
Get started with MinIO and MCli, how to access the MinIO service?

After MinIO cluster is configured and deployed with the playbook, you can start using and accessing the MinIO cluster by following the instructions here.

Deploy Cluster

It is straightforward to deploy a single-node MinIO instance with Pigsty.

minio: { hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }, vars: { minio_cluster: minio } }

Define it in the config inventory, then run the playbook:

./minio.yml -l minio

The install.yml playbook will automatically create the MinIO cluster defined in the inventory, so you don’t need to run the minio.yml playbook manually, if you choose the default one-pass installation.

If you plan to deploy a production-grade large-scale multi-node MinIO cluster, we strongly recommend you to read the Pigsty MinIO configuration document and the MinIO document before proceeding.

Access Cluster

You have to access MinIO via HTTPS, so make sure the default minio service domain (sss.pigsty) point to the right place:

  1. You can add static resolution records in node_etc_hosts or manually modify the /etc/hosts file
  2. You can add a record on the internal DNS server if you are using an DNS service
  3. You can add a record in dns_records if you are using the DNSMASQ on infra nodes

It is recommended to use the first method: static DNS resolution records to avoid MinIO’s additional dependency on DNS in production environments.

You have to point the MinIO service domain to the IP address and service port of the MinIO server node, or the IP address and service port of the load balancer. Pigsty will use the default domain name sss.pigsty and default port 9000.

For example, if you are using haproxy to expose MinIO service like this, the port may be 9002.

Adding Alias

To access the MinIO server cluster using the mcli client, you need to configure the server alias first:

mcli alias ls  # list minio alias (the default is sss)
mcli alias set sss https://sss.pigsty:9000 minioadmin minioadmin              # root user
mcli alias set sss https://sss.pigsty:9002 minioadmin minioadmin              # root user, on load balancer port 9002

mcli alias set pgbackrest https://sss.pigsty:9000 pgbackrest S3User.Backup    # use another user

There’s a pre-configured MinIO alias named sss on the admin user of the admin node, you can use it directly.

For the full functionality of the MinIO client tool mcli, please refer to the documentation: MinIO Client.

Manage User

You can manage biz users in MinIO using mcli, for example, you can create the two default biz users using the command line:

mcli admin user list sss     # list all users 
set +o history               # hide shell history
mcli admin user add sss dba S3User.DBA
mcli admin user add sss pgbackrest S3User.Backup
set -o history 

Manage Bucket

You can manage bucket with mcli:

mcli ls sss/                         # list all bucket on 'sss'
mcli mb --ignore-existing sss/hello  # create a bucket named 'hello'
mcli rb --force sss/hello            # delete the 'hello' bucket

Mange Object

You can perform object CRUD with cli, for example:

mcli cp /www/pigsty/* sss/infra/     # upload local repo content to infra bucket 
mcli cp sss/infra/plugins.tgz /tmp/  # download file to local from minio
mcli ls sss/infra                    # list all files in the infra bucket
mcli rm sss/infra/plugins.tgz        # delete file in infra bucket  
mcli cat sss/infra/repo_complete     # output the content of 

Check the Tutorial: Object Management for detail

Use rclone

Pigsty repo has rclone available, a convenient cloud object storage client that you can use to access MinIO services.

yum install rclone; # el compatible
dnf install rclone; # debian/ubuntu

mkdir -p ~/.config/rclone/;
tee ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf > /dev/null <<EOF
type = s3
access_key_id = minioadmin
secret_access_key = minioadmin
endpoint = sss.pigsty:9000

rclone ls sss:/

Backup Repo

The MinIO is used as a backup repository for pgBackRest by default in Pigsty. When you modify the pgbackrest_method to minio, the PGSQL module will automatically switch the backup repository to MinIO.

pgbackrest_method: local          # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
  local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
    path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
    retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
    retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
  minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
    type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
    s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty       # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
    s3_region: us-east-1          # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
    s3_bucket: pgsql              # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
    s3_key: pgbackrest            # minio user access key for pgbackrest
    s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup  # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
    s3_uri_style: path            # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
    path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
    storage_port: 9000            # minio port, 9000 by default
    storage_ca_file: /pg/cert/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/pg/cert/ca.crt` by default
    bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
    cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
    cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
    retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
    retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days

Beware that if you are using MinIO through load balancer, you should use the corresponding domain name and port number here.

Last modified 2025-03-01: refactor docs (4f2423d)