cannot accept new connections, external tools struggle to access internal states. An in-kernel extension could seamlessly capture this information.

The suggested implementation involves a background worker process similar to the bgw_replstatus extension. This process would listen on an additional port to expose monitoring metrics through HTTP, using pg_exporter as a blueprint. Metrics would primarily be defined via a Collector configuration table, except for a few critical system indicators.

This idea garnered attention from several PostgreSQL hackers at the event. Developers from EDB and CloudNativePG are evaluating whether pg_exporter could be directly integrated into their distributions as part of their monitoring solutions. And finally, an Observability Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed by attendees interested in observability, planning to continue discussions through a mailing list.

Issue: Support for LoongArch Architecture

During the last two days, I have had some discussions with PG Hackers about some Chinese-specific issues.

A notable suggestion was supporting the LoongArch architecture in the PGDG global repository, which was backed by some enthusiastically local chip and OS manufacturers. Despite the interest, Devrim indicated a “No” due to the lack of support for LoongArch in OS Distro used in the PG community, like CentOS 7, Rocky 8/9, and Debian 10/11/12. Tomasz Rybak was more receptive, noting potential future support if LoongArch runs on Debian 13.

In summary, official PG RPMs might not yet support LoongArch, but APT has a chance, contingent on broader OS support for mainstream open-source Linux distributions.

Issue: Server-side Chinese Character Encoding

At the recent conference, Jeremy Schneider presented an insightful talk on collation rules that resonated with me. He highlighted the pitfalls of not using C.UTF8 for collation, a practice I’ve advocated for based on my own research, and which is detailed in his presentation here.

Post-talk, I discussed further with Jeremy and Peter Eisentraut the nuances of character sets in China, especially the challenges posed by the mandatory GB18030 standard, which PostgreSQL can handle on the client side but not the server side. Also, there are some issues about 20 Chinese characters not working on the convert_to + gb18030 encoding mapping.


The event closed with Jonathan Katz and Melanie Plageman wrapping up an exceptional conference that leaves us looking forward to next year’s PGCon.Dev 2025 in Canada, possibly in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, or Montreal.


Inspired by the engagement at this conference, I’m considering presenting on Pigsty or PostgreSQL observability next year.

Notably, following the conference, Pigsty’s international CDN traffic spiked significantly, highlighting the growing global reach of our PostgreSQL distribution, which really made my day.


Pigsty CDN Traffic Growth after PGCon.Dev 2024

Some slides are available on the official site, and some blog posts about PGCon are here.Dev 2024:

Postgres is eating the database world

PostgreSQL isn’t just a simple relational database; it’s a data management framework with the potential to engulf the entire database realm. The trend of “Using Postgres for Everything” is no longer limited to a few elite teams but is becoming a mainstream best practice.

OLAP’s New Challenger

In a 2016 database meetup, I argued that a significant gap in the PostgreSQL ecosystem was the lack of a sufficiently good columnar storage engine for OLAP workloads. While PostgreSQL itself offers lots of analysis features, its performance in full-scale analysis on larger datasets doesn’t quite measure up to dedicated real-time data warehouses.

Consider ClickBench, an analytics performance benchmark, where we’ve documented the performance of PostgreSQL, its ecosystem extensions, and derivative databases. The untuned PostgreSQL performs poorly (x1050), but it can reach (x47) with optimization. Additionally, there are three analysis-related extensions: columnar store Hydra (x42), time-series TimescaleDB (x103), and distributed Citus (x262).


ClickBench c6a.4xlarge, 500gb gp2 results in relative time

This performance can’t be considered bad, especially compared to pure OLTP databases like MySQL and MariaDB (x3065, x19700); however, its third-tier performance is not “good enough,” lagging behind the first-tier OLAP components like Umbra, ClickHouse, Databend, SelectDB (x3~x4) by an order of magnitude. It’s a tough spot - not satisfying enough to use, but too good to discard.

However, the arrival of ParadeDB and DuckDB changed the game!

ParadeDB’s native PG extension pg_analytics achieves second-tier performance (x10), narrowing the gap to the top tier to just 3–4x. Given the additional benefits, this level of performance discrepancy is often acceptable - ACID, freshness and real-time data without ETL, no additional learning curve, no maintenance of separate services, not to mention its ElasticSearch grade full-text search capabilities.

DuckDB focuses on pure OLAP, pushing analysis performance to the extreme (x3.2) — excluding the academically focused, closed-source database Umbra, DuckDB is arguably the fastest for practical OLAP performance. It’s not a PG extension, but PostgreSQL can fully leverage DuckDB’s analysis performance boost as an embedded file database through projects like DuckDB FDW and pg_quack.

The emergence of ParadeDB and DuckDB propels PostgreSQL’s analysis capabilities to the top tier of OLAP, filling the last crucial gap in its analytic performance.

The Pendulum of Database Realm

The distinction between OLTP and OLAP didn’t exist at the inception of databases. The separation of OLAP data warehouses from databases emerged in the 1990s due to traditional OLTP databases struggling to support analytics scenarios’ query patterns and performance demands.

For a long time, best practice in data processing involved using MySQL/PostgreSQL for OLTP workloads and syncing data to specialized OLAP systems like Greenplum, ClickHouse, Doris, Snowflake, etc., through ETL processes.

DDIA, Martin Kleppmann, ch3, The republic of OLTP & Kingdom of OLAP

Like many “specialized databases,” the strength of dedicated OLAP systems often lies in performance — achieving 1-3 orders of magnitude improvement over native PG or MySQL. The cost, however, is redundant data, excessive data movement, lack of agreement on data values among distributed components, extra labor expense for specialized skills, extra licensing costs, limited query language power, programmability and extensibility, limited tool integration, poor data integrity and availability compared with a complete DMBS.

However, as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around”. With hardware improving over thirty years following Moore’s Law, performance has increased exponentially while costs have plummeted. In 2024, a single x86 machine can have hundreds of cores (512 vCPU EPYC 9754x2), several TBs of RAM, a single NVMe SSD can hold up to 64TB, and a single all-flash rack can reach 2PB; object storage like S3 offers virtually unlimited storage.


Hardware advancements have solved the data volume and performance issue, while database software developments (PostgreSQL, ParadeDB, DuckDB) have addressed access method challenges. This puts the fundamental assumptions of the analytics sector — the so-called “big data” industry — under scrutiny.

As DuckDB’s manifesto "Big Data is Dead" suggests, the era of big data is over. Most people don’t have that much data, and most data is seldom queried. The frontier of big data recedes as hardware and software evolve, rendering “big data” unnecessary for 99% of scenarios.

If 99% of use cases can now be handled on a single machine with standalone DuckDB or PostgreSQL (and its replicas), what’s the point of using dedicated analytics components? If every smartphone can send and receive texts freely, what’s the point of pagers? (With the caveat that North American hospitals still use pagers, indicating that maybe less than 1% of scenarios might genuinely need “big data.”)

The shift in fundamental assumptions is steering the database world from a phase of diversification back to convergence, from a big bang to a mass extinction. In this process, a new era of unified, multi-modeled, super-converged databases will emerge, reuniting OLTP and OLAP. But who will lead this monumental task of reconsolidating the database field?

PostgreSQL: The Database World Eater

There are a plethora of niches in the database realm: time-series, geospatial, document, search, graph, vector databases, message queues, and object databases. PostgreSQL makes its presence felt across all these domains.

A case in point is the PostGIS extension, which sets the de facto standard in geospatial databases; the TimescaleDB extension awkwardly positions “generic” time-series databases; and the vector extension, PGVector, turns the dedicated vector database niche into a punchline.

This isn’t the first time; we’re witnessing it again in the oldest and largest subdomain: OLAP analytics. But PostgreSQL’s ambition doesn’t stop at OLAP; it’s eyeing the entire database world!


What makes PostgreSQL so capable? Sure, it’s advanced, but so is Oracle; it’s open-source, as is MySQL. PostgreSQL’s edge comes from being both advanced and open-source, allowing it to compete with Oracle/MySQL. But its true uniqueness lies in its extreme extensibility and thriving extension ecosystem.


TimescaleDB survey: what is the main reason you choose to use PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL isn’t just a relational database; it’s a data management framework capable of engulfing the entire database galaxy. Besides being open-source and advanced, its core competitiveness stems from extensibility, i.e., its infra’s reusability and extension’s composability.

The Magic of Extreme Extensibility

PostgreSQL allows users to develop extensions, leveraging the database’s common infra to deliver features at minimal cost. For instance, the vector database extension pgvector, with just several thousand lines of code, is negligible in complexity compared to PostgreSQL’s millions of lines. Yet, this “insignificant” extension achieves complete vector data types and indexing capabilities, outperforming lots of specialized vector databases.

Why? Because pgvector’s creators didn’t need to worry about the database’s general additional complexities: ACID, recovery, backup & PITR, high availability, access control, monitoring, deployment, 3rd-party ecosystem tools, client drivers, etc., which require millions of lines of code to solve well. They only focused on the essential complexity of their problem.

For example, ElasticSearch was developed on the Lucene search library, while the Rust ecosystem has an improved next-gen full-text search library, Tantivy, as a Lucene alternative. ParadeDB only needs to wrap and connect it to PostgreSQL’s interface to offer search services comparable to ElasticSearch. More importantly, it can stand on the shoulders of PostgreSQL, leveraging the entire PG ecosystem’s united strength (e.g., mixed searches with PG Vector) to “unfairly” compete with another dedicated database.


Pigsty has 255 extensions available. And there are 1000+ more in the ecosystem

The extensibility brings another huge advantage: the composability of extensions, allowing different extensions to work together, creating a synergistic effect where 1+1 » 2. For instance, TimescaleDB can be combined with PostGIS for spatio-temporal data support; the BM25 extension for full-text search can be combined with the PGVector extension, providing hybrid search capabilities.

Furthermore, the distributive extension Citus can transparently transform a standalone cluster into a horizontally partitioned distributed database cluster. This capability can be orthogonally combined with other features, making PostGIS a distributed geospatial database, PGVector a distributed vector database, ParadeDB a distributed full-text search database, and so on.

What’s more powerful is that extensions evolve independently, without the cumbersome need for main branch merges and coordination. This allows for scaling — PG’s extensibility lets numerous teams explore database possibilities in parallel, with all extensions being optional, not affecting the core functionality’s reliability. Those features that are mature and robust have the chance to be stably integrated into the main branch.

PostgreSQL achieves both foundational reliability and agile functionality through the magic of extreme extensibility, making it an outlier in the database world and changing the game rules of the database landscape.

Game Changer in the DB Arena

The emergence of PostgreSQL has shifted the paradigms in the database domain: Teams endeavoring to craft a “new database kernel” now face a formidable trial — how to stand out against the open-source, feature-rich Postgres. What’s their unique value proposition?

Until a revolutionary hardware breakthrough occurs, the advent of practical, new, general-purpose database kernels seems unlikely. No singular database can match the overall prowess of PG, bolstered by all its extensions — not even Oracle, given PG’s ace of being open-source and free.

A niche database product might carve out a space for itself if it can outperform PostgreSQL by an order of magnitude in specific aspects (typically performance). However, it usually doesn’t take long before the PostgreSQL ecosystem spawns open-source extension alternatives. Opting to develop a PG extension rather than a whole new database gives teams a crushing speed advantage in playing catch-up!

Following this logic, the PostgreSQL ecosystem is poised to snowball, accruing advantages and inevitably moving towards a monopoly, mirroring the Linux kernel’s status in server OS within a few years. Developer surveys and database trend reports confirm this trajectory.


StackOverflow 2023 Survey: PostgreSQL, the Decathlete


StackOverflow’s Database Trends Over the Past 7 Years

PostgreSQL has long been the favorite database in HackerNews & StackOverflow. Many new open-source projects default to PostgreSQL as their primary, if not only, database choice. And many new-gen companies are going All in PostgreSQL.

As “Radical Simplicity: Just Use Postgres” says, Simplifying tech stacks, reducing components, accelerating development, lowering risks, and adding more features can be achieved by “Just Use Postgres.” Postgres can replace many backend technologies, including MySQL, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, Mongo, and Redis, effortlessly serving millions of users. Just Use Postgres is no longer limited to a few elite teams but becoming a mainstream best practice.

What Else Can Be Done?

The endgame for the database domain seems predictable. But what can we do, and what should we do?

PostgreSQL is already a near-perfect database kernel for the vast majority of scenarios, making the idea of a kernel “bottleneck” absurd. Forks of PostgreSQL and MySQL that tout kernel modifications as selling points are essentially going nowhere.

This is similar to the situation with the Linux OS kernel today; despite the plethora of Linux distros, everyone opts for the same kernel. Forking the Linux kernel is seen as creating unnecessary difficulties, and the industry frowns upon it.

Accordingly, the main conflict is no longer the database kernel itself but two directions— database extensions and services! The former pertains to internal extensibility, while the latter relates to external composability. Much like the OS ecosystem, the competitive landscape will concentrate on database distributions. In the database domain, only those distributions centered around extensions and services stand a chance for ultimate success.

Kernel remains lukewarm, with MariaDB, the fork of MySQL’s parent, nearing delisting, while AWS, profiting from offering services and extensions on top of the free kernel, thrives. Investment has flowed into numerous PG ecosystem extensions and service distributions: Citus, TimescaleDB, Hydra, PostgresML, ParadeDB, FerretDB, StackGres, Aiven, Neon, Supabase, Tembo, PostgresAI, and our own PG distro — — Pigsty.

A dilemma within the PostgreSQL ecosystem is the independent evolution of many extensions and tools, lacking a unifier to synergize them. For instance, Hydra releases its own package and Docker image, and so does PostgresML, each distributing PostgreSQL images with their own extensions and only their own. These images and packages are far from comprehensive database services like AWS RDS.

Even service providers and ecosystem integrators like AWS fall short in front of numerous extensions, unable to include many due to various reasons (AGPLv3 license, security challenges with multi-tenancy), thus failing to leverage the synergistic amplification potential of PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions.

Extesion Category Pigsty RDS & PGDG AWS RDS PG Aliyun RDS PG
Add Extension Free to Install Not Allowed Not Allowed
Geo Spatial PostGIS 3.4.2 PostGIS 3.4.1 PostGIS 3.3.4
Time Series TimescaleDB 2.14.2
Distributive Citus 12.1
AI / ML PostgresML 2.8.1
Columnar Hydra 1.1.1
Vector PGVector 0.6 PGVector 0.6 pase 0.0.1
Sparse Vector PG Sparse 0.5.6
Full-Text Search pg_bm25 0.5.6
Graph Apache AGE 1.5.0
GraphQL PG GraphQL 1.5.0
Message Queue pgq 3.5.0
OLAP pg_analytics 0.5.6
DuckDB duckdb_fdw 1.1
CDC wal2json 2.5.3 wal2json 2.5
Bloat Control pg_repack 1.5.0 pg_repack 1.5.0 pg_repack 1.4.8
Point Cloud PG PointCloud 1.2.5 Ganos PointCloud 6.1

Many important extensions are not available on Cloud RDS (PG 16, 2024-02-29)

Extensions are the soul of PostgreSQL. A Postgres without the freedom to use extensions is like cooking without salt, a giant constrained.

Addressing this issue is one of our primary goals.

Our Resolution: Pigsty

Despite earlier exposure to MySQL Oracle, and MSSQL, when I first used PostgreSQL in 2015, I was convinced of its future dominance in the database realm. Nearly a decade later, I’ve transitioned from a user and administrator to a contributor and developer, witnessing PG’s march toward that goal.

Interactions with diverse users revealed that the database field’s shortcoming isn’t the kernel anymore — PostgreSQL is already sufficient. The real issue is leveraging the kernel’s capabilities, which is the reason behind RDS’s booming success.

However, I believe this capability should be as accessible as free software, like the PostgreSQL kernel itself — available to every user, not just renting from cyber feudal lords.

Thus, I created Pigsty, a battery-included, local-first PostgreSQL distribution as an open-source RDS Alternative, which aims to harness the collective power of PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions and democratize access to production-grade database services.


Pigsty stands for PostgreSQL in Great STYle, representing the zenith of PostgreSQL.

We’ve defined six core propositions addressing the central issues in PostgreSQL database services:

Extensible Postgres, Reliable Infras, Observable Graphics, Available Services, Maintainable Toolbox, and Composable Modules.

The initials of these value propositions offer another acronym for Pigsty:

Postgres, Infras, Graphics, Service, Toolbox, Yours.

Your graphical Postgres infrastructure service toolbox.

Extensible PostgreSQL is the linchpin of this distribution. In the recently launched Pigsty v2.6, we integrated DuckDB FDW and ParadeDB extensions, massively boosting PostgreSQL’s analytical capabilities and ensuring every user can easily harness this power.

Our aim is to integrate the strengths within the PostgreSQL ecosystem, creating a synergistic force akin to the Ubuntu of the database world. I believe the kernel debate is settled, and the real competitive frontier lies here.

  • PostGIS: Provides geospatial data types and indexes, the de facto standard for GIS (& pgPointCloud, pgRouting).
  • TimescaleDB: Adds time-series, continuous aggregates, distributed, columnar storage, and automatic compression capabilities.
  • PGVector: Support AI vectors/embeddings and ivfflat, hnsw vector indexes (& pg_sparse for sparse vectors).
  • Citus: Transforms classic master-slave PG clusters into horizontally partitioned distributed database clusters.
  • Hydra: Adds columnar storage and analytics, rivaling ClickHouse’s analytic capabilities.
  • ParadeDB: Elevates full-text search and mixed retrieval to ElasticSearch levels (& zhparser for Chinese tokenization).
  • Apache AGE: Graph database extension, adding Neo4J-like OpenCypher query support to PostgreSQL.
  • PG GraphQL: Adds native built-in GraphQL query language support to PostgreSQL.
  • DuckDB FDW: Enables direct access to DuckDB’s powerful embedded analytic database files through PostgreSQL (& DuckDB CLI).
  • Supabase: An open-source Firebase alternative based on PostgreSQL, providing a complete app development storage solution.
  • FerretDB: An open-source MongoDB alternative based on PostgreSQL, compatible with MongoDB APIs/drivers.
  • PostgresML: Facilitates classic machine learning algorithms, calling, deploying, and training AI models with SQL.


Developers, your choices will shape the future of the database world. I hope my work helps you better utilize the world’s most advanced open-source database kernel: PostgreSQL.

Read in Pigsty’s Blog | GitHub Repo: Pigsty | Official Website

Technical Minimalism: Just Use PostgreSQL for Everything

This article was originally published by Stephan Schmidt @ KingOfCoders and sparked heated discussions on Hacker News[1]: Using PostgreSQL as a replacement for Kafka, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, and Redis is a practical approach that can significantly reduce system complexity and maximize agility.

How to Simplify Complexity and Move Fast: Do Everything with PostgreSQL

Welcome, HN readers. Technology is the art of trade-offs. Using PostgreSQL for everything is also a strategy and compromise. Obviously, we should choose appropriate tools based on needs. In many cases, that tool is Postgres.

In assisting many startups, I’ve observed that far more companies overcomplicate their systems than those who choose overly simple tools. If you have over a million users, more than fifty developers, and you genuinely need Kafka, Spark, and Kubernetes, then go ahead. If you have more systems than developers, using only Postgres is a wise choice.

P.S. Using Postgres for everything doesn’t mean using a single instance for everything ;-)

Simply Put, Everything Can Be Solved with Postgres

It’s easy to invite complexity in, but much harder to show it the door.

However, We Have an Ultimate Simplification Solution

One way to simplify the tech stack, reduce components, speed up development, lower risks, and deliver more features in startups is to “Just Use Postgres for Everything”. Postgres can replace many backend technologies, including Kafka, RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, and Redis, at least until you reach millions of users.

Use Postgres instead of Redis for caching, using UNLOGGED Tables[3] and storing JSON data in TEXT columns, with stored procedures to add and enforce expiration times, just like Redis does.

Use Postgres as a message queue, employing SKIP LOCKED[4] instead of Kafka (if you only need message queue capabilities).

Use Postgres with the TimescaleDB[5] extension as your data warehouse.

Use PostgreSQL’s JSONB[6] type to store, index, and search JSON documents, replacing MongoDB.

Use Postgres with the pg_cron[7] extension as your scheduled task daemon, executing specific tasks at certain times, such as sending emails or adding events to message queues.

Use Postgres + PostGIS for geospatial queries[8].

Use Postgres for full-text search[9], with ParadeDB replacing ElasticSearch.

Use Postgres to generate JSON in the database[10], eliminating the need for server-side code, directly serving your API.

Use a GraphQL adapter[11] to let PostgreSQL provide GraphQL services.

As I’ve said, Everything Can Be Postgres.

About the Author Stephan

As a CTO, interim CTO, CTO coach, and developer, Stephan has left his mark in the technical departments of many fast-growing startups. He learned programming in a department store around 1981 because he wanted to write video games. Stephan studied computer science at the University of Ulm, specializing in distributed systems and artificial intelligence, and also studied philosophy. When the internet came to Germany in the 90s, he was the first programming employee at several startups. He founded a venture capital-backed startup, handled architecture, processes, and growth challenges in other VC-backed fast-growing startups, held management positions at ImmoScout, and was CTO at an eBay Inc. company. After his wife successfully sold her startup, they moved to the seaside, where Stephan began CTO coaching. You can find him on LinkedIn or follow @KingOfCoders on Twitter.

Translator’s Note

Translator: Feng Ruohang, entrepreneur and PostgreSQL expert, cloud-native advocate, author of Pigsty, an open-source PostgreSQL RDS alternative that’s ready to use out of the box.

Using Postgres for everything is not a pipe dream but a best practice that’s gaining popularity. I’m very pleased about this: I saw this potential back in 2016[12] and chose to dive in, and things have developed exactly as hoped.

Tantan, where I previously worked, was a pioneer on this path - PostgreSQL for Everything. This Chinese internet app, founded by a Swedish team, used PostgreSQL at a scale and complexity that was second to none in China. Tantan’s technical architecture choices were inspired by Instagram - or even more radical, with almost all business logic implemented in PostgreSQL stored procedures (including recommendation algorithms with 100ms latency!).

Tantan’s entire system architecture was designed and built around PostgreSQL. With millions of daily active users, millions of global DB-TPS, and hundreds of TB of data, the data component only used PostgreSQL. It wasn’t until approaching ten million daily active users that they began architectural adjustments to introduce independent data warehouses, message queues, and caching. In 2017, we didn’t even use Redis for caching; 2.5 million TPS was handled directly by PostgreSQL across over a hundred servers. Message queues were also implemented in PostgreSQL, and early/mid-stage data analysis was handled by a dedicated PG cluster of several dozen TB. We had long practiced the philosophy of “using PostgreSQL for everything” and reaped many benefits.

There’s a second part to this story - the subsequent “microservices transformation” brought massive complexity, eventually bogging down the system. This made me even more certain from another angle - I deeply miss that simple, reliable, efficient, and agile state when we used PostgreSQL for everything.

PostgreSQL is not just a simple relational database but an abstract framework for data management with the potential to encompass everything and devour the entire database world. Ten years ago, this was merely potential and possibility; ten years later, it has materialized into real influence. I’m glad to have witnessed this process and helped push it forward.

PostgreSQL is for Everything!

Further Reading

PGSQL x Pigsty: The Database Swiss Army Knife is Here

ParadeDB: A New Player in the PG Ecosystem

FerretDB: PostgreSQL Dressed as MongoDB

AI Large Models and Vector Databases with PGVECTOR

How Powerful is PostgreSQL Really?

PostgreSQL: The World’s Most Successful Database

Why is PostgreSQL the Most Successful Database?

Why Does PostgreSQL Have a Bright Future?

Better Open Source RDS Alternative: Pigsty


ParadeDB: ElasticSearch Alternative in PG Ecosystem

Original WeChat Article

ParadeDB: A New Player in the PostgreSQL Ecosystem

YC S23 invested in an exciting new project called ParadeDB. Their slogan? “Postgres for Search & Analytics — Modern Elasticsearch Alternative built on Postgres.” In essence, it’s PostgreSQL optimized for search and analytics, aiming to be a drop-in replacement for Elasticsearch.

The PostgreSQL ecosystem continues to flourish with innovative extensions and derivatives. We’ve already seen FerretDB as an open-source MongoDB alternative, Babelfish for SQL Server, Supabase for Firebase, and NocoDB for AirTable. Now, we can add ParadeDB to the list as an open-source Elasticsearch alternative.

ParadeDB consists of three PostgreSQL extensions: pg_bm25, pg_analytics, and pg_sparse. Each extension can be used independently. I’ve packaged these extensions (v0.5.6) and will include them by default in the next Pigsty release, making them available out of the box for users.

I’ve translated ParadeDB’s official website introduction and four blog posts to introduce this rising star in the PostgreSQL ecosystem. Today’s post is the first one — an overview.


We’re thrilled to introduce ParadeDB: a PostgreSQL database optimized for search scenarios. ParadeDB is the first PostgreSQL build designed to be an Elasticsearch alternative, offering lightning-fast full-text search, semantic search, and hybrid search capabilities on PostgreSQL tables.

What Problem Does ParadeDB Solve?

For many organizations, search remains an unsolved problem — despite giants like Elasticsearch in the market. Most developers who’ve worked with Elasticsearch know the pain of running, tuning, and managing it. While other search engine services exist, integrating external services with existing databases introduces complex challenges and costs associated with rebuilding indexes and data replication.

Developers seeking a unified source of truth and search capabilities have turned to PostgreSQL. While PG offers basic full-text search through tsvector and semantic search through pgvector, these tools fall short when dealing with large tables or complex queries:

  1. Sorting and keyword searches on large tables are painfully slow
  2. No BM25 scoring support
  3. No hybrid search capabilities combining vector and full-text search
  4. No real-time search — data must be manually reindexed or re-embedded
  5. Limited support for complex queries like faceting or relevance tuning

We’ve seen many engineering teams reluctantly layer Elasticsearch on top of PostgreSQL, only to abandon it due to its bloated nature, high costs, or complexity. We wondered: what if PostgreSQL had Elasticsearch-level search capabilities built-in? This would eliminate the dilemma of choosing between using PostgreSQL with limited search capabilities or maintaining separate services for source of truth and search.

Who Is ParadeDB For?

While Elasticsearch serves a wide range of use cases, we’re not trying to cover everything — at least not yet. We’re focusing on core scenarios, specifically serving users who want to perform search within PostgreSQL. ParadeDB is ideal for you if:

  • You want to use PostgreSQL as your single source of truth and hate data replication between multiple services
  • You need to perform full-text search on massive documents stored in PostgreSQL without compromising performance and scalability
  • You want to combine ANN/similarity search with full-text search for more precise semantic matching

ParadeDB Product Overview

ParadeDB is a fully managed Postgres database with indexing and search capabilities for PostgreSQL tables that you won’t find in any other PostgreSQL provider:

Feature Description
BM25 Full-Text Search Full-text search supporting boolean, fuzzy, boosting, and keyword queries. Search results are scored using the BM25 algorithm.
Faceted Search PostgreSQL columns can be defined as facets for easy bucketing and metric collection.
Hybrid Search Search results can be scored considering both semantic relevance (vector search) and text relevance (BM25).
Distributed Search Tables can be sharded for parallel query acceleration.
Generative Search PostgreSQL columns can be fed into large language models (LLMs) for automatic summarization, classification, or text generation.
Real-time Search Text indexes and vector columns automatically stay in sync with underlying data.

Unlike managed services like AWS RDS, ParadeDB is a PostgreSQL extension plugin that requires no setup, integrates with the entire PG ecosystem, and is fully customizable. ParadeDB is open-source (AGPLv3) and provides a simple Docker Compose template for developers who need to self-host or customize.

How ParadeDB Is Built

At its core, ParadeDB is a standard Postgres database with custom extensions written in Rust that introduce enhanced search capabilities.

ParadeDB’s search engine is built on top of Tantivy, an open-source Rust search library inspired by Apache Lucene. Its indexes are stored natively in PostgreSQL as PG indexes, eliminating the need for cumbersome data replication/ETL work while maintaining transaction ACID guarantees.

ParadeDB introduces a new extension to the Postgres ecosystem: pg_bm25. This extension implements Rust-based full-text search in PostgreSQL using the BM25 scoring algorithm. ParadeDB comes pre-installed with this extension.

What’s Next?

ParadeDB’s managed cloud version is currently in PrivateBeta. We aim to launch a self-service cloud platform in early 2024. If you’d like to access the PrivateBeta version during this period, join our waitlist.

Our core team is focused on developing the open-source version of ParadeDB, which will be released in Winter 2023.

We’re building in public and are excited to share ParadeDB with the community. Stay tuned for future blog posts where we’ll dive deeper into the fascinating technical challenges behind ParadeDB.

The Astonishing Scalability of PostgreSQL

This article outlines how Cloudflare uses 15 PostgreSQL clusters to scale up to 55 million requests per second.

How Cloudflare Used 15 PG Clusters to Support 55M QPS |

In July 2009, in California, USA, a startup team created a Content Delivery Network (CDN) called Cloudflare to accelerate internet requests, making web access more stable and faster. While facing various challenges in their early development, their growth rate was astounding.

Overall Internet Traffic; PostgreSQL Scalability

Global overview of internet traffic

Today, they handle 20% of all internet traffic, processing 55 million HTTP requests per second. And they accomplish this with just 15 PostgreSQL clusters.

Cloudflare uses PostgreSQL to store service metadata and handle OLTP workloads. However, supporting tenants with different types of workloads on the same cluster presents a challenge. A cluster is a group of database servers, while a tenant is an isolated data space dedicated to a specific user or group of users.

PostgreSQL Scalability

Here’s how they pushed PostgreSQL’s scalability to its limits.

1. Contention

Most clients compete for Postgres connections. But Postgres connections are expensive because each connection is a separate OS-level process. And since each tenant has a unique workload type, it’s difficult to create a global threshold for rate limiting.

Moreover, manually restricting misbehaving tenants is a massive undertaking. A tenant might initiate an extremely expensive query, blocking queries from neighboring tenants and starving them. Once a query reaches the database server, isolating it becomes challenging.

Connection Pooling With PgBouncer

Connection pooling with PgBouncer

Therefore, they use PgBouncer as a connection pool in front of Postgres. PgBouncer acts as a TCP proxy, pooling Postgres connections. Tenants connect to PgBouncer rather than directly to Postgres. This limits the number of Postgres connections and prevents connection starvation.

Additionally, PgBouncer avoids the high overhead of creating and destroying database connections by using persistent connections and is used to throttle tenants that initiate high-cost queries at runtime.

2. Thundering Herd

The Thundering Herd problem occurs when many clients query the server simultaneously, leading to database performance degradation.

Thundering Herd Problem

Thundering Herd

When applications are redeployed, their state initializes, and the applications create many database connections at once. Thus, when tenants compete for Postgres connections, it triggers the thundering herd phenomenon. Cloudflare uses PgBouncer to limit the number of Postgres connections created by specific tenants.

3. Performance

Cloudflare doesn’t run PostgreSQL in the cloud but uses bare-metal physical machines without any virtualization overhead to achieve the best performance.

Load Balancing Traffic Between Database Instances

Load balancing traffic between database instances

Cloudflare uses HAProxy as a layer-four load balancer. PgBouncer forwards queries to HAProxy, and the HAProxy load balancer balances traffic between the cluster’s primary instance and read-only replicas.

4. Concurrency

Performance decreases when many tenants make concurrent queries.

Congestion Avoidance Algorithm Throttling Tenants

Congestion control throttling algorithm

Therefore, Cloudflare uses the TCP Vegas congestion control algorithm to throttle tenants. This algorithm works by first sampling each tenant’s transaction round-trip time (RTT) to Postgres, then continuously adjusting the connection pool size as long as the RTT doesn’t degrade, enabling throttling before resources are exhausted.

5. Queuing

Cloudflare queues queries at the PgBouncer level. The order of queries in the queue depends on their historical resource usage—in other words, queries requiring more resources are placed at the end of the queue.

Ordering Queries in Priority Queue

Using priority queues to order queries

Cloudflare only enables priority queuing during peak traffic to prevent resource starvation. In other words, during normal traffic, queries won’t always end up at the back of the queue.

This approach improves latency for the vast majority of queries, though tenants initiating high-cost queries during peak traffic will observe higher latency.

6. High Availability

Cloudflare uses Stolon cluster management for Postgres high availability.

High Availability of Data Layer With Stolon

Using Stolon for database high availability

Stolon can be used to set up Postgres master-slave replication and is responsible for electing a Postgres cluster leader (primary) and handling failover when problems arise.

Each database cluster here replicates to two regions, with three instances in each region.

Write requests are routed to the primary in the main region, then asynchronously replicated to the secondary region, while read requests are routed to the secondary region for processing.

Cloudflare conducts component interconnectivity tests to actively detect network partition issues, performs chaos testing to optimize system resilience, and configures redundant network switches and routers to avoid network partitioning.

When failover completes and the primary instance comes back online, they use the pg_rewind tool to replay missed write changes to resynchronize the old primary with the cluster.

Cloudflare has over 100 Postgres primary and replica instances combined. They use a combination of OS resource management, queuing theory, congestion control algorithms, and even PostgreSQL metrics to achieve PostgreSQL scalability.

Evaluation and Discussion

This is a valuable experience-sharing article, mainly introducing how to use PgBouncer to solve PostgreSQL’s scalability issues. Fifty million QPS + 20% of internet traffic sounds like a significant scale. Although from a PostgreSQL expert’s perspective, the practices described here might seem somewhat basic and rudimentary, the article raises a meaningful question—PostgreSQL’s scalability.

Current State of PostgreSQL Scalability

PostgreSQL has a reputation for vertical and horizontal scaling capabilities. For read requests, PostgreSQL has no scalability issues—since reads and writes don’t block each other, the throughput limit for read-only queries grows almost linearly with invested resources (CPU), whether by vertically increasing CPU/memory or horizontally expanding with replica instances.

PostgreSQL’s write scalability isn’t as strong as its read capabilities. Single-machine WAL write/replay speed reaches a software bottleneck at 100 MB/s to 300 MB/s—but for regular production OLTP loads, this is already a substantial value. As a reference, an application like Tantan, with 200 million users and 10 million daily active users, has a structured data rate for all database writes of around 120 MB/s. The PostgreSQL community is also discussing ways to expand this bottleneck through DIO/AIO and parallel WAL replay. Users can also consider using Citus or other sharding middleware to achieve write scalability.

In terms of capacity, PostgreSQL’s scalability primarily depends on disk space and doesn’t have inherent bottlenecks. With today’s NVMe SSDs offering 64TB per card, supporting hundreds of terabytes of data capacity is no problem when combined with compression cards. Even larger capacities can be supported using RAID or multiple tablespaces. The community has reported numerous OLTP instances in the hundreds of terabytes range, with occasional instances at the petabyte level. The challenges with large instances are mainly in backup management and space maintenance, not performance.

In the past, a notable criticism of PostgreSQL’s scalability was its support for massive connections (significantly improved after PostgreSQL 14). PostgreSQL uses a multi-process architecture like Oracle by default. This design provides better reliability but can be a bottleneck when facing massive high-concurrency scenarios.

In internet scenarios, database access patterns primarily involve massive short connections: creating a connection for a query and destroying it after execution—PHP used to do this, making it compatible with MySQL, which uses a thread model. But for PostgreSQL, massive backend processes and frequent process creation/destruction waste considerable hardware and software resources, making its performance somewhat inadequate in these scenarios.

Connection Pooling — Solving High Concurrency Issues

PostgreSQL recommends a default connection count of about twice the number of CPU cores, typically appropriate in the range of a few dozen to a few hundred. In internet scenarios with thousands or tens of thousands of client connections directly connecting to PostgreSQL, there would be significant additional overhead. Connection pooling emerged to solve this problem—it can be said that connection pooling is a must-have for using PostgreSQL in internet scenarios, capable of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Note that PostgreSQL is not incapable of high throughput; the key issue is the number of concurrent connections. In “How Strong is PG Performance,” we achieved a sysbench point query throughput peak of 2.33 million on a 92 vCPU server using about 96 connections. Once resources are exceeded, this maximum throughput begins to slowly decline as concurrency further increases.

Using connection pooling has several significant benefits: First, tens of thousands of client connections can be pooled and buffered down to a few active server connections (using transaction-level connection pooling), greatly reducing the number of processes and overhead on the operating system, and avoiding the overhead of process creation and destruction. Second, concurrent contention is greatly reduced due to the reduction in active connections, further optimizing performance. Third, sudden load peaks will queue at the connection pool instead of overwhelming the database, reducing the probability of cascading failures and improving system stability.

Performance and Bottlenecks

I had many best practices with PgBouncer at Tantan. We had a core database cluster with 500,000 QPS, 20,000 client connections on the primary, and a write TPS of about 50,000. Such a load would immediately overwhelm Postgres if directed straight to it. Therefore, between the application and the database, there was a PgBouncer connection pooling middleware. All twenty thousand client connections, after transaction pooling, only required 5-8 active server connections to support all requests, with a CPU utilization of about 20%—a tremendous performance improvement.

PgBouncer is a lightweight connection pool that can be deployed on either the user side or the database side. PgBouncer itself, due to its single-process mode, has a QPS/TPS bottleneck of about 30,000-50,000. Therefore, to avoid PgBouncer’s single point of failure and bottleneck, we used 4 idempotent PgBouncer instances on the core primary and evenly distributed traffic through HAProxy to these four PgBouncer instances before reaching the database primary. But for most scenarios, a single PgBouncer process’s capability to handle 30,000 QPS is more than sufficient.

Management Flexibility

A huge advantage of PgBouncer is that it can provide query response time metrics (RT) at the User/Database/Instance level. This is a core metric for performance measurement, and for older versions of PostgreSQL, statistics in PgBouncer were the only way to obtain such data. Although users can obtain query group RT through the pg_stat_statements extension, and PostgreSQL 14 and later can obtain database-level session active time to calculate transaction RT, and the newly emerged eBPF can also accomplish this, the performance monitoring data provided by PgBouncer remains a very important reference for database management.

The PgBouncer connection pool not only provides performance improvements but also offers handles for fine-grained management. For example, in online database migration without downtime, if online traffic completely accesses through the connection pool, you can simply redirect read/write traffic from the old cluster to the new one by modifying the PgBouncer configuration file, without even requiring immediate participation from the business side to change configurations and restart services. You can also, like in Cloudflare’s example above, modify Database/User parameters in the connection pool to implement throttling capabilities. If a database tenant behaves poorly, affecting the entire shared cluster, administrators can easily implement throttling and blocking capabilities in PgBouncer.

Other Alternatives

There are other connection pool products in the PostgreSQL ecosystem. PGPool-II, which emerged around the same time as PgBouncer, was once a strong competitor: it provided more powerful load balancing/read-write splitting capabilities and could fully utilize multi-core capabilities, but it had invasiveness to the PostgreSQL database itself—requiring extension installation to use, and once had significant performance penalties (30%). So in the connection pool battle, the simple and lightweight PgBouncer became the winner, occupying the mainstream ecological niche of PG connection pools.

Besides PgBouncer, new PostgreSQL connection pool projects continue to emerge, such as Odyssey, pgcat, pgagroal, ZQPool, etc. I very much look forward to a high-performance/more user-friendly in-place replacement fully compatible with PgBouncer.

Additionally, many programming language standard library database drivers now have built-in connection pools, plus PostgreSQL 14’s improvements have reduced the overhead of multiple processes. And with the exponential growth of hardware performance (there are now servers with 512 vCPUs, and memory is no longer a scarce resource), sometimes not using a connection pool and directly handling a few thousand connections is also a viable option.

Can I Use Cloudflare’s Practices?

With the continuous improvement of hardware performance, the ongoing optimization of software architecture, and the gradual popularization of management best practices—high availability, high concurrency, and high performance (scalability) are old topics for internet companies and basically not new technologies anymore.

For example, nowadays, even a junior DBA/ops person, as long as they use Pigsty to deploy a PostgreSQL cluster, can easily achieve this, including the PgBouncer connection pool mentioned by Cloudflare, and Patroni, which has replaced the high availability component Stolon, are all ready to use out of the box. As long as the hardware meets requirements, handling massive concurrent requests in the millions is not a dream.

At the beginning of this century, an Apache server could only handle a miserable one or two hundred concurrent requests. Even the most excellent software could hardly handle tens of thousands of concurrent requests—there was a famous C10K high concurrency problem in the industry; anyone who could achieve thousands of concurrent connections was an industry expert. But with the successive emergence of Epoll and Nginx in 2003/2004, “high concurrency” was no longer a difficult problem—any novice who learned to configure Nginx could achieve what masters could not even dream of a few years ago—as Swedish Marcus says in “Cloud Providers’ View of Customers: Poor, Idle, and Lacking Love”

This is just like now any novice can use Nginx to achieve the massive web requests and high concurrency that masters using httpd could not even dream of before. PostgreSQL’s scalability has also entered thousands of households with the popularization of PgBouncer.

For example, in Pigsty, PgBouncer instances are deployed 1:1 for all PostgreSQL by default, using transaction pooling mode and incorporated into monitoring. And the default Primary and Replica services also access the Postgres database through PgBouncer. Users don’t need to worry too much about details related to PgBouncer—for instance, PgBouncer’s databases and users are automatically maintained when creating Postgres databases/users through scripts. Some common configuration considerations and pitfalls are also avoided in the preset configuration templates, striving to achieve out-of-the-box usability.

Of course, for non-internet scenario applications, PgBouncer is not a must-have. And the default Transaction Pooling, although excellent in performance, comes at the cost of sacrificing some session-level functionality. So you can also configure Primary/Replica services to connect directly to Postgres, bypassing PgBouncer; or use the Session Pooling mode with the best compatibility.

Overall, PgBouncer is indeed a very practical tool in the PostgreSQL ecosystem. If your system has high requirements for PostgreSQL client concurrent connections, be sure to try this middleware when testing performance.

Original article: How Cloudflare Used 15 PG Clusters to Support 55M QPS |

PostgreSQL Crowned Database of the Year 2024!

Today, the renowned database popularity ranking site DB-Engines announced its Database of the Year for 2024. PostgreSQL has claimed this honor for the fifth time. Of course, PostgreSQL was also crowned Database of the Year in 2023, 2019, 2018, and 2017. If Snowflake hadn’t stolen the spotlight in 2020 and 2021, pushing PostgreSQL to second place, we’d be looking at a seven-year winning streak.

PostgreSQL Claims the Crown as “Database Management System of the Year” for 2024

DB-Engines has officially announced that PostgreSQL has once again been crowned “DBMS of the Year” - marking its second consecutive win and fifth overall triumph following its dominance in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023. Snowflake secured the runner-up position with its impressive momentum, while Microsoft claimed third place. Over the past year, PostgreSQL has emerged as the most popular database management system, surpassing all other 423 databases monitored by DB-Engines.

Rewind nearly 35 years to when “Postgres” first burst onto the scene. Since then, PostgreSQL has continuously evolved to keep pace with database technology trends, growing more powerful while maintaining rock-solid stability. PostgreSQL 17, released in September 2024, pushed this “evergreen tree” to new heights with enhanced performance and expanded replication capabilities. In today’s open-source landscape, PostgreSQL stands as a shining example of how to maintain both popularity and technical excellence.

Here’s where it gets interesting: Looking at DB-Engines’ popularity score increments this year, Snowflake gained 28 points while PostgreSQL increased by 14.5 points. Following their usual calculation rules for Database of the Year (based on popularity scores from January 2024 to January 2025), Snowflake should have technically claimed the title. Yet, the editors still chose PostgreSQL as Database of the Year.

Of course, I don’t believe DB-Engines’ editors would make such an elementary mathematical error. To be frank, given PostgreSQL’s remarkable growth and impressive metrics in 2024, if they hadn’t named PG as Database of the Year, it would have only damaged the credibility of their rankings (much like how a gaming publication would lose face if they didn’t recognize Breath of the Wild or The Witcher 3 as Game of the Year). I suspect the editors had no choice but to crown PostgreSQL as No. 1, even if it meant going against their own metrics.

To be honest, compared to first-hand, large-sample surveys like the StackOverflow Annual Global Developer Survey, popularity rankings like DB-Engines should only be taken as rough references. While their standardized methodology makes them valuable for tracking a database’s historical popularity trends (vertical comparability), they’re less reliable for comparing different databases head-to-head (horizontal comparability).

Original DB-Engines Blog Post

PostgreSQL Named Database Management System of the Year 2024

By Tom Russell, January 13, 2025

DB-Engines has officially announced that PostgreSQL has been crowned “DBMS of the Year” - marking its second consecutive win and fifth overall triumph following its dominance in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023. Snowflake secured the runner-up position with its impressive momentum, while Microsoft claimed third place. Over the past year, PostgreSQL has emerged as the most popular database management system, surpassing all other 423 databases monitored by DB-Engines.

Rewind nearly 35 years to when “Postgres” first burst onto the scene. Since then, PostgreSQL has continuously evolved to keep pace with database technology trends, growing more powerful while maintaining rock-solid stability. PostgreSQL 17, released in September 2024, pushed this “evergreen tree” to new heights with enhanced performance and expanded replication capabilities. In today’s open-source landscape, PostgreSQL stands as a shining example of how to maintain both popularity and technical excellence.

Snowflake, this year’s runner-up, is much more than just a “snowflake” - it’s a cloud-based data warehouse service that has attracted a massive following with its unique architecture separating storage and compute. Combined with multi-cloud support and data sharing capabilities, it has become an industry hot spot. Snowflake’s rising rankings clearly demonstrate its growing influence in the field.

Microsoft, securing third place, remains a “veteran” in the database arena: Azure SQL Database offers fully managed relational database services with AI-driven performance optimization and elastic scaling, while SQL Server bridges the gap between on-premises and cloud with hybrid cloud capabilities. Microsoft’s continuous database innovations, coupled with its comprehensive data service ecosystem, make it a force to be reckoned with.

PostgreSQL Convention 2024


Roughly translated from PostgreSQL Convention 2024 with Google.

0x00 Background

No Rules, No Lines

The functions of PostgreSQL are very powerful, but to use PostgreSQL well requires the cooperation of backend, operation and maintenance, and DBA.

This article has compiled a development/operation and maintenance protocol based on the principles and characteristics of the PostgreSQL database, hoping to reduce the confusion you encounter when using the PostgreSQL database: hello, me, everyone.

The first version of this article is mainly for PostgreSQL 9.4 - PostgreSQL 10. The latest version has been updated and adjusted for PostgreSQL 15/16.

0x01 naming convention

There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation and naming .

Generic naming rules (Generic)

  • This rule applies to all objects in the database , including: library names, table names, index names, column names, function names, view names, serial number names, aliases, etc.
  • The object name must use only lowercase letters, underscores, and numbers, and the first letter must be a lowercase letter.
  • The length of the object name must not exceed 63 characters, and the naming snake_casestyle must be uniform.
  • The use of SQL reserved words is prohibited, use select pg_get_keywords();to obtain a list of reserved keywords.
  • Dollar signs are prohibited $, Chinese characters are prohibited, and do not pgbegin with .
  • Improve your wording taste and be honest and elegant; do not use pinyin, do not use uncommon words, and do not use niche abbreviations.

Cluster naming rules (Cluster)

  • The name of the PostgreSQL cluster will be used as the namespace of the cluster resource and must be a valid DNS domain name without any dots or underscores.
  • The cluster name should start with a lowercase letter, contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and minus signs, and conform to the regular expression: [a-z][a-z0-9-]*.
  • PostgreSQL database cluster naming usually follows a three-part structure: pg-<biz>-<tld>. Database type/business name/business line or environment
  • bizThe English words that best represent the characteristics of the business should only consist of lowercase letters and numbers, and should not contain hyphens -.
  • When using a backup cluster to build a delayed slave database of an existing cluster, bizthe name should be <biz>delay, for example pg-testdelay.
  • When branching an existing cluster, you can bizadd a number at the end of : for example, pg-user1you can branch from pg-user2, pg-user3etc.
  • For horizontally sharded clusters, bizthe name should include shardand be preceded by the shard number, for example pg-testshard1, pg-testshard2,…
  • <tld>It is the top-level business line and can also be used to distinguish different environments: for example -tt, -dev, -uat, -prodetc. It can be omitted if not required.

Service naming rules (Service)

  • Each PostgreSQL cluster will provide 2 to 6 types of external services, which use fixed naming rules by default.
  • The service name is prefixed with the cluster name and the service type is suffixed, for example pg-test-primary, pg-test-replica.
  • Read-write services are uniformly primarynamed with the suffix, and read-only services are uniformly replicanamed with the suffix. These two services are required.
  • ETL pull/individual user query is offlinenamed with the suffix, and direct connection to the main database/ETL write is defaultnamed with the suffix, which is an optional service.
  • The synchronous read service is standbynamed with the suffix, and the delayed slave library service is delayednamed with the suffix. A small number of core libraries can provide this service.

Instance naming rules (Instance)

  • A PostgreSQL cluster consists of at least one instance, and each instance has a unique instance number assigned from zero or one within the cluster.
  • The instance name- is composed of the cluster name + instance number with hyphens , for example: pg-test-1, pg-test-2.
  • Once assigned, the instance number cannot be modified until the instance is offline and destroyed, and cannot be reassigned for use.
  • The instance name will be used as a label for monitoring system data insand will be attached to all data of this instance.
  • If you are using a host/database 1:1 exclusive deployment, the node Hostname can use the database instance name.

Database naming rules (Database)

  • The database name should be consistent with the cluster and application, and must be a highly distinguishable English word.
  • The naming is <tld>_<biz>constructed in the form of , <tld>which is the top-level business line. It can also be used to distinguish different environments and can be omitted if not used.
  • <biz>For a specific business name, for example, pg-test-ttthe cluster can use the library name tt_testor test. This is not mandatory, i.e. it is allowed to create <biz>other databases with different cluster names.
  • For sharded libraries, <biz>the section must shardend with but should not contain the shard number, for example pg-testshard1, pg-testshard2both testshardshould be used.
  • Multiple parts use -joins. For example: <biz>-chat-shard, <biz>-paymentetc., no more than three paragraphs in total.

Role naming convention (Role/User)

  • dbsuThere is only one database super user : postgres, the user used for streaming replication is named replicator.
  • The users used for monitoring are uniformly named dbuser_monitor, and the super users used for daily management are: dbuser_dba.
  • The business user used by the program/service defaults to using dbuser_<biz>as the username, for example dbuser_test. Access from different services should be differentiated using separate business users.
  • The database user applied for by the individual user agrees to use dbp_<name>, where is namethe standard user name in LDAP.
  • The default permission group naming is fixed as: dbrole_readonly, dbrole_readwrite, dbrole_admin, dbrole_offline.

Schema naming rules (Schema)

  • The business uniformly uses a global <prefix>as the schema name, as short as possible, and is set to search_paththe first element by default.
  • <prefix>You must not use public, monitor, and must not conflict with any schema name used by PostgreSQL extensions, such as: timescaledb, citus, repack, graphql, net, cron,… It is not appropriate to use special names: dba, trash.
  • Sharding mode naming rules adopt: rel_<partition_total_num>_<partition_index>. The middle is the total number of shards, which is currently fixed at 8192. The suffix is the shard number, counting from 0. Such as rel_8192_0,…,,, rel_8192_11etc.
  • Creating additional schemas, or using <prefix>schema names other than , will require R&D to explain their necessity.

Relationship naming rules (Relation)

  • The first priority for relationship naming is to have clear meaning. Do not use ambiguous abbreviations or be too lengthy. Follow general naming rules.
  • Table names should use plural nouns and be consistent with historical conventions. Words with irregular plural forms should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Views use v_as the naming prefix, materialized views use mv_as the naming prefix, temporary tables use tmp_as the naming prefix.
  • Inherited or partitioned tables should be prefixed by the parent table name and suffixed by the child table attributes (rules, shard ranges, etc.).
  • The time range partition uses the starting interval as the naming suffix. If the first partition has no upper bound, the R&D will specify a far enough time point: grade partition: tbl_2023, month-level partition tbl_202304, day-level partition tbl_20230405, hour-level partition tbl_2023040518. The default partition _defaultends with .
  • The hash partition is named with the remainder as the suffix of the partition table name, and the list partition is manually specified by the R&D team with a reasonable partition table name corresponding to the list item.

Index naming rules (Index)

  • When creating an index, the index name should be specified explicitly and consistent with the PostgreSQL default naming rules.
  • Index names are prefixed with the table name, primary key indexes _pkeyend with , unique indexes _keyend with , ordinary indexes end _idxwith , and indexes used for EXCLUDEDconstraints _exclend with .
  • When using conditional index/function index, the function and condition content used should be reflected in the index name. For example tbl_md5_title_idx, tbl_ts_ge_2023_idx, but the length limit cannot be exceeded.

Field naming rules (Attribute)

  • It is prohibited to use system column reserved field names: oid, xmin, xmax, cmin, cmax, ctid.
  • Primary key columns are usually named with idor as ida suffix.
  • The conventional name is the creation time field created_time, and the conventional name is the last modification time field.updated_time
  • is_It is recommended to use , etc. as the prefix for Boolean fields has_.
  • Additional flexible JSONB fields are fixed using extraas column names.
  • The remaining field names must be consistent with existing table naming conventions, and any field naming that breaks conventions should be accompanied by written design instructions and explanations.

Enumeration item naming (Enum)

  • Enumeration items should be used by default camelCase, but other styles are allowed.

Function naming rules (Function)

  • Function names start with verbs: select, insert, delete, update, upsert, create,….
  • Important parameters can be reflected in the function name through _by_idsthe _by_user_idssuffix of.
  • Avoid function overloading and try to keep only one function with the same name.
  • BIGINT/INTEGER/SMALLINTIt is forbidden to overload function signatures through integer types such as , which may cause ambiguity when calling.
  • Use named parameters for variables in stored procedures and functions, and avoid positional parameters ( $1, $2,…).
  • If the parameter name conflicts with the object name, add before the parameter _, for example _user_id.

Comment specifications (Comment)

  • Try your best to provide comments ( COMMENT) for various objects. Comments should be in English, concise and concise, and one line should be used.
  • When the object’s schema or content semantics change, be sure to update the annotations to keep them in sync with the actual situation.

0x02 Design Convention

To each his own

Things to note when creating a table

  • The DDL statement for creating a table needs to use the standard format, with SQL keywords in uppercase letters and other words in lowercase letters.
  • Use lowercase letters uniformly in field names/table names/aliases, and try not to be case-sensitive. If you encounter a mixed case, or a name that conflicts with SQL keywords, you need to use double quotation marks for quoting.
  • Use specialized type (NUMERIC, ENUM, INET, MONEY, JSON, UUID, …) if applicable, and avoid using TEXT type as much as possible. The TEXT type is not conducive to the database’s understanding of the data. Use these types to improve data storage, query, indexing, and calculation efficiency, and improve maintainability.
  • Optimizing column layout and alignment types can have additional performance/storage gains.
  • Unique constraints must be guaranteed by the database, and any unique column must have a corresponding unique constraint. EXCLUDEConstraints are generalized unique constraints that can be used to ensure data integrity in low-frequency update scenarios.

Partition table considerations

  • If a single table exceeds hundreds of TB, or the monthly incremental data exceeds more than ten GB, you can consider table partitioning.
  • A guideline for partitioning is to keep the size of each partition within the comfortable range of 1GB to 64GB.
  • Tables that are conditionally partitioned by time range are first partitioned by time range. Commonly used granularities include: decade, year, month, day, and hour. The partitions required in the future should be created at least three months in advance.
  • For extremely skewed data distributions, different time granularities can be combined, for example: 1900 - 2000 as one large partition, 2000 - 2020 as year partitions, and after 2020 as month partitions. When using time partitioning, the table name uses the value of the lower limit of the partition (if infinity, use a value that is far enough back).

Notes on wide tables

  • Wide tables (for example, tables with dozens of fields) can be considered for vertical splitting, with mutual references to the main table through the same primary key.
  • Because of the PostgreSQL MVCC mechanism, the write amplification phenomenon of wide tables is more obvious, reducing frequent updates to wide tables.
  • In Internet scenarios, it is allowed to appropriately lower the normalization level and reduce multi-table connections to improve performance.

Primary key considerations

  • Every table must have an identity column , and in principle it must have a primary key. The minimum requirement is to have a non-null unique constraint .
  • The identity column is used to uniquely identify any tuple in the table, and logical replication and many third-party tools depend on it.
  • If the primary key contains multiple columns, it should be specified using a single column after creating the field list of the table DDL PRIMARY KEY(a,b,...).
  • In principle, it is recommended to use integer UUIDtypes for primary keys, which can be used with caution and text types with limited length. Using other types requires explicit explanation and evaluation.
  • The primary key usually uses a single integer column. In principle, it is recommended to use it BIGINT. Use it with caution INTEGERand it is not allowed SMALLINT.
  • The primary key should be used to GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITYgenerate a unique primary key; SERIAL, BIGSERIALwhich is only allowed when compatibility with PG versions below 10 is required.
  • The primary key can use UUIDthe type as the primary key, and it is recommended to use UUID v1/v7; use UUIDv4 as the primary key with caution, as random UUID has poor locality and has a collision probability.
  • When using a string column as a primary key, you should add a length limit. Generally used VARCHAR(64), use of longer strings should be explained and evaluated.
  • INSERT/UPDATEIn principle, it is forbidden to modify the value of the primary key column, and INSERT RETURNING it can be used to return the automatically generated primary key value.

Foreign key considerations

  • When defining a foreign key, the reference must explicitly set the corresponding action: SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, CASCADE, and use cascading operations with caution.
  • The columns referenced by foreign keys need to be primary key columns in other tables/this table.
  • Internet businesses, especially partition tables and horizontal shard libraries, use foreign keys with caution and can be solved at the application layer.

Null/Default Value Considerations

  • If there is no distinction between zero and null values in the field semantics, null values are not allowed and NOT NULLconstraints must be configured for the column.
  • If a field has a default value semantically, DEFAULTthe default value should be configured.

Numeric type considerations

  • Used for regular numeric fields INTEGER. Used for numeric columns whose capacity is uncertain BIGINT.
  • Don’t use it without special reasons SMALLINT. The performance and storage improvements are very small, but there will be many additional problems.
  • Note that the SQL standard does not provide unsigned integers, and values exceeding INTMAXbut not exceeding UINTMAXneed to be upgraded and stored. Do not store more INT64MAXvalues in BIGINTthe column as it will overflow into negative numbers.
  • REALRepresents a 4-byte floating point number, FLOATrepresents an 8-byte floating point number. Floating point numbers can only be used in scenarios where the final precision doesn’t matter, such as geographic coordinates. Remember not to use equality judgment on floating point numbers, except for zero values .
  • Use exact numeric types NUMERIC. If possible, use NUMERIC(p)and NUMERIC(p,s)to set the number of significant digits and the number of significant digits in the decimal part. For example, the temperature in Celsius ( 37.0) can NUMERIC(3,1)be stored with 3 significant digits and 1 decimal place using type.
  • Currency value type is used MONEY.

Text type considerations

  • PostgreSQL text types include char(n), varchar(n), text. By default, textthe type can be used, which does not limit the string length, but is limited by the maximum field length of 1GB.
  • If conditions permit, it is preferable to use varchar(n)the type to set a maximum string length. This will introduce minimal additional checking overhead, but can avoid some dirty data and corner cases.
  • Avoid use char(n), this type has unintuitive behavior (padding spaces and truncation) and has no storage or performance advantages in order to be compatible with the SQL standard.

Time type considerations

  • There are only two ways to store time: with time zone TIMESTAMPTZand without time zone TIMESTAMP.
  • It is recommended to use one with time zone TIMESTAMPTZ. If you use TIMESTAMPstorage, you must use 0 time zone standard time.
  • Please use it to generate 0 time zone time now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'. You cannot truncate the time zone directly now()::TIMESTAMP.
  • Uniformly use ISO-8601 format input and output time type: 2006-01-02 15:04:05to avoid DMY and MDY problems.
  • Users in China can use Asia/Hong_Kongthe +8 time zone uniformly because the Shanghai time zone abbreviation CSTis ambiguous.

Notes on enumeration types

  • Fields that are more stable and have a small value space (within tens to hundreds) should use enumeration types instead of integers and strings.
  • Enumerations are internally implemented using dynamic integers, which have readability advantages over integers and performance, storage, and maintainability advantages over strings.
  • Enumeration items can only be added, not deleted, but existing enumeration values can be renamed. ALTER TYPE <enum_name>Used to modify enumerations.

UUID type considerations

  • Please note that the fully random UUIDv4 has poor locality when used as a primary key. Consider using UUIDv1/v7 instead if possible.
  • Some UUID generation/processing functions require additional extension plug-ins, such as uuid-ossp, pg_uuidv7 etc. If you have this requirement, please specify it during configuration.

JSON type considerations

  • Unless there is a special reason, always use the binary storage JSONBtype and related functions instead of the text version JSON.
  • Note the subtle differences between atomic types in JSON and their PostgreSQL counterparts: the zero character textis not allowed in the type corresponding to a JSON string \u0000, and the and numericis not allowed in the type corresponding to a JSON numeric type . Boolean values only accept lowercase and literal values.NaN``infinity``true``false
  • Please note that objects in the JSON standard nulland null values in the SQL standard NULL are not the same concept.

Array type considerations

  • When storing a small number of elements, array fields can be used instead of individually.
  • Suitable for storing data with a relatively small number of elements and infrequent changes. If the number of elements in the array is very large or changes frequently, consider using a separate table to store the data and using foreign key associations.
  • For high-dimensional floating-point arrays, consider using pgvectorthe dedicated data types provided by the extension.

GIS type considerations

  • The GIS type uses the srid=4326 reference coordinate system by default.
  • Longitude and latitude coordinate points should use the Geography type without explicitly specifying the reference system coordinates 4326

Trigger considerations

  • Triggers will increase the complexity and maintenance cost of the database system, and their use is discouraged in principle. The use of rule systems is prohibited and such requirements should be replaced by triggers.
  • Typical scenarios for triggers are to automatically modify a row to the current timestamp after modifying it updated_time, or to record additions, deletions, and modifications of a table to another log table, or to maintain business consistency between the two tables.
  • Operations in triggers are transactional, meaning if the trigger or operations in the trigger fail, the entire transaction is rolled back, so test and prove the correctness of your triggers thoroughly. Special attention needs to be paid to recursive calls, deadlocks in complex query execution, and the execution sequence of multiple triggers.

Stored procedure/function considerations

  • Functions/stored procedures are suitable for encapsulating transactions, reducing concurrency conflicts, reducing network round-trips, reducing the amount of returned data, and executing a small amount of custom logic.

  • Stored procedures are not suitable for complex calculations, and are not suitable for trivial/frequent type conversion and packaging. In critical high-load systems, unnecessary computationally intensive logic in the database should be removed, such as using SQL in the database to convert WGS84 to other coordinate systems. Calculation logic closely related to data acquisition and filtering can use functions/stored procedures: for example, geometric relationship judgment in PostGIS.

  • Replaced functions and stored procedures that are no longer in use should be taken offline in a timely manner to avoid conflicts with future functions.

  • Use a unified syntax format for function creation. The signature occupies a separate line (function name and parameters), the return value starts on a separate line, and the language is the first label. Be sure to mark the function volatility level: IMMUTABLE, STABLE, VOLATILE. Add attribute tags, such as: RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT, PARALLEL SAFE, ROWS 1etc.

      nspname.myfunc(arg1_ TEXT, arg2_ INTEGER)
    ROWS 1
    AS $function$
    SELECT 1;

Use sensible Locale options

Use reasonable character encoding and localization configuration

  • Character encoding must be used UTF8, any other character encoding is strictly prohibited.
  • Must be used Cas LC_COLLATEthe default collation, any special requirements must be explicitly specified in the DDL/query clause to implement.
  • Character set LC_CTYPEis used by default en_US.UTF8, some extensions rely on character set information to work properly, such as pg_trgm.

Notes on indexing

  • All online queries must design corresponding indexes according to their access patterns, and full table scans are not allowed except for very small tables.
  • Indexes have a price, and it is not allowed to create unused indexes. Indexes that are no longer used should be cleaned up in time.
  • When building a joint index, columns with high differentiation and selectivity should be placed first, such as ID, timestamp, etc.
  • GiST index can be used to solve the nearest neighbor query problem, and traditional B-tree index cannot provide good support for KNN problem.
  • For data whose values are linearly related to the storage order of the heap table, if the usual query is a range query, it is recommended to use the BRIN index. The most typical scenario is to only append written time series data. BRIN index is more efficient than Btree.
  • When retrieving against JSONB/array fields, you can use GIN indexes to speed up queries.

Clarify the order of null values in B-tree indexes

  • NULLS FIRSTIf there is a sorting requirement on a nullable column, it needs to be explicitly specified in the query and index NULLS LAST.
  • Note that DESCthe default rule for sorting is NULLS FIRSTthat null values appear first in the sort, which is generally not desired behavior.
  • The sorting conditions of the index must match the query, such as:CREATE INDEX ON tbl (id DESC NULLS LAST);

Disable indexing on large fields

  • The size of the indexed field cannot exceed 2KB (1/3 of the page capacity). You need to be careful when creating indexes on text types. The text to be indexed should use varchar(n)types with length constraints.
  • When a text type is used as a primary key, a maximum length must be set. In principle, the length should not exceed 64 characters. In special cases, the evaluation needs to be explicitly stated.
  • If there is a need for large field indexing, you can consider hashing the large field and establishing a function index. Or use another type of index (GIN).

Make the most of functional indexes

  • Any redundant fields that can be inferred from other fields in the same row can be replaced using functional indexes.
  • For statements that often use expressions as query conditions, you can use expression or function indexes to speed up queries.
  • Typical scenario: Establish a hash function index on a large field, and establish a reversefunction index for text columns that require left fuzzy query.

Take advantage of partial indexes

  • For the part of the query where the query conditions are fixed, partial indexes can be used to reduce the index size and improve query efficiency.
  • If a field to be indexed in a query has only a limited number of values, several corresponding partial indexes can also be established.
  • If the columns in some indexes are frequently updated, please pay attention to the expansion of these indexes.

0x03 Query Convention

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

—Ludwig Wittgenstein

Use service access

  • Access to the production database must be through domain name access services , and direct connection using IP addresses is strictly prohibited.
  • VIP is used for services and access, LVS/HAProxy shields the role changes of cluster instance members, and master-slave switching does not require application restart.

Read and write separation

  • Internet business scenario: Write requests must go through the main library and be accessed through the Primary service.
  • In principle, read requests go from the slave library and are accessed through the Replica service.
  • Exceptions: If you need “Read Your Write” consistency guarantees, and significant replication delays are detected, read requests can access the main library; or apply to the DBA to provide Standby services.

Separation of speed and slowness

  • Queries within 1 millisecond in production are called fast queries, and queries that exceed 1 second in production are called slow queries.
  • Slow queries must go to the offline slave database - Offline service/instance, and a timeout should be set during execution.
  • In principle, the execution time of online general queries in production should be controlled within 1ms.
  • If the execution time of an online general query in production exceeds 10ms, the technical solution needs to be modified and optimized before going online.
  • Online queries should be configured with a Timeout of the order of 10ms or faster to avoid avalanches caused by accumulation.
  • ETL data from the primary is prohibited, and the offline service should be used to retrieve data from a dedicated instance.

Use connection pool

  • Production applications must access the database through a connection pool and the PostgreSQL database through a 1:1 deployed Pgbouncer proxy. Offline service, individual users are strictly prohibited from using the connection pool directly.
  • Pgbouncer connection pool uses Transaction Pooling mode by default. Some session-level functions may not be available (such as Notify/Listen), so special attention is required. Pre-1.21 Pgbouncer does not support the use of Prepared Statements in this mode. In special scenarios, you can use Session Pooling or bypass the connection pool to directly access the database, which requires special DBA review and approval.
  • When using a connection pool, it is prohibited to modify the connection status, including modifying connection parameters, modifying search paths, changing roles, and changing databases. The connection must be completely destroyed after modification as a last resort. Putting the changed connection back into the connection pool will lead to the spread of contamination. Use of pg_dump to dump data via Pgbouncer is strictly prohibited.

Configure active timeout for query statements

  • Applications should configure active timeouts for all statements and proactively cancel requests after timeout to avoid avalanches. (Go context)
  • Statements that are executed periodically must be configured with a timeout smaller than the execution period to avoid avalanches.
  • HAProxy is configured with a default connection timeout of 24 hours for rolling expired long connections. Please do not run SQL that takes more than 1 day to execute on offline instances. This requirement will be specially adjusted by the DBA.

Pay attention to replication latency

  • Applications must be aware of synchronization delays between masters and slaves and properly handle situations where replication delays exceed reasonable limits.
  • Under normal circumstances, replication delays are on the order of 100µs/tens of KB, but in extreme cases, slave libraries may experience replication delays of minutes/hours. Applications should be aware of this phenomenon and have corresponding degradation plans - Select Read from the main library and try again later, or report an error directly.

Retry failed transactions

  • Queries may be killed due to concurrency contention, administrator commands, etc. Applications need to be aware of this and retry if necessary.
  • When the application reports a large number of errors in the database, it can trigger the circuit breaker to avoid an avalanche. But be careful to distinguish the type and nature of errors.

Disconnected and reconnected

  • The database connection may be terminated for various reasons, and the application must have a disconnection reconnection mechanism.
  • It can be used SELECT 1as a heartbeat packet query to detect the presence of messages on the connection and keep it alive periodically.

Online service application code prohibits execution of DDL

  • It is strictly forbidden to execute DDL in production applications and do not make big news in the application code.
  • Exception scenario: Creating new time partitions for partitioned tables can be carefully managed by the application.
  • Special exception: Databases used by office systems, such as Gitlab/Jira/Confluence, etc., can grant application DDL permissions.

SELECT statement explicitly specifies column names

  • Avoid using it SELECT *, or RETURNINGuse it in a clause *. Please use a specific field list and do not return unused fields. When the table structure changes (for example, a new value column), queries that use column wildcards are likely to encounter column mismatch errors.
  • After the fields of some tables are maintained, the order will change. For example: after idupgrading the INTEGER primary key to BIGINT, idthe column order will be the last column. This problem can only be fixed during maintenance and migration. R&D developers should resist the compulsion to adjust the column order and explicitly specify the column order in the SELECT statement.
  • Exception: Wildcards are allowed when a stored procedure returns a specific table row type.

Disable online query full table scan

  • Exceptions: constant minimal table, extremely low-frequency operations, table/return result set is very small (within 100 records/100 KB).
  • Using negative operators such as on the first-level filter condition will result in a full table scan and must be !=avoided .<>

Disallow long waits in transactions

  • Transactions must be committed or rolled back as soon as possible after being started. Transactions that exceed 10 minutes IDEL IN Transactionwill be forcibly killed.
  • Applications should enable AutoCommit to avoid BEGINunpaired ROLLBACKor unpaired applications later COMMIT.
  • Try to use the transaction infrastructure provided by the standard library, and do not control transactions manually unless absolutely necessary.

Things to note when using count

  • count(*)It is the standard syntax for counting rows and has nothing to do with null values.
  • count(col)The count is the number of non-null recordscol in the column . NULL values in this column will not be counted.
  • count(distinct col)When coldeduplicating columns and counting them, null values are also ignored, that is, only the number of non-null distinct values is counted.
  • count((col1, col2))When counting multiple columns, even if the columns to be counted are all empty, they will still be counted. (NULL,NULL)This is valid.
  • a(distinct (col1, col2))For multi-column deduplication counting, even if the columns to be counted are all empty, they will be counted, (NULL,NULL)which is effective.

Things to note when using aggregate functions

  • All countaggregate functions except NULLBut count(col)in this case it will be returned 0as an exception.
  • If returning null from an aggregate function is not expected, use coalesceto set a default value.

Handle null values with caution

  • Clearly distinguish between zero values and null values. Use null values IS NULLfor equivalence judgment, and use regular =operators for zero values for equivalence judgment.

  • When a null value is used as a function input parameter, it should have a type modifier, otherwise the overloaded function will not be able to identify which one to use.

  • Pay attention to the null value comparison logic: the result of any comparison operation involving null values is unknown you need to pay attention to null the logic involved in Boolean operations:

    • and: TRUE or NULLWill return due to logical short circuit TRUE.
    • or: FALSE and NULLWill return due to logical short circuitFALSE
    • In other cases, as long as the operand appears NULL, the result isNULL
  • The result of logical judgment between null value and any value is null value, for example, NULL=NULLthe return result is NULLnot TRUE/FALSE.

  • For equality comparisons involving null values and non-null values, please use ``IS DISTINCT FROM for comparison to ensure that the comparison result is not null.

  • NULL values and aggregate functions: When all input values are NULL, the aggregate function returns NULL.

Note that the serial number is empty

  • When using Serialtypes, INSERT, UPSERTand other operations will consume sequence numbers, and this consumption will not be rolled back when the transaction fails.
  • When using an integer INTEGERas the primary key and the table has frequent insertion conflicts, you need to pay attention to the problem of integer overflow.

The cursor must be closed promptly after use

Repeated queries using prepared statements

  • Prepared Statements should be used for repeated queries to eliminate the CPU overhead of database hard parsing. Pgbouncer versions earlier than 1.21 cannot support this feature in transaction pooling mode, please pay special attention.
  • Prepared statements will modify the connection status. Please pay attention to the impact of the connection pool on prepared statements.

Choose the appropriate transaction isolation level

  • The default isolation level is read committed , which is suitable for most simple read and write transactions. For ordinary transactions, choose the lowest isolation level that meets the requirements.
  • For write transactions that require transaction-level consistent snapshots, use the Repeatable Read isolation level.
  • For write transactions that have strict requirements on correctness (such as money-related), use the serializable isolation level.
  • When a concurrency conflict occurs between the RR and SR isolation levels, the application should actively retry depending on the error type.

rh 09 Do not use count when judging the existence of a result.

  • It is faster than Count to SELECT 1 FROM tbl WHERE xxx LIMIT 1judge whether there are columns that meet the conditions.
  • SELECT exists(SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE xxx LIMIT 1)The existence result can be converted to a Boolean value using .

Use the RETURNING clause to retrieve the modified results in one go

  • RETURNINGThe clause can be used after the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEstatement to effectively reduce the number of database interactions.

Use UPSERT to simplify logic

  • When the business has an insert-failure-update sequence of operations, consider using UPSERTsubstitution.

Use advisory locks to deal with hotspot concurrency .

  • For extremely high-frequency concurrent writes (spike) of single-row records, advisory locks should be used to lock the record ID.
  • If high concurrency contention can be resolved at the application level, don’t do it at the database level.

Optimize IN operator

  • Use EXISTSclause instead of INoperator for better performance.
  • Use =ANY(ARRAY[1,2,3,4])instead IN (1,2,3,4)for better results.
  • Control the size of the parameter list. In principle, it should not exceed 10,000. If it exceeds, you can consider batch processing.

It is not recommended to use left fuzzy search

  • Left fuzzy search WHERE col LIKE '%xxx'cannot make full use of B-tree index. If necessary, reverseexpression function index can be used.

Use arrays instead of temporary tables

  • Consider using an array instead of a temporary table, for example when obtaining corresponding records for a series of IDs. =ANY(ARRAY[1,2,3])Better than temporary table JOIN.

0x04 Administration Convention

Use Pigsty to build PostgreSQL cluster and infrastructure

  • The production environment uses the Pigsty trunk version uniformly, and deploys the database on x86_64 machines and CentOS 7.9 / RockyLinux 8.8 operating systems.
  • pigsty.ymlConfiguration files usually contain highly sensitive and important confidential information. Git should be used for version management and access permissions should be strictly controlled.
  • files/pkiThe CA private key and other certificates generated within the system should be properly kept, regularly backed up to a secure area for storage and archiving, and access permissions should be strictly controlled.
  • All passwords are not allowed to use default values, and make sure they have been changed to new passwords with sufficient strength.
  • Strictly control access rights to management nodes and configuration code warehouses, and only allow DBA login and access.

Monitoring system is a must

  • Any deployment must have a monitoring system, and the production environment uses at least two sets of Infra nodes to provide redundancy.

Properly plan the cluster architecture according to needs

  • Any production database cluster managed by a DBA must have at least one online slave database for online failover.
  • The template is used by default oltp, the analytical database uses olapthe template, the financial database uses critthe template, and the micro virtual machine (within four cores) uses tinythe template.
  • For businesses whose annual data volume exceeds 1TB, or for clusters whose write TPS exceeds 30,000 to 50,000, you can consider building a horizontal sharding cluster.

Configure cluster high availability using Patroni and Etcd

  • The production database cluster uses Patroni as the high-availability component and etcd as the DCS.
  • etcdUse a dedicated virtual machine cluster, with 3 to 5 nodes, strictly scattered and distributed on different cabinets.
  • Patroni Failsafe mode must be turned on to ensure that the cluster main library can continue to work when etcd fails.

Configure cluster PITR using pgBackRest and MinIO

  • The production database cluster uses pgBackRest as the backup recovery/PITR solution and MinIO as the backup storage warehouse.
  • MinIO uses a multi-node multi-disk cluster, and can also use S3/OSS/COS services instead. Password encryption must be set for cold backup.
  • All database clusters perform a local full backup every day, retain the backup and WAL of the last week, and save a full backup every other month.
  • When a WAL archiving error occurs, you should check the backup warehouse and troubleshoot the problem in time.

Core business database configuration considerations

  • The core business cluster needs to configure at least two online slave libraries, one of which is a dedicated offline query instance.
  • The core business cluster needs to build a delayed slave cluster with a 24-hour delay for emergency data recovery.
  • Core business clusters usually use asynchronous submission, while those related to money use synchronous submission.

Financial database configuration considerations

  • The financial database cluster requires at least two online slave databases, one of which is a dedicated synchronization Standby instance, and Standby service access is enabled.
  • Money-related libraries must use crittemplates with RPO = 0, enable synchronous submission to ensure zero data loss, and enable Watchdog as appropriate.
  • Money-related libraries must be forced to turn on data checksums and, if appropriate, turn on full DML logs.

Use reasonable character encoding and localization configuration

  • Character encoding must be used UTF8, any other character encoding is strictly prohibited.
  • Must be used Cas LC_COLLATEthe default collation, any special requirements must be explicitly specified in the DDL/query clause to implement.
  • Character set LC_CTYPEis used by default en_US.UTF8, some extensions rely on character set information to work properly, such as pg_trgm.

Business database management considerations

  • Multiple different databases are allowed to be created in the same cluster, and Ansible scripts must be used to create new business databases.
  • All business databases must exist synchronously in the Pgbouncer connection pool.

Business user management considerations

  • Different businesses/services must use different database users, and Ansible scripts must be used to create new business users.
  • All production business users must be synchronized in the user list file of the Pgbouncer connection pool.
  • Individual users should set a password with a default validity period of 90 days and change it regularly.
  • Individual users are only allowed to access authorized cluster offline instances or slave pg_offline_querylibraries with from the springboard machine.

Notes on extension management

  • yum/aptWhen installing a new extension, you must first install the corresponding major version of the extension binary package in all instances of the cluster .
  • Before enabling the extension, you need to confirm whether the extension needs to be added shared_preload_libraries. If necessary, a rolling restart should be arranged.
  • Note that shared_preload_librariesin order of priority, citus, timescaledb, pgmlare usually placed first.
  • pg_stat_statementsand auto_explainare required plugins and must be enabled in all clusters.
  • Install extensions uniformly using , and create them dbsuin the business database .CREATE EXTENSION

Database XID and age considerations

  • Pay attention to the age of the database and tables to avoid running out of XID transaction numbers. If the usage exceeds 20%, you should pay attention; if it exceeds 50%, you should intervene immediately.
  • When processing XID, execute the table one by one in order of age from largest to smallest VACUUM FREEZE.

Database table and index expansion considerations

  • Pay attention to the expansion rate of tables and indexes to avoid index performance degradation, and use pg_repackonline processing to handle table/index expansion problems.
  • Generally speaking, indexes and tables whose expansion rate exceeds 50% can be considered for reorganization.
  • When dealing with table expansion exceeding 100GB, you should pay special attention and choose business low times.

Database restart considerations

  • Before restarting the database, execute it CHECKPOINTtwice to force dirty pages to be flushed, which can speed up the restart process.
  • Before restarting the database, perform pg_ctl reloadreload configuration to confirm that the configuration file is available normally.
  • To restart the database, use pg_ctl restartpatronictl or patronictl to restart the entire cluster at the same time.
  • Use kill -9to shut down any database process is strictly prohibited.

Replication latency considerations

  • Monitor replication latency, especially when using replication slots.

New slave database data warm-up

  • When adding a new slave database instance to a high-load business cluster, the new database instance should be warmed up, and the HAProxy instance weight should be gradually adjusted and applied in gradients: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 100. pg_prewarmHot data can be loaded into memory using .

Database publishing process

  • Online database release requires several evaluation stages: R&D self-test, supervisor review, QA review (optional), and DBA review.
  • During the R&D self-test phase, R&D should ensure that changes are executed correctly in the development and pre-release environments.
    • If a new table is created, the record order magnitude, daily data increment estimate, and read and write throughput magnitude estimate should be given.
    • If it is a new function, the average execution time and extreme case descriptions should be given.
    • If it is a mode change, all upstream and downstream dependencies must be sorted out.
    • If it is a data change and record revision, a rollback SQL must be given.
  • The R&D Team Leader needs to evaluate and review changes and be responsible for the content of the changes.
  • The DBA evaluates and reviews the form and impact of the release, puts forward review opinions, and calls back or implements them uniformly.

Data work order format

  • Database changes are made through the platform, with one work order for each change.
  • The title is clear: A certain business needs xxto perform an action in the database yy.
  • The goal is clear: what operations need to be performed on which instances in each step, and how to verify the results.
  • Rollback plan: Any changes need to provide a rollback plan, and new ones also need to provide a cleanup script.
  • Any changes need to be recorded and archived, and have complete approval records. They are first approved by the R&D superior TL Review and then approved by the DBA.

Database change release considerations

  • Using a unified release window, changes of the day will be collected uniformly at 16:00 every day and executed sequentially; requirements confirmed by TL after 16:00 will be postponed to the next day. Database release is not allowed after 19:00. For emergency releases, please ask TL to make special instructions and send a copy to the CTO for approval before execution.
  • Database DDL changes and DML changes are uniformly dbuser_dbaexecuted remotely using the administrator user to ensure that the default permissions work properly.
  • When the business administrator executes DDL by himself, he mustSET ROLE dbrole_admin first execute the release to ensure the default permissions.
  • Any changes require a rollback plan before they can be executed, and very few operations that cannot be rolled back need to be handled with special caution (such as enumeration of value additions)
  • Database changes use psqlcommand line tools, connect to the cluster main database to execute, use \iexecution scripts or \emanual execution in batches.

Things to note when deleting tables

  • The production data table DROPshould be renamed first and allowed to cool for 1 to 3 days to ensure that it is not accessed before being removed.
  • When cleaning the table, you must sort out all dependencies, including directly and indirectly dependent objects: triggers, foreign key references, etc.
  • The temporary table to be deleted is usually placed in trashSchema and ALTER TABLE SET SCHEMAthe schema name is modified.
  • In high-load business clusters, when removing particularly large tables (> 100G), select business valleys to avoid preempting I/O.

Things to note when creating and deleting indexes

  • You must use CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLYconcurrent index creation and DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLYconcurrent index removal.
  • When rebuilding an index, always create a new index first, then remove the old index, and modify the new index name to be consistent with the old index.
  • After index creation fails, you should remove INVALIDthe index in time. After modifying the index, use analyzeto re-collect statistical data on the table.
  • When the business is idle, you can enable parallel index creation and set it maintenance_work_memto a larger value to speed up index creation.

Make schema changes carefully

  • Try to avoid full table rewrite changes as much as possible. Full table rewrite is allowed for tables within 1GB. The DBA should notify all relevant business parties when the changes are made.
  • When adding new columns to an existing table, you should avoid using functions in default values VOLATILEto avoid a full table rewrite.
  • When changing a column type, all functions and views that depend on that type should be rebuilt if necessary, and ANALYZEstatistics should be refreshed.

Control the batch size of data writing

  • Large batch write operations should be divided into small batches to avoid generating a large amount of WAL or occupying I/O at one time.
  • After a large batch UPDATEis executed, VACUUMthe space occupied by dead tuples is reclaimed.
  • The essence of executing DDL statements is to modify the system directory, and it is also necessary to control the number of DDL statements in a batch.

Data loading considerations

  • Use COPYload data, which can be executed in parallel if necessary.
  • You can temporarily shut down before loading data autovacuum, disable triggers as needed, and create constraints and indexes after loading.
  • Turn it up maintenance_work_mem, increase it max_wal_size.
  • Executed after loading is complete vacuum verbose analyze table.

Notes on database migration and major version upgrades

  • The production environment uniformly uses standard migration to build script logic, and realizes requirements such as non-stop cluster migration and major version upgrades through blue-green deployment.
  • For clusters that do not require downtime, you can use pg_dump | psqllogical export and import to stop and upgrade.

Data Accidental Deletion/Accidental Update Process

  • After an accident occurs, immediately assess whether it is necessary to stop the operation to stop bleeding, assess the scale of the impact, and decide on treatment methods.
  • If there is a way to recover on the R&D side, priority will be given to the R&D team to make corrections through SQL publishing; otherwise, use pageinspectand pg_dirtyreadto rescue data from the bad table.
  • If there is a delayed slave library, extract data from the delayed slave library for repair. First, confirm the time point of accidental deletion, and advance the delay to extract data from the database to the XID.
  • A large area was accidentally deleted and written. After communicating with the business and agreeing, perform an in-place PITR rollback to a specific time.

Data corruption processing process

  • Confirm whether the slave database data can be used for recovery. If the slave database data is intact, you can switchover to the slave database first.
  • Temporarily shut down auto_vacuum, locate the root cause of the error, replace the failed disk and add a new slave database.
  • If the system directory is damaged, or use to pg_filedumprecover data from table binaries.
  • If the CLOG is damaged, use ddto generate a fake submission record.

Things to note when the database connection is full

  • When the connection is full (avalanche), immediately use the kill connection query to cure the symptoms and stop the loss: pg_cancel_backendor pg_terminate_backend.
  • Use to pg_terminate_backendabort all normal backend processes, psql \watch 1starting with once per second ( ). And confirm the connection status from the monitoring system. If the accumulation continues, continue to increase the execution frequency of the connection killing query, for example, once every 0.1 seconds until there is no more accumulation.
  • After confirming that the bleeding has stopped from the monitoring system, try to stop the killing connection. If the accumulation reappears, immediately resume the killing connection. Immediately analyze the root cause and perform corresponding processing (upgrade, limit current, add index, etc.)

FerretDB: When PG Masquerades as MongoDB

MongoDB was once a revolutionary technology that liberated developers from the “schema shackles” of relational databases, enabling rapid application development. However, as time passed, MongoDB gradually drifted away from its open-source roots, leaving many open-source projects and early-stage businesses in a bind.

Here’s the thing: most MongoDB users don’t actually need MongoDB’s advanced features. What they really need is a user-friendly, open-source document database solution. PostgreSQL has already evolved into a fully-featured, high-performance document database with its mature JSON capabilities: binary JSONB storage, GIN indexing for arbitrary fields, rich JSON processing functions, JSON PATH, and JSON Schema support. But having alternative functionality is one thing - providing a direct emulation is another beast entirely.

Enter FerretDB, born to fill this gap with a mission to provide a truly open-source MongoDB alternative. It’s an fascinating project with an interesting history - it was originally named “MangoDB” but changed to FerretDB for its 1.0 release to avoid any confusion with “MongoDB” (Mango DB vs Mongo DB). FerretDB offers applications using MongoDB drivers a smooth migration path to PostgreSQL.

Its magic trick? Making PostgreSQL impersonate MongoDB. It acts as a protocol translation middleware/proxy that enables PG to speak the MongoDB Wire Protocol. The last time we saw something similar was AWS’s Babelfish, which made PostgreSQL pretend to be Microsoft SQL Server by supporting the SQL Server wire protocol.

As an optional component, FerretDB significantly enriches the PostgreSQL ecosystem. Pigsty has supported FerretDB deployment via Docker templates since version 1.x and now offers native deployment support in v2.3. The Pigsty community has formed a partnership with the FerretDB community, paving the way for deeper integration and support.

This article will walk you through the installation, deployment, and usage of FerretDB.


Before deploying a Mongo (FerretDB) cluster, you’ll need to define it in your configuration manifest. Here’s an example that uses the default single-node pg-meta cluster’s meta database as FerretDB’s underlying storage:

  hosts: { { mongo_seq: 1 } }
    mongo_cluster: ferret
    mongo_pgurl: 'postgres://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:5432/meta'

Here mongo_cluster and mongo_seq are essential identity parameters, and for FerretDB, another required parameter is mongo_pgurl, specifying the underlying PG location.

You can use the pg-meta cluster as the underlying storage for FerretDB, and deploy multiple FerretDB instance replicas with L2 VIP binding to achieve high availability at the FerretDB layer itself.

  hosts: { mongo_seq: 1 } { mongo_seq: 2 } { mongo_seq: 3 }
    mongo_cluster: ferret
    mongo_pgurl: 'postgres://test:[email protected]:5436/test'
    vip_enabled: true
    vip_vrid: 128
    vip_interface: eth1


Create Mongo Cluster

After defining the MONGO cluster in the configuration manifest, you can use the following command to complete the installation.

./mongo.yml -l ferret   # Install "MongoDB/FerretDB" on the ferret group

Because FerretDB uses PostgreSQL as its underlying storage, repeating this playbook usually won’t cause any harm.

Remove Mongo Cluster

To remove the Mongo/FerretDB cluster, run the mongo.yml playbook’s task: mongo_purge, and use the mongo_purge command line parameter:

./mongo.yml -e mongo_purge=true -t mongo_purge

Install MongoSH

You can use MongoSH as a client tool to access the FerretDB cluster

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/mongo.repo <<EOF
name=MongoDB Repository
yum install -y mongodb-mongosh

Of course, you can also directly install the RPM package of mongosh:

rpm -ivh

Connect to FerretDB

You can use the MongoDB connection string to access FerretDB using any language’s MongoDB driver. Here’s an example using the mongosh command line tool we installed:

mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017?authMechanism=PLAIN'mongosh 'mongodb://test:[email protected]:27017/test?authMechanism=PLAIN'

Pigsty’s managed PostgreSQL cluster uses scram-sha-256 as the default authentication method, so you must use the PLAIN authentication method to connect to FerretDB. See FerretDB: Authentication[17] for more details.

You can also use other PostgreSQL users to access FerretDB by specifying them in the connection string:

mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_dba:[email protected]:27017?authMechanism=PLAIN'

Quick Start

You can connect to FerretDB and pretend it’s a MongoDB cluster.

$ mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017?authMechanism=PLAIN'

MongoDB commands will be translated to SQL commands and executed in the underlying PostgreSQL:

use test                            # CREATE SCHEMA test;
db.dropDatabase()                   # DROP SCHEMA test;
db.createCollection('posts')        # CREATE TABLE posts(_data JSONB,...)
db.posts.insert({                   # INSERT INTO posts VALUES(...);
    title: 'Post One',body: 'Body of post one',category: 'News',tags: ['news', 'events'],
    user: {name: 'John Doe',status: 'author'},date: Date()}
db.posts.find().limit(2).pretty()   # SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 2;
db.posts.createIndex({ title: 1 })  # CREATE INDEX ON posts(_data->>'title');

If you’re not familiar with MongoDB, here’s a quick start tutorial that’s also applicable to FerretDB: Perform CRUD Operations with MongoDB Shell[18]

If you want to generate some sample load, you can use mongosh to execute the following simple test playbook:

cat > benchmark.js <<'EOF'
const coll = "testColl";
const numDocs = 10000;

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // insert
  db.getCollection(coll).insert({ num: i, name: "MongoDB Benchmark Test" });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // select
  db.getCollection(coll).find({ num: i });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // update
  db.getCollection(coll).update({ num: i }, { $set: { name: "Updated" } });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // delete
  db.getCollection(coll).deleteOne({ num: i });

mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017?authMechanism=PLAIN' benchmark.js

You can check out the MongoDB commands supported by FerretDB, as well as some known differences for basic usage, which usually isn’t a big deal.

  1. FerretDB uses the same protocol error names and codes, but the exact error messages may be different in some cases.
  2. FerretDB does not support NUL (\0) characters in strings.
  3. FerretDB does not support nested arrays.
  4. FerretDB converts -0 (negative zero) to 0 (positive zero).
  5. Document restrictions:
    • document keys must not contain . sign;
    • document keys must not start with $ sign;
    • document fields of double type must not contain Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN values.
  6. When insert command is called, insert documents must not have duplicate keys.
  7. Update command restrictions:
    • update operations producing Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN are not supported.
  8. Database and collection names restrictions:
    • name cannot start with the reserved prefix _ferretdb_;
    • database name must not include non-latin letters;
    • collection name must be valid UTF-8 characters;
  9. FerretDB offers the same validation rules for the scale parameter in both the collStats and dbStats commands. If an invalid scale value is provided in the dbStats command, the same error codes will be triggered as with the collStats command.


Pigsty provides a built-in playbook: mongo.yml, for installing a FerretDB cluster on a node.


This playbook consists of the following tasks:

  • mongo_check : Check mongo identity parameters•mongo_dbsu : Create the mongod operating system user•mongo_install : Install mongo/ferretdb RPM package•mongo_purge : Clean up existing mongo/ferretdb cluster (default not executed)•mongo_config : Configure mongo/ferretdb
  • mongo_cert : Issue mongo/ferretdb SSL certificate
  • mongo_launch : Start mongo/ferretdb service•mongo_register:Register mongo/ferretdb to Prometheus monitoring


MONGO module provides a simple monitoring panel: Mongo Overview

Mongo Overview

Mongo Overview: Mongo/FerretDB cluster overview

This monitoring panel provides basic monitoring metrics about FerretDB, as FerretDB uses PostgreSQL as its underlying storage, so more monitoring metrics, please refer to PostgreSQL itself monitoring.


MONGO[24] module provides 9 related configuration parameters, as shown in the table below:

Parameter Type Level Comment
mongo_seq int I mongo instance number, required identity parameter
mongo_cluster string C mongo cluster name, required identity parameter
mongo_pgurl pgurl C/I mongo/ferretdb underlying PGURL connection string, required
mongo_ssl_enabled bool C Whether mongo/ferretdb enable SSL? Default is false
mongo_listen ip C mongo listening address, default to listen to all addresses
mongo_port port C mongo service port, default to use 27017
mongo_ssl_port port C mongo TLS listening port, default to use 27018
mongo_exporter_port port C mongo exporter port, default to use 9216
mongo_extra_vars string C MONGO server additional environment variables, default blank string

PostgreSQL, The most successful database

The StackOverflow 2023 Survey, featuring feedback from 90K developers across 185 countries, is out. PostgreSQL topped all three survey categories (used, loved, and wanted), earning its title as the undisputed “Decathlete Database” – it’s hailed as the “Linux of Database”!

What makes a database “successful”? It’s a mix of features, quality, security, performance, and cost, but success is mainly about adoption and legacy. The size, preference, and needs of its user base are what truly shape its ecosystem’s prosperity. StackOverflow’s annual surveys for seven years have provided a window into tech trends.

PostgreSQL is now the world’s most popular database.

PostgreSQL is developers’ favorite database!

PostgreSQL sees the highest demand among users!

Popularity, the used reflects the past, the loved indicates the present, and the wanted suggests the future. These metrics vividly showcase the vitality of a technology. PostgreSQL stands strong in both stock and potential, unlikely to be rivaled soon.

As a dedicated user, community member, expert, evangelist, and contributor to PostgreSQL, witnessing this moment is profoundly moving. Let’s delve into the “Why” and “What” behind this phenomenon.

Source: Community Survey

Developers define the success of databases, and StackOverflow’s survey, with popularity, love, and demand metrics, captures this directly.

“Which database environments have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year? If you both worked with the database and want to continue to do so, please check both boxes in that row.”

Each database in the survey had two checkboxes: one for current use, marking the user as “Used,” and one for future interest, marking them as “Wanted.” Those who checked both were labeled as “Loved/Admired.”

The percentage of “Used” respondents represents popularity or usage rate, shown as a bar chart, while “Wanted” indicates demand or desire, marked with blue dots. “Loved/Admired” shows as red dots, indicating love or reputation. In 2023, PostgreSQL outstripped MySQL in popularity, becoming the world’s most popular database, and led by a wide margin in demand and reputation.

Reviewing seven years of data and plotting the top 10 databases on a scatter chart of popularity vs. net love percentage (2*love% - 100), we gain insights into the database field’s evolution and sense of scale.

X: Popularity, Y: Net Love Index (2 * loved - 100)

The 2023 snapshot shows PostgreSQL in the top right, popular and loved, while MySQL, popular yet less favored, sits in the bottom right. Redis, moderately popular but much loved, is in the top left, and Oracle, neither popular nor loved, is in the bottom left. In the middle lie SQLite, MongoDB, and SQL Server.

Trends indicate PostgreSQL’s growing popularity and love; MySQL’s love remains flat with falling popularity. Redis and SQLite are progressing, MongoDB is peaking and declining, and the commercial RDBMSs SQL Server and Oracle are on a downward trend.

The takeaway: PostgreSQL’s standing in the database realm, akin to Linux in server OS, seems unshakeable for the foreseeable future.

Historical Accumulation: Popularity

PostgreSQL — The world’s most popular database

Popularity is the percentage of total users who have used a technology in the past year. It reflects the accumulated usage over the past year and is a core metric of factual significance.

In 2023, PostgreSQL, branded as the “most advanced,” surpassed the “most popular” database MySQL with a usage rate of 45.6%, leading by 4.5% and reaching 1.1 times the usage rate of MySQL at 41.1%. Among professional developers (about three-quarters of the sample), PostgreSQL had already overtaken MySQL in 2022, with a 0.8 percentage point lead (46.5% vs 45.7%); this gap widened in 2023 to 49.1% vs 40.6%, or 1.2 times the usage rate among professional developers.

Over the past years, MySQL enjoyed the top spot in database popularity, proudly claiming the title of the “world’s most popular open-source relational database.” However, PostgreSQL has now claimed the crown. Compared to PostgreSQL and MySQL, other databases are not in the same league in terms of popularity.

The key trend to note is that among the top-ranked databases, only PostgreSQL has shown a consistent increase in popularity, demonstrating strong growth momentum, while all other databases have seen a decline in usage. As time progresses, the gap in popularity between PostgreSQL and other databases will likely widen, making it hard for any challenger to displace PostgreSQL in the near future.

Notably, the “domestic database” TiDB has entered the StackOverflow rankings for the first time, securing the 32nd spot with a 0.2% usage rate.

Popularity reflects the current scale and potential of a database, while love indicates its future growth potential.

Current Momentum: Love

PostgreSQL — The database developers love the most

Love or admiration is a measure of the percentage of users who are willing to continue using a technology, acting as an annual “retention rate” metric that reflects the user’s opinion and evaluation of the technology.

In 2023, PostgreSQL retained its title as the most loved database by developers. While Redis had been the favorite in previous years, PostgreSQL overtook Redis in 2022, becoming the top choice. PostgreSQL and Redis have maintained close reputation scores (around 70%), significantly outpacing other contenders.

In the 2022 PostgreSQL community survey, the majority of existing PostgreSQL users reported increased usage and deeper engagement, highlighting the stability of its core user base.

Redis, known for its simplicity and ease of use as a data structure cache server, is often paired with the relational database PostgreSQL, enjoying considerable popularity (20%, ranking sixth) among developers. Cross-analysis shows a strong connection between the two: 86% of Redis users are interested in using PostgreSQL, and 30% of PostgreSQL users want to use Redis. Other databases with positive reviews include SQLite, MongoDB, and SQL Server. MySQL and ElasticSearch receive mixed feedback, hovering around the 50% mark. The least favored databases include Access, IBM DB2, CouchDB, Couchbase, and Oracle.

Not all potential can be converted into kinetic energy. While user affection is significant, it doesn’t always translate into action, leading to the third metric of interest – demand.

PostgreSQL - The Most Wanted Database

The demand rate, or the level of desire, represents the percentage of users who will actually opt for a technology in the coming year. PostgreSQL stands out in demand/desire, significantly outpacing other databases with a 42.3% rate for the second consecutive year, showing relentless growth and widening the gap with its competitors.

In 2023, some databases saw notable demand increases, likely driven by the surge in large language model AI, spearheaded by OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This demand for intelligence has, in turn, fueled the need for robust data infrastructure. A decade ago, support for NoSQL features like JSONB/GIN laid the groundwork for PostgreSQL’s explosive growth during the internet boom. Today, the introduction of pgvector, the first vector extension built on a mature database, grants PostgreSQL a ticket into the AI era, setting the stage for growth in the next decade.

But Why?

PostgreSQL leads in demand, usage, and popularity, with the right mix of timing, location, and human support, making it arguably the most successful database with no visible challengers in the near future. The secret to its success lies in its slogan: “The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database.”

Relational databases are so prevalent and crucial that they might dwarf the combined significance of other types like key-value, document, search engine, time-series, graph, and vector databases. Typically, “database” implicitly refers to “relational database,” where no other category dares claim mainstream status. Last year’s “Why PostgreSQL Will Be the Most Successful Database?” delves into the competitive landscape of relational databases—a tripartite dominance. Excluding Microsoft’s relatively isolated SQL Server, the database scene, currently in a phase of consolidation, has three key players rooted in WireProtocol: Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, mirroring a “Three Kingdoms” saga in the relational database realm.

Oracle/MySQL are waning, while PostgreSQL is thriving. Oracle is an established commercial DB with deep tech history, rich features, and strong support, favored by well-funded, risk-averse enterprises, especially in finance. Yet, it’s pricey and infamous for litigious practices. MS SQL Server shares similar traits with Oracle. Commercial databases are facing a slow decline due to the open-source wave.

MySQL, popular yet beleaguered, lags in stringent transaction processing and data analysis compared to PostgreSQL. Its agile development approach is also outperformed by NoSQL alternatives. Oracle’s dominance, sibling rivalry with MariaDB, and competition from NewSQL players like TiDB/OB contribute to its decline.

Oracle, no doubt skilled, lacks integrity, hence “talented but unprincipled.” MySQL, despite its open-source merit, is limited in capability and sophistication, hence “limited talent, weak ethics.” PostgreSQL, embodying both capability and integrity, aligns with the open-source rise, popular demand, and advanced stability, epitomizing “talented and principled.”

Open Source & Advanced

The primary reasons for choosing PostgreSQL, as reflected in the TimescaleDB community survey, are its open-source nature and stability. Open-source implies free use, potential for modification, no vendor lock-in, and no “chokepoint” issues. Stability means reliable, consistent performance with a proven track record in large-scale production environments. Experienced developers value these attributes highly.

Broadly, aspects like extensibility, ecosystem, community, and protocols fall under “open-source.” Stability, ACID compliance, SQL support, scalability, and availability define “advanced.” These resonate with PostgreSQL’s slogan: “The world’s most advanced open source relational database.”

The Virtue of Open Source

powered by developers worldwide. Friendly BSD license, thriving ecosystem, extensive expansion. A robust Oracle alternative, leading the charge.

What is “virtue”? It’s the manifestation of “the way,” and this way is open source. PostgreSQL stands as a venerable giant among open-source projects, epitomizing global collaborative success.

Back in the day, developing software/information services required exorbitantly priced commercial databases. Just the software licensing fees could hit six or seven figures, not to mention similar costs for hardware and service subscriptions. Oracle’s licensing fee per CPU core could reach hundreds of thousands annually, prompting even giants like Alibaba to seek IOE alternatives. The rise of open-source databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL offered a fresh choice.

Open-source databases, free of charge, spurred an industry revolution: from tens of thousands per core per month for commercial licenses to a mere 20 bucks per core per month for hardware. Databases became accessible to regular businesses, enabling the provision of free information services.

Open source has been monumental: the history of the internet is a history of open-source software. The prosperity of the IT industry and the plethora of free information services owe much to open-source initiatives. Open source represents a form of successful Communism in software, with the industry’s core means of production becoming communal property, available to developers worldwide as needed. Developers contribute according to their abilities, embracing the ethos of mutual benefit.

An open-source programmer’s work encapsulates the intellect of countless top-tier developers. Programmers command high salaries because they are not mere laborers but contractors orchestrating software and hardware. They own the core means of production: software from the public domain and readily available server hardware. Thus, a few skilled engineers can swiftly tackle domain-specific problems leveraging the open-source ecosystem.

Open source synergizes community efforts, drastically reducing redundancy and propelling technical advancements at an astonishing pace. Its momentum, now unstoppable, continues to grow like a snowball. Open source dominates foundational software, and the industry now views insular development or so-called “self-reliance” in software, especially in foundational aspects, as a colossal joke.

For PostgreSQL, open source is its strongest asset against Oracle.

Oracle is advanced, but PostgreSQL holds its own. It’s the most Oracle-compatible open-source database, natively supporting 85% of Oracle’s features, with specialized distributions reaching 96% compatibility. However, the real game-changer is cost: PG’s open-source nature and significant cost advantage provide a substantial ecological niche. It doesn’t need to surpass Oracle in features; being “90% right at a fraction of the cost” is enough to outcompete Oracle.

PostgreSQL is like an open-source “Oracle,” the only real threat to Oracle’s dominance. As a leader in the “de-Oracle” movement, PG has spawned numerous “domestically controllable” database companies. According to CITIC, 36% of “domestic databases” are based on PG modifications or rebranding, with Huawei’s openGauss and GaussDB as prime examples. Crucially, PostgreSQL uses a BSD-Like license, permitting such adaptations — you can rebrand and sell without deceit. This open attitude is something Oracle-acquired, GPL-licensed MySQL can’t match.

The advanced in Talent

The talent of PG lies in its advancement. Specializing in multiple areas, PostgreSQL offers a full-stack, multi-model approach: “Self-managed, autonomous driving temporal-geospatial AI vector distributed document graph with full-text search, programmable hyper-converged, federated stream-batch processing in a single HTAP Serverless full-stack platform database”, covering almost all database needs with a single component.

PostgreSQL is not just a traditional OLTP “relational database” but a multi-modal database. For SMEs, a single PostgreSQL component can cover the vast majority of their data needs: OLTP, OLAP, time-series, GIS, tokenization and full-text search, JSON/XML documents, NoSQL features, graphs, vectors, and more.

Emperor of Databases — Self-managed, autonomous driving temporal-geospatial AI vector distributed document graph with full-text search, programmable hyper-converged, federated stream-batch processing in a single HTAP Serverless full-stack platform database.

The superiority of PostgreSQL is not only in its acclaimed kernel stability but also in its powerful extensibility. The plugin system transforms PostgreSQL from a single-threaded evolving database kernel to a platform with countless parallel-evolving extensions, exploring all possibilities simultaneously like quantum computing. PostgreSQL is omnipresent in every niche of data processing.

For instance, PostGIS for geospatial databases, TimescaleDB for time-series, Citus for distributed/columnar/HTAP databases, PGVector for AI vector databases, AGE for graph databases, PipelineDB for stream processing, and the ultimate trick — using Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW) for unified SQL access to all heterogeneous external databases. Thus, PG is a true full-stack database platform, far more advanced than a simple OLTP system like MySQL.

Within a significant scale, PostgreSQL can play multiple roles with a single component, greatly reducing project complexity and cost. Remember, designing for unneeded scale is futile and an example of premature optimization. If one technology can meet all needs, it’s the best choice rather than reimplementing it with multiple components.

Taking Tantan as an example, with 250 million TPS and 200 TB of unique TP data, a single PostgreSQL selection remains stable and reliable, covering a wide range of functions beyond its primary OLTP role, including caching, OLAP, batch processing, and even message queuing. However, as the user base approaches tens of millions daily active users, these additional functions will eventually need to be handled by dedicated components.

PostgreSQL’s advancement is also evident in its thriving ecosystem. Centered around the database kernel, there are specialized variants and “higher-level databases” built on it, like Greenplum, Supabase (an open-source alternative to Firebase), and the specialized graph database edgedb, among others. There are various open-source/commercial/cloud distributions integrating tools, like different RDS versions and the plug-and-play Pigsty; horizontally, there are even powerful mimetic components/versions emulating other databases without changing client drivers, like babelfish for SQL Server, FerretDB for MongoDB, and EnterpriseDB/IvorySQL for Oracle compatibility.

PostgreSQL’s advanced features are its core competitive strength against MySQL, another open-source relational database.

Advancement is PostgreSQL’s core competitive edge over MySQL.

MySQL’s slogan is “the world’s most popular open-source relational database,” characterized by being rough, fierce, and fast, catering to internet companies. These companies prioritize simplicity (mainly CRUD), data consistency and accuracy less than traditional sectors like banking, and can tolerate data inaccuracies over service downtime, unlike industries that cannot afford financial discrepancies.

However, times change, and PostgreSQL has rapidly advanced, surpassing MySQL in speed and robustness, leaving only “roughness” as MySQL’s remaining trait.

MySQL allows partial transaction commits by default, shocked

MySQL allows partial transaction commits by default, revealing a gap between “popular” and “advanced.” Popularity fades with obsolescence, while advancement gains popularity through innovation. In times of change, without advanced features, popularity is fleeting. Research shows MySQL’s pride in “popularity” cannot stand against PostgreSQL’s “advanced” superiority.

Advancement and open-source are PostgreSQL’s success secrets. While Oracle is advanced and MySQL is open-source, PostgreSQL boasts both. With the right conditions, success is inevitable.

Looking Ahead

The PostgreSQL database kernel’s role in the database ecosystem mirrors the Linux kernel’s in the operating system domain. For databases, particularly OLTP, the battle of kernels has settled—PostgreSQL is now a perfect engine.

However, users need more than an engine; they need the complete car, driving capabilities, and traffic services. The database competition has shifted from software to Software enabled Service—complete database distributions and services. The race for PostgreSQL-based distributions is just beginning. Who will be the PostgreSQL equivalent of Debian, RedHat, or Ubuntu?

This is why we created Pigsty — to develop an battery-included, open-source, local-first PostgreSQL distribution, making it easy for everyone to access and utilize a quality database service. Due to space limits, the detailed story is for another time.


2022-08 《PostgreSQL 到底有多强?

2022-07 《为什么PostgreSQL是最成功的数据库?

2022-06 《StackOverflow 2022数据库年度调查

2021-05 《Why PostgreSQL Rocks!

2021-05 《为什么说PostgreSQL前途无量?

2018 《PostgreSQL 好处都有啥?

2023 《更好的开源RDS替代:Pigsty

2023 《StackOverflow 7年调研数据跟踪

2022 《PostgreSQL 社区状态调查报告 2022

How Powerful Is PostgreSQL?

Last time, we analyzed StackOverflow survey data to explain why PostgreSQL is the most successful database.

This time, let’s rely on performance metrics to see just how powerful “the most successful” PostgreSQL really is. We want everyone to walk away feeling, in the words of a certain meme, “I know the numbers.


If you’re curious about any of the following questions, this post should be helpful:

  • How fast is PostgreSQL, exactly?
    Point-read queries (QPS) can exceed 600k, and in extreme conditions can even hit 2 million. For mixed read-write TPS (4 writes + 1 read in each transaction), you can reach 70k+ or even as high as 140k.
  • How does PostgreSQL compare with MySQL at the performance limit?
    Under extreme tuning, PostgreSQL’s point-read throughput beats MySQL by a noticeable margin. In other metrics, they’re roughly on par.
  • How does PostgreSQL compare with other databases?
    Under the same hardware specs, “distributed/NewSQL” databases often lag far behind classic databases in performance.
  • What about PostgreSQL versus other analytical databases in TPC-H?
    As a native hybrid transaction/analysis (HTAP) database, PostgreSQL’s analytical performance is quite impressive.
  • Are cloud databases or cloud servers actually cost-effective?
    It turns out you could purchase a c5d.metal server outright (and host it yourself for 5 years) for about the cost of renting it on the cloud for 1 year. Meanwhile, a similarly provisioned cloud database of the same spec could cost about 20 times as much as a raw EC2 box in 1 year.

All detailed test steps and raw data are on:


Technology evolves at breakneck speed. Although benchmark articles are everywhere, it’s tough to find reliable performance data that reflect today’s newest hardware and software. Here, we used pgbench to test the latest PostgreSQL 14.5 on two types of cutting-edge hardware specs:

We ran four different hardware setups: two Apple laptops and three AWS EC2 instances, specifically:

  • A 2018 15-inch top-spec MacBook Pro using an Intel 6-core i9
  • A 2021 16-inch MacBook Pro powered by an M1 Max chip (10-core)
  • AWS z1d.2xlarge (8C / 64G)
  • AWS c5d.metal (96C / 192G)

All are readily available commercial hardware configurations.

pgbench is a built-in benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL, based on a TPC-B–like workload, widely used to evaluate PostgreSQL (and its derivatives/compatibles). We focused on two test modes:

  1. Read-Only (RO)
    A single SQL statement that randomly selects and returns one row from a table of 100 million rows.
  2. Read-Write (RW)
    Five SQL statements per transaction: 1 read, 1 insert, and 3 updates.

We used s=1000 for the dataset scale, then gradually increased client connections. At peak throughput, we tested for 3-5 minutes and recorded stable averages. Results are as follows:

No Spec Config CPU Freq S RO RW
1 Apple MBP Intel 2018 Normal 6 2.9GHz - 4.8GHz 1000 113,870 15,141
2 AWS z1d.2xlarge Normal 8 4GHz 1000 162,315 24,808
3 Apple MBP M1 Max 2021 Normal 10 600MHz - 3.22GHz 1000 240,841 31,903
4 AWS c5d.metal Normal 96 3.6GHz 1000 625,849 71,624
5 AWS c5d.metal Extreme 96 3.6GHz 5000 1,998,580 137,127



Chart: Max read-write TPS on each hardware


Chart: TPS curves for read-write transactions



Chart: Max point-read QPS on each hardware


Chart: Point-read QPS vs. concurrency

These results are jaw-dropping. On a 10-core Apple M1 Max laptop, PostgreSQL hits ~32k TPS (read-write) and ~240k QPS (point lookups). On an AWS c5d.metal production-grade physical server, it goes up to ~72k TPS and ~630k QPS. With extreme config tuning, we were able to push it to 137k TPS and 2 million QPS on a single machine. Yes, a single server can do that.

By way of rough scale reference: Tantan (a major dating/social networking app in China) has a global TPS of ~400k across its entire PostgreSQL fleet. These new laptops or a few top-spec servers (costing around 100k RMB) could potentially support a large-scale app’s DB load. That’s insane compared to just a few years ago.

A Note on Costs

Take AWS c5d.metal in Ningxia region as an example. It’s one of the best overall compute options, coming with local 3.6TB NVMe SSD storage. There are seven different payment models (prices below in RMB/month or RMB/year):

Payment Model Monthly Up-Front Yearly
On-Demand 31,927 0 383,124
Standard 1-yr, no upfront 12,607 0 151,284
Standard 1-yr, partial 5,401 64,540 129,352
Standard 1-yr, all upfront 0 126,497 126,497
Convertible 3-yr, no upfront 11,349 0 136,188
Convertible 3-yr, partial 4,863 174,257 116,442
Convertible 3-yr, all upfront 0 341,543 113,847

Effectively, annual costs range from about 110k to 150k RMB, or 380k at on-demand retail. Meanwhile, buying a similar server outright and hosting it in a data center for 5 years might cost under 100k total. So yes, the cloud is easily ~5x more expensive if you only compare raw hardware costs. Still, if you consider the elasticity, discount programs, and coupon offsets, an EC2 instance can be “worth it,” especially if you self-manage PostgreSQL on it.

But if you want an RDS for PostgreSQL with roughly the same specs (the closest is db.m5.24xlarge, 96C/384G + 3.6T io1 @80k IOPS), the monthly cost is ~240k RMB, or 2.87 million RMB per year, nearly 20 times more than simply running PostgreSQL on the same c5d.metal instance yourself.

AWS cost calculator:


So PostgreSQL alone is impressive—but how does it compare to other databases? pgbench is built for PostgreSQL-based systems. For a broader look, we can turn to sysbench, an open-source, multi-threaded benchmarking tool that can assess transaction performance in any SQL database (commonly used for both MySQL and PostgreSQL). It includes 10 typical scenarios like:

  • oltp_point_select for point-read performance
  • oltp_update_index for index update performance
  • oltp_read_only for transaction mixes of 16 queries
  • oltp_read_write for a mix of 20 queries in a transaction (read + write)
  • oltp_write_only for a set of 6 insert/update statements

Because sysbench can test both MySQL and PostgreSQL, it provides a fair basis for comparing their performance. Let’s start with the most popular face-off: the world’s “most popular” open-source RDBMS—MySQL—vs. the world’s “most advanced” open-source RDBMS—PostgreSQL.

Dirty Hack

MySQL doesn’t provide official sysbench results, but there is a third-party benchmark on claiming 1 million QPS for point-reads, 240k for index updates, and about 39k TPS for mixed read-write.



That approach is somewhat “unethical” if you will—because reading the linked article reveals that they turned off all major safety features to get these numbers: no binlog, no fsync on commit, no double-write buffer, no checksums, forcing LATIN-1, no monitoring, etc. Great for scoreboard inflation, not so great for real production usage.

But if we’re going down that path, we can similarly do a “Dirty Hack” for PostgreSQL—shut off everything that ensures data safety—and see how high we can push the scoreboard. The result? PostgreSQL point-reads soared past 2.33 million QPS, beating MySQL’s 1M QPS by more than double.


Chart: “Unfair” Benchmark—PG vs. MySQL, everything turned off


PostgreSQL’s “extreme config” point-read test in progress

To be fair, MySQL’s test used a 48C/2.7GHz machine, whereas our PostgreSQL run was on a 96C/3.6GHz box. But because PostgreSQL uses a multi-process model (rather than MySQL’s multi-thread model), we can sample performance at c=48 to approximate performance if we only had 48 cores. That still gives ~1.5M QPS for PG on 48 cores, 43% higher than MySQL’s best number.

We’d love to see MySQL experts produce a benchmark on identical hardware for a more direct comparison.


Chart: Four sysbench metrics from MySQL’s “Dirty Hack,” with c=48 concurrency

In other tests, MySQL also reaches impressive extremes. oltp_read_only and oltp_update_non_index are roughly on par with PG’s c=48 scenario, and MySQL even beats PostgreSQL by a bit in oltp_read_write. Overall, aside from a resounding win for PostgreSQL in point-reads, the two are basically neck and neck in these “unfair” scenarios.

Fair Play

In terms of features, MySQL and PostgreSQL are worlds apart. But at the performance limit, the two are close, with PostgreSQL taking the lead in point-lookups. Now, how about next-generation, distributed, or “NewSQL” databases?

Most “Fair Play” database vendors who show sysbench benchmarks do so in realistic, production-like configurations (unlike MySQL’s “dirty hack”). So let’s compare them with a fully production-configured PostgreSQL on the same c5d.metal machine. Production config obviously reduces PG’s peak throughput by about half, but it’s more appropriate for apples-to-apples comparisons.

We collected official sysbench numbers from a few representative NewSQL database websites (or at least from detailed 3rd-party tests). Not every system published results for all 10 sysbench scenarios, and the hardware/table sizes vary. However, each test environment is around 100 cores with ~160M rows (except OB, YB, or where stated). That should give us enough to see who’s who:

Database PGSQL.C5D96C TiDB.108C OceanBase.96C PolarX.64C Cockroach Yugabyte
oltp_point_select 1,372,654 407,625 401,404 336,000 95,695
oltp_read_only 852,440 279,067 366,863 52,416
oltp_read_write 519,069 124,460 157,859 177,506 9,740
oltp_write_only 495,942 119,307 9,090
oltp_delete 839,153 67,499
oltp_insert 164,351 112,000 6,348
oltp_update_non_index 217,626 62,084 11,496
oltp_update_index 169,714 26,431 4,052
select_random_points 227,623
select_random_ranges 24,632
Machine c5d.metal m5.xlarge x3
i3.4xlarge x3
c5.4xlarge x3
ecs.hfg7.8xlarge x3
ecs.hfg7.8xlarge x1
Enterprise c5d.9xlarge x3 c5.4xlarge x3
Spec 96C / 192G 108C / 510G 96C / 384G 64C / 256G 108C / 216G 48C / 96G
Table 16 x 10M 16 x 10M 30 x 10M 1 x 160M N/A 10 x 0.1M
CPU 96 108 96 64 108 48
Source Vonng TiDB 6.1 OceanBase PolarDB Cockroach YugaByte


Chart: sysbench results (QPS, higher is better) for up to 10 tests


Chart: Normalized performance per core across different databases

Shockingly, the new wave of distributed NewSQL databases lags across the board. On similar hardware, performance can be one order of magnitude behind classic relational databases. The best among them is actually still PolarDB, which uses a classic primary-standby design. This begs the question: Should we re-examine the distributed DB / NewSQL hype?

In theory, distributed databases always trade off complexity (and sometimes stability or functionality) for unlimited scale. But we’re seeing that they often give up a lot of raw performance too. As Donald Knuth famously said: “Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” Opting for a distributed solution for data volumes you don’t actually need (like Google-scale, multi-trillion-row problems) could also be a form of premature optimization. Many real-world workloads never come close to that scale.

TPC-H Analytical Performance

Perhaps the distributed DB argument is: Sure, we’re behind in TP, but we’ll shine in AP. Indeed, many distributed databases pitch an “HTAP” story for big data. So, let’s look at the TPC-H benchmark, used to measure analytical database performance.

TPC-H simulates a data warehouse with 8 tables and 22 complex analytical queries. The performance metric is typically the time to run all 22 queries at a given data scale (often SF=100, ~100GB). We tested TPC-H with scale factors 1, 10, 50, and 100 on a local laptop and a small AWS instance. Below is the total runtime of the 22 queries:

Scale Factor Time (s) CPU Environment Comment
1 8 10 10C / 64G Apple M1 Max
10 56 10 10C / 64G Apple M1 Max
50 1,327 10 10C / 64G Apple M1 Max
100 4,835 10 10C / 64G Apple M1 Max
1 13.5 8 8C / 64G z1d.2xlarge
10 133 8 8C / 64G z1d.2xlarge

For a broader view, we compared these results to other databases’ TPC-H data found on official or semi-official tests. Note:

  1. Some use a different SF (not always 100).
  2. Hardware specs differ.
  3. We’re not always quoting from official sources.

So, it’s only a rough guide:

Database Time S CPU QPH Environment Source
PostgreSQL 8 1 10 45.0 10C / 64G M1 Max Vonng
PostgreSQL 56 10 10 64.3 10C / 64G M1 Max Vonng
PostgreSQL 1,327 50 10 13.6 10C / 64G M1 Max Vonng
PostgreSQL 4,835 100 10 7.4 10C / 64G M1 Max Vonng
PostgreSQL 13.51 1 8 33.3 8C / 64G z1d.2xlarge Vonng
PostgreSQL 133.35 10 8 33.7 8C / 64G z1d.2xlarge Vonng
TiDB 190 100 120 15.8 120C / 570G TiDB
Spark 388 100 120 7.7 120C / 570G TiDB
Greenplum 436 100 288 2.9 120C / 570G TiDB
DeepGreen 148 200 256 19.0 288C / 1152G Digoal
MatrixDB 2,306 1000 256 6.1 256C / 1024G MXDB
Hive 59,599 1000 256 0.2 256C / 1024G MXDB
StoneDB 3,388 100 64 1.7 64C / 128G StoneDB
ClickHouse 11,537 100 64 0.5 64C / 128G StoneDB
OceanBase 189 100 96 19.8 96C / 384G OceanBase
PolarDB 387 50 32 14.5 32C / 128G Aliyun
PolarDB 755 50 16 14.9 16C / 64G Aliyun

We introduce the metric QPH = (warehouses per core per hour). That is:

QPH = (1 / Time) * (Warehouses / CPU) * 3600


[1] Vonng: PGTPC


[3] MySQL Performance : 1M IO-bound QPS with 8.0 GA on Intel Optane SSD !

[4] MySQL Performance : 8.0 and Sysbench OLTP_RW / Update-NoKEY

[5] MySQL Performance : The New InnoDB Double Write Buffer in Action

[6] TiDB Sysbench Performance Test Report – v6.1.0 vs. v6.0.0

[7] OceanBase 3.1 Sysbench 性能测试报告

[8] Cockroach 22.15 Benchmarking Overview

[9] Benchmark YSQL performance using sysbench (v2.15)

[10] PolarDB-X 1.0 Sysbench 测试说明

[11] StoneDB OLAP TCP-H测试报告

[12] Elena Milkai: “How Good is My HTAP System?",SIGMOD ’22 Session 25

[13] AWS Calculator

Why Is PostgreSQL the Most Successful Database?

When we say a database is “successful,” what exactly do we mean? Are we referring to features, performance, or ease of use? Or perhaps total cost, ecosystem, or complexity? There are many evaluation criteria, but in the end, it’s the users—developers—who make the final call.

So, what do developers prefer? Over the past six years, StackOverflow has repeatedly asked over seventy thousand developers across 180 countries three simple questions.

Looking at these survey results over that six-year period, it’s evident that, by 2022, PostgreSQL has claimed the crown in all three categories, becoming the literal “most successful database”:

  • PostgreSQL became the most commonly used database among professional developers! (Used)
  • PostgreSQL became the most loved database among developers! (Loved)
  • PostgreSQL became the most wanted database among developers! (Wanted)

Popularity reflects the current “momentum,” demand points toward “potential energy,” and developer love signals long-term promise. Time and tide now favor PostgreSQL. Let’s take a look at the concrete data behind these results.

PostgreSQL—The Most Popular Database Among Professional Developers! (Used)

The first survey question examines which databases developers are actively using right now—i.e., popularity.

In previous years, MySQL consistently held the top spot as the most popular database, living up to its tagline of being “the world’s most popular open-source relational database.” However, this year, it seems that MySQL has to surrender the crown of “most popular” to PostgreSQL.

Among professional developers, PostgreSQL claimed first place for the first time with a 46.5% usage rate, surpassing MySQL’s 45.7%. These two open-source, general-purpose relational databases dominate the top two spots, significantly outpacing all other databases.

TOP 9 Database Popularity Trends (2017–2022)

PGSQL and MySQL aren’t that far apart. It’s worth noting that among junior developers, MySQL still enjoys a noticeable lead (58.4%). In fact, if we factor in all developer cohorts including juniors, MySQL retains a slim overall lead of 3.3%.

But if you look at the chart below, it’s clear that PostgreSQL is growing at a remarkable pace, whereas other databases—especially MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle—have been on a steady decline in recent years. As time goes on, PostgreSQL’s advantage will likely become even more pronounced.

Popularity of Four Major Relational Databases Compared

Popularity represents a database’s current market presence (or “momentum”). Affection (“loved” status) signals the potential for future growth.

Most Loved

PostgreSQL—The Most Loved Database Among Developers! (Loved)

The second question StackOverflow asks is about which databases developers love and which they dread. In this survey, PostgreSQL and Redis stand head and shoulders above the rest with over 70% developer affection, significantly outpacing all other databases.

For years, Redis held the title of the most loved database. But in 2022, things changed: PostgreSQL edged out Redis for the first time and became the most loved database among developers. Redis, a super-simple, data-structure-based cache server that pairs well with relational databases, has always been a developer favorite. But apparently, developers love the much more powerful PostgreSQL just a little bit more.

In contrast, MySQL and Oracle lag behind. MySQL is basically split down the middle in terms of those who love or dread it, while only about 35% of users love Oracle—meaning nearly two-thirds of developers dislike it.

TOP 9 Database Affection Trends (2017–2022)

Logically, what people love tends to become what people use; what people dread tends to fade away. If we borrow from the Net Promoter Score (NPS) concept—(Promoters% – Detractors%)—we could define a similar “Net Love Score” (NLS): (Loved% – Dreaded%). We’d expect a positive correlation between a database’s usage growth rate and its NLS.

The data backs this up nicely: PostgreSQL boasts the highest NLS in the chart: 44%, corresponding to a whopping 460 basis-point growth every year. MySQL hovers just above breakeven with an NLS of 2.3%, translating to a modest 36 basis-point annual increase in usage. Oracle, on the other hand, scores a negative 29% NLS, tracking about 44 basis points of annual decline in usage. But it’s not even the most disliked on the list: IBM DB2 sits at an even more dismal -48%, accompanied by an average 46 basis-point annual decline.

Of course, not all potential (love) translates into actual usage growth. People might love it but never actually adopt it. That’s precisely where the third survey question comes in.

Most Wanted

PostgreSQL—The Most Wanted Database Among Developers! (Wanted)

“In the past year, which database environments did you do a lot of development work in? In the coming year, which databases do you want to work with?”

Answers to the first part led us to the “most popular” results. The second part answers the question of “most wanted.” If developer love points to a database’s growth potential, then developers’ actual desire (“want”) is a more tangible measure of next year’s growth momentum.

In this year’s survey, PostgreSQL didn’t hesitate to bump MongoDB from the top spot, becoming developers’ most desired database. A striking 19% of respondents said they want to work in a PostgreSQL environment next year. Following close behind are MongoDB (17%) and Redis (14%). These three lead the pack by a wide margin.

Previously, MongoDB consistently topped the “most wanted” ranking. Lately, though, it seems to be losing steam, for a variety of reasons—PostgreSQL itself being one of them. PostgreSQL has robust JSON support that covers most of the use cases of a document database. And there are projects like FerretDB (formerly MangoDB) that provide MongoDB’s API on top of PG, allowing you to use the same interface with a PostgreSQL engine underneath.

MongoDB and Redis were key players in the NoSQL movement. But unlike MongoDB, Redis continues to see growing demand. PostgreSQL and Redis, leaders in the SQL and NoSQL worlds respectively, are riding strong developer interest and high growth potential. The future looks bright.


PostgreSQL has come out on top in usage, demand, and developer love. It has the wind at its back on all fronts—past momentum, present energy, future potential. It’s fair to call it the most successful database.

But how did PostgreSQL achieve this level of success?

The secret is hidden in its own slogan: “The world’s most advanced open source relational database.”

A Relational Database

Relational databases are so prevalent and critical that they overshadow all other categories—key-value, document, search, time series, graph, and vector combined likely don’t add up to a fraction of the footprint of relational databases. By default, when people talk about a “database,” they usually mean a relational database. None of the other categories would dare to call themselves “mainstream” by comparison.

Take DB-Engines as an example. DB-Engines ranks databases by combining various signals—search engine results for the database name, Google Trends, Stack Overflow discussions, job postings on Indeed, user profiles on LinkedIn, mentions on Twitter, etc.—to form what you might consider a “composite popularity” metric.

DB-Engines Popularity Trend:

From the DB-Engines trend chart, you’ll notice a deep divide. The top four databases are all relational. Including MongoDB in fifth, these five are orders of magnitude ahead of all the rest in terms of popularity. So we really need to focus on those four major relational databases: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

Because they occupy essentially the same ecological niche, relational databases compete in what is almost a zero-sum game. Let’s set aside Microsoft’s SQL Server, which largely lives in its own closed-off commercial ecosystem. Among relational databases, it’s a three-way saga.

Oracle: “talented but unethical,” MySQL: “less capable, less principled,” PostgreSQL: “noble and skillful.”

Oracle is a long-established commercial database with an extensive feature set and historical pedigree, widely chosen by enterprises that “have cash to burn and need someone to take the blame.” It has always been at the top of the database market but is also notorious for expensive licensing and aggressive litigation—earning it a reputation as the corporate world’s “toxic troll.” Microsoft’s SQL Server is basically the same style: a commercial database living within a closed ecosystem. All commercial databases have been feeling the squeeze from open-source alternatives and are slowly losing ground.

MySQL claims second place in overall popularity but finds itself hemmed in on all sides: it’s got an “adoptive father” who doesn’t exactly have its best interests at heart, and “forked offspring” plus new distributed SQL contenders biting at its heels. In rigorous transaction processing and analytics, MySQL is outclassed by PostgreSQL. When it comes to quick-and-dirty solutions, many find NoSQL simpler and more flexible. Meanwhile, Oracle (MySQL’s “foster father”) imposes constraints at the top, MariaDB and others fork from within, and “prodigal children” like TiDB replicate the MySQL interface with new distributed architectures—meaning MySQL is also slipping.

Oracle has impressive talent yet shows questionable “ethics.” MySQL might get partial credit for open source but remains limited in capability—“less capable, less principled.” Only PostgreSQL manages to combine both capability and open ethics, reaping the benefits of advanced technology plus open source licensing. Like they say, “Sometimes the quiet turtle wins the race.” PostgreSQL stayed quietly brilliant for many years, then shot to the top in one fell swoop.

Where does PostgreSQL get its “ethics”? From being open source. And where does it get its “talent”? From being advanced.

The “Open Source” Ethos

PostgreSQL’s “virtue” lies in its open source nature: a founding-father-level open-source project, born of the combined efforts of developers worldwide.

It has a friendly BSD license and a thriving ecosystem that’s branching out in all directions, making it the main flag-bearer in the quest to replace Oracle.

What do we mean by “virtue” or “ethics”? Following the “Way” (道) in software is adhering to open source.

PostgreSQL is an old-guard, foundational project in the open-source world, a shining example of global developer collaboration.

A thriving ecosystem with extensive extensions and distributions—“branching out with many descendants.”

Way back when, developing software or providing any significant IT service usually required outrageously expensive commercial database software, like Oracle or SQL Server. Licensing alone could cost six or seven figures, not to mention hardware and support fees that matched or exceeded those numbers. For example, one CPU core’s worth of Oracle licensing can easily run into tens of thousands of dollars per year. Even giants like Alibaba balked at these costs and started the infamous “IOE phase-out.” The rise of open-source databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL offered a new choice: free-as-in-beer software.

“Free” open-source software meant you could use the database without paying a licensing fee—a seismic shift that shaped the entire industry. It ushered in an era in which a business might only pay for hardware resources—maybe 20 bucks per CPU core per month—and that was it. Relational databases became accessible even to smaller companies, paving the way for free consumer-facing online services.

Open source has done an immense service to the world. The history of the internet is the history of open source: the reason we have an explosion of free online services is in large part because these services can be built on open-source components. Open source is a real success story—“community-ism,” if you will—where developers own the means of software production, share it freely, and cooperate globally. Everyone benefits from each other’s work.

An open-source programmer can stand on the shoulders of tens of thousands of top developers. Instead of paying a fortune in software licensing, they can simply use and extend what the community provides. This synergy is why developer salaries are relatively high. Essentially, each programmer is orchestrating entire armies of code and hardware. Open source means that fundamental building blocks are public domain, drastically cutting down on repeated “reinventing the wheel” across the industry. The entire tech world gets to move faster.

The deeper and more essential the software layer, the stronger the advantage open source tends to have—an advantage PostgreSQL leverages fully against Oracle.

Oracle may be advanced, but PostgreSQL isn’t far behind. In fact, PostgreSQL is the open-source database that’s most compatible with Oracle, covering about 85% of its features out of the box. Special enterprise distributions of PostgreSQL can reach 96% feature compatibility. Meanwhile, Oracle’s massive licensing costs give PG a huge advantage in cost-effectiveness: you don’t necessarily need to exceed Oracle’s capabilities to win; being 90% as good but an order of magnitude cheaper is enough to topple Oracle.

As an “open-source Oracle,” PostgreSQL is the only database truly capable of challenging Oracle’s dominance. It’s the standard-bearer for “de-Oracle-fication” (去O). Many of the so-called “domestic proprietary databases” (especially in China) are actually based on PostgreSQL under the hood—36% of them, by one estimate. This has created a whole family of “PG descendants” and fueled a wave of “independent controllable” database vendors. PostgreSQL’s BSD licensing does not forbid such derivative works, and the community does not oppose it. This open-minded stance stands in contrast to MySQL, which was purchased by Oracle and remains under the GPL, limiting what you can do with it.

The “Advanced” Edge

PostgreSQL’s “talent” lies in being advanced. A one-stop, all-in-one, multi-purpose database—essentially an HTAP solution by design.

Spatial, GIS, distributed, time-series, documents, it’s all in there. One component can cover nearly every use case.

PostgreSQL’s “talent” is that it’s a multi-specialist. It’s a comprehensive, full-stack database that can handle both OLTP and OLAP (making it naturally HTAP). It can also handle time-series data, geospatial queries (PostGIS), JSON documents, full-text search, and more. Essentially, one PostgreSQL instance can replace up to ten different specialized tools for small to medium enterprises, covering almost all their database needs.

Among relational databases, PostgreSQL is arguably the best value for money: it can handle traditional transactional workloads (OLTP) while also excelling at analytics, which are often an afterthought in other systems. And the specialized features provide entry points into all kinds of industries: geospatial data analytics with PostGIS, time-series financial or IoT solutions with Timescale, streaming pipelines with triggers and stored procedures, full-text search, or the FDW (foreign data wrapper) architecture to unify external data sources. PostgreSQL really is a multi-specialist, going far beyond the typical single-use relational engine.

In many cases, one PostgreSQL node can do the job of multiple specialized systems, significantly reducing complexity and cutting costs. This might mean the difference between needing ten people on your team vs. just one. Of course, this doesn’t mean PG is going to destroy all specialized databases: for large-scale specialized workloads, dedicated components still shine. But for many scenarios—and especially for those not at hyperscale—it’s overkill to maintain extra systems. If a single tool does everything you need, why complicate things?

For example, at Tantan (a major dating/social app in China), a single PostgreSQL setup handled 2.5 million TPS and 200 TB of data reliably. It wore multiple hats—OLTP for transactions, caching, analytics, batch processing, and even a bit of message queue functionality. Eventually, as they scaled to tens of millions of daily active users, these specialized roles did break out into their own dedicated systems—but that was only after the user base had grown enormously.

vs. MySQL

PostgreSQL’s advanced feature set is widely recognized, and this forms its real edge against its long-standing open-source rival—MySQL.

MySQL’s tagline is “the world’s most popular open-source relational database.” Historically, it’s attracted the “quick and dirty” side of the internet developer community. The typical web startup often only needs simple CRUD operations, can tolerate some data inconsistency or loss, and prioritizes time-to-market. They want to spin up solutions quickly—think LAMP stacks—without needing highly specialized DBAs.

But the times have changed. PostgreSQL has improved at a blistering pace, with performance that rivals or surpasses MySQL. What remains of MySQL’s core advantage is its “leniency.” MySQL is known for “better to run than to fail,” or “I don’t care if your data’s messed up as long as I’m not crashing.” For instance, it even allows certain broken SQL commands to run, leading to bizarre results. One of the strangest behaviors is that MySQL may allow partial commits by default, violating the atomicity of transactions that relational databases are supposed to guarantee.

Screenshot: MySQL can silently allow partial transaction commits by default.

The advanced inevitably overtakes the old, and the once-popular eventually fades if it doesn’t evolve. Thanks to its broad, sophisticated features, PostgreSQL has left MySQL behind and is now even surpassing it in popularity. As the saying goes, “When your time comes, the world helps you move forward; when your luck runs out, not even a hero can save you.”

Between Oracle’s advanced but closed nature and MySQL’s open but limited functionality, PostgreSQL is both advanced and open-source, enjoying the best of both worlds—technical edge plus community-driven development. With the stars aligned in its favor, how could it not succeed?

The Road Ahead

“Software is eating the world. Open source is eating software. And the cloud is eating open source.”

So from this vantage point, it seems the database wars are largely settled. No other database engine is likely to seriously challenge PostgreSQL anytime soon. The real threat to the PostgreSQL open-source community no longer comes from another open-source or commercial database engine—it comes from the changing paradigm of software usage itself: the arrival of the cloud.

Initially, you needed expensive commercial software (like Oracle, SQL Server, or Unix) to build or run anything big. Then, open-source took the stage (Linux, PostgreSQL, etc.), offering a choice that was essentially free. Of course, truly getting the most out of open source requires in-house expertise, so companies ended up paying people, rather than licensing fees.

Once your DB scale grows large enough, hiring open-source DBA talent becomes more cost-effective. The challenge is that good DBAs are scarce.

That’s the open-source model: open-source contributors enhance the software for free; the software is free for all to use; users then hire open-source experts to implement and operate it, creating more open-source contributors. It’s a virtuous cycle.
Public cloud vendors, however, have disrupted this cycle by taking open-source software, wrapping it with their cloud hardware and admin tools, and selling it as a cloud service—often returning very little to the upstream open-source project. They’re effectively free-riding on open source, turning it into a service they profit from, which can undermine the community’s sustainability by consolidating the jobs and expertise within a handful of cloud giants, thus eroding software freedom for everyone.

By 2020, the primary enemy of software freedom was no longer proprietary software but cloud-hosted software.

That’s a paraphrase of Martin Kleppmann (author of Designing Data-Intensive Applications), who proposed in his “Local-First Software” movement that cloud-based solutions—like Google Docs, Trello, Slack, Figma, Notion, and crucially, cloud databases—are the new walled gardens.

How should the open-source community respond to the rise of cloud services? The Cloud Native movement offers one possible way forward. It’s a movement to reclaim software freedom from public clouds, and databases are right at the heart of it.

A grand view of the Cloud Native ecosystem—still missing the last piece of the puzzle: robust support for stateful databases!

That’s also our motivation for building Pigsty: an open-source PostgreSQL “distribution” that’s as easy to deploy as RDS or any managed cloud service, but fully under your control!

Pigsty comes with out-of-the-box RDS/PaaS/SaaS integration, featuring an unrivaled PostgreSQL monitoring system and an “auto-driving” high-availability cluster solution. It can be installed with a single command, giving you “Database as Code.” You get an experience on par with, or even better than, managed cloud databases, but you own the data, and the cost can be 50–90% lower. We hope it drastically lowers the barriers to using a good database and helps you get the most out of that database.

Of course, we’re out of space here, so the future of databases in a post-cloud era will have to wait for the next installment.

Pigsty: The Production-Ready PostgreSQL Distribution

What is Pigsty?

Pigsty is a production-ready, batteries-included PostgreSQL distribution.

A distribution, in this context, refers to a complete database solution comprised of the database kernel and a curated set of software packages. Just as Linux is an operating system kernel while RedHat, Debian, and SUSE are operating system distributions built upon it, PostgreSQL is a database kernel, and Pigsty, along with BigSQL, Percona, various cloud RDS offerings, and other database variants are database distributions built on top of it.

Pigsty distinguishes itself from other database distributions through five core features:

  • A comprehensive and professional monitoring system
  • A stable and reliable deployment solution
  • A simple and hassle-free user interface
  • A flexible and open extension mechanism
  • A free and friendly open-source license

These five features make Pigsty a truly batteries-included PostgreSQL distribution.

Who Should Be Interested?

Pigsty caters to a diverse audience including DBAs, architects, ops engineers, software vendors, cloud providers, application developers, kernel developers, data engineers; those interested in data analysis and visualization; students, junior programmers, and anyone curious about databases.

For DBAs, architects, and other professional users, Pigsty offers a unique professional-grade PostgreSQL monitoring system that provides irreplaceable value for database management. Additionally, Pigsty comes with a stable and reliable, battle-tested production-grade PostgreSQL deployment solution that can automatically deploy database clusters with monitoring, alerting, log collection, service discovery, connection pooling, load balancing, VIP, and high availability in production environments.

For developers (application, kernel, or data), students, junior programmers, and database enthusiasts, Pigsty provides a low-barrier, one-click launch, one-click install local sandbox. This sandbox environment, identical to production except for machine specifications, includes a complete feature set: ready-to-use database instances and monitoring systems. It’s perfect for learning, development, testing, and data analysis scenarios.

Furthermore, Pigsty introduces a flexible extension mechanism called “Datalet”. Those interested in data analysis and visualization might be surprised to find that Pigsty can serve as an integrated development environment for data analysis and visualization. Pigsty integrates PostgreSQL with common data analysis plugins and comes with Grafana and embedded Echarts support, allowing users to write, test, and distribute data mini-applications (Datelets). Examples include “Additional monitoring dashboard packs for Pigsty”, “Redis monitoring system”, “PG log analysis system”, “Application monitoring”, “Data directory browser”, and more.

Finally, Pigsty adopts the free and friendly Apache License 2.0, making it free for commercial use. Cloud providers and software vendors are welcome to integrate and customize it for commercial use, as long as they comply with the Apache 2 License’s attribution requirements.

Comprehensive Professional Monitoring System

You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

— Peter F.Drucker

Pigsty provides a professional-grade monitoring system that delivers irreplaceable value to professional users.

To draw a medical analogy, basic monitoring systems are like heart rate monitors or pulse oximeters - tools that anyone can use without training. They show core vital signs: at least users know if the patient is about to die, but they’re not much help for diagnosis and treatment. Most monitoring systems provided by cloud vendors and software companies fall into this category: a dozen core metrics that tell you if the database is alive, giving you a rough idea and nothing more.

A professional-grade monitoring system, on the other hand, is more like a CT or MRI machine, capable of examining every detail inside the subject. Professional physicians can quickly identify diseases and potential issues from CT/MRI reports: treating what’s broken and maintaining what’s healthy. Pigsty can scrutinize every table, every index, every query in each database, providing comprehensive metrics (1,155 types) and transforming them into insights through thousands of dashboards: killing problems in their infancy and providing real-time feedback for performance optimization.

Pigsty’s monitoring system is built on industry best practices, using Prometheus and Grafana as monitoring infrastructure. It’s open-source, customizable, reusable, portable, and free from vendor lock-in. It can integrate with various existing database instances.

Stable and Reliable Deployment Solution

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.

—John Gall, Systemantics (1975)

If databases are software for managing data, then control systems are software for managing databases.

Pigsty includes a database control solution centered around Ansible, wrapped with command-line tools and a graphical interface. It integrates core database management functions: creating, destroying, and scaling database clusters; creating users, databases, and services. Pigsty adopts an “Infrastructure as Code” design philosophy using declarative configuration, describing and customizing databases and runtime environments through numerous optional configuration parameters, and automatically creating required database clusters through idempotent preset playbooks, providing a private cloud-like experience.

Pigsty creates distributed, highly available database clusters. Built on DCS, Patroni, and HAProxy, Pigsty’s database clusters achieve high availability. Each database instance in the cluster is idempotent in usage - any instance can provide complete read-write services through built-in load balancing components, delivering a distributed database experience. Database clusters can automatically detect failures and perform primary-replica failover, with common failures self-healing within seconds to tens of seconds, during which read-only traffic remains unaffected. During failures, as long as any instance survives, the cluster can provide complete service.

Pigsty’s architecture has been carefully designed and evaluated, focusing on achieving required functionality with minimal complexity. This solution has been validated through long-term, large-scale production environment use across internet/B/G/M/F industries.

Simple and Hassle-Free User Interface

Pigsty aims to lower PostgreSQL’s barrier to entry and has invested heavily in usability.

Installation and Deployment

Someone told me that each equation I included in the book would halve the sales.

— Stephen Hawking

Pigsty’s deployment consists of three steps: download source code, configure environment, and execute installation - all achievable through single commands. Following classic software installation patterns and providing a configuration wizard, all you need is a CentOS 7.8 machine with root access. For managing new nodes, Pigsty uses Ansible over SSH, requiring no agent installation, making deployment easy even for beginners.

Pigsty can manage hundreds or thousands of high-spec production nodes in production environments, or run independently on a local 1-core 1GB virtual machine as an out-of-the-box database instance. For local computer use, Pigsty provides a sandbox based on Vagrant and VirtualBox. It can spin up a database environment identical to production with one click, perfect for learning, development, testing, data analysis, and data visualization scenarios.

User Interface

Clearly, we must break away from the sequential and not limit the computers. We must state definitions and provide for priorities and descriptions of data. We must state relationships, not procedures.

—Grace Murray Hopper, Management and the Computer of the Future (1962)

Pigsty incorporates the essence of Kubernetes architecture design, using declarative configuration and idempotent operation playbooks. Users only need to describe “what kind of database they want” without worrying about how Pigsty creates or modifies it. Based on the user’s configuration manifest, Pigsty will create the required database cluster from bare metal nodes in minutes.

For management and usage, Pigsty provides different levels of user interfaces to meet various user needs. Novice users can use the one-click local sandbox and graphical user interface, while developers might prefer the pigsty-cli command-line tool and configuration files for management. Experienced DBAs, ops engineers, and architects can directly control task execution through Ansible primitives for fine-grained control.

Flexible and Open Extension Mechanism

PostgreSQL’s extensibility has always been praised, with various extension plugins making it the most advanced open-source relational database. Pigsty respects this value and provides an extension mechanism called “Datalet”, allowing users and developers to further customize Pigsty and use it in “unexpected” ways, such as data analysis and visualization.

When we have a monitoring system and control solution, we also have an out-of-the-box visualization platform Grafana and a powerful database PostgreSQL. This combination packs a punch - especially for data-intensive applications. Users can perform data analysis and visualization, create data application prototypes with rich interactions, or even full applications without writing frontend or backend code.

Pigsty integrates Echarts and common map tiles, making it convenient to implement advanced visualization requirements. Compared to traditional scientific computing languages/plotting libraries like Julia, Matlab, and R, the PG + Grafana + Echarts combination allows you to create shareable, deliverable, standardized data applications or visualization works at minimal cost.

Pigsty’s monitoring system itself is a prime example of Datalet: all Pigsty advanced monitoring dashboards are published as Datelets. Pigsty also comes with some interesting Datalet examples: Redis monitoring system, COVID-19 data analysis, China’s seventh census population data analysis, PG log mining, etc. More out-of-the-box Datelets will be added in the future, continuously expanding Pigsty’s functionality and application scenarios.

Free and Friendly Open Source License

Once open source gets good enough, competing with it would be insane.

Larry Ellison —— Oracle CEO

In the software industry, open source is a major trend. The history of the internet is the history of open source software. One key reason why the IT industry is so prosperous today and people can enjoy so many free information services is open source software. Open source is a truly successful form of communism (better translated as communitarianism) composed of developers: software, the core means of production in the IT industry, becomes collectively owned by developers worldwide - all for one and one for all.

When an open source programmer works, their labor potentially embodies the wisdom of tens of thousands of top developers. Through open source, all community developers form a joint force, greatly reducing the waste of reinventing wheels. This has pushed the industry’s technical level forward at an incredible pace. The momentum of open source is like a snowball, unstoppable today. Except for some special scenarios and path dependencies, developing software behind closed doors and striving for self-reliance has become a joke.

Relying on open source and giving back to open source, Pigsty adopts the friendly Apache License 2.0, free for commercial use. Cloud providers and software vendors are welcome to integrate and customize it for commercial use, as long as they comply with the Apache 2 License’s attribution requirements.

About Pigsty

A system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. — Donald Knuth

Pigsty is built around the open-source database PostgreSQL, the most advanced open-source relational database in the world, and Pigsty’s goal is to be the most user-friendly open-source PostgreSQL distribution.

Initially, Pigsty didn’t have such grand ambitions. Unable to find any monitoring system that met my needs in the market, I had to roll up my sleeves and build one myself. Surprisingly, it turned out better than expected, and many external PostgreSQL users wanted to use it. Then, deploying and delivering the monitoring system became an issue, so the database deployment and control parts were added; after production deployment, developers wanted local sandbox environments for testing, so the local sandbox was created; users found Ansible difficult to use, so the pigsty-cli command-line tool was developed; users wanted to edit configuration files through UI, so Pigsty GUI was born. This way, as demands grew, features became richer, and Pigsty became more refined through long-term polishing, far exceeding initial expectations.

This project itself is a challenge - creating a distribution is somewhat like creating a RedHat, a SUSE, or an “RDS product”. Usually, only professional companies and teams of certain scale would attempt this. But I wanted to try: could one person do it? Actually, except for being slower, there’s nothing impossible about it. It’s an interesting experience switching between product manager, developer, and end-user roles, and the biggest advantage of “eating your own dog food” is that you’re both developer and user - you understand what you need and won’t cut corners on your own requirements.

However, as Donald Knuth said, “A system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person.” To make Pigsty a project with vigorous vitality, it must be open source, letting more people use it. “Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments.”

Pigsty has well solved my own problems and needs, and now I hope it can help more people and make the PostgreSQL ecosystem more prosperous and colorful.

Why PostgreSQL Has a Bright Future

Recently, everything I’ve been working on revolves around the PostgreSQL ecosystem, because I’ve always believed it’s a direction with limitless potential.

Why do I say this? Because databases are the core components of information systems, relational databases are the absolute workhorses among databases, and PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source relational database in the world. With timing and positioning in its favor, how could greatness not be achieved?

The most important thing when doing anything is to understand the situation clearly. When the time is right, everything aligns in your favor; when it’s not, even heroes are powerless.

The Big Picture

Today’s database world is divided in three parts, with Oracle | MySQL | SQL Server in decline, their sun setting in the west. PostgreSQL follows closely behind, rising like the midday sun. Among the top four databases, the first three are heading downhill, while only PG continues to grow unabated. As one falls and another rises, the future looks boundless.

DB-Engine Database Popularity Trend (Note that this is a logarithmic scale)

Between the only two leading open-source relational databases, MySQL (2nd) holds the upper hand, but its ecological niche is gradually being encroached upon by both PostgreSQL (4th) and the non-relational document database MongoDB (5th). At the current pace, PostgreSQL’s popularity will soon break into the top three, standing shoulder to shoulder with Oracle and MySQL.

Competitive Landscape

Relational databases occupy highly overlapping ecological niches, and their relationship can be viewed as a zero-sum game. The direct competitors to PostgreSQL are Oracle and MySQL.

Oracle ranks first in popularity, an established commercial database with deep historical and technical foundations, rich features, and comprehensive support. It sits firmly in the top database chair, beloved by organizations with deep pockets. But Oracle is expensive, and its litigious behavior has made it a notorious industry parasite. SQL Server, ranking third, belongs to the relatively independent Microsoft ecosystem and is similar to Oracle in nature—both are commercial databases. Overall, commercial databases are experiencing slow decline due to pressure from open-source alternatives.

MySQL ranks second in popularity but finds itself in an unfavorable position, caught between wolves ahead and tigers behind, with a domineering parent above and rebellious offspring below. For rigorous transaction processing and data analysis, MySQL lags several streets behind fellow open-source relational database PostgreSQL. For quick and dirty agile methods, MySQL can’t compete with emerging NoSQL solutions. Meanwhile, MySQL faces suppression from its Oracle parent, competition from its MariaDB fork, and market share erosion from MySQL-compatible newcomers like TiDB and OceanBase. As a result, it has stagnated.

Only PostgreSQL is surging forward, maintaining nearly exponential growth. If a few years ago PG’s momentum was merely “potential,” that potential is now being realized as “impact,” posing a serious challenge to competitors.

In this life-or-death struggle, PostgreSQL holds three key advantages:

  1. The spread of open-source software, eating away at the commercial software market

    Against the backdrop of “de-IOE” (eliminating IBM, Oracle, EMC) and the open-source wave, the open-source ecosystem has effectively suppressed commercial software (Oracle).

  2. Meeting users’ growing data processing requirements

    With PostGIS, the de facto standard for geospatial data, PostgreSQL has established an unbeatable position, while its Oracle-comparable rich feature set gives it a technical edge over MySQL.

  3. Market share regression to the mean

    PG’s market share in China is far below the global average for historical reasons, which harbors enormous potential energy.

Oracle, as an established commercial software, unquestionably has talent, while as an industry parasite, its virtue needs no further comment—hence, “talented but lacking virtue.” MySQL has the virtue of being open-source, but it adopted the GPL license, which is less generous than PostgreSQL’s permissive BSD license, plus it was acquired by Oracle (accepting a thief as father), and it’s technically shallow and functionally crude—hence, “shallow talent, thin virtue.”

When virtue doesn’t match position, disaster inevitably follows. Only PostgreSQL occupies the right time with the rise of open source, the right place with powerful features, and the right people with its permissive BSD license. As the saying goes: “Store up your capabilities, act when the time is right. Silent until ready, then make a thunderous entrance.” With both virtue and talent, the advantage in both offense and defense is clear!

Virtue and Talent Combined

PostgreSQL’s Virtue

PG’s “virtue” lies in being open source. What is “virtue”? It’s behavior that conforms to the “Way.” And this “Way” is open source.

PG itself is a founding-level open-source software, a jewel in the open-source world, a successful example of global developer collaboration. More importantly, it uses the selfless BSD license: aside from fraudulently using the PG name, basically everything is permitted—including rebranding it as a domestic database for sale. PG can truly be called the bread and butter of countless database vendors. With countless descendants and beneficiaries, its merit is immeasurable.

Database genealogy chart. If all PostgreSQL derivatives were listed, this chart would likely explode.

PostgreSQL’s Talent

PG’s “talent” lies in being versatile while specialized. PostgreSQL is a full-stack database that excels in many areas, born as an HTAP, hyper-converged database that can do the work of ten. A single component can cover most database needs for small and medium enterprises: OLTP, OLAP, time-series, spatial GIS, full-text search, JSON/XML, graph databases, caching, and more.

PostgreSQL can play the role of a jack-of-all-trades within a considerable scale, using a single component where multiple would normally be needed. And a single data component selection can greatly reduce project complexity, which means significant cost savings. It turns what would require ten talented people into something one person can handle. If there’s truly a technology that can meet all your needs, using that technology is the best choice, rather than trying to re-implement it with multiple components.

Recommended reading: What’s Good About PG

The Virtue of Open Source

Open source has great virtue. The history of the internet is the history of open-source software. One of the core reasons the IT industry has today’s prosperity, allowing people to enjoy so many free information services, is open-source software. Open source is a truly successful form of communism (better translated as communitarianism) made up of developers: software, the core means of production in the IT industry, becomes the common property of developers worldwide—everyone for me, me for everyone.

When an open-source programmer works, their labor potentially embodies the crystallized wisdom of tens of thousands of top developers. Internet programmers are valuable because, in effect, they aren’t workers but foremen commanding software and machines. Programmers themselves are the core means of production, servers are easy to obtain (compared to research equipment and experimental environments in other industries), software comes from the public community, and one or a few senior software engineers can easily use the open-source ecosystem to quickly solve domain problems.

Through open source, all community developers join forces, greatly reducing the waste of reinventing wheels. This has propelled the entire industry’s technical level forward at an unimaginable speed. The momentum of open source is like a snowball, becoming unstoppable today. Basically, except for some special scenarios and path dependencies, developing software behind closed doors has become almost a joke.

So, whether in databases or software in general, if you want to work with technology, work with open-source technology. Closed-source things have too weak a vitality to be interesting. The virtue of open source is also PostgreSQL and MySQL’s greatest advantage over Oracle.

The Ecosystem Battle

The core of open source lies in the ecosystem (ECO). Every open-source technology has its own small ecosystem. An ecosystem is a system formed by various entities and their environment through intensive interactions. The open-source software ecosystem model can be described as a positive feedback loop consisting of three steps:

  • Open-source software developers contribute to open-source software
  • Open-source software itself is free, attracting more users
  • Users use open-source software, generating demand and creating more open-source software-related jobs

The prosperity of an open-source ecosystem depends on this closed loop, and the scale (number of users/developers) and complexity (quality of users/developers) of the ecosystem directly determine the vitality of the software. Therefore, every piece of open-source software has a mandate to expand its scale. The scale of software usually depends on the ecological niche it occupies, and if different software occupy overlapping niches, competition occurs. In the ecological niche of open-source relational databases, PostgreSQL and MySQL are the most direct competitors.

MySQL’s slogan is “The world’s most popular open-source relational database,” while PostgreSQL’s is “The world’s most advanced open-source relational database"—clearly a pair of old rivals. These two slogans nicely reflect the qualities of the two products: PostgreSQL is feature-rich, consistency-first, high-end, and academically rigorous; MySQL is feature-sparse, availability-first, quick and dirty, with an “engineering” approach.

MySQL’s primary user base is concentrated in internet companies. What are the typical characteristics of internet companies? They pursue trends with a “quick and dirty” approach. Quick because internet companies have simple business scenarios (mostly CRUD); data importance is low, unlike traditional industries (e.g., banks) that care deeply about data consistency (correctness); and availability is prioritized (they can tolerate data loss or errors more than service outages, while some traditional industries would rather stop service than have accounting errors). Dirty refers to the large volumes of data at internet companies—they need cement mixer trucks, not high-speed trains or manned spacecraft. Fast means internet companies have rapidly changing requirements, short delivery cycles, and demand quick response times, requiring out-of-the-box software suites (like LAMP) and CRUD developers who can get to work after minimal training. So the quick-and-dirty internet companies and quick-and-dirty MySQL are a perfect match.

PG users, meanwhile, tend toward traditional industries. Traditional industries are called “traditional” because they’ve already gone through the wild growth phase and have mature business models with deep foundations. They need correct results, stable performance, rich features, and the ability to analyze, process, and refine data. So in traditional industries, Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL dominate, with PostgreSQL having an irreplaceable position especially in geography-related scenarios. At the same time, many internet companies’ businesses are beginning to mature and settle, with one foot already in the “traditional industry” door. More and more internet companies are escaping the quick-and-dirty low-level loop, turning their attention to PostgreSQL.

Which is More Correct?

Those who understand a person best are often their competitors. PostgreSQL and MySQL’s slogans precisely target each other’s pain points. PG’s “most advanced” implies MySQL is too backward, while MySQL’s “most popular” says PG isn’t popular. Few users but advanced, many users but backward. Which is “better”? Such value judgments are difficult to answer.

But I believe time stands on the side of advanced technology: because advanced versus backward is the core measure of technology—it’s the cause, while popularity is the effect. Popularity is the result of internal factors (how advanced the technology is) and external factors (historical path dependencies) integrated over time. Today’s causes will be reflected in tomorrow’s effects: popular things become outdated because they’re backward, while advanced things become popular because they’re advanced.

While many popular things are garbage, popularity doesn’t necessarily mean backwardness. If MySQL merely lacked some features, it wouldn’t be labeled “backward.” The problem is that MySQL is so crude it has flaws in transactions, a basic feature of relational databases, which isn’t a question of backwardness but of qualification.


Some authors argue that supporting generalized two-phase commit is too expensive and causes performance and availability problems. It’s much better to have programmers deal with performance problems due to overuse of transactions than to have them program without transactions. — James Corbett et al., Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database (2012)

In my view, MySQL’s philosophy can be described as: “Better a bad life than a good death” and “After me, the flood.” Its “availability” is reflected in various “fault tolerances,” such as allowing erroneous SQL queries written by amateur programmers to run anyway. The most outrageous example is that MySQL actually allows partially successful transactions to commit, which violates the basic constraints of relational databases: atomicity and data consistency.

Image: MySQL actually allows partially successful transaction commits

Here, two records are inserted in a transaction, the first succeeding and the second failing due to a constraint violation. According to transaction atomicity, the entire transaction should either succeed or fail (with no records inserted in the end). But MySQL’s default behavior actually allows partially successful transactions to commit, meaning the transaction has no atomicity, and without atomicity, there is no consistency. If this transaction were a transfer (debit first, then credit) that failed for some reason, the accounts would be unbalanced. Using such a database for accounting would probably result in a mess, so the notion of “financial-grade MySQL” is likely a joke.

Of course, hilariously, some MySQL users call this a “feature,” saying it demonstrates MySQL’s fault tolerance. In reality, such “special fault tolerance” requirements can be perfectly implemented through the SAVEPOINT mechanism in the SQL standard. PG’s implementation is exemplary—the psql client allows the ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK option to implicitly create a SAVEPOINT after each statement and automatically ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT when a statement fails, achieving the same seemingly convenient but actually compromising functionality using standard SQL, as a client-side option, without sacrificing ACID. In comparison, MySQL’s so-called “feature” comes at the cost of directly sacrificing transaction ACID properties by default at the server level (meaning users using JDBC, psycopg, and other application drivers are equally affected).

For internet businesses, losing a user’s avatar or comment during registration might not be a big deal. With so much data, what’s a few lost or incorrect records? Not only data, but the business itself might be in precarious condition, so why care about being crude? If it succeeds, someone else will clean up the mess later anyway. So many internet companies typically don’t care about these issues.

PostgreSQL’s so-called “strict constraints and syntax” might seem “unfriendly” to newcomers. For example, if a batch of data contains a few dirty records, MySQL might accept them all, while PG would strictly reject them. Although compromise might seem easier, it plants landmines elsewhere: engineers working overtime to troubleshoot logical bombs and data analysts forced to clean dirty data daily will certainly have complaints. In the long run, to be successful, doing the right thing is most important.

For a technology to succeed, reality must take precedence over public relations. You can fool others, but you can’t fool natural laws.

— Rogers Commission Report (1986)

MySQL’s popularity isn’t that far ahead of PG, yet its functionality lags significantly behind PostgreSQL and Oracle. Oracle and PostgreSQL were born around the same time and, despite their battles from different positions and camps, have a mutual respect as old rivals: both solid practitioners who have honed their internal skills for half a century, accumulating strength steadily. MySQL, on the other hand, is like an impetuous twenty-something youngster playing with knives and guns, relying on brute force and riding the golden two decades of wild internet growth to seize a kingdom.

The benefits bestowed by an era also recede with the era’s passing. In this time of transformation, without advanced features as a foundation, “popularity” may not last long.

Development Prospects

From a personal career development perspective, many programmers learn a technology to enhance their technical competitiveness (and thereby earn more money). PostgreSQL is the most cost-effective choice among relational databases: it can not only handle traditional CRUD OLTP business, but data analysis is its specialty. Its various special features provide opportunities to enter multiple industries: geographic spatiotemporal data processing and analysis based on PostGIS, time-series financial and IoT data processing based on Timescale, stream processing based on Pipeline stored procedures and triggers, search engines based on inverted index full-text search, and FDW for connecting various external data sources. It’s truly a versatile full-stack database, capable of implementing much richer functionality than a pure OLTP database, providing CRUD coders with paths for transformation and advancement.

From the enterprise user perspective, PostgreSQL can independently play multiple roles within a considerable scale, using one component where multiple would normally be needed. And a single data component selection can greatly reduce project complexity, which means significant cost savings. It turns what would require ten talented people into something one person can handle. Of course, this doesn’t mean PG will be one-against-ten and overturn all other databases’ bowls—professional components’ strengths in their domains are undeniable. But never forget, designing for scale you don’t need is wasted effort, actually a form of premature optimization. If there’s truly a technology that can meet all your needs, using that technology is the best choice, rather than trying to re-implement it with multiple components.

Taking Tantan as an example, at a scale of 2.5 million TPS and 200TB of data, a single PostgreSQL deployment still supports the business rock-solid. Being versatile for a considerable scale, PG served not only its primary OLTP role but also, for quite some time, as cache, OLAP, batch processing, and even message queue. Of course, even the divine turtle has a lifespan. Eventually, these secondary functions were gradually split off to be handled by specialized components, but that was only after approaching ten million daily active users.

From the business ecosystem perspective, PostgreSQL also has huge advantages. First, PG is technologically advanced, earning the nickname “open-source Oracle.” Native PG can achieve 80-90% compatibility with Oracle’s functionality, while EDB has a professional PG distribution with 96% Oracle compatibility. Therefore, in capturing market share from the Oracle exodus, PostgreSQL and its derivatives have overwhelming technical advantages. Second, PG’s protocol is friendly, using the permissive BSD license. As a result, various database vendors and cloud providers’ “self-developed databases” and many “cloud databases” are largely based on modified PostgreSQL. For example, Huawei’s recent move to create openGaussDB based on PostgreSQL is a very wise choice. Don’t misunderstand—PG’s license explicitly allows this, and such actions actually make the PostgreSQL ecosystem more prosperous and robust. Selling PostgreSQL derivatives is a mature market: traditional enterprises don’t lack money and are willing to pay for it. The genius fire of open source, fueled by commercial interests, continuously releases vigorous vitality.

vs MySQL

As an old rival, MySQL’s situation is somewhat awkward.

From a personal career development perspective, learning MySQL is primarily for CRUD work. Learning to handle create, read, update, and delete operations to become a qualified coder is fine, but who wants to keep doing “data mining” work forever? Data analysis is where the lucrative positions are in the data industry chain. With MySQL’s weak analytical capabilities, it’s difficult for CRUD programmers to upgrade and transform. Additionally, PostgreSQL market demand is there but currently faces supply shortage (leading to numerous PG training institutions of varying quality springing up like mushrooms after rain). It’s true that MySQL professionals are easier to recruit than PG professionals, but conversely, the degree of competition in the MySQL world is much greater—supply shortage reflects scarcity, and when there are too many people, skills devalue.

From the enterprise user perspective, MySQL is a single-function component specialized for OLTP, often requiring ES, Redis, MongoDB, and others to satisfy complete data storage needs, while PG basically doesn’t have this problem. Furthermore, both MySQL and PostgreSQL are open-source databases, both “free.” Between a free Oracle and a free MySQL, which would users choose?

From a business ecosystem perspective, MySQL’s biggest problem is that it gets praise but not purchases. It gets praise because the more popular it is, the louder the voice, especially since its main users—internet companies—occupy the high ground of discourse. Not getting purchases is also because internet companies themselves have extremely weak willingness to pay for such software: any way you calculate it, hiring a few MySQL DBAs and using the open-source version is more cost-effective. Additionally, because MySQL’s GPL license requires derivative software to be open source, software vendors have weak motivation to develop based on MySQL. Most adopt a “MySQL-compatible” protocol approach to share MySQL’s market cake, rather than developing based on MySQL’s code and contributing back, raising doubts about its ecosystem’s health.

Of course, MySQL’s biggest problem is that its ecological niche is increasingly narrow. For rigorous transaction processing and data analysis, PostgreSQL leaves it streets behind; for quick and dirty prototyping, NoSQL solutions are far more convenient than MySQL. For commercial profit, it has Oracle daddy suppressing it from above; for open-source ecosystem, it constantly faces new MySQL-compatible products trying to replace it. MySQL can be said to be in a position of living off past success, maintaining its current status only through historical accumulated points. Whether time will stand on MySQL’s side remains to be seen.

vs NewSQL

Recently, there have been some eye-catching NewSQL products on the market, such as TiDB, Cockroachdb, Yugabytedb, etc. How about them? I think they’re all good products with some nice technical highlights, all contributing to open-source technology. But they may also face the same praised but not purchased dilemma.

The general characteristics of NewSQL are: emphasizing the concept of “distributed,” using “distributed” to solve horizontal scalability and disaster recovery and high availability issues, and sacrificing many features due to the inherent limitations of distribution, providing only relatively simple and limited query support. Distributed databases don’t have a qualitative difference from traditional master-slave replication in terms of high availability and disaster recovery, so their features can mainly be summarized as “quantity over quality.”

However, for many enterprises, sacrificing functionality for scalability is likely a false requirement or weak requirement. Among the not-few users I’ve encountered, the data volume and load level in the vast majority of scenarios fall completely within single-machine Postgres’s processing range (the current record being 15TB in a single database, 400,000 TPS in a single cluster). In terms of data volume, the vast majority of enterprises won’t exceed this bottleneck throughout their lifecycle; as for performance, it’s even less important—premature optimization is the root of all evil, and many enterprises have enough DB performance margin to happily run all their business logic as stored procedures in the database.

NewSQL’s founding father, Google Spanner, was created to solve massive data scalability problems, but how many enterprises have Google’s business data volume? Probably only typical internet companies or certain parts of some large enterprises would have such scale of data storage needs. So like MySQL, NewSQL’s problem comes back to the fundamental question of who will pay. In the end, it’s probably only investors and state-owned asset commissions who will pay.

But at the very least, NewSQL’s attempts are always praiseworthy.

vs Cloud Databases

I want to say bluntly: For years, we’ve been like idiots, and they’ve made a fortune off what we developed”.

— Ofer Bengal, Redis Labs CEO

Another noteworthy “competitor” is the so-called cloud database, including two types: one is open-source databases hosted in the cloud, such as RDS for PostgreSQL, and the other is self-developed new-generation cloud databases.

For the former, the main issue is “cloud vendor bloodsucking.” If cloud vendors sell open-source software, it will cause open-source software-related positions and profits to concentrate toward cloud vendors, and whether cloud vendors allow their programmers to contribute to open-source projects, and how much they contribute, is actually hard to say. Responsible major vendors usually give back to the community and ecosystem, but this depends on their conscience. Open-source software should keep its destiny in its own hands, preventing cloud vendors from growing too large and forming monopolies. Compared to a few monopolistic giants, multiple scattered small groups can provide greater ecosystem diversity, more conducive to healthy ecosystem development.

Gartner claims 75% of databases will be deployed to cloud platforms by 2022—this boast is too big. (But there are ways to rationalize it, after all, one machine can easily create hundreds of millions of sqlite file databases, would that count?). Because cloud computing can’t solve a fundamental problem—trust. In commercial activities, how technically impressive something is is a very secondary factor; trust is key. Data is the lifeline of many enterprises, and cloud vendors aren’t truly neutral third parties. Who can guarantee data won’t be peeked at, stolen, leaked, or even directly shut down by having their necks squeezed (like various cloud vendors hammered Parler)? Transparent encryption solutions like TDE are chicken ribs, thoroughly annoying yourself but unable to stop those with real intent. Perhaps we’ll have to wait for truly practical efficient fully homomorphic encryption technology to mature before solving the trust and security problem.

Another fundamental issue is cost: Given current cloud vendor pricing strategies, cloud databases only have advantages at micro-scale. For example, a high-end D740 machine with 64 cores, 400GB memory, 3TB PCI-E SSD has a four-year comprehensive cost of at most 150,000 yuan. However, the largest RDS specification I could find (much worse, 32 cores, 128GB) costs that much for just one year. As soon as data volume and node count rise even slightly, hiring a DBA and building your own becomes far more cost-effective.

The main advantage of cloud databases is management—essentially convenience, point-and-click. Daily operational functions are fairly comprehensively covered, with some basic monitoring support. In short, there’s a minimum standard—if you can’t find reliable database talent, using a cloud database at least won’t cause too many bizarre issues. However, while these management software are good, they’re basically closed-source and deeply bound to their vendors.

If you’re looking for an open-source one-stop PostgreSQL monitoring and management solution, why not try Pigsty.

The latter type of cloud database, represented by AWS Aurora, includes a series of similar products like Alibaba Cloud PolarDB and Tencent Cloud CynosDB. Basically, they all use PostgreSQL and MySQL as the base and protocol layer, customized based on cloud infrastructure (shared storage, S3, RDMA), optimizing scaling speed and performance. These products certainly have novelty and creativity in technology. But the soul-searching question is, what are the benefits of these products compared to using native PostgreSQL? The immediate visible benefit is that cluster expansion is much faster (from hours to 5 minutes), but compared to the high fees and vendor lock-in issues, it really doesn’t scratch where it itches.

Overall, cloud databases pose a limited threat to native PostgreSQL. There’s no need to worry too much about cloud vendors—they’re generally part of the open-source software ecosystem and contribute to the community and ecosystem. Making money isn’t shameful—when everyone makes money, there’s more spare capacity for public good, right?

Abandoning Darkness for Light?

Typically, Oracle programmers transitioning to PostgreSQL don’t have much baggage, as the two are functionally similar and most experience is transferable. In fact, many members of the PostgreSQL ecosystem are former Oracle camp members who switched to PG. For example, EnmoTech, a renowned Oracle service provider in China (founded by Gai Guoqiang, China’s first Oracle ACE Director), publicly announced last year that they were “entering the arena with humility” to embrace PostgreSQL.

There are also quite a few who’ve switched from the MySQL camp to PostgreSQL. These users have the deepest sense of the differences between the two: basically all with an attitude of “wish I’d found you sooner” and “abandoning darkness for light.” Actually, I myself started with MySQL 😆, but embraced PostgreSQL once I could choose my own stack. However, some veteran programmers have formed deep interest bindings with MySQL, shouting about how great MySQL is while not forgetting to come over and bash PostgreSQL (referring to someone specific). This is actually understandable—touching interests is harder than touching souls, and it’s certainly frustrating to see one’s skilled technology setting in the west 😠. After all, having invested so many years in MySQL, no matter how good PostgreSQL 🐘 is, asking me to abandon my beloved little dolphin 🐬 is impossible.

However, newcomers to the industry still have the opportunity to choose a brighter path. Time is the fairest judge, and the choices of the new generation are the most representative benchmarks. According to my personal observation, among the emerging and very vibrant Golang developer community, PostgreSQL’s popularity is significantly higher than MySQL’s. Many startup and innovative companies now choose Go+Pg as their technology stack, such as Instagram, TanTan, and Apple all using Go+PG.

I believe the main reason for this phenomenon is the rise of new-generation developers. Go is to Java as PostgreSQL is to MySQL. The new wave pushes the old wave forward—this is actually the core mechanism of evolution—metabolism. Go and PostgreSQL are slowly flattening Java and MySQL, but of course Go and PostgreSQL may also be flattened in the future by the likes of Rust and some truly revolutionary NewSQL databases. But fundamentally, in technology, we should pursue those with bright prospects, not those setting in the west. (Of course, diving in too early and becoming a martyr isn’t appropriate either). Look at what new-generation developers are using, what vibrant startups, new projects, and new teams are using—these can’t be wrong.

PG’s Problems

Of course, does PostgreSQL have its own problems? Certainly—popularity.

Popularity relates to user scale, trust level, number of mature cases, amount of effective demand feedback, number of developers, and so on. Although given the current popularity development trend, PG will surpass MySQL in a few years, so from a long-term perspective, I don’t think this is a problem. But as a member of the PostgreSQL community, I believe it’s very necessary to do some things to further secure this success and accelerate this progress. And the most effective way to make a technology more popular is to: lower the threshold.

So, I created an open-source software called Pigsty, aiming to smash the deployment, monitoring, management, and usage threshold of PostgreSQL from the ceiling to the floor. It has three core goals:

  • Create the most top-notch, professional open-source PostgreSQL monitoring system (like tidashboard)
  • Create the lowest-threshold, most user-friendly open-source PostgreSQL management solution (like tiup)
  • Create an out-of-the-box integrated development environment for data analysis & visualization (like minikube)

Of course, details are limited by length and won’t be expanded here. Details will be left for the next article.

What Makes PostgreSQL So Awesome?

PostgreSQL’s slogan is “The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database”, but I find this tagline lacks punch. It also feels like a direct jab at MySQL’s “The World’s Most Popular Open Source Relational Database” - a bit too much like riding on their coattails. If you ask me, the description that truly captures PG’s essence would be: The Full-Stack Database That Does It All - one tool to rule them all.


The Full-Stack Database

Mature applications typically rely on numerous data components and functions: caching, OLTP, OLAP/batch processing/data warehousing, stream processing/message queuing, search indexing, NoSQL/document databases, geographic databases, spatial databases, time-series databases, and graph databases. Traditional architecture selection usually combines multiple components - typically something like Redis + MySQL + Greenplum/Hadoop + Kafka/Flink + ElasticSearch. This combo can handle most requirements, but the real headache comes from integrating these heterogeneous systems: endless boilerplate code just shuffling data from Component A to Component B.

In this ecosystem, MySQL can only play the role of an OLTP relational database. PostgreSQL, however, can wear multiple hats and handle them all:

  • OLTP: Transaction processing is PostgreSQL’s bread and butter

  • OLAP: Citus distributed plugin, ANSI SQL compatibility, window functions, CTEs, CUBE and other advanced analytics features, UDFs in any language

  • Stream Processing: PipelineDB extension, Notify-Listen, materialized views, rules system, and flexible stored procedures and functions

  • Time-Series Data: TimescaleDB plugin, partitioned tables, BRIN indices

  • Spatial Data: PostGIS extension (the silver bullet), built-in geometric type support, GiST indexes

  • Search Indexing: Full-text search indexing sufficient for simple scenarios; rich index types, support for functional indices, conditional indices

  • NoSQL: Native support for JSON, JSONB, XML, HStore, and Foreign Data Wrappers to NoSQL databases

  • Data Warehousing: Smooth migration to GreenPlum, DeepGreen, HAWK, and others in the PG ecosystem, using FDW for ETL

  • Graph Data: Recursive queries

  • Caching: Materialized views


With Extensions as the Six Instruments, to honor Heaven, Earth, and the Four Directions.

With Greenplum to honor Heaven,

With Postgres-XL to honor Earth,

With Citus to honor the East,

With TimescaleDB to honor the South,

With PipelineDB to honor the West,

With PostGIS to honor the North.

— “The Rites of PG”

In Tantan’s (a popular dating app) legacy architecture, the entire system was designed around PostgreSQL. With millions of daily active users, millions of global DB-TPS, and hundreds of terabytes of data, they used PostgreSQL as their only data component. Independent data warehouses, message queues, and caches were only introduced later. And this is just the validated scale - further squeezing PostgreSQL’s potential is entirely feasible.

So, within a considerable scale, PostgreSQL can play the role of a jack-of-all-trades, one component serving as many. While it may not match specialized components in certain domains, it still performs admirably in all of them. And choosing a single data component can dramatically reduce project complexity, which means massive cost savings. It turns what would require ten people into something one person can handle.

Designing for scale you don’t need is wasted effort - a form of premature optimization. Only when no single software can meet all your requirements does the trade-off between splitting and integration become relevant. Integrating heterogeneous technologies is incredibly tricky work. If there’s one technology that can satisfy all your needs, using it is the best choice rather than trying to reinvent it with multiple components.

When business scale grows to a certain threshold, you may have no choice but to use a microservice/bus-based architecture and split database functionality into multiple components. But PostgreSQL’s existence significantly pushes back the threshold for this trade-off, and even after splitting, it continues to play a crucial role.


Beyond its powerful features, another significant advantage of Pg is that it’s operations-friendly. It offers many practical capabilities:

  • DDL can be placed in transactions: dropping tables, TRUNCATE, creating functions, and indices can all be placed in transactions for atomic effect or rollback.

    This enables some clever maneuvers, like swapping two tables via RENAME in a single transaction (the database equivalent of a chess castling move).

  • Concurrent creation and deletion of indices, adding non-null fields, and reorganizing indices and tables (without table locks).

    This means you can make significant schema changes to production systems without downtime, optimizing indices as needed.

  • Various replication methods: segment replication, streaming replication, trigger-based replication, logical replication, plugin replication, and more.

    This makes zero-downtime data migration remarkably easy: replicate, redirect reads, redirect writes - three steps, and your production migration is rock solid.

  • Diverse commit methods: asynchronous commits, synchronous commits, quorum-based synchronous commits.

    This means Pg allows trade-offs between consistency and availability - for example, using synchronous commits for transaction databases and asynchronous commits for regular databases.

  • Comprehensive system views make building monitoring systems straightforward.

  • FDW (Foreign Data Wrappers) makes ETL incredibly simple - often just a single SQL statement.

    FDW conveniently allows one instance to access data or metadata from other instances. It’s incredibly useful for cross-partition operations, database monitoring metric collection, data migration, and connecting to heterogeneous data systems.

Healthy Ecosystem

PostgreSQL’s ecosystem is thriving with an active community.

Compared to MySQL, PostgreSQL has a huge advantage in its friendly license. PG uses a PostgreSQL license similar to BSD/MIT, which essentially means as long as you’re not falsely claiming to be PostgreSQL, you can do whatever you want - even rebrand and sell it. No wonder so many “domestic databases” or “self-developed databases” are actually just rebranded or extended PG products.

Of course, many derivative products contribute back to the trunk. For instance, timescaledb, pipelinedb, and citus - originally “databases” based on PG - all eventually became native PG plugins. Often when you need some functionality, a quick search reveals existing plugins or implementations. That’s the beauty of open source - a certain idealism prevails.

PG’s code quality is exceptionally high, with crystal-clear comments. Reading the C code feels almost like reading Go - the code practically serves as documentation. You can learn a lot from it. In contrast, with other databases like MongoDB, one glance and I lost all interest in reading further.

As for MySQL, the community edition uses the GPL license, which is quite painful. Without GPL’s viral nature, would there be so many open-source MySQL derivatives? Plus, MySQL is in Oracle’s hands - letting someone else hold your future isn’t wise, especially when that someone is an industry toxin. Facebook’s React license controversy serves as a cautionary tale.


Of course, there are some drawbacks or regrets:

  • Due to MVCC, the database needs periodic VACUUM maintenance to prevent performance degradation.
  • No good open-source cluster monitoring solution (or they’re ugly!), so you need to build your own.
  • Slow query logs are mixed with regular logs, requiring custom parsing.
  • Official Pg lacks good columnar storage, a minor disappointment for data analysis.

These are just minor issues. The real challenge might not be technical at all…

At the end of the day, MySQL truly is the most popular open-source relational database. Java developers, PHP developers - many people start with MySQL, making it harder to recruit PostgreSQL talent. Often you need to train people yourself. Looking at DB Engines popularity trends, though, the future looks bright.


Final Thoughts

Learning PostgreSQL has been fascinating - it showed me that databases can do far more than just CRUD operations. While SQL Server and MySQL were my gateway to databases, it was PostgreSQL that truly revealed the magical world of database possibilities.

I’m writing this because an old post of mine on Zhihu was dug up, reminding me of my early days discovering PostgreSQL ( Now that I’ve become a full-time PG DBA, I couldn’t resist adding more to that old grave. “The melon seller praising her own melons” - it’s only right that I praise PG. Hehe…

Full-stack engineers deserve full-stack databases.

I’ve compared MySQL and PostgreSQL myself and had the rare freedom to choose at Alibaba, a MySQL-dominated world. From a purely technical perspective, I believe PG absolutely crushes MySQL. Despite significant resistance, I eventually implemented and promoted PostgreSQL. I’ve used it for numerous projects, solving countless requirements (from small statistical reports to major revenue-generating initiatives). Most requirements were handled by PG alone, with occasional use of MQ and NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra/HBase). PG is truly addictive.

Eventually, my love for PostgreSQL led me to specialize in it full-time.

In my first job, I experienced the sweetness firsthand - with PostgreSQL, one person’s development efficiency rivals that of a small team:

  • Don’t want to write backends? PostGraphQL generates GraphQL APIs directly from database schema definitions, automatically listening for DDL changes and generating corresponding CRUD methods and stored procedure wrappers. Similar tools include PostgREST and pgrest. They’re perfectly usable for small to medium-sized applications, eliminating half the backend development work.

  • Need Redis functionality? Just use Pg - it can simulate standard features effortlessly, and you can skip the cache layer entirely. Implement Pub/Sub using Notify/Listen/Trigger to broadcast configuration changes and implement controls conveniently.

  • Need analytics? Window functions, complex JOINs, CUBE, GROUPING, custom aggregates, custom languages - it’s exhilarating. If you need to scale out, use the citus extension (or switch to Greenplum). It might lack columnar storage compared to data warehouses, but it has everything else.

  • Need geographic functionality? PostGIS is magical - solving complex geographic requirements in a single SQL line that would otherwise require thousands of lines of code.

  • Storing time-series data? The timescaledb extension may not match specialized time-series databases, but it still handles millions of records per second. I’ve used it to solve hardware sensor log storage and monitoring system metrics storage requirements.

  • For stream computing functionality, PipelineDB can define streaming views directly: UV, PV, real-time user profiles.

  • PostgreSQL’s FDW (Foreign Data Wrappers) is a powerful mechanism allowing access to various data sources through a unified SQL interface. Its applications are endless:

    • The built-in file_fdw extension can connect any program’s output to a data table. The simplest application is system information monitoring.
    • When managing multiple PostgreSQL instances, you can use the built-in postgres_fdw to import data dictionaries from all remote databases into a metadata database. You can access metadata from all database instances uniformly, pull real-time metrics from all databases with a single SQL statement - building monitoring systems becomes a breeze.
    • I once used hbase_fdw and MongoFDW to wrap historical batch data from HBase and real-time data from MongoDB into PostgreSQL tables. A single view elegantly implemented a Lambda architecture combining batch and stream processing.
    • Use redis_fdw for cache update pushing; mongo_fdw for data migration from MongoDB to PG; mysql_fdw to read MySQL data into data warehouses; implement cross-database or even cross-component JOINs; complete complex ETL operations with a single SQL line that would otherwise require hundreds of lines of code - how marvelous is that?
  • Rich types and method support: JSON for generating frontend JSON responses directly from the database - effortless and comfortable. Range types elegantly solve edge cases that would otherwise require programmatic handling. Other examples include arrays, multidimensional arrays, custom types, enumerations, network addresses, UUIDs, and ISBNs. These out-of-the-box data structures save programmers tremendous wheel-reinventing effort.

  • Rich index types: general-purpose Btree indices; Brin indices that significantly optimize sequential access; Hash indices for equality queries; GIN inverted indices; GIST generalized search trees efficiently supporting geographic and KNN queries; Bitmap simultaneously leveraging multiple independent indices; Bloom efficient filtering indices; conditional indices that can dramatically reduce index size; function indices that elegantly replace redundant fields. MySQL offers pathetically few index types by comparison.

  • Stable, reliable, correct, and efficient. MVCC easily implements snapshot isolation, while MySQL’s RR isolation level is deficient, unable to avoid PMP and G-single anomalies. Plus, implementations based on locks and rollback segments have various pitfalls; PostgreSQL can implement high-performance serializability through SSI.

  • Powerful replication: WAL segment replication, streaming replication (appearing in v9: synchronous, semi-synchronous, asynchronous), logical replication (appearing in v10: subscription/publication), trigger replication, third-party replication - every type of replication you could want.

  • Operations-friendly: DDL can be executed in transactions (rollback-capable), index creation without table locks, adding new columns (without default values) without table locks, cleaning/backup without table locks. System views and monitoring capabilities are comprehensive.

  • Numerous extensions, rich features, and extreme customizability. In PostgreSQL, you can write functions in any language: Python, Go, JavaScript, Java, Shell, etc. Rather than calling Pg a database, it’s more accurate to call it a development platform. I’ve experimented with many useless but fun things: in-database crawlers, recommendation systems, neural networks, web servers, and more. There are various third-party plugins with powerful functions or creative ideas:

  • PostgreSQL’s license is friendly - BSD lets you do whatever you want. No wonder so many databases are rebranded PG products. MySQL has GPL viral infection and remains under Oracle’s thumb.


v3.3:Extension 404,Odoo, Dify, Supabase, Nginx Enhancement

After two months of careful polishing, Pigsty v3.3 is officially released! As an open-source, “battery-included” PostgreSQL distribution, Pigsty aims to optimize the PostgreSQL ecosystem and provide smooth self-hosting experience just like cloud RDS, with minimal maintenance and ease of use.

The newly released v3.3 focuses on three key areas: Postgres Extension, Self-Hosting Experience, and Application Templates,

400+ Available Extensions: Building a Strong Ecosystem

PostgreSQL has always been known for its rich extension mechanism, giving rise to a massive database ecosystem. Pigsty aligns with this trend by maximizing the plugin and extension capabilities of PostgreSQL.

About one year ago, I wrote an article titled “PostgreSQL is eating the Database World,” where I described PG’s trend and vision to dominate the database market through extensions. At that time, the number of available extensions in Pigsty was just 150, mainly consisting of PG’s built-in extensions (70) and those from the official PGDG repository.

Now, with Pigsty v3.3, the number of available extensions has skyrocketed to an astonishing 404 extensions! This means the users can instantly plug in almost any PostgreSQL extension, unlocking a wealth of powerful features for their databases.

Among the newly added extensions, there are some notable “rookie” plugins:

  • pg_documentdb, open-sourced by Microsoft, gives PostgreSQL document database capabilities, making it easier to store and query JSON documents.
  • pg_collection, a high-performance memory-optimized collection data type extension from AWS, adds advanced collection support to PG.
  • pg_tracing, open-sourced by DataDog, provides distributed tracing capabilities for PostgreSQL, useful for performance analysis and debugging.
  • pg_curl allows PostgreSQL to make requests using dozens of network protocols, expanding beyond just HTTP to call external APIs.
  • pgpdf enables users to read and perform full-text searches on PDF documents directly within SQL queries.

Additionally, over thirty Omni-series extensions developed by Omnigres open new doors for web application development within PG. Pigsty has forged a partnership with Omnigres, integrating and distributing their extensions. And omnigres can deliver these extensions from the Pigsty repository to their users, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem.

We have also partnered with the FerretDB team to deliver a PostgreSQL-based MongoDB solution. Yes, you can now easily use the newly released FerretDB 2.0 to turn PG into a fully-functional MongoDB 5.0 alternative,
and with FerretDB 2.0, backed by Microsoft’s open-source DocumentDB, provides better performance and a more complete feature set.

Meanwhile, the DuckDB stitching competition is still ongoing, and Pigsty v3.3 quickly integrated the latest versions of pg_duckdb 0.3.1, pg_mooncake 0.1.2, and pg_analytics 0.5.4. These extensions add analytical capabilities to PostgreSQL, rivaling ClickHouse in certain dimensions.

Yes, on ClickHouse’s ClickBench leaderboard, PG extensions have now joined the top 10 tier. I believe that in this fierce competition, PostgreSQL will soon see an OLAP player akin to pgvector in the vector database ecosystem, shaking up the OLAP and big data markets.

With so many extensions available, installation and management have become a challenge. Our solution, pig, allows users to effortlessly manage and install extensions with a single command, unlocking the power of 400 extensions—without even needing Pigsty.

While having a unique and extensive extension library is a core competitive advantage for Pigsty, we also aim to contribute more to the PostgreSQL ecosystem, allowing more users to enjoy PostgreSQL’s powerful features. Thus, the pig package manager and the extension repository are open-source under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, and they are open to the public and industry peers. We’ve already seen two PostgreSQL vendors using the Pigsty extension repository to install extensions, and we’ve established a NextGen Package Manager interest group, inviting participants interested in PostgreSQL extension ecosystems to join.

Sefl-Hosting Experience: Nginx IaC and Free HTTPS Certs

Pigsty is not just a PostgreSQL distribution; it’s a complete monitoring infrastructure solution, including Etcd, MinIO, Redis, Docker deployment management, and even a toolbox for self-hosting websites.

Why? Because Pigsty offers a fully-featured Nginx configuration and a certbot Request SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). In fact, Pigsty’s own websites and software repositories are hosted using Pigsty itself. This solution was developed purely to meet my personal needs—how to quickly set up a proper website in minutes?

For instance, the Pigsty Chinese and English websites and beta repositories are defined on a single server with the following configuration. After installing Pigsty and adding a few lines to the configuration file, Nginx automatically creates the necessary configuration and generates the HTTPS certificate. Then, I simply use rsync/scp to upload the site content and repository files, and voilà—the website is live!

infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
  home         : { domain: ,certbot: }
  grafana      : { domain: ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" ,certbot:}
  prometheus   : { domain:    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" ,certbot:}
  alertmanager : { domain:    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" ,certbot:}
  minio        : { domain:    ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9001" ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
  blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
  loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }       : { domain:      ,path: "/www/" , domains: [] ,certbot: , conf: cc.conf }       : { domain:   ,path: "/www/"                           ,certbot:}
  repo         : { domain: ,path: "/www/repo"   , index: true ,certbot:}

Starting with Pigsty v3.2, we’ve integrated certbot and made it the default on infrastructure nodes, allowing users to easily apply and renew HTTPS certificates with just one command, without worrying about the details. You no longer need to pay for expensive certificates or click through tedious processes.

Pigsty’s Nginx can proxy various services, use different domain names, and unify everything through ports 80/443, making firewall management and security best practices straightforward. Simply open ports 80/443 (and maybe 22/SSH), and you’re set.

Of course, all details and SOPs are updated in the doc, so you can quickly deploy a secure, reliable, high-performance website!

Application Templates: Simplified Deployment

Many software applications rely on PostgreSQL, and Pigsty has previously provided Docker Compose templates for such software. But before, users still had to manually copy application directories, modify .env configuration files, and use docker-compose to deploy.

Pigsty v3.3 introduces a new app.yml script that automates this process, turning the last mile of PostgreSQL-based Docker software delivery into a single command.

Let’s look at a few examples:

To deploy a full-featured Odoo ERP system, simply run the following commands:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/odoo    # use odoo config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch odoo stateless part with docker

For a complex AI workflow orchestration software like Dify, utilizing the high-availability, high-performance PostgreSQL cluster with PITR and IaC management, just a few lines of code are enough:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/dify    # use dify config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch dify stateless part with docker

Even for the popular Supabase self-hosting solution, we’ve simplified it into a one-click app that offers a beginner-friendly delivery experience:

curl -fsSL | bash; cd ~/pigsty 
./bootstrap                # install ansible
./configure -c app/supa    # use supabase config (please CHANGE CREDENTIALS in pigsty.yml)
./install.yml              # install pigsty
./docker.yml               # install docker compose
./app.yml                  # launch supabase stateless part with docker

With just a few commands, you can move from bare metal to a fully operational production service in minutes. We plan to add more Docker-based applications and provide this simplified template and delivery model in the future.

pig Command Line Tool: Growing Build Capabilities

The command-line tool pig provided by Pigsty has also received significant upgrades. Pig v0.3 introduces a new subcommand, pig build, which lets you quickly set up a complete environment for building PG extensions on your server.

With over 400 extension plugins maintained in Pigsty, I personally handle over 200 of them, which is near double the number in the PGDG repository. Previously, building extensions required manually written scripts for basic automation, but with the increase in extensions, this approach became impractical. So, I spent two days integrating all the extension-building tools into the new pig build command.

For example, the workflow for building PG extensions on a specific OS distribution is as follows:

curl | bash # Install pig
pig build repo        # Add upstream repositories
pig build tool        # Install build tools
pig build rust        # Configure Rust/PGRX toolchain (optional)
pig build spec        # Download build specifications
pig build proxy       # Configure proxy
pig build get citus   # Download source package for an extension like citus
pig build ext citus   # Build the citus extension from source

This is how 200+ extensions are built! With this tool, even if your operating system is not one of the top 10 supported by Pigsty, you can still easily DIY RPM/DEB packages for extensions.

A hidden feature is the automatic download of proxy configurations to simplify downloading dependencies from GitHub. Of course, I wouldn’t add that to the documentation! 😄

New Website: First Contact with Next.js

Another major improvement in Pigsty v3.3 is the infrastructure behind the websites. Starting with v3.3, the Pigsty global site ( and Pigsty China site ( have been fully separated, each with its own domain, documentation, demos, and repositories.

I found a Next.js template and spent two days building a new Pigsty homepage. It actually turned out pretty well. The last time I worked on frontend stuff was in the era of jQuery, but surprisingly, React and Next.js weren’t that complicated, especially with the help of GPT-1 pro and Cursor. Even as a “newbie,” I was able to quickly create a landing page.

I experimented with hosting on native Vercel, exporting statically to Cloudflare Pages, as well as Alibaba Cloud’s ClawCloud in Singapore/Hong Kong and other cloud providers. Thanks to Pigsty’s self-hosting enhancement, the whole process was much smoother. The best options in terms of experience and cost-effectiveness turned out to be:

  1. Cloudflare for global hosting, and 2. Domestic on-demand cloud servers in Beijing. I might write a dedicated post about this in the future.

During this process, I automated the website-building flow to such an extent that now, in just ten minutes, I can deploy a Pigsty doc and repository site in any region.

In addition to a beautiful homepage, the content of the documentation is more important. In Pigsty v3.3, I’ve integrated the PG extension directory into the documentation site at, which is available in both Chinese and English for easy access. I also developed a small tool to automatically scan extensions from both Pigsty and PGDG repositories, generating database records and information pages so that users can easily see which extensions are missing or have inconsistent versions. Users can directly browse and download RPM/DEB packages from the website.

Other Improvements

Pigsty v3.0 already supports multiple PG forks, such as IvorySQL (Oracle compatibility), PolarDB O, Babelfish (SQL Server compatibility), and PolarDB for PostgreSQL.

In version 3.3, we’ve followed up with IvorySQL 4.2, compatible with PG 17, and resolved the issue with pgBackRest backups not working on IvorySQL. Now, IvorySQL runs smoothly and as fully functional as the standard PG kernel.

I’ve also pushed the PolarDB team to provide DEB packages for Debian and ARM64 platforms. Yes, PolarDB now runs smoothly on all ten major operating systems supported by Pigsty!

As for why I use the PolarDB kernel instead of PostgreSQL—if your boss insists on a “domestic” solution, PolarDB may be the easiest, most cost-effective choice!

By the way, the PolarDB Developer Conference is happening tomorrow in Beijing, and I plan to attend to see what new features they’ve come up with.

Looking Ahead to Pigsty 3.4

As we celebrate the success of version 3.3, the Pigsty project is already looking ahead to version 3.4.

Honestly, I feel like Pigsty has already achieved a grand slam with PostgreSQL. Virtually every major extension plugin in the ecosystem has been integrated. To continue expanding, we may need to focus on some forks, like Neon, OrioleDB, and PolarDB, and support extensions for these branches.

But another direction I see as meaningful is further developing the pig command-line tool: integrating more operations into this compact Go-based tool and eventually creating a complete PostgreSQL management toolchain (ideally replacing Ansible). I think when this tool is mature, it will coincide with Pigsty v4.

Another long-term direction is converting more software that uses PostgreSQL into one-click solutions like Odoo, Dify, Supabase, and more. Many SMEs need such solutions—GitLab (code hosting), Odoo (ERP), Dify (AI workflow orchestration), Supabase (backend), MatterMost (chat), Discourse (forum), all powered by PostgreSQL.

v3.3.0 Release Note

New Features

  • Total available postgres extensions: 404!
  • New Website Design: Global website: and zh-cn Site:
  • PostgreSQL February Minor Updates: 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, 13.20
  • New Feature: app.yml for installing apps like Odoo, Supabase, Dify.
  • New Feature: Fine-grained Nginx config customization in infra_portal.
  • New Feature: Added Certbot support for quick free HTTPS certificate requests.
  • Improvement: Added Aliyun mirror for Debian Security repository.
  • Improvement: pgBackRest backup support for IvorySQL kernel.
  • Improvement: ARM64 and Debian/Ubuntu support for PolarDB.
  • pg_exporter 0.8.0 now supports new metrics in pgbouncer 1.24.
  • New Feature: Auto-completion for common commands like git, docker, systemctl #506 #507 by @waitingsong.
  • Improvement: Refined ignore_startup_parameters in pgbouncer config template #488 by @waitingsong.
  • Extension Catalog: Detailed information and download links for RPM/DEB binary packages.
  • Extension Build: pig CLI now auto-sets PostgreSQL extension build environment.

New Extensions

12 new PostgreSQL extensions added, bringing the total to 404 available extensions.

API Change

  • New Parameter: node_aliases to add command aliases for Nodes.
  • New Option: using plain extension name in pg_default_extensions
  • New Option: using conf, index, log, certbot options in infra_portal entries.
  • New Defaults: add mongo, redis, pgroonga repos to repo_upstream default values
  • New Defaults: Remove hydra from default olap list, replace ferretdb with ferretdb2

Bug Fix

  • Fix: Resolved default EPEL repo address issue in Bootstrap script.
  • Fix: Fix Debian Security China Mirror URL

Postgres Update

  • PostgreSQL 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, 13.20
  • Pgbouncer 1.24
  • Patroni 4.0.5
  • pgBackRest 2.54.2
  • pg_exporter 0.8.0
  • pig 0.3.0

Extension Update

  • citus 13.0.0 -> 13.0.1
  • pg_duckdb 0.2.0 -> 0.3.1
  • pg_mooncake 0.1.0 -> 0.1.2
  • timescaledb 2.17.2 -> 2.18.2
  • supautils 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0
  • supabase_vault 0.3.1 (become C)
  • VectorChord 0.1.0 -> 0.2.1
  • pg_bulkload 3.1.22 (+pg17)
  • pg_store_plan 1.8 (+pg17)
  • pg_search 0.14 -> 0.15.2
  • pg_analytics 0.3.0 -> 0.3.4
  • pgroonga 3.2.5 -> 4.0.0
  • zhparser 2.2 -> 2.3
  • pg_vectorize 0.20.0 -> 0.21.1
  • pg_net 0.14.0
  • pg_curl 2.4.2
  • table_version 1.10.3 -> 1.11.0
  • pg_duration 1.0.2
  • pg_graphql 1.5.9 -> 1.5.11
  • vchord 0.1.1 -> 0.2.1 ((+13))
  • vchord_bm25 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
  • pg_mooncake 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
  • pgddl 0.29
  • pgsql_tweaks 0.11.0

Infra Updates

  • pig 0.1.3 -> 0.3.0
  • pushgateway 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0
  • alertmanager 0.27.0 -> 0.28.0
  • nginx_exporter 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
  • pgbackrest_exporter 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0
  • redis_exporter 1.66.0 -> 1.67.0
  • mongodb_exporter 0.43.0 -> 0.43.1
  • VictoriaMetrics 1.107.0 -> 1.111.0
  • VictoriaLogs v1.3.2 -> 1.9.1
  • DuckDB 1.1.3 -> 1.2.0
  • Etcd 3.5.17 -> 3.5.18
  • pg_timetable 5.10.0 -> 5.11.0
  • FerretDB 1.24.0 -> 2.0.0-rc
  • tigerbeetle 0.16.13 -> 0.16.27
  • grafana 11.4.0 -> 11.5.2
  • vector 0.43.1 -> 0.44.0
  • minio 20241218131544 -> 20250218162555
  • mcli 20241121172154 -> 20250215103616
  • rclone 1.68.2 -> 1.69.0
  • vray 5.23 -> 5.28


5b5dbb91c42068e25efc5b420f540909  pigsty-v3.3.0.tgz
048c7d5b3fbf1727e156e7d4885ac2eb  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.d12.aarch64.tgz
bbb5c225e2a429f49a653695678676b6  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.d12.x86_64.tgz
756ec04632fb42c6f75a7b4dd29ffb09  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.el9.aarch64.tgz
602e1596219c1e33fdf1cd49e5b17c21  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
ca0fd50a99cfc5b342717594e0ca1353  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.u22.aarch64.tgz
4c694893c6c42e401516f0070d373b69  pigsty-pkg-v3.3.0.u22.x86_64.tgz

v3.2: The pig CLI, ARM64 Repo, Self-hosting Supabase

The New Year is just around the corner, and Pigsty is celebrating the last release of 2024 with v3.2. This release introduces a new command-line tool, pig, and enhanced ARM extension support. Together, these features deliver a smooth PostgreSQL experience across the top 10 major Linux distributions. This release also includes routine bug fixes, follows up on the changes during Supabase release week, and provides RPM/DEB packages for Grafana extension plugins and data sources.

Pig Command-Line Tool

Pigsty v3.2 comes with a command-line tool, pig, designed to further simplify the installation and deployment process of Pigsty. But pig is more than just a command-line tool for Pigsty; it’s a fully functional PostgreSQL package manager that can be used independently.

Have you ever struggled with installing PostgreSQL extensions, navigating through various distributions, and dealing with different chip architectures? Wasting time on outdated READMEs, obscure configuration scripts, and random GitHub branches? Or perhaps frustrated by the challenges of the domestic network environment, with missing repositories and blocked mirrors? Downloads feel like a traffic jam?

Now, “Pig rides the elephant” is here to solve all your problems: Introducing Pig, a new Go-based package manager designed to handle PostgreSQL and its ever-expanding extension library, without turning your day into a debugging marathon.

Pig is a lightweight binary written in Go, with no dependencies and easy installation: a single command is all it takes to install and start your “pig charge.” It respects the traditional package management systems of operating systems and avoids reinventing the wheel, using yum/dnf/apt to manage packages.

Pig focuses on cross-distribution harmony — whether you’re on Debian, Ubuntu, or Red Hat derivatives, you can have a consistent and smooth method to install and update PostgreSQL and any extensions. No more compiling from source or dealing with incomplete repositories.

If PostgreSQL’s future is unstoppable scalability, Pig is the genie that helps you unlock it. Honestly, no one will ever complain that their PostgreSQL instance has too many extensions — they don’t affect anything when not in use, and when needed, they’re right there, and who doesn’t love a free lunch?

ARM Extension Repository

The magic behind Pig is a supplementary extension repository filled with hard-to-find or newly released extensions, so you always have easy access to high-quality extensions that are tested, well-curated, and ready to use.

Over the past month, Pigsty has fully supported ARM64 architecture. We’ve provided complete ARM support for five major Linux distributions (EL8, EL9, Debian 12, Ubuntu 22/24). “Complete” means that the configuration files you use on AMD64 can be used identically on ARM64 systems. Of course, there are a few exceptions: some extensions currently lack ARM support, and we will address these cases one by one in the future.

Still struggling to find niche Git repositories, incomplete Docker builds, or outdated wiki documentation just to install a required PostgreSQL plugin? We understand your pain. While PostgreSQL’s scalability is superpower-level, the biggest challenge in the ecosystem has always been distribution — how to install various FDWs, vector extensions, GIS libraries, Rust modules, and other “superweapons” without getting stuck in compilation hell?

Now, with the Pigsty Extension Repo, we’ve gathered over 340 carefully selected PostgreSQL extensions, compiled into convenient .rpm and .deb packages supporting multiple versions and architectures. Timescale? Check. Supabase-related? Fully covered. Various DuckDB patches? Ready to go. We’ve built a cross-distribution pipeline that integrates community-developed new extensions, long-standing old modules, and official PGDG packages, allowing them to be installed seamlessly on Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and other major systems with just one click. What’s the secret? We don’t reinvent the wheel; we use each distribution’s native package manager (YUM, APT, DNF, etc.) and align with the official PGDG repositories.

At the core, this repository is part of the larger Pigsty PostgreSQL distribution, but you can also use it independently in your environment without fully adopting Pigsty. We’ve invested a lot of time and effort into patching, testing, and polishing each extension, so you can benefit from it. Everything is free and open-source, and integration is incredibly easy. Several partners are already using it as an additional upstream source for installing extensions!

Want to solve all your PostgreSQL extension headaches? Visit for more details, and check out the full extension index and usage instructions. We’ve packaged and tested every plugin we could find, just to make PostgreSQL the “ultimate form” it was meant to be — after all, who wouldn’t want more superpowers? Come and experience it!

The ARM64 platform support has given me a lot of confidence, and now I’m looking at supporting more chip architectures. For example, IBM LinuxOne Cloud recently sponsored an open-source project with a permanent virtual machine (2c/8g/100g), and most importantly, it’s an s390x mainframe. So I’m planning to try running Pigsty on an IBM mainframe soon, haha.

Supabase Routine Follow-Up

Pigsty previously released a Supabase self-hosting guide to help users quickly set up their own Supabase services on a single machine. This has sparked some attention among startups that heavily use Supabase, so we’ve followed up on the latest version of Supabase.

In the last month of 2024, Supabase rolled out a series of significant updates, and Pigsty v3.2 has incorporated these changes, providing users with the latest version of Supabase. To be honest, aside from AI buzz, most of the updates are: Supabase now offers XXX feature (such as queues), but essentially they’ve just added XXX PG extension (such as PGMQ).

The major move recently from Supabase is OrieloDB (acquired by Supabase mid-year!), an interesting PostgreSQL fork focused on enhancing PG’s OLTP performance. Currently, this feature is marked as Beta in Supabase and available as an optional choice, but I need to ensure that even if Supabase adopts it as the main branch in the future, Pigsty will continue to support it.

We’re currently preparing RPM/DEB packages for OrieloDB and its extensions. With this opportunity, we also plan to expand these superpowers to more PG forks, such as Oracle-compatible IvorySQL 3/4, SQL Server-compatible WiltonDB, and PolarDB PG.

Grafana’s Extensibility

Grafana is a very popular open-source monitoring and visualization tool. Of course, it also has many extension plugins, such as various data visualization panels and data sources. However, installing and managing these extensions has always been an issue. Grafana’s own CLI tool can be used to install plugins, but users in China must use a VPN, which is highly inconvenient.

In v3.2, we’ve packaged common Grafana panel and data source extensions as RPM/DEB packages, making them ready to use out of the box. For example, the following architecture-independent extensions are now packaged as a single grafana-plugins package:

  • volkovlabs-echarts-panel
  • volkovlabs-image-panel
  • volkovlabs-form-panel
  • volkovlabs-table-panel
  • volkovlabs-variable-panel
  • knightss27-weathermap-panel
  • marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel
  • marcusolsson-treemap-panel
  • marcusolsson-calendar-panel
  • marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel
  • marcusolsson-static-datasource
  • marcusolsson-json-datasource
  • volkovlabs-rss-datasource
  • volkovlabs-grapi-datasource

Additionally, we’ve created independent RPM/DEB packages for architecture-dependent (including x86, ARM binaries) data source extensions, such as the recently released Infinity data source plugin from Grafana: You can use any REST/GRAPHQL API and CSV/TSV/XML/HTML as data sources, greatly extending Grafana’s data access capabilities.

Meanwhile, we’ve also made RPM/DEB packages for VictoriaMetrics and VictoriaLogs’ Grafana data source plugins, so users can easily use these two open-source time-series and log databases in Grafana.

Next Steps

Currently, Pigsty has reached a state that I’m very satisfied with. In the upcoming period, my focus will be on maintaining the pig tool and the extension repository.

This is a rare opportunity window, as both users and developers are starting to realize the importance of extensions, but PostgreSQL still lacks a factual standard for extension distribution. At this crucial moment, I hope that Pigsty/pig can become an influential de facto standard for PG extension plugins and claim the high ground in the ecosystem.

Of course, Pigsty itself has also lacked a sufficiently powerful CLI tool, so I’ll integrate the scattered functions from various Ansible playbooks into pig, making it easier for users to manage Pigsty and PostgreSQL.

v3.2.0 Release Note


  • New CLI: Introducing the pig command-line tool for managing extension plugins.
  • ARM64 Support: 390 extensions are now available for ARM64 across five major distributions.
  • Supabase Update: Latest Supabase Release Week updates are now supported for self-hosting on all distributions.
  • Grafana v11.4: Upgraded Grafana to version 11.4, featuring a new Infinity datasource.

Package Changes

  • New Extensions
  • Updated Extensions
    • pgvectorscale: 0.4.0 → 0.5.1
    • pg_parquet: 0.1.0 → 0.1.1
    • pg_polyline: 0.0.1
    • pg_cardano: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
    • pg_vectorize: 0.20.0
    • pg_duckdb: 0.1.0 → 0.2.0
    • pg_search: 0.13.0 → 0.13.1
    • aggs_for_vecs: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
  • Infrastructure
    • Added promscale 0.17.0
    • Added grafana-plugins 11.4
    • Added grafana-infinity-plugins
    • Added grafana-victoriametrics-ds
    • Added grafana-victorialogs-ds
    • vip-manager: 2.8.0 → 3.0.0
    • vector: 0.42.0 → 0.43.0
    • grafana: 11.3 → 11.4
    • prometheus: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1 (package name changed from prometheus2 to prometheus)
    • nginx_exporter: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
    • mongodb_exporter: 0.41.2 → 0.43.0
    • VictoriaMetrics: 1.106.1 → 1.107.0
    • VictoriaLogs: 1.0.0 → 1.3.2
    • pg_timetable: 5.9.0 → 5.10.0
    • tigerbeetle: 0.16.13 → 0.16.17
    • pg_export: 0.7.0 → 0.7.1
  • New Docker App
    • Add mattermost the open-source Slack alternative self-hosting template
  • Bug Fixes
    • Added python3-cdiff for el8.aarch64 to fix missing Patroni dependency.
    • Added timescaledb-tools for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
    • Added pg_filedump for el9.aarch64 to fix missing package in official repo.
  • Removed Extensions
    • pg_mooncake: Removed due to conflicts with pg_duckdb.
    • pg_top: Removed because of repeated version issues and quality concerns.
    • hunspell_pt_pt: Removed because of conflict with official PG dictionary files.
    • pgml: Disabled by default (no longer downloaded or installed).

API Changes

  • repo_url_packages now defaults to an empty array; packages are installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_cache is deprecated; Grafana plugins are now installed via OS package managers.
  • grafana_plugin_list is deprecated for the same reason.
  • The 36-node “production” template has been renamed to simu.
  • Auto-generated code under node_id/vars now includes aarch64 support.
  • infra_packages now includes the pig CLI tool.
  • The configure command now updates the version numbers of pgsql-xxx aliases in auto-generated config files.
  • Update terraform templates with Makefile shortcuts and better provision experience

Bug Fix

  • Fix pgbouncer dashboard selector issue #474
  • Add --arg value support for pg-pitr by @waitingsong
  • Fix redis log message typo by @waitingsong


c42da231067f25104b71a065b4a50e68  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.aarch64.tgz
ebb818f98f058f932b57d093d310f5c2  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.d12.x86_64.tgz
d2b85676235c9b9f2f8a0ad96c5b15fd  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.aarch64.tgz
649f79e1d94ec1845931c73f663ae545  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
24c0be1d8436f3c64627c12f82665a17  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.aarch64.tgz
0b9be0e137661e440cd4f171226d321d  pigsty-pkg-v3.2.0.u22.x86_64.tgz
8fdc6a60820909b0a2464b0e2b90a3a6  pigsty-v3.2.0.tgz

v3.2.1 Release Note


  • 351 PostgreSQL Extensions, including the powerful postgresql-anonymizer 2.0
  • IvorySQL 4.0 support for EL 8/9
  • Now use the Pigsty compiled Citus, TimescaleDB and pgroonga on all distros
  • Add self-hosting Odoo template and support

Bump software versions

  • pig CLI 0.1.2 self-updating capability
  • prometheus 3.1.0

Add New Extension

  • add pg_anon 2.0.0
  • add omnisketch 1.0.2
  • add ddsketch 1.0.1
  • add pg_duration 1.0.1
  • add ddl_historization 0.0.7
  • add data_historization 1.1.0
  • add schedoc 0.0.1
  • add floatfile 1.3.1
  • add pg_upless 0.0.3
  • add pg_task 1.0.0
  • add pg_readme 0.7.0
  • add vasco 0.1.0
  • add pg_xxhash 0.0.1

Update Extension

  • lower_quantile 1.0.3
  • quantile 1.1.8
  • sequential_uuids 1.0.3
  • pgmq 1.5.0 (subdir)
  • floatvec 1.1.1
  • pg_parquet 0.2.0
  • wrappers 0.4.4
  • pg_later 0.3.0
  • topn fix for deb.arm64
  • add age 17 on debian
  • powa + pg17, 5.0.1
  • h3 + pg17
  • ogr_fdw + pg17
  • age + pg17 1.5 on debian
  • pgtap + pg17 1.3.3
  • repmgr
  • topn + pg17
  • pg_partman 5.2.4
  • credcheck 3.0
  • ogr_fdw 1.1.5
  • ddlx 0.29
  • postgis 3.5.1
  • tdigest 1.4.3
  • pg_repack 1.5.2

v3.2.2 Release Note

What’s Changed

  • Bump IvorySQL to 4.2 (PostgreSQL 17.2)
  • Add Arm64 and Debian support for PolarDB kernel
  • Add certbot and certbot-nginx to default infra_packages
  • Increase pgbouncer max_prepared_statements to 256
  • remove pgxxx-citus package alias
  • hide pgxxx-olap category in pg_extensions by default

v3.1: PG 17 as default, Better Supabase & MinIO, ARM & U24 support

With the release of PostgreSQL 17.2 earlier this week, Pigsty promptly followed up with its v3.1 release.

In this version, PostgreSQL 17 has been promoted as the default major version, and nearly 400 PostgreSQL extensions are now available out of the box.

Additionally, Pigsty 3.1 introduces the ability to self-hosting Supabase with a simple command, improves best practices for using MinIO the object storage.

It also supports the ARM64 arch, and the newly released Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. And provide a way to simplify configuration management across different OS distro and PG major versions.

Finally, pigsty also provides a range of ready-to-use scenario-based templates in this release.

Self-Hosting Supabase

The complete tutorial for self-hosting supabase

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, a Backend as a Service (BaaS).

Supabase wraps PostgreSQL kernel and vector extensions, alone with authentication, realtime subscriptions, edge functions, object storage, and instant REST and GraphQL APIs from your postgres schema. It let you skip most backend work, requiring only database design and frontend skills to ship quickly.

Currently, Supabase may be the most popular open-source project in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, boasting over 74,000 stars on GitHub. And become quite popular among developers, and startups, since they have a generous free plan, just like cloudflare & neon.

Supabase’s slogan is: “Build in a weekend, Scale to millions”. It has great cost-effectiveness in small scales (4c8g) indeed. But there is no doubt that when you really grow to millions of users, some may choose to self-hosting their own Supabase —— for functionality, performance, cost, and other reasons.

That’s where Pigsty comes in. Pigsty provides a complete one-click self-hosting solution for Supabase. Self-hosted Supabase can enjoy full PostgreSQL monitoring, IaC, PITR, and high availability capability,

You can run the latest PostgreSQL 17(,16,15,14) kernels, (supabase is using the 15 currently), alone with 400 PostgreSQL extensions out-of-the-box. Run on mainstream Linus OS distros with production grade HA PostgreSQL, MinIO, Prometheus & Grafana Stack for observability, and Nginx for reverse proxy.

Since most of the supabase maintained extensions are not available in the official PGDG repo, we have compiled all the RPM/DEBs for these extensions and put them in the Pigsty repo: pg_graphql, pg_jsonschema, wrappers, index_advisor, pg_net, vault, pgjwt, supautils, pg_plan_filter,

Everything is under your control, you have the ability and freedom to scale PGSQL, MinIO, and Supabase itself. And take full advantage of the performance and cost advantages of modern hardware like Gen5 NVMe SSD.

All you need is prepare a VM with several commands and wait for 10 minutes….

 curl -fsSL | bash
./bootstrap          # install deps (ansible)
./configure -c supa  # use supa config template (IMPORTANT: CHANGE PASSWORDS!)
./install.yml        # install pigsty, create ha postgres & minio clusters 
./supabase.yml       # launch stateless supabase containers with docker compose


PostgreSQL 17

PostgreSQL 17 has some exciting new features, but the most notable improvement is its write performance. I tested it on a 128c physical machine and found that it performed well as expected under pigsty’s default OLTP configuration without any tuning.


pgbench & sysbench results on a 128c BM with PG 17.2

For example, the max LSN Rate (WAL throughput) is around 110 MiB/s @ PostgreSQL 14, while it can reach 180 MiB/s @ PostgreSQL 17. Of course, this is the software bottleneck, not the hardware. We can see a significant improvement in write performance, which is crucial for many OLTP workloads.

The detailed performance comparison will be published in the upcoming blog post, so stay tuned!

400 Extensions

One of the standout features of Pigsty 3.1 is its support for 400 PostgreSQL extensions. This impressive number comes even after carefully pruning over a dozen “obsolete extensions”.

To achieve this milestone, I’ve built a YUM/APT repository that offers pre-packaged RPM/DEB files for the following combinations of operating systems and PostgreSQL versions:

  • Operating Systems: EL 8/9, Ubuntu 22.04/24.04, Debian 12
  • PostgreSQL Versions: PG 12–17
Code OS Distro x86_64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12
EL9 RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 el9.x86_64
EL8 RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / Anolis8 el8.x86_64
U24 Ubuntu 24.04 (noble) u24.x86_64
U22 Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) u22.x86_64
D12 Debian 12 (bookworm) d12.x86_64

Currently, the repository provides packages for the x86_64 architecture. ARM64 and other architectures are under development, and are currently only offered to advanced users upon request.

More importantly, I maintain an Extension Directory that meticulously documents metadata, compatibility across OS/DB versions, and usage guidelines for every extension, helping users quickly locate the extensions they need.


Using the Repository

Pigsty’s extension repository integrates seamlessly with native OS package managers and is openly shared. You’re not required to use Pigsty to access these extensions. Simply add the repository to your existing system or Dockerfile, then install extensions with standard commands like yum or apt install.

Notably, the popular open-source project postgresql-cluster has already adopted this repository. It integrates with the repository as part of its installation workflow to distribute extensions to its users.


Rust Extensions

The PostgreSQL ecosystem is seeing a growing number of Rust-based extensions developed using the pgrx framework. Pigsty’s repository currently includes 23 Rust extensions.

If you know of a promising extension, feel free to recommend it! I’ll do my best to include them in the repository. If you’re a PostgreSQL extension developer, I’m happy to provide assistance with packaging and distribution to ensure a smooth final delivery process to all end users.

Ubuntu 24.04 Support

Ubuntu 24.04 “Noble” has been out for six months now, and some users have started using it in production. Pigsty 3.1 formally adds support for Ubuntu 24.04 as a primary platform.

That said, being a relatively new system, Ubuntu 24.04 still has a few gaps compared to 22.04. For instance:

  • Extensions like citus and topn are unavailable system-wide.
  • timescaledb_toolkit lacks pre-built binaries for Ubuntu 24.04 on x86_64.

Despite these minor exceptions, most extensions are fully compatible with Ubuntu 24.04, making it a strong candidate for Pigsty’s supported platforms.

Sunsetting Ubuntu 20.04

As part of this update, Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal” is being retired from Pigsty’s list of primary supported systems, even though its official EOL is in May 2025. This decision stems from challenges like outdated software (e.g., PostGIS) and dependency issues, which made supporting it increasingly impractical. I’m more than happy to see it phased out.

However, you can still technically use Pigsty on Ubuntu 20.04, and subscription customers will continue to receive support for this version.

Current Supported Platforms

Pigsty now supports the following major operating systems:

  • EL 8/9
  • Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04
  • Debian 12

For these platforms, Pigsty provides the latest packages and the full set of PostgreSQL extensions.

Code OS Distro x86_64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12 Arm64 PG17 PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12
EL9 RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 el9.x86_64 el9.arm64
EL8 RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / Anolis8 el8.x86_64 el8.arm64
U24 Ubuntu 24.04 (noble) u24.x86_64 u24.arm64
U22 Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) u22.x86_64 u22.arm64
D12 Debian 12 (bookworm) d12.x86_64 d12.arm64
D11 Debian 11 (bullseye) d12.x86_64 d11.arm64
U20 Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) d12.x86_64 u20.arm64
EL7 RHEL7 / CentOS7 / UOS … d12.x86_64 el7.arm64

= Primary Support; = Optional; = EOL, Extended Commercial Support

ARM64 Support

The ARM architecture has been steadily gaining ground, particularly in the cloud computing sector, where ARM servers are capturing an increasing market share. Users have been requesting ARM support for Pigsty for over two years. In fact, Pigsty previously supported ARM when adapting for “domestic systems,” but version 3.1 marks the first time ARM64 support is included in the open-source release.

Currently, ARM64 support is in Beta. All the core features are functional, and everything works end-to-end, but the actual performance and reliability need more real-world testing and user feedback.

Supported Features

Most of Pigsty’s key functionalities have been adapted, including the Grafana/Prometheus stack, which now has ARM-compatible packages. The remaining gap lies in PostgreSQL extensions, particularly the 140 extensions maintained by Pigsty. These are still in progress for ARM64 support. However, if you rely on extensions already provided by PGDG(e.g., postgis, pgvector), you should encounter no issues.

Currently, the ARM version runs smoothly on EL9, Debian 12, and Ubuntu 22.04.

  • EL8: Missing some official PGDG packages.
  • Ubuntu 24.04: A few missing extensions.

Due to these limitations, ARM64 support is not yet recommended for these two platforms.

Future Plans

I plan to run ARM in a pilot phase over the next one or two minor releases. Once the extension ecosystem is complete, ARM64 support will be marked as GA. In the meantime, I welcome feedback from anyone testing Pigsty’s ARM version. Your input will help refine and stabilize the implementation.

Simplified Config

Another significant improvement in Pigsty v3.1 is the simplification of config management. Handling package variations across different OS distros and PG major versions has always been a headache.

The Problem

Different OS distributions often have subtle differences in package names and available software, requiring Pigsty to generate separate configuration files for each distribution. This approach quickly leads to combinatorial explosion. For instance, Pigsty offers config templates for over a dozen scenarios. If each template must support 5–7 operating systems, the total number of configurations becomes unmanageable.

The Solution: Indirection

As the adage in computer science goes: “Any problem can be solved by adding a layer of indirection.” Version 3.1 addresses this issue by introducing a new configuration file, package_map, which defines package aliases. For each OS distribution, a node_id/vars file translates these aliases into the specific package names required by the OS.


How It Works

Take the Supabase self-hosting template as an example. It uses dozens of PostgreSQL extensions. Users only need to specify the extension names; details like CPU architecture, OS version, PostgreSQL version, or package names are handled internally.

pg_extensions: # extensions to be installed on this cluster
- supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
- timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
- supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
- pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

Here’s an example: If you want to install PostgreSQL 16 and its extensions, you no longer need to manually specify the real package name in repo_packages and pg_extension (you can still do that!) the download or installation lists with PG16-specific packages. Instead, you just modify a single parameter: pg_version: 16, all settled!


Infra Improvement

Beyond functional improvements, Pigsty continues to enhance its underlying infrastructure. For instance, in version 3.0, we introduced support for alternative PostgreSQL kernels such as Babelfish (MSSQL compatibility), IvorySQL (Oracle compatibility), and PolarDB (a domestic PG-compatible kernel).

Previously, users needed to install these kernels from external repositories online. With Pigsty v3.1, the official repository now directly includes mirrors of Babelfish/WiltonDB, IvorySQL, PolarDB, and similar “exotic” PostgreSQL kernels. This means installation is now much simpler—just use the pre-configured templates, and you can set up these alternative kernels with a single command, no extra configuration required.

Additionally, Pigsty maintains Prometheus and Grafana repositories for both YUM and APT package managers, supporting AMD and ARM architectures. These repositories are updated in real-time to track the latest versions of these observability tools. In this release:

  • Prometheus was upgraded to its major v3 version.
  • VictoriaLogs officially released its v1.0 version.

If you rely on these monitoring tools, Pigsty’s repositories can be a valuable resource.

Improvements to MinIO

Let’s talk about MinIO, an open-source object storage solution. Pigsty leverages MinIO for PostgreSQL backups and as the underlying storage service for Supabase. Our goal with MinIO has always been to reduce deployment complexity to the bare minimum —— “Deploy in minutes, Scale to millions.”

When we first adopted MinIO internally, it was still in its 0.x days. At the time, we used it to store 25 PB of data, but since MinIO didn’t support online scaling, we had to break this into 7–8 independent clusters. Today, MinIO has come a long way. While it still doesn’t support directly modifying disk/node counts online, it now offers storage pool expansion. This allows smooth scaling by adding new storage pools, migrating data, and retiring old ones without downtime.


For v3.1, I re-read MinIO’s latest documentation and updated the best-practice templates and SOPs to reflect its new features. These include:

  • Single node, single disk
  • Single node, multi-disk
  • Multi-node, multi-disk
  • Multi-storage-pool deployments
  • Handling disk failures and node failures
  • Expand/Shrink cluster
  • Using VIP and HAProxy for high-availability access

All procedures are documented and can be executed with just a few commands.

The Case for MinIO

Object storage is foundational for modern cloud infrastructure. MinIO, as a leading open-source object storage solution, delivers excellent performance and features. Most importantly, it is cloud-neutral, giving you independence from cloud vendor lock-in.

MinIO is also a compelling alternative to cloud object storage. Consider the scenario outlined in “DHH: Our cloud-exit savings will now top ten million over five years”:

  • Their cloud infrastructure included 10 PB of object storage.
  • The standard cost: $3M/year, reduced to $1.3M/year with saving plans
  • By contrast, a dedicated storage server with 1.2 PB of capacity costs just $20,000.
  • With OSS MinIO, 3-copies, DC, power, operations, the 5year TCO is still less than the one-year S3 cost.

If your business heavily relies on object storage, a self-hosted MinIO deployment combined with Cloudflare for external access could unlock significant cost savings and efficiency improvements. For many use cases, it’s an optimization worth serious consideration.



  • PostgreSQL 17 as the default major version (17.2)
  • Ubuntu 24.04 noble support
  • ARM64 support (el9, debian12, ubuntu 22.04)
  • New playbook supabase.yml for quick self-hosting supabase
  • MinIO Enhancement, best, practice, conf template, dashboards,…
  • Allow using -v to specify PG major version during configure
  • A series of out-of-the-box configuration templates and documentation.
  • Now install the pgvector extension by default
  • Simplify the repo packages configuration with package map alias
  • Setup WiltonDB, IvorySQL, PolarDB repo mirror
  • Enable postgres checksum by default

Software Upgrades

  • PostgreSQL 17.2, 16.6, 15.10, 14.15, 13.18, 12.22
  • PostgreSQL Extension Upgrades:
  • Patroni 4.0.4
  • MinIO 20241107 / MCLI 20241117
  • Rclone 1.68.2
  • Prometheus: 2.54.0 -> 3.0.0
  • VictoriaMetrics 1.102.1 -> 1.106.1
  • VictoriaLogs v0.28.0 -> 1.0.0
  • vslogcli 1.0.0
  • MySQL Exporter 0.15.1 -> 0.16.0
  • Redis Exporter 1.62.0 -> 1.66.0
  • MongoDB Exporter 0.41.2 -> 0.42.0
  • Keepalived Exporter 1.3.3 -> 1.4.0
  • DuckDB 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
  • etcd 3.5.16 -> 3.5.17
  • tigerbeetle 16.8 -> 0.16.13

API Change

  • repo_upstream: Now has defaults per distro: roles/node_id/vars.
  • repo_packages: Now support using package_map alias.
  • repo_extra_packages: Now support missing default values, and using package_map alias.
  • pg_checksum: Now the default value is true.
  • pg_packages: Change to postgresql, wal2json pg_repack pgvector, patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager.
  • pg_extensions: Change to empty array [].
  • infra_portal: Now allow using path in the home server.

News: Pigsty v3.1 Released

Pigsty v3.1 is now live, closely following the release of PostgreSQL 17.2. This version marks PostgreSQL 17 as the default, featuring compatibility with the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and initial ARM64 arch support. It also introduces nearly 400 ready-to-use PostgreSQL extensions right from the start.

A notable feature is the one-click setup for a self-hosted Supabase, which is built upon PostgreSQL. Pigsty v3.1 enables you to run Supabase on local-first HA PostgreSQL (ver14-17) alone with 300+ extensions on mainstream Linux distros without virtualization or containers, utilizing modern hardware to its full potential.

The update enhances its repository with new PostgreSQL-compatible kernels like Babelfish, IvorySQL, and PolarDB, and the OLAP / DuckDB race players such as pg_analytics, pg_duckdb, pg_mooncake, pg_parquet, and duckdb_fdw, now directly accessible for the pigsty repo.

Additionally, MinIO best practices have been refined to lower deployment barriers and allow expanding existing clusters, which are detailed in the new admin SOP.

Pigsty 3.1 simplifies configuration across various OS distros by standardizing scenario-based config templates. You can download and install kernels and extensions by specifying their name. and changing the significant versions with just one pg_version parameter.

With comprehensive support for new operating systems and architectural improvements, Pigsty 3.1 aims to deliver a more feature-rich and cost-effective OSS RDS PG solution. I hope this could help you easily enjoy the latest PostgreSQL features and extensions.

Pigsty v3.0: Extension Exploding & Plugable Kernels

The 400 extension provided by Pigsty v3 & Plugable Kernels such as Babelfish, IvorySQL, and PolarDB

Get started with:

curl -fsSL | bash
cd ~/pigsty; ./bootstrap; ./configure; ./install.yml

Highlight Features

Extension Exploding:

Pigsty now has an unprecedented 400 available extensions for PostgreSQL. This includes 121 extension RPM packages and 133 DEB packages, surpassing the total number of extensions provided by the PGDG official repository (135 RPM/109 DEB). Pigsty has ported unique PG extensions from the EL/DEB system to each other, achieving a great alignment of extension ecosystems between the two major distributions.

A crude list of the extension ecosystem is as follows:

- timescaledb periods temporal_tables emaj table_version pg_cron pg_later pg_background pg_timetable
- postgis pgrouting pointcloud pg_h3 q3c ogr_fdw geoip #pg_geohash #mobilitydb
- pgvector pgvectorscale pg_vectorize pg_similarity pg_tiktoken pgml #smlar
- pg_search pg_bigm zhparser hunspell
- hydra pg_lakehouse pg_duckdb duckdb_fdw pg_fkpart pg_partman plproxy #pg_strom citus
- pg_hint_plan age hll rum pg_graphql pg_jsonschema jsquery index_advisor hypopg imgsmlr pg_ivm pgmq pgq #rdkit
- pg_tle plv8 pllua plprql pldebugger plpgsql_check plprofiler plsh #pljava plr pgtap faker dbt2
- prefix semver pgunit md5hash asn1oid roaringbitmap pgfaceting pgsphere pg_country pg_currency pgmp numeral pg_rational pguint ip4r timestamp9 chkpass #pg_uri #pgemailaddr #acl #debversion #pg_rrule
- topn pg_gzip pg_http pg_net pg_html5_email_address pgsql_tweaks pg_extra_time pg_timeit count_distinct extra_window_functions first_last_agg tdigest aggs_for_arrays pg_arraymath pg_idkit pg_uuidv7 permuteseq pg_hashids
- sequential_uuids pg_math pg_random pg_base36 pg_base62 floatvec pg_financial pgjwt pg_hashlib shacrypt cryptint pg_ecdsa pgpcre icu_ext envvar url_encode #pg_zstd #aggs_for_vecs #quantile #lower_quantile #pgqr #pg_protobuf
- pg_repack pg_squeeze pg_dirtyread pgfincore pgdd ddlx pg_prioritize pg_checksums pg_readonly safeupdate pg_permissions pgautofailover pg_catcheck preprepare pgcozy pg_orphaned pg_crash pg_cheat_funcs pg_savior table_log pg_fio #pgpool pgagent
- pg_profile pg_show_plans pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_monitor pg_qualstats pg_store_plans pg_track_settings pg_wait_sampling system_stats pg_meta pgnodemx pg_sqlog bgw_replstatus pgmeminfo toastinfo pagevis powa pg_top #pg_statviz #pgexporter_ext #pg_mon
- passwordcheck supautils pgsodium pg_vault anonymizer pg_tde pgsmcrypto pgaudit pgauditlogtofile pg_auth_mon credcheck pgcryptokey pg_jobmon logerrors login_hook set_user pg_snakeoil pgextwlist pg_auditor noset #sslutils
- wrappers multicorn mysql_fdw tds_fdw sqlite_fdw pgbouncer_fdw mongo_fdw redis_fdw pg_redis_pubsub kafka_fdw hdfs_fdw firebird_fdw aws_s3 log_fdw #oracle_fdw #db2_fdw
- orafce pgtt session_variable pg_statement_rollback pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_lock pgmemcache #pg_dbms_job #wiltondb
- pglogical pgl_ddl_deploy pg_failover_slots wal2json wal2mongo decoderbufs decoder_raw mimeo pgcopydb pgloader pg_fact_loader pg_bulkload pg_comparator pgimportdoc pgexportdoc #repmgr #slony
- gis-stack rag-stack fdw-stack fts-stack etl-stack feat-stack olap-stack supa-stack stat-stack json-stack

Plugable Kernels:

Pigsty v3 allows you to replace the PostgreSQL kernel, currently supporting Babelfish (SQL Server compatible, with wire protocol emulation), IvorySQL (Oracle compatible), and RAC PolarDB for PostgreSQL. Additionally, self-hosted Supabase is now available on Debian systems. You can emulate MSSQL (via WiltonDB), Oracle (via IvorySQL), Oracle RAC (via PolarDB), MongoDB (via FerretDB), and Firebase (via Supabase) in Pigsty with production-grade PostgreSQL clusters featuring HA, IaC, PITR, and monitoring.

Pro Edition:

We now offer PGSTY Pro, a professional edition that provides value-added services on top of the open-source features. The professional edition includes additional modules: MSSQL, Oracle, Mongo, K8S, Victoria, Kafka, etc., and offers broader support for PG major versions, operating systems, and chip architectures. It provides offline installation packages customized for precise minor versions of all operating systems, and support for legacy systems like EL7, Debian 11, Ubuntu 20.04.

Major Changes

This Pigsty release updates the major version number from 2.x to 3.0, with several significant changes:

  • Primary supported operating systems updated to: EL 8 / EL 9 / Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22.04
    • EL7 / Debian 11 / Ubuntu 20.04 systems are now deprecated and no longer supported.
    • Users needing to run on these systems should consider our subscription service.
  • Default to online installation, offline packages are no longer provided to resolve minor OS version compatibility issues.
    • The bootstrap process will no longer prompt for downloading offline packages, but if /tmp/pkg.tgz exists, it will still use the offline package automatically.
    • For offline installation needs, please create offline packages yourself or consider our pro version.
  • Unified adjustment of upstream software repositories used by Pigsty, address changes, and GPG signing and verification for all packages.
    • Standard repository:{apt/yum}
    • Domestic mirror:{apt/yum}
  • API parameter changes and configuration template changes
    • Configuration templates for EL and Debian systems are now consolidated, with differing parameters managed in the roles/node_id/vars/ directory.
    • Configuration directory changes, all configuration file templates are now placed in the conf directory and categorized into default, dbms, demo, build.
  • Docker is now completely treated as a separate module, and will not be downloaded by default
  • New beta module: KAFKA
  • New beta module: KUBE

Other New Features

  • Epic enhancement of PG OLAP analysis capabilities: DuckDB 1.0.0, DuckDB FDW, and PG Lakehouse, Hydra have been ported to the Debian system.
  • Strengthened PG vector search and full-text search capabilities: Vectorscale provides DiskANN vector indexing, Hunspell dictionary support, pg_search 0.8.6.
  • Resolved package build issues for ParadeDB, now available on Debian/Ubuntu.
  • All required extensions for Supabase are now available on Debian/Ubuntu, making Supabase self-hostable across all OSes.
  • Provided capability for scenario-based pre-configured extension stacks. If you’re unsure which extensions to install, we offer extension recommendation packages (Stacks) tailored for specific application scenarios.
  • Created metadata tables, documentation, indexes, and name mappings for all PostgreSQL ecosystem extensions, ensuring alignment and usability for both EL and Debian systems.
  • Enhanced proxy_env parameter functionality to mitigate DockerHub ban issues, simplifying configuration.
  • Established a new dedicated software repository offering all extension plugins for versions 12-17, with the PG16 extension repository implemented by default in Pigsty.
  • Upgraded existing software repositories, employing standard signing and verification mechanisms to ensure package integrity and security. The APT repository adopts a new standard layout built through reprepro.
  • Provided sandbox environments for 1, 2, 3, 4, 43 nodes: meta, dual, trio, full, prod, and quick configuration templates for 7 major OS Distros.
  • Add PostgreSQL 17 and pgBouncer 1.23 metrics support in pg_exporter config, adding related dashboard panels.
  • Add logs panel for PGSQL Pgbouncer / PGSQL Patroni Dashboard
  • Add new playbook cache.yml to make offline packages, instead of bash bin/cache and bin/release-pkg

API Changes

  • New parameter option: pg_mode now have several new options:

    • pgsql: Standard PostgreSQL high availability cluster.
    • citus: Citus horizontally distributed PostgreSQL native high availability cluster.
    • gpsql: Monitoring for Greenplum and GP compatible databases (Pro edition).
    • mssql: Install WiltonDB / Babelfish to provide Microsoft SQL Server compatibility mode for standard PostgreSQL high availability clusters, with wire protocol level support, extensions unavailable.
    • ivory: Install IvorySQL to provide Oracle compatibility for PostgreSQL high availability clusters, supporting Oracle syntax/data types/functions/stored procedures, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
    • polar: Install PolarDB for PostgreSQL (PG RAC) open-source version to support localization database capabilities, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
  • New parameter option: pg_mode now have several new options:

    • pgsql: Standard PostgreSQL high availability cluster.
    • citus: Citus horizontally distributed PostgreSQL native high availability cluster.
    • gpsql: Monitoring for Greenplum and GP compatible databases (Pro edition).
    • mssql: Install WiltonDB / Babelfish to provide Microsoft SQL Server compatibility mode for standard PostgreSQL high availability clusters, with wire protocol level support, extensions unavailable.
    • ivory: Install IvorySQL to provide Oracle compatibility for PostgreSQL high availability clusters, supporting Oracle syntax/data types/functions/stored procedures, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
    • polar: Install PolarDB for PostgreSQL (PG RAC) open-source version to support localization database capabilities, extensions unavailable (Pro edition).
  • New parameter: pg_parameters, used to specify parameters in at the instance level, overriding cluster configurations for personalized settings on different instance members.

  • New parameter: pg_files, used to specify additional files to be written to the PostgreSQL data directory, to support license feature required by some kernel forks.

  • New parameter: repo_extra_packages, used to specify additional packages to download, to be used in conjunction with repo_packages, facilitating the specification of extension lists unique to OS versions.

  • Parameter renaming: patroni_citus_db renamed to pg_primary_db, used to specify the primary database in the cluster (used in Citus mode).

  • Parameter enhancement: Proxy server configurations in proxy_env will be written to the Docker Daemon to address internet access issues, and the configure -x option will automatically write the proxy server configuration of the current environment.

  • Parameter enhancement: Allow using path item in infra_portal entries, to expose local dir as web service rather than proxy to another upstream.

  • Parameter enhancement: The repo_url_packages in will automatically switch to when the region is China, addressing internet access issues. Additionally, the downloaded file name can now be specified.

  • Parameter enhancement: The extension field in pg_databases.extensions now supports both dictionary and extension name string modes. The dictionary mode offers version support, allowing the installation of specific extension versions.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the repo_upstream parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the repo_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the infra_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: If the node_default_packages parameter is not explicitly overridden, it will extract the default value for the corresponding system from rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: The extensions specified in pg_packages and pg_extensions will now perform a lookup and translation from the pg_package_map defined in rpm.yml or deb.yml.

  • Parameter enhancement: Packages specified in node_packages and pg_extensions will be upgraded to the latest version upon installation. The default value in node_packages is now [openssh-server], helping to fix the OpenSSH CVE.

  • Parameter enhancement: pg_dbsu_uid will automatically adjust to 26 (EL) or 543 (Debian) based on the operating system type, avoiding manual adjustments.

  • pgBouncer Parameter update, max_prepared_statements = 128 enabled prepared statement support in transaction pooling mode, and set server_lifetime to 600.

  • Patroni template parameter update, uniformly increase max_worker_processes +8 available backend processes, increase max_wal_senders and max_replication_slots to 50, and increase the OLAP template temporary file size limit to 1/5 of the main disk.

Software Upgrade

The main components of Pigsty are upgraded to the following versions (as of the release time):

The complete list of PostgreSQL extensions can be found here.

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
timescaledb timescaledb PGDG 2.15.3 TIME Timescale Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
periods periods PGDG 1.2 TIME PostgreSQL Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
temporal_tables temporal_tables PGDG 1.2.2 TIME BSD 2 temporal tables
emaj emaj PGDG 4.4.0 TIME GPLv3 E-Maj extension enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
table_version table_version PGDG 1.10.3 TIME BSD 3 PostgreSQL table versioning extension
pg_cron pg_cron PGDG 1.6 TIME PostgreSQL Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_later pg_later PIGSTY 0.1.1 TIME PostgreSQL pg_later: Run queries now and get results later
pg_background pg_background PGDG 1.0 TIME GPLv3 Run SQL queries in the background
pg_timetable pg_timetable PGDG 5.9.0 TIME PostgreSQL Advanced scheduling for PostgreSQL
postgis postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
postgis_topology postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_raster postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
address_standardizer postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us postgis PGDG 3.4.2 GIS GPLv2 Address Standardizer US dataset example
pgrouting pgrouting PGDG 3.6.0 GIS GPLv2 pgRouting Extension
pointcloud pointcloud PIGSTY 1.2.5 GIS BSD 3 data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis pointcloud PGDG 1.2.5 GIS BSD 3 integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
h3 pg_h3 PGDG 4.1.3 GIS Apache-2.0 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis pg_h3 PGDG 4.1.3 GIS Apache-2.0 H3 PostGIS integration
q3c q3c PIGSTY 2.0.1 GIS GPLv2 q3c sky indexing plugin
ogr_fdw ogr_fdw PGDG 1.1 GIS MIT foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
geoip geoip PGDG 0.3.0 GIS BSD 2 IP-based geolocation query
pg_geohash pg_geohash PIGSTY 1.0 GIS MIT Handle geohash based functionality for spatial coordinates
mobilitydb mobilitydb PGDG 1.1.1 GIS GPLv3 MobilityDB geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform
earthdistance earthdistance CONTRIB 1.1 GIS PostgreSQL calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
vector pgvector PGDG 0.7.3 RAG PostgreSQL vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
vectorscale pgvectorscale PIGSTY 0.2.0 RAG PostgreSQL pgvectorscale: Advanced indexing for vector data
vectorize pg_vectorize PIGSTY 0.17.0 RAG PostgreSQL The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres
pg_similarity pg_similarity PIGSTY 1.0 RAG BSD 3 support similarity queries
smlar smlar PIGSTY 1.0 RAG PostgreSQL Effective similarity search
pg_tiktoken pg_tiktoken PIGSTY 0.0.1 RAG Apache-2.0 pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres
pgml pgml PIGSTY 2.9.3 RAG MIT PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
pg_search pg_search PIGSTY 0.9.1 FTS AGPLv3 pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25
pg_bigm pg_bigm PGDG 1.2 FTS PostgreSQL create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search.
zhparser zhparser PIGSTY 2.2 FTS PostgreSQL a parser for full-text search of Chinese
hunspell_cs_cz hunspell_cs_cz PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Czech Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_de_de hunspell_de_de PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL German Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_en_us hunspell_en_us PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL en_US Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_fr hunspell_fr PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL French Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ne_np hunspell_ne_np PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Nepali Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_nl_nl hunspell_nl_nl PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Dutch Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_nn_no hunspell_nn_no PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Norwegian (norsk) Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_pt_pt hunspell_pt_pt PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Portuguese Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ru_ru hunspell_ru_ru PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Russian Hunspell Dictionary
hunspell_ru_ru_aot hunspell_ru_ru_aot PIGSTY 1.0 FTS PostgreSQL Russian Hunspell Dictionary (from group)
fuzzystrmatch fuzzystrmatch CONTRIB 1.2 FTS PostgreSQL determine similarities and distance between strings
pg_trgm pg_trgm CONTRIB 1.6 FTS PostgreSQL text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
citus citus PGDG 12.1-1 OLAP AGPLv3 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
citus_columnar citus PGDG 11.3-1 OLAP AGPLv3 Citus columnar storage engine
columnar hydra PIGSTY 11.1-11 OLAP AGPLv3 Hydra Columnar extension
pg_lakehouse pg_lakehouse PIGSTY 0.9.0 OLAP AGPLv3 pg_lakehouse: An analytical query engine for Postgres
pg_duckdb pg_duckdb PIGSTY 0.0.1 OLAP MIT DuckDB Embedded in Postgres
duckdb_fdw duckdb_fdw PIGSTY 1.0.0 OLAP MIT DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper
parquet_s3_fdw parquet_s3_fdw PIGSTY 0.3.1 OLAP MIT foreign-data wrapper for parquet on S3
pg_fkpart pg_fkpart PGDG 1.7 OLAP GPLv2 Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman pg_partman PGDG 5.1.0 OLAP PostgreSQL Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy plproxy PGDG 2.11.0 OLAP BSD 0 Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
pg_strom pg_strom PGDG 5.1 OLAP PostgreSQL PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME
tablefunc tablefunc CONTRIB 1.0 OLAP PostgreSQL functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
age age PIGSTY 1.5.0 FEAT Apache-2.0 AGE graph database extension
hll hll PGDG 2.18 FEAT Apache-2.0 type for storing hyperloglog data
rum rum PGDG 1.3 FEAT PostgreSQL RUM index access method
pg_graphql pg_graphql PIGSTY 1.5.7 FEAT Apache-2.0 pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema pg_jsonschema PIGSTY 0.3.1 FEAT Apache-2.0 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
jsquery jsquery PGDG 1.1 FEAT PostgreSQL data type for jsonb inspection
pg_hint_plan pg_hint_plan PGDG 1.6.0 FEAT BSD 3 Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
hypopg hypopg PGDG 1.4.1 FEAT PostgreSQL Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
index_advisor index_advisor PIGSTY 0.2.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Query index advisor
imgsmlr imgsmlr PIGSTY 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Image similarity with haar
pg_ivm pg_ivm PGDG 1.8 FEAT PostgreSQL incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgmq pgmq PIGSTY 1.2.1 FEAT PostgreSQL A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pgq pgq PGDG 3.5.1 FEAT ISC Generic queue for PostgreSQL
rdkit rdkit PGDG 4.3.0 FEAT BSD 3 Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
bloom bloom CONTRIB 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL bloom access method - signature file based index
pg_tle pg_tle PIGSTY 1.2.0 LANG Apache-2.0 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
plv8 plv8 PIGSTY 3.2.2 LANG PostgreSQL PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
plluau pllua PGDG 2.0 LANG MIT Lua as an untrusted procedural language
hstore_plluau pllua PGDG 1.0 LANG MIT Hstore transform for untrusted Lua
pllua pllua PGDG 2.0 LANG MIT Lua as a procedural language
hstore_pllua pllua PGDG 1.0 LANG MIT Hstore transform for Lua
plprql plprql PIGSTY 0.1.0 LANG Apache-2.0 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language
pldbgapi pldebugger PGDG 1.1 LANG Artistic server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
plpgsql_check plpgsql_check PGDG 2.7 LANG MIT extended check for plpgsql functions
plprofiler plprofiler PGDG 4.2 LANG Artistic server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
plsh plsh PGDG 2 LANG MIT PL/sh procedural language
pljava pljava PGDG 1.6.6 LANG BSD 3 PL/Java procedural language (
plr plr PGDG 8.4.6 LANG GPLv2 load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
pgtap pgtap PGDG 1.3.1 LANG PostgreSQL Unit testing for PostgreSQL
faker faker PGDG 0.5.3 LANG PostgreSQL Wrapper for the Faker Python library
dbt2 dbt2 PGDG 0.45.0 LANG Artistic OSDL-DBT-2 test kit
pltcl pltcl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu pltcl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Perl procedural language
bool_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between bool and plperl
hstore_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plperl
jsonb_plperl plperl CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plperl
plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
bool_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between bool and plperlu
jsonb_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plperlu
hstore_plperlu plperlu CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plperlu
plpgsql plpgsql CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
jsonb_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between jsonb and plpython3u
ltree_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between ltree and plpython3u
hstore_plpython3u plpython3u CONTRIB 1.0 LANG PostgreSQL transform between hstore and plpython3u
prefix prefix PGDG 1.2.0 TYPE PostgreSQL Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
semver semver PGDG 0.32.1 TYPE PostgreSQL Semantic version data type
unit pgunit PGDG 7 TYPE GPLv3 SI units extension
md5hash md5hash PIGSTY 1.0.1 TYPE BSD 2 type for storing 128-bit binary data inline
asn1oid asn1oid PIGSTY 1 TYPE GPLv3 asn1oid extension
roaringbitmap roaringbitmap PIGSTY 0.5 TYPE Apache-2.0 support for Roaring Bitmaps
pgfaceting pgfaceting PIGSTY 0.2.0 TYPE BSD 3 fast faceting queries using an inverted index
pg_sphere pgsphere PIGSTY 1.5.1 TYPE BSD 3 spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
country pg_country PIGSTY 0.0.3 TYPE PostgreSQL Country data type, ISO 3166-1
currency pg_currency PIGSTY 0.0.3 TYPE MIT Custom PostgreSQL currency type in 1Byte
pgmp pgmp PGDG 1.1 TYPE LGPLv3 Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
numeral numeral PIGSTY 1 TYPE GPLv2 numeral datatypes extension
pg_rational pg_rational PIGSTY 0.0.2 TYPE MIT bigint fractions
uint pguint PGDG 0 TYPE PostgreSQL unsigned integer types
ip4r ip4r PGDG 2.4 TYPE PostgreSQL IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
uri pg_uri PIGSTY 1.20151224 TYPE PostgreSQL URI Data type for PostgreSQL
pgemailaddr pgemailaddr PIGSTY 0 TYPE PostgreSQL Email address type for PostgreSQL
acl acl PIGSTY 1.0.4 TYPE BSD-2 ACL Data type
debversion debversion PGDG 1.1 TYPE PostgreSQL Debian version number data type
pg_rrule pg_rrule PGDG 0.2.0 TYPE MIT RRULE field type for PostgreSQL
timestamp9 timestamp9 PGDG 1.4.0 TYPE MIT timestamp nanosecond resolution
chkpass chkpass PIGSTY 1.0 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for auto-encrypted passwords
isn isn CONTRIB 1.2 TYPE PostgreSQL data types for international product numbering standards
seg seg CONTRIB 1.4 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
cube cube CONTRIB 1.5 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for multidimensional cubes
ltree ltree CONTRIB 1.2 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
hstore hstore CONTRIB 1.8 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
citext citext CONTRIB 1.6 TYPE PostgreSQL data type for case-insensitive character strings
xml2 xml2 CONTRIB 1.1 TYPE PostgreSQL XPath querying and XSLT
topn topn PGDG 2.6.0 FUNC AGPLv3 type for top-n JSONB
gzip pg_gzip PGDG 1.0 FUNC MIT gzip and gunzip functions.
zstd pg_zstd PIGSTY 1.1.0 FUNC ISC Zstandard compression algorithm implementation in PostgreSQL
http pg_http PGDG 1.6 FUNC MIT HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
pg_net pg_net PGDG 0.8.0 FUNC Apache-2.0 Async HTTP Requests
pg_html5_email_address pg_html5_email_address PIGSTY 1.2.3 FUNC PostgreSQL PostgreSQL email validation that is consistent with the HTML5 spec
pgsql_tweaks pgsql_tweaks PGDG 0.10.3 FUNC PostgreSQL Some functions and views for daily usage
pg_extra_time pg_extra_time PGDG 1.1.3 FUNC PostgreSQL Some date time functions and operators that,
timeit pg_timeit PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL High-accuracy timing of SQL expressions
count_distinct count_distinct PGDG 3.0.1 FUNC BSD 2 An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT …) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate
extra_window_functions extra_window_functions PGDG 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
first_last_agg first_last_agg PIGSTY 0.1.4 FUNC PostgreSQL first() and last() aggregate functions
tdigest tdigest PGDG 1.4.1 FUNC Apache-2.0 Provides tdigest aggregate function.
aggs_for_vecs aggs_for_vecs PIGSTY 1.3.0 FUNC MIT Aggregate functions for array inputs
aggs_for_arrays aggs_for_arrays PIGSTY 1.3.2 FUNC MIT Various functions for computing statistics on arrays of numbers
arraymath pg_arraymath PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC MIT Array math and operators that work element by element on the contents of arrays
quantile quantile PIGSTY 1.1.7 FUNC BSD Quantile aggregation function
lower_quantile lower_quantile PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC BSD-2 Lower quantile aggregate function
pg_idkit pg_idkit PIGSTY 0.2.3 FUNC Apache-2.0 multi-tool for generating new/niche universally unique identifiers (ex. UUIDv6, ULID, KSUID)
pg_uuidv7 pg_uuidv7 PGDG 1.5 FUNC MPLv2 pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres
permuteseq permuteseq PIGSTY 1.2 FUNC PostgreSQL Pseudo-randomly permute sequences with a format-preserving encryption on elements
pg_hashids pg_hashids PIGSTY 1.3 FUNC MIT Short unique id generator for PostgreSQL, using hashids
sequential_uuids sequential_uuids PGDG 1.0.2 FUNC MIT generator of sequential UUIDs
pg_math pg_math PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC GPLv3 GSL statistical functions for postgresql
random pg_random PIGSTY 2.0.0-dev FUNC PostgreSQL random data generator
base36 pg_base36 PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC MIT Integer Base36 types
base62 pg_base62 PIGSTY 0.0.1 FUNC MIT Base62 extension for PostgreSQL
floatvec floatvec PIGSTY 1.0.1 FUNC MIT Math for vectors (arrays) of numbers
financial pg_financial PIGSTY 1.0.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Financial aggregate functions
pgjwt pgjwt PIGSTY 0.2.0 FUNC MIT JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pg_hashlib pg_hashlib PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Stable hash functions for Postgres
shacrypt shacrypt PIGSTY 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL Implements SHA256-CRYPT and SHA512-CRYPT password encryption schemes
cryptint cryptint PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Encryption functions for int and bigint values
pguecc pg_ecdsa PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC BSD-2 uECC bindings for Postgres
pgpcre pgpcre PIGSTY 1 FUNC PostgreSQL Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions
icu_ext icu_ext PIGSTY 1.8 FUNC PostgreSQL Access ICU functions
pgqr pgqr PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC BSD-3 QR Code generator from PostgreSQL
envvar envvar PIGSTY 1.0.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Fetch the value of an environment variable
pg_protobuf pg_protobuf PIGSTY 1.0 FUNC MIT Protobuf support for PostgreSQL
url_encode url_encode PIGSTY 1.2.5 FUNC PostgreSQL url_encode, url_decode functions
refint refint CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
autoinc autoinc CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for autoincrementing fields
insert_username insert_username CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for tracking who changed a table
moddatetime moddatetime CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL functions for tracking last modification time
tsm_system_time tsm_system_time CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
dict_xsyn dict_xsyn CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
tsm_system_rows tsm_system_rows CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tcn tcn CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL Triggered change notifications
uuid-ossp uuid-ossp CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
btree_gist btree_gist CONTRIB 1.7 FUNC PostgreSQL support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
btree_gin btree_gin CONTRIB 1.3 FUNC PostgreSQL support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
intarray intarray CONTRIB 1.5 FUNC PostgreSQL functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
intagg intagg CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
dict_int dict_int CONTRIB 1.0 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary template for integers
unaccent unaccent CONTRIB 1.1 FUNC PostgreSQL text search dictionary that removes accents
pg_repack pg_repack PGDG 1.5.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_squeeze pg_squeeze PGDG 1.6 ADMIN BSD 2 A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pg_dirtyread pg_dirtyread PIGSTY 2 ADMIN BSD 3 Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pgfincore pgfincore PGDG 1.3.1 ADMIN BSD 3 examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgdd pgdd PIGSTY 0.5.2 ADMIN MIT An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (
ddlx ddlx PGDG 0.27 ADMIN PostgreSQL DDL eXtractor functions
prioritize pg_prioritize PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
pg_checksums pg_checksums PGDG 1.1 ADMIN BSD 2 Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters
pg_readonly pg_readonly PGDG 1.0.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL cluster database read only
safeupdate safeupdate PGDG 1.4 ADMIN ISC Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE
pg_permissions pg_permissions PGDG 1.3 ADMIN BSD 2 view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pgautofailover pgautofailover PGDG 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL pg_auto_failover
pg_catcheck pg_catcheck PGDG 1.4.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Diagnosing system catalog corruption
pre_prepare preprepare PIGSTY 0.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre Prepare your Statement server side
pgcozy pgcozy PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre-warming shared buffers according to previous pg_buffercache snapshots for PostgreSQL.
pg_orphaned pg_orphaned PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Deal with orphaned files
pg_crash pg_crash PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 Send random signals to random processes
pg_cheat_funcs pg_cheat_funcs PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Provides cheat (but useful) functions
pg_savior pg_savior PIGSTY 0.0.1 ADMIN Apache-2.0 Postgres extension to save OOPS mistakes
table_log table_log PIGSTY 0.6.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL record table modification logs and PITR for table/row
pg_fio pg_fio PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 PostgreSQL File I/O Functions
pgpool_adm pgpool PGDG 1.5 ADMIN PostgreSQL Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery pgpool PGDG 1.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass pgpool PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL replacement for regclass
pgagent pgagent PGDG 4.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL A PostgreSQL job scheduler
vacuumlo vacuumlo CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
pg_prewarm pg_prewarm CONTRIB 1.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL prewarm relation data
oid2name oid2name CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL
lo lo CONTRIB 1.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL Large Object maintenance
basic_archive basic_archive CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL an example of an archive module
basebackup_to_shell basebackup_to_shell CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL adds a custom basebackup target called shell
old_snapshot old_snapshot CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
adminpack adminpack CONTRIB 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL administrative functions for PostgreSQL
amcheck amcheck CONTRIB 1.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL functions for verifying relation integrity
pg_surgery pg_surgery CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
pg_profile pg_profile PGDG 4.6 STAT BSD 2 PostgreSQL load profile repository and report builder
pg_show_plans pg_show_plans PGDG 2.1 STAT PostgreSQL show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_kcache PGDG 2.2.3 STAT BSD 3 Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_monitor pg_stat_monitor PGDG 2.0 STAT BSD 3 The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
pg_qualstats pg_qualstats PGDG 2.1.0 STAT BSD 3 An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_store_plans pg_store_plans PGDG 1.8 STAT BSD 3 track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_track_settings pg_track_settings PGDG 2.1.2 STAT PostgreSQL Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling pg_wait_sampling PGDG 1.1 STAT PostgreSQL sampling based statistics of wait events
system_stats system_stats PGDG 2.0 STAT PostgreSQL EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL
meta pg_meta PIGSTY 0.4.0 STAT BSD-2 Normalized, friendlier system catalog for PostgreSQL
pgnodemx pgnodemx PIGSTY 1.6 STAT Apache-2.0 Capture node OS metrics via SQL queries
pg_proctab pgnodemx PIGSTY 0.0.10-compat STAT BSD 3 PostgreSQL extension to access the OS process table
pg_sqlog pg_sqlog PIGSTY 1.6 STAT BSD 3 Provide SQL interface to logs
bgw_replstatus bgw_replstatus PGDG 1.0.6 STAT PostgreSQL Small PostgreSQL background worker to report whether a node is a replication master or standby
pgmeminfo pgmeminfo PGDG 1.0 STAT MIT show memory usage
toastinfo toastinfo PIGSTY 1 STAT PostgreSQL show details on toasted datums
pg_mon pg_mon PIGSTY 1.0 STAT MIT PostgreSQL extension to enhance query monitoring
pg_statviz pg_statviz PGDG 0.6 STAT BSD 3 stats visualization and time series analysis
pgexporter_ext pgexporter_ext PGDG 0.2.3 STAT BSD 3 pgexporter extension for extra metrics
pg_top pg_top PGDG 3.7.0 STAT BSD 3 Monitor PostgreSQL processes similar to unix top
pagevis pagevis PIGSTY 0.1 STAT MIT Visualise database pages in ascii code
powa powa PGDG 4.2.2 STAT PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
pageinspect pageinspect CONTRIB 1.12 STAT PostgreSQL inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pgrowlocks pgrowlocks CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL show row-level locking information
sslinfo sslinfo CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL information about SSL certificates
pg_buffercache pg_buffercache CONTRIB 1.4 STAT PostgreSQL examine the shared buffer cache
pg_walinspect pg_walinspect CONTRIB 1.1 STAT PostgreSQL functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pg_freespacemap pg_freespacemap CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_visibility pg_visibility CONTRIB 1.2 STAT PostgreSQL examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pgstattuple pgstattuple CONTRIB 1.5 STAT PostgreSQL show tuple-level statistics
auto_explain auto_explain CONTRIB 16.3 STAT PostgreSQL Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically
pg_stat_statements pg_stat_statements CONTRIB 1.10 STAT PostgreSQL track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
passwordcheck_cracklib passwordcheck PGDG 3.0.0 SEC LGPLv2 Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib
supautils supautils PIGSTY 3.1.9 SEC Apache-2.0 Extension that secures a cluster on a cloud environment
pgsodium pgsodium PGDG 3.1.9 SEC BSD 3 Postgres extension for libsodium functions
supabase_vault pg_vault PIGSTY 0.2.8 SEC Apache-2.0 Supabase Vault Extension
anon anonymizer PGDG 1.3.2 SEC PostgreSQL Data anonymization tools
pg_tde pg_tde PIGSTY 1.0 SEC MIT pg_tde access method
pgsmcrypto pgsmcrypto PIGSTY 0.1.0 SEC MIT PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
pgaudit pgaudit PGDG 16.0 SEC PostgreSQL provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile pgauditlogtofile PGDG 1.6 SEC PostgreSQL pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
pg_auth_mon pg_auth_mon PGDG 1.1 SEC MIT monitor connection attempts per user
credcheck credcheck PGDG 2.7.0 SEC MIT credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pgcryptokey pgcryptokey PGDG 1.0 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic key management
pg_jobmon pg_jobmon PGDG 1.4.1 SEC PostgreSQL Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
logerrors logerrors PGDG 2.1 SEC BSD 3 Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
login_hook login_hook PGDG 1.5 SEC GPLv3 login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time
set_user set_user PGDG 4.0.1 SEC PostgreSQL similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
pg_snakeoil pg_snakeoil PIGSTY 1 SEC PostgreSQL The PostgreSQL Antivirus
pgextwlist pgextwlist PIGSTY 1.17 SEC PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting
pg_auditor pg_auditor PIGSTY 0.2 SEC BSD-3 Audit data changes and provide flashback ability
sslutils sslutils PIGSTY 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL A Postgres extension for managing SSL certificates through SQL
noset noset PIGSTY 0.3.0 SEC AGPLv3 Module for blocking SET variables for non-super users.
sepgsql sepgsql CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.
auth_delay auth_delay CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL pause briefly before reporting authentication failure
pgcrypto pgcrypto CONTRIB 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic functions
passwordcheck passwordcheck CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL checks user passwords and reject weak password
wrappers wrappers PIGSTY 0.4.1 FDW Apache-2.0 Foreign data wrappers developed by Supabase
multicorn multicorn PGDG 3.0 FDW PostgreSQL Fetch foreign data in Python in your PostgreSQL server.
mysql_fdw mysql_fdw PGDG 1.2 FDW BSD 3 Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
oracle_fdw oracle_fdw PGDG 1.2 FDW PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
tds_fdw tds_fdw PGDG 2.0.3 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
db2_fdw db2_fdw PGDG 6.0.1 FDW PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for DB2 access
sqlite_fdw sqlite_fdw PGDG 1.1 FDW PostgreSQL SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper
pgbouncer_fdw pgbouncer_fdw PGDG 1.1.0 FDW PostgreSQL Extension for querying PgBouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions
mongo_fdw mongo_fdw PGDG 1.1 FDW LGPLv3 foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access
redis_fdw redis_fdw PIGSTY 1.0 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for querying a Redis server
redis pg_redis_pubsub PIGSTY 0.0.1 FDW MIT Send redis pub/sub messages to Redis from PostgreSQL Directly
kafka_fdw kafka_fdw PIGSTY 0.0.3 FDW PostgreSQL kafka Foreign Data Wrapper for CSV formated messages
hdfs_fdw hdfs_fdw PGDG 2.0.5 FDW BSD 3 foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers
firebird_fdw firebird_fdw PIGSTY 1.4.0 FDW PostgreSQL Foreign data wrapper for Firebird
aws_s3 aws_s3 PIGSTY 0.0.1 FDW Apache-2.0 aws_s3 postgres extension to import/export data from/to s3
log_fdw log_fdw PIGSTY 1.4 FDW Apache-2.0 foreign-data wrapper for Postgres log file access
dblink dblink CONTRIB 1.2 FDW PostgreSQL connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
file_fdw file_fdw CONTRIB 1.0 FDW PostgreSQL foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
postgres_fdw postgres_fdw CONTRIB 1.1 FDW PostgreSQL foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
orafce orafce PGDG 4.10 SIM BSD 0 Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgtt pgtt PGDG 4.0.0 SIM ISC Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
session_variable session_variable PIGSTY 3.3 SIM GPLv3 Registration and manipulation of session variables and constants
pg_statement_rollback pg_statement_rollback PGDG 1.4 SIM ISC Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL like Oracle or DB2
pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_metadata PGDG 1.0.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_lock pg_dbms_lock PGDG 1.0.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_job pg_dbms_job PGDG 1.5.0 SIM PostgreSQL Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
babelfishpg_common babelfishpg_common WILTON 3.3.3 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL Datatype Support
babelfishpg_tsql babelfishpg_tsql WILTON 3.3.1 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Transact SQL compatibility
babelfishpg_tds babelfishpg_tds WILTON 1.0.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server TDS protocol extension
babelfishpg_money babelfishpg_money WILTON 1.1.0 SIM Apache-2.0 SQL Server Money Data Type
pgmemcache pgmemcache PGDG 2.3.0 SIM MIT memcached interface
pglogical pglogical PGDG 2.4.4 ETL PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical_origin pglogical PGDG 1.0.0 ETL PostgreSQL Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
pglogical_ticker pglogical PGDG 1.4 ETL PostgreSQL Have an accurate view on pglogical replication delay
pgl_ddl_deploy pgl_ddl_deploy PGDG 2.2 ETL MIT automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pg_failover_slots pg_failover_slots PIGSTY 1.0.1 ETL PostgreSQL PG Failover Slots extension
wal2json wal2json PGDG 2.5.3 ETL BSD 3 Changing data capture in JSON format
wal2mongo wal2mongo PIGSTY 1.0.7 ETL Apache-2.0 PostgreSQL logical decoding output plugin for MongoDB
decoderbufs decoderbufs PGDG 0.1.0 ETL MIT Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
decoder_raw decoder_raw PIGSTY 1.0 ETL PostgreSQL Output plugin for logical replication in Raw SQL format
test_decoding test_decoding CONTRIB 16.3 ETL PostgreSQL SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding
mimeo mimeo PIGSTY 1.5.1 ETL PostgreSQL Extension for specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances
repmgr repmgr PGDG 5.4 ETL GPLv3 Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pgcopydb pgcopydb PGDG 0.15 ETL PostgreSQL Copy a Postgres database to a target Postgres server
pgloader pgloader PGDG 3.6.10 ETL PostgreSQL Migrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!
pg_fact_loader pg_fact_loader PGDG 2.0 ETL MIT build fact tables with Postgres
pg_bulkload pg_bulkload PGDG 3.1.21 ETL BSD 3 pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
pg_comparator pg_comparator PGDG 2.2.5 ETL BSD 3 Comparation of testing and production services PostgreSQL databases.
pgimportdoc pgimportdoc PGDG 0.1.4 ETL BSD 2 command line utility for importing XML, JSON, BYTEA document to PostgreSQL
pgexportdoc pgexportdoc PGDG 0.1.4 ETL BSD 2 export XML, JSON and BYTEA documents from PostgreSQL

Docker Application

Pigsty now offers out-of-the-box Dify and Odoo Docker Compose templates:

  • Dify: Open Source AI Agent Workflow & LLMOps
  • Odoo: Open Source ERP System

There two new beta modules available in Pigsty Pro version:

  • KAFKA: Deploy a high-availability Kafka cluster supported by the Kraft protocol.
  • KUBE: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster managed by Pigsty using cri-dockerd or containerd.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed CVE-2024-6387 by automatically repairing during the Pigsty installation process using the default value [openssh-server] in node_packages.
  • Fixed memory consumption issues caused by Loki parsing Nginx log tag cardinality being too large.
  • Fixed bootstrap failure caused by upstream Ansible dependency changes in EL8 systems (python3.11-jmespath upgraded to python3.12-jmespath).

v2.7: Extension Overwhelming

Extension Overwhelming & Docker VM preparation

The Pigsty community is thrilled to announce Pigsty v2.7.0, which has 255 unique extensions available, to the free PostgreSQL distribution and RDS alternative. We also have introduced some new docker-compose templates for Odoo, Jupyter, PolarDB, and GA Supabase.

About Pigsty

Pigsty is a Battery-included, local-first PostgreSQL Distribution as a Free RDS alternative.

Links: Website | GitHub | Demo | Blog | Install | Feature

Images: Introduction | Extensions | Architecture | Dashboards

Getting Started with the latest v2.7.0 release with: curl -L | bash

Pigsty v2.7: Extension Overwhelming

I wrote a popular article last month - Postgres is eating the database world, explaining why extensions matter to the PostgreSQL ecosystem.

Based on this idea, we’ve packaged 20 brand-new extensions in v2.7. With these extensions added, Pigsty offers 157 non-contrib extensions for EL Distros and 116 for Debian/Ubuntu Distros. Combined with 73 built-in Contrib extensions, Pigsty now has a total of 255 unique extensions available, which takes PostgreSQL’s versatility to a whole new level!

Complete list of available extensions:

v2.7.0 Release Note


Adding numerous new extensions written in rust & pgrx:

  • pg_search v0.7.0 : Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
  • pg_lakehouse v0.7.0 : Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
  • pg_analytics v0.6.1 : Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
  • pg_graphql v1.5.4 : GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
  • pg_jsonschema v0.3.1 : PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
  • wrappers v0.3.1 : Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
  • pgmq v1.5.2 : A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
  • pg_tier v0.0.3 : Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
  • pg_vectorize v0.15.0 : The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
  • pg_later v0.1.0 : Execute SQL now and get the results later.
  • pg_idkit v0.2.3 : Generating many popular types of identifiers
  • plprql v0.1.0 : Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
  • pgsmcrypto v0.1.0 : PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
  • pg_tiktoken v0.0.1 : OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for PostgreSQL
  • pgdd v0.5.2 : Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL

And some new extensions in plain C & C++:

  • parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 : ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
  • plv8 3.2.2 : V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
  • md5hash 1.0.1 : Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
  • pg_tde 1.0 alpha: Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
  • pg_dirtyread 2.6 : Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
  • New deb PGDG extensions: pg_roaringbitmap, pgfaceting, mobilitydb, pgsql-http, pg_hint_plan, pg_statviz, pg_rrule
  • New rpm PGDG extensions: pg_profile, pg_show_plans, use PGDG’s pgsql_http, pgsql_gzip, pg_net, pg_bigm instead of Pigsty RPM.

New Features

  • Prepare arm64 packages for infra & pgsql packages for el & deb distros.
  • New installation script to download from Cloudflare, and more hints.
  • New monitoring dashboard PGSQL PITR to assist the PITR procedure.
  • Make preparations for running pigsty inside docker VM containers
  • Add a fool-proof design for running pgsql.yml on a node that is not managed by Pigsty
  • Add separated template for each OS distro: el7, el8, el9, debian11, debian12, ubuntu20, ubuntu22

New Docker Application

  • Odoo: launch open-source ERP over PostgreSQL.
  • Jupyter: Run Jupyter notebook containers and expose the HTTP service.
  • PolarDB: run the demo playground for the shared-storage version of OSS PG.
  • supabase: bump to the latest GA version.
  • bytebase: use the latest tag instead of the ad hoc version.
  • pg_exporter: update docker image example

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, 12.19
  • Patroni 3.3.0
  • pgBackRest 2.51
  • vip-manager v2.5.0
  • Haproxy 2.9.7
  • Grafana 10.4.2
  • Prometheus 2.51
  • Loki & Promtail: 3.0.0 (breaking changes!)
  • Alertmanager 0.27.0
  • BlackBox Exporter 0.25.0
  • Node Exporter 1.8.0
  • pgBackrest Exporter 0.17.0
  • duckdb 0.10.2
  • etcd 3.5.13
  • minio-20240510014138 / mcli-20240509170424
  • pev2 v1.8.0 → v1.11.0
  • pgvector 0.6.1 → 0.7.0
  • pg_tle: v1.3.4 → v1.4.0
  • hydra: v1.1.1 → v1.1.2
  • duckdb_fdw: v1.1.0 recompile with libduckdb 0.10.2
  • pg_bm25 0.5.6 → pg_search 0.7.0
  • pg_analytics: 0.5.6 → 0.6.1
  • pg_graphql: 1.5.0 → 1.5.4
  • pg_net 0.8.0 → 0.9.1
  • pg_sparse (deprecated due to pgvector 0.7)

Fixed Issues

  • Fix role pg_exporters white space in variable templates
  • Fix minio_cluster not commented in global variables
  • Fix the non-existent postgis34 package name in the el7 config template
  • Fix EL8 python3.11-cryptography deps to python3-cryptography according to upstream
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-role can not get OS user name from environ in non-interact mode
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-pitr can not hint -X -P flag properly

API Change

  • New parameter node_write_etc_hosts to control whether to write /etc/hosts file on target nodes.
  • Relocatable prometheus target directory with new parameter prometheus_sd_dir.
  • Add -x|--proxy flag to enable and use the value of global proxy env by @waitingsong in
  • No longer parse infra nginx log details since it brings too many labels to the log.
  • Use alertmanager API Version v2 instead of v1 in prometheus config.
  • Use /pg/cert/ca.crt instead of /etc/pki/ca.crt in role pgsql.


A huge thank you to all our users who contributed patches reported bugs and proposed new features.

Pigsty thrives on community contributions. We warmly welcome your ideas, feature requests, or patches. Please share your contributions on our GitHub page. We look forward to your feedback on Pigsty 2.7 and your continued support in making Pigsty even better.

Best regards,

Ruohang Feng (@vonng), [email protected] , The Pigsty Community

Battery-Included PostgreSQL Distro as a Free RDS Alternative, with:



Extension Overwhelming, adding numerous new extensions written in rust & pgrx:

  • pg_search v0.7.0 : Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
  • pg_lakehouse v0.7.0 : Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
  • pg_analytics v0.6.1 : Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
  • pg_graphql v1.5.4 : GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
  • pg_jsonschema v0.3.1 : PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
  • wrappers v0.3.1 : Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
  • pgmq v1.5.2 : A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
  • pg_tier v0.0.3 : Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
  • pg_vectorize v0.15.0 : The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
  • pg_later v0.1.0 : Execute SQL now and get the results later.
  • pg_idkit v0.2.3 : Generating many popular types of identifiers
  • plprql v0.1.0 : Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
  • pgsmcrypto v0.1.0 : PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
  • pg_tiktoken v0.0.1 : OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for postgres
  • pgdd v0.5.2 : Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL

And some new extensions in plain C & C++

  • parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 : ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgresSQL
  • plv8 3.2.2 : V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
  • md5hash 1.0.1 : Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
  • pg_tde 1.0 alpha: Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
  • pg_dirtyread 2.6 : Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
  • New deb PGDG extensions: pg_roaringbitmap, pgfaceting, mobilitydb, pgsql-http, pg_hint_plan, pg_statviz, pg_rrule
  • New rpm PGDG extensions: pg_profile, pg_show_plans, use PGDG’s pgsql_http, pgsql_gzip, pg_net, pg_bigm instead of Pigsty RPM.

New Features

  • running on certain docker containers.
  • prepare arm64 packages for infra & pgsql packages for el & deb distros.
  • new installation script to download from cloudflare, and more hint.
  • new monitoring dashboard for PGSQL PITR to assist the PITR procedure.
  • make preparation for running pigsty inside docker VM containers
  • add a fool-proof design for running pgsql.yml on node that is not managed by pigsty
  • add config template for each major version: el7, el8, el9, debian11, debian12, ubuntu20, ubuntu22

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16.3
  • Patroni 3.3.0
  • pgBackRest 2.51
  • vip-manager v2.5.0
  • Haproxy 2.9.7
  • Grafana 10.4.2
  • Prometheus 2.51
  • Loki & Promtail: 3.0.0 (breaking changes!)
  • Alertmanager 0.27.0
  • BlackBox Exporter 0.25.0
  • Node Exporter 1.8.0
  • pgBackrest Exporter 0.17.0
  • duckdb 0.10.2
  • etcd 3.5.13
  • minio-20240510014138 / mcli-20240509170424
  • pev2 v1.8.0 -> v1.11.0
  • pgvector 0.6.1 -> 0.7.0
  • pg_tle: v1.3.4 -> v1.4.0
  • hydra: v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2
  • duckdb_fdw: v1.1.0 recompile with libduckdb 0.10.2
  • pg_bm25 0.5.6 -> pg_search 0.7.0
  • pg_analytics: 0.5.6 -> 0.6.1
  • pg_graphql: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.4
  • pg_net 0.8.0 -> 0.9.1
  • pg_sparse (deprecated)

Docker Application

  • Odoo: launch open source ERP and plugins
  • Jupyter: run jupyter notebook container
  • PolarDB: run the demo PG RAC playground.
  • supabase: bump to the latest GA version.
  • bytebase: use the latest tag instead of ad hoc version.
  • pg_exporter: update docker image example

Bug Fix

  • Fix role pg_exporters white space in variable templates
  • Fix minio_cluster not commented in global variables
  • Fix the non-exist postgis34 in el7 config template
  • Fix EL8 python3.11-cryptography deps to python3-cryptography according to upstream
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-role can not get OS user name from environ in non-interact mode
  • Fix /pg/bin/pg-pitr can not hint -X -P flag properly

API Change

  • New parameter node_write_etc_hosts to control whether to write /etc/hosts file on target nodes.
  • Relocatable prometheus target directory with new parameter prometheus_sd_dir.
  • Add -x|--proxy flag to enable and use value of global proxy env by @waitingsong in
  • No longer parse infra nginx log details since it brings too much labels to the log.
  • Use alertmanager API Version v2 instead of v1 in prometheus config.
  • Use /pg/cert/ca.crt instead of /etc/pki/ca.crt in pgsql roles.

New Contributors

Package Checksums

ec271a1d34b2b1360f78bfa635986c3a  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
f3304bfd896b7e3234d81d8ff4b83577  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
5b071c2a651e8d1e68fc02e7e922f2b3  pigsty-pkg-v2.7.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.6: the OLAP New Challenger

PG 16 as default, ParadeDB & DuckDB support




  • Disable Grafana Unified Alert to work around the “Database Locked” error.
  • add node_repo_modules to add upstream repos (including local one) to node
  • remove node_local_repo_urls, replaced by node_repo_modules & repo_upstream.
  • remove node_repo_method, replaced by node_repo_modules.
  • add the new local repo into repo_upstream instead of node_local_repo_urls
  • add chrony into node_default_packages
  • remove redis,minio,postgresql client from infra packages
  • replace repo_upstream.baseurl $releasever for pgdg el8/el9 with major.minor instead of major version

Software Upgrade

  • Grafana 10.3.3
  • Prometheus 2.47
  • node_exporter 1.7.0
  • HAProxy 2.9.5
  • Loki / Promtail 2.9.4
  • minio-20240216110548 / mcli-20240217011557
  • etcd 3.5.11
  • Redis 7.2.4
  • Bytebase 2.13.2
  • HAProxy 2.9.5
  • DuckDB 0.10.0
  • FerretDB 1.19
  • Metabase: new docker compose app template added

PostgreSQL x Pigsty Extensions

  • PostgreSQL Minor Version Upgrade 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14, 12.18
  • PostgreSQL 16 is now used as the default major version
  • pg_exporter 0.6.1, security fix
  • Patroni 3.2.2
  • pgBadger 12.4
  • pgBouncer 1.22
  • pgBackRest 2.50
  • vip-manager 2.3.0
  • PostGIS 3.4.2
  • PGVector 0.6.0
  • TimescaleDB 2.14.1
  • New Extension duckdb_fdw v1.1
  • New Extension pgsql-gzip v1.0.0
  • New Extension pg_sparse from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • New Extension pg_bm25 from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • New Extension pg_analytics from ParadeDB: v0.5.6
  • Bump AI/ML Extension pgml to v2.8.1 with pg16 support
  • Bump Columnar Extension hydra to v1.1.1 with pg16 support
  • Bump Graph Extension age to v1.5.0 with pg16 support
  • Bump Packaging Extension pg_tle to v1.3.4 with pg16 support
  • Bump GraphQL Extension pg_graphql to v1.5.0 to support supabase
330e9bc16a2f65d57264965bf98174ff  pigsty-v2.6.0.tgz
81abcd0ced798e1198740ab13317c29a  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz
7304f4458c9abd3a14245eaf72f4eeb4  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
f914fbb12f90dffc4e29f183753736bb  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
fc23d122d0743d1c1cb871ca686449c0  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
9d258dbcecefd232f3a18bcce512b75e  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
901ee668621682f99799de8932fb716c  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
39872cf774c1fe22697c428be2fc2c22  pigsty-pkg-v2.6.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.5: Debian / Ubuntu / PG16

Ubuntu/Debian Support, New Extensions & Monitor Update


curl | bash


  • Ubuntu / Debian Support: bullseye, bookworm, jammy, focal

  • Dedicate yum/apt repo on and mirror on

  • Anolis OS Support (EL 8.8 Compatible)

  • PG Major Candidate: Use PostgreSQL 16 instead of PostgreSQL 14.

  • New Dashboard PGSQL Exporter, PGSQL Patroni, rework on PGSQL Query

  • Extensions Update:

    • Bump PostGIS version to v3.4 on el8, el9, ubuntu22, keep postgis 33 on EL7
    • Remove extension pg_embedding because it is no longer maintained, use pgvector instead.
    • New extension on EL: pointcloud with LIDAR data type support.
    • New extension on EL: imgsmlr, pg_similarity, pg_bigm
    • Include columnar extension hydra and remove citus from default installed extension list.
    • Recompile pg_filedump as PG major version independent package.
  • Software Version Upgrade:

    • Grafana to v10.1.5
    • Prometheus to v2.47
    • Promtail/Loki to v2.9.1
    • Node Exporter to v1.6.1
    • Bytebase to v2.10.0
    • patroni to v3.1.2
    • pgbouncer to v1.21.0
    • pg_exporter to v0.6.0
    • pgbackrest to v2.48.0
    • pgbadger to v12.2
    • pg_graphql to v1.4.0
    • pg_net to v0.7.3
    • ferretdb to v0.12.1
    • sealos to 4.3.5
    • Supabase support to 20231013070755

Ubuntu Support

Pigsty has two ubuntu LTS support: 22.04 (jammy) and 20.04 (focal), and ship corresponding offline packages for them.

Some parameters need to be specified explicitly when deploying on Ubuntu, please refer to ubuntu.yml

  • repo_upstream: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian repo.
  • repo_packages: Adjust according to ubuntu / debian naming convention
  • node_repo_local_urls: use the default value: ['deb [trusted=yes] http://${admin_ip}/pigsty ./']
  • node_default_packages:
    • zlib -> zlib1g, readline -> libreadline-dev
    • vim-minimal -> vim-tiny, bind-utils -> dnsutils, perf -> linux-tools-generic,
    • new packages acl to ensure ansible tmp file privileges are set correctly
  • infra_packages: replace all _ with - in names, and replace postgresql16 with postgresql-client-16
  • pg_packages: replace all _ with - in names, patroni-etcd not needed on ubuntu
  • pg_extensions: different naming convention, no passwordcheck_cracklib on ubuntu.
  • pg_dbsu_uid: You have to manually specify pg_dbsu_uid on ubuntu, because PGDG deb package does not specify pg dbsu uid.

API Changes

default values of following parameters have changed:

  • repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,redis,minio

  • repo_upstream: Now add Pigsty Infra/MinIO/Redis/PGSQL modular upstream repo.

  • repo_packages: remove unused karma,mtail,dellhw_exporter and pg 14 extra extensions, adding pg 16 extra extensions.

  • node_default_packages now add python3-pip as default packages.

  • pg_libs: timescaledb is remove from shared_preload_libraries by default.

  • pg_extensions: citus is nolonger installed by default, and passwordcheck_cracklib is installed by default

    - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* passwordcheck_cracklib_${pg_version}*
    - postgis34_${pg_version}* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}*
87e0be2edc35b18709d7722976e305b0  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el7.x86_64.tgz
e71304d6f53ea6c0f8e2231f238e8204  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el8.x86_64.tgz
39728496c134e4352436d69b02226ee8  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.el9.x86_64.tgz
e3f548a6c7961af6107ffeee3eabc9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian11.x86_64.tgz
1e469cc86a19702e48d7c1a37e2f14f9  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.debian12.x86_64.tgz
cc3af3b7c12f98969d3c6962f7c4bd8f  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
c5b2b1a4867eee624e57aed58ac65a80  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.0.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz


Routine update with v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22

Now PostgreSQL 16 has all the core extensions available (pg_repack & timescaledb added)

  • Software Version Upgrade:
    • PostgreSQL to v16.1, v15.5, 14.10, 13.13, 12.17, 11.22
    • Patroni v3.2.0
    • PgBackrest v2.49
    • Citus 12.1
    • TimescaleDB 2.13.0 (with PG 16 support)
    • Grafana v10.2.2
    • FerretDB 1.15
    • SealOS 4.3.7
    • Bytebase 2.11.1
  • Remove monitor schema prefix from PGCAT dashboard queries
  • New template wool.yml for Aliyun free ECS singleton
  • Add python3-jmespath in addition to python3.11-jmespath for el9
31ee48df1007151009c060e0edbd74de  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el7.x86_64.tgz
a40f1b864ae8a19d9431bcd8e74fa116  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el8.x86_64.tgz
c976cd4431fc70367124fda4e2eac0a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.el9.x86_64.tgz
7fc1b5bdd3afa267a5fc1d7cb1f3c9a7  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian11.x86_64.tgz
add0731dc7ed37f134d3cb5b6646624e  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.debian12.x86_64.tgz
99048d09fa75ccb8db8e22e2a3b41f28  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
431668425f8ce19388d38e5bfa3a948c  pigsty-pkg-v2.5.1.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz

v2.4: Monitoring Cloud RDS

PG16, RDS Monitor, New Extensions, Redis Enhancement


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL".


  • PostgreSQL 16 support
  • The first LTS version with business support and consulting service
  • Monitoring existing PostgreSQL, RDS for PostgreSQL / PolarDB with PGRDS Dashboards
  • New extension: Apache AGE, openCypher graph query engine on PostgreSQL
  • New extension: zhparser, full text search for Chinese language
  • New extension: pg_roaringbitmap, roaring bitmap for PostgreSQL
  • New extension: pg_embedding, hnsw alternative to pgvector
  • New extension: pg_tle, admin / manage stored procedure extensions
  • New extension: pgsql-http, issue http request with SQL interface
  • Add extensions: pg_auth_mon pg_checksums pg_failover_slots pg_readonly postgresql-unit pg_store_plans pg_uuidv7 set_user
  • Redis enhancement: add monitoring panels for redis sentinel, and auto HA configuration for redis ms cluster.

API Change

  • New Parameter: REDIS.redis_sentinel_monitor: specify masters monitor by redis sentinel cluster

Bug Fix

  • Fix Grafana 10.1 registered datasource will use random uid rather than ins.datname
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 257443e3c171439914cbfad8e9f72b17
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 41ad8007ffbfe7d5e8ba5c4b51ff2adc
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.4.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 9a950aed77a6df90b0265a6fa6029250

v2.3: Ecosystem Applications

PGSQL/REDIS Update, NODE VIP, Mongo/FerretDB, MYSQL Stub


PGSQL/REDIS Update, NODE VIP, Mongo/FerretDB, MYSQL Stub

Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


  • INFRA: NODE/PGSQL VIP monitoring support
  • NODE: Allow bind node_vip to node cluster with keepalived
  • REPO: Dedicate yum repo, enable https for and
  • PGSQL: Fix CVE-2023-39417 with PostgreSQL 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, bump patroni version to v3.1.0
  • APP: Bump app/bytebase to v2.6.0, app/ferretdb version to v1.8, new application nocodb
  • REDIS: bump to v7.2 and rework on dashboards
  • MONGO: basic deploy & monitor support with FerretDB 1.8
  • MYSQL: add prometheus/grafana/ca stub for future implementation.

API Change

Add 1 new section NODE.NODE_VIP with 8 new parameter

  • NODE.VIP.vip_enabled : enable vip on this node cluster?
  • NODE.VIP.vip_address : node vip address in ipv4 format, required if vip is enabled
  • NODE.VIP.vip_vrid : required, integer, 1-255 should be unique among same VLAN
  • NODE.VIP.vip_role : master/backup, backup by default, use as init role
  • NODE.VIP.vip_preempt : optional, true/false, false by default, enable vip preemption
  • NODE.VIP.vip_interface : node vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
  • NODE.VIP.vip_dns_suffix : node vip dns name suffix, .vip by default
  • NODE.VIP.vip_exporter_port : keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 81db95f1c591008725175d280ad23615
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 6f4d169b36f6ec4aa33bfd5901c9abbe
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.3.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 4bc9ae920e7de6dd8988ca7ee681459d


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL".


  • PGVector 0.5 with HNSW index support
  • PostgreSQL 16 RC1 for el8/el9 ** Adding SealOS for kubernetes support

Bug Fix

  • Fix infra.repo.repo_pkg task when downloading rpm with * in their names in repo_packages.
    • if /www/pigsty already have package name match that pattern, some rpm will be skipped.
  • Change default value of vip_dns_suffix to '' empty string rather than .vip
  • Grant sudo privilege for postgres dbsu when pg_dbsu_sudo = limit and patroni_watchdog_mode = required
    • /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/modprobe softdog: enable watchdog module before launching patroni
    • /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chown {{ pg_dbsu }} /dev/watchdog: chown watchdog before launching patroni

Documentation Update

  • Add details to English documentation
  • Add Chinese/zh-cn documentation

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16 RC1 on el8/el9
  • PGVector 0.5.0 with hnsw index
  • TimescaleDB 2.11.2
  • grafana 10.1.0
  • loki & promtail 2.8.4
  • mcli-20230829225506 / minio-20230829230735
  • ferretdb 1.9
  • sealos 4.3.3
  • pgbadger 1.12.2
ce69791eb622fa87c543096cdf11f970  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el7.x86_64.tgz
495aba9d6d18ce1ebed6271e6c96b63a  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el8.x86_64.tgz
38b45582cbc337ff363144980d0d7b64  pigsty-pkg-v2.3.1.el9.x86_64.tgz

v2.2: Observability Overhaul

Dashboard & Provision overhaul, UOS compatibility


Get started with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Release Note:


  • Monitoring Dashboards Overhaul:
  • Vagrant Sandbox Overhaul: libvirt support and new templates
  • Pigsty EL Yum Repo: Building simplified
  • OS Compatibility: UOS-v20-1050e support
  • New config template: prod simulation with 42 nodes
  • Use official pgdg citus distribution for el7

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 16 beta2
  • Citus 12 / PostGIS 3.3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.11.1 / PGVector 0.44
  • patroni 3.0.4 / pgbackrest 2.47 / pgbouncer 1.20
  • grafana 10.0.3 / loki/promtail/logcli 2.8.3
  • etcd 3.5.9 / haproxy v2.8.1 / redis v7.0.12
  • minio 20230711212934 / mcli 20230711233044

Bug Fix

  • Fix docker group ownership issue [29434bd]
  • Append infra os group rather than set it as primary group
  • Fix redis sentinel systemd enable status 5c96feb
  • Loose bootstrap & configure if /etc/redhat-release not exists
  • Fix grafana 9.x CVE-2023-1410 with 10.0.2
  • Add PG 14 - 16 new command tags and error codes for pglog schema

API Change

Add 1 new parameter

  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_exporter_enabled : now you can disable nginx_exporter with this parameter

Default value changes:

  • repo_modules: node,pgsql,infra : redis is removed from it
  • repo_upstream:
    • add pigsty-el: distribution independent rpms: such as grafana, minio, pg_exporter, etc…
    • add pigsty-misc: distribution aware rpms: such as redis, prometheus stack binaries, etc…
    • remove citus repo since pgdg now have full official citus support (on el7)
    • remove remi , since redis is now included in pigsty-misc
    • remove grafana in build config for acceleration
  • repo_packages:
    • ansible python3 python3-pip python3-requests python3.11-jmespath dnf-utils modulemd-tools # el7: python36-requests python36-idna yum-utils
    • grafana loki logcli promtail prometheus2 alertmanager karma pushgateway node_exporter blackbox_exporter nginx_exporter redis_exporter
    • redis etcd minio mcli haproxy vip-manager pg_exporter nginx createrepo_c sshpass chrony dnsmasq docker-ce docker-compose-plugin flamegraph
    • lz4 unzip bzip2 zlib yum pv jq git ncdu make patch bash lsof wget uuid tuned perf nvme-cli numactl grubby sysstat iotop htop rsync tcpdump
    • netcat socat ftp lrzsz net-tools ipvsadm bind-utils telnet audit ca-certificates openssl openssh-clients readline vim-minimal
    • postgresql13* wal2json_13* pg_repack_13* passwordcheck_cracklib_13* postgresql12* wal2json_12* pg_repack_12* passwordcheck_cracklib_12* postgresql16* timescaledb-tools
    • postgresql15 postgresql15* citus_15* pglogical_15* wal2json_15* pg_repack_15* pgvector_15* timescaledb-2-postgresql-15* postgis33_15* passwordcheck_cracklib_15* pg_cron_15*
    • postgresql14 postgresql14* citus_14* pglogical_14* wal2json_14* pg_repack_14* pgvector_14* timescaledb-2-postgresql-14* postgis33_14* passwordcheck_cracklib_14* pg_cron_14*
    • patroni patroni-etcd pgbouncer pgbadger pgbackrest pgloader pg_activity pg_partman_15 pg_permissions_15 pgaudit17_15 pgexportdoc_15 pgimportdoc_15 pg_statement_rollback_15*
    • orafce_15* mysqlcompat_15 mongo_fdw_15* tds_fdw_15* mysql_fdw_15 hdfs_fdw_15 sqlite_fdw_15 pgbouncer_fdw_15 multicorn2_15* powa_15* pg_stat_kcache_15* pg_stat_monitor_15* pg_qualstats_15 pg_track_settings_15 pg_wait_sampling_15 system_stats_15
    • plprofiler_15* plproxy_15 plsh_15* pldebugger_15 plpgsql_check_15* pgtt_15 pgq_15* pgsql_tweaks_15 count_distinct_15 hypopg_15 timestamp9_15* semver_15* prefix_15* rum_15 geoip_15 periods_15 ip4r_15 tdigest_15 hll_15 pgmp_15 extra_window_functions_15 topn_15
    • pg_background_15 e-maj_15 pg_catcheck_15 pg_prioritize_15 pgcopydb_15 pg_filedump_15 pgcryptokey_15 logerrors_15 pg_top_15 pg_comparator_15 pg_ivm_15* pgsodium_15* pgfincore_15* ddlx_15 credcheck_15 safeupdate_15 pg_squeeze_15* pg_fkpart_15 pg_jobmon_15
  • repo_url_packages:
  • node_default_packages:
    • lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib,yum,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,grubby,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump
    • netcat,socat,ftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,bind-utils,telnet,audit,ca-certificates,openssl,readline,vim-minimal,node_exporter,etcd,haproxy,python3,python3-pip
  • infra_packages
    • grafana,loki,logcli,promtail,prometheus2,alertmanager,karma,pushgateway
    • node_exporter,blackbox_exporter,nginx_exporter,redis_exporter,pg_exporter
    • nginx,dnsmasq,ansible,postgresql15,redis,mcli,python3-requests
  • PGSERVICE in .pigsty is removed, replaced with PGDATABASE=postgres.

FHS Changes:

  • bin/dns and bin/ssh now moved to vagrant/
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 5fb6a449a234e36c0d895a35c76add3c
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = c7211730998d3b32671234e91f529fd0
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.2.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 385432fe86ee0f8cbccbbc9454472fdd

v2.1: Vector Embedding & RAG

PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16 support


PostgreSQL 12 ~ 16 support and pgvector for AI embedding.


  • PostgreSQL 16 beta support, and 12 ~ 15 support.
  • Add PGVector for AI Embedding for 12 - 15
  • Add 6 extra panel & datasource plugins for grafana
  • Add bin/profile to profile remote process and generate flamegraph
  • Add bin/validate to validate pigsty.yml configuration file
  • Add bin/repo-add to add upstream repo files to /etc/yum.repos.d
  • PostgreSQL 16 observability: pg_stat_io and corresponding dashboards

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 15.3 , 14.8, 13.11, 12.15, 11.20, and 16 beta1
  • pgBackRest 2.46
  • pgbouncer 1.19
  • Redis 7.0.11
  • Grafana v9.5.3
  • Loki / Promtail / Logcli 2.8.2
  • Prometheus 2.44
  • TimescaleDB 2.11.0
  • minio-20230518000536 / mcli-20230518165900
  • Bytebase v2.2.0


  • Now use all id*.pub when installing local user’s public key

v2.0: Free RDS PG Alternative

Compatibility, Security and maintainability overhaul, a truly RDS PG alternative.


“PIGSTY” is now the abbr of “PostgreSQL in Great STYle”

or “PostgreSQL & Infrastructure & Governance System allTogether for You”.

Get pigsty v2.0.0 release via the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash
Download directly from GitHub Release
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# or download tarball directly with curl (EL9)
curl -L -o ~/pigsty.tgz
curl -L  -o /tmp/pkg.tgz
# EL7:
# EL8:


  • PostgreSQL 15.2, PostGIS 3.3, Citus 11.2, TimescaleDB 2.10 now works together and unite as one.
  • Now works on EL 7,8,9 for RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, and other EL compatible distributions
  • Security enhancement with self-signed CA, full SSL support, scram-sha-256 pwd encryption, and more.
  • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support and dcs failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures.
  • Auto-Configured, Battery-Included PITR for PostgreSQL powered by pgbackrest, local or S3/minio.
  • Dedicate module ETCD which can be easily deployed and scaled in/out. Used as DCS instead of Consul.
  • Dedicate module MINIO, local S3 alternative for the optional central backup repo for PGSQL PITR.
  • Better config templates with adaptive tuning for Node & PG according to your hardware spec.
  • Use AGPL v3.0 license instead of Apache 2.0 license due to Grafana & MinIO reference.


  • Pigsty now works on EL7, EL8, EL9, and offers corresponding pre-packed offline packages.
  • Pigsty now works on EL compatible distributions: RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, OracleLinux,…
  • Pigsty now use RockyLinux 9 as default developing & testing environment instead of CentOS 7
  • EL version, CPU arch, and pigsty version string are part of source & offline package names.
  • PGSQL: PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2 now works together.
  • PGSQL: Patroni 3.0 is used as default HA solution for PGSQL, and etcd is used as default DCS.
    • Patroni 3.0 with DCS failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures (demoting all primary)
    • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support, with entirely open sourced v11 citus.
    • vip-manager 2.x with ETCDv3 API, ETCDv2 API is deprecated, so does patroni.
  • PGSQL: pgBackRest v2.44 is introduced to provide battery-include PITR for PGSQL.
    • it will use local backup FS on primary by default for a two-day retention policy
    • it will use S3/minio as an alternative central backup repo for a two-week retention policy
  • ETCD is used as default DCS instead of Consul, And V3 API is used instead of V2 API.
  • NODE module now consist of node itself, haproxy, docker, node_exporter, and promtail
    • chronyd is used as default NTP client instead of ntpd
    • HAPROXY now attach to NODE instead of PGSQL, which can be used for exposing services
    • You can register PG Service to dedicate haproxy clusters rather than local cluster nodes.
    • You can expose ad hoc service in a NodePort manner with haproxy, not limited to pg services.
  • INFRA now consist of dnsmasq, nginx, prometheus, grafana, loki
    • DNSMASQ is enabled on all infra nodes, and added to all nodes as the default resolver.
    • Add blackbox_exporter for ICMP probe, add pushgateway for batch job metrics.
    • Switch to official loki & promtail rpm packages. Use official Grafana Echarts Panel.
    • Add infra dashboards for self-monitoring, add patroni & pg15 metrics to monitoring system
  • Software Upgrade
    • PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2
    • Patroni 3.0 / Pgbouncer 1.18 / pgBackRest 2.44 / vip-manager 2.1
    • HAProxy 2.7 / Etcd 3.5 / MinIO 20230222182345 / mcli 20230216192011
    • Prometheus 2.42 / Grafana 9.3 / Loki & Promtail 2.7 / Node Exporter 1.5


  • A full-featured self-signed CA enabled by default
  • Redact password in postgres logs.
  • SSL for Nginx (you have to trust the self-signed CA or use thisisunsafe to dismiss warning)
  • SSL for etcd peer/client traffics by @alemacci
  • SSL for postgres/pgbouncer/patroni by @alemacci
  • scram-sha-256 auth for postgres password encryption by @alemacci
  • Pgbouncer Auth Query by @alemacci
  • Use AES-256-CBC for pgbackrest encryption by @alemacci
  • Adding a security enhancement config template which enforce global SSL
  • Now all hba rules are defined in config inventory, no default rules.


  • Adaptive tuning template for PostgreSQL & Patroni by @Vonng, @alemacci
  • configurable log dir for Patroni & Postgres & Pgbouncer & Pgbackrest by @alemacci
  • Replace fixed ip placeholder with ${admin_ip} that can be referenced
  • Adaptive upstream repo definition that can be switched according EL ver, region & arch.
  • Terraform Templates for AWS CN & Aliyun, which can be used for sandbox IaaS provisioning
  • Vagrant Templates: meta, full, el7 el8, el9, build, minio, citus, etc…
  • New playbook pgsql-monitor.yml for monitoring existing pg instance or RDS PG.
  • New playbook pgsql-migration.yml for migrating existing pg instance to pigsty manged pg.
  • New shell utils under bin/ to simplify the daily administration tasks.
  • Optimize ansible role implementation. which can be used without default parameter values.
  • Now you can define pgbouncer parameters on database & user level

API Changes

69 parameters added, 16 parameters removed, rename 14 parameters

  • INFRA.META.admin_ip : primary meta node ip address
  • INFRA.META.region : upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
  • INFRA.META.os_version : enterprise linux release version: 7,8,9
  • INFRA.CA.ca_cn : ca common name, pigsty-ca by default
  • INFRA.CA.cert_validity : cert validity, 20 years by default
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_enabled : build a local yum repo on infra node?
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_upstream : list of upstream yum repo definition
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_home : home dir of local yum repo, usually same as nginx_home ‘/www’
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_port : https listen port
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_enabled : nginx https enabled?
  • INFRA.PROMTETHEUS.alertmanager_endpoint : altermanager endpoint in (ip|domain):port format
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_count : number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over node_hugepage_ratio
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_ratio : mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_overcommit_ratio : node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.HAPROXY.haproxy_service : list of haproxy service to be exposed
  • PGSQL.PG_ID.pg_mode : pgsql cluster mode: pgsql,citus,gpsql
  • PGSQL.PG_BUSINESS.pg_dbsu_password : dbsu password, empty string means no dbsu password by default
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pg_log_dir : postgres log dir, /pg/data/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_storage_type : SSD|HDD, SSD by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_log_dir : patroni log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_ssl_enabled : secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_username : patroni rest api username
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_password : patroni rest api password (IMPORTANT: CHANGE THIS)
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_citus_db : citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_max_conn : postgres max connections, auto will use recommended value
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_shared_buffer_ratio : postgres shared buffer memory ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rto : recovery time objective, ttl to failover, 30s by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rpo : recovery point objective, 1MB data loss at most by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_pwd_enc : algorithm for encrypting passwords: md5|scram-sha-256
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_log_dir : pgbouncer log dir, /var/log/pgbouncer by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_auth_query : if enabled, query pg_authid table to retrieve biz users instead of populating userlist
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_sslmode : SSL for pgbouncer client: disable|allow|prefer|require|verify-ca|verify-full
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_enabled : pgbackrest enabled?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_clean : remove pgbackrest data during init ?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_log_dir : pgbackrest log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_method : pgbackrest backup repo method, local or minio
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_repo : pgbackrest backup repo config
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_service_provider : dedicate haproxy node group name, or empty string for local nodes by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_default_service_dest : default service destination if svc.dest=‘default’
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_enabled : enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary? false by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_address : vip address in <ipv4>/<mask> format, require if vip is enabled
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_interface : vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_dns_suffix : pgsql cluster dns name suffix, ’’ by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_dns_target : auto, primary, vip, none, or ad hoc ip
  • ETCD.etcd_seq : etcd instance identifier, REQUIRED
  • ETCD.etcd_cluster : etcd cluster & group name, etcd by default
  • ETCD.etcd_safeguard : prevent purging running etcd instance?
  • ETCD.etcd_clean : purging existing etcd during initialization?
  • ETCD.etcd_data : etcd data directory, /data/etcd by default
  • ETCD.etcd_port : etcd client port, 2379 by default
  • ETCD.etcd_peer_port : etcd peer port, 2380 by default
  • ETCD.etcd_init : etcd initial cluster state, new or existing
  • ETCD.etcd_election_timeout : etcd election timeout, 1000ms by default
  • ETCD.etcd_heartbeat_interval : etcd heartbeat interval, 100ms by default
  • MINIO.minio_seq : minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
  • MINIO.minio_cluster : minio cluster name, minio by default
  • MINIO.minio_clean : cleanup minio during init?, false by default
  • MINIO.minio_user : minio os user, minio by default
  • MINIO.minio_node : minio node name pattern
  • MINIO.minio_data : minio data dir(s), use {x…y} to specify multi drivers
  • MINIO.minio_domain : minio external domain name, sss.pigsty by default
  • MINIO.minio_port : minio service port, 9000 by default
  • MINIO.minio_admin_port : minio console port, 9001 by default
  • MINIO.minio_access_key : root access key, minioadmin by default
  • MINIO.minio_secret_key : root secret key, minioadmin by default
  • MINIO.minio_extra_vars : extra environment variables for minio server
  • MINIO.minio_alias : alias name for local minio deployment
  • MINIO.minio_buckets : list of minio bucket to be created
  • MINIO.minio_users : list of minio user to be created

Removed Parameters

  • INFRA.CA.ca_homedir: ca home dir, now fixed as /etc/pki/
  • INFRA.CA.ca_cert: ca cert filename, now fixed as ca.key
  • INFRA.CA.ca_key: ca key filename, now fixed as ca.key
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_upstreams: replaced by repo_upstream
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pgdg_repo: now taken care by node playbooks
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pg_add_repo: now taken care by node playbooks
  • PGSQL.PG_IDENTITY.pg_backup: not used and conflict with section name
  • PGSQL.PG_IDENTITY.pg_preflight_skip: not used anymore, replace by pg_id
  • DCS.dcs_name : removed due to using etcd
  • DCS.dcs_servers : replaced by using ad hoc group etcd
  • DCS.dcs_registry : removed due to using etcd
  • DCS.dcs_safeguard : replaced by etcd_safeguard
  • DCS.dcs_clean : replaced by etcd_clean
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_mode : replaced by pg_vip_enabled
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_address : replaced by pg_vip_address
  • PGSQL.PG_VIP.vip_interface : replaced by pg_vip_interface

Renamed Parameters

  • nginx_upstream -> infra_portal
  • repo_address -> repo_endpoint
  • pg_hostname -> node_id_from_pg
  • pg_sindex -> pg_group
  • pg_services -> pg_default_services
  • pg_services_extra -> pg_services
  • pg_hba_rules_extra -> pg_hba_rules
  • pg_hba_rules -> pg_default_hba_rules
  • pgbouncer_hba_rules_extra -> pgb_hba_rules
  • pgbouncer_hba_rules -> pgb_default_hba_rules
  • node_packages_default -> node_default_packages
  • node_packages_meta -> infra_packages
  • node_packages_meta_pip -> infra_packages_pip
  • node_data_dir -> node_data


MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 9ff3c973fa5915f65622b91419817c9b
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el8.x86_64.tgz) = bd108a6c8f026cb79ee62c3b68b72176
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.0.el9.x86_64.tgz) = e24288770f240af0511b0c38fa2f4774

Special thanks to @alemacci for his great contribution!


Bug fix for v2.0.0 and security improvement.


  • Replace the pig shape logo for compliance with the PostgreSQL trademark policy.
  • Bump grafana version to v9.4 with better UI and bugfix.
  • Bump patroni version to v3.0.1 with some bugfix.
  • Change: rollback grafana systemd service file to rpm default.
  • Use slow copy instead of rsync to copy grafana dashboards.
  • Enhancement: add back default repo files after bootstrap
  • Add asciinema video for various administration tasks.
  • Security Enhance Mode: restrict monitor user privilege.
  • New config template: dual.yml for two-node deployment.
  • Enable log_connections and log_disconnections in crit.yml template.
  • Enable $lib/passwordcheck in pg_libs in crit.yml template.
  • Explicitly grant monitor view permission to pg_monitor role.
  • Remove default dbrole_readonly from dbuser_monitor to limit monitor user privilege
  • Now patroni listen on {{ inventory_hostname }} instead of
  • Now you can control postgres/pgbouncer listen to address with pg_listen
  • Now you can use placeholder ${ip}, ${lo}, ${vip} in pg_listen
  • Bump Aliyun terraform image to rocky Linux 9 instead of centos 7.9
  • Bump bytebase to v1.14.0

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing advertise address for alertmanager
  • Fix missing pg_mode error when adding postgres user with bin/pgsql-user
  • Add -a password to redis-join task @ redis.yml
  • Fix missing default value in infra-rm.yml.remove infra data
  • Fix prometheus targets file ownership to prometheus
  • Use admin user rather than root to delete metadata in DCS
  • Fix Meta datasource missing database name due to grafana 9.4 bug.


Official EL8 pgdg upstream is broken now, DO use it with caution!

Affected packages: postgis33_15, pgloader, postgresql_anonymizer_15*, postgresql_faker_15

How to Upgrade

cd ~/pigsty; tar -zcf /tmp/files.tgz files; rm -rf ~/pigsty    # backup files dir and remove
cd ~; bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"    # get latest pigsty source
cd ~/pigsty; rm -rf files; tar -xf /tmp/files.tgz -C ~/pigsty  # restore files dir


MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 5cfbe98fd9706b9e0f15c1065971b3f6
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el8.x86_64.tgz) = c34aa460925ae7548866bf51b8b8759c
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 055057cebd93c473a67fb63bcde22d33

Special thanks to @cocoonkid for his feedback.



Store OpenAI embedding and search similar vectors with pgvector


  • New extension pgvector for storing OpenAI embedding and searching similar vectors.
  • MinIO CVE-2023-28432 fix, and upgrade to 20230324 with new policy API.
  • Add reload functionality to DNSMASQ systemd services
  • Bump pev to v1.8
  • Bump grafana to v9.4.7
  • Bump MinIO and MCLI version to 20230324
  • Bump bytebase version to v1.15.0
  • Upgrade monitoring dashboards and fix dead links
  • Upgrade aliyun terraform template image to rockylinux 9
  • Adopt grafana provisioning API change since v9.4
  • Add asciinema videos for various administration tasks
  • Fix broken EL8 pgsql deps: remove anonymizer_15 faker_15 and pgloader
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el7.x86_64.tgz) = d46440a115d741386d29d6de646acfe2
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 5fa268b5545ac96b40c444210157e1e1
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el9.x86_64.tgz) = c8b113d57c769ee86a22579fc98e8345

v1.5.0 Release Note

Docker Support, Infra self-monitoring, etcd as DCS, CMDB reforge



  • Complete Docker Support, enable on meta nodes by default with lot’s of software templates.
    • bytebase pgadmin4 pgweb postgrest kong minio,…
  • Infra Self Monitoring: Nginx, ETCD, Consul, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, etc…
  • New CMDB design compatible with redis & greenplum, visualize with CMDB Overview
  • Service Discovery : Consul SD now works again for prometheus targets management
  • Redis playbook now works on single instance with redis_port option.
  • Better cold backup support: crontab for backup, delayed standby with pg_delay
  • Use ETCD as DCS, alternative to Consul



  • CMDB Overview: Visualize CMDB Inventory
  • DCS Overview: Show consul & etcd metrics
  • Nginx Overview: Visualize nginx metrics & access/error logs
  • Grafana Overview: Grafana self Monitoring
  • Prometheus Overview: Prometheus self Monitoring
  • INFRA Dashboard & Home Dashboard Reforge


  • Infra monitoring targets now have a separated target dir targets/infra
  • Consul SD is available for prometheus
  • etcd , consul , patroni, docker metrics
  • Now infra targets are managed by role infra_register
  • Upgrade pg_exporter to v0.5.0 with scale and default support
    • pg_bgwriter, pg_wal, pg_query, pg_db, pgbouncer_stat now use seconds instead of ms and µs
    • pg_table counters now have default value 0 instead of NaN
    • pg_class is replaced by pg_table and pg_index
    • pg_table_size is now enabled with 300s ttl


  • New optional package docker.tgz contains: Pgadmin, Pgweb, Postgrest, ByteBase, Kong, Minio, etc.
  • New Role etcd to deploy & monitor etcd dcs service
  • Specify which type of DCS to use with pg_dcs_type (etcd now available)
  • Add pg_checksum option to enable data checksum
  • Add pg_delay option to setup delayed standby leaders
  • Add node_crontab and node_crontab_overwrite to create routine jobs such as cold backup
  • Add a series of *_enable options to control components
  • Loki and Promtail are now installed using the RPM package made by frpm.

Software Updates

  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to 14.3
  • Upgrade Redis to 6.2.7
  • Upgrade PG Exporter to 0.5.0
  • Upgrade Consul to 1.12.0
  • Upgrade vip-manager to v1.0.2
  • Upgrade Grafana to v8.5.2
  • Upgrade HAproxy to 2.5.7 without rsyslog dependency
  • Upgrade Loki & Promtail to v2.5.0 with RPM packages
  • New packages: pg_probackup

New software / application based on docker:

  • bytebase : DDL Schema Migrator
  • pgadmin4 : Web Admin UI for PostgreSQL
  • pgweb : Web Console for PostgreSQL
  • postgrest : Auto generated REST API for PostgreSQL
  • kong : API Gateway which use PostgreSQL as backend storage
  • swagger openapi : API Specification Generator
  • Minio : S3-compatible object storage

Bug Fix

  • Fix loki & promtail /etc/default config file name issue
  • Now node_data_dir (/data) is created before consul init if not exists
  • Fix haproxy silence /var/log/messages with inappropriate rsyslog dependency

API Change

New Variable

  • node_data_dir : major data mount path, will be created if not exist.
  • node_crontab_overwrite : overwrite /etc/crontab instead of append
  • node_crontab: node crontab to be appended or overwritten
  • nameserver_enabled: enable nameserver on this meta node?
  • prometheus_enabled: enable prometheus on this meta node?
  • grafana_enabled: enable grafana on this meta node?
  • loki_enabled: enable loki on this meta node?
  • docker_enable: enable docker on this node?
  • consul_enable: enable consul server/agent?
  • etcd_enable: enable etcd server/clients?
  • pg_checksum: enable pg cluster data-checksum?
  • pg_delay: recovery min apply delay for standby leader


Now *_clean are boolean flags to clean up existing instance during init.

And *_safeguard are boolean flags to avoid purging running instance when executing any playbook.

  • pg_exists_action -> pg_clean
  • pg_disable_purge -> pg_safeguard
  • dcs_exists_action -> dcs_clean
  • dcs_disable_purge -> dcs_safeguard


  • node_ntp_config -> node_ntp_enabled
  • node_admin_setup -> node_admin_enabled
  • node_admin_pks -> node_admin_pk_list
  • node_dns_hosts -> node_etc_hosts_default
  • node_dns_hosts_extra -> node_etc_hosts
  • node_dns_server -> node_dns_method
  • node_local_repo_url -> node_repo_local_urls
  • node_packages -> node_packages_default
  • node_extra_packages -> node_packages
  • node_packages_meta -> node_packages_meta
  • node_meta_pip_install -> node_packages_meta_pip
  • node_sysctl_params -> node_tune_params
  • app_list -> nginx_indexes
  • grafana_plugin -> grafana_plugin_method
  • grafana_cache -> grafana_plugin_cache
  • grafana_plugins -> grafana_plugin_list
  • grafana_git_plugin_git -> grafana_plugin_git
  • haproxy_admin_auth_enabled -> haproxy_auth_enabled
  • pg_shared_libraries -> pg_libs
  • dcs_type -> pg_dcs_type



WARNING: CREATE INDEX|REINDEX CONCURRENTLY PostgreSQL 14.0 - 14.3 may lead to index data corruption!

Please upgrade postgres to 14.4 ASAP.

Software Upgrade

  • upgrade postgres to 14.4
  • Upgrade haproxy to 2.6.0
  • Upgrade grafana to 9.0.0
  • Upgrade prometheus 2.36.0
  • Upgrade patroni to 2.1.4

Bug fix:

  • Fix typo in pgsql-migration.yml
  • remove pid file in haproxy config
  • remove i686 packages when using repotrack under el7
  • Fix redis service systemctl enabled issue
  • Fix patroni systemctl service enabled=no by default issue

API Changes

  • Mark grafana_database and grafana_pgurl as obsolete

New Apps

  • wiki.js : Local wiki with Postgres

v1.4.0 Release Note

Add matrixDB Support



  • Decouple system into 4 major categories: INFRA, NODES, PGSQL, REDIS, which makes pigsty far more clear and more extensible.
  • Single Node Deployment = INFRA + NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy pgsql clusters = NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy redis clusters = NODES + REDIS
  • Deploy other databases = NODES + xxx (e.g MONGO, KAFKA, … TBD)


  • CDN for mainland China.
  • Get the latest source with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Download & Extract packages with new download script.

Monitor Enhancement

  • Split monitoring system into 5 major categories: INFRA, NODES, REDIS, PGSQL, APP
  • Logging enabled by default
    • now loki and promtail are enabled by default. with prebuilt loki-rpm
  • Models & Labels
    • A hidden ds prometheus datasource variable is added for all dashboards, so you can easily switch different datasource simply by select a new one rather than modifying Grafana Datasources & Dashboards
    • An ip label is added for all metrics, and will be used as join key between database metrics & nodes metrics
  • INFRA Monitoring
    • Home dashboard for infra: INFRA Overview
    • Add logging Dashboards : Logs Instance
    • PGLOG Analysis & PGLOG Session now treated as an example Pigsty APP.
  • NODES Monitoring Application
    • If you don’t care database at all, Pigsty now can be used as host monitoring software alone!
    • Consist of 4 core dashboards: Nodes Overview & Nodes Cluster & Nodes Instance & Nodes Alert
    • Introduce new identity variables for nodes: node_cluster and nodename
    • Variable pg_hostname now means set hostname same as postgres instance name to keep backward-compatible
    • Variable nodename_overwrite control whether overwrite node’s hostname with nodename
    • Variable nodename_exchange will write nodename to each other’s /etc/hosts
    • All nodes metrics reference are overhauled, join by ip
    • Nodes monitoring targets are managed alone under /etc/prometheus/targets/nodes
  • PGSQL Monitoring Enhancement
    • Complete new PGSQL Cluster which simplify and focus on important stuff among cluster.
    • New Dashboard PGSQL Databases which is cluster level object monitoring. Such as tables & queries among the entire cluster rather than single instance.
    • PGSQL Alert dashboard now only focus on pgsql alerts.
    • PGSQL Shard are added to PGSQL
  • Redis Monitoring Enhancement
    • Add nodes monitoring for all redis dashboards.

MatrixDB Support

  • MatrixDB (Greenplum 7) can be deployed via pigsty-matrix.yml playbook
  • MatrixDB Monitor Dashboards : PGSQL MatrixDB
  • Example configuration added: pigsty-mxdb.yml

Provisioning Enhancement

Now pigsty work flow works as this:

 infra.yml ---> install pigsty on single meta node
      |          then add more nodes under pigsty's management
 nodes.yml ---> prepare nodes for pigsty (node setup, dcs, node_exporter, promtail)
      |          then choose one playbook to deploy database clusters on those nodes
      ^--> pgsql.yml   install postgres on prepared nodes
      ^--> redis.yml   install redis on prepared nodes

infra-demo.yml = 
           infra.yml -l meta     +
           nodes.yml -l pg-test  +
           pgsql.yml -l pg-test +
           infra-loki.yml + infra-jupyter.yml + infra-pgweb.yml
  • nodes.yml to setup & prepare nodes for pigsty
    • setup node, node_exporter, consul agent on nodes
    • node-remove.yml are used for node de-register
  • pgsql.yml now only works on prepared nodes
    • pgsql-remove now only responsible for postgres itself. (dcs and node monitor are taken by node.yml)
    • Add a series of new options to reuse postgres role in greenplum/matrixdb
  • redis.yml now works on prepared nodes
    • and redis-remove.yml now remove redis from nodes.
  • pgsql-matrix.yml now install matrixdb (Greenplum 7) on prepared nodes.

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 14.2
  • PostGIS 3.2
  • TimescaleDB 2.6
  • Patroni 2.1.3 (Prometheus Metrics + Failover Slots)
  • HAProxy 2.5.5 (Fix stats error, more metrics)
  • PG Exporter 0.4.1 (Timeout Parameters, and)
  • Grafana 8.4.4
  • Prometheus 2.33.4
  • Greenplum 6.19.4 / MatrixDB 4.4.0
  • Loki are now shipped as rpm packages instead of zip archives

Bug Fix

  • Remove consul dependency for patroni , which makes it much more easier to migrate to a new consul cluster
  • Fix prometheus bin/new scripts default data dir path : /export/prometheus to /data/prometheus
  • Fix typos and tasks
  • Add restart seconds to vip-manager systemd service

API Changes

New Variable

  • node_cluster: Identity variable for node cluster
  • nodename_overwrite: If set, nodename will be set to node’s hostname
  • nodename_exchange : exchange node hostname (in /etc/hosts) among play hosts
  • node_dns_hosts_extra : extra static dns records which can be easily overwritten by single instance/cluster
  • patroni_enabled: if disabled, postgres & patroni bootstrap will not be performed during role postgres
  • pgbouncer_enabled : if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched during role postgres
  • pg_exporter_params: extra url parameters for pg_exporter when generating monitor target url.
  • pg_provision: bool var to indicate whether perform provision part of role postgres (template, db,user)
  • no_cmdb: cli args for infra.yml and infra-demo.yml playbook which will not create cmdb on meta node.
MD5 (app.tgz) = f887313767982b31a2b094e5589a75ea
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = e143b88ebea1474f9ebaffddc6072c49
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 73e8f5ce995b1f1760cb63c1904fb91b


Routine bug fix / Docker Support / English Docs

Now docker is enabled on meta node by default. You can launch ton’s of SaaS with it

English document is available now.

Bug Fix

v1.3.0 Release Note

Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Deployment (cluster,sentinel,standalone)

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Monitor

    • Redis Overview Dashboard
    • Redis Cluster Dashboard
    • Redis Instance Dashboard
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGCAT Overhaul

    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Instance
    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Database Dashboard
    • Remake Dashboard: PGCAT Table
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGSQL Enhancement

    • New Panels: PGSQL Cluster, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • New Panels: PGSQL Instance, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • Simplify & Redesign: PGSQL Service
    • Add cross-references between PGCAT & PGSL dashboards
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor deploy

    • Now grafana datasource is automatically registered during monly deployment
  • [ENHANCEMENT] software upgrade

    • add PostgreSQL 13 to default package list
    • upgrade to PostgreSQL 14.1 by default
    • add greenplum rpm and dependencies
    • add redis rpm & source packages
    • add perf as default packages



  • PGSQL & PGCAT Dashboard polish
  • optimize layout for pgcat instance & pgcat database
  • add key metrics panels to pgsql instance dashboard, keep consist with pgsql cluster
  • add table/index bloat panels to pgcat database, remove pgcat bloat dashboard.
  • add index information in pgcat database dashboard
  • fix broken panels in grafana 8.3
  • add redis index in nginx homepage


  • New infra-demo.yml playbook for one-pass bootstrap
  • Use infra-jupyter.yml playbook to deploy optional jupyter lab server
  • Use infra-pgweb.yml playbook to deploy optional pgweb server
  • New pg alias on meta node, can initiate postgres cluster from admin user (in addition to postgres)
  • Adjust all patroni conf templates’s max_locks_per_transactions according to timescaledb-tune ’s advise
  • Add citus.node_conninfo: 'sslmode=prefer' to conf templates in order to use citus without SSL
  • Add all extensions (except for pgrouting) in pgdg14 in package list
  • Upgrade node_exporter to v1.3.1
  • Add PostgREST v9.0.0 to package list. Generate API from postgres schema.


  • Grafana’s security breach (upgrade to v8.3.1 issue)
  • fix pg_instance & pg_service in register role when start from middle of playbook
  • Fix nginx homepage render issue when host without pg_cluster variable exists
  • Fix style issue when upgrading to grafana 8.3.1

v1.2.0 Release Note

Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use PostgreSQL 14 as default version
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use TimescaleDB 2.5 as default extension
    • now timescaledb & postgis are enabled in cmdb by default
  • [ENHANCEMENT] new monitor-only mode:
    • you can use pigsty to monitor existing pg instances with a connectable url only
    • pg_exporter will be deployed on meta node locally
    • new dashboard PGSQL Cluster Monly for remote clusters
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Software upgrade
    • grafana to 8.2.2
    • pev2 to v0.11.9
    • promscale to 0.6.2
    • pgweb to 0.11.9
    • Add new extensions: pglogical pg_stat_monitor orafce
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Automatic detect machine spec and use proper node_tune and pg_conf templates
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Rework on bloat related views, now more information are exposed
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Remove timescale & citus internal monitoring
  • [ENHANCEMENT] New playbook pgsql-audit.yml to create audit report.
  • [BUG FIX] now pgbouncer_exporter resource owner are {{ pg_dbsu }} instead of postgres
  • [BUG FIX] fix pg_exporter duplicate metrics on pg_table pg_index while executing REINDEX TABLE CONCURRENTLY
  • [CHANGE] now all config templates are minimize into two: auto & demo. (removed: pub4, pg14, demo4, tiny, oltp )
    • pigsty-demo is configured if vagrant is the default user, otherwise pigsty-auto is used.

How to upgrade from v1.1.1

There’s no API change in 1.2.0 You can still use old pigsty.yml configuration files (PG13).

For the infrastructure part. Re-execution of repo will do most of the parts

As for the database. You can still use the existing PG13 instances. In-place upgrade is quite tricky especially when involving extensions such as PostGIS & Timescale. I would highly recommend performing a database migration with logical replication.

The new playbook pgsql-migration.yml will make this a lot easier. It will create a series of scripts which will help you to migrate your cluster with near-zero downtime.

v1.1.0 Release Note

v1.1.0 Release


  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pg_dummy_filesize to create fs space placeholder
  • [ENHANCEMENT] home page overhaul
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add jupyter lab integration
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pgweb console integration
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pgbadger support
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pev2 support, explain visualizer
  • [ENHANCEMENT] add pglog utils
  • [ENHANCEMENT] update default pkg.tgz software version:
    • upgrade postgres to v13.4 (with official pg14 support)
    • upgrade pgbouncer to v1.16 (metrics definition updates)
    • upgrade grafana to v8.1.4
    • upgrade prometheus to v2.2.29
    • upgrade node_exporter to v1.2.2
    • upgrade haproxy to v2.1.1
    • upgrade consul to v1.10.2
    • upgrade vip-manager to v1.0.1

API Changes

  • nginx_upstream now holds different structures. (incompatible)

  • new config entries: app_list, render into home page’s nav entries

  • new config entries: docs_enabled, setup local docs on default server.

  • new config entries: pev2_enabled, setup local pev2 utils.

  • new config entries: pgbadger_enabled, create log summary/report dir

  • new config entries: jupyter_enabled, enable jupyter lab server on meta node

  • new config entries: jupyter_username, specify which user to run jupyter lab

  • new config entries: jupyter_password, specify jupyter lab default password

  • new config entries: pgweb_enabled, enable pgweb server on meta node

  • new config entries: pgweb_username, specify which user to run pgweb

  • rename internal flag repo_exist into repo_exists

  • now default value for repo_address is pigsty instead of yum.pigsty

  • now haproxy access point is http://pigsty instead of http://h.pigsty


  • [ENHANCEMENT] replace timescaledb apache version with timescale version
  • [ENHANCEMENT] upgrade prometheus to 2.30
  • [BUG FIX] now pg_exporter config dir’s owner are {{ pg_dbsu }} instead of prometheus

How to upgrade from v1.1.0 The major change in this release is timescaledb. Which replace old apache license version with timescale license version

stop/pause postgres instance with timescaledb
yum remove -y timescaledb_13


yum install timescaledb-2-postgresql13 

v1.0.0 Release Note

v1.0.0 Release



  • Monitoring System Overhaul

    • New Dashboards on Grafana 8.0
    • New metrics definition, with extra PG14 support
    • Simplified labeling system: static label set: (job, cls, ins)
    • New Alerting Rules & Derived Metrics
    • Monitoring multiple database at one time
    • Realtime log search & csvlog analysis
    • Link-Rich Dashboards, click graphic elements to drill-down|roll-up
  • Architecture Changes

    • Add citus & timescaledb as part of default installation
    • Add PostgreSQL 14beta2 support
    • Simply haproxy admin page index
    • Decouple infra & pgsql by adding a new role register
    • Add new role loki and promtail for logging
    • Add new role environ for setting up environment for admin user on admin node
    • Using static service-discovery for prometheus by default (instead of consul)
    • Add new role remove to gracefully remove cluster & instance
    • Upgrade prometheus & grafana provisioning logics.
    • Upgrade to vip-manager 1.0 , node_exporter 1.2 , pg_exporter 0.4, grafana 8.0
    • Now every database on every instance can be auto-registered as grafana datasource
    • Move consul register tasks to role register, change consul service tags
    • Add cmdb.sql as pg-meta baseline definition (CMDB & PGLOG)
  • Application Framework

    • Extensible framework for new functionalities
    • core app: PostgreSQL Monitor System: pgsql
    • core app: PostgreSQL Catalog explorer: pgcat
    • core app: PostgreSQL Csvlog Analyzer: pglog
    • add example app covid for visualizing covid-19 data.
    • add example app isd for visualizing isd data.
  • Misc

    • Add jupyterlab which brings entire python environment for data science
    • Add vonng-echarts-panel to bring Echarts support back.
    • Add wrap script createpg , createdb, createuser
    • Add cmdb dynamic inventory scripts:, inventory_cmdb, inventory_conf
    • Remove obsolete playbooks: pgsql-monitor, pgsql-service, node-remove, etc….

API Change

Bug Fix

  • Fix default timezone Asia/Shanghai (CST) issue
  • Fix nofile limit for pgbouncer & patroni
  • Pgbouncer userlist & database list will be generated when executing tag pgbouncer



  • Documentation Update
    • Chinese document now viable
    • Machine-Translated English document now viable
  • Bug Fix: pgsql-remove does not remove primary instance.
  • Bug Fix: replace pg_instance with pg_cluster + pg_seq
    • Start-At-Task may fail due to pg_instance undefined
  • Bug Fix: remove citus from default shared preload library
    • citus will force max_prepared_transaction to non-zero value
  • Bug Fix: ssh sudo checking in configure:
    • now ssh -t sudo -n ls is used for privilege checking
  • Typo Fix: pg-backup script typo
  • Alert Adjust: Remove ntp sanity check alert (dupe with ClockSkew)
  • Exporter Adjust: remove collector.systemd to reduce overhead

v0.9.0 Release Note

v0.9 accessbility enhancement, logging improvement, pigsty CLI/GUI beta

Pigsty v0.9.0


  • One-Line Installation

    Run this on meta node /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  • MetaDB provisioning

    Now you can use pgsql database on meta node as inventory instead of static yaml file affter bootstrap.

  • Add Loki & Prometail as optinal logging collector

    Now you can view, query, search postgres|pgbouncer|patroni logs with Grafana UI (PG Instance Log)

  • Pigsty CLI/GUI (beta)

    Mange you pigsty deployment with much more human-friendly command line interface.

Bug Fix

  • Log related issues
    • fix connection reset by peer entries in postgres log caused by Haproxy health check.
    • fix Connect Reset Exception in patroni logs caused by haproxy health check
    • fix patroni log time format (remove mill seconds, add timezone)
    • set log_min_duration_statement=1s for dbuser_monitor to get ride of monitor logs.
  • Fix pgbouncer-create-user does not handle md5 password properly
  • Fix obsolete Makefile entries
  • Fix node dns nameserver lost when abort during resolv.conf rewrite
  • Fix db/user template and entry not null check

API Change

  • Set default value of node_disable_swap to false
  • Remove example enties of node_sysctl_params.
  • grafana_plugin default install will now download from CDN if plugins not exists
  • repo_url_packages now download rpm via pigsty CDN to accelerate.
  • proxy_env.no_proxy now add pigsty CDN to noproxy sites.
  • grafana_customize set to false by default, enable it means install pigsty pro UI.
  • node_admin_pk_current add current user’s ~/.ssh/ to admin pks
  • loki_clean whether to cleanup existing loki data during init
  • loki_data_dir set default data dir for loki logging service
  • promtail_enabled enabling promtail logging agent service?
  • promtail_clean remove existing promtail status during init?
  • promtail_port default port used by promtail, 9080 by default
  • promtail_status_file location of promtail status file
  • promtail_send_url endpoint of loki service which receives log data

v0.8.0 Release Note

v0.8 service provision overhaul and general RC

Pigsty v0.8.0

Pigsty now is in RC status with guaranteed API stability.

New Features

  • Service provision.
  • full locale support.

API Changes

Role vip and haproxy are merged into service.

pg_weight: 100              # default load balance weight (instance level)

# - service - #
pg_services:                                  # how to expose postgres service in cluster?
  # primary service will route {ip|name}:5433 to primary pgbouncer (5433->6432 rw)
  - name: primary           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_primary
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5433
    dst_port: pgbouncer     # 5433 route to pgbouncer
    check_url: /primary     # primary health check, success when instance is primary
    selector: "[]"          # select all instance as primary service candidate

  # replica service will route {ip|name}:5434 to replica pgbouncer (5434->6432 ro)
  - name: replica           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_replica
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5434
    dst_port: pgbouncer
    check_url: /read-only   # read-only health check. (including primary)
    selector: "[]"          # select all instance as replica service candidate
    selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]"   # primary are used as backup server in replica service

  # default service will route {ip|name}:5436 to primary postgres (5436->5432 primary)
  - name: default           # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ }}
    src_ip: "*"             # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
    src_port: 5436          # bind port, mandatory
    dst_port: postgres      # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
    check_method: http      # health check method: only http is available for now
    check_port: patroni     # health check port:  patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
    check_url: /primary     # health check url path, / as default
    check_code: 200         # health check http code, 200 as default
    selector: "[]"          # instance selector
    haproxy:                # haproxy specific fields
      maxconn: 3000         # default front-end connection
      balance: roundrobin   # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
      default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'

  # offline service will route {ip|name}:5438 to offline postgres (5438->5432 offline)
  - name: offline           # service name {{ pg_cluster }}_replica
    src_ip: "*"
    src_port: 5438
    dst_port: postgres
    check_url: /replica     # offline MUST be a replica
    selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]"         # instances with pg_role == 'offline' or instance marked with 'pg_offline_query == true'
    selector_backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"  # replica are used as backup server in offline service

pg_services_extra: []        # extra services to be added

# - haproxy - #
haproxy_enabled: true                         # enable haproxy among every cluster members
haproxy_reload: true                          # reload haproxy after config
haproxy_policy: roundrobin                    # roundrobin, leastconn
haproxy_admin_auth_enabled: false             # enable authentication for haproxy admin?
haproxy_admin_username: admin                 # default haproxy admin username
haproxy_admin_password: admin                 # default haproxy admin password
haproxy_exporter_port: 9101                   # default admin/exporter port
haproxy_client_timeout: 3h                    # client side connection timeout
haproxy_server_timeout: 3h                    # server side connection timeout

# - vip - #
vip_mode: none                                # none | l2 | l4
vip_reload: true                              # whether reload service after config
# vip_address:                      # virtual ip address ip (l2 or l4)
# vip_cidrmask: 24                            # virtual ip address cidr mask (l2 only)
# vip_interface: eth0                         # virtual ip network interface (l2 only)

New Options

# - localization - #
pg_encoding: UTF8                             # default to UTF8
pg_locale: C                                  # default to C
pg_lc_collate: C                              # default to C
pg_lc_ctype: en_US.UTF8                       # default to en_US.UTF8

pg_reload: true                               # reload postgres after hba changes
vip_mode: none                                # none | l2 | l4
vip_reload: true                              # whether reload service after config

Remove Options

haproxy_check_port                            # covered by service options
vip_enabled                                   # replace by vip_mode


pg_services and pg_services_extra Defines the services in cluster:

A service has some mandatory fields:

  • name: service’s name
  • src_port: which port to listen and expose service?
  • selector: which instances belonging to this service?
  # default service will route {ip|name}:5436 to primary postgres (5436->5432 primary)
  - name: default           # service's actual name is {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ }}
    src_ip: "*"             # service bind ip address, * for all, vip for cluster virtual ip address
    src_port: 5436          # bind port, mandatory
    dst_port: postgres      # target port: postgres|pgbouncer|port_number , pgbouncer(6432) by default
    check_method: http      # health check method: only http is available for now
    check_port: patroni     # health check port:  patroni|pg_exporter|port_number , patroni by default
    check_url: /primary     # health check url path, / as default
    check_code: 200         # health check http code, 200 as default
    selector: "[]"          # instance selector
    haproxy:                # haproxy specific fields
      maxconn: 3000         # default front-end connection
      balance: roundrobin   # load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default)
      default_server_options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'


Add additional locale support: lc_ctype and lc_collate.

It’s mainly because of pg_trgm ’s weird behavior on i18n characters.

  - name: meta                      # name is the only required field for a database
    # owner: postgres                 # optional, database owner
    # template: template1             # optional, template1 by default
    # encoding: UTF8                # optional, UTF8 by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # locale: C                     # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # lc_collate: C                 # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    # lc_ctype: C                   # optional, C by default , must same as template database, leave blank to set to db default
    allowconn: true                 # optional, true by default, false disable connect at all
    revokeconn: false               # optional, false by default, true revoke connect from public # (only default user and owner have connect privilege on database)
    # tablespace: pg_default          # optional, 'pg_default' is the default tablespace
    connlimit: -1                   # optional, connection limit, -1 or none disable limit (default)
    extensions:                     # optional, extension name and where to create
      - {name: postgis, schema: public}
    parameters:                     # optional, extra parameters with ALTER DATABASE
      enable_partitionwise_join: true
    pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this database to pgbouncer list? true by default
    comment: pigsty meta database   # optional, comment string for database

v0.7.0 Release Note

v0.7 Monitor Only Deployment



  • Monitor Only Deployment

    • Now you can monitor existing postgres clusters without Pigsty provisioning solution.
    • Intergration with other provisioning solution is available and under further test.
  • Database/User Management

    • Update user/database definition schema to cover more usecases.
    • Add pgsql-createdb.yml and pgsql-createuser.yml to mange user/db on running clusters.


Bug Fix

API Changes

New Options

prometheus_sd_target: batch                   # batch|single
exporter_install: none                        # none|yum|binary
exporter_repo_url: ''                         # add to yum repo if set
node_exporter_options: '--no-collector.softnet --collector.systemd --collector.ntp --collector.tcpstat --collector.processes'                          # default opts for node_exporter
pg_exporter_url: ''                           # optional, overwrite default pg_exporter target
pgbouncer_exporter_url: ''                    # optional, overwrite default pgbouncer_expoter target

Remove Options

exporter_binary_install: false                 # covered by exporter_install

Structure Changes

pg_default_roles                               # refer to pg_users
pg_users                                       # refer to pg_users
pg_databases                                   # refer to pg_databases

Rename Options

pg_default_privilegs -> pg_default_privileges  # fix typo


Monitoring Provisioning Enhancement

Haproxy Enhancement

Security Enhancement

Software Update

  • Upgrade to PG 13.2 #6

  • Prometheus 2.25 / Grafana 7.4 / Consul 1.9.3 / Node Exporter 1.1 / PG Exporter 0.3.2

API Change

New Config Entries

service_registry: consul                      # none | consul | etcd | both
prometheus_options: '--storage.tsdb.retention=30d'  # prometheus cli opts
prometheus_sd_method: consul                  # Prometheus service discovery method: static|consul
prometheus_sd_interval: 2s                    # Prometheus service discovery refresh interval
pg_offline_query: false                       # set to true to allow offline queries on this instance
node_exporter_enabled: true                   # enabling Node Exporter
pg_exporter_enabled: true                     # enabling PG Exporter
pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: true              # enabling Pgbouncer Exporter
export_binary_install: false                  # install Node/PG Exporter via copy binary
dcs_disable_purge: false                      # force dcs_exists_action = abort to avoid dcs purge
pg_disable_purge: false                       # force pg_exists_action = abort to avoid pg purge
haproxy_weight: 100                           # relative lb weight for backend instance
haproxy_weight_fallback: 1                    # primary server weight in replica service group

Obsolete Config Entries

prometheus_metrics_path                       # duplicate with exporter_metrics_path 
prometheus_retention                          # covered by `prometheus_options`

Database Definition

Database provisioning interface enhancement #33

Old Schema

pg_databases:                       # create a business database 'meta'
  - name: meta
    schemas: [meta]                 # create extra schema named 'meta'
    extensions: [{name: postgis}]   # create extra extension postgis
    parameters:                     # overwrite database meta's default search_path
      search_path: public, monitor

New Schema

  - name: meta                      # name is the only required field for a database
    owner: postgres                 # optional, database owner
    template: template1             # optional, template1 by default
    encoding: UTF8                  # optional, UTF8 by default
    locale: C                       # optional, C by default
    allowconn: true                 # optional, true by default, false disable connect at all
    revokeconn: false               # optional, false by default, true revoke connect from public # (only default user and owner have connect privilege on database)
    tablespace: pg_default          # optional, 'pg_default' is the default tablespace
    connlimit: -1                   # optional, connection limit, -1 or none disable limit (default)
    extensions:                     # optional, extension name and where to create
      - {name: postgis, schema: public}
    parameters:                     # optional, extra parameters with ALTER DATABASE
      enable_partitionwise_join: true
    pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this database to pgbouncer list? true by default
    comment: pigsty meta database   # optional, comment string for database


  • Add new options: template , encoding, locale, allowconn, tablespace, connlimit
  • Add new option revokeconn, which revoke connect privileges from public for this database
  • Add comment field for database

Apply Changes

You can create new database on running postgres clusters with pgsql-createdb.yml playbook.

  1. Define your new database in config files
  2. Pass new with option pg_database to playbook.
./pgsql-createdb.yml -e pg_database=<your_new_database_name>

User Definition

User provisioning interface enhancement #34

Old Schema

  - username: test                  # example production user have read-write access
    password: test                  # example user's password
    options: LOGIN                  # extra options
    groups: [ dbrole_readwrite ]    # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
    comment: default test user for production usage
    pgbouncer: true                 # add to pgbouncer

New Schema

  # complete example of user/role definition for production user
  - name: dbuser_meta               # example production user have read-write access
    password: DBUser.Meta           # example user's password, can be encrypted
    login: true                     # can login, true by default (should be false for role)
    superuser: false                # is superuser? false by default
    createdb: false                 # can create database? false by default
    createrole: false               # can create role? false by default
    inherit: true                   # can this role use inherited privileges?
    replication: false              # can this role do replication? false by default
    bypassrls: false                # can this role bypass row level security? false by default
    connlimit: -1                   # connection limit, -1 disable limit
    expire_at: '2030-12-31'         # 'timestamp' when this role is expired
    expire_in: 365                  # now + n days when this role is expired (OVERWRITE expire_at)
    roles: [dbrole_readwrite]       # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
    pgbouncer: true                 # add this user to pgbouncer? false by default (true for production user)
    parameters:                     # user's default search path
      search_path: public
    comment: test user


  • username field rename to name
  • groups field rename to roles
  • options now split into separated configration entries: login, superuser, createdb, createrole, inherit, replication,bypassrls,connlimit
  • expire_at and expire_in options
  • pgbouncer option for user is now false by default

Apply Changes

You can create new users on running postgres clusters with pgsql-createuser.yml playbook.

  1. Define your new users in config files (pg_users)
  2. Pass new with option pg_user to playbook.
./pgsql-createuser.yml -e pg_user=<your_new_user_name>

v0.6.0 Release Note

v0.6 Provisioning Enhancement


Bug Fix


Monitoring Provisioning Enhancement

Haproxy Enhancement

Security Enhancement

Software Update

  • Upgrade to PG 13.2 #6

  • Prometheus 2.25 / Grafana 7.4 / Consul 1.9.3 / Node Exporter 1.1 / PG Exporter 0.3.2

API Change

New Config Entries

service_registry: consul                      # none | consul | etcd | both
prometheus_options: '--storage.tsdb.retention=30d'  # prometheus cli opts
prometheus_sd_method: consul                  # Prometheus service discovery method: static|consul
prometheus_sd_interval: 2s                    # Prometheus service discovery refresh interval
pg_offline_query: false                       # set to true to allow offline queries on this instance
node_exporter_enabled: true                   # enabling Node Exporter
pg_exporter_enabled: true                     # enabling PG Exporter
pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: true              # enabling Pgbouncer Exporter
export_binary_install: false                  # install Node/PG Exporter via copy binary
dcs_disable_purge: false                      # force dcs_exists_action = abort to avoid dcs purge
pg_disable_purge: false                       # force pg_exists_action = abort to avoid pg purge
haproxy_weight: 100                           # relative lb weight for backend instance
haproxy_weight_fallback: 1                    # primary server weight in replica service group

Obsolete Config Entries

prometheus_metrics_path                       # duplicate with exporter_metrics_path 
prometheus_retention                          # covered by `prometheus_options`

v0.5.0 Release Note

Pigsty v0.5.0 has significant improvement on database templating


Pigsty now have an Official Site 🎉 !

New Features

  • Add Database Provision Template
  • Add Init Template
  • Add Business Init Template
  • Refactor HBA Rules variables
  • Fix dashboards bugs.
  • Move pg-cluster-replication to default dashboards
  • Use ZJU PostgreSQL mirror as default to accelerate repo build phase.
  • Move documentation to official site:
  • Download newly created offline installation packages: pkg.tgz (v0.5)

Database Provision Template

Now you can customize your database content with pigsty !

  - username: test
    password: test
    comment: default test user
    groups: [ dbrole_readwrite ]    # dborole_admin|dbrole_readwrite|dbrole_readonly
pg_databases:                       # create a business database 'test'
  - name: test
    extensions: [{name: postgis}]   # create extra extension postgis
    parameters:                     # overwrite database meta's default search_path
      search_path: public,monitor

pg-init-template.sql wil be used as default template1 database init script pg-init-business.sql will be used as default business database init script

you can customize default role system, schemas, extensions, privileges with variables now:

# - system roles - #
pg_replication_username: replicator           # system replication user
pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator    # system replication password
pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor           # system monitor user
pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor           # system monitor password
pg_admin_username: dbuser_admin               # system admin user
pg_admin_password: DBUser.Admin               # system admin password

# - default roles - #
  - username: dbrole_readonly                 # sample user:
    options: NOLOGIN                          # role can not login
    comment: role for readonly access         # comment string

  - username: dbrole_readwrite                # sample user: one object for each user
    options: NOLOGIN
    comment: role for read-write access
    groups: [ dbrole_readonly ]               # read-write includes read-only access

  - username: dbrole_admin                    # sample user: one object for each user
    options: NOLOGIN BYPASSRLS                # admin can bypass row level security
    comment: role for object creation
    groups: [dbrole_readwrite,pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend]

  # NOTE: replicator, monitor, admin password are overwritten by separated config entry
  - username: postgres                        # reset dbsu password to NULL (if dbsu is not postgres)
    options: SUPERUSER LOGIN
    comment: system superuser

  - username: replicator
    groups: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly]
    comment: system replicator

  - username: dbuser_monitor
    comment: system monitor user
    groups: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly]

  - username: dbuser_admin
    options: LOGIN BYPASSRLS
    comment: system admin user
    groups: [dbrole_admin]

  - username: dbuser_stats
    password: DBUser.Stats
    options: LOGIN
    comment: business read-only user for statistics
    groups: [dbrole_readonly]

# object created by dbsu and admin will have their privileges properly set
  - GRANT USAGE                         ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT                        ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT                        ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT EXECUTE                       ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE        ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT USAGE,  UPDATE                ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT CREATE                        ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT USAGE                         ON TYPES     TO dbrole_admin

# schemas
pg_default_schemas: [monitor]

# extension
  - { name: 'pg_stat_statements',  schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pgstattuple',         schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_qualstats',        schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_buffercache',      schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pageinspect',         schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_prewarm',          schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_visibility',       schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_freespacemap',     schema: 'monitor' }
  - { name: 'pg_repack',           schema: 'monitor' }
  - name: postgres_fdw
  - name: file_fdw
  - name: btree_gist
  - name: btree_gin
  - name: pg_trgm
  - name: intagg
  - name: intarray

# postgres host-based authentication rules
  - title: allow meta node password access
    role: common
      - host    all     all                     md5

  - title: allow intranet admin password access
    role: common
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin            md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_admin           md5

  - title: allow intranet password access
    role: common
      - host    all             all                 md5
      - host    all             all              md5
      - host    all             all             md5

  - title: allow local read-write access (local production user via pgbouncer)
    role: common
      - local   all     +dbrole_readwrite                               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_readwrite         md5

  - title: allow read-only user (stats, personal) password directly access
    role: replica
      - local   all     +dbrole_readonly                               md5
      - host    all     +dbrole_readonly         md5
pg_hba_rules_extra: []

# pgbouncer host-based authentication rules
  - title: local password access
    role: common
      - local  all          all                                     md5
      - host   all          all               md5

  - title: intranet password access
    role: common
      - host   all          all                 md5
      - host   all          all              md5
      - host   all          all             md5
pgbouncer_hba_rules_extra: []

v0.4.0 Release Note

The second public beta (v0.4.0) of pigsty is available now


The second public beta (v0.4.0) of pigsty is available now ! 🎉

Monitoring System

Skim version of monitoring system consist of 10 essential dashboards:

  • PG Overview
  • PG Cluster
  • PG Service
  • PG Instance
  • PG Database
  • PG Query
  • PG Table
  • PG Table Catalog
  • PG Table Detail
  • Node

Software upgrade

  • Upgrade to PostgreSQL 13.1, Patroni 2.0.1-4, add citus to repo.
  • Upgrade to pg_exporter 0.3.1
  • Upgrade to Grafana 7.3, Ton’s of compatibility work
  • Upgrade to prometheus 2.23, with new UI as default
  • Upgrade to consul 1.9


  • Update prometheus alert rules
  • Fix alertmanager info links
  • Fix bugs and typos.
  • add a simple backup script

Offline Installation

  • pkg.tgz is the latest offline install package (1GB rpm packages, made under CentOS 7.8)

v0.3.0 Release Note

Pigsty v0.3.0 First Public Beta now available!


The first public beta (v0.3.0) of pigsty is available now ! 🎉

Monitoring System

Skim version of monitoring system consist of 8 essential dashboards:

  • PG Overview
  • PG Cluster
  • PG Service
  • PG Instance
  • PG Database
  • PG Table Overview
  • PG Table Catalog
  • Node

Database Cluster Provision

  • All config files are merged into one file: conf/all.yml by default
  • Use infra.yml to provision meta node(s) and infrastructure
  • Use initdb.yml to provision database clusters
  • Use ins-add.yml to add new instance to database cluster
  • Use ins-del.yml to remove instance from database cluster

Offline Installation

  • pkg.tgz is the latest offline install package (1GB rpm packages, made under CentOS 7.8)