Frequently asked questions about download, setup, configuration, and installation in Pigsty.

If you have any unlisted questions or suggestions, please create an Issue or ask the community for help.

How to Get the Pigsty Source Package?

Use the following command to install Pigsty with one click: curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/get | bash

This command will automatically download the latest stable version pigsty.tgz and extract it to the ~/pigsty directory. You can also manually download a specific version of the Pigsty source code from the following locations.

If you need to install it in an environment without internet access, you can download it in advance in a networked environment and transfer it to the production server via scp/sftp or CDROM/USB.

How to Speed Up RPM Downloads from Upstream Repositories?

Consider using a local repository mirror, which can be configured with the repo_upstream parameter. You can choose region to use different mirror sites.

For example, you can set region = china, which will use the URL with the key china in the baseurl instead of default.

If some repositories are blocked by a firewall or the GFW, consider using proxy_env to bypass it.

How to resolve node package conflict?

Beware that Pigsty’s pre-built offline packages are tailored for specific minor versions OS Distors. Therefore, if the major.minor version of your OS distro does not precisely align, we advise against using the offline installation packages. Instead, following the default installation procedure and download the package directly from upstream repo through the Internet, which will acquire the versions that exactly match your OS version.

If online installation doesn’t work for you, you can first try modifying the upstream software sources used by Pigsty. For example, in EL family operating systems, Pigsty’s default upstream sources use a major version placeholder $releasever, which resolves to specific major versions like 7, 8, 9. However, many operating system distributions offer a Vault, allowing you to use a package mirror for a specific version. Therefore, you could replace the front part of the repo_upstream parameter’s BaseURL with a specific Vault minor version repository, such as:

  • https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever (Original BaseURL prefix, without vault)
  • https://vault.centos.org/7.6.1810/ (Using 7.6 instead of the default 7.9)
  • https://dl.rockylinux.org/vault/rocky/8.6/ (Using 8.6 instead of the default 8.9)
  • https://dl.rockylinux.org/vault/rocky/9.2/ (Using 9.2 instead of the default 9.3)

Make sure the vault URL path exists & valid before replacing the old values. Beware that some repo like epel do not offer specific minor version subdirs. Upstream repo that support this approach include: base, updates, extras, centos-sclo, centos-sclo-rh, baseos, appstream, extras, crb, powertools, pgdg-common, pgdg1*

  - { name: pigsty-local   ,description: 'Pigsty Local'      ,module: local ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://${admin_ip}/pigsty'  }} # used by intranet nodes
  - { name: pigsty-infra   ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA'      ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://repo.pigsty.io/rpm/infra/$basearch' ,china: 'https://repo.pigsty.cc/rpm/infra/$basearch' }}
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql   ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL'      ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://repo.pigsty.io/rpm/pgsql/el$releasever.$basearch' ,china: 'https://repo.pigsty.cc/rpm/pgsql/el$releasever.$basearch' }}
  - { name: nginx          ,description: 'Nginx Repo'        ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://nginx.org/packages/centos/$releasever/$basearch/' }}
  - { name: docker-ce      ,description: 'Docker CE'         ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/$releasever/$basearch/stable'        ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/$releasever/$basearch/stable'  ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/docker-ce/linux/centos/$releasever/$basearch/stable' }}
  - { name: base           ,description: 'EL 7 Base'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch/'                    ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch/'           ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch/'           }}
  - { name: updates        ,description: 'EL 7 Updates'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/updates/$basearch/'               ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos/$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/centos/$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 7 Extras'       ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/extras/$basearch/'                ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos/$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/centos/$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 7 EPEL'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$releasever/$basearch/'            ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/epel/$releasever/$basearch/'                ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/epel/$releasever/$basearch/'                }}
  - { name: centos-sclo    ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'             ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'              ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'    }}
  - { name: centos-sclo-rh ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo rh'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'               ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'                ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'      }}
  - { name: baseos         ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'         ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/rockylinux/$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/rocky/$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: appstream      ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'      ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/rockylinux/$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'       ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/rocky/$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'  }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'         ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/rockylinux/$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/rocky/$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: crb            ,description: 'EL 9 CRB'          ,module: node  ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'            ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/rockylinux/$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'             ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/rocky/$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'        }}
  - { name: powertools     ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'     ,china: 'https://mirrors.aliyun.com/rockylinux/$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'      ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/rocky/$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL'        ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/epel/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/epel/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     }}
  - { name: pgdg-common    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/common/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' , europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/common/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-extras    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra'  ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rhel$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rhel$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' , europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rhel$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-el8fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/pgdg-centos8-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-centos8-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/' , europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-centos8-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/' } }
  - { name: pgdg-el9fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL9FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rocky9-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-9-x86_64/'  ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rocky9-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-9-x86_64/' , europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rocky9-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-9-x86_64/' }}
  - { name: pgdg15         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/15/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/15/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/15/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg16         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/16/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/postgresql/repos/yum/16/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: 'https://mirrors.xtom.de/postgresql/repos/yum/16/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: timescaledb    ,description: 'TimescaleDB'       ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/el/$releasever/$basearch'  }}

After explicitly defining and overriding the repo_upstream in the Pigsty configuration file, (you may clear the /www/pigsty/repo_complete flag) try the installation again. If the upstream software source and the mirror source software do not solve the problem, you might consider replacing them with the operating system’s built-in software sources and attempt a direct installation from upstream once more.

Finally, if the above methods do not resolve the issue, consider removing conflicting packages from node_packages, infra_packages, pg_packages, pg_extensions, or remove or upgrade the conflicting packages on the existing system.

What does bootstrap do?

Check the environment, ask for downloading offline packages, and make sure the essential tool ansible is installed.

It will make sure the essential tool ansible is installed by various means.

When you download the Pigsty source code, you can enter the directory and execute the bootstrap script. It will check if your node environment is ready, and if it does not find offline packages, it will ask if you want to download them from the internet if applicable.

You can choose y to use offline packages, which will make the installation procedure faster. You can also choose n to skip and download directly from the internet during the installation process, which will download the latest software versions and reduce the chance of RPM conflicts.

What does configure do?

Detect the environment, generate the configuration, enable the offline package (optional), and install the essential tool Ansible.

After downloading the Pigsty source package and unpacking it, you may have to execute ./configure to complete the environment configuration. This is optional if you already know how to configure Pigsty properly.

The configure procedure will detect your node environment and generate a pigsty config file: pigsty.yml for you.

What is the Pigsty config file?

pigsty.yml under the pigsty home dir is the default config file.

Pigsty uses a single config file pigsty.yml, to describe the entire environment, and you can define everything there. There are many config examples in files/pigsty for your reference.

You can pass the -i <path> to playbooks to use other configuration files. For example, you want to install redis according to another config: redis.yml:

./redis.yml -i files/pigsty/redis.yml

How to use the CMDB as config inventory

The default config file path is specified in ansible.cfg: inventory = pigsty.yml

You can switch to a dynamic CMDB inventory with bin/inventory_cmdb, and switch back to the local config file with bin/inventory_conf. You must also load the current config file inventory to CMDB with bin/inventory_load.

If CMDB is used, you must edit the inventory config from the database rather than the config file.

What is the IP address placeholder in the config file?

Pigsty uses as a placeholder for the current node IP, which will be replaced with the primary IP of the current node during the configuration.

When the configure detects multiple NICs with multiple IPs on the current node, the config wizard will prompt for the primary IP to be used, i.e., the IP used by the user to access the node from the internal network. Note that please do not use the public IP.

This IP will be used to replace in the config file template.

Which parameters need your attention?

Usually, in a singleton installation, there is no need to make any adjustments to the config files.

Pigsty provides 265 config parameters to customize the entire infra/node/etcd/minio/pgsql. However, there are a few parameters that can be adjusted in advance if needed:

  • When accessing web service components, the domain name is infra_portal (some services can only be accessed using the domain name through the Nginx proxy).
  • Pigsty assumes that a /data dir exists to hold all data; you can adjust these paths if the data disk mount point differs from this.
  • Don’t forget to change those passwords in the config file for your production deployment.


What was executed during installation?

When running make install, the ansible-playbook install.yml will be invoked to install everything on all nodes

Which will:

  • Install INFRA module on the current node.
  • Install NODE module on the current node.
  • Install ETCD module on the current node.
  • The MinIO module is optional, and will not be installed by default.
  • Install PGSQL module on the current node.

How to resolve RPM conflict?

There may have a slight chance that rpm conflict occurs during node/infra/pgsql packages installation.

The simplest way to resolve this is to install without offline packages, which will download directly from the upstream repo.

If there are only a few problematic RPM/DEB pakages, you can use a trick to fix the yum/apt repo quickly:

rm -rf /www/pigsty/repo_complete    # delete the repo_complete flag file to mark this repo incomplete
rm -rf SomeBrokenPackages           # delete problematic RPM/DEB packages
./infra.yml -t repo_upstream        # write upstream repos. you can also use /etc/yum.repos.d/backup/*
./infra.yml -t repo_pkg             # download rpms according to your current OS

How to create local VMs with vagrant

The first time you use Vagrant to pull up a particular OS repo, it will download the corresponding BOX.

Pigsty sandbox uses generic/rocky9 image box by default, and Vagrant will download the rocky/9 box for the first time the VM is started.

Using a proxy may increase the download speed. Box only needs to be downloaded once, and will be reused when recreating the sandbox.

RPMs error on Aliyun CentOS 7.9

Aliyun CentOS 7.9 server has DNS caching service nscd installed by default. Just remove it.

Aliyun’s CentOS 7.9 repo has nscd installed by default, locking out the glibc version, which can cause RPM dependency errors during installation.

"Error: Package: nscd-2.17-307.el7.1.x86_64 (@base)"

Run yum remove -y nscd on all nodes to resolve this issue, and with Ansible, you can batch.

ansible all -b -a 'yum remove -y nscd'

RPMs error on Tencent Qcloud Rocky 9.1

Tencent Qcloud Rocky 9.1 require extra annobin packages

./infra.yml -t repo_upstream      # add upstream repos
cd /www/pigsty;                   # download missing packages
repotrack annobin gcc-plugin-annobin libuser
./infra.yml -t repo_create        # create repo

Ansible command timeout (Timeout waiting for xxx)

The default ssh timeout for ansible command is 10 seconds, some commands may take longer than that due to network latency or other reasons.

You can increase the timeout parameter in the ansible config file ansible.cfg:

timeout = 10 # change to 60,120 or more

Last modified 2025-03-21: replace vonng to pgsty (75336f2)