Category: ADMIN

ADMIN: Utilities for Bloat Control, DirtyRead, BufferInspect, DDL Generate, ChecksumVerify, Permission, Priority, Catalog,…

ADMIN category has 33 available extensions:

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
pg_repack pg_repack PGDG 1.5.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_squeeze pg_squeeze PGDG 1.6 ADMIN BSD 2 A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pg_dirtyread pg_dirtyread PIGSTY 2 ADMIN BSD 3 Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pgfincore pgfincore PGDG 1.3.1 ADMIN BSD 3 examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgdd pgdd PIGSTY 0.5.2 ADMIN MIT An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (
ddlx ddlx PGDG 0.27 ADMIN PostgreSQL DDL eXtractor functions
prioritize pg_prioritize PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
pg_checksums pg_checksums PGDG 1.1 ADMIN BSD 2 Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters
pg_readonly pg_readonly PGDG 1.0.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL cluster database read only
safeupdate safeupdate PGDG 1.4 ADMIN ISC Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE
pg_permissions pg_permissions PGDG 1.3 ADMIN BSD 2 view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pgautofailover pgautofailover PGDG 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL pg_auto_failover
pg_catcheck pg_catcheck PGDG 1.4.0 ADMIN BSD 3 Diagnosing system catalog corruption
pre_prepare preprepare PIGSTY 0.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre Prepare your Statement server side
pgcozy pgcozy PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Pre-warming shared buffers according to previous pg_buffercache snapshots for PostgreSQL.
pg_orphaned pg_orphaned PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Deal with orphaned files
pg_crash pg_crash PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 Send random signals to random processes
pg_cheat_funcs pg_cheat_funcs PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL Provides cheat (but useful) functions
pg_savior pg_savior PIGSTY 0.0.1 ADMIN Apache-2.0 Postgres extension to save OOPS mistakes
table_log table_log PIGSTY 0.6.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL record table modification logs and PITR for table/row
pg_fio pg_fio PIGSTY 1.0 ADMIN BSD-3 PostgreSQL File I/O Functions
pgpool_adm pgpool PGDG 1.5 ADMIN PostgreSQL Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery pgpool PGDG 1.4 ADMIN PostgreSQL recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass pgpool PGDG 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL replacement for regclass
pgagent pgagent PGDG 4.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL A PostgreSQL job scheduler
vacuumlo vacuumlo CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
pg_prewarm pg_prewarm CONTRIB 1.2 ADMIN PostgreSQL prewarm relation data
oid2name oid2name CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL
lo lo CONTRIB 1.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL Large Object maintenance
basic_archive basic_archive CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL an example of an archive module
basebackup_to_shell basebackup_to_shell CONTRIB 16.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL adds a custom basebackup target called shell
old_snapshot old_snapshot CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
adminpack adminpack CONTRIB 2.1 ADMIN PostgreSQL administrative functions for PostgreSQL
amcheck amcheck CONTRIB 1.3 ADMIN PostgreSQL functions for verifying relation integrity
pg_surgery pg_surgery CONTRIB 1.0 ADMIN PostgreSQL extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation


get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends


Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks


A tool to remove unused space from a relation.


Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table


examine and manage the os buffer cache


An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (


DDL eXtractor functions


get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends


Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters


cluster database read only


Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE


view object permissions and compare them with the desired state




Diagnosing system catalog corruption


Pre Prepare your Statement server side


Pre-warming shared buffers according to previous pg_buffercache snapshots for PostgreSQL.


Deal with orphaned files


Send random signals to random processes


Provides cheat (but useful) functions


Postgres extension to save OOPS mistakes


record table modification logs and PITR for table/row


PostgreSQL File I/O Functions


Administrative functions for pgPool


A PostgreSQL job scheduler


utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database


prewarm relation data


utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL


Large Object maintenance


an example of an archive module


adds a custom basebackup target called shell


utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold


administrative functions for PostgreSQL


functions for verifying relation integrity


extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation

Last modified 2024-08-13: update extension list (ff80880)