Pigsty PGSQL module frequently asked questions

ABORT due to postgres exists

Set pg_clean = true and pg_safeguard = false to force clean postgres data during pgsql.yml

This happens when you run pgsql.yml on a node with postgres running, and pg_clean is set to false.

If pg_clean is true (and the pg_safeguard is false, too), the pgsql.yml playbook will remove the existing pgsql data and re-init it as a new one, which makes this playbook fully idempotent.

You can still purge the existing PostgreSQL data by using a special task tag pg_purge

./pgsql.yml -t pg_clean      # honor pg_clean and pg_safeguard
./pgsql.yml -t pg_purge      # ignore pg_clean and pg_safeguard

ABORT due to pg_safeguard enabled

Disable pg_safeguard to remove the Postgres instance.

If pg_safeguard is enabled, you can not remove the running pgsql instance with bin/pgsql-rm and pgsql-rm.yml playbook.

To disable pg_safeguard, you can set pg_safeguard to false in the inventory or pass -e pg_safeguard=false as cli arg to the playbook:

./pgsql-rm.yml -e pg_safeguard=false -l <cls_to_remove>    # force override pg_safeguard

Fail to wait for postgres/patroni primary

There are several possible reasons for this error, and you need to check the system logs to determine the actual cause.

This usually happens when the cluster is misconfigured, or the previous primary is improperly removed. (e.g., trash metadata in DCS with the same cluster name).

You must check /pg/log/* to find the reason.

To delete trash meta from etcd, you can use etcdctl del --prefix /pg/<cls>, do with caution!

  • 1: Misconfiguration. Identify the incorrect parameters, modify them, and apply the changes.
  • 2: Another cluster with the same cls name already exists in the deployment
  • 3: The previous cluster on the node, or previous cluster with same name was not correctly removed.
    • To remove obsolete cluster metadata, you can use etcdctl del --prefix /pg/<cls> to manually delete the residual data.
  • 4: The RPM packages related to your PostgreSQL or node were not successfully installed.
  • 5: Your Watchdog kernel module was not correctly enabled or loaded, but required.
  • 6: The locale or ctype specified pg_lc_collate and pg_lc_ctype does not exist in OS

Feel free to submit an issue or seek help from the community.

Fail to wait for postgres/patroni replica

Failed Immediately: Usually, this happens because of misconfiguration, network issues, broken DCS metadata, etc…, you have to inspect /pg/log to find out the actual reason.

Failed After a While: This may be due to source instance data corruption. Check PGSQL FAQ: How to create replicas when data is corrupted?

Timeout: If the wait for postgres replica task takes 30min or more and fails due to timeout, This is common for a huge cluster (e.g., 1TB+, which may take hours to create a replica). In this case, the underlying creating replica procedure is still proceeding. You can check cluster status with pg list <cls> and wait until the replica catches up with the primary. Then continue the following tasks:

./pgsql.yml -t pg_hba,pg_param,pg_backup,pgbouncer,pg_vip,pg_dns,pg_service,pg_exporter,pg_register -l <problematic_replica>

Install PostgreSQL 12 - 15

To install PostgreSQL 12 - 15, you have to set pg_version to 12, 13, 14, or 15 in the inventory. (usually at cluster level)

pg_version: 16                    # install pg 16 in this template
pg_libs: 'pg_stat_statements, auto_explain' # remove timescaledb from pg 16 beta
pg_extensions: []                 # missing pg16 extensions for now

How enable hugepage for PostgreSQL?

use node_hugepage_count and node_hugepage_ratio or /pg/bin/pg-tune-hugepage

If you plan to enable hugepage, consider using node_hugepage_count and node_hugepage_ratio and apply with ./node.yml -t node_tune .

It’s good to allocate enough hugepage before postgres start, and use pg_tune_hugepage to shrink them later.

If your postgres is already running, you can use /pg/bin/pg-tune-hugepage to enable hugepage on the fly. Note that this only works on PostgreSQL 15+

sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches   # drop system cache (ready for performance impact)
sudo /pg/bin/pg-tune-hugepage             # write nr_hugepages to /etc/sysctl.d/hugepage.conf
pg restart <cls>                          # restart postgres to use hugepage

How to guarantee zero data loss during failover?

Use crit.yml template, or setting pg_rpo to 0, or config cluster with synchronous mode.

Consider using Sync Standby and Quorum Comit to guarantee 0 data loss during failover.

How to survive from disk full?

rm -rf /pg/dummy will free some emergency space.

The pg_dummy_filesize is set to 64MB by default. Consider increasing it to 8GB or larger in the production environment.

It will be placed on /pg/dummy same disk as the PGSQL main data disk. You can remove that file to free some emergency space. At least you can run some shell scripts on that node.

How to create replicas when data is corrupted?

Disable clonefrom on bad instances and reload patroni config.

Pigsty sets the cloneform: true tag on all instances’ patroni config, which marks the instance available for cloning replica.

If this instance has corrupt data files, you can set clonefrom: false to avoid pulling data from the evil instance. To do so:

$ vi /pg/bin/patroni.yml

  nofailover: false
  clonefrom: true      # ----------> change to false
  noloadbalance: false
  nosync: false
  version:  '15'
  spec: '4C.8G.50G'
  conf: 'oltp.yml'
$ systemctl reload patroni

How to create replicas when data is corrupted?

Disable clonefrom on bad instances and reload patroni config.

Pigsty sets the cloneform: true tag on all instances’ patroni config, which marks the instance available for cloning replica.

If this instance has corrupt data files, you can set clonefrom: false to avoid pulling data from the evil instance. To do so:

$ vi /pg/bin/patroni.yml

  nofailover: false
  clonefrom: true      # ----------> change to false
  noloadbalance: false
  nosync: false
  version:  '15'
  spec: '4C.8G.50G'
  conf: 'oltp.yml'
$ systemctl reload patroni

Performance impact of monitoring exporter

Not very much, 200ms per 10 ~ 15 seconds, won’t affect the database performance.

The default scrape interval for prometheus is 10s in pigsty, make sure the exporter can finish the scrape within that period.

How to monitor an existing PostgreSQL instance?

Check PGSQL Monitor for details.

How to remove monitor targets from prometheus?

./pgsql-rm.yml -t prometheus -l <cls>     # remove prometheus targets of cluster 'cls'


bin/pgmon-rm <ins>     # shortcut for removing prometheus targets of pgsql instance 'ins'

Last modified 2025-03-21: replace vonng to pgsty (75336f2)