
Node admin SOP, add & remove node, setup admin, bind vip and miscellany

Here are some common administration tasks for NODE module.

Add Node

To add a node into Pigsty, you need to have nopass ssh/sudo access to the node

# ./node.yml -l <cls|ip|group>        # the underlying playbook
# bin/node-add <selector|ip...>       # add cluster/node to pigsty
bin/node-add node-test                # init node cluster 'node-test'
bin/node-add              # init node ''

Remove Node

To remove a node from Pigsty, you can use the following:

# ./node-rm.yml -l <cls|ip|group>    # the underlying playbook
# bin/node-rm <selector|ip...>       # remove node from pigsty:
bin/node-rm node-test                # remove node cluster 'node-test'
bin/node-rm              # remove node ''

Create Admin

If the current user does not have nopass ssh/sudo access to the node, you can use another admin user to bootstrap the node:

node.yml -t node_admin -k -K -e ansible_user=<another admin>   # input ssh/sudo password for another admin 

Bind VIP

You can bind an optional L2 VIP on a node cluster with vip_enabled.

  hosts: { nodename: proxy-1 } { nodename: proxy-2 } # , vip_role: master }
    node_cluster: proxy
    vip_enabled: true
    vip_vrid: 128
    vip_interface: eth1
./node.yml -l proxy -t node_vip     # enable for the first time
./node.yml -l proxy -t vip_refresh  # refresh vip config (e.g. designated master) 

Other Tasks

# Play
./node.yml -t node                            # init node itself (haproxy monitor not included)
./node.yml -t haproxy                         # setup haproxy on node to expose services
./node.yml -t monitor                         # setup node_exporter & promtail for metrics & logs
./node.yml -t node_vip                        # enable keepalived for node cluster L2 VIP
./node.yml -t vip_config,vip_reload           # refresh L2 VIP configuration
./node.yml -t haproxy_config,haproxy_reload   # refresh haproxy services definition on node cluster
./node.yml -t register_prometheus             # register node to Prometheus
./node.yml -t register_nginx                  # register haproxy admin page url to Nginx on infra nodes

# Task
./node.yml -t node-id        # generate node identity
./node.yml -t node_name      # setup hostname
./node.yml -t node_hosts     # setup /etc/hosts records
./node.yml -t node_resolv    # setup dns resolver
./node.yml -t node_firewall  # setup firewall & selinux
./node.yml -t node_ca        # add & trust ca certificate
./node.yml -t node_repo      # add upstream repo
./node.yml -t node_pkg       # install yum packages
./node.yml -t node_feature   # setup numa, grub, static network
./node.yml -t node_kernel    # enable kernel modules
./node.yml -t node_tune      # setup tuned profile
./node.yml -t node_sysctl    # setup additional sysctl parameters
./node.yml -t node_profile   # write /etc/profile.d/
./node.yml -t node_ulimit    # setup resource limits
./node.yml -t node_data      # setup main data dir
./node.yml -t node_admin     # setup admin user and ssh key
./node.yml -t node_timezone  # setup timezone
./node.yml -t node_ntp       # setup ntp server/clients
./node.yml -t node_crontab   # add/overwrite crontab tasks
./node.yml -t node_vip       # setup optional l2 vrrp vip for node cluster

Last modified 2025-03-01: refactor docs (4f2423d)