
Quick start guide for FerretDB - how to get started, connect reliably, and use the mongosh client tool

Install Client Tools

You can use MongoDB’s command-line tool MongoSH to access FerretDB.

Use the pig command to add MongoDB repository, then install mongosh using yum or apt:

pig repo add mongo -u
yum install mongodb-mongosh
apt install mongodb-mongosh

Connect to FerretDB

You can access FerretDB using MongoDB connection strings with any MongoDB driver in any language. Here’s an example using the mongosh CLI tool:

$ mongosh
Current Mongosh Log ID:	67ba8c1fe551f042bf51e943
Connecting to:		mongodb://
Using MongoDB:		7.0.77
Using Mongosh:		2.4.0

For mongosh info see:



You can log in with different users. See FerretDB: Authentication for details.

mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017/meta'      # Business admin user
mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_view:[email protected]:27017/meta'    # Read-only user

Quick Start

You can connect to FerretDB and use it as if it were a MongoDB cluster.

$ mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017/meta'

MongoDB commands are translated to SQL and executed in the underlying PostgreSQL:

use test                            // CREATE SCHEMA test;
db.dropDatabase();                  // DROP SCHEMA test;
db.createCollection('posts');       // CREATE TABLE posts(_data JSONB,...)
db.posts.insertOne({                // INSERT INTO posts VALUES(...);
    title: 'Post One',body: 'Body of post one',category: 'News',tags: ['news', 'events'],
    user: {name: 'John Doe',status: 'author'},date: Date()}
db.posts.find().limit(2).pretty();  // SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 2;
db.posts.createIndex({ title: 1 })  // CREATE INDEX ON posts(_data->>'title');

If you’re not familiar with MongoDB, here’s a quick tutorial that works with FerretDB: Perform CRUD Operations with MongoDB Shell

To generate sample workload, you can use this simple test script with mongosh:

cat > benchmark.js <<'EOF'
const coll = "testColl";
const numDocs = 1000;

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // insert
  db.getCollection(coll).insertOne({ num: i, name: "MongoDB Benchmark Test" });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // select
  db.getCollection(coll).find({ num: i });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // update
  db.getCollection(coll).updateOne({ num: i }, { $set: { name: "Updated" } });

for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {  // delete
  db.getCollection(coll).deleteOne({ num: i });

mongosh 'mongodb://dbuser_meta:[email protected]:27017' benchmark.js

You can check FerretDB’s supported MongoDB commands and known differences. For basic usage, these differences are usually not significant.

Last modified 2025-02-23: update extension doc (ae76c50)