1-node: rich
The rich
template is a 1-node conf aims for running various business software that uses PostgreSQL databases.
If you want to run some business software that uses PostgreSQL databases as the underlying database on a single machine through Docker, such as Odoo, Gitea, Wiki.js, etc., you can consider using this template.
- Conf Name:
- Node Count: 1-node,
- Description: Downloads all available PostgreSQL extensions and Docker, provisioning a series of databases for software backups. in addition to
- Content:
- OS Distro:
- OS Arch:
- Related:
The rich
configuration template is designed for single-node deployments. Built upon meta
, it downloads all available PostgreSQL extensions and Docker and preconfigures a set of databases to provide an out-of-the-box environment for software integrations.
Compared to meta
, this configuration:
- Downloads Docker packages (
). - Downloads all available PostgreSQL 17 extensions locally.
- Sets up six additional dedicated databases and corresponding users within the default
PostgreSQL cluster for application-specific use.
To enable: Use the -c rich
parameter during the configure
./configure -c rich [-i <primary_ip>]
Source: pigsty/conf/rich.yml
hosts: { infra_seq: 1 }
hosts: { etcd_seq: 1 }
etcd_cluster: etcd
hosts: { minio_seq: 1 }
minio_cluster: minio
# postgres cluster: pg-meta
hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
pg_cluster: pg-meta
- {name: dbuser_meta ,password: DBUser.Meta ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: pigsty admin user }
- {name: dbuser_view ,password: DBUser.Viewer ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_readonly] ,comment: read-only viewer for meta database }
- {name: dbuser_grafana ,password: DBUser.Grafana ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for grafana database }
- {name: dbuser_bytebase ,password: DBUser.Bytebase ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for bytebase database }
- {name: dbuser_kong ,password: DBUser.Kong ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for kong api gateway }
- {name: dbuser_gitea ,password: DBUser.Gitea ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for gitea service }
- {name: dbuser_wiki ,password: DBUser.Wiki ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for wiki.js service }
- {name: dbuser_noco ,password: DBUser.Noco ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for nocodb service }
- {name: dbuser_odoo ,password: DBUser.Odoo ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin] ,comment: admin user for odoo service ,createdb: true} #,superuser: true}
- {name: meta ,baseline: cmdb.sql ,comment: pigsty meta database ,schemas: [pigsty] ,extensions: [{name: vector},{name: postgis},{name: timescaledb}]}
- {name: grafana ,owner: dbuser_grafana ,revokeconn: true ,comment: grafana primary database }
- {name: bytebase ,owner: dbuser_bytebase ,revokeconn: true ,comment: bytebase primary database }
- {name: kong ,owner: dbuser_kong ,revokeconn: true ,comment: kong api gateway database }
- {name: gitea ,owner: dbuser_gitea ,revokeconn: true ,comment: gitea meta database }
- {name: wiki ,owner: dbuser_wiki ,revokeconn: true ,comment: wiki meta database }
- {name: noco ,owner: dbuser_noco ,revokeconn: true ,comment: nocodb database }
- {name: odoo ,owner: dbuser_odoo ,revokeconn: true ,comment: odoo main database }
- {user: dbuser_view , db: all ,addr: infra ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow grafana dashboard access cmdb from infra nodes'}
pg_libs: 'timescaledb,pg_stat_statements, auto_explain' # add timescaledb to shared_preload_libraries
node_crontab: # make one full backup 1 am everyday
- '00 01 * * * postgres /pg/bin/pg-backup full'
redis-ms: # redis classic primary & replica
hosts: { { redis_node: 1 , redis_instances: { 6379: { }, 6380: { replica_of: ' 6379' } } } }
vars: { redis_cluster: redis-ms ,redis_password: 'redis.ms' ,redis_max_memory: 64MB }
# To install & enable docker: ./docker.yml -l docker
hosts: { { infra_seq: 1 } }
docker_enabled: true
#docker_registry_mirrors: ['https://docker.xxxxx.io'] # add your docker mirror/proxy if needed
vars: # global variables
version: v3.3.0 # pigsty version string
admin_ip: # admin node ip address
region: default # upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
node_tune: oltp # node tuning specs: oltp,olap,tiny,crit
pg_conf: oltp.yml # pgsql tuning specs: {oltp,olap,tiny,crit}.yml
proxy_env: # global proxy env when downloading packages
no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*.aliyun.com,mirrors.*,*.myqcloud.com,*.tsinghua.edu.cn"
# http_proxy: # set your proxy here: e.g http://user:[email protected]
# https_proxy: # set your proxy here: e.g http://user:[email protected]
# all_proxy: # set your proxy here: e.g http://user:[email protected]
infra_portal: # domain names and upstream servers
home : { domain: h.pigsty }
grafana : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" , websocket: true }
prometheus : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
blackbox : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
loki : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }
minio : { domain: m.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9001" ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
postgrest : { domain: api.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
pgadmin : { domain: adm.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
pgweb : { domain: cli.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
bytebase : { domain: ddl.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
jupyter : { domain: lab.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }
gitea : { domain: git.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
wiki : { domain: wiki.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
noco : { domain: noco.pigsty ,endpoint: "" }
supa : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }
dify : { domain: dify.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }
odoo : { domain: odoo.pigsty, endpoint: "" , websocket: true }
nginx_navbar: # application nav links on home page
- { name: PgAdmin4 , url : 'http://adm.pigsty' , comment: 'PgAdmin4 for PostgreSQL' }
- { name: PGWeb , url : 'http://cli.pigsty' , comment: 'PGWEB Browser Client' }
- { name: ByteBase , url : 'http://ddl.pigsty' , comment: 'ByteBase Schema Migrator' }
- { name: PostgREST , url : 'http://api.pigsty' , comment: 'Kong API Gateway' }
- { name: Gitea , url : 'http://git.pigsty' , comment: 'Gitea Git Service' }
- { name: Minio , url : 'https://m.pigsty' , comment: 'Minio Object Storage' }
- { name: Wiki , url : 'http://wiki.pigsty' , comment: 'Local Wikipedia' }
- { name: Noco , url : 'http://noco.pigsty' , comment: 'Nocodb Example' }
- { name: Odoo , url : 'http://odoo.pigsty' , comment: 'Odoo - the OpenERP' }
- { name: Explain , url : '/pigsty/pev.html' , comment: 'pgsql explain visualizer' }
- { name: Package , url : '/pigsty' , comment: 'local yum repo packages' }
- { name: PG Logs , url : '/logs' , comment: 'postgres raw csv logs' }
- { name: Schemas , url : '/schema' , comment: 'schemaspy summary report' }
- { name: Reports , url : '/report' , comment: 'pgbadger summary report' }
# MinIO Related Options
#pgbackrest_method: minio # if you want to use minio as backup repo instead of 'local' fs, uncomment this
#minio_users: # and configure `pgbackrest_repo` & `minio_users` accordingly
# - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
# - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup, policy: readwrite }
#pgbackrest_repo: # pgbackrest repo: https://pgbackrest.org/configuration.html#section-repository
# minio: ... # optional minio repo for pgbackrest ...
# s3_key: pgbackrest # minio user access key for pgbackrest
# s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
# cipher_pass: pgBackRest # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
# if you want to use minio as backup repo instead of 'local' fs, uncomment this, and configure `pgbackrest_repo`
pgbackrest_method: minio # use minio as backup repo instead of 'local'
node_etc_hosts: [ "${admin_ip} sss.pigsty" ]
dns_records: [ "${admin_ip} api.pigsty adm.pigsty cli.pigsty ddl.pigsty lab.pigsty git.pigsty wiki.pigsty noco.pigsty supa.pigsty dify.pigsty odoo.pigsty" ]
#grafana_admin_username: admin
grafana_admin_password: pigsty
#pg_admin_username: dbuser_dba
pg_admin_password: DBUser.DBA
#pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor
pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor
#pg_replication_username: replicator
pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator
#patroni_username: postgres
patroni_password: Patroni.API
#haproxy_admin_username: admin
haproxy_admin_password: pigsty
#minio_access_key: minioadmin
minio_secret_key: minioadmin
# Safe Guard
# you can enable these flags after bootstrap, to prevent purging running etcd / pgsql instances
etcd_safeguard: false # prevent purging running etcd instance?
pg_safeguard: false # prevent purging running postgres instance? false by default
# Repo, Node, Packages
# if you wish to customize your own repo, change these settings:
repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,docker
repo_packages: [ node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-utility, docker ]
pg_version: 17 # default postgres version
repo_extra_packages: [pg17-core ,pg17-time ,pg17-gis ,pg17-rag ,pg17-fts ,pg17-olap ,pg17-feat ,pg17-lang ,pg17-type ,pg17-func ,pg17-admin ,pg17-stat ,pg17-sec ,pg17-fdw ,pg17-sim ,pg17-etl]
pg_extensions: [ pg17-time ,pg17-gis ,pg17-rag ,pg17-fts ,pg17-olap ,pg17-feat ,pg17-lang ,pg17-type ,pg17-func ,pg17-admin ,pg17-stat ,pg17-sec ,pg17-fdw ,pg17-sim ,pg17-etl ]
Beware that not all extension plugins are available on the aarch64
) architecture. Therefore, exercise caution when adding the extensions you need when using the ARM architecture.
To replace extensions, refer to the extension alias list: https://ext.pigsty.io and replace a series of wildcard packages such as pg17-core,pg17-time,...
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