
Get started with Docker in pigsty: install, uninstall, download, mirror, proxy, images and more.

Pigsty includes built-in Docker support, allowing you to quickly deploy containerized applications.

Getting Started

Docker is an optional module and is not enabled by default in most Pigsty configuration templates. Users must explicitly download and configure Docker to use it within Pigsty.

For instance, in the default meta template, Docker is not installed. However, the rich single-node template will download and install Docker.

The key differences between these configurations are the repo_modules and repo_packages parameters:

repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,docker  # <--- Enable Docker repo
  - node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-common, docker   # <--- Download Docker

After downloading Docker, enable it on target nodes using the **docker_enabled**: true setting, and configure other parameters as needed:

  hosts: { infra_seq: 1, nodename: infra-1 } { infra_seq: 2, nodename: infra-2 }
    docker_enabled: true  # Install Docker on this group

Finally, use the docker.yml playbook to install:

./docker.yml -l infra    # Install Docker on the infra group


To temporarily install Docker directly from the internet on selected nodes:

./node.yml -e '{"node_repo_modules":"node,docker","node_packages":["docker-ce,docker-compose-plugin"]}' -t node_repo,node_pkg -l <select_group_ip>

This enables the required repos (node,docker) and installs packages docker-ce and docker-compose-plugin.

For automatic Docker downloads during Pigsty initialization, see below.


Pigsty does not provide a dedicated Docker uninstall playbook due to simplicity. Uninstall Docker with Ansible directly:

ansible minio -m package -b -a 'name=docker-ce state=absent'


To download Docker during Pigsty installation, enable Docker repositories by modifying repo_modules and specifying Docker packages in repo_packages or repo_extra_packages:

repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql,docker  # Enable Docker repo
  - node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-common, docker
  - pgsql-main docker

Packages defined here (docker-ce, docker-compose-plugin) are automatically downloaded during the default install.yml run, becoming available via local repositories.

After Pigsty installation, update repositories by running ./infra.yml -t repo_build.

Docker installation requires enabling the Docker module in repo_modules.


Docker requires external repositories, pre-configured under repo_upstream with the module name docker:

- { name: docker-ce, description: 'Docker CE', module: docker, releases: [7,8,9], arch: [x86_64, aarch64], baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/stable', china: '$releasever/$basearch/stable', europe: '$releasever/$basearch/stable' }}
- { name: docker-ce, description: 'Docker CE', module: docker, releases: [11,12,20,22,24], arch: [x86_64, aarch64], baseurl: { default: '${distro_name} ${distro_codename} stable', china: '${distro_name} ${distro_codename} stable' }}

Note: The official Docker repo is blocked by default in Mainland China. Use regional mirrors to resolve this.


Configure network proxies using the proxy_env parameter in Pigsty:

  no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*,mirrors.*"
  http_proxy: ''
  https_proxy: ''
  all_proxy: ''

Use curl to verify proxy effectiveness. Avoid combining proxy servers with Mainland China mirrors.

Mirror Sites

Specify Docker Registry Mirrors using docker_registry_mirrors:

Example mirrors:

  • Alibaba Cloud:

  • Tencent Cloud:


Pulling Images

Preload Docker images using docker_image and docker_image_cache:

  hosts: { infra_seq: 1 }
    docker_enabled: true
      - redis:latest

Or preload using local compressed images (tgz files):

- name: copy local docker images
  copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/tmp/docker/"
  with_fileglob: "/tmp/supabase/*.tgz"


Pigsty provides ready-to-use software templates based on Docker Compose to deploy external applications seamlessly integrated with Pigsty-managed database clusters.

Last modified 2025-03-01: refactor docs (4f2423d)