2-node: dual
This template illustrates a “half” high-availability PostgreSQL cluster with primary - replica replication, tolerating the failure of one specific node. It is a good choice if you only have two servers.
- Conf Name:
- Node Count: 2-node,
- Description: Dual-node template to set up a basic high-availability PostgreSQL cluster with master-slave replication, tolerating the failure of one node.
- OS Distro:
- OS Arch:
- Related:
To enable: Use the -c dual
parameter during the configure
./configure -c dual [-i <primary_ip>]
you may have to replace another node ip placeholder
Source: pigsty/conf/dual.yml
# It is recommended to use at least three nodes in production deployment.
# But sometimes, there are only two nodes available, that's dual.yml for
# In this setup, we have two nodes, .10 (admin_node) and .11 (pgsql_priamry):
# If .11 is down, .10 will take over since the dcs:etcd is still alive
# If .10 is down, .11 (pgsql primary) will still be functioning as a primary if:
# - Only dcs:etcd is down
# - Only pgsql is down
# if both etcd & pgsql are down (e.g. node down), the primary will still demote itself.
# infra cluster for proxy, monitor, alert, etc..
infra: { hosts: { { infra_seq: 1 } } }
# etcd cluster for ha postgres
etcd: { hosts: { { etcd_seq: 1 } }, vars: { etcd_cluster: etcd } }
# minio cluster, optional backup repo for pgbackrest
#minio: { hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }, vars: { minio_cluster: minio } }
# postgres cluster 'pg-meta' with single primary instance
hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica } { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: primary } # <----- use this as primary by default
pg_cluster: pg-meta
pg_databases: [ { name: meta ,baseline: cmdb.sql ,comment: pigsty meta database ,schemas: [ pigsty ] ,extensions: [ { name: vector }] } ]
- { name: dbuser_meta ,password: DBUser.Meta ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,comment: pigsty admin user }
- { name: dbuser_view ,password: DBUser.Viewer ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly ] ,comment: read-only viewer for meta database }
node_crontab: [ '00 01 * * * postgres /pg/bin/pg-backup full' ] # make a full backup every 1am
pg_vip_enabled: true
pg_vip_interface: eth1
vars: # global parameters
version: v3.3.0 # pigsty version string
admin_ip: # admin node ip address
region: default # upstream mirror region: default,china,europe
node_tune: oltp # node tuning specs: oltp,olap,tiny,crit
pg_conf: oltp.yml # pgsql tuning specs: {oltp,olap,tiny,crit}.yml
infra_portal: # domain names and upstream servers
home : { domain: h.pigsty }
grafana : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
prometheus : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
blackbox : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
loki : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }
#minio : { domain: m.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9001" ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
# consider using local fs or external s3 service for cold backup storage in dual node configuration
#pgbackrest_method: minio
# Repo, Node, Packages
# if you wish to customize your own repo, change these settings:
repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql # install upstream repo during repo bootstrap
repo_remove: true # remove existing repo on admin node during repo bootstrap
node_repo_modules: local # install the local module in repo_upstream for all nodes
node_repo_remove: true # remove existing node repo for node managed by pigsty
repo_packages: [ # default packages to be downloaded
node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-common #,docker
repo_extra_packages: [ # default postgres packages to be downloaded
pg17-main # replace with the following line if you want all extensions
#pg17-core ,pg17-time ,pg17-gis ,pg17-rag ,pg17-fts ,pg17-olap ,pg17-feat ,pg17-lang ,pg17-type ,pg17-func ,pg17-admin ,pg17-stat ,pg17-sec ,pg17-fdw ,pg17-sim ,pg17-etl
pg_version: 17 # default postgres version
#pg_extensions: [ pg17-time ,pg17-gis ,pg17-rag ,pg17-fts ,pg17-olap ,pg17-feat ,pg17-lang ,pg17-type ,pg17-func ,pg17-admin ,pg17-stat ,pg17-sec ,pg17-fdw ,pg17-sim ,pg17-etl ]
#pg_extensions: # check extension availability for your OS & PG @ /ext/list
# - timescaledb periods temporal_tables emaj table_version pg_cron pg_later pg_background #timescaledb_toolkit #pg_timeseries
# - postgis pgrouting pointcloud pg_h3 q3c ogr_fdw geoip pg_polyline pg_geohash mobilitydb
# - pgvector vchord pgvectorscale pg_vectorize pg_similarity smlar pg_summarize pg_tiktoken pg4ml #pgml
# - pg_search pgroonga pg_bigm zhparser pg_bestmatch hunspell
# - pg_analytics pg_duckdb duckdb_fdw pg_parquet pg_fkpart pg_partman plproxy #citus #hydra #pg_strom
# - hll rum pg_graphql pg_jsonschema jsquery pg_hint_plan hypopg index_advisor pg_plan_filter imgsmlr pg_ivm pgmq pgq pg_cardano #age #rdkit
# - pg_tle plv8 pllua pldebugger plpgsql_check plprofiler plsh pljava #plprql #plr #pgtap #faker #dbt2
# - pg_prefix pg_semver pgunit pgpdf pglite_fusion md5hash asn1oid roaringbitmap pgfaceting pgsphere pg_country pg_currency pgmp numeral pg_rational pguint pg_uint128 ip4r pg_uri pgemailaddr pg_acl #debversion pg_rrule timestamp9 chkpass
# - pg_gzip pg_zstd pg_http pg_net pg_smtp_client pg_html5_email_address pgsql_tweaks pg_extra_time count_distinct extra_window_functions first_last_agg tdigest aggs_for_vecs aggs_for_arrays pg_arraymath quantile lower_quantile
# - pg_idkit pg_uuidv7 permuteseq pg_hashids sequential_uuids pg_math pg_random pg_base36 pg_base62 pg_base58 floatvec pg_financial pgjwt pg_hashlib shacrypt cryptint pg_ecdsa pgpcre icu_ext pgqr envvar pg_protobuf url_encode #topn
# - pg_repack pg_squeeze pg_dirtyread pgfincore pg_ddlx pg_prioritize pg_checksums pg_readonly safeupdate pg_permissions pgautofailover pg_catcheck preprepare pgcozy pg_orphaned pg_crash pg_cheat_funcs pg_savior table_log pg_fio #pgpool #pgagent
# - pg_profile pg_show_plans pg_stat_kcache pg_stat_monitor pg_qualstats pg_track_settings pg_wait_sampling system_stats pg_meta pgnodemx pg_sqlog bgw_replstatus pgmeminfo toastinfo pg_explain_ui pg_relusage pagevis #pg_store_plans #powa
# - passwordcheck supautils pgsodium pg_vault pg_session_jwt pg_anon pgsmcrypto pgaudit pgauditlogtofile pg_auth_mon credcheck pgcryptokey pg_jobmon logerrors login_hook set_user pg_snakeoil pgextwlist pg_auditor sslutils pg_noset #pg_tde
# - wrappers mysql_fdw tds_fdw redis_fdw pg_redis_pubsub firebird_fdw aws_s3 log_fdw #multicorn #odbc_fdw #jdbc_fdw #oracle_fdw #db2_fdw #sqlite_fdw #pgbouncer_fdw #mongo_fdw #kafka_fdw #hdfs_fdw
# - orafce pgtt session_variable pg_statement_rollback pgmemcache #pg_dbms_metadata #pg_dbms_lock #pg_dbms_job #wiltondb
# - pglogical pglogical_ticker pgl_ddl_deploy pg_failover_slots wal2json decoderbufs decoder_raw mimeo pg_fact_loader #wal2mongo #repmgr #pg_bulkload
Typically, in production environments, a complete high-availability deployment requires at least three nodes to ensure that the cluster can continue operating normally if any single server fails. This is because high-availability failure detection DCS (etcd)/Patroni requires participation from a majority of nodes, which cannot be met with just two nodes.
However, sometimes only two servers are available. In such cases, the dual
template is a feasible option, assuming you have two servers:
- Node A,
: Defaults as the management node, running Infra infrastructure, single-node etcd, and a PostgreSQL standby. - Node B,
: Serves only as the PostgreSQL primary.
In this scenario, the dual-node template allows node B to fail and will automatically switch over to node A after a failure. However, if node A fails (the entire node crashes), manual intervention is required. Nevertheless, if node A is not completely offline but only etcd or PostgreSQL itself has issues, the whole system can still continue to operate normally.
This template uses an L2 VIP to achieve high-availability access. If your network conditions do not allow the use of an L2 VIP (for example, in restricted cloud env or across switch broadcast domains), you may consider using DNS resolution or other access methods instead.
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