
Define and create new services, and expose them via haproxy

Service Implementation

In Pigsty, services are implemented using haproxy on nodes, differentiated by different ports on the host node.

Every node has Haproxy enabled to expose services. From the database perspective, nodes in the cluster may be primary or replicas, but from the service perspective, all nodes are the same. This means even if you access a replica node, as long as you use the correct service port, you can still use the primary’s read-write service. This design seals the complexity: as long as you can access any instance on the PostgreSQL cluster, you can fully access all services.

This design is akin to the NodePort service in Kubernetes. Similarly, in Pigsty, every service includes these two core elements:

  1. Access endpoints exposed via NodePort (port number, from where to access?)
  2. Target instances chosen through Selectors (list of instances, who will handle it?)

The boundary of Pigsty’s service delivery stops at the cluster’s HAProxy. Users can access these load balancers in various ways. Please refer to Access Service.

All services are declared through configuration files. For instance, the default PostgreSQL service is defined by the pg_default_services parameter:

- { name: primary ,port: 5433 ,dest: default  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
- { name: replica ,port: 5434 ,dest: default  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }
- { name: default ,port: 5436 ,dest: postgres ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
- { name: offline ,port: 5438 ,dest: postgres ,check: /replica   ,selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"}

You can also define new service in pg_services. And pg_default_servicespg_services are both array of Service Definition.

Define Service

The default services are defined in pg_default_services.

While you can define your extra PostgreSQL services with pg_services @ the global or cluster level.

These two parameters are both arrays of service objects. Each service definition will be rendered as a haproxy config in /etc/haproxy/<svcname>.cfg, check service.j2 for details.

Here is an example of an extra service definition: standby

- name: standby                   # required, service name, the actual svc name will be prefixed with `pg_cluster`, e.g: pg-meta-standby
  port: 5435                      # required, service exposed port (work as kubernetes service node port mode)
  ip: "*"                         # optional, service bind ip address, `*` for all ip by default
  selector: "[]"                  # required, service member selector, use JMESPath to filter inventory
  dest: default                   # optional, destination port, default|postgres|pgbouncer|<port_number>, 'default' by default
  check: /sync                    # optional, health check url path, / by default
  backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]"  # backup server selector
  maxconn: 3000                   # optional, max allowed front-end connection
  balance: roundrobin             # optional, haproxy load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default, other: leastconn)
  options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'

And it will be translated to a haproxy config file /etc/haproxy/pg-test-standby.conf:

# service: pg-test-standby @
# service instances,,
# service backups
listen pg-test-standby
    bind *:5435
    mode tcp
    maxconn 5000
    balance roundrobin
    option httpchk
    option http-keep-alive
    http-check send meth OPTIONS uri /sync  # <--- true for primary & sync standby
    http-check expect status 200
    default-server inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100
    # servers
    server pg-test-1 check port 8008 weight 100 backup   # the primary is used as backup server
    server pg-test-3 check port 8008 weight 100
    server pg-test-2 check port 8008 weight 100

Reload Service

When cluster membership has changed, such as append / remove replicas, switchover/failover, or adjust relative weight, You have to reload service to make the changes take effect.

bin/pgsql-svc <cls> [ip...]         # reload service for lb cluster or lb instance
# ./pgsql.yml -t pg_service         # the actual ansible task to reload service

Override Service

You can override default service configuration with several ways:

Bypass Pgbouncer

When defining a service, if svc.dest='default', this parameter pg_default_service_dest will be used as the default value. pgbouncer is used by default, you can use postgres instead, so the default primary & replica service will bypass pgbouncer and route traffic to postgres directly

If you don’t need connection pooling at all, you can change pg_default_service_dest to postgres, and remove default and offline services.

If you don’t need read-only replicas for online traffic, you can remove replica from pg_default_services too.

  - { name: primary ,port: 5433 ,dest: default  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: replica ,port: 5434 ,dest: default  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }
  - { name: default ,port: 5436 ,dest: postgres ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: offline ,port: 5438 ,dest: postgres ,check: /replica   ,selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"}

Delegate Service

Pigsty expose PostgreSQL services with haproxy on node. All haproxy instances among the cluster are configured with the same service definition.

However, you can delegate pg service to a specific node group (e.g. dedicate haproxy lb cluster) rather than cluster members.

To do so, you will have to override the default service definition with pg_default_services and set pg_service_provider to the proxy group name.

For example, this configuration will expose pg cluster primary service on haproxy node group proxy with port 10013.

pg_service_provider: proxy       # use load balancer on group `proxy` with port 10013
pg_default_services:  [{ name: primary ,port: 10013 ,dest: postgres  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }]

It’s user’s responsibility to make sure each delegate service port is unique among the proxy cluster.

Last modified 2025-03-21: replace vonng to pgsty (75336f2)