Category: SEC

SEC: Auditing Logs, Enforce Passwords, Keep Secrets, TDE, SM Algorithm, Login Hooks, Log Erros, Extension White List, …

SEC category has 24 available extensions:

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
passwordcheck_cracklib passwordcheck PGDG 3.0.0 SEC LGPLv2 Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib
supautils supautils PIGSTY 3.1.9 SEC Apache-2.0 Extension that secures a cluster on a cloud environment
pgsodium pgsodium PGDG 3.1.9 SEC BSD 3 Postgres extension for libsodium functions
supabase_vault pg_vault PIGSTY 0.2.8 SEC Apache-2.0 Supabase Vault Extension
anon anonymizer PGDG 1.3.2 SEC PostgreSQL Data anonymization tools
pg_tde pg_tde PIGSTY 1.0 SEC MIT pg_tde access method
pgsmcrypto pgsmcrypto PIGSTY 0.1.0 SEC MIT PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
pgaudit pgaudit PGDG 16.0 SEC PostgreSQL provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile pgauditlogtofile PGDG 1.6 SEC PostgreSQL pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
pg_auth_mon pg_auth_mon PGDG 1.1 SEC MIT monitor connection attempts per user
credcheck credcheck PGDG 2.7.0 SEC MIT credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pgcryptokey pgcryptokey PGDG 1.0 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic key management
pg_jobmon pg_jobmon PGDG 1.4.1 SEC PostgreSQL Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
logerrors logerrors PGDG 2.1 SEC BSD 3 Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
login_hook login_hook PGDG 1.5 SEC GPLv3 login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time
set_user set_user PGDG 4.0.1 SEC PostgreSQL similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
pg_snakeoil pg_snakeoil PIGSTY 1 SEC PostgreSQL The PostgreSQL Antivirus
pgextwlist pgextwlist PIGSTY 1.17 SEC PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting
pg_auditor pg_auditor PIGSTY 0.2 SEC BSD-3 Audit data changes and provide flashback ability
sslutils sslutils PIGSTY 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL A Postgres extension for managing SSL certificates through SQL
noset noset PIGSTY 0.3.0 SEC AGPLv3 Module for blocking SET variables for non-super users.
sepgsql sepgsql CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.
auth_delay auth_delay CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL pause briefly before reporting authentication failure
pgcrypto pgcrypto CONTRIB 1.3 SEC PostgreSQL cryptographic functions
passwordcheck passwordcheck CONTRIB 16.3 SEC PostgreSQL checks user passwords and reject weak password


record table modification logs


Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib


Extension that secures a cluster on a cloud environment


Postgres extension for libsodium functions


Supabase Vault Extension


Data anonymization tools


pg_tde access method


PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension


provides auditing functionality


pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file


monitor connection attempts per user


credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker


cryptographic key management


Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL


Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile


login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time


similar to SET ROLE but with added logging


The PostgreSQL Antivirus


PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting


Audit data changes and provide flashback ability


A Postgres extension for managing SSL certificates through SQL


Module for blocking SET variables for non-super users.


label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.


pause briefly before reporting authentication failure


cryptographic functions

Last modified 2024-08-13: update extension list (ff80880)