Module: Kubernetes

Deploy kubernetes, the Production-Grade Container Orchestration Platform

Kubernetes is a production-grade, open-source container orchestration platform. It helps you automate, deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications.


Pigsty has native support for [ETCD] clusters, which can be used by Kubernetes. Therefore, the pro version also provides the KUBE module for deploying production-grade Kubernetes clusters.

The KUBE module is currently in Beta status and only available for Pro edition customers.


SealOS is a lightweight, high-performance, and easy-to-use Kubernetes distribution. It is designed to simplify the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters.

Pigsty provides SealOS 5.0 RPM and DEB packages in the Infra repository, which can be downloaded and installed directly.

./node.yml -t node_install -e '{"node_repo_modules":"infra","node_packages":["sealos"]}'


If you prefer to deploy Kubernetes using the classic Kubeadm, please refer to the module reference below.

./node.yml -t node_install -e '{"node_repo_modules":"kube","node_packages":["kubeadm,kubelet,kubectl"]}'

Kubernetes support multiple container runtimes, if you want to use Containerd as container runtime, please make sure Containerd is installed on the node.

./node.yml -t node_install -e '{"node_repo_modules":"node,docker","node_packages":[""]}'

If you want to use Docker as container runtime, you need to install Docker and bridge with the cri-dockerd project (not available on EL9/D11/U20 yet):

./node.yml -t node_install -e '{"node_repo_modules":"node,infra,docker","node_packages":["docker-ce,docker-compose-plugin,cri-dockerd"]}'






Kubernetes module parameters:

#kube_cluster:                                          #IDENTITY# # define kubernetes cluster name 
kube_role: node                                                    # default kubernetes role (master|node)
kube_version: 1.31.0                                               # kubernetes version
kube_registry:             # kubernetes version aliyun k8s miiror repository
kube_pod_cidr: ""                                      # kubernetes pod network cidr
kube_service_cidr: ""                                  # kubernetes service network cidr
kube_dashboard_admin_user: dashboard-admin-sa                      # kubernetes dashboard admin user name

Last modified 2025-02-16: init (862d5c3)