The idea way to install PostgreSQL Extensions

PostgreSQL Is Eating the Database World through the power of extensibility. With 400 extensions powering PostgreSQL, we may not say it’s invincible, but it’s definitely getting much closer.

I believe the PostgreSQL community has reached a consensus on the importance of extensions. So the real question now becomes: “What should we do about it?”

What’s the primary problem with PostgreSQL extensions? In my opinion, it’s their accessibility. Extensions are useless if most users can’t easily install and enable them. But it’s not that easy.

Even the largest cloud postgres vendors are struggling with this. They have some inherent limitations (multi-tenancy, security, licensing) that make it hard for them to fully address this issue.

So here’s my plan, I’ve created a repository that hosts 400 of the most capable extensions in the PostgreSQL ecosystem, available as RPM / DEB packages on mainstream Linux OS distros. And the goal is to take PostgreSQL one solid step closer to becoming the all-powerful database and achieve the great alignment between the Debian and EL OS ecosystems.

TL;DR: Take me to the HOW-TO part!

The status quo

The PostgreSQL ecosystem is rich with extensions, but how do you actually install and use them? This initial hurdle becomes a roadblock for many. There are some existing solutions:

PGXN says, “You can download and compile extensions on the fly with pgxnclient.” Tembo says, “We have prepared pre-configured extension stack as Docker images.” StackGres & Omnigres says, “We download .so files on the fly.” All solid ideas.

While based on my experience, the vast majority of users still rely on their operating system’s package manager to install PG extensions. On-the-fly compilation and downloading shared libraries might not be a viable option for production env. Since many DB setups don’t have internet access or a proper toolchain ready.

In the meantime, Existing OS package managers like yum/dnf/apt already solve issues like dependency resolution, upgrades, and version management well. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel or disrupt existing standards. So the real question is: Who’s going to package these extensions into ready-to-use software?

PGDG has already made a fantastic effort with official YUM and APT repositories. In addition to the 70 built-in Contrib extensions bundled with PostgreSQL,the PGDG YUM repo offers 128 RPM extensions, while the APT repo offers 104 DEB extensions. These extensions are compiled and packaged in the same environment as the PostgreSQL kernel, making them easy to install alongside the PostgreSQL binary packages. In fact, even most PostgreSQL Docker images rely on the PGDG repo to install extensions.

I’m deeply grateful for Devrim’s maintenance of the PGDG YUM repo and Christoph’s work with the APT repo. Their efforts to make PostgreSQL installation and extension management seamless are incredibly valuable. But as a distribution creator myself, I’ve encountered some challenges with PostgreSQL extension distribution.

What’s the challenge?

The first major issue facing extension users is Alignment.

In the two primary Linux distro camps — Debian and EL — there’s a significant number of PostgreSQL extensions. Excluding the 70 built-in Contrib extensions bundled with PostgreSQL, the YUM repo offers 128 extensions, and the APT repo provides 104.

However, when we dig deeper, we see that alignment between the two repos is not ideal. The combined total of extensions across both repos is 153, but the overlap is just 79. That means only half of the extensions are available in both ecosystems!

Only half of the extensions are available in both EL and Debian ecosystems!

Next, we run into further alignment issues within each ecosystem itself. The availability of extensions can vary between different major OS versions. For instance, pljava, sequential_uuids, and firebird_fdw are only available in EL9, but not in EL8. Similarly, rdkit is available in Ubuntu 22+ / Debian 12+, but not in Ubuntu 20 / Debian 11. There’s also the issue of architecture support. For example, citus does not provide arm64 packages in the Debian repo.

And then we have alignment issues across different PostgreSQL major versions. Some extensions won’t compile on older PostgreSQL versions, while others won’t work on newer ones. Some extensions are only available for specific PostgreSQL versions in certain distributions, and so on.

These alignment issues lead to a significant number of permutations. For example, if we consider five mainstream OS distributions (el8, el9, debian12, ubuntu22, ubuntu24), two CPU architectures (x86_64 and arm64), and six PostgreSQL major versions (12–17), that’s 60-70 RPM/DEB packages per extension—just for one extension!

On top of alignment, there’s the problem of completeness. PGXN lists over 375 extensions, but the PostgreSQL ecosystem could have as many as 1,000+. The PGDG repos, however, contain only about one-tenth of them.

There are also several powerful new Rust-based extensions that PGDG doesn’t include, such as pg_graphql, pg_jsonschema, and wrappers for self-hosting Supabase; pg_search as an Elasticsearch alternative; and pg_analytics, pg_parquet, pg_mooncake for OLAP processing. The reason? They are too slow to compile…

What’s the solution?

Over the past six months, I’ve focused on consolidating the PostgreSQL extension ecosystem. Recently, I reached a milestone I’m quite happy with. I’ve created a PG YUM/APT repository with a catalog of 400available PostgreSQL extensions.

Here are some key stats for the repo: It hosts 400 extensions in total. Excluding the 70 built-in extensions that come with PostgreSQL, this leaves 270 third-party extensions. Of these, about half are maintained by the official PGDG repos (126 RPM, 102 DEB). The other half (131 RPM, 143DEB) are maintained, fixed, compiled, packaged, and distributed by myself.

RPM 334 115 143 70 4 6 301 330 333 319 307 294
DEB 326 104 144 70 4 14 302 322 325 316 303 293

For each extension, I’ve built versions for the 6 major PostgreSQL versions (12–17) across five popular Linux distributions: EL8, EL9, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04, and Debian 12. I’ve also provided some limited support for older OS versions like EL7, Debian 11, and Ubuntu 20.04.

This repository also addresses most of the alignment issue. Initially, there were extensions in the APT and YUM repos that were unique to each, but I’ve worked to port as many of these unique extensions to the other ecosystem. Now, only 7 APT extensions are missing from the YUM repo, and 16 extensions are missing in APT—just 6% of the total. Many missing PGDG extensions have also been resolved.

I’ve created a comprehensive directory listing all supported extensions, with detailed info, dependency installation instructions, and other important notes.

I hope this repository can serve as the ultimate solution to the frustration users face when extensions are difficult to find, compile, or install.

How to use this repo?

Now, for a quick plug — what’s the easiest way to install and use these extensions?

The simplest option is to use the OSS PostgreSQL distribution: Pigsty. The repo is autoconfigured by default, so all you need to do is declare them in the config inventory.

For example, the self-hosting supabase template requires extensions that aren’t available in the PGDG repo. You can simply download, install, preload, config and create extensions by referring to their names.

      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
        pg_cluster: pg-meta

          - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
          - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
          - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
          - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

        pg_libs: 'pg_stat_statements, plpgsql, plpgsql_check, pg_cron, pg_net, timescaledb, auto_explain, pg_tle, plan_filter'

          cron.database_name: postgres
          pgsodium.enable_event_trigger: off

          - name: postgres
            baseline: supabase.sql
            schemas: [ extensions ,auth ,realtime ,storage ,graphql_public ,supabase_functions ,_analytics ,_realtime ]
              - { name: pgcrypto  ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pg_net    ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pgjwt     ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: uuid-ossp ,schema: extensions  }
              - { name: pgsodium        }               
              - { name: supabase_vault  }               
              - { name: pg_graphql      }               
              - { name: pg_jsonschema   }               
              - { name: wrappers        }               
              - { name: http            }               
              - { name: pg_cron         }               
              - { name: timescaledb     }               
              - { name: pg_tle          }               
              - { name: vector          }               
    pg_version: 17

      - pgsql-main
      - supabase   # essential extensions for supabase
      - timescaledb postgis pg_graphql pg_jsonschema wrappers pg_search pg_analytics pg_parquet plv8 duckdb_fdw pg_cron pg_timetable pgqr
      - supautils pg_plan_filter passwordcheck plpgsql_check pgaudit pgsodium pg_vault pgjwt pg_ecdsa pg_session_jwt index_advisor
      - pgvector pgvectorscale pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg_tle pg_stat_monitor hypopg pg_hint_plan pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_idkit

To simply add extensions to existing clusters:

./infra.yml -t repo_build -e '{"repo_packages":[citus]}'         # download
./pgsql.yml -t pg_extension -e '{"pg_extensions": ["citus"]}'    # install

Through this repo was meant to be used with Pigsty, But it is not mandatory. You can still enable this repository on any EL/Debian/Ubuntu system with a simple one-liner in the shell:

APT Repo

Linux Ubuntu Support: 24 Ubuntu Support: 22 Debian Support: 12

For Ubuntu 22.04 & Debian 12 or any compatible platforms, use the following commands to add the APT repo:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pigsty-io.list > /dev/null <<EOF
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg] generic main 
deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/pigsty.gpg]$(lsb_release -cs) $(lsb_release -cs) main
sudo apt update

YUM Repo

Linux RHEL Support: 8/9 RHEL CentOS RockyLinux AlmaLinux OracleLinux

For EL 8/9 and compatible platforms, use the following commands to add the YUM repo:

curl -fsSL      | sudo tee /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-pigsty >/dev/null  # add gpg key
curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty.repo        >/dev/null  # add repo file
sudo yum makecache

What’s in this repo?

In this repo, all the extensions are categorized into one of the 15 categories: TIME, GIS, RAG, FTS, OLAP, FEAT, LANG, TYPE, FUNC, ADMIN, STAT, SEC, FDW, SIM, ETL, as shown below.

TIME: timescaledb timescaledb_toolkit timeseries periods temporal_tables emaj table_version pg_cron pg_later pg_background GIS: postgis postgis_topology postgis_raster postgis_sfcgal postgis_tiger_geocoder address_standardizer address_standardizer_data_us pgrouting pointcloud pointcloud_postgis h3 h3_postgis q3c ogr_fdw geoip pg_polyline pg_geohash mobilitydb earthdistance RAG: vector vectorscale vectorize pg_similarity smlar pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pgml pg4ml FTS: pg_search pg_bigm zhparser hunspell_cs_cz hunspell_de_de hunspell_en_us hunspell_fr hunspell_ne_np hunspell_nl_nl hunspell_nn_no hunspell_pt_pt hunspell_ru_ru hunspell_ru_ru_aot fuzzystrmatch pg_trgm OLAP: citus citus_columnar columnar pg_analytics pg_duckdb pg_mooncake duckdb_fdw pg_parquet pg_fkpart pg_partman plproxy pg_strom tablefunc FEAT: age hll rum pg_graphql pg_jsonschema jsquery pg_hint_plan hypopg index_advisor plan_filter imgsmlr pg_ivm pgmq pgq pg_cardano rdkit bloom LANG: pg_tle plv8 pllua hstore_pllua plluau hstore_plluau plprql pldbgapi plpgsql_check plprofiler plsh pljava plr pgtap faker dbt2 pltcl pltclu plperl bool_plperl hstore_plperl jsonb_plperl plperlu bool_plperlu jsonb_plperlu hstore_plperlu plpgsql plpython3u jsonb_plpython3u ltree_plpython3u hstore_plpython3u TYPE: prefix semver unit md5hash asn1oid roaringbitmap pgfaceting pg_sphere country currency pgmp numeral pg_rational uint uint128 ip4r uri pgemailaddr acl debversion pg_rrule timestamp9 chkpass isn seg cube ltree hstore citext xml2 FUNC: topn gzip zstd http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_html5_email_address pgsql_tweaks pg_extra_time timeit count_distinct extra_window_functions first_last_agg tdigest aggs_for_vecs aggs_for_arrays arraymath quantile lower_quantile pg_idkit pg_uuidv7 permuteseq pg_hashids sequential_uuids pg_math random base36 base62 pg_base58 floatvec financial pgjwt pg_hashlib shacrypt cryptint pguecc pgpcre icu_ext pgqr envvar pg_protobuf url_encode refint autoinc insert_username moddatetime tsm_system_time dict_xsyn tsm_system_rows tcn uuid-ossp btree_gist btree_gin intarray intagg dict_int unaccent ADMIN: pg_repack pg_squeeze pg_dirtyread pgfincore pgdd ddlx prioritize pg_checksums pg_readonly safeupdate pg_permissions pgautofailover pg_catcheck pre_prepare pgcozy pg_orphaned pg_crash pg_cheat_funcs pg_savior table_log pg_fio pgpool_adm pgpool_recovery pgpool_regclass pgagent vacuumlo pg_prewarm oid2name lo basic_archive basebackup_to_shell old_snapshot adminpack amcheck pg_surgery STAT: pg_profile pg_show_plans pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_monitor pg_qualstats pg_store_plans pg_track_settings pg_wait_sampling system_stats meta pgnodemx pg_proctab pg_sqlog bgw_replstatus pgmeminfo toastinfo explain_ui pg_relusage pg_top pagevis powa pageinspect pgrowlocks sslinfo pg_buffercache pg_walinspect pg_freespacemap pg_visibility pgstattuple auto_explain pg_stat_statements SEC: passwordcheck_cracklib supautils pgsodium supabase_vault pg_session_jwt anon pg_tde pgsmcrypto pgaudit pgauditlogtofile pg_auth_mon credcheck pgcryptokey pg_jobmon logerrors login_hook set_user pg_snakeoil pgextwlist pg_auditor sslutils noset sepgsql auth_delay pgcrypto passwordcheck FDW: wrappers multicorn odbc_fdw jdbc_fdw mysql_fdw oracle_fdw tds_fdw db2_fdw sqlite_fdw pgbouncer_fdw mongo_fdw redis_fdw redis kafka_fdw hdfs_fdw firebird_fdw aws_s3 log_fdw dblink file_fdw postgres_fdw SIM: orafce pgtt session_variable pg_statement_rollback pg_dbms_metadata pg_dbms_lock pg_dbms_job babelfishpg_common babelfishpg_tsql babelfishpg_tds babelfishpg_money pgmemcache ETL: pglogical pglogical_origin pglogical_ticker pgl_ddl_deploy pg_failover_slots wal2json wal2mongo decoderbufs decoder_raw test_decoding mimeo repmgr pg_fact_loader pg_bulkload

Check for all the details.

Some Thoughts

Each major PostgreSQL version introduces changes, making the maintenance of 140+ extension packages a bit of a beast.

Especially when some extension authors haven’t updated their work in years. In these cases, you often have no choice but to take matters into your own hands. I’ve personally fixed several extensions and ensured they support the latest PostgreSQL major versions. For those authors I could reach, I’ve submitted numerous PRs and issues to keep things moving forward.

Back to the point: my goal with this repo is to establish a standard for PostgreSQL extension installation and distribution, solving the distribution challenges that have long troubles the users.

A recent milestone is that, the popular open-source PostgreSQL HA cluster project postgresql_cluster, has made this extension repository the default upstream for PG extension installation.

Currently, this repository ( is hosted on Cloudflare. In the past month, the repo and its mirrors have served about 300GB of downloads. Given that most extensions are just a few KB to a few MB, that amounts to nearly a million downloads per month. Since Cloudflare doesn’t charge for traffic, I can confidently commit to keeping this repository completely free & under active maintenance for the foreseeable future, as long as cloudflare doesn’t charge me too much.

I believe my work can help PostgreSQL users worldwide and contribute to the thriving PostgreSQL ecosystem. I hope it proves useful to you as well. Enjoy PostgreSQL!

Last modified 2025-02-17: add extension part (cfa504b)