
Introduction to node module, admin node, infra node, pgsql node, etc…

Node is an abstraction of hardware resources, which can be bare metal, virtual machines, or even k8s pods.

There are different types of nodes in Pigsty:

The admin node is usually overlapped with the infra node, if there’s more than one infra node, the first one is often used as the default admin node, and the rest of the infra nodes can be used as backup admin nodes.

Common Node

You can manage nodes with Pigsty, and install modules on them. The node.yml playbook will adjust the node to desired state.

Some services will be added to all nodes by default:

Component Port Description Status
Node Exporter 9100 Node Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
HAProxy Admin 9101 HAProxy admin page Enabled
Promtail 9080 Log collecting agent Enabled
Docker Daemon 9323 Enable Container Service Disabled
Keepalived - Manage Node Cluster L2 VIP Disabled
Keepalived Exporter 9650 Monitoring Keepalived Status Disabled

Docker & Keepalived are optional components, enabled when required.


There is one and only one admin node in a pigsty deployment, which is specified by admin_ip. It is set to the local primary IP during configure.

The node will have ssh / sudo access to all other nodes, which is critical; ensure it’s fully secured.


A pigsty deployment may have one or more infra nodes, usually 2 ~ 3, in a large production environment.

The infra group specifies infra nodes in the inventory. And infra nodes will have INFRA module installed (DNS, Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana, etc…),

The admin node is also the default and first infra node, and infra nodes can be used as ‘backup’ admin nodes.

Component Port Domain Description
Nginx 80 h.pigsty Web Service Portal (YUM/APT Repo)
AlertManager 9093 a.pigsty Alert Aggregation and delivery
Prometheus 9090 p.pigsty Monitoring Time Series Database
Grafana 3000 g.pigsty Visualization Platform
Loki 3100 - Logging Collection Server
PushGateway 9091 - Collect One-Time Job Metrics
BlackboxExporter 9115 - Blackbox Probing
Dnsmasq 53 - DNS Server
Chronyd 123 - NTP Time Server
PostgreSQL 5432 - Pigsty CMDB & default database
Ansible - - Run playbooks


The node with PGSQL module installed is called a PGSQL node. The node and pg instance is 1:1 deployed. And node instance can be borrowed from corresponding pg instances with node_id_from_pg.

Component Port Description Status
PostgreSQL 5432 PostgreSQL Database Enabled
Pgbouncer 6432 Pgbouncer Connection Pooling Service Enabled
Patroni 8008 Patroni HA Component Enabled
Haproxy Primary 5433 Primary connection pool: Read/Write Service Enabled
Haproxy Replica 5434 Replica connection pool: Read-only Service Enabled
Haproxy Default 5436 Primary Direct Connect Service Enabled
Haproxy Offline 5438 Offline Direct Connect: Offline Read Service Enabled
Haproxy service 543x Customized PostgreSQL Services On Demand
Haproxy Admin 9101 Monitoring metrics and traffic management Enabled
PG Exporter 9630 PG Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
PGBouncer Exporter 9631 PGBouncer Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
Node Exporter 9100 Node Monitoring Metrics Exporter Enabled
Promtail 9080 Collect Postgres, Pgbouncer, Patroni logs Enabled
Docker Daemon 9323 Docker Container Service (disable by default) Disabled
vip-manager - Bind VIP to the primary Disabled
keepalived - Node Cluster L2 VIP manager (disable by default) Disabled
Keepalived Exporter 9650 Keepalived Metrics Exporter (disable by default) Disabled

Last modified 2025-03-01: refactor docs (4f2423d)